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COUNTY COUNCIL. Tfiw j5 Monthly meeting. A m 0* J PlaceL0f n^*e <ar^lt^ County Council yi 8l<knCy 0r Monday morning, under the „ -icit'inian E. lieavan, the mayor. J Ifr. jje EKP OFF THE GRASS." ':omm:,if°nC9 asked the chairman of the i> arrived whether the time had not which t0 take down the signs in Roath j^P oft y. P°-itely Requested the people to 4 He pointed out that these <»» thr-1 abolished in most of the J 3* ILA"S3UT thfl c,)untry. tej^-ioa/t j ln reP'y- pointed out that the 4 S? 'W +v, adopted in the.r bye-iawo, to ^tQer.f^n ^eea confirmed by the Looal disc- ^ard. tie was quite agreeable J ooi»> n uP°n the matter taking place k^tioua ^ttoe, although to remove the re- ^U»H would be necessary to alter the dropped, it being understood that COIne up in committee. X ^AmOND JUBILEE TREES. ^ggested that trees—either "should be planted in the public L j* Mfiv ^nat,ed Diamond Jubilee trees. jS^Oifk/Pf Promised that the matter should ty Sydn re parks committee wK'Ti. obinson called attention to the some committees had decided to j-Partieiilar employes a holiday on ?» others had not come to any would like to move that all of Ik hoUd°U eiQPi0y8a should be granted David pointed out that this re- «c^C?Ldinot 1)6 in °rder- J^*d • however, Alderman David Jones i.SU8Pension of the standing orders. *i» ann"1^ a^;eecl it was moved by the «, that the day's holiday be jjj. ??ested by Mr. Robinson. llr. pA]D^AY IMPROVEMENTS. David aeked when the Broad- kjV Tv, would be carried out. tk? Wri ^1^er'c "^ated that notices to treat yjH kjWrvo,l. and arrangements for the pur- k* Well • Poetically been made. The matter ^^eina and, but as to the time when the u^b'o i would be carried out it was l[5f. q 0 say. V* 4rra?,r^e wanted to know whether !*nent could not- be come to with •nfrieH\.T which the improvements would j, •<# f °ut without delay. *e p.h ^-olerk: We are going on as fast yAt t^K^TATTON FOR BRAVERY. •Hh*' ifr ^Ce an interesting incident took Sydney Robinson handing to the a a certificate of the Royal W i*°c>ety, which he requested iN VhlD to preset to a man for savin? life S?' \lr t> Cardiff, on the 14th of Robin eon explained that he had W*liw • Danperfield had previously saved ijK^Vej, !1) Gloucester, and he mfr. Robinson) U-ia 4P his case with much pleasure. {lT ,ri!,('8 tlie presentation amid NV»,"e. #<?>. a<5 srlad to know that aRj life that Mr. Dansjerfield had K thwef''■>'•?. the r>lp<wd Ke a certificate in the presence »a aoknowlecped the gift in suitable i SH A °F «OTTTH KEN- TREASURES. ton.,j0lJ was P»»sed authorising the 'iiur and -r- E. J. Beavan 'the Ln t Porarv chairman of the museum to the necessary measures with o staining from South Kensington ?^>ep _?^ewal grant of the art treasures toi? tjv, therein as might be of inte- S4Tr^a1^ or the town.—Mr. F. tbat SU. «?a4-lf ^ere anvthing in the •d R tho .Kensington Museum wt»s dis- olai^ ^octs of value they should put trt 8Inl for a Portion. ^^oW f1110 TRAMWAY SCHEME. tt« °f ra'sec' the question whether, u Bi]i f a°t that they would have to pro- obta,acqu^? Cathays Park, and would ■T'ttei a Provisional Order from tie ;+ Went Board to extend their wl>aJw WouId not be policy to drop the K_ scheme for another year, as thtw difficult for the staff to carry Vt 7^"01X16 at the same time. 1 V,J,TWV ^1^+ed that the town- rrnTln,r ^tter up in the form of Pvl tfac<ti^y Wanted to push the matter of on as as possib e. afpgj,°* the boundaries scheme would, on much longer than the i i (,rt thought it would be better of j?? themselves, as they might find they would have to drop w.^r. a and that would not be k ,qŽJ> d; The town-clerk is super- t Utir.'n ° triple schemes. (Laughter.) 5 a. JlOr Was oome to. J O J>Tl)Ays OB- OFFICIATES. t CMl J^P0? p/ the holiday* committee, the J 1&e extent of tune pranted to l J» 80 T^at T^e borough engineer *5; cret 23 days' holidav instead of 21 tbe e borough treasurer. 28 davs instead of a<^ 'ptable, 28 instead of 21; and ÜOsey. 21 days instead of fourteen. A. FOR HOLIDAYS. Ai!°t OkLj^k'r's inouired :f iheir m^n were id h Ft-i-Jay and other Bank holiday. ib'parV bs: Tbe h"a1th department ^C^in nIr worI^en Bank holidays. ^AlJ rey: The same with my com- Daniel Lwig: Nor the public ^or the parks committer V'ls ha,] vrey raid he was ?lad Mr. John k«5 t brought the matter up, as he kl ^ohi,aT aon the men. i8 seormj" ,ms ^ien proposed, Mr. Robert Pair! if •* anc^ asTe^d. that th'1 ^>8, their \rages in respect of Bank N^VERS AXD CONDUCTORS. '9t}¡iCb CooIUplaint was made as to the manner >AljV die.,6 tram drivers and conductors fre- fiS^anP°^d themse'ves. S>* g},0 i ,a:reT 8afl that some of the oon- have their eyemght tested, as Sa^lrrio co'our Wind. He thought *Wt|^ u, OTl should be sent to the company Aij it* which the dr'vers and con- ti-oatorl the mihlic. A],3 *n^ard Oorr sa;d he oould en- th an Cwrev's c^mnlaint. On-v that Nm ,T»d ^^duetor as #:«atpd w't.h his back » hair tram, so that he oou'd not see J him. liDO he (A'^erman Cory) f diw, catoh the tram. (Shame.) °R'r>n then drcnr>ed. BjjTjTNa AT THE PARK. ^>vid asked that, now o^rlintr had ^°T>erly, he thouelit) r>rohibrt«»d in Wio r^- 8t€Ps should be taken for roads outeido the paa-k safe for tj, « an Mayor said the matter woula ^nirT 0^- °f the water committee were SL tHp v dieoussion. liehting committee. ? f Ts. Protested aeninst the proposed in«T>eotion of oorporation boilers —The council, however, adopted » reoommendations. V <V^-HALL COMMITTEE. [C? this committee, Mr Veall I** l 'Wt^s'mnhs as to the erection of R of law oourt« on the snuth- Cathays Park and the securing bSw-^irit^0' ro^erred back.—Alderman .out the necessity for securing Particulars to prepare tnem for the *•"» Bill jointly with Iiord Bute for JS2, °f park. Tbe matter was rVn^ag; .^10 annual vacation of the i^Vc^t >_ ^J^inent. As to the lay-out of the r (itW thev t bf! arranged later.—Mr. Yea 11 jj* y|\of "hould have desisrns for the I -S to meet the requirements of Ij, ,nf,tntione requ;rin<g sites on the threw that competition CSu. that" i A or Id so a« to iJvofti.7, Park may be made; Zthey might be proud. After KMf tfcei-e Wfnild be full time rt.rran^ment8. He contended that it w0ll]^a?jr,r-.? premiums for derigns was more advantageous to have a M *w^'1 D t °n'—r" Evans seconded.— eia*01,68 ^'d they muet have plans kH ^t r,Jmate« of cost before they go to tu« ^'It fL™herwise, as in 189*. ther woi.-ld ^1*+ They must select their all °ecauae if they waited till they I W ttot the other bodies they Ufjii-y have anv'Mng settled 'i%) i As it was, he anticipated liNlvHw., ^warrel between the onflir^ting W a^n Matter was settled. Councillor v'^) i5^ dneigns would occupy more 1 sy>are. Tier had dilly- k.* ^th the msutler, and it was fi^I held that the committee v Riu • ^j^t south-western site ,ln the park if found desirable, 'v or r. Muth-westcm end was the ifa^ht tklUso.n 8aid that, although he in another part of the i>tho f°r the Town-liall. he should V »(^t on '*utes of tho comm'ttee. Lf< IS* Wf1 th*i jthw w<k. (Hear, hear.)—It U Pr6pa.rl^ft oor,dition« and inatruo- a tVT bv the borough enginwr a^Vr. member of the council •?Ti'8rd f°r designs.—Aldflfman of tL„ teu tha«, they propo^d thai t °011d ti?°IUT1V' ?*Jf4tild inspect the sit«, lO «a?j a 0v":en' if disiwtisfiftd. come to the he 'n t^° r<wol.it;r>n.—Mr. *h0 th{\t every member of i\!i* TrJ' se^B apy interest in the matter ni 8lt?f J<> Mr- K tK.Qtoarj^ *,callmg in Austrians pnd ^tt»J *t 'P ^P^ratior. as to the site NtW ^^Tr. \r« v»m 8,1 to do with v^te«8 am*ndment was nega- |k »' *ita +Jw» .^d the minutes were ■y addition of a clause stipu- lading that the three successful designs shall be- come the property of the corporation. I'he minutes of the Parliamentary committee were adopted. COMPENSATION TO A MILK-SELLER. On the health committee's report, Mr. David objected to the resolution to pay :vir. w. J. Zoulden £20 on a claim "for loss of custom a3 a milk-selle:- through being prevented from car- rying o.'i his business owing to his premises being infected by cases of fever, which could not be removed to the sanatorium through lack of accommodation," as creating a dangerous prece- dent. He moved the elimination of iho para- graph. Mr- Aluan seconded. Alderman Jacobs said the oommittee were mostly moved by sympathetic motives. Dr. Buist pointed out that three members of the committee objected to the resolution, and declined to vote. Mr. E. Thomas said that if there had been room in the sanatorium a. milk-seller would still be prevented carrying on his business from an infected house. Mr. Crossman said the man was void that if he removed the business he could carry it on. He did not remove it. Mr- Henry Jones contended that the case was altogether exceptional, but the council voted Mr. David's amendment, Mr. Jones alone dis- senting. INTERMEDIATE GOVERNORS. The mayor, Alderman Jonee, Councillor Munn. Mrs. J. G. Marychurch, and Mrs. A. P Fiddian were re-appointed governors under the Welsh intermediate Education Act, and Coun- cillor R. Hughes was substituted for Councillor Henry White, who declined re-election. ROATH STATION. The Grsat Western Railway Company wrote that the delay .n commencing the erection of the new station at Roath had arisen in connec- tion with the acquisition of the necessary land. The directors added that no time would be lost in putting the work in hand as soon as the land was acquired. MR GOOD'S MOTION. Mr. Good was not present to move his reso- lutioo against the effort for obtaining "the style, title, and dignity of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor,' and, amid cries of "Send for him," "Take him as road," the motion was struck out. ABSENT AGREEMENTS. Mr. Robinson called attention to the fact that in connection with the motion authorising the town-eierk to affix the common seal to certain documents the agreement with the tramway company for "certain additions, doublings, and passng places" had not been laid upon the table. He protested against this practice, and moved that the matter be referred back.- Alderman D. Jones agreed, and said they had passed resolutions continually dealing with such omissions.—The Town-clerk said he had acted simplv in order to facilitate the work. If the mllltteJ," were referred back it would mean the loss of a month, and the council must take the consequences.-Those con- sequences, the Borough Engineer explained in answer to questions, meant the delay of the wood-paving in St. Mary-street and the pushing of that work on into the winter.—In view of this. it was agreed that the missing agreement be referred to a special meeting of the public works committee, they being empowered to affix the seal of the council to it, Mr. Robinson remarking that this compromise must not be regarded as a precedent for the future. The council then rose.



















