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MEDICAL. by A, Physician and S¥R6E0n OF TWiiSTY V'F.Ar.S' Kxperienck.I SLEEPLESSNESS. This malady may exist quite apart from pain, whether acute or chronic, and quite separate from au." actual organic disease. It is almost mlway-: the result of some form of nervous de- bility or nerve exhaustion. Overwork, anxiety, undue sense of resjwnsibiiitv are ftoniTiior causes. The ailment also is apt to accompany some Ibge.; of alcoholie indulgence: entire wake- It 11.,> may precede acute delirium trelll<,ns, and occurs in low fevers. Sleeplessness causes great exhaustion, and may quickly produce Toss of weight and strength, loss of appetite, in id languor: in short, it brings on just that low of health which predisposes one to catch all forms of infectious fevers as wpI; ss ratarriis. sore tlu-oats, and pneumonia. Drugs I ere almost always necessary for the cure, but it is highly desirable that other moans, such as change of life, habits, diet, and ehangd of ueIle and occupation should be ",1"0 uetd, I otherwise it may he difficult to leave off the use of the sedative drugs; in that ease the need for the medicine is apt to grow upon the pa- tient, leading to the use of a constantly in- creased dose to obtain the same "mount of sleep. III H1P olden (lays this result led to many rcen l.veconiirig chronic opium eateri>. At the pre- edit time morphia given by injection for sleep lias mads many victims to the habit of partial morphine poisoning. Chloral also, which has been much used as a nerve sedative, has led It any and women into form of chronic kitemprance. Either opium, morphine, or rhloral in suitable (locos will give a good night's rest, but the dose must not be regularly re- peated. During the last few years several new chemi- cal substances have been made and used to kke the place of the more risky older 1(;- ji.tdies. Of these about the best is sulphonal, in doses of ten, fifteen, or twenty grains. It seldom causes headache or any other unpleasant symptom. Trional and tetronal are other new chemical remedies which are often effectual. But Iyhichewr is chosen fliculd cnly be used for actual ¡;ece""ity, anil never habitually. The cvres should rather be sought by removing the of the n-rve exhaustion, and by giving tone and strength to the system by a course of iron, quinine, and btrychnme in suitable coni- biraticn. varied for each patient. "E. H."—There are so many varieties of lung and heart disease that I do not feel able to treat you from your short .sbaœme!lt. jJ. Vinc-ent.-Put a teasr.oonful of alum into a wine- glass of water, and dab the spots several t,inies a day with the ftrong iiqu d sa marie. "Oue in Tronbk'—Please read the rules; real name and address lie required, and also occupation, ae a proof that tlie question is put in good fairl). "11. 0. K."—Apply some carbolic acid ointment every night for a week, and if there is then no im- provement you had better attend at a hospital for ekin diseases. every nig-ht for a week, and if there is then no im- provement you had better attend at a hospital for ekin diseases. John Ardea.—The lump might be a cancer, but I this is not likely; or a fatty tumour, or a slow, cold abscess let a surgeon see it, and either tap or reo this is not likely or a fatty tumour, or a slow, cold abscess let a surgeon see it, and either tap or re- move it. as iii proper. "S. P.—Let hex try nibbing in some of the lini- ":3. P.d-Let hex try nibbing in some of the lini- ment of chlorofrixii and belladonna all down the neclc and on the bead where the is felt. Take two giaius of quinine daily. Anxious Reader," Worksop.—You would do well to have the lungs and heart properly examined and treated otherwise you may let the indigestion distract you fr,)1Tl treating more "serictw diseases in the vhest. "Vectes "—Tour symptoms point to gravel or stone in the kidneys, and you ought to put yourself under the care of a surgwn. Do not let the symptoms drift on, or you limy be found later on to have a stone in the blaùcl2r. "Bracklev."—For the constipation try globules of capoara, one at bedtime evvry other nisrlit; they are easily swallowed. The pains mentioned sound like sciatica or lumbago. Leave off the syrup until that complication has passed away. "F. P."—Buy a piece of Emplastrum Belladonnce About 3-n. square, arid wear over the painful place in the chest Perhaps some of your symptoms are due to wind in the stomach; dos s of infusion of c-oukl remove this. Some pills of iron and -quiniue would improve the general health. "u will need a long couree of medical nn.tment before you laec all your symptoms. The disease caught was not only what you say, for thitt, has no secondary symptoms; ByphjEs has. The subjfet cannot be described nor di.scusscd here; go to a docbr. "Old Reader."—No medicine will make a white- hv.in,d beard turn ffcirk brown agacn. The only thing to he done is to dye it. either with solutions of nitrate of silver or with sulphide of lead. A druggist would iawvv" how to make proper liquids for the purpose. As a doctor, I do not profess a knowledge of the hair- drefsmg art. "N D. S."—The requires a course of treat- ir.eiifc of citrate of iron and quinine. Check the nose bleeding with alum water as soon as it oc-eurs; you might throw up a little into the nostril with a glass syringe, and also gargle the throat with a stronger alum lotion, say, a dessertspoonful of powdered alum In a tumbler of water: use a mouthful thieo times a flay. "Mary Elizabeth "—Tlie evacuations are too fre- quent and too pale, because the action of the liver is sluggish: the little one wants a powder now and then of calonv-I or {HXlophyJiiu—of course, in very small (loses. Your druggists in Belgium use entirely different weights and measures to those of England, so I ht>s¡t.a.(.c> to mention quantities, in case of mLs- takes in translating them. Alice Herbert.—The name "asthma" covers a great variety of states which are marked by attacks of t,horti>e*s of breath. In many of these there is valvular disease of the heart and some bronchitis. Withom knowing more of your case it would be only to attempt to treat you properly and rare you. Y.)il may try doses of twenty drops, in a wine- glass of water, of ethereal tincture of lobelia when you fiSfil the attack c',m,jD¡!: upon you. óóF. A. T,Thc most usuallv successful mode of treating tape worm is by administering at bedtime fialf all ounce of liquid extract of Filix Mas, properly made up into a draught by a druggist, and then, oil the following morning, a sliarp purgative draught, ei.ch as Mis turn Sennne Comp., an our.ee. or an ounce and a half. The remains of the tape worm should he collected and washed, and examined to discover if the hellI has been it moved, because, if the head re- gains, the worm will grow again as well as ever.












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