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NEWS IN BRIEF. 1 0 The lynchers are seeking John Bright, of xilloy too"'7' M5ssouri* Ho liilk'd llis wit'e with a pisto | A- severe snowstorm Lr-jko ov.-r North Wales ""d "°'k mm" t«* 0»«™» n. > Br-nnelt, who Rt fSSsw 1l:!urddel' afte: w-ards his Own life. cleat l^of^ the eighth anniversary of the Albarr vUih ri H ° AIb'ir'5", the Duchess of Plac d a ^-H nfirm inal cl,3P«-l Win.iso. and toa'r JoT 00 tlie t0nib' aftOT™* "*«• J:'H11CB ChnrJ¡'fI Rape'r, 32, co..nn.n ngent, chawP vJ'r Urn' w"9 Pr,es"ed on Fi idav Half ,,J|! fr'rginK n "f acceptance for £ 447. Pri'O-er FRBEM" !(K'8EJ IN the J olice CH11 tiie *»» o..er suddonly expired. M:ss Annio W,,1lor,s.' a iiu!,se at the Cardiff Iufir- that inct t"06 °f MlS" Day- Th« Parade, died <d Icceased li1) T!,urs'lay morning. Tlie about R-PO 3% w'10's bec-.n at the infirmary for Severs JLV? ,aken llJ. on Sunday last with a ick of pneumonia, ami died (is stated. G,7zftte understands that Miss Heciir. *"sa U;(ine will he remamoered in con- •crvtd h^'t ,e<vnt RusSill Ciise, has now tnr tin I"1 *taM,iP wi.ii a writ chiming damages slander Sil0a!J (ho ca80 (.0 :,fi OOMS interesting disclosures may be expected. n,i. Echo reports an interview with Captain *?ife rT^' "j .k't.es that lie has not hoard from his 't*lGCt 'n an^ way her inrareer ition, visits 1,116 stringent regulaiions respecting RrH'3 to prisoners have been in no way f0laxel in hei case. ,Ise. ffinnh?''i:cfS^r on J'-hn Kavanngh, a harino^0 thf> town cou"cilr wa« f>"ed 203. for *>Iictn f dnink 011 Sund:,y last.—Mr. Jone?, vrt>ra< 1' t!ie defendant, said tho proceedings the dif 1 d ,n t:irt ar:d in hw' arMi added that, amnno i ant ,ia,'J bfien "Pset owinS to a strike ™°nS ^>s workman. w,a'' Cll1 £ e,;i in Bristol on Thurs- b»rbfu5r 10 JjHrs,'rg °f the ilmo across the floating atsu-h'. < ..wa,er rushed through the breach Wav "jn/11- 6 ni'oy of the ims-ive piles gave bi'? 'f1 mii.uteg the waterway was tided w depth of fifteen feet. Vvilic!l Dr- ^oiih.-l'na sued Mr. libel .1 I sur8e0I)i of Birmingham, for allfged l,aa t«o di'y- at Man- Sil^rttay au aitticab!e conclusimi on Withdrawn "^P'ions on both aides weiv lha Pla"ltif[ withdrew l.is action. eeri u ]7%C:!na,»n'^ .U:ird en-iuPt'rs who wore whea lying in" tip pr"'rd ti!e "ieamsliipGodwit progr<Jin? r Dock hat week are «areof Lr^Ff i ab,y as pjssible undi rtlie Tl» iLSf: ?"Khrs tt.. Hamadryad Hospital, done t-» u,!rV whil t repair* we re bein« to be instiurted a"d & B°ard °f Tr",ie y is nt-lr ,n"VninS the of Mr. E. M. ■L,S of low r G,ra"«", iiroughton rark, £ r, v 7f3 •°nUr,ed ,by bur^'s- ^>'0 s{ole »"ei 'rin5' t..Kether itli a IJllrse, from a he !room in w!lich a.l!'dy was Me.-pinp, „nd a °m an •Jresjing.rot.m," which' b"ul,VCC'lp,Ki- ,Ti,c v';lao tlio stolon iewels » rr»ughly eslM.a'cd a: about £ 300. Com!?-fi;ty"s,-cr:n,i Rnnnnl rel10rt Of the Wi si van that fin c^rf f ^J^uca-ton about to be issued 6liow« v■tWjOOO^has burn e xpanded during the paat Brii on ^cf:Vivan et'ii'K'l building m Gieit «. !*10* 'at S'X schools Smve been opened and twe.va otber.-s removed from the The present nnmbsr of school detriments is 833, with 177.000 The inc >:ne for the ye ir « as «»0.735, and tha expenditure £ 254,212. The Prince of Wnle^s dinner table is as a rule decorated witli the u'niost simplicity, but at the sarue time in the most perfect pood taste, so far as flowers are concerned. A smiill bunch of fl iwers here and thtre, IIn,1 a number of tiny glasses .with ittst a Bprig or two of lily IIf the viillpy-tile Princws of VVales's f < vom ite llowW—is on crdinarp occasions tbe fl ral total of the Prince's dinner ttbe. Aceordir.g to ut urn", the number of memb ers in tiie Manchest-r Unity on January 1, 1892. was 695,627, an ii rivals of 22;6H as compared with January 1, 1801. Dunrg tiie y<>ar 45,430 were initiated in Great li• airi and Le'-uul, anil the Co»"nir.l increase was 5.420 but: there were 9.128 und s-Cessions. Tlie number of of 8 mRrtT!h*r* advanced to 73,816, an increase « B.raodurmg the twelve monUw. Irfft'ls ot»,!Usi^t|I3iloma9 Coatea w a? remanded at vrour.ing Ijo, ^rged with unlawfully Victor-roau *n,ln Co:U>y durinj; a stfee.t, l.nwl fj'fged the nia, ''iafc mc'r"i"g- If WliS S'Ebho'i r'a'I Coa'e-1, (irawi;ig a win, in the neck, infliciing being "tiiken I nece-sitated Colle y'.i d pDSitions alifili:!? iei-' alti r. oon lie was reported tbe «ffa.;r Cl" ^0lites d'ji ies ail kuowlod^e of Tl'g f (ifLl n'n T1"'1' creditors under the failure w.cb'n of the Gai,tyThea.ro. beld i^ ■'» The trp, Manche t r, WHS «« in London on Fudny. Tl,a debtor, wl.ose wer« M3A21, of which £ 10,783 w„re i fl" °SS,f"S attiibnted his ins 1- LonZ cl" 'ny to losses in oonnnction viitli the n-1on and M inchcst-r the re\~lte-olutions *itK P?S5Gd w,ndin? «P W»e estato in bunkruptcy, n Tustee and comnii.tee. ^°n^,)n Banks ujilry-coiirt on Situid-iy •^counts fihd under the laihiro or James Smith, F 1* ('(,lr, Hon Marciie, Brixton, di--losed aodtiss nn>o\inting to just und.:r £ 19,000, over £ 72,000 being unsecursd. The upsets to just over £ 40,000. Tr appears that in *876, with a capital of about £ 48,000, made on ^8 turf," he purchiSdd the Bon Marctii at Uiixttn. Tho debtor states that but for losses last rat ing MMon be would had a balance at the bank. The L"rd Clrancellor, in giving judgment oil Friday in the House of Lords iu an action brought in forma pauperis, said it was nothing short Of a scandal that persons were allowed to brine* eases before tlie court without it being necessary to show reasonable ground for ouch an appeal There was an mnount of wanton litigation which w aught to be done away with. Lords Watson and Herscneli concurred, and said they hop d that the law would ba alttrcd. At Manchester on Friday W. Lathom, jeweller, and Jame*K*nworthy and S iniii Suifcon, pawtibr-hprs, were charged with receiving a large quantity of fu/ posed to be the proceeds of a robbery ^4,100 wrr h nt a ladies' school at Leamington, "•house was entered on the 27th of February, U»e bedrooms ransacked by a man who is in _L y "t Buxton on a similar charge, and who "lot at the police when arrested. The three pri- poli^a 'ian^'d over to tlie Leamington In\ellhencc has tdached E:,filand of the death, p 8 '8tli year, of the Eev. Joseph Johnston, of fch«VD»n'^c' ^est°rn Australia. Mr. Johnston was kn ^!le w'40 wft"t out with the well- Isla'rf1 John William*, to the Society »i, '38, and he was the >ole missionary *n Tahi'i when it wis besieged by c ranch, under Admiral Du Petit Thonars. De- 185l 'a^°urei^ >n Wasttm Australia since Jaa* ough^treat Police court on Friday wi« 8 ^tia'Q5") printer, was churgod on remand p "sculling with intent to murder Robert %a»'Vi 8 retired militiry officer. It "'leged that tlie prisoner entered prosecutor's T8" in Wardour-street, demanded his money, attacked him with a coal hammer. He also br v ">e P'osecutor down a flight of Btaira and lio°w t'>ree Viotsles on his head, so that prosecutor to bB tiiken to the hospita'. Piisoner was for trial. A.t twelve o'clock on Monday night A serious r (resulting in loss of life and injury, broke out 'n ^*0nE Acre, London, occupied as a room' T!»e fire was discovered by a bea!who Bave the alarm to the in- fthe tennnt^r8 • £ t0 rescuo J«bn Coplestone The fire-escape^s ha 90n.» dfiu8!|tfr, and niece, made to rescuo James w*, i a°d a" efforfc waS bnt the firemen were Jn Ki6y' 8ollcitor'3 clerk, fche flame*, and FrawW "winS 1° fireman wns injured in atteinnr death. A ttia unfortunate m,n BttemPu"ff the rescue of

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