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business (3tiUrrssfs. OETZMANN & CO., I COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 62. 64, 67. 69, 71. 73. 7b. 7T, and 79, HAMPSTEAD ROAD, LONDON, W.; 61. GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN- T5, UNION-STREET. RYDE (Isle of Wight). "| S. 3ft Iron Rwlftcad and Be-ld'TSj complete, JL with Woven ire Mattress, Bolster, and Feather PMlow- 21a Under Blanket, 2s. 60! Pair of Real Witney Blankets, 76. lid. Pan- of Cotton Sheets, 3B lid Coloured Quilt, 2B. lid. Down Qui' 6s. 3d. A KS 4ft.6m. Bbck a-nd lira.* Bedstead and Beddins: "3b»J complete, with Woven Wire Mattress. Wool Mattre«». Bolster, and Two Feather Pillows 45d Under BViket, 411.; Pair of Real Witney Blanket*. 14s. 9d.; Pair of Cotton SbeeU, 7a. 7d White Quilt or Art. Cretonne Bed Spread. 81. lid Down Quilt, 10b 9d. ALL CARPETS MADE UP FREE OF CHARGE. OF CHAnGE. w I 23BB YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. I Uuteessor to the late W M Parson. L.D.S.. and Hon I Dental Surgeon Old Park Hospital, and I F. (3r RAH AM yOUNG DENTAL SURGEON (By Examination), 37, PAEK-STREET. BRISTOL. ATTENDS PROFESSIONALLY, CABDiyr, 1ST iS!) 3rd WEDNESDAY 13* EVERY MONTH, at 22. CHARLES-STREET, from 4.0 to 7.0 p.m. NEXT VIsrn; —May 19th. June 2nd and 16th. and July 7th and 14th. BRIDGEND. — EVERY W DNESDAY, at Mr. JONES*. CHEMIST, 22, CAROLINE-STREET, from 10.30 a.m. to 3.0 p.m. CHEPSTOW.—EVERY TUESDAY, at No. 1. BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11.15 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. LTDXET -Sec-end and Fourth Friday in every tccctb. at Hfh street. 10.Pn 1I.1ft to 5 p-m. Efficiency with M'^erate Fees. Consultation. Free: Nitrous Oxide administered by Appointment Only. 6854c jgJADE'S ^_OUT RHEUMATIC pILLS EN A FEW HOURS THEY GAVE ME BELIEF FCADE'S I )ITjLS. West-street, Firsrrove, 1 1 ■ "Rochdale. Dec. 14th, 1839. EADE'S PILLS. "Dear Sir,—I have hail A the Goat in my big toe for TRADE'S OfLLS. six years on and off, in spite £ T of tlie n'-merons lin;ments ar.4 rills I bontrM. At leneth my brother advised m to try your pills. So I sent for II. small bott e, Is. Hi., and am pleased to say nothing ever did W6 iIO much good. IN A FEW HOURS THEY GAVE ME RELIEF, anr1 in four days I could wear my boot and 11;0 ti t business. The second bottle made me all right, noi t (2J.OUT has the pain since returned. I will never be without T) nEUMATISM your pills. Mid shall reCOUh mend them to all I know. GOUT Yours truiv, "A. CHADWICH. TDHEUMATISM MMr. G. EADE •RAPE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC JpiLLr. Prepared only bv George Bade, 72, Oo*well-road, London. E.C.; and SoM bv All Chemists, in Bottles. Is. ljd. and 2s 94. JgtADE'S GOUT & inaEUMATIC JpiLUS. DR. JIOX'S COUGH AND "yOICE"VrrAFEBB| THE G REAT REMEDY FOR COUGHS. COT,DS. BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS, V' 0" VOICE, AND ALL AFFECTIONS F. HE CHEhT AND LUNG. Thel56 invalna.b e Wafers, beiuu prepared from, Herbs and Fruits ouly, do not CQntain any • • elete ■ • rioug intnredieots, and may be taken with perfaet lafety by old and young. DR. OX'S £ <OUGH AND "yroiCE"^TAFERS II Prepared only by GEORGE £ AJ»E 72, GOSWiiLIr-KOAx, LONDON la TlDa. 1a. lid each Poet free from tii» Proprietor l'J1 Receipt of Postal Order for 11 2d L1752— THE TONIC OF THE AGE. THE TONIC OF THE AGE. THE TONIC OP* THE AGE. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERN GW1LYM EVANS' QUINiNE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS* QUININE BITTERS! THE BEST REMEDY FOR WEA KNESS. NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, SLEEPLESSNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE CHEST Ai-FELT! 6NS, GWILYM EVANS* QUTNINE BITTFRC* GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEbJ' GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEJiS. The efficacy and merits of this re- nowned preparation ai now rej (JUv acknowledged by all who have tr:f d it Its fame is rapidly spreading, for wherever it receives a fair t: j J it never fails to achieve success and tttAn its object in restoring paf ents to health who have long suffered from various complaints, and had tried othfi' medicines and remedies in vain Its unfailing eucce* where all other remed.es fiavj fai'ed entitle it to he acknowledged as THE UNRIVALLED TONIC REMI ;riY THE UNRIVALLED TONIC REM! 5D GWILYM EVANS' QUINTNE BITT ERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITT ERS: GWlLYM EVANS' QUININE BinERS: TESTIMONIAL. Elm!ll""ove House, Glamorgan-street, Barry, Jiear Card* ff. • • c. March 29 1897. Dear gira. QIJINTKE 13 wifnout a doubt a tjnod All rejra.yjs nivself. it done me a world of L'ood Befo-e trytnt." it r Kid a vr-v txi'l cm 19-h and no appetite for food' of a.nv k'nd I a's.i suffered from general 'eakness nrouirht on. no donht, by r.^r exnr- r'ui.,ar:(i fitudvin^ too muc ih Mv -avn w's-v- and I w» R oblic-ed WFAKVP^ xr Up mv "v"'k in ccasequenoe. wLAKJiE^S. My wi'e persuaded to trr a hottle :L„rnvTT YVf Kvaxs- orrvT^ BITTERS. T did ,-0, and I i ai pleased to tell you that my ling- oru<>h KM left me. and now I am mv^if sjnm Can eat well and sleep well You can m-ke wh«t w Vn„ fhink proper of thi« testimonial Refer ->nv person to and I wj 1 tell tliat your BTTTKSR i, fh,, ciae I ever had T *!val' net hertate to ^neak t() others aho" t —T^ura faithfully, WM GEORGE GWILYM FVAOT QVTNTNV BTTTFT'« THE VEGETABLE TOXiq. soin wr Boma at Zs, 9d .and h. 6d EACH BSTTAW? OF rVITATrOKS. SEE TTIE NAME "GWILYM EVANS ON LABEt, STAMP. AND BOTTUl SOLE PROPRIETORS: THB Q DrNINE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY (UNITED), LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. C15C0 i •EATING'S POWDER. ^EATING'S POWDER, KEATING'S POWDER. M. itbs. Beetles. JiUU P.isri, Ms- Mis. Beetles. K'lls M<Hhs Beetles. rpHE UNRIVALLED KILIJ5R. rjIHE UNRIVALLED KlLIfJTR. rj^HE UNRH'ALLKD KnjlEB. I I Kill* Fleas, Bujr .'tfofcUs BeeOet I Kill. Fleas, Bujr .'tfofcUs BeeOet (Harmlesi to everrthine but Tn^ecu) Sold only in tins. 3^|, 6rf and 1b. Only be sure you do gut "beating's." WORMS IN CHILDREN. WORMS IN CHILDRJEN Are ffitv. surelv. and with perfect saf ff g."l1í rid of by ii«ins» KK STI.VO'S WORM TABI,FTS rhaa no "ffcct- except on tforBM). Sold by ..ü Chen lasts, in Tins, Is. ljd. each. L312 XVISEASES OF THE Hi OB AND JLJ> SCALP. Mr HADDINOTT CHUBB lei the Hospital St IPari*), may be cwmilte l persr *nlly, or by letter, at his residence, 36 New Ca' (prah'b-street, Loi dc iJ. W, ripfween the hours of te n anil twelve t tn aTul Iw" tnd foiu nm <Hily Pri pnaiure Bald tx-m. Greyn.-w. 4c euMal«liy treated Lc24508 U'.i'ijn is comnleU'lt/ gon*.—T. C. Turr |er, Dublin. ISPESDY REMEDY Giving Relief and Rest. gwR i SAFS and PliEASANT or CHILD R £ ^9 IIHig OF iiOHKHUU^D. MM STOPS COLD,. pS CURES COUGM. B Price 1/1}, 2 9. HI Mttfdng like ? fur CoM.—W. Hlri, Norwich. £ u$mig$~3iiiJi: £ 3 £ eGu A WARM BATH /■ i WITH COTICORAXII SOAP C^y/ 'md a single application of CUTICURA (otntment), the great skin cure, will affore nSltant relief, permit rest and sleep, and poin to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure o he most distressing of itching, burning, bleed ;ng, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp disease 'fter physicians, hospitals, and all else fail. Bold tnroue-hnat the world, and especially by English an ra-ricau chemisu 5n all the principal cities British 'ppol; } l.King Ed<vard-tit-. London. PoTTBEDEr zu. CUKP., Soie Prop. BOTLon, U. 8. A. 1.. 1/ V' P"<t 1-cb.1 hotels* LONDON., jf STREET. }f0Gj9TfflWfTSR > Near the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Convenient and Central Position for Busi. ness Pleasure. Telepnone: 3,165. Telegrams: "Earnestness fion ion. > uNB OF THE FINEST HOTELS IN THE METROPOLIS Electrically Lighted throughout; Passenger Lift; The Exchange Company's Telegraphic News. The only Hotel in London with a complete system of Baths, iuch1{lin:r TurlriRh and Bwi!1lmme, Visitors received at a fixed rate, according to situa- tion of Bedrooom FIRST-CLASS CUISINE L1734 POSITION UN RIVALLED. THK JJANGHAM OTEL, PORTLAND-PLACE, At Top of BEGENT-STREET, LONDON, W. Quiet, Open, and Healthy Situation in Fashionable and Convenient Locality MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. MODERATE TARIFF. PRIVATE APARTMENTS FOB WEDDING RECEPTIONS, DINNERS, Ac. Under the Management of WALTER GOSDEN. Lcl528 BRISTOL. ANDEAN'S SWAN HOTEL 62. BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL (An Old Welsh House). This Old-established Hotel is situated in the very centre of the Oity. It has oeen thoroughly renovated, is now unequalled for Comfort, combined with itxnost MotieraUoi) in Charges. HOT AND COLD LUNCHEONS. TEAS AND SUPPERS. GOOD BEDS. 366c HENRY BOULTON, PROPRIETOR.

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