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CARDIFF. .THE RE-SEATING OP ST. MAKY'S.—At the clo*e of I?}8 sermon on Sunday evening the Vicar of St. 4l7's» alluding to the re-seating of the nave, flounced tliat the church would henceforth be ree and open to all, and all the seats would be ^appropriated. He urged the congregation to more liberally to the support of the clerory and the maintenance of the services, as -so for the relief of the poor. The Jfrvice was i most, hearty one, and lhe congregation large. Tlia collection was J^QsrideriTbly in excess of that usually received. he in giving out thf. list of notices, bounced a. collection on the following Sunday 6v-ning 101' the Somen's Mission, in aid oi which $trmon would be preached by the Eer. J. R. PhillipL;, chaplain of thi, Thisbe. H» also stated lhat a parochial -etreat for communicants would be held on A?h Wednesday, when suitable addresses *°u!d be Given by the Rev. Clarence Paget, Prin- £ >pal of Dorchcster Missionary College, near Ox- MEETING OF CREDITORS.- The meeting of the Editors of David Price, grocer, Treorki, took Place at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on Saturday last. 'the liabilities amounted to X406 2s. 6d., and the to £ 78 17n. 6d. The (Jebtor had been in ^sinjss eleven months, having commenced with- OUt lny capital, and was now unprepared to ac- OU.nt for his deficiency. He made no offer, but desirous his affairs should go into liquidation, Lovrtt, secretary to the South Wales Merchants' iation, represented the creditors, and, being ^able to discover any prospects of a dividend *>ter payment of co«ts, allowed the proceedings to :a^ through, thus depriving the debtor of the pro- action of the Bankruptcy Act. EXPLOSION OF GAS.—On Sunday morning at Jbout tnlf-past nin» o'clock an explosion of gas pKce at No. 164-, Bute-street, a boarding-house *ePt by L. Caragaius. It appeared that on the devious evening a gas burner had been inadver- ntly left on, and on coming downstairs on Sun- daY morning one of the inmates lit a tnatcli, prior to opening the shutters. The result was that an Plosion occurred, and the windows and shutters "ere blown into the street. Several persons were IIr/l..sent, but no one was injured. T, SANITARY STATE OF CAKDIFF.—Week ending ebruary 11, 1882.—Births registered, 65; 3b• 5 per >'000. Deaths from all causes, 35 20 7 per 1,000. oaths from seven chief zvmotic diseases, 6 3 5 Per 1,000. Mean barometer, 30 356; mean ther- mometer, 39-7; wind, chiefly south by east; rain- faH. 0-09in. Remarks Sanitary condition of town ^tisfactory. THE INFIRMARY.—We are pleased to hear that tisfactot.v THE INFIRMARY.—We are pleased to hear that Christopher Watkins, the lion, secretary to the 'ofirmary Ball Committee, lias been able to hand er to the treasurer of the Infirmary X52 3s. as the net proceeds of the ball held on the 31st of fhuary in aid of the funds of the institution. For jj,s result the committee are greatly indebted to r*essrs. Howell and Co. and Mr. Thomas, florist, their share in the decorations. CATHOLIC REUNION.—On Monday the first of a of annual Catholic reunions was held at the Peter's Guildhall, which was elaborately deco- for the occasion. There was a large company j^sent, and dancing was the chief part of the eedings. The hon. secretaries of the com- »'^tee entrusted with the arrangements wer* rii Srs' J' J" B'sgood, S. H. Callaghan, F. E. Heitz- an> and A. Heitzman. ACCIDENT AT THE DOWLAIS WHARF.—On Mon- j ay I1'. Mills, of 22, Union-street, was engaged in 0°fa^ing iron at the Dowlai3 Wharf, when a piece toetal fell on his leg and broke it. He was con- ned to the Infirmary, where his injuries were ^tded to. ♦ OOT RACE AT THE ALEXANDRA PARK.—An in- L^sting foot race, for £ 50, took place on Monday p tertioon, at the Alexandra Park, Cardiff. The Petitorq were Jethro Davies (Treforest) and 26Qld Edwards (Porth), and the distance to be run t yards. There was a large number of spec- wrs present, and the race was watched with Peat attention. Davies had five yards start of his PPonent, but he was beaten at the finish by Ed- iard8, who came in a yard and a half ahead of The race was run in good style, and the jJ^lt appeared to be regarded as entirely satis- llctory. S ^UMORGAXSHTRE AND MONMOUTHSHIRE IN- ARY AND DISP.ENSARY.-For the week ending e aininq by last week, 50 admitted I w 11; discharged, 11; died, 1; remaining in the 9 Use, 49 number of out-patients on the books, ell > patients visited at their homes, 48. Medi- (i, officers for the week commencing Feb. 14: & ysician, Dr. Paine surgeon, Dr. Sheen. ,f use-surgeon, C. J. Watkins, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. atl 11 fttletnen visitors for the week:—Messrs. Jonas (.aj-son, Louis Tylor, Archibald Hood, the Rev. A Jones, and the Rev. C. J. Thompson.—Geo. T. S etnan, secretary. H 'T- VALENTINE'S DAY.—As usual, an enormous frjf h er of missives passed through the post-office ^J^livery on St. Valentine's Day, and the postal tj, ferities appear to have acquitted themselves of ,l> extra duties in a very creditable manner. f?any Parts of the town fetters were delivered >Uo- customary times, and there was nothing to j^sgest that there had been a more than ordinary uPon the capacities of the staff at the post- POOT-AND-MOCTH DispAsp.-On Tuesday a notice posted at Cardiff intimating that under the r°ntagious Diseases (Animals) Act the Newport ^thorities prohibit the antrance into that town of CaUle from Bristol; and cattle from other towns on the opposite side of the Channel are not to be rjkeri into Newport unless a declaration has been ^3*before the magistrates as to the healthiness A^v^ts. •elf « T, —A correspondent signing him- 8\jc. •t'a8t Ward Voter writes:—" The fact that c0th.a P^ce as Salisbury-road exists is not re- t^ie Cardiff police. If we are left oer without a police watch we must take Hij from California Camps, and run a com- Hjer ot vigilants, as our property i9 at the °f|boys and prowlers." fo PRTALX-,UENT AT BTJTE*TEEHACR SCIIOOL,-The V W of a series of entertainments was held on t evening at the St. Mary's School, Bute (; gace, under the presidency of Colonel E. S. Hill, if il There was a large attendance, and the efforts •Jr) ladies and gentlemen whose names appeared J* programme were deservedly applauded, second part the duet, Chamois Hunters," -sungbyMe ssrs. Miller and Jones,and "Kathleen °y?neen b}' Miss Pow. The chairman sang a thnthe chorus of which was sustained audience. The other items were :—I'iano- iIrl«sol°, « Welsh airs," Mrs. Cross; comic song, Riches The blind girl to her harp," by Harris; reading, by Mr. Belcher; duet, ^ing'» Miss F. Perry and Miss L. Pow; and t-her comic song by Mr. Elliott, A EXPKRIMENT IN STREET LIGHTINO.—With (i ^Qction of the borough engineer, the Cardiff sjp? Company have recently placed in High-street gut of Bray's patent gas'lamps, each of which 30 cubib feet of gas per hour, and has Ruminating power of 100 candles. These lamps, were erected under the superintendence of ij_; John Parry, manager of the gasworks, are 3™<«d at the ordinary hour, and are kept burning Q. their full illuminating power until eleven jjjjiPpk p.m., when, public traffic having ^iresu- 1! ceased, they are lowered to the standard of w c°mmon lamps. The experiment is being tried I0 11 view to demonstrate the capabilities of gas street illumination, and of giving the corpora- opportunity of judging of a system which WLi en a(^°pted by the authorities of Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, and other large towns. r«sult of the experiment appears to be satis- ccorv. NSP VATivF ASSOCIATION.—The monthly meet- of the South Ward Conservative Association s held last night at the National Schoolroom, {j J^it Stuart-square, Mr. Hellier in the chair. Mr. f0,.ei't A. Blake gave a very able address on The of England with reference to her Indian g^Pire," which proved very interesting and in- g. Active. At the conclusion|a vote of thanks was to him and the chairman; also to the Rev. G. ^QUr Jones for the use of the room. GRIEVANCE.—A correspondent, signing himself pi )at°r," writes:—" Allow me to join in the com- tu lQts which are again and again being made in ftt¡e PUlic prints as to the condition of the roads r bridges in the neighbourhood of Messrs. Biggs' Sq WEIT. As a member of the corporation stated 6 t'me back, the bridge is now as it was fifty totv8 aS10' the addition that it is now' rotten jv 'he core, as anyone may see in passing under it. tester there must be some day if it be not seen Jk', The wonder is something has not happened i^°re. The authorities will not be able to plead ranoe here they have had warnings enough 't. As to the roads they are simply impassable." ^A0T7NRI MEN?S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.—A lecture 1^ delivered on Wednesday night in t.heTown- V) by Mr. G. S. Lee, of Crockherbtown, on The e?^,°n,e anc^ other Modern Electrical Instru- Sw11 The subject, which was handled withcon- J)o^ra abl"ty, was illustrated by numerous ex- 'iir>!me?^ a.n iaSrams. In the absence of Mr. K>.„ -VU ^.un-> "W'ho had been announced to Ol?6' c air Was taken by Mr. W. J. Trounce, the proceedings were closed with the usual otes of thanks.




























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