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I A ClIATTY REVIEW OF THE WEEK'S LITERATURE. h}e early Otters of a man who has become ?ucht.? always in.tere.sting, and there is ?lett?°?? ?? fascinate in the collection ?shed ? Ruskin, which has just been pub- rrad Writtei,, when he was still an under- ,late to an Oxford friend. That Mr. and ?-? °'"?, ? ? most origina-l thinkers ?en?v??'?? century would be pretty ) letter ?. s???ed -now, ajid these early ?ty <??? P?e-nty of traces o.f this origina- ?? ??? ? well a? of the beauty of ?he Tnot? ??t:n?uish the later writing's of 1840) ? -"?? ?s ?? (? or about a'rt ?-? ?Titer was sworn heart and soul to <?idpTW. ?rMr as Ms guiding sta,r. This is <?' enough from ?such specimens as this:— if tjb??. ?'?* ?ot sometimes wondered whv, tion ?"?'? of Art be mere servility of imita? th..rf? ???e, tihere were aa majiy styles as th? ?? 8'rea,t artists ? The true reason is ?Uch?l?? ??? conveys to you, not so e the ,scene, as the impression of the <?} i? "? ?? c.riginajity of mind. Ruys- PUritv ? ? ???re for her freghness ;<nd ?ou.?-' ??? for her ?lory of colour, ?a? ? ? ?mult, Sa,lvator for her to a. 1- ??s ? her peace, Turner (I rise cumax) for her mystery and divinity." any?jL??? °?- ??) ?o advise his friends to buy E h??''??? en?ravingg he may &nd in a- pa,wu- iQ??? window with the letters J. W. M. T." ? tain ?'??"? corner, or any old annuals eon- ? a.ad'-? ???' ?specially Rogers's "It&Iy" ? ?oenn." In those days, perhaps, there Row f?? °? s?ch a. nnd. There is none on t ?? ca,ptured prizes Mr. Ruskin goes th" Take them to bed with you, a.nd look at tliebefore you go tD sleep, till you dream of a ?. ?nd when you are reading and come to ?MMHK that you want to refer to often put u'.tle Turner in to keep the pla<-e, that your ys Dlay fall on it whenever you open. He is the epitome of all Art, the concentration of cd P°??! tliere is nothing that ever artist was ?ebra.ted for that he ca,nnot do better than the ost celebrated. He seems to have seen every- hIng, remembered everything-, spiritualised í:verything in the visible world there is nothing ? "*? done, nothing' that he dajes not do; ?en he dies there will be more of Nature and er mysteries forgotten in one sob than will be ajnt aga,in by "-he eyes of a generation." There are droll nashes of the writer's whimsi- ?. ???our in many of the letters, such as the c '? against the EiiR-hshma.n'g love of horse- ?h contained in :). letter from Herne Hill :— ? I can't endure them they are the curse of ugiajid. and make horses of ha,Ii' of our genHe- rio?i ??sy are very good sort of thin? for ??"?'?y'CMe, simoomy blackguards of Tsh- .7 _aelitcs to make friends of, or steaks o'—as 1)1? ??? ?'? require; but for civilised creatures .?e us to risk our necks and brains upon. too Jn '???'s Kn.r.slake he would re?ly dra.w hi? ? ? '??'? ??s horses but he -never gets ?? ?'f a. piece of paper without covering it .'0s the risk every day of his life of terminntTig ?s earthly career in a. ditch, with sn aS?c- senate series of frieTids to—leap over Irm. A owa,t'd1y, ungenerous brute, too, taking instant .uvar.ta.g? of a wea,k rider, n.nd never bHh."ving ?eoeDtly hut when it can't heir) it. Horses III deed '1'h;:>v are not even useful on paper. ? cow I.! o.od for something': a stag- ? crow. she?p. ;? a.f)?t, & goo&e, a.ny thing but ? h.orse, :"111 do people good when they get into ° scrape l'r, CcrnpfJsition; but anytlnng equestrin.n is 11In. Don't t:ilk to me about horses." In a-notber letkr he mpkes his apology for l)othavinO" been to see a. fossil baby thnt had ?? attracting ?ome attention. A well-cou- nted monkey, he says, looks so vcrv infan- 'ne t?? ? miyht not know the diS'erpnce, '?? t.he marvel, after all, was not so very W6a,t:_ t en we are put into ara.ves, and get what ¡ eople call 'Christian burinl.' we go to powder e Ilo time. and are sucked up by the butter- ?Ps and daisies on the ton of the graves and 0? the shee'o eat us. and we go to assist at ? Fiends' dinners in the sha.pe of mutton; ??s a,j.Q diluted with r?in-water, a.nd so ?o ?in? ???'?'?? t?s earth till we come out ?h ? era,l spring, and everybody drinks us. a,nd ? !?' ?c*? ?ce But if we nre not bu-ried In ? '?°ctible wav—if we tumble down Niagara ? ))o')n?? ? nn Tri?h bog. or get lost in a- coal- ? ?R ? smothered in a sand pit—the earth ? ?M '???'? ?? ?'?' ?? bitumeuiNes, or car- ''?e ?' ? calcines, or chaJcedoniRes. until we L \?"?.??a.He as rock itself; a'nd then. if we Or calcines, or chaJcedoniRes. until we L 9 as rock itself; a'nd then. if we r ? -° luck to get -Rickc.d up nnd -nut in n L ?g ..??. we msv stand there and grin out of ? '?'??tone wit'!i ouite f? good Q-race as a, ¡ wit'!i ouite as good Q-race as a, t' lD.otn Cr:' lChthyos3urns. tra. be The Dl:a:e of DJ:'tl:r<È:enness 1:t ° ttnctmg a o-cod deal of attention of 1 ?dit' ??' '???'a'n Eerr's book is a, valuable K ? h? ? ?" I?erature of the subject. Nor ? '?aj? connne himself to the mere disease here- F ? ex" ? 3'couired of drinkins.- wine cr spirits ? r,{ ?,ess. There is a. brief but graphic sketch b. ?n? Jarful s-oread of ethero-mania. in Ire- ? 6 ?hich is litfe more than 40 years old. e \ra.tr8t victims were converts of Father lJW, who wanted to know how they couir'' ?ctn ? without Itrea.kin'? the pledge. A f??]f ?? them ether, and they ?ot royally ? <.T,???? ravine'' their consciences. Others ?? ??t, a.nd the homMe habit becaine ?h?? ?? ?? ?'?'t'hern Ireland. The ?icn?? ?-kes it neat, a.nd can g'-et dr?nk on it 1\lr11k;,day for sixpence, for all the stages of a ?e!so? on ether—exaltation.. maudlin, quar- j?Ut?' ??n?- s.?? sober a.e'ain—only occupy n ?ip ? ?ouple of hours. Shopkeepers ?.rent It children to wee and ? ?. ??rs detect the odour from children of :s t ?6 y ?ven this is the deadly cocaine habit— tt { ?i)) ??' of -medical prescriptions to alleviate tt { j)ill 811lt, of -medical prescriptions to alleviate ? ? ??c <. ???'o?-OoIo?ne is Mother fashionable 3? f ?!)(?. ? ?et drunk on—especially one wouk ?? t ?V .????? ladies—and so is lavender—?ene- ? ??s ??k when the wa.tclifu'ness of friends ic ??'mary alcohol away. (?iDs-er drinking ty ???er n?y f?ni of the'mania, the materia.l ? ???lv ??Rce! of ?ing-er in a. form which is o' ?H? ? as strong as brandy! A terrible tie 1)0 b.e.ainst the use of antipyrin I have, 1 abon in re-producins', for anv me<ica.! ? ?s ?? comnrm all that Dr. Norman Eerr ?? ?Ino.1 Misuse of this invaluable, but a,p- 'S' I dang(.>rous, drug.—- ? ????' ? havo never seen antipyrin, when _? ?r ?' ? Consumed even in heroic doses, im- .g tconfli,;e iiidg.Trciit, obselre or M ???s ?? ???se, yet I ha.ve sepn the consti- ? n?????'? Youn? and middle-aged women ??'?tit' ??? ?? mct.ula'euce in imceatsing '"?da) ? of th{g (iH f-killed and judi"i'T[3 ?Ur?? ?luable medicine. The a-go'lifina' ?fh? or brLMn-tu-3 hendache of many cf f) to At) Y-ne'u'otic g-ir'ls and ire.frons has t?''D?i."?? charmed a.way—a, blessed relief of r ??.n ?Mtress—bv'a, nvesTain do.e of < f? da? '?? ?d patent ren.edial discovery of ?t?'sn?" c'enera.t'on. The head agony .)r !? ?'' r? ?"? ha3 soon ref-rrred. The. power- ? <!? had ? ??? ??" re-?nplied. and rapidiv ? '?-a,? ? '? moreased in n?ntitv. tiU four. ? ?th a ? ??"?s the initial dose is dailv taken ? ??1 of ? ?'3rt/ with the lam.ntable 0' ).) ?p? ??tered nerve'! and broi.en health. ? f ? ?rn°?? mterests. and in thf interests of ?t o?? ? ??' I cannot too strf.n<?lv wa.m tlie ?' ??a.rv "?? °? ?e human race a.s-ajnst the ? ???tGiT'a ? ?? ?? seductive ?nd dangerous '? ??.v' ?"?? should be taken for the occa- ? th?'?ion '? ?? ??ce of a, responsible medical ? ? ?o?f. ?' ? cautiously and deliberately as ? ue?rHv poison (.xtant." ? ??n? ? Books Received rit!' .?"'DiG? ?sk include a, parcel from Mr. ? ??? ? ?? well-known publisher of cheap ? ? <?e"??'twe (513, Stramd?. MT. Dicks -er8 a. eom-Dlete sbiHm'B'' "Shakeapere," t)a?' ai ?????otisproductioT). There are it?'? ???? paa-es, a.nd the print and ? ? ? ve,.??? excellent. The paper bind- t"?? ff? °'? ?? artisHc. and there are ? ? th? ??stra.tions. The whole of the t '?t'? a,, ?ys is <?iven, amd the poems and ? b!? ?? ?so included, while a. verv wel!- ()\'idee eIn101'l' is prenxed. An extr&'shilHnt? I a. neat oloth-gilt binding and cut edges. Mr. Dicks also sends me Gilbert a, Beckett's well-known "Comic History of Rome," with John Leech's pictures (paper Is., cloth gilt 2s.), and a. sixpenny illustrated edition of Harrison Ainsworth's "Tower of 'ns London"—the whole admirably got up and wonderfully cheap. I ha.ve also to acknow- ledge receipt of a. new edition of "The La.w of Servants and Masters in Plain Language," by "A Barrister" (London: Horace Cox, Is.); "Sporting Faota and Fancies." by J. P. Wheel'uoM (London: .h.dgar Shrubsole, 2s. 6d.); "Rescue Work," a. charmingly sen- sible a'nd practical book by the' Rev. A. Brinokman, which should be read thoughtfully by every parson in the land, and by every Church-worker who tries or thinks of trying to take part in the work (London: G. J. Palmer, Is.); "The Season," "The Case Against Diggleism'' (London.: Alexander and Shepherd, Is.); "Work," "The Magazine of Art," "Family Magazine," and "Quiver" (Cassell and Co.), all as excellent as ever and full of capital matter; and the "Musical Times," still well &head of all rivals in -ts own particular line. Letters Addressed to a. College Friend during the years 1840-45. By John Ruskin. (George Alien). "Inebrityj or Narcoma.nia. Its Etiology, Pa.thology, Treatment, and Jurisprudence." By Norman Kerr M.D., F.L.S. (H. K. Lewie) F.;)













