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-----------OUR LAWYER --'0


OUR LAWYER '0 Conducted by a Barrister-at-Lavv. Legal questions must be stated fully and clearly, and a full copy must lie sent of any document on vchick advice is sought. All communications must hs endorsed "LEGAL," per Editor, "Weekly Maiz," I Cardiff. MASTI it AND APPKENTICE.—" Constant Header (Gctr- diff) is auvisèfllhat although his apprenticeship in- denture provides that he shall serve.. certain term, which wiil not expire until eighteen months after he has come of age, he May, upon coaaing of age, or within a reasohnble time thereafter, repudiate tile indenture and refuse to s*'rve any longer, anof his master will have no remedy agiMndt hiai. But if he does this, h's master may bring an action and retover damages against his father whj signed the itidtature. and thereby made himself responsible for the rllItt per- formance of his duties Ly the apprentice during ne whole term mentioned in the indenture. TKUSTKKSHIP.—" Inquirer" (Penarth) is advised thafc his co-trustce may resign without waring tar the appointment of another in his place. The appoint- ment having been by deed the resignation ahauMBe by deed. Tue deed of resignation may be very ilaart, and may b endirned "pon the settlement. The appointment of a new trustee will be by deed, ,.tud it wi,l be a saving of expense if s new trustee t'a.i be found in time, so that the resignation of the one md the appointment of the other may be incorporated in one deed. Until the retiring trustee has U,jigU4d. he must be made a party to all trunsactious concerning the trust funds. If he retires before auoStisr is appointed, our correspondent will then be the iota trustee under the settlement, and will be enti:l«rt to act in discharge of the trusts, and will be to manage all businesi thereunder. If the pintle* are contenied with one trusiee, there is no reil necessity to fill up the vacancy. PATENT.—' Scrupulous" (Swansea) should write to the Comptrollerof Patents, Chanceiy-!aue, London, who will send him, free of charge, full particulars as to how to obtain provisional or complete protection, what fees are pnynble, aud all other information he requires. There is no connection between a trade uur.; and a patent. BASTAIIDY.—"Ancient" (Ptnarth) is advised that an affiliation order may be made in favour of a married woman who is living apart from her husband. A mar- ried woman living apart from her husband is con- sidercd as a single woman for the purposes of the Bastardy Act. In such a case the woman must pro- duce iiKicpendent witnesses who will prove that-her husband tins not had access to her for more than nine mouths lefore the birth of the child. Tile evidence must be very strong aud conelusive, or her case will fail. LEASS.—" Nemo" (Neath) is jdvised that a lease for any term exceeding three years must bs by deed under seal. Nevertheless, the agreement of which he sends uj a cepv is of some value, because the court would order either party, 011 the application of llie other, to sign a leae containing all usual and proper cfauses, and upon the terms set forth in the agreement. The great difficulty with which either party attempting to force the other to execute a lease would be met fa he fact that the agreement of tenancy is not properly stamped, and before it could be produced in evidence in any court the person desiring to produce it would have a he.vy penalty to pay. An agreement of tenancy requires the same amount of stamp duty <13 a lease, and where the annual rent exceeds £10, but does not exceed £15, the stamp duty is b. 6d., whereas our correspondent appears to have contented himself with affixing a sixpenny stamp. APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR.— Old Subscriber (Urickhowell) is advised that no man cau be com- pelled to act as executor or trustee of a will a«aitst his wish. A trustee may act for any length of time and then resign, but if an executor joins in proving tho will, and probate is granted to him, he is bound to carry out his executorship he has sworn to do so. and, therefore, cannot resign. If our correspondent does not wish to act, lie must refuse from the Erst to join in the applicat ion for probate or to have anything to do with the matter. If required, he must, at the expense of the estate, sign a renunciation of his ri^ht to probate. NOTICE TO QUIT. W. A. P." (Haverfordwest) is ad- vised that the n ue to quit may be served upon the 29th of ueptemt or on any earlier d.iy. It may be delivered to the tenant or left with any person upon the promises old enough to understand what It is. If it is left with any person other than the tenant, such person should be told what it is, and should be asked to gi e it to the tenant. Either the landlord or aaV other person may serve the notice. Wo do not advus sending it by post. A copy should be kept, and 1& memorandum endorsed upon it by the person who served it, stating the day, hour, pla,!e, and manner of service. The following form will do;- To Mr. I hereby give you notice to quit and deliver up to me on the 25th day of March next possession of the dwddng-1Jouse and premises at which you now hold a my tenant. Hated this day of 1831. « W. A. P. LANDLORD AND TSNANT. — Anxious Iuquirer 's advised that the best way to put, an end to the dispute between himself and his tenant as to the quantity of land in the holding is to employ a surveyor to mea- sure it. It is very improbable that the Ordnance 1D8 is incorrect, but it is quite pssible that the persel who has made the statement that the map Oflgw-s the land to contain nine ai res less than it has always been considered to contain may have been mistaken. H there la such a great diiferenee between the nominal and the act ual measurement of the land the tenant is fairly entitled to a proportionate reduction of tire rent. LIFIi ASSURANCE.—1" M. R," may have: he policies assigned to his wife by a deed of a-^g.mient if he thinks fit. The stamp duly payable on the assign* ment will depend on the iiitture and amount of the considerfition staled in the assignment. A woman cannot legally take out a policy on the life of her father unless he is indebted to her, or she has some other pecuniary interest in bis life. If the policies had originally been taken out in the name of our correspondent's wife they would not have been valid, and she could not have compelled payment of the amounts asmred when her father died. If her father maktsa will bequeathing the insurance moneys to her this will be sufficient without any assignment but, of course, he may at any time make a fresh will leav- ing them to some other person. DIYOBCE IN FORMA. PAUPBBIS.—" Met tliyr "is advised that, if he obtains an order for leave to sue in forma pauperis he will be relieved from payment of court fees, counsel's tees, and solicitor's costs, but be will have to pay the expenses of his witnesses. The attendance of the witnesses in London on the trial cannot be dispensed with, and the conit has not at its command any fund available for payment of the witnesses. DISPUTH AS TO DEBT. Weekly Reader" (Treharrh) is advised to pay to his creditor the exact amount which be admits owing, and tell him be intends to dispute the balance. If any action should be brought for the recovery of the balance he had better at once instruct solicitor to defend it. JOINT OWNERSHIP OF ESTATE.—"Ap Gattwg" (Neath) may obtain a full account of the rents and profits of the estate of which he is a part owner by commencing an action in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, claiming to have an account taken. This is the only method by which he can attain his objeet. The proceedings would occupy a considerable time, and be would have to find the money with which to carry them on, although, probably, in the end the defendant would be ordered to pay all costs. HoME-BBEWED ALB.—" A Householder (Tredegar) may brew all ale he requires for the use of his own family, but he must first obtain a licence from the Excise-office. tThe cost of the licence will be very small, but as it depends on the amount of his rent, and he does not say what that is, we cannot tell him the exact cost. His licence will not bind him down to u-i- ing only malt and liops but of course he cannot itit less harmless ingredients.




tl#tir pail


My D a: I i n s Three. .j


How it Feels to be Electrocuted.