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Justness Sfcfcrassfrsi* OETZMANN & CO., 62, 64. 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, and 79, HAMPSTEAD-EOAD, LONDON, W.; DUBLIN 61, GRAFTON-STREET, AND AT RYDE (ISLE OF WIGHT). &LL CARPETS MADE UP FREE OF CHARGE For conditions upon which goods are sent carriage Jsicl please see ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO HOUSE FURNISHING. CONTESTS Jomplete Estimates for Furnishiug at £ 120 and £ 250, With full-pa?e Illustrations. Notas on Furniture," by M. F. FRITH, lata o: tlie Lady's Pictorial," Articles on Artistic Furnishing, Re- printed from "The Lady." 142 Tages and over 2,0C0 Illustrations, with dcscrip tion and price of every item required in complete House Furnishing. GRATIS AND POST FREE. Edition de Luxe, bound in Cloth 2s. 6d. (PMt free), w bonnl in Leather Js. 6d. (post free). Lc2 23RD YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. F. Q.RAHAI YOUNG, DENTAL SURGEON (By Examination), 37, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL. ATTENDS PROFESSIONALLY, CARDIFF, 1ST AND 3,5I. WEDNESDAY IN p. VERY MONTH, at 22, CHARLES-STREET, from to to 7.0 p.m. NEXT VISITS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19; JULY 3 and 17, AUGUST 7 and 21. BRIDGEND. — EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Ilr. fONES, CHEMIST, 22, CAROLINE-STREET, from £ .30 a.m. to 3.0 p.m. CHEPSTOW.—EVERY TUESDAY, at No. 1, AL FORT -SQ UARE, from 11.15 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Efficiency with Moderate Fees. *onsnltat;on. Free. Nitrons Oxide adniinisteied by Ippointmeut Only. 6834c JADE'S ^_j*_OUTAND J>HEU3IATIC jpILLS THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIS AV/A V. jPjADE'S TRILLS. i-.< |^ADE'S TRILLS. ,4 E Al)!S DILLS. ± 2, College Park Villas, Ken- -ai Green, London, W,, Kay, 1891. Dear Sir,—I feel if my duty to tell you I had Rheumatic Gout twice, and I had to stop *•' aonae ior toree weeks. I canuoi describe the fain 1 suffered. I read your jidvcrtisemeut, and looked I upon it as all others. A brother signalman said, Try them." I did so. THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY in a few hours, and I was able to resume my work. No one need be frightened to take them. I have re- 'I OUT. G RHEUMATISM. G CUT. *HE U3IA TIS >1. commended them to all whom I have heard complaining of Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Neuralgia, &e. I hope no one will doubt my statement.— Yours sincerelv, JAS. FETTETjGALL. Mr. G. Eade. EADE-SGOUT AND RHEUMATIC jpiLLS | Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Gosweil-road, London, E C and f'old by all Chemists in Bottles, Is. lid and 2s Sd |^ADE'S Q.OUT AND RHEUMATIC JpiLLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDlG TION s JADE'S A XTIBILIOTJS pILLS They quickly remove the ivritarion and feverish t'itte ot the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition i; the LIVER, relieve the system of all impurities, which by circulating-in the hlood injuriously rtffeet the IdiODS ol the KID^EVS, and, by removing the causes of so much discomfort, restore the vital energies of tody anil raiud. "JADE'S ^NTI BILIOUS PILLS Sol by all Chemists, in Boxes, is. Bel, :lUd 2s. 9d., or mailed Free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE f.ViDE, 72, u>. Loyno.v, E.C. |jUDE'S XI BILIOUS Lol212-2 6' NVILV.M EVANS' QUININE BITTERS x.A This renowned preparation iiJ undoubtedly the bes restorative that can be taken at this season of the year. Oil it 11 sides of its, in town and eonutvy, WI) hear numerous omnlaints •>f st want of tone, a feeling l.uigour and depression. Many wlu have successfully resisted the trials and hardships of winter feel weary, languid, tUld. depressed. All who suffer in ltis m.mner only need a good Tonic preparation to ilt. vig< .-ate and give tone to the system, and new jiie to the blood, and,bracc the nerves to with- «a;, ad the trials ot the eondng reason. The virtues and efficacy of the Quinllle Jiivters are now so universally known thnt fbey have won for tl p r e p r a tion the a p p e 1 1 a. lion of the V E H E T A B L E TOXIC. W11-Y M EVANS' QUININE BITTERS *OT 13 TLLF. BEST ETIMEUT OF THE AGE TO B NERVOUSNESS, w eakn :;ss. LOW SHiRlTS. A'ELANCHOLY. INDIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, CHEST AFFECTIONS. BLOOD D: SOKDISRS GWILYM. F,V.XS' QUININE BITTERS. Sold iu 2s. Vd. an.I 4s.6.1. Beetles. Samples 1 s. ljd size. ipr See the N'a me '"Gwilym Evans on Stamp, Pabel, and B(;: ¡ 1..0 This is irnport:tl1t, as there are numerous ImitaiioiH. Pronvie; ors QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC TU!nN<. COMPANY (LIMITED), I.LANIii/LY, SOUTH WALES. 26185 A BO >S TO "LADIES- COLLINS' J\_ MARVELLOUS FEMALE REMEDY.-Mr. COLLIXS who -.VMS OO years a member of the Royal Co*icge ot sSnvsreoas ot Engi-r.d), will forward, free 01 Charge,' full PARTICULARS of a REMEDY, which jiuvinfjsn extensive pxac'ioe, bo„h at Lome and in the Co'ordes, he has nevtr known to fail in the most «JB-TINA?E CASES of OBSTRUCTION and •IfililiG i'LAKITIES. Send addressed envel- pe for f!1.ricu;s. "ad 11w,te no more time and money on ««;iess Piiis and so-called Remedies, &c" T?hich In .tbe nii'w'.i'v of cast- are nothing but PURGATIVES, Mid cause SICKNESS, PROSTRATION, and PAIN, without bavin? the desired eNeat. Letters to be %<idres;5)d — D. COLLINS, Gothic House, 9. Erskine-street, Liverpool. 1690c CLUBS An easy way of 1,1 ci G TOCB lx- comk bv starting WATCH, &c., CLUBS for the supply of BENSON'S Watches, Clocks, Jewcllery, and other Good, Sound, and BeliaW* Articles at Moderate Pi-ice- Terms TA'oeral. Partieulais I'est Free.—J. W. BENSON, 62 and 64, LUDGATE-H ILL, LONDON, E.C. Lcl394 O "JPTURB CURE D WITHOUT OPERATION or DETENTION from 2.ABOUB. U, nia Specialist, 25 yea;s' fxl,erteri(-e, attends 14, High llolborn, London, Daily. In his treatment there is 110 operation and no loes of rime tut immediate relief, safety, and lestoration from all the ailments causcd by Rupture and the use cf trisses. No charge for consultation a.i examina- tion. and cost cf treatment is within the reach of every sufferer. BOOK post fre., three stamps. T'R EVENT INFLUENZA, COLD, AND COUGH .BY TAKING ON FIRST APPEARANCE OF !OLD OR CHILL HAYMAN'8 BALSAM OF HORE- 1IOUND, the most certain and speedy remedy .1- 1IOUND, the most certain and speedy remedy for Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Infiuanza, Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood Whooping Cough, Hoarseuess, Loss of Voice, &c. It jjyes prompt relief and often effects a. lasting cure. STOPS COLD. CURES COUGH. Prèl1>tre¡1 ouly by A. BATMAN AND CO., 15, ALHEMARLE-STKEEr, LONDON, E.O. .1d by, all Ceakre.-Frice, le. 1^, lIi}d 28. 9d. :a1.Jbrfs5tS. Qticura the great SKIN CURBI Instantly Relieves tthe great TORTURING" Skin Diseases And the most distressing forms of itching, burn- ing, bleeding, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood hu- mours and points to a speedy cure when all other remedies and the best physicians fail. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS, and its cures of torturing, dis- figuring humours are the most wonderful on record. Sold throughout the world. Price, CUTICUBA, 2,?.3d.; RE80L.VENT,2S.3<Z.; SOAP, 18.; or the set, post.free, for 6a. 6d.; of F. NEWBERY & SONS, 1, King Edward-et., London, E. C. How to Cure Skin Diseases," fNe. J1ott!!). LONDON. fi@)1@ff s r kit 'S7iaillT. '>. ) R CTmv«, a C« Near the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Convenient and Central Position for Busi- ness or Plei isure. Telephone: 3,165. Telegrams: "Earnestness, London." ONE OF THE FINEST HOTELS IN THE METROPOLIS Electrically Lighted throughout Passenger Lift; The Exchange Company's Telegraphic News. The only Hotel in London with a complete system of including Turkish and Swimming. Visitors received at a fixed rate, from 12s. per Day, according to situation of Bedroom. FIRST-CLASS CUISINE. rLcl441 FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE THE J^ANGHA M R OTEL) PORTLAND-PLACE, At Top of RE GENT-STREET, LONDON, W. Situated in the Most Fashionable, Convenient, Healthy Locality, near the best Shops, &c. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. MODERATE TARIFF. PRIVATE APARTMENTS FOR WEDDING RECEPTIONS, DINNERS, Ac. Under the Management of WALTER GOSDEN. Lcl371

1"N yj l'l'Jlii TV ouiumuuxunu.


SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1895,

[No title]



