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Conducted by a Physician and…



BALDNESS. It is stated that one grain of pile carpine a half-ounce of vaseline apolied to the •calp will prevent baldness. HEART-BURN. A teaspoonful of wheat charcoal taken i.n- mcatately after a meal is an excellent non- medinnal remedy for this uncomfortable de- rangement of digestion. A teaspoonful of gvceiine taken just before or jnst after a meal, is also beneficial. CURB FOR TENDER FEET. A simple and efficacious remedy for persons Buffering from tender feet is to bathe them before going to bed in a strong solution of lalt water to which a liberal quantity of laleratu8 should be added. Dry the feet af' er having bathed them, and reniove any rough- ness with a piece of pumice stone. If the feet are very tender the operation may with advantage be repeated on rising in the IIlom- ing. SLEEP A PREVENTIVE OF DISEASE. People have very generally learned the lesson that natural sleep is the best medicine of the sick. A scientific writer now calls attention to its power as a preventive of disease. He remarks, as an instance, that sleep taken at the right moment will prevent all attack of nervous headache. If the subjects of such headaches will watch its coming, they will find that it begins with a feeling of weariness or heaviness. This is the time the ?iD «oor» or even two, as Nature M not* Takln •e°t.UalLy Prevent the headacho. "fto\Jeatu 11 'fhe'1, i4 wiH to» late- be impossible ♦ 18 f*'rly under way, it may night. t0 gett0 8leeP till far into fcbe r » IVE ^'ATER TO INFANTS. from ^|Sl^n^u'8bed children's doctor believes> Prsct'cp> that infants generally, ari> r °pat the breast or artificially, Dortio s^PP'led with sufficient water, the fluid *nd I 0 ^eir being quickly taken up the solid too thick to be easily weather, healthy t»ge '>*e water every hour with advan- teiapej1? *beir frequent fretfulness and riieof Dot h»*-Ure are ot,en directly due to their restrict"8', A ^rte 8UPP,Jr of water a"d foal,,} a,^ frequency of nursing have been check in nursery to be a most effectual rate of C&8eso^ incipient fever, a diminished and marked reduction in Plaint* +?r ia*tric and intestinal com- Ji'k^d to this cause. In teeth- Quen'-fr er soothes the gums, and fre- vmiverLl8 °P^ Mhe and restlessness In cbi"dren at this period, # EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL. It is, write! a Pbysioian, one of the curious tirm 8 J alcohol stimulates the imagina- & RIV«8 a clearer, more practical in- light into the relation of events of life. The irl of thought roused up bv the increased circulation of the blood in the brain is not imagination it is not a superior insight or conception of the relation of eventa, but is a rapid re-produotlon of previous thoughts, soon merging into confusion. —inebriate never creates any new ideas or new views; all his fancies are tumultuous, blurred, and barren. The apparent brilliancy is only the flash of mania, quickly followed oy dementia. Alcohol always lowers the brain capacity, and lowers the power of discriminating the relation of ideas and events. After a few periods of intoxication, the mind under the influence of spirits is a blank, blurred pag*. The man who uses .pirita to give mental force and clearness is doing thu very worst thing possible to destroy this effect. Alcohol is ever and always a paralyzant. It never creates anything; it never gives strength or force that did not exist before it never gives a clearer concep- tion and power of execution, but always lowers, destroys, and breaks down. # # THIS IIEGULATION OF SLEEP. Insomnia is rightly regarded as one of the .arks of an overwrought or worried nervous ■on a™' an< converse'y> we "lay tako it that 8av f #'eeP lasting for a reasonable period, ■d l.1"0?1 six to nine hours in the case of Bits, is a fair teat of nervous competence. in?1,1*08 acci<^ental causes may temporarilr interfere with sleep in the healthy, but still ne rule holds good, and a normal brain reveals Its condition by obedience to this daily rhythmic variation. Custom can do much to Contract one's natural term of sleep, a fiCt tli w j" we *re constantly reminded in j of high pressure; but tbe prooess t i ? artificial to be freely employed. aborious days, with scanty intervals of ♦; ^« r *° secure a'l the needful condi- ong of lnSpmniat [n a)]0(,ti)ig hours of sleep cmto adopt any maxim or uniform indi l ^ue a^owauoe varies with the HT* Ase- constitution, sex, fatigue, shareof influence. Young ihnlu'u11 bard w6rlieis naturally need and ffrnw 7e. more s^eePthan those wl10 "either conqJ?f°k ur* ^romen have by common feigned a longer period of rest °f ts V,61^ an thlS arran £ ement, in the event wifh:'K aoin8 bard work, is in strict accord •> 'r^eneraHj lighter physical construo- recurrent- iniirnuties. Absolute rule <xact"»we' ai^ °f moment to lix <-nrreiice of allowance provided there-, of sleep oe rcgu]Rl. ,r.d iU &Ul,niat sufficient for the needa of a given person, so! that fatigue does not result in such nerve' prostration and irritability as render healthy rest impossible. The Lancet, m How TO SAVE THE KYESIGHT. Next to sunlight the incandescent light gives the best illumination for reading, and all notions of the injurious effect on the eyes of the electric light are erroneous. The vast majority of people who wear glassy can see well without them. They use them to avoid a constant strain on the eyes. The act of focalisation is a muscular one, and uses up nervous energy. The over-sighted eye, in which the focus comes behind the retina, has to perform this muscular act continually. The results are headaches, irritability, and nausea. The only remedy in such cases is to wear glasses. The near-sighted child should wear spectacles, because they are the best preventive against increase of near- sightedness, and also because he loses a great part of his eduoation in not being able to see more than a few feet away. For the eyes in a healthy state there is but one safe wash—pure cold water. When the eyelids are inflamed the best lotion ia a weak solution of salt and water. JNever apply poultices to the eyes or use "eye waters" without the advice of a phj s'cian. At ths first symptoms of near-sightedness spectacles should be worn. There is a great deal of popular prejudice against spectacles, but there are two good reasons why they should be worn, and only two. One is that we see better, and the other that the strain on the eyes may be relieved, lu reading the book or paper should be held at a distance of from lOin. to 15in. from the eyes. The reader's position should be such that the light may fall on the book and not on the eyes. The liarht. itself should be uufticien*. Nothing is so injurious to the eyes as poor light in reading. » ATTEND TO YOUR HEALTH. A cold (says the Family Doctor'' in Cassell's Family Magazine) is a departure from health, and should really be attended to at j once. J)o n'lt let it cure itself. Get rid of it soon. Do not feed it, though, but starve it,. One cold after another nearly always ends in the thickening of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes, and before you are avy-,i-e of it you become the vioiim of winter cough. The morning tub (cold, I mean) is a very sure preventive of colds. Never over-clothe or overheat yourself. The neok should be kept cool. Keep away from fues indoors if you are subject to colds. Cough, if not the result of simple laryn- geal or bronchial catarrh, may mean a very serious departure from health and the sooner one sees a doctor in such a case the better. Do not be afraid to consult him. llemember, it is only tbo<e that delay who suffer in the end. ] do not advise you to rush away to a physician nith every trifling ailment, bul- it is belter to be sure than sorry. Many people would benefit much by taking cod-liver oil for a month or six weeka aboui the changes of the season. Probably the diet would have to be lowered a little, and an occasional mild aperient taken. Getting thin in another serious departure from health. "One generally does lose weight in winter And regain it in summer; but a slow and steady decrease in weight calls aloud for medical interference. Want of sleep and restless nights are symptoms which cannot be overlooked. The cause must be found and removed. The trouble may certainly arise from over-work and worry oombined, but in most oases the stomach and digestive system are the roots of the evil. Nervous people worry most, but thei-Iso work most- Well, the question one is inclined to ask himself when he feels something wrong with his health is 11 Am I overworking my- self F" I would answer thus If you really enjoy working it cannot injure you very much; but, on the other band, if it is force- work, and you find Ii ttléplealure in it, then it will tell on your constitution." But many people cannot afford rest. Well, but won del s can be done by taking exercise by breathing only fresh air night and day, indoors and out; and by careful regulation of the diet. In conclusion, let me entreat of you, as you value your happiness, not to neglect first departures from health. The story of the reservoir has really a moral for every one of us.


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A Truant from Home,
