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isitsmtss buttresses. OETZMANN & CO., COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 62, 64, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, and 79, HAMPSTEAD ROAD, LONDON, W.; 61, GRAFTON-STREET, DUBLIN. 75, UNION-STREET, RYDE (Isle of Wight). I Q~f S. 3ft. Iron Bedstead and Bedding complete, WX wiib Woven Wire Mattress, Bolster, audi Feather Pillow— 21a. Under Blanket, 2s. 6d.; Pair of Heal Witney Blanketa, 7s. lid.; Pair of Cotton Sheets, 3s. lid.; Coloured Quilt. 2*. lid.; Down Quilt, 6a. 3d. A KS. 4ft.6in. Black and Bmss Bedstead and Redding complete, with Woven Wire Mattress, Wool Mattress, Bollter, and Two Feather Pillows..45s. Under Blanket, 4e.; Pair of Real Witney1 Blanket*, 148. 9d.. Pair of Cotton Shecte, 7a. 7d White Quilt or Art Cretonne Bed Spread,: Ud.; Down Quilt, lOI. 9d. ALL CARPETS MADE UP FREE OF CHARGE. w 33tD YEAB OF ATTENDANCE. Bucemor to the late W. M. Parson, L.D.S., Md Boa. Dental Surgeon Old Park Hospital, and F. a RAHAM YOUNG DENTAL SUBGEON (By Examination), 37. FABK-STNEET, BRISTOL. ——— ATTENDS PROFESSIONAUT, CARDIFF, 1ST AND 3RD WEDNESDAY IN EVERY MONTH, at 22, CHARLES-STREET, from 4.0 to 7.0 pjn. "Err VISTTS-Dec. 2nd and 16th, JAN. 6th and 20th, FEB. 3nl And 17th. BRIDGEND. — EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Mr. JONES", CHEMIST, 22, CAROLINE-STREET, from I m30 a.m. to 3.0 p.m. CHEPSTOW.—EVEBY TUESDAY, at No. 1, J BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11.15 a.m. to 6.30 p.lt1. JA'DNEY—Seiond and Fourth Friday in eYUJIJ month, at High-street, 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eftciency with Moderate Fees, consultation. Free. Nitrous Oxide administered by Appcintmeat Only. 6854c TAKE GWILYM JWANS' QUININE jglTTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC, IT IS THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, LOW SPIRITS. INDIGESTION, SLEEPLESSNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, LOSS OF APPETITE, INFLUENZA. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIAL. 15, Wiltun-stree*, Liverpool, March 6th. My Dear Sir/-For twenty years I have suffered from pains in the back end asthma, with a painful cough, bat I am ASTHMA, happy to sav tbat, after taking three ASTHMA, bottle of GWILYY EVANS' QUININE ASTHMA BITTERS, I find a great deal of relief, ASTHMA, and hope a great rmny more suEtsrert may 800 your advertisement, and reap the tame benefit as I have. I remain, yours reapectOillv, C. CATHERWOOD. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, TESTIMONIAL. Bryngwyn, Penuwch. April 7th. Dear Sir,—T have long suffered from rheumatism, and am also troubled with indigestion and short- JXRIGIvSTION'. nrtm of breath I took a hottle of INDIGESTION. C.WILYM EVANS' CM VINE INDIGESTION. KITTEBS hmt winter, and it did me a deal of good, for it greatly Jested me to stand the cold weather rjjd the severity of the season. Yours truly, D, DAVIES. Q.WILYM Jg TANS' QUININE JglTTERS. -0 SOLD IS BOTTLES at Zs. 9d. AXD 4s. 6d. JUCH. BEWARB OF IMITATIONS. SEE THE KAME GWILTM EVANS ON LABEL, STAMP, AND BOTTLE. SOLE PROPRIETORS: THIS A UININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY (LIMITED), ZrLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. LI 908 I JgADE'S GOUT AND TOHEUMATIC plLlJM THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAINAWAX. EADE'S PILLS. 2, College Park Villas, Ken, JLLt -t ►ill Green, London, W.. ITRADE'S TDILLS. Moy. 1891. -J De.ar Sir,—I feel i*" my duty EADE'S X)ILLS. to tell you I had Rheumatic Ju Gout twice, and I ha.d to stop at home for three weeks. I cannot describe th epain 1 suffered. I rend your advtI}.tieement" and looked upon it as all others. A brother signalman said, Try them." I did so. THE FIBST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY in a. few hours, and I was able to resume my work. No one need be frightened to take then). I lmye reo GOUT. comnieiiHied them to all whom 1 have heard complaining of RHEUMATISM. jfheumatism, Gout, Luinbi'.g-o, j Neuralgia, ke. I hope IlO oue GOUT. «.ill doubt my statement.— VX Yours sincerely, TO HEUMATISM. JAS. PETTELGALL. Mr. G. Eade. -JADE'S GOUT AND HEUMATIC pILLS Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Goa well-rood, London, E.C., and Sole by all chemists in Bottles, Is. lid. Mid St. 9d. WDE>S (j- OU'l' AND J> HEUMATIC pILLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOB BILE. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND. THE BEST MEDICINE FOB INDIGESTION is J^ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS Thev quick1.r remove the irritation rend feverish state õt the STO&rACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIV;;E, relieve the system of all impurities, which by circulating in tho blood injuriously o.1r(\(;t the. actiou8 of the Jl:ID1iEYS, and. by removing the causes of so much discomfort, restore the vital energies of body and mind. JgJADE'S ANTIBILIOUS TRILLS Sold by all Chemists, in Boxes, IB. IJd. and 2t;, 9d. or mailed Free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE EADE, 72, GOSWZLL-ROAD, LONDON, E.C. JP ADE'S ANTIBILIOU6 pILLS 1..1609-.2 ASK YOUR GROCER 1 FOR I Mellors 1 I Sauce. I I EXCELLENT QUALITY. | MODERATE PRICE. & mHE GREAT BLOOD PUIRFIER JL —'THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulert, Hoot'. and relieve every Disease of Stomach, Lner, and Kidneys. Ptire blcod gives health. Thonswds have >^>en"cured by these wonder- ful PiUs who>»e diseases could not be reached by any otlker v^ediciue. For r>te;iniatics, lumbago, jules, Cn..el, po1ÍI,g;11 the oack, scurvy, bad les's. wounds, gr whitb blotches OJ! the face an'l body, swelled feet or leg's. «ry6i{<i!ns, jaundice, d.)P"Y, lmd fevers ol all kinds. In l»xo* at 1^. Ind. and 2s. 9d. each. Sold by ail ohemists, or from the iSurdock P1U Manufactory, 44, Oxfovd-atreet, S'tansea. 84COc PREVENT INFLUENZA. COLD. AND COUGil BY TAKING ON FIRST APPEARANCE OF COLD I HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORE- HOUND. the most certain and speedy remedy I for Asthma, Consiiiupt'on, Bronchitis, Cough*, Iiifl':r*uza. Diffiouit Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whr'piiVj; VViu^h. licaiscuete, LN!1t of Voice, fee. It fives prompt relief aad often effects a lasting cure. STOPS COLD. CURES COUGH. SAFE FOR CHILDREN. only by A. BATMAN and CO., London, E.C. led iy all Dealers. -Price, !.t. lkd- and 2a. 3d. 1 £ u0tues& reuses. Ine iiiiis I I ,I Prevented by (Pom FM* When All Else Fails T^UTICURA BOAP purifies and beauti- fies the skin, scalp, and hair by restor- ing to healthy activity the CLOGGED, INFLAMED, IRRITATED, SLUGGISH, or OVERWORKED PORES. Bold (hrenghont the world, and especially by EaglUh and Anwican chemists In all the principal cities. British depot: f. IISWISCBT t SONS, 1, KINS Kdward-st., London. Fotui Da110 Ajm Cam. CoBP., Sole Props., Boston, U. 8. A. LONDON. Jjbfel pri* t ¡ .7 Jim-' Near the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Convenient and Central Position forBusi- nexa ar Pleasure. Telephone: 3,165. Tcltgmms "Earnestness London." ONE OF THE FINEST HOTELS IN THE METROPOLIS Electrically Lighted throughout; Passenger Lift; The Exclx"ge Company's Telegraphic News. The only Hotel in London with a. complete system of Baths, including Turkish and Swiuiraing. VisitorsTeceived at a fixed rate, from 12s. per Day according to situation of Bedroom. FIRST-CLASS CUISINE. 1657 OPOSITION UNRIVALLED. THI L ANGHAM HOTEL, PORTLAND-PLACE, At Top of REGENT-STREET, LONDON, W.1 Quiet, Open, and Healthy Situation in Fashionable and Convenient Locality. THODEBN IMPROVEMENTS. MODERATE TARIFF. PBIVATE APARTMENTS FOR WEDDING BECEPTIONS, DINNERS, Ac. Under the Management of WALTEB GOSDEN. Lcl528 BRISTOL. ANDEAN'S SWAN HOTEL 52, BBOAD-STBEET, BRISTOL (An Old Welsh House). This Old-establifihed Hotel is situated in the very centre of the City. It has been thoroughly renovated, trtd is now unequalled for Comfort, combined with it most Moderation in Charges. HOT AND COLD LUNCHEONS. TEAS AND SUPPERS. GOOD BEDS. 1366c HENRif BOULTON, PXOPBIETOS. BATH. DUNSTAN HOUSE, NORTH- PARADE, BATH. PRIVATE HOME FOR INVALIDS FfTppBRING FROM RHEUMATISM, GOUT, HYSTERIA, AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Fees from Two Guineas. A LIMITED NUMBER OF OBSTETRIC CASES RECEIVED. c1918 In Close Proximity to the Thermal Baths.

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