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Plain Cooking in England.

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back in his chair and his look became arro- g4nt. The Nabob took no notice. ea Reward," said he, proposed to you to thru ten roubles by donning my livery during f I am surprised that you accepted." We must eat." 'Since there is nothing," said the indoo, •* there is no such thing as hunger." •as ■f>°^en0 waa about to reply, he added, in a kindly tone, "It is true that you are not alone. You have a oompanion." u you know that, too ? I know everything." • Poleno gave a scornful smile. Well, "hat do you want?" lhat young mau whom you recommended 10 toy steward, is he your son, your brother, Or Your friend?" What is that to you ? The Nabob, having determined to put up ith the lackey's sallies, replied with the fj'test calmness: [t is a great deal to me. desire to know what claims you have upon for 1 want yon to give them up to me." Ah! ah I" said the other. "It is useless! I al:1all not give them up." That depends upon the conditions." I shall not give him up Not if I were to offer you a fortune ? Say a hundred thousand roubles." I have no use for money." "Yes, you have, since you don a livery to earn some!" Poleno shrugged his shoulders contemp- tuously. I can live on ten roubles a month. shall always earn that much. I never take bribes." Do you love this child ? Poleno gave no answer. "Suppose I told you that I mean to make Jill happy p I should not balieve it, because it is impos- sible happiness lies in the creed 1 teach, you do not know this creed." Well," said the Nabob, I want this child." 41 You will have to do without him." "No! my will cannot be resisted. I offer to bay your rje £ its, but I can take them from You. Poleno shook his head. "I doubt it." He is neither your son nor your brother p., No." So much the better. I can order you Order me!" Yes," said the Nabob. Then, suddenly ^8'n2 and extending his hand, Poleno f^staroth, No. 114 i Have you no duties to fulfil ? A-t first amazed, Poleno now arose iu bis turn. I "Ah ah you are one of us! Very well, I Inight tell you that I am bound by no oath, that I have preserved my freedom of action, that I owe obedience only to the supreme head. because I took a number to fight, not to obey." "There is no fighting without obedience." II Yes, but Andrew has been entrusted to Jy care. Iam his master; he ia mine, you °ow. You have no right to take him from lne." If Unless he himself oonsents." He will never oonsent." I We shall see that t Dowgall reaohed towards the bell. You fciust do me justice. 1 have acted as a brother should. I have tried to make you rich," You have tried to treat me as your «okey." Was I obliged to disolose myself P Could after I was once known to you, make the ofter you have heard? Do not our Jaws for- bid this ?" Who are you P" Nothing. JJ0VV ca[J a,^ such a question?'' n P bat is your number, your name among have never seen you at the lodge." «r.bne ^ou Wi^ ever sed me there." Then we are under your orders ? Do you the Mystery? Are you a "Nihil P replied the Nabob. A At this moment the door opened and iiurew appeared. Nabob said to Poleno in a voice," Is he initiatadF" r, No!" "Pupil? »' "Yes! A-ndrew drew near. At the sight of Polono could not refrain from an angry gesture, "bieh immediately changed into a scornful In fact, Poleno was changed for the t.°rse; his hair and his long beard gave to 18 angular features a stamp of savage fierce- Newly shaven, dressed in a brilliantly COloured livery and with his straight hair Petered, the austere theoristlookedlikea vul- ill trained stage valet. His parchment- j^e skin appeared yellow yet in contrast with k'8 red cstin jacket; ha always looked dirty, he now looked neither grand nor terrible. £ he beard is man's be auty," say the Arab3. tat- 08 unc^eanI'ne3s was that open, osten- ^l°Qs unc'eanliness paraded by some too ^opeudent characters. When in his den »«*d°rned by his neglected his want c'eanliness was striking, but not revolting It Was a rude protest, a kind of display of Poverty that might provoke a tear as easily a smile. His eyes shone with the fire of lntellig-enof', and emitted bright flashes that Passed over his squalid wrinkles and purified them. The filthy garret presented a scene that ?^monised very well with the creature who ^habited it. Intelligence here soared above e wretched reality. A well-grounded pity '8ht spring from astonishment, and pity tio n°W a°d then be followed by admira- a> From admiration to obedience is but a g. Andrew had passed through all these t slowly, one after the other, and had ? at ^ast» as we have seen, blind and un- boning devotion. ut Poleno was transformed. Shaved, olad .8*t»n, his face had the same blackish lnkl«s, his complexion was still sallow, and 4 8.°Iose-cut hair only looked more smooth had feasy* ^he powder, s'icking to the hair, formed on this uncultivated sod grey j, that were hideous to look at. The that usually surrounded those angular j>*r«s with a silvery halo had disappeared. fQ e?0> standing in the midst of a luxuriously ,-n aished apartment, dressed in a livery of ,and gold, was ignobly ugly and exces- ridioulous. M^]Q<^rew» overcorfle hy his meeting with 0j, e- de Schelmberg, and already inclined to his humiliation to his instructor in i ^ism, was seized at the sight of Poleno jn,. 4 feeling of disgust, which the Nabob antly noticed, KtoJ? .w was n°t livery; his worn clothes The ^°nised perfectly with his siokly looks. ,r^Zor and the scissors, however, which by *ken from Poleno the advantage given f0p .^eard to old ago had changed Andrew aPOe ^etter. This youth, almost a child, 8Ca. are^ more tidy without the flaxen down hi8 ^Ted over his face; his hair, out close to high forehead free and gave Th e'e&anoe to the curve of hi# neck. must have been a close ob- hjjjj r»«>rnot one of these details esoaped turned • Save a little smile of triumph, Ujy, and clapped bis hands. His J|e 8»-l°U8 COInpanion appeared at the door. idio^1, ? ^ew words to him in a peculiar J?0leno the servant bowed and disappeared, and w» *D(^ Andrew were eyeing eaoh other, HoticJ!'0 absorbed that they had hardly ""ion. the entranoe and exit of the myste- Person, tny Nabob said to Andrew, Come here, a > and answer my queaticns frankly." mrew bowed deferentially, and advanced a few steps. The respectful countenance of the ycuth presented a striking contrast to the insolence that Poleno had just displayed. The theorist was shocked by this, and cast a furious look at his pupil. Andrew averted his eyes. "I have just asked Mr. Poleno," continued the Hindoo, if he has the right to control your will. He has not been pleased to answer me. I am obliged to have recourse to you. Do you recognise his authority r* Andrew answered in a pleasing, but firm, tone, If No I" Poleno was about to protest. The Nabob did not give him time. 1 wish to have you near me. Do you consent to leave this gentleman, with whom you live, I think, and to come and live in this house ?" Andrew gave no answer. Poleno could no longer contain himself. He advanced threateningly, and, raising his voioe, cried Would you consent, wretched man, to leave your teacher to resume the chains of slavery, to live as a parasite with a great lord, who will oause you to re-pay him, as theseLanines have already done, for his so-called kindness by a thousand humiliations ?'' Poleno was not skilful on this occasion. Perhaps Andrew was still hesitating, but at these words he at once straightened himself up. "Ah I" said he, do you dare sppak to me of humiliations? Can there be any greater one than that which I have to-day undergone, when, olad in the livery of a laokey, J. met my old friends face to face. Do you dare talk to me of your doctrines? I see through them now. I do not know which most to despise— their monstrous depravity or their stupid impracticability, I am suffering, I ant weeping. I despise you. And you come and tell me, with your endless big phrases, that nothing exists. Dow I hate myself for hav- ing believed and admired you for almost a year." You have always had a leaning towards the lackey's business," interrupted Poleno. Lackey It was you who forced me to be one, but I shall never be one again. Ah how much I now regret what I have done, sir," said he to the Nabob. Pray, pardon me," he added, look- ing straight at Poleno, "I should say, 'my lord,' I met this felloiy at the Univer- sity. I was happy then. The Countess Lanine wished to make of me an educated and useful man. I was living at her house. I was treated like one of the family, but, as I was only six- teen, when the great men of the empire were invited to dine with my benefactress, I was served in my room. And this humiliated me. Fool that I was, I forgot that I was but a child, and that my plaoe was not yet among grave men. This man—this old man—who called himself a student, doubtless only to corrupt the young, pretended to be my friend he stimulated my stupit. rancour, opened up a prospeot which filled my inexperienced soul with enthusiasm — the prospeot of equality. The word is idiotic. To explain it required a whole creed. I Nothing exists,' he kept repeating. To prove it, he tortured himself, went hungry, insulted the persons whom I most reverenced, and did so with impunity. He taught me the dispersion and the re-union of atoms. I believed in these absurdities, and I fled from my home. It is true that I was urged to it by another influence. Yet. but for him- In a word, I now curse the moment when I met him, for my mother has perhaps died of despair, and I have sunk into poverty. Hear me, my lord," oried he, throwing himself on his knees, I know not what motive can induce a powerful prince like you to talk with two wretohes suoh as we are. 1 shall not be your lackey, but if there is a spark of pity in your heart, save me from this man take me; do with me what you like. Send me to India-I will be a soldier," the Nabob asked coolly Well, Monsieur Poleno, what do you say to this Poleno had grown livid with rage and astonishment; the prey which ho believed within his grasp was esoap- ing. The intervention of the Nabob, one of the ohiefs of the order to which he belonged, perplexed him. He knew not what to answer. At this moment a door in the side of the room opened, and four lackeys appeared on the threshold The Nabob gave a signal. Andrew and Poleno sat with their baoks to the door and saw nothing, for the lackeys had entered the study on tiptoe. The Nabob said, This child is unhappy. By torturing him you commit a crime against religion and society. Uod has given me power; I use it for His glory. I take this young man under my protection. Your blameworthy doctrines Whatt" interrupted Poleno, beside him- self, "when you yours-If Are you then a traitor? Andrew lour croed is sublime. Thill man is He could not finish the lackeys had rusbed upon him, gauged him, and carried him off. Andrew trembled with terror and astonish- ment. As for the Nabob, without losing a particle of his disdainful calm, he pointed the young man to a chair, and said, kindly, tj Now, my son, let us have a talk (To be continued.)