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J. SESSIONS AND SONS, (Showrooms and Offices) CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF, Solicit Orders for MARBLE WORK OF ALL KINDS, Including WARBLE MONUMENTS (with carving of any description). BUTCHERS' SLABS. GROCERS' COUNTERS. CHIMNEY PIECES (of any design). W PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. Good Workmanship. Quick Despatoh. 7742c 20TH YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. F. GRAHAM YOUNG, DENTAL BURGEON (By Examination), 37, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL: PROFESSIONAL ATTENDANCE, CARDIFF AND BRIDGEND, 1ST AND 3RD WEDNESDAY IN EVERY MONTH. WEXT VISITS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 and 16. and JANUARY 6 and 20. CARDIFF.—At 22. CHARLES-STREET (adjoining the Catholic Church), from 3.30 to 7 p.m. BRIDGEND.—At Mr. DAVIS', CHEMIST, 22, CARO- LINE-STREET, from 9 fun. to 2.30 p.m. CHP,PSTOW. EVERY TUESDAY, at No. 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 a.m. to 6.30 p,w, No fee for consultation. Efficiency with Moderate Fees. THE LARGEST PROPRIETARY 7 t y FURNISHING ESTABLISH. MENT IN THE WORLD. ESTABLISHED 1848. ILLUSTRATED CATA- A 67, 69, 71, LOGUE (over 2,000 At 73, 75, 77, & Illustrations) 70 POST HAMPSTEAD- FREE. ROAD /A (Near Tottenham Court-rd.), • LONDON. — All Carpets made up free of charge,and when prepared sent, //vv carriage paid, to any Railway Sta- tion in England or Wales.—West End Branch Offices for Decorating, House and Estate Agency, and Sanitary En- eineering: — 98. REGENT-STREET. PICCADILLY-CIRCUS, W. [LC2 D11, L ALOWS paOSPHODYNE For TWENTY-FIVE YEARS has maintained its WORLD-WIDE reputation as the ONLY SAFE, RELIABLE, PHOSPHORIC CURE FOR Brain Wreckage, Paralysis, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and all Functional and Diseased Conditions of the System, 'dependent upon the Deficiency of the Vital Forces, It Cures Dyspepsia, Nerve, and Heart Disease. Cures Kidney and Liver Complaints. Cures Depression and Loss of Appetite. Cures Consumption and General Debility, Checks all Wasting of the Vital Forces From whatever cause arising. The effect of this Standard Phosphoric Remedy in Nervous Debility and its Kindred Evils is Immediate and permanent, all the Miserable Feelings and Distress- ing Symptoms disappearing with a rapidity that is BB A LLY MABVELLOU8. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE etually Creates New Nervous Fluid and Brain Mattel by supplying the Blood with its Electric Life Element Phosphorus," the very Core and Centre of the Brain Itself," and kindles afreah the Fire of Life from the Sole of the Foot to the Crown of the Head, restoring the fullest and most vigorous conditions of Robust Health o{ Body and Mind, so that all the Duties of Life may be pursued with Confidence and Pleasure. Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all parts of the world and from the Highest Medica! Authorities. Bold in Bottles at 4s 6d., by all Chemists; or sent free in Great Britain, on receipt of F.O., from DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY. HAMPSTEAD, LONDON. N.W.|LC869 mum-. CLOTH:M s 0 NEVER FAILS if DIRECTIONS are FOLLOWED. SAVES MONEY, LABOUR AND TIME. PUT8 AN END TO WASHING-DAY WORRIES. CLOTHES PTIESERVED-NBVER INJURED. PURIFIES AND SWEETENS EVERYTIGIING. CAN BB USED IN THE ORDINARY WAY; GOOD FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES, OUTSHINES ALL OTHER SOAPS. LUNG HAVE YOUR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC LUNG nWBRIDGlrS TONlg LUHO T UNG rpONIC, TONIO LUNG Ij JL TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER. TONIC LUNG it has power over diseases TONIC LUNG hitherto unknown in Medicine. TONIO LUNG Are you at all Weak-chested, or TONIC LUNG inolined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LUNG just a touch of Cough now and then ? TONIC rnwo "T'y this Wonderful Medicine." TO]SIO The Oough and Weakness will disap- r^Nic tjjm/j pear asli by magic, and you will feel j0NIO LUNG a strength and power you never had TONIO LUNG bef°r HAVE YOU A COUGH ? TONIO LUNG A 1>OBB "H"1, BELIEVE IT. xOItto LUNG HAVB YOU A COLD ? TONtO LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIMH WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TOHIO rimo Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves ILL f;2o fulin Whooping Cougli become lee* fONIC LUNG w'th each dose of the medicine. TONIC fSI? g" I suffered with a severe head and £ ^10 LUNfl cold, a most painful cough j>0NT0 Trrva with burning sensation, and 9ymP~TONTG TTiNa toms of Lun8 Congestion. My voice TONIO TTTwa had lost all ring and power, and the TON10 TTTva slightest exertion of the chest and TOfT|0 LUNG th™at «ave P^in. I had tried TTTNfl two or three remedies without snc- jONIC TirSn ocas, when I saw your advertisement. ^ONIC TTTwft I fied your Lung Tonic and used TTTivia your Embrocation. I was astonished Tf! TTTwa at the result. After two bottles I LUNG III "jszi&zr- S LUNG Prepared by W.T.OWBRIDGE. jo^IO XiUNS Chemist, Hull. <PrkWTn £ uNG 8oldlB Bottles, is. XJd.. 2s. 9d., TTTTffft 4|-6d" BBd 11* by *u Ohemlst* and Tnwf Patent Medirine v*o«oes. Wholesale 1TUNR alt L°n<ion aud Pror^nciaI Houses. XONJO ONSUMPTION, BRONCRITIS, kND u ASTHMA. 1 will demonstrate to the whole world, and to "offerers Irom these unfortunate realadies. hoW 1^L5*r* manently cured, by an entirely New Method ofj^^ men«, without the chanae of failure. AVrTlr.MH in-ite with full confidence to Mr. .11, Burwood-plaoe, Norfolk-crescent, London. rriS5 R U Mq CURE FOR INFLUENZA. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOKfe- HOUND, the most certain and speedy remouy (or Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Oough 3, Influenza, difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, lei, It gives prompt tellor and often effects a care. STOPd COLD. CURES COUGH. Prepared only by « .T.i;«HAYMAN AND CO., J5, ALB3MARLB-8t..8T. JOHN'8-8Q„ LONDON, B-O- Acd sold by all Chemists,—Price Is. lid, and 2s. &<!■ rjfREASURES OF Q.OLD J VALUABLE FREE PRIZE FOR EVERY READER OF THE CARDIFF WEEKL Y MAIL. IN ANSWER TO THOUSANDS OF LETTERS from all parts of the kingdom, H. Samuel has decided to continue his MONSTRE PRESENTA- TION of handsome Nickel Timepieces to all who become purchasers of his CELEBRATED WATCHKS during this month. The Timepieces are SPECIAL AND COSTLY PRIZES and the extension of the presentation is a distinct loss to H. Samuel, as an immense sum, that may be properly compared to a TREASURE OF GOLD, has been necessary to obtain a sufficiently large consignment of these VALU- ABLE GIFTS, Don't hesitate! Write at once! Delays are dangerous! Secure this wonderful offer to-day! Hundreds of applications are daily received and the nr sentation can continue onlv for a few weeks. SIX SPLENDID ADVANTAGB8 For wearers of H. Samuel's world-famed watches. 1, a week's free trial; 2, a five years' warranty 3, a perfect timekeeper; 4, money returned if not approved; 5, a magnificent free prize 6, £ 103 free life insurance against Railway Accidents and an allowance of £ 1 por week up to six weeks for disablement in a Railway Accident, effected through the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Mansion House-buildings, London. FIYE POUNDS has already been paid as compensation for five weeks' disablement to Mr. W. fiiblard, 11, Allen-street, Hucknall Torkard, Notts. H SAMUEL'S WATCHES.—The Best and Cheapest. A marvellous English Lever Watch, care-) fully finished jewelled movement, fitted with FOR dust and damp tight cap. In solid silver English hall-marked cases, handsomely I 52/6 engine turned. White enamel dial, sunk i seconds, and gold hands. Worth five guineas./ The marvellous Acme Watches for ladles and gentlemen in solid sterling silver cases. I jroR Three-quarter plate movements, extra jewelled and accurately timed. Fine white enamel dial9, f 25^" ladies' size, richly tinted, and with hand- somely engraved cases. Worth three guineas. (COMPLETE descriptions of above and of J allH. Samuel's famous specialities, gold and silver jewellery, electro silver plate, clocks, .to" will be found in H. Samuel's catalogue. This contains hundreds of remarkable testimonials from wearers of H. Samuel's watches in all parts of the world and over 1,000 hand- some engravings, sent gratis and post free to any address on applioation, alao full particulars of H. Samuel's Grand Free Prize. Extension Weekly Mail Readers. of SPECIAL PBIZE BOND. No. presentation Availabl# for 14 days. | 1191. I hereby undertake to supply the holder of this Coupon with the Watches described above, at the reduced prices of iCZ 12s. 6d. and £ 1 5s., and to present with each watch a handsome Nickel Laver Timepiece. (Signed), H. SAMUEL, Manchester. All P.O. Orders to be made payable to H. SAMUEL. at the General Post-office, Manchester. CUT THI8 OUT AND HKCLOSB IT WITH YOUR ORDHH. H. S AMUEL, LEVER WATCH MANUFACTURER, 9975 97, 99. and 101, Market-street, MANCHESTER. LONDON. JJOTEL WINDSOR, VICTORIA-STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. SPECIAL NOTICE; ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED THROUGHOUT, DAY AND NIGHT. MODERATE TARIFF. TABLE D'HOTE at SEPARATE TABLES, from 6.30 to 8.30 (Open to Non-residents). TURKISH AND SWIMMING BATHS. INCLUSIVE TERMS FROM 12s. PER DAY. J. R. CLEAVE & Co., Proprietors. Lc891 ALMANAC For. 1892. With every copy of the "WEEKLY MAIL" FOR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th. Will be presented a copy of the Weekly Mail large sheot ALMANAC FOR 1892. Beautifully Printed in Colours ou Goud Paper. As usual the Almanac will con- tain a Calendar for 1892, with phases of the sun and moon; a com- plete list of the members of local authorities, and fairs in each of the seven counties of South Wales; complete postal informa- tion, tax and stamp duties, &c., &c. For the offioe or the home the Weekly Alfail Almanac is in- valuable, PRICE, WITH ALMANAC, I ONE PENNY, Post Free, lbd.

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