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MEDICAL. ICOKDUCTKD BT A PHYSICIAN- AND STTRGEON OF TWEKTY YEARS" EXPEBIKNCE.I SWOLLEN ANKLES. This may at first sight seem to be a carious leading for an article, but we s'aall see that it is really all imporkcllt one, because spelling: of the inkles is not a disease of itself, as is often jhought, but it is a most important symptom of ither diseases. Rheumatism may affect both ankles at once, And no other joint, but this would be very tin- nsual; rheumatic swelling- would be very pain- ful, and there would be a blush of redness of the skm, Gout does not often affect the ankles. Apart from these diseases and from inflamma- tion of the joints due to sprains and injuries, there is the common painless, not reddened swelling- around the :1111des. to which we wish now to direct attention. This swelling is not- inflammatory, but is really a farm and sign of dropsy, that is an ffusion of watery fluid frem the blood into the leose cellular tissue under the skin. This" form f swelling- pits on pressure, and can be removed for a time by bandaging- or by raising the posi- tion of the limb. This swelling comes Oil because either the coats of the blood vessels are too thin and weak, or because the hlood is un- healthy and too thin, or because there is too preat a prassmG of blood, caused by the heart pumping- more violently (to overcome some ob- struction) than the coats of the bloodvesels can stand. For instance, the liver or kidney may be suffering-from a chranio disease, which tends to harden them and to diminish the now of blood through them then the has to work extra hard to keep up the "circulation, and then the veins a long way off the heart and near the ends of the limbs suffer too gTeat a strain and so they allow the watery part of the blood to escape and so a dropsical swelling is caused. Weakness of the lieavt itself may also cause a similar state of effusion of fluid, and so may several forms of disease of the valves of the heart. The chronic kidney and liver dise:1ecs already mentioned are very often the result of chronic alcoholism; indeed, the habitual drunkard is almost always dropsical before he dies, unless his end comes by sudden syncope due to fatty dise2.se of the heart. It is then very important to remember that swollen ankles nearly always mean serious and often fatal disease, and they should lead at once to proper medical advice being procured, and a regular course of treat- ment being adapted. "I" N. R."—For the sting of an insect apply drops tOf sal volatile, which is a spirituous solution of am monia. I' Fastnet," Paint the corns eyery night for a week with salicylic collodion; they will then be se soft as to rub oix with a blunt knife. "Thomas" (Knole).—A glass of weak gin and water may relieve the kidney symptoms "better even han the mixture you describe. "N. A. 6."—Take five grains of antipyrin in water, slud repeat it in three hours if you are not relieved by the first dose. "Helen."—Do not under any consideration marry the man who lias the disease you mention 3-011 and your children will certainly be affected, perhaps even for twenty years. "James S,Such glandular swellings are only what you may expect to follow such a disease as you have got. Thej will probably grow larger, and at last 'burst, or have to be cut opeu, and then you ma-y have a running wound for a monrh or more, for those ulcers art; very difficult to heal. Jones (Swansea).—Your night cough seems to me to be caused by sore l'e1:ed throat and tickling by a long uvula hanging down. I do not think van have any lung disease. Use an alum gargle three times a day. and again before going to bed at night. Jackson.—Give the child a teaspoonful of this cough mixture four or five times a day Oxymel of squills two drachms, syrup of poppies two drachms, spirit of chloroform half a drachm, paregoric tincture one drachm; water to four ounces. Two teaspoonfuls for a aOie, "Neaiider" (Camber-well). A ncevus is a tumour bora with a child; it is a little bag of en- larged veins in or under the skin. They are some- times called birth-marks. Ths-y are cured either by cautery red hot, or by caustic acids," or by tying, or by cutting out, or small ones are cured by vac- cinating them Niplion." — Apart from the fact that there is now <)1.1' made by Japan, I don't think the climate of yanan would be at all likely to suit your delicate Jrngs. It would be wise to dissuade your father from li 11" n avny from England so long as you are — gilt and still coughing so much. ,j. l. ra.. —iBiiHilgia of the lace is very nearly always set up by aeeay of the teeth; even if there is no tooin noilow that yon can see there may be one or more decayed at the roots. So long as such decay exists no drugs will cure the neuralgia, and you are really partially poisoning yourself without any gain at all. "Edith."—It is only when strong children are from the first brought up in the open air without pre- cautions as to damp and rain that you can afford to pay no -attention to wet feet. The ordinary town-bred child will almost always catch cold from boots which let in water. It is very difficult to do what you call "hardening" children, you would kill many in the process. Nabob."—Although you call yourself poor you have got the same diseased states of the liver and stomach as the very wealthy glutton may get from his very expensive wines and banquets. He has spent more on his disease, and you have got yours cheaper; but no amount of medicine can make you any more a healthy man with sound organs. "Tonl Thin."—Tourthin body may depend, as you say, on overwork, but it may be due to chronic con- sumptive disease. If your lungs are affected your food is not properly digested nor assimilated; it does you no good, in fact. Of course, overwork, unless you have very good and judicious feeding, may- make you thin; it is not wise to volU11teer for extra work for too long a tin1', "1< T. S.You have what is called housemaid's knee. This is a chronic enlargement of a closed bag of oily liquid which always exists over the kneecap, hut when it-is constantly irritated by kneeling it forms a soft bulging tumour. It is treated either by rest and plaisters, or by tapping by a. surgeon and then rest and strapping up with plaister, perhaps for month. Go to a hospital, if possible.







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