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---------rWELSH HJtEACH OF…


WELSH HJtEACH OF PRO- MISE CASE. At Carnarvon Assizes on Thurslxv (before Justice Lawrence). Ellen Evans, the daughter of a quarrymau, living at JJoIwy Idec-.n, c-ut <1 Thomas Williams, Tanyberllan, Gynin, Con- way, for damages for breach of promise of marriage. Mr. Eldon-Bwnkes and Mr. Jones- Morns (instructed by Mr. Jones-Morris- ap- peared for the plaintiff, and Mr. E. H. -u. ,n] (instructed by Mr. David Jones, Llannvst) for the defendant. Mr. Eldon Bankes, in opening the case, said that!; taLY in January last year the piui, tlif, who was in service at Cart re Melus, Conwiy, made the acquaintance of the defendant, who was a farmer and market gardener iivuig at Tanybtrllaiv near that town. He press xl for marriage in three months' time, but t.ie plain- tiff demurred, remarking that they ought to have more time to be better acquainted. A correspondence passed, and in one of the earliest lettfirs he wrote: -"Truth, believe me; I ?m longing for you. It came to me this morniig il-e the waves of the sea, and shook me immeroi'u ly. Remember, Jane, to be ready on a moments notice for fear some clouds of discord come between us to separate us." In another letter he wrote that he belonged "to the healthiest family on the face ol the earth, and later on he wrote—"There are two ex- tremes on the question of courting, as ir many other questions, and our duty is to try and keep in the midd:e between these two extremes. (Laughter.) Well, perha,ps I have said sufficient. about exteriors of love. (Laughter.) What if I went to the interral. to the old love, to the seat of love, the spring from whence true love starts in all its aspects -love towards God, love towards one's neigh- bour, and that love thatt neither language or word can describe, that is which is next to the divine love of all loyc-t.!ut love which is warm enough to dissolve two hearts n.to another, and tie in a knot that nothing can undo but death. Dear Jane, what think von of that love? Do you know my experience of that? If the water purposed to drown it, the fire threatened to burn, you could stand like Paul — (laughter)—and shout that you were more than a conqueror on the whole elements." (Laughter.) This letter wound up by inviting the plaintiff to sleep and dream of her "dear Tom," as he so subscribed himself. In another letter he wroti) being in aSca of love which nothing but death could cool. On Octo- ber 22 he expresed regret that. her "tender feelings had been bruised." but the fact was that "the love there was between us is fading gradually, withering little by little, and I have no explanation to give for that. There is nothing in you now more 'than there was in the start to cau&e this, and I can assure you that no other female has had a hold of my heart- I feel like a sparrow,, lonely on the housetop. (Laughter.) Perhaps Providence has something to do wi'th the matter. (Laughter.) Although you and I, perhaps, had thong-ht. to be together to the end of our lives, perhaps the Almighty did nob think it, "for your ways are not my ways," salth the Lord; but if Providence has ordained us to be together that is certain to take place, and I shall be very willing to fall into the order. (Laughter.) I was at Henryd lately listening to a lecture on "Love and Marriage." He showed the dreadful perilousness it was to venture to the married state without love, and the dread- ful consequences that are to follow it." But the defendant did not remain logn like a spar- row on the housetop, for he jilted the plaintiff, and in December married his servant: and when questioned on the matter in March, he had the effrontory to write the plaintiff express- ing his surprse "that lips which were able to heap oaths and curses upon the same being belonged to the same person;" denying that he had done her any worng, and that if she thought he had, the laws ^f Britain were at her disposition to do justice between them. Evidence in support of the claim was given by the plaintiff, a young woman of prepossessing appearance, and Mre. Humphreys, a neighbour. Mr. E. H. Lloyd, for the defendant, denied there had been any promise of marriage. As to the financitl position of the defendant, he had betti described as a rich fanner, wherqAfc he was really a very poor one. It was extraordi- nary how every farmer, when he came to be a defendant in an action, especially one for breach of promise, was ix>urtrayed as a most wealthy rn-Mi and rolling in riches. (Laughter. The defendant, in the course of his examina- tion, said that he farmed nine and a half acres of land, including a market garden. It wa.s his own property, but was heavily mortgaged. A colness had aris*n between the plaintiff and himself, owing to her allegation that one of his relative had been making disparaging re- marks about her. In cross-examination he denied having attempted to take advantage of the plaintiff, or that he had ever promised her marriage. The jury assessed the damages at ;t;100.









r ^ ZvVfifl A MAN AND WIFE…

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