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I C LOS E 0 F yisrij THE" MAGNETAIRE J) HEALTH. In consequence of h19 engagements in other Towns, Mr. RICHARD LONSDALE, M.E., INVENTOR AND PATENTEE OF Tn "I A G N E T A 1 R E'" "Has arranged to Extend his Visit to Cardiff for ONE MORE WEEK. and he or his "-Q U A L I FIE D R K PRE S EN TAT I V E S, Hay still be commlted daiJyat his Private Oaiulting Bocms, MR. JOHN LONG'S, PHOTOGRAPHER, 63, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, (Late of No. 56) AGRICULTURAL HALL, ST. SW A NSE.i, AND AT ALBERT HALL, STOW-HILL, NEWPORT, MON. UNTIL SA.TURDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1883. CONSULTATION FREE. Hours OF ATTENDANCE :-M01L.'HNG, TEN TO Oxb AfrraxooN, Two TO FIn; Evening, SIX TO EleRT The "MagnetatKE is the most pov ?rful appliance invented, oonlbining the greatest curative prorties wih durability; it is also the cheapest, most con- venient, and agreeable form in which magnetism eau be applied. The appliances need no attention whatever, eecasion no shocks or unpleasant phenomena. RECENT LOCAL TESTIMONIALS: SCIATICA. 23, Bertra i -street, Broadway, Cardiff, 9th February, 1883. Dear Sir,-I was suffering from Sciatica, and was in- auced to try one of your Magnetaire Belts. After wearing it a week, am able to inform you that I have receivtTl much benefit; the pains have gone, and bv t'hiuing to wear the Edt have no fear of still Mi i ;• i "g further improvement in my bealth generally. Yours truly. i. l. L"nsd¡¡le. JOHN STOKE. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. PROSTRATION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM. 49, Hewell-street, Lower Grange, Cardiff, 2nd February. 1883. Dear 8ir,-1 met with an accident two years ago Whilst enga¡1;ed on hoard ship as coal trimmer. 1 fell through hatchway, receiving very severe injuries, a',d since then Lu\ • siiffered from a c0mplete prostration of tbe nel vuiia sVdtelll and mental depression, Itc. Thanks to tile Magnetaire Appliance I purchased of you a few weeks since, after wearing it a fortnight it seems wonderful the increased health and vigour it impar ed &0 me. I rww feel in every way better, and shall be ?'l*d to tell anyone the benefit I have received.—Yours aithfuliy, GEORGE CULLEX. Hr. :R.-LomdaJe. BRONCHITIS, fee. 17, Uiifcland-street, Swansea, 22nd .January, 1883. Dear Sir,-I feel great pleasure in adding Ïny tetI- monial to those af mv fellow townsmen a3 to the bene- ficial effects which or have derived by wearing your Magnetaue" Appliances, which I purchasEd about six weeks ago, at that time suffering from a severe attack of bronchitis, accompanied oJ 1\11 acute pain in right lung which had incapacitated me from attending to my juties for about three months. Since wearing the '■* Magnetaire "these symptoms have gradually disap- jeared, so much 80 that I purpose very shortly returning \0 my duties, feeling collfident that with care I need Jot feel any fear of -.i relapse. I may mention, also, that find the Applianee3 stimulate the whole system, pro- ducing an increased circulation. Wishirig your Appli- ances every success, I remain, your3 faithfully, To Mr. Lonsdale. D. T AM LIN", Pilot. RHEUMATISM. Glais, near 8wansea, Jan. 8, 1833. Dear 8ir,-Throl1j{h great exposure about. 28 years ago bad all attack of Rheumatism, wtiÍch settled in my 5gs, especiaJlyin the kne of the right one, the pain emg at time3 unbearable but I am delighted to ten IOu since wearing the R- .J ,,¡1d Boies I purchased from ou in 8wan.1ea a month ago it has entirely lert me. I aay add 1 have been for ars undet. the best advice lith little or no benefit.—1 remain, vours gratefully, Ur. Lonsdale. WlLLtAM DA VIES. WEAKNESS AND SWELLING IN KNEE. 20, Eleanor-stree;, Docks, C rdff. bth January, 1883. Dear Slr.-For upwards of five years I had suffered d'Qm great weakneilS and sweJlillg in knee; sOTnetime lould scarcely w, Ik. I had had medical treat ent, but was u> able to obtain st ength; was unable to do any work for fortnig t previous to coming to ron. It was through tile advice of afriend whu had experienced .i uch benefit from your Appliances that I was induc to try them. »nd am thankful to say after a short trial my lnee g»lne4 strength and the swelling went down. Can AOW walk well and do my work with comfort. It is now over LWO months since. obtained the benefit, can, there- lore, speak positively tõ he value of your" Magnetaire." -YOU" gratefully, WILLIAM VINE WILUAM8, Mr. R. Lonsdale. SCIATICA. 4, Spring Gardens-court, Crock!; erbtoivn, Cardiff, 29th Dec., 1882. Dear Sir, —I have great pleasure in test iug to thl) benefit your Magnetaire" Belt has given me. About three weeks 1'101 was seized wIth a severe attack of iciatica the pains In mv hack and hips were 30 acute at I had to leave my work. From the first day of "rinil the ppliance I began to improve, the pains Jl:etlingless, and the fifth day I was entirely rlieved of pain and able 1,.0 go back to my work. I shall be pleased to recommend your" Magnetaire" from the good it has done _I! Vouirs very faithfully, ',> Mr. it. Loasdals. D. J. G-BEGOBY, Farrier. VIOLENT COUGH. 21, Tin-street, Splotland3, Cardiff, Dec. 15, 1882. Dear Sir.-When I came to you I had been for some time suffering from a violent cough, whieh was very dis- tressing in mornings on getting out of bed. I am pleased to tll you how valuable the Lung Inviorator I purchaed of you ha proved. I fpel a great difference since wearing sam. the cough is rapiuly decreasing, 3an rise early. and It troubles me but little. My voice cias also greatly ivr.proved, which was very weak and aearse. I feel stroi.yiti- i •v,ral. l'uuio f,wilfully, DAVID DAVIT33, Mr. R. Lonsdale. Coa: Trimmer. LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION, DIZZI- NESS, IMPAIRED VISION. &c. 16, Knole-street, G-rangetown, Cardiff, 1st, Dee., 1882, Dear :Hr,-For fl": years I ave. ben vry ill indeed, .uttering from the liver, causing indigestloi^ dizziness, mpaired vision, and distressing headaches. I had tried ùl means for relief but in vain. Noticing testi- monials testifying to numer01B Cllre etrcterl hy lobe use of your Magnetaire Appliances, I decided Mi try them. I am very thankful [ ùid. I have now worn th belt, a short time, alld have experienced great relief; can eat my foorl WH;lOllt feeling ill, the <luzineS3 hils left me. alii more < lieerful, and my general health is altogether better. I can scarcely I'XpreS3 my thankful- 11es-Jor the benefit received.—Yours very faithfully, \fr. R. I,¡()nsdale. JOIO HILI. (Ooal Trimmer). CIATICA AND RHEUMATISM. ??, Ludlow-street, LowerGrangetown, Cardiff. 1st December, 18o2. Dear Sir.-I wish to express my great, satisfaction, and to testifv to the benefit 1 hav0 derived from the" Mag- netaire Appliances I purchased of you a fortlli,,17t since. After a day's trial I felt a glow throughout ray whole system, allel cOlnlenced to lose the paill III my hip and knee, from Wll.lCh I had suffered acutely for three years, aud had tned all sorts of remedies and spent mallr pounds without receiving the Ipast benefit but I can safply say, afler wearing the" Magnetaire a few days, I haV6 since heen entirely free fmm pain. I shall spare 110 trouble III recommendIng your Appliances w anyone I may know s1:ffcring. I remain, yours very truly, Mr. E. Lonsdale. DAVID WILLIAMS. WEAK LEGS, NUW FEET, SWOLLEN ANCLE, AND WEAKNESS OF VOICE. 1, Maud-street, Broadway, Roath, Cardiff, 26th October, 1882. Dear Slr,-¡;¡ome t,ime ago I had "n attack of cholera, which leli, a thorough weakness in my legs. numbness in feet, and swolien anole, causing pain and greatly 111- conveuienciiifr me In getting about. I arn pleased to tell you that after wearing thlo belt and 80les I purchased af you a few hours I be¡;an to feel an improvement, and afr a week's trial the change is wonderful; my legs are altogether stronger, the swelling of and-; is gone down, feet free from numbness, and the circulation seems restor d tIJrongh my body. I find a great im proveinent II Iso tll my voice, w tt kh MIS vtry Wt':1 k -('n now speak P.1I1Ct. stronger, although it is ten years since my voice broke dowll, I am highly sntisfiell with what your Appliances have done. and shall alwaysre<!ornmcl1d them with confidence in any similar case.—t ours truly, Mr. R. Lonsdale. JOHN TAYLOK. J RUPTURE OF FORTY YEARS' S'rANDlNG. 25, Lower Oxford-street. Swansea, 30th October, 1382. Dear 8ir,-1 feel very pleased in being able to give lliIY .,etil1l(lny to the benefit that can ue obtained from your fit Mstgpetaire." 1 have been ruptared for over 40 years, and have tried all kinds of remedies fr it\ hut, ° until wearing your ISelt. could obtain no relief. Nuw the rupture is reduced, wmch, from the short, time have had the A|>pli nice, is, indeed, marvellous also, my health in gi neral is very Dluçh improved. I shall always show wy thankfulness tor the benefit I have obtained by recolllmending my teighbours and friend to come to you for relief. I am, dear sir, yours Î<iithfu\ly, Mr. R. Lonsdale. JOHN HUTCHlSaS PK Y. EPILEPTIC FITS. Callands Terrace-street, PIM Marl. near Swans",a, 19th October, 1832. Dear Sir,-From childhood I have suffered from Epilept!c 1"it,I, these having increased to as many as "ille in the day and night, until a month ago, when, by the advice of m., friends (some of whom had ohtdlled so uuch benefit from¡our Appliances;, I purchased one of your Ma£net,¡¡ire &,11,8 and Soles, and I am extremely 4IIelifhted to say that since the day after putting them ■on, I have not had the slightest symptom of a tit, and mv general health has so very greatly improved that I feel altolether like a different person. I shall always "-801 it a great pleasure to recommend your Appliances. I remain, your. very truly, To Mr. Lonsdale. JANE THOMAS. A tbirty-twe pare Pamphlet, containing full particulars may be had on application. •f ONSDALE AND CO., 447, STRAND, LONDON, W.C., IOØ auxurAcr¥aj £ fi0, I j i^EriSlONS AND CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF, AND DOCKS, GLOUCESTER, MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SL TE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, I BATHS, URINALS, HALL TABLES MOULDINGS, &c. I PRIZE MEDAL SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1879, AND FIRST ORDER OF MERIT MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1881. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATBBIALS. ILLUSTRATED PRICES ON APPLICATION. 41723 Professional and 3rd WEDNESDAY in every month, from 11 30 to 7 p.m., at BEDWELLTY HOUSE, No. CROCIiHERBTOWN (Corner of Charlss-street). Next Visits, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 21st and March 7th. BR[DGEND-lstand3N THURSDAY in even month at 22. Caroline-street, from • .30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Next Visits, THURSDAY, Feb. 15th and March 1st. CIIEPSTOW-2nd and 4th WEDNESDAY in every month at 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Next Visit3, Wednesday, Fe")- 14th and 28th. Q. W IL YM |Y~,A N S'S <jr Jh QUININE BITTERS. This preparation is now extensively taken throughout the couutry by patient SUfferillg from d e\)ility. nIYOUS- ness, and general exhaustion, and, if any valuv. be at- tached to human testimony, the elticacy of thu medi- cine has n successfully established. Its claims have been tested and proved by the medical profession and others, and corroborated by the written testimonials of eminent men, Tile Quinine Bitters contain not (vnlya suitable quantity of Quinine in each dose, but the active principles of th following well-known herbs-sarsapa- rilla, saffron, gentian, lavender, and dandelion root. The us of Quinine is well known, hut it has nevereen satisfactorily combined with these preparations, ueiJ, after overcoming considerable difficulties, the proprietlJr wa? able to secure a perfectly uniform p eparation, COLn- bining all the essential properties of the above plants in their greatest purity and concentration. It is now established as a family medicine, and is increasing im popular favour the more it is known and tested. Gwilyirr. Evans's Quinine Bitters is a tonic Pick-me-up," scien- tifically mixed in happy-proportions. RECOMMENDED BY DOCTORS, ANALYSTS. CHEMISTS, Ac., FOR AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST. INDIGESTION. NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY IX ITS WORST FORMS. DEPBESSrON OF SPIRITS AND MELANCHOLY. Suitable for all Seasons- SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, and WINTER. Sold ail Chemists, in 2s. 9d. and 45. 6d. Bottles, and Cases containing three 4s. 6d. Bottles at 12s. 6d. per FOREIGN AGENTS IN AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, EGYPT, CYPRUS, Ac. PRINTED LIST OF TESTIMONIALS ON APPLICATION. N.B.—No one should suffer without trying GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. This Preparation is found superior to any other tonics Avoid imitations, and carefully examine label. 48714 J .J .Ânti-Dyspe]Jtic Ctcta 01' Chocolllte Powder. GUARANTEES PURE SOLUBLE COCOA, Of the finest quality, with the excess of fat extracted. l'he facultypronounceit, "the most nutritious, perfectly digestible Deverae for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and invaluable for Invalids anà Children." HIGHLY COMMENDK. BY THE KNTIRE MEDICAL PRESS. Heing without sugar, spIce, or ot,her admixture, It suits all palates, keeps better in all climates, and is four times the strength of COCOAS THICKENEB yet WEAKENED with Starch, Ac., and IN REALITY CHEAPER than such Mixtures. Made instantaneously with boiling water, a teaspoonful to a Breakfast Cup, costing less than a halfpenny. COCOATINA A LA ANILLE is the most delicate, diges- tible, cheapest Vanilla Chocolate, and may be taken when richer Chocolate is prohibited. In Tins at 13. 6d., 3s., 5s. €d., &c., by Chemists and Grocers. 37224 REYNOLDS' GOUT SPECIFIC. JJEYNOLDS' Q_OUT gPECIFIC REYNOLDS' ^QOUT gPECIFIC. J^EYNOLDS' GOUT ^PECIFIC. THIS WONDERFUL MEDICINE Is known throughout the World as THE OLDEST, SAFEST, AND MOST EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, AND ALL NEURALGIC COMPLAINTS. ESTABLISHED 70 rEARS. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d., by Messrs. Barclay Slid Sons, 95, Farringdon-strtet, E.C. and by mo. respectable Chemists throughout the United Kingdom. Dr. BREWSTER (for many years one of the leading Physicians in Paris) writes:—"I have prescribed GOUT SPECIFIC in ALL eases of Rheumatic Affections, and find it an INFALLIBLE REMEDY. I hal. always had great pleasure II. recom- mendi g it, and consider it a safe and IN V AW AB fJE Medicine." I BRISTOL gTEAM QABINET ^TO'IIKS, ESTABLISHED NEARLY 50 YEARS AS EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS AS EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF gUPERIOli JpURNITURE, ARTISTIC, USEFUL AND INEXPENSIVE, UNPRE- CEDENTEDLY LOW IN PRICE. LA VERTON AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, CONTAINING OVER 1,000 ENGRAVINGS, Gratis aad Post Free. COMPLETE JJEDROOM SUITES, BEST MANUFACTURE, From Solid Ash or Pitch Pine, at 11 Guineas. HUNDREDS OF BEDROOM, DINING AND DRAWING ROeN SUITES, Unparalleled in Price and Quality, for Selection from. ADDRESS:— LA VERTON AND CO., UPHOLSTERERS, MARY-LE-PORT-STREET AND BRIDGE-STREET, JgRISTOL. Carriage Paid to any Railway Station in South Wales. DEAFNESS Jjmv rjX) CURE. REV. E J. SILVERTON'S Consulting Rooms open daily for the benefit of parsons snfferinglrom Deafness, Noises in the Head and Ears, Offensive Discharge from the Ears, Affections of the Eyes, (Spectacles to suit all sights when required). Delicate Lun, and General Weakness. Any afflicted person may be seen free of charge. Mr. Silverton auJ his Ph plciau, after careful examination, advise tile Pat icnt, what medicine, and Ive 1\11 necessary instruc- tions as to diet. So much good is being done that no person shouhi despair. One visit is sufficient. The Rooms are open each day from Eleven to Two<Saturdays excepted). Mr. Jesse J. Silverton will answer any in- quirie lot other hours, and on Saturdays till One o'clock. If distance renders an interview impossible, write for Rev. E. J. gilverton's Treatise on Diseases of the Ears ard Eyes, which contains a list of questions for the guidance of t he patient and numerolUl testimonialafrom petsvns cured, pi-iee Is" lout to the readers of this paper wo penny stamps. Note the address—17, St. Bride- treet, Ludte Ciricus, Loudon. CONSUMPTION. D K CLINE. HO A TO bIJRE CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Ni^it Sweats, Spitting of Blood, Winter Coughs, and failing health generally, if au interview is imi>033ible write for Rev. E. J. Silverton's New 80 k of Health (27,h thousand). Valuable to all. Post free, penny stamps.—17, St. Bride-street, Ludgate Circus, London. T EA In consequence of Imitations 4 of Lea t Perrins' Sauce, which are c alculated to deceive the Public, -pERRINS' LEA and PERRINS J- beg to drawattention to the fact tha AUCE. each bottleoftheoriglnal and Genuine Worcestershire Sauce bears their Signature on the label. LEA WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PERRINS' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, t Worcester; Crosse and Blackwell, /•Si a tti -m London and Expert Oilmen gene- CJALOE. rally. Retail by Dealers throughout O the World. OW LANDS'ODON TO is the best, pures, and. most fragrant preparation for the teei: Health depends in a great measure upon th soundness of the teeth and their freedom from decay, and all dentists allow that neither washes nor pastes can possibly be as efficacious for polishing the teeth and keeping them sound and white a a pure and non-gritty tooth powder; such Rowlands' Odonte has always proved itself to be. RO WL AN DS' MAC ASS AROIL pr eser ves, strengthens, and beautifies the hair; it contains no lead or mineral ingredients, and can now be also had in a golden colour, which is especially suited for fair or golden-haired children and per- sons. Sizes, 3s. ôct., 7s.; 10s. 6d., equal to four small. r) OWLANDS' KALYDOR is a most coo'l- ing, healing, and refreshing wash for the face, hands, and arms, and is perfectly free from any mineral or metallic admixtures; it disperses freckles, tan, redness. pimples, &c. ROWLANDS' EUPLYSIA is a botanical .\J wash for cleansing the hair and skin of the head from all impurities, scurf, or dandruff; the ap- plication of the Euplysia (which is perfect ly I ii- nocent in its nature) should be made on retiring to rest at night, a practice that will _t;der the morning use of Rowlands' Macassar Oil increa- singly effective both as to healtti and beauty of the hair. 2s. 6d. per bottle. OWLAN DS' EUKONIA is a beautifully R pllre, delicate, and fragrant toilet powder. and has lately been much improved. Each box has inside the lid a certificate of purity from Dr. Redwoo I, Ph. D.; F.C.S., &c. Sold in three tints; white, rose, and cream, 2s. 6d. per box double that size with puff, 4s. Ask any Chemist or Hairdresser for Rowlands' urt ides, of 20, Hatton Garden, London,and avoid spurious worth- less imitations under the same or similar names. 49462 JJINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA JQINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNES! > INNEFORD'S PURFTFLUID MAC^ NESIA. INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, For aeidity of the Stomach. For Heartburn and Headache. For Gout and Indigestion. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA." Safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 6987c MANITOBA T AND THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, THROUUH WHLCH RUNS THE CANADIAN 19ACIFIC RAILWAY. Farming and Grazing Land, for Ki.-n Terms to aetual Se; tiers.—If you desav I,; recti »•«•, live of charge, the Railway Company's New Regulations for the Sale of Lands in the Canadian North-West, and also the latest Maps, Pamphlets, &c.,containing the latest information about the country, address ALEXANDER BEGG, Canadian Pacific Railway Offices, 6949c 101, Cannon-street, Lond n.


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----------A TERRIBLE FATE.


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