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jCalendar for ti)t iHontf).j



Undertakers and their Canvassers.

Eighty Years of Married Life,

[No title]

---------IOUR LAWYER.


I OUR LAWYER. Conducted by a Bar/ister-at-L-w. Ltijal tjutstions wuit be stated fully and clearly, and a full copy mllst be sent of any docuiiient on ichich advice is sowjht. All communications must be endorsed LICGAL," per Editpr, WBKSI.Y MAIL," Cardiff. RlIilHTS or WIDOW—"Beta" (Cwmamman) is A-lvised that the rigliis of the widow depend to some exunt upon tlie contents of the will of her father-in-law, of which we have not seen a copy. As her lnuband nlade;i will entirelv in her favour, she is entitled to all tll¡¡(. he was absolutely possessed of or entitled to at the time of his decease, including both the property and the trade fixtures referred to, if he was the owner of the land in fee simple. But, if he had only life interett in the property the widow would liitve to give it up to the person TO whom it was DEVISED ex- pectant upon the decease of HER late husband. Trade fixtures are removable by the person who put them np, or his representative, unless the owner or ill- coming tenanr agrees to take them at a valuation, but the right to remove should lie exerci,ed before giving up possession, or the fixtures would be taken to have been abandoned. ADMISSION Fsits.—"Beta" (Owmumman) is informed that these will have to be paid by the person who succeeds to the ownership of the property in place of the late owner. HU8BAND AND WLTE. Ynysybwl has no remedy which would be worth the oosts which would be in- curred thereupon. If he were to apply for the restitu- tion of his conjugal rights and the result should be an order in his favour, disobedience to such order could only be punished pecuniarily, the power of imprison- ment ill such cases having been abolished; and it Is obvious that it would not be desirable for two PERSONS to live together on compulsion. It is very wickerlfor parents to interfere in the manner complained of. if there really was no reason for doing so but the wife who will be separated from her husband by such inter- ference is I.ot worth much. NOTICE TO QUIT.-The time when A. H. H." (Cardiff) can be compelled to give up possession DEFENDS upon the time when the notice was givet).and upon this point we have no information. As he is tenant from year to year, and his tenancy commeuced in either April or December, he is entitled to receive or bound to give half a year's notice, which must be so given as to expire at the end of a ojmplete year's tenancy, that is to say, from October to April, or from June to December, as the case may be. There can be no doubt which supposition is correct., as his quarterly pay- ments of rent would not be due at the same time in both cases. He should look at bis rent receipts or at the counterfoils in his cheque-book. RIGHTS UNDKR WILL.-We did not reaeive the y will which I. H." (Cardiff) intended to enclose witb his letter, and, therefore, we cannot advise him defi- nitely upon his legal position. If there are any existing trusts affecting the property of which he is entitled to the rents, it is the duty of the trustees of the will to hold the title deeds relating thereto until th,se trusts shall have been fully performed; and, if not, the executors (who may or may not be the same persons) have no right to part with the personal estate until all the debts of the deceased have been satisfied, because if they were to pay anything to the beneficiaries and not leave sufficient for the creditor* they might render themselves personally responsible. If our correspondent is not satisfied and cannot get to know the facts. he had better instruct a local solicitor to write to the trustees and executors or their solicitor. PROPOSED BILL OF BALE.—" Herbert" ('rreorky) will require the assistance of a solicitor to prepare the bill of sale proposed to be given by him to his wife, and it will have to he registered under the Bills of Sale Act. which may have the effect of injuring his credit. And as the document is acknowledged to be intended to be exeeuteJ for the purpose of depriving his creditors of their legal remedy, he must not be sur- prised if some one or more of them endeavour to get the bill of sale set asille as fraudulent and void as against existing creditors. CLAIM FOR WA>. We are quite certain that no soli- citor gave such advice to "A Conservative' (Maesteg) as t At which he has erroneously quoted. He was entitled to be paid the amount due to him at the time when he left his master's service, but if he should be driven to bring an action against his lata master in the county-court to recover the amount the summons would have to be served at least ten days before the day appointed for the bearing of the action. But there was no obligation to wait either 24 hours or ten days before asking for his salary. NOTICK TO EMPLOYER—There has been no such recent Act of Parliament as" Gwalia" (Abergwili) supposes, Employers and assistants arc at liberty to make their own arrangements as to notice, and, in default thereof, the notice which its customary in the tiade must be given. If an assistant should be discharged without notice (except for misconduct) he can claim to be paid wages instead oi the notice which he was entitled to receive. A SELFISH LOVKH.—"Careful Boy "(we charitably omit the addreBS) might have a settlement prepared for execution before his marringe is celebrated. The deed must be prepared by a solicitor Oil behalf of the and he (our correspondent) ought to pay for it. But he should moderate his desires as to the division of the lady's fortune. His proposal is simply monstrous, and if he should Illsbt upou HAVING half her fortune wbile he is In a state of impecunioaity, we hope sh* will throw him over before it is too late. BAKKKU PTCY, If the clrcumstatiers at* TED by Aggrieved can be proved by suScient evitleuee to satisfy the court, the application by the bankrupt for bis discharge certainly ought to be opposed, and the opposition should be conducted by a local solicitor. LANDLORD AND TSKANT.—The date when "ALALIA'' returned home is of no consequenee whatever bis tenant could not be prejudicially affected by his absence. The material question is whether the notice was or was not served at the proper time, and upon this we have no information. Unless our correipon- dent could prove tltAnegative, it would net he prudent to object to the notice which has been given to him. AGRICULTURAL HOLI>WE3 ACT.—" C. H (Aberdare) ciiiinot recover from, his landlord all the money which he has expended upon his T^RM during the term of his tenancy that would not loe reasonable. But if he gives the of oL, utory notice to his landlord at least two calendar months before the end of his tenancy he will be entitled to be paid the then value of sueh unex- hausted improvements as are within the Act above mentioned .assuming that he has obtained the consent of the owner in all cases where such consent is requi- site. He will be entitled to instruct a valuer to meet the valuer appointed by his landlord, if they cannot agree upon some person BEING appointed to act for both of them, and he bad better obtain the assistance of his valuer in the preparation of the notice, because any inacauracy or omission might deprive him of the right to be compensated for some things which are allowed by the Act. As he did not give us any infor- mation as to the nature of his elatm, we are not able to advise him more definitely, but the valuer will do what may be necessary. SLANDER.—" W. R," is advised that his wife aDpears to have a good cause of action, but we do not think that it would he prudent to commence proceedings; sbe would lose more than she would gain by doing to. However, if she cannot, be content without litigation, she will require the assistance of a solicitor. LIFE POLICY—It is obvious that the policy menti ned bV" H. H." kswanseal cannot belong to either bim or his wife, AS neither of tbem paid any part of the PREMIUMS. We will answer his othei I. quiry if he will inform us when the man died, what kind of pro. perty he left, and the value thereof, stating vllue of real and personal estate separately also WHIT rela- tives he left surviving him. TRESPASS BF SHIKP. —" Pliiio (Swansea) is advised that where an oocupier of land neglects to keep in proper repair and condition any fence which it is his duty to repair, he beeomes responsible for all tti- eon- sequences of auch negligence on both sides the detective fence. In the circums ances state. we advise our eorrespendent to Instruct a local solicitor to bring an action against his neighbour for damages in respect of the improper detention, f Lbe sheen, and to recover the same "heep or their value. It would not be prndellt for hwn to venture into court with such a ease unless he had professional assist mice. But if his statement is perfectly accurate, he would succeed in his IICt ion, ant the defendant would have to pay the taxed costs incurred by him (our correspon- dent) as plaintiff. EXPECTANT OWNER—" Arthur (Builth) ought to have sent us a cupy of the will to which his inquiry -el,ites. If be has cofrectly epitomised it, he has full power to tell or otherwise deal with the property which was devised to him in fee simple, subject to certain inter- vening life interests. Of course the purchassr would not be entitled to receive the rents uutil after the decease of the tenants for life respectively, and this would affect the price which he would have to receive, but, as he is the absolute owner (subject as aforesaid), the right to dispose of the p'-opprty is an inseparable incident of his ownership, assuming that his right to the laud does not depend upon any contingency, which we could not advise upon without seing a full copy of the will, He might Instruct a local solicitor lo do what may be necessary.

J. L. Sullivan's Stage Salary.

[No title]