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| J g^ONS AND gONS (SMOVF ROOMS AND OFLLCTS), CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF, Solicit Orders for JlARBLE WORK OF ALL KINDS. Including MONUMENTS, WITH CARVING OF ANY DESCRIPTION, BUTCHERS' SLABS, GROCERS' COUNTERS, CHIMNEY PIECES OF ANY DESIGS. Frioei Quoted on Application. t- —— M- GOOD WORKMANSHIP. QUICK DESPATCH. 7742e TWENTIETH YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. "171 GRAHAM ^OUNG (Successor to ■ the late Mr. W. M. Parson). DENTAL SURGEON (by Examination). 37, PARK- STREET. BRI8TOL. Attendance t—CARDIFF and BRIDGEND. 1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY In every month, CARDIFF, 22. CHARLES STREET (Next be Catheila Church). frem 3.30 to 7 p.m. Next Visits, WEBNEBBAT. January 7th and 21st and February 4th and 18th. BRIDG- END. 22, CAROLINB-STBET, from 9 a.m. te g. 30 p.m. Same dates as above, CREPSTOW-JIVERY TUESDAY, from 10.30 to 6.30, at 1, MAUFORT. SQUARE. No Fee for Consultation. Moderate Feea with Efficiency. 6854 TO TOBACCONISTS and PUBLICANS. —Common Olay Pipes, lOd gross; best }d Pipes in one gross boxes, assorted, 12 patterns, 2a; Cream- washed. 7a; French fancy, 7s 6d boye td, Is 9d; jd. 3a 64 a gross. Id wood pipes, 4a M gross 3d, 2s; 4d. 2s 6d; and 6d, 4a a dozen. Long and short Church- wardens, 6d, 9d, la, Is 3d. Is 6d, In one dozen boxes. Tobacco, Rag, 38 4d Superfine, 4s; best Irish Twist and Pigtail, 3s 6d; Bird's Eye, 3s 5d Returns, 3s lOd lOut and Cake Cavendish, 3. 6d. Franklin's, Wills's, and other makers' at their list prices. Id Cigars from 4s 6d per 100; 2d from 8s 3d from lis 6d; Fins, Courts, Whiffs, Cigarettes, Ac., 6s per lb. Bend for what you want; will be carefully selected and packed. Money Orders payable to E. GIBBS, TOBACCONISTS' BUNDRTMAN, 33, CA3TLE-8TRBBT, BRISTOL. Establshed 1843. 9633 QETZMANN AND CO. FURNITURE W, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, and 79, HAMPSTEAD-ROAD, LONDON. [NEAR TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD AND GOWER- 8TREET STATION). QETZMANN and CO. 5 GUINEAS. BEDROOM FURNISH KD COMPLETE for £5 5s. Illustration and Full Particulars Post Free. QETZMANN and CO. GUINEAS. tHE "LYNTON" DRAWING-ROOM SUITE, BETTBE and TWO E A9X CHAIRS for £5 15s. 6d. Illustration and Full Particulars Post Free. QETZMANN and CO. 27 GUINEAS DINING-ROOM FURNISHED COMPLETE For 27 Guineas. Illustration and Full Particulars Post Free. OETZMANN'S ILLUSTRATED CATA- 0 LOGUE, the best Furnishing Guide extant, •ontaining coloured and other Illustrations, with full particulars and prices of every article required in com- plete House Furnishing. Post free on application, o E T Z MAN NAN D C O. HAMrSTEAD-ROAD, LONDON. Lc2 JgLISS' QUIPPING NORTON rpWEEDS. These celebrated Tweeds may be obtained DIRECT FROM CHIPPING NORTON. Also their Royal Navy Blue and Black Suiting Serges. Patterns Post Free, and any length, supplied by ALFRED MAOE, Chipping Norton Tweed Warehouse, Chipping Norton. Oxon. Lc773 Electric belt, free. HOW TO OBTAIN IT. To introduoe It and obtain Ag*nta, tb« aadenlfnad will Give Away a few of their £ 1 German Electric Peita, invented by Professor Van der Weyde, President of the New York Electrical Society (U.S. Pat. 257,647). A positive Cure for Nervous Jleblllty, Rheumatism, loss of Vitality, As., Ac. Write to- BERLIN MANUFACTURING CO, (AOKNTS), 28. ENDSLEIGH G A RDENS, EUSTON-ROAD, LONDON. JT.W Lo782 bR. Tr ALOR'S ptlOSPHODYNE For TWENTY-FIVB YEARS has maintained its WORLD-WIDE reputation as the ONLY SAFE, RELIABLE, PHOSPHORIC CUKE FOR Brain Wreckage, Paralysis, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and all Functional and Diseased Conditions of the System, dependent upon the Deficiency of the Vital Forces. It Cures Dyspepsia, Nerve, and Heart Disease. Cures Kidney and Liver Complaints. Cures Depression and Loss of Appetite. Cures Consumption and General Debility. Checks all Wasting of the Vital Forces From whatever cause arising. The effect of this Standard Phosphoric Remedy in tTervous Debility and its Kindred Evils is immediate and permanent, all the Miserable Feelings and Distress- ing Symptoms disappearing with a rapidity that is BB ALLYMARVELLOUS. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE ctually Creates New Nervous Fluid and Brain Matter ky supplying the Blood with its Electric Life Element Phosphorus," the very Core and Oentre of the Brain itself," and kindles afresh the Fire of Life from the Sole .f the Foot to the Crown of the Head, restoring the tallest and most vigorous conditions of Robust Health 81 Body and Mind, so that all the Duties of Life may be pursued with Confidence and Pleasure. Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all parti of the world and from the Highest Medical Authorities. Sold in Bottles at 4s 6d., by all Chemists; 6r sent free In Great Britain, on receipt of P.O., from DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE IIABORATORY. HAMPBTEAD, LONDON. li.W.ILC621 OTADE, MA* POWELL'S Balsam of Aniseed CURES A COUGH. "UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL. LllADAMB MARIE ROZ^, TU WOBLD-RI*OW*ID rum Oosu, writ** as follows i—" Jamiarj 4th, 1890. Mj Jbar You ask me hew I escape Influenza, ana mj Ecret far keeping my voice in such Brilliant order ? I will bnyou. WtuHlj and solely bj tha aae at PowelFs Balsam of Aniseed. To this regular me of this agreeable remedy I the fact that I have eacaped the varieua ailments Etfddsntal to the trying winter season, and consequently I lave not disapBOtnted the public. Try Po*eH*s Balaam. I & certain ft will onrs you.—Years faithfully, MABIB Roza EJLFLZSOX. ALL WHO HAVE NOT GIVEN IT A TRIAL SHOULD DO SO AT ONCE. 'in pal*ce and cottage alike, Powell's Bals^ of Anbewl A the old and unexcelled REMEDY for COUGHS. COLDS, ftRTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NIGHT COUGH, WfLU- pNzA, Its large sale throurhont the whole cmHsed World proclaims its rreat worth. SOLD BY 20,000 CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. WARNISa-When pacohaaipj Powers Balaam ofAni- fifed you are earnestly reooeatea to see truU the "TAon, Yet, and Mouse" Trade Mark Is m tie txrttte wrapper j and pt sot persuaded to take imitations. Ask for POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. Prepared by THOMAS POWELL, Blackfrtari ftoad, London. Nee is. 1M. and 26. 34. ger^ttte. FMttjfr bottles ClUJ A MINE OF WEALTH FOR YOU IF SECURED TO-DAY. ONE THOUSAND POUNDS IN FREE PRIZES These Prizes will be this day and with each issue of this paper distributed ABSOLUTELY FREE amongst all readers of the WEEKLY MAIL. It is expected that if the demand be as great as hitherto t he above-mentioned sum will be exhausted each issue, and thus what amounts literally to A MINE OF WEALTH will be distributed amongst H. Samuel's patrons. EVERY PURCHASER RE- CKIVES A PRIZE. When you have read this, write a letter to H. Samuel. Enclose in your letter a Post- office order for either SSI 12s. 6d. or 25s., and you will receive by return from this celebrated manufacturer, who delivers DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY to the pocket of the wearer (YOURSELF, READER) a magnificent and valuable ENGLISH LEVER WATCH, with jewelled Movement, fitted with dust and damp-tight cap. and enclosed in Solid Silver Hall-marked Cases. Worth Five Guineas. H. Samuel's price, £ 2,12s. 6d. Or, the CELEBRATED •' ACME WATCH (Lady or Gentleman's 8ize), {-plate, extra i'swelled movement, in Solid Sterling Silver Cases, landsomely ornamented. Worth Three Guineas; H. Samuel's price, 25s. On the arrival of the Watch the purchaser will be SURPRISED AND DELIGH- TED to disoover a HANDSOME AND APPRO- PRIATE FRBB PRIZE included In the box, from this date up to Deoember 31st, 1890. Full par- tleulars of this GRAND PRESENTATION will be sent on application. BACH WATCH WARRAN- TED FOR FIVE YBARB, AND SUPPLIED WITH A WEEK'S FREE TRIAL. Write fer H. Samuel's latest Catalogue, and oompare the STARTLING REDUCTIONS made on the ordinary retail prices. Over 1,000 beautiful Illustrations and hundreds of astounding testi- monials from wearers in all parts. Sent to any Address on application, GRATIS and POST FREE, No. 101. Weekly Mail Keaders. Available £ 1,000 SPECIAL FP.EE PRIZB 31^' Distribution. COUPON BOND. IGGG. The holder of this Coupon who cuts it out and encloses It, with order, to H. SAMUEL, is entitled to receive the Watches described above at the reduced prices of £2 12s. 6d. and jBt 5s., and to receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, with each, H. SAMUEL'S SPLEiiDID FREE PRIZE. (Signed) H. SAMUEL, Manchester. All P.O. Orders to be made payable to H, SAMUEL, at General Post-office, Manchester. WATCH CLUBS.-Five thousand In successful operation. No Watches give such satisfaction. Liberal terms pleasant occupation. Readers who are Clerks, Timekeepers, Railway Men, Foremen, Ac., are Invited to write for particulars. Clubs formed for Sewing Machines, Wringers, Bicycles, ke. H. SAMUEL, LEVER W ATOll MANUFACTURER, 97, 99, and 101, Market-street, MANCHESTER. 9764c LUNG BAVB YOUR LIVES Br TAKING TONIO LUNG flWrnilDGE'S Sg™ LUNI J UNG nnoNIC, TONIC LUNG JJ X TONIC J'HXf THS MIGHTY HEALER. TONIO It has a power over diseases TONIO hitherto unknown in Medicine. TONIO r rrSo Are you at all Weak-chested, or TONIO TTT2!S jne''ned to be Consumptive, with TONIO rnwa touch of Cough now and then? TONIO rnsfl "Try this Wonderful Medicine." TTTMQ. TheCough and Weakness will dUap- LUNG p#ar as br ""K10' *Ild y°u will feel LUNG strength and power you never had TQJJJQ LUNG bef0rHAVB YOU A COUGH ? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. LUNG HAVE YOU A COLD ? TONIO LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TONIC LUNG Ur0,ick'(''4 an(I Asthma it relieves JoNIC LUNG instantly. TONtn LUNG The sPMins Coughing so dread- i.TTNA fulin Whooping Cough become less LUNe with eaoh dose of the medicine. TONIC LUNG tt • m At TONIO LUNG Having suffered from a very bad LUNG CQld, followed by hacking cough, my TONIO LUNG C*M very serious before I was LUNG "commended by some friends to try ivwfn T.TTTiO your celebrated 'Lung Tonic.' After I.TIWft taking half the bottle I was com- LUNG P'etel? cured. I can only toy it is LUNG the best roedlclne of the day. A. D. LUNG 2, South Queen-street, LUNG Morley." TONIO LUNG Vour Lung Tonic I find excellent. T.TTNfl My boy suffers with a bad cough, but Tn?in LUNG that eased him directly. (Mrs.) K. LUNG MCMULLKK, Ware. HerU." TONIO LUNG TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. 0 WB Itl D 0 D. TONIC LUBe- Chemist, Hull. TONIO LUNG gold In Bottles, 18. lid., 2s. 9d., TONIO LUNa 4s. 6d., and lis., by all Chemlsto and TONICS LUNe Patent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale TONICS LUl". all London and Provincial fcTousns. TONIC Spearman's Serges, the Royal Navy, Woaded Blacks. Brown*. Ookmrad and Ikmy DWIgns, la. BJ<1. and Is. ll|d. the yard, unsurpassed for strength and quality, in Weavinga for Ladles, Gentle- men, Boys, and Little Folks. Send for Samples direct to Spearman and Spear- man, Plymouth. [98420 LONDON. irrOTEL. WINDSOR, VICTORIA-STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. SPECIAL NOTICE. ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. MODERATE TARIFF. TABLE D'HOTE at SEPARATE TABLES, from 6.30 to 8.30 (Open to Non-residents). TURKISH AND SWIMMING BATHS. INCLUSIVE TBRMS FROM 12a. PER DAY. J. R. CLEAVE & Co., Proprietors. L649




Christmas Decorations,




iWrrtcti pottrp


Christmas at Home for the…

[No title]


