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FEMININE FANCIES. I FOIBLES, AND FASHIONS. BY "MURIEL" ALL SIGHTS RESER VED. rEETTY SKATING COSTUMES. i ^0Itle very tasteful skating costumes have Re!? Worn on ice in the London parli3. -i18 a favourite colour, and is an agreeable Aaf i Wit-k tbe s«rroundin?5!- Usually black trachan ig employed to form a band at the S« of the skirt, to trim the jacket en suite. e small toque hat and inufr are also of taa^r ^virts are correctly very short, a,^Qo 80 to facilitate free movement. They fur°^rVC" *"° ^'sP^a" fJcssian boots, often +}, an(* hose iv b i Ai should match Lln ess 'n colour. 1 much admired a dark blue Plush costuille bordered with silver fox, Welt as the toque and muff. 1Y HIT¥. SUITABLE FOR, MATRONS AS Fori MAIDENS. Kothu.g is so elegant as white when it can *elMr0r'1 *ud white is no longer th io S'rls or very young matrons. On ate+°i?"lr'uy' readi"- ^counts of dresses worn the more fashionable balls and semblies, we see that young girls often wear colours while their mothers or ehape- ns appear in white gowns. Nor is this as ngular as at first appears. Is there any style more becoming to the venerable ladv of 70 idSi T a1?ure whl^e caP and soft laca or oollen shouiaer covering to match ? PERSONAL CLAIMS MFST, TIOWAVBN, BE CONSIDERED. »p' £ "d°s it,,0/ ">a-face can °* £ L,hZ,S«iio".»Mch bZS'tH otherwise the »»lior uU 8et co'un1' or re-pl»ced too often „r ht ino tgTJJlZZf™ m-ch^n colours, or otbmvii by ti"'mZ fcsrp1' tb.t byiaS]t i. the Black is r>ff women of mature age. tflack is often more trymg than colours, for While ennnenUy lady-like when beoom.ni truly becoming—it has, on the other hand, ■ tendency to accentuate sallowness, or, if the faoe be ruddy, to deepen it to brick-red. It may be said, What, then, shall we wear? I answer, White. Not always, of course nor, ndeed, is white universally improving to the iirtf ♦ ,^am on^ trying to show that it is regarded as impossible to women of y age, lhero are whiles and whites, and -18 °^eu most becoming when Dure white is not. • THE BUNEFIT OF A JUDICIOUS CHOICE. I think that carefullv-selected neutral clours are those which for ordinary wear in*]*6- mos^ advantagffons to women not "i tn«ir first youth. Bright colours are too aggressive, and, alas that so many women fail to discriminate between the becoming and its opposite. hi: her the eye affects a parlicular Colour or form and it is adopted without vefe- !ence to its suitability, or, otherwise, admir- lng another woman in a certain style or colour, Inany rush to the conclusion that themselves— Wearer' ^vi*lM^S'i, tota"y unlike the original wearer-11 iook equally well m it. ■v TOLR CA^N0T DRKSS W,TT KR »>-ELL WITHOUT To 1 THOUGHT. beconimeli({pIrfMe^~an^ 'a'he aim, the 8'derabh thon»/Kfaim' roost women — con- iudgnient mutt iU,u^ L,fc Siven to the matter, ftnd wen!ist !»* bt °n*hfc t0 on it' *ny colour andCstvb" that0'0*0 ?*rtiality Jor looks cojui.m consideration for lntoretf « 38 M llnsuitable. It mar A shall wr.ea(d<!r8 t0 know what is the dress h?l«e, as wl er on when m7 ship comes ornont 1M. a"ns'nn to the period 'ail. receipts shall be due and not bodice ,w.n~c'°th dress of cinnamon hue, thv rill1rne(i with siik of the same Pluslf co^ length seal-oolour cellar nioJevated sleeves leaver fr:' *'id bonnet of fawn Velvet"111^ ',0W8 sea' j^Pond. [ fe at her tips to cor- 88 is tun^0' Pretend that my taste in r<der» an 1 ?rL lo that of many of my Vldual look-' tS i e saicl above, one's indi- *ttire. i'tU a^ays regulate choice of S^at manv .? *n opportunity of seeing J'.Oftjparativel s» ai1^ f°r a woman of that nf'w8In*J'.1UBa,ls ^08e garments, chosen witW l>.rim^08"'s wedding goWn, 0fe. oinnni- u Vlew to wear, and, there- I Cons'er i h C ^°° Pronouucod in any way. ollosen w'se'y- Under other • dnll n i Wo'JH muoh have preFerred Chan « ue. ^|°^ 8uit» trimmed with Astra- IN T r w, j otter fur, but discretion stepped ui" not care to be spoken of as That blQe Woman again." Brown is quiet and uu- P'etendnjg, and so may be worn over and over again without calling forth any remark as to .'to fregutjnt appearance arid length of service. THE BATtGAIN-HUNTlilts' Ol'POItTUNITY. The drapers' sales begin with the Xew Year but I much question if they will be as much Patronised as are the summer sales. P season of bills which must bu jjet swallows np all that is left ton *f Purcha9e of Christmas gifts half6 ordinarily lavish, I fancy, and, as lbal r- early sales are ready-money tran- lin»i°+u unle8"P°ekets are exceptionally well- ba^' Kre 7dl be little 8urPlus coin left for p5rf„ ? J'461"3 t0 Spe"d in th«ir ^vourite ia3 jannsaally canny tradesmen advertised the disposal of their Ii superfluous Donk.i a ^0I.lth ln advance of Christmas, that « 8S' receipts were found to justify course of action on future occasions. 4, EDICI COLLARS CHANGE SLIGHTLY. w°rn°thCe ,liat when collars are This are ver-'y niucl1 sloped in front. Nearer t conducive to comfort, enables the ■Uitahu ° ,,ntroduce a few folds of ohiffon of the neoV u- The chiffon folded round P^r8onS 'l8J^hirr lfc' -fact' and suit8 some form, etter uitrodnced in jabot it' If H ASQTJES GROWING IN FAVOUR. ^ay^Ti l>us<lues are fining ground every vandvkJie e ge be roun<i, tabbed, or battlempni ao?°r<i'n^ to taste, scollops and to guit fu a ke bem» out more or Ic*s dfep 15 tbe requirements of the figure. • A UELIC OF BYGONE DAYS. f4vourifeUdw;ti°ape in 8eal plush is a ^>reat ^ntv 7oun^ women. It is very °olour .8l^*r^ when lined with some pretty ^^iretb-, iS^OTr8 *n S^'mPses only. I Co,&h)r>- i 8f doaks much, but they are unbe- ort %ures, as they tend to stunt e fiRur aPPearai>ce» and also to widen &Fe ftiadJ5'- ^t?jl °' tl)e uew °Pera mantles fras fleowT *^or shape. One of red cloth *m&ll yo^ wJI1 s tu^s °f hlaek siik. The fcgh collar hL°i p!a,n red material, and the ilr>e<i with black ostrich f,nthnr.,J the ups Ut euo learners tailing over the edge of the collar, • SEEKING TO MINIMISE THE EFFECT. White kid shoes appear to add so much to the size of the feet that they are being oovered with stars, worked in fine black jet, which modifies the unbecoming effect of totally white foot coverings, • « MORE ABOUT SHOES SENSIBLE AND ECCENTRIC. Patent leather shoes are sometimes seen with a band of white kid at the upper edge. The heels are also covered with white kid, and both are stitched black. Whimsical rather than pretty is a device of a spider's web worked in gold thread. Another variety of shoes in black and yellow had a Mother Hubbard bow standing up in large flutes above the instep. Yellow silk stockings should be worn in connection. I omitted to mention above that the spider's web would not be complete without a big fly of the blue-bottle order and the brown we'o-spinuer into whose toils the prey has fallen. • FOR THE ECONOMICALLY MINDED. I wish to draw my readers' attention to the charming, but likewise inexpensive, art fabrics sold by a certain firm in Regent-street. These are dyed in most artistic shades, and of wide width. They cost only 2s. lid, per yard. When economy has to be studied, the material may be made up with no other trim- ming than is supplied by a few chiffon frills about the bodice. At the foot the skirt may be finished tastefully by a flounce about a quarter of a yard wide. This is hemmed up on the right side, the turning being quite Sin. deep. It is stitched about half an inch below the upper edge of the turning. At the top the flounce it gathered with heading three- quarters of an inch in width. The effect is graceful and novel, and the dress, made as I suggest, is simplicity itself—quite a young girl's gown. With a few natural flowers, chosen with due attention to harmony, it is as elegant as may be. For a slender figure ten yards of material should be sufficient, NOW ABOUT COVERINGS FOR THE HANDS. It is clear that one-button gloves, which we heard would be worn with sleeves reaching to the wrist, are not in favour, nor are they likely to be. Gloves with gaut itletir-are worn instead. Some new make. are charming. The gauntlet it handsomely braided in mifcy ways, ohiefly, I think, with self-coloured br^id, but some specimens show more elaboration, and occasionally contrasts of colour app&ie. For gauntlets are, of course, very handsome and much warmer than those of kid or leather, but as out-of-door jackets are so often trimmed with fur at the wristi, additional fur on the gloves is what may be termed an embarrassment of riches, n.. KNIT! KNIT! KNIT! i uere is no land of work of a simple character that is so fascinating as knitting. It is essentially suitable to those who have weak or impaired sight, and the fact that it can be taken up at odd moments and put down again without showing any sign of such break as appears in almost every other kind ot fancy work is much in its favour, and it makes knitting a favourite occupation with most industrious women. Experienced knitters can often talk, read, or walk-in short, do several things apart from the work, which they carry on as it were involuntarily. I notice that stocking-knitting is becoming a very fashionable way of occupying spare time. Possibly the homely and useful art is a relief from more elaborate; and intricate operations of the needle. I consider that there is no handiwork of similar character that so effectually tends to keep at bay painful thoughts and tranquilliae the mind generally. Try the effect, my readers, for yourselves. The fact that you possess no adequate knowledge of the work need not hinder so long as you have a shilling to lay out on "The Victoria Knitting Cards." There are eight of them, and they contain full instructions concerning the useful art. These cards are so oompiled that beginners may knit from the first strip to a fuil-sised stocking without the aid of a teacher. Advancing in practical knowledge, the pupil learns from the instruction card how to knit all kinds of pretty useful things—baby's boots, vests of every size, knee caps, bedquilts, muffatees, rugs, children's gaiters, shoulder capes, hoods, petticoats, body belts, bedroom slippers, &c. iNor does this catalogue, though Ion, entirely exhaust the list. Children are more easily interested in knitting than they are in most other industrial occupations, and, while keep- ing them happy and amused, one is teaobing them also industrious habits and skill in the art of making all kinds of useful knitted articles for juveniles And adults alike, not to mention dainty things of a purely ornamental oharaoter. # + AN KLEGANT r.VENISG TOIT/F.T. A very elegant evening toilet I was shown at Jay's was with trained full back. The front of the dress from hip to hip fell quite straight and without more fulness than the exigence of the figure required. Starting; from th" round waist., and at equal distance each from the other, were strands of libboti and lace form- ing stripes. Ihe lace was much wider than the ribbon, but was arranged rot to appear so at the top, gradually, however, widening to within three-quarters of a yard of the hem of the dress. The stripe is banded with jet ornaments. Theiioe the lace flows unrestrained to the feet, being, perhaps, three-quarters of a yard wide, and so forming a fan. A round Swiss belt, lower in front than at the sides and back, confines the upper half of the bodice, which is arranged in very full folds, the right side crossing the left, the ends losing themselves beneath the corselet belt, which, by the way, is of jetted silk gauze. The sleeves of the dress are short, and the long, black mousquetaire gloves reach some distance above the elbows. NEW CUSHIONS. There is constantly something new to be seen in cushions. The double" Slumber Holl has given place to a triangular cushion with a double frill round the edge. Cords are attached wherewith to sling the cushion to the chair back. Plain silk and brocades severally serve to oover the oushion. CURTAIN SPOTS THR SIZE OF HALF A CROWN. The rage for huge spots extends to curtains. I have seen some of ecru net patterned with scarlet, discs the size of half a crown.

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Hedgehogs for Dinner.

A Sunflower of Sizo,

A Family of Weight.
