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|3ubJf'r ^THEATRE JiOrAL, QARDIFF. JL LFSSKK BD MLFAGNIL MR. EDWARD FLKTCHKR. ACTING MANAGKH MK. JUHN 8MKRIDAN. LO-NIGHT AND EVERY EVEHY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, The Magnificent Pantomime, g I N B A D T H IS SAILOR. Plan at Thompson and Shackell's (Limited). [62008 r Public FIVE risli CKNT. INTEREST. TIIE BRITISH BAN K OF AUSTRALIA JL (LIMITED). Head Authorised Capita] £ 1,000,060 I Paid up £ 153.848 Subscribed 519,i;40 | Reserve Fund, 4c. 72,371 London Offices—84 aud 85, KING WILLIAM-STREET, E.G. LONDON B«IRD SIR EDWIN H. GAISWORIHY. CHAS. MOLYNSCX GRBNFELL, TMI. SIR FREDERICK YOUNG, K.C.M.G. JAMES MARTIN, Esq. BANXBKS; LONDON—Messrs. GLYN. MILLS, CURKIE. and CO. Full particulars on application to the Bankers er to Lc¡:3 WITLIAM M AUTIN. Se"retart; CBurationaL CLEVEDON. SELGRAVE HOUSE, CLEVEDON.— Old-established HOME SCHOOL for the Daughters pf Gentlemen. Resident English, French, and German Governesses, and Visiting Professors. Every home comfort and consideration, and careful training. Fees moderate. The highest referenc a.—Address PRINCI- PAL; 626I20 CLIFrON, BRISTOL. C1LARENDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL ) FOR LADIES, WHITE LADIES'-KOAD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. —Principals: Mrs. and the Misses MAYNARD.—Special Preparation Classes are held for University and Music Examinations, in which randidates have been most successful. Junior and backward pupils receive individual as well as class teaching. Lectures are given on Hygiene, Ambulance,' *nd Cookery, and special lessons in Needlework. Is References kindly permitted to Ven. Archdeacon Blunt (Chaplain to the Queen), Scarborough Revs. R. Glover and U. R. Thomas. 9?3?c $Jul)iirarton9» Tc JplCIOlilAL. A MONTHLY COLOUliED MAGAZINE. F. ice 2d. The CHILD'S PICTORTAL Is intended for children of the ages between four and eight years; but it will be found interesting, it is hoped, to those beyond that age. Arrangements have been made wi!h a view to further Improving the engraving and printing of the Magazine, and next year's issue will leave nothing to be desired in this particular. Among the chief contributors are Mrs. Molesworth, Mr. Ascott U. Hope, Mrs. Piiwell, Mrs. Lowndes, the Rev. T. Wood, A. Eubule Evans, and Mr. F. 8. Potter. Great palna will be taken with the illustrations, which will be executed hy Miss KATE Greenaway, Mrs. Hallward, W. J. Morgan, lisq., Harrison Weir, Esq., and other known artists. Annual Volume Paper Boards, 2s.; Cloth Boards, ;2.. ed. No effort will be spared to muke t:,1s the most attiactive of its class. The Society's Books M*y BE obtained at ihe Depflt in Cardiff—Mr. DOBP.IN, 1, St. Maiy-Hreet MIJ of all Booksellers. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING crrnIS. j0 TIAN KNOWLEDGE. LONDON Northumberland-avenue. Charing Cross, W.C.; 43, Queen Victoria street, B.C. BnigMTON I 135, North-street. LL;731 "OAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1891. JLV» NOW READY, Containing Hints to Farmers and Gardeners, an Every-dav Guide for all the Affairs of this Life, when to Buy. Bell, Brecolate, Travel, Ac., &c. Birthday Information for every d..y, also Fate of any Child borii during the year. The Largest and Beat ALMANAC published. No one who has not seen it can form any opinion of AS usefulness. High and low, rich and poor can PROFIT by It. Get a Copy this year and judge for yourself, Price 6d.; Post Free 7d. RAPHAEL'S BtOK OF DREAMB, Is. An infallible Interpreter. Insist on having RAPHAEL'S. RAPHAb.L'o BOOK OF FJFI)E, Is. A sure guide to the future. FOULSHAM. and CO., 4, Pilgrim-street, Ludgate Mill, B.C. WEBR. LEWIS, and SMITH, Cardiff, and all Stationers. 3"83 V IMPORTANT NOTICE I V Just Published, a Book for Yourg Men, By DR. J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), Entitled, "IIOW TO ENSURE Hf'AL'HI." On the LAWS GOTI.RNING LIFE, and the CAUSES SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all UISEISES depend- ing on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, such as Net vous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises In the Head and E»r«, Indecision, Impaired Sight- and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of ENERGY AND .ppetite. Pains In the Back, 4A. Sent Pdt Free for Two Stamp', or by Letter ro t Three Stamps. TOO FEMALE'S FRIEND AND ADVISER" Will be sent to any Address on receipt of Two Stamps. Address Dr. BATFNES. 48, Lensdale-square, Bani!bury. London, N. J,c757 INVENTION, a Weekly .Journal for Manu- facturers. Tingiiieers, Capitalists, and Scientists, wth Supplement. Published at 64, Fleet-street, Lon- don, E.C. Inventions—The TlestPitt-ut, Agency, conducted by a Solicitor and Government Examiner. Becvt",y and Despatch. Inventions Beat Scientific, Professional, and Technical Advice Gratis. Inventions—Best Method of Financing and Selling Inventions and Patents. Lnrce Bums to be Realised, Inventt»ns.—Descriptive Notices and Illustrations, ee Cuneut Number (Supplement) Invention, £ 4, Fleet-street, E.C. LC409 ROBKRT COCKS AND CO.S' CAT A- LOGUES OF At CTRILO, comprising nearly 19,000 Wortu, viz., Pianofurte. Vocal, Violin, Flute, Organ, Theoretical, AO. Also Catalogues of Pianos, OrgiLns. Violins, Metronomes, t' and ewry requisite in con- neotion with music and musical fuition. Post-free on application. Please state wLich Catalogue is leq. ired. 6. NEW BURLINGTON-STREET, LONDON Muaic publishers to H.M. the Queen, and H.R. ft. THE P. ince of WALES. Lc803 POST FRRE. 6d. ON THE MODERN TREATMENT OF NERVOUS DISEASES ai D EXHAUSTION IN MEN, by Locml Absorption. Simple. scientific, effectual,"— Tribune. London: E. NORTON, Z49f. HIGH HOLBCTRN. rL8612 Post Free Six Stamps. VARICOCELE: Its Causes, Symptoms, and V Pathology together wit h a description of a new and successful method of treatment without operation. By a SURGZON. London B. Price, 7FI. Chancery-lane, F79-^C &ooms*, &c.~ BRISTOL. AN DEAN'S SWAN HOTEL, 62, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL. (An Old Welsh House.) This old-established Hotel Is situated in the very centre of the City. It has been thoroughly renovated, and is now unequalled for Comfort, combined with the utmost Moderation in Charges. HOT AND COLD LUNCHEONS, TEAS AND SUPPEUS. GOOD BEDS 1469so HENRY BOULTON, PKOPHIKTOK. A KEY'S" Wellington" KNIFE TOUSH. The Original Preparation For polishing Cutlery, For use with Boards or Machines. For polishing Cutlery, For use with Boards or Machines. OA KEY'S Wellington" KNIl'K POLISH, For Cleaning Knives Equal to New Cutlerv. I Preserves the Knives. OA KEY'S "Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. Used without trouble. Polishes instantly. Refuse worthless Imitations. Polishes instantly. Refuse worthless Imitations. OAKEY'S Wellington"KNiFE POLISH. Ironmongers, Grocers, and Oilmen sell it at ID.. 2d., 3d., 6d., Is., 28. 6d.. and 4s. r\AKEY'S Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. JOHN OAKEY and SONS. Manufacturers of EMERY, BLACK LEAD, EMELTY CLOTH, GLASS PAPER. &c., Ac.. [LC6H WESTMINSTER BRIDGE-ROAD. LONDON, S.E. eCARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- ) POSTING AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). Established 1877, OMCKS: CASTLMSTREET CHAMBERS. I 4KCITFCTAITX I. RANK H. SLAUPSON. BE»L PERMANENT Posting Stations in Cardiff ASH H-!g»asuurh«>od. OORITRAETORS for all descriut.i'ITW O' J A iv*I «!!RCUI*R L'IJTNOUUNG, «E. J U<->; I JVTREN LATI. j

Family Notices
