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ffiiMc Stomgementg tiltE QYM,, MLI)IFF. ^HEITHE JJOYAL, 0ARDIFF. LBSSXZ ASD MAKASKR MB. EDWARD FLETCMR. ACTIOS MANASIX. MB. JOHN 6HKRXDAN. tO-NIGRT AND EVIiIRY ETERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, The Magnificent Pantomime, gINBAD THE SAILOR. Plan at Thompsou and Sliackell's (Limited). [62008 ffuftltc flotitts. FIVE FISU CENT. INTEREST. THE BRITISH BANK OF AUSTRALIA (LIMITED). Head Office-MELBOURNE. Authorised Capital £ 1,000,000 I Paid up. ;!153.848 Subscribed li19,240 Reaerve Fund, 4C. 72,371 London OftWes-S4 and 85, KING WILLIAM-STREET, E.O. LONDON BOARD SIR EDWIN H. GALSWOR'HY. CHAS. MOLYNEUX GRENFELL, H-q. SIR FREDERICK YOUNG, K.C.M.G. 1 JAMES MARTIN. Esq. BANKERS: LoMO!f—MeMM. GLYN. MILLS, CUR RIB. and CO. Full particulars on application to the Bankers or to Lce93 WILLIAM MARTIN. Secretary. ¡p.r. T fluftlrrattone* lIRE CHILIYS JpiUTUPJAL. A MONTHLY COLOUHED MAGAZINE, Priee 2d. The CùILD'S PICTORIAL is INTENDED for children of the ages between four and eight years; but it will be found interesting, it is hoped, to those beyond that age. Arrangements have been made wiih a view to further V"proving the engraving and printing of the Magazine, tnd next year's issue will leave nothing to be deaired in ibis particular, Among the chief contributors are Mrs. Molesworth, Mi-. Ascott B. Hope, Mrs. Pitwell, Mrs. Lowndes, the Jlev. T. Wood, A. Eubule Evans, and Mr. F. 6. Potter. Great paiu. will be txken WITH the illustrations, which will be executed hy Miss Kate Greenaway, Mrs. Hallward, W. J. Morgan, ESQ., Harrison Weir, Esq., and other known artists. Annual Volume Paper Boards, 2s.; Cloth Boards, 2s. 6d. No effort will be spared to make ti.U Magazine the most attiactive of its ciass. The Society's Book? may be obtained at the In Cardiff-Mr. DOBlilN, 1, Sc. Mary-itreet-and of all Booksellers, SOCIETY FOB, PROMOTING CHRIS- TIAN KNOWLEDGE. £ ONDOK Nort humberland-avenue, Charing Cross, W.C.; 43, Queen Victoria street, .1,0. BtiieaxoN; 135, North-street, 1(781 HOLLOWAY'S ILLUSTRATED AL- ii MANAC, J891, It now ready, and may be obtained gratis on application to any chemist, or will be for- warded by the publisher, THOMAS HOLLOWAT (Proprietor of Holloway's PiUs and Ointment), 78. NEW Oxford-etreet. Loudon, W.O., on rccsipt of stamp to yover postage, 7970 R' APHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1801. SO W READY, Containing Hints to FARMERS AND ffard«r»ers, an Every-day Guide far NIL the Affairs of this Life. when to Buy, Bell, SPE^L*'E.TRMREJ, Ac., AC. Birthday N formation for every UI-' also F*to of any Child bom uring the year. T.J The Largest and Best AluUnac published, R No one who has not seen it can farm anv opinion of ^usefulness. High and low, rich and poor can PROFIT Get a Oopy this year and judge for yourself. Prioe M.; yost Free 7d. RAFHAEVS BuOK OF DllEAMB, Is. An infallible )lterpreler. Insist on having RaPkiA]kL'S. RAPHAEL'S BOOK OF FATE, Is. A sura guide to tie future. FOUL3HAM and CO., 4, Pilgrim-street, Ludgata Hill, E.O. WEBB, LEWIS, and BMITH, Cardiff, and 1111 Stationers. 3683 V IMPORTANT NOTICE! V Just Published, a Book for Young Men, DR. J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), Entitled, HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH." On the LAWS GOTKRVING LIFE, and the CAUSES. SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depend- ing on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression. Palpitation of the Heart, Neises in the Head and Ears, Indeoisioa, Impaired Sight, and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Vssitude, Depression of Splilts, Loss of Bnergy and }>petite, Pain* in the Back, &O. Bent Post Free for Two Stamps, er by Letter Poct Three Stamps. 'THE FEMALE'S FRIEND AND ADVISER" WILL be sent to any Address on receipt of Two Stamps. Address Dr. BARNES. 48, Lonsdale-squarp, Barnsbury, London, N. Lc757 INVENTION, a Weekly Journal for Manu- jL facturers, Enginrers, Capitalists, and Scientists, wth Supplement. Published at 54, Fleet-street, Lon- ).n. E.O. iiii.entiou-Tlie Best Patent AGENCY, CONDUCTED by a Solicitor and Government Examiner. BECRFCIY and Despatch. Inventions—Best ScientlSe, Professional, and Techrical Advice Gratis. Inventiom-geqt Method of Financing and Belling Inventions and Patents. Large Sums to be Realised. Inventisns.—Descriptive Notices and Illustrations. ee Current Number (Supplement; Invention, 64, Fleet-street. E.O. Lc409 >J1IIE JARDIFF yy^RDS Al AP OF AIIDIFF, Published by JJANIEL QWEN AND QO (LIMITED), And CORPER-RLATE MAP PREPARED EXPRESSLY for this wwlt, V PRIpg. 68. SP. POSTAGE. 6c. EXTRA. W?: FifillCH 0 GEFN YDFA, San CRAIG FRYIf. E Price la. By Post Is. 2d. DANIEL OWBN and CO. (LIMITED), CARDIFF. 12749 "0 ES Y St E R T II Y RI." A DETHOLION 0 HANKS YR JJGLWRS." Gan Y rtrwh J. D. JNNKINa. D.D., View of Aberdare I feottis, fflinmg: Koomtf, 5rr. 7 BRISTOL. ANliEAN'S SWAN HOTEL, 12, BROAD-STREET. BRISTOL. (AD OLD Weith HOUM.) This •LD-ETLABLL<he4 Motel IA situated IN the yt!fry eeat. of the City. it, has been thoroughly renovated, and is now UAA^ualled for Conafart, OMABINED with the utmost Moderati«« im Ckargaa. HOT AND COLD LUNCHEONS, TRA8 ANB SUPPEM. GOOD BEDS. G^2J^G^JJEIINMMJK>[NJTOI^PROPITRJCTOK^ OLAZKLJ MAXItLlui CAn T It I D GEL ABE L S IN G RBAT DEMAND. TheM Labels are considerably Cheaper than Cloth are well finished, possess the merit of beinitcasy to write .upon, and being made from Vegetable Fibre apeeially lor Label., can be recommended as a tough article hbtt will standan average amount of damp, DANIEL OWEN AND CO. (LUUTED1. STEAM l'KINTING WOUKS, CARDIFF MAKKBS or LUGGAGE LABELS, DIRECTION LABELS SAMPLE LABELS, CLOTH R,ACTCI,8. PARCHMENT T.ABET.H. CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTIKG AND CIRCULAR D18TUIBUT1NG COMPANY (LIMITRD). Established 1877, OmCES: CASTLE-STREET CH A XI BE US. SECRJtTAKX; FRANK 11. SIMPSON. Best PERMANENT Posting Station* in Cardiff and Highborn-hood. Contractors for all descriptions of AIU-ertislug, Cireuiar Distributing, Ac. n"1I ;:ronvnt L V MM. LANQTRT wrlteg: I HAVE much pleasure (a statins that I have used your Soap for some time, and PREFER it to any other." (Sizucd) LLLUE LANOTJI*. Tears Soap, fo' Toilet and Nnrs«ry, specially prapared for the delij cate skin of ladies and children and Oth«Ts sensitive to the weather, winter or mminter. Prevent# ■edncefl, roughnesa SSAS'IBA.SFFLAR^AUSNTED la j lid. -■ eo-

Family Notices
