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- OUlt DOCTOR. atltl, is to…


OUlt DOCTOR. atltl, is to bt-come lietltltv,Heiiis. Conducted by a Physician and Surgeon. Correspondents arc requested to state their ^usst'ons .Is colle"?Iy as possible consistent with intelligibility, adding (1) sea-, (2) aqe. (3) if married, (4) duration *>f illnesf. All letters should be address^. "MFTMCAl," per Editor, WEEKLY MAIL, Cardi "Arxtous" (W L,.¡¡-,u¡.> r elti- ment in an offiec l a; a great deal lo do with your condition. Try other employment. Gut all the frpsh air you c in. Take plenty of imM, and nourishing diet. 2. Take no stimulant; at present, and try to give up smoking. o. les. "L. M. T (Swansea*.— A change to the sea would be beiiolirial to y-u, bill not at this rillle of the year, unless you could yo abroad. Home is place for ou at present-—Not at your age WN. W. S." (Feriid-tlcj. — 1. Your ewe requires Jong course of treatment by a medic tl m ui. 2. At 1,MM; three or four «uin»a?.. F. J. w(Blaeii'»v n).-l. It »s it'll"™ .on of the irmcous nieiiibiiine, Ciuscil bj co.o. so long. 3. Possible, but. not probable. *• Ygg "A. D. p." (Atierdare).—1. Ye?. 2. Not genc- l"Hy. 3. It is composed of syrup of puospiutc, ofiron, qoiniiv, andstiyclmii-e. "JACK TMI (N'wpor; ).-l Tuke ion rnps tincture of bteel ill a ». twico a thy after f 0.1, 2. An tl i-tic erne* is best; thosilk one?. 3. N t dangriou* "fl. R." Dowlais).—1- Apply lin.-eed me .1 poulnc « three times daily <1 tf.8 wounds healthy, then use zinc ointment. 2. About unite weeks. „ f "PUNYAED" (Methyr Tydfil). U have r-t stated age.employmei t, or duration ot C,I,S- "CONSTANT (Fores'.facli, Swansea).—« 110 till v iihout exnmin f'-n, but AOUd adv^e you to try SHI Prunt 1 lounges; u,r,crlonV'n' a "VV. si' (Newport).—Vaiious causes. Sometime. age. CRAMP IN THE LEGS. 1$frequently relieved by firmly pressing tho feet against some hard substance, such as the footboard of the bed. In most cases, pressure against a cold hearthstone will afford relief. • Cmi.BT.AIN3. Now that this is the season ror chilblains, the following remedy may be aooeptable — Wear cotton stockings day and night on the cpproach of winter; and when the first symp- toms of attack are felt wear two. » SLKERLESSNESS. A very simple method of INDUOIN« »JEEP IN cases of persistent insomnia, and one that has succeeded where many drugs have failed, Bimply to administer a moderate £ warm liquid food before the patient G bed. This diverts the blood from the biain to the abdominal organs, and takes away the cerebral excitement that precludes sleep. • To STRAIGHTEN A ROUND BACK. The simplest and easiest way of doing this Is as follows Procure about three yards of unbleached furniture webbing an inch• Place this behind the back and d.aw to the front beneath the armpits. J hrow the ends over the shoulders, cross them hehind the back, then bring under the armpits again and tie in front. You can put a buckle on for the fastening if you It ~e. ?i. vou too ti«ht at first, but gradually tighten a, you gr0J h-tlS additional advantage of costing but a fen pence.. # DOSING THE BABY. In re-counting some of the aooictehts thit befal the babies through the ignorance or, oarelessness of parents and nurses, mention must, be made of a class of caaes that are met with in the practice of almost every physi- cian of wide experience, about which be will t a talk to you fi-eely enough in a general way, the st "cleat profeasioiial secrecy, and not then unless there is good reason for so doing I refer to the murderous practice of dosiiig the innocents with powerful patent nostrums, compositions the effects of and antidotes for which are unknown to the persons who administer them. Children do not bear opium well, and it should never be Iadministered to them by anyone but a well-informed who can watch its action. The sooth ng syrups are another fruitful source of mf»n lie mortality, nnd many fatal casas o po S following their use might be cited.—BabJ hood. » TREATMENT OF BURNS. The best thing to do in the case of a burn -whether it is large or small-is to submerge the injured part in water, which will keep the air away from it and alleviate the smarting, then, as soon as possible, appty a pas e m of carbonate of soda and water Spread it on the burned surface, cover with cloths, and keep saturated with water. This mode of treatment, says a doctor, dealroya the pain, ex- pedites recovery,and prcventsblisteringr- is no better remedy known. If i PP promptly and properly, the skin will form » hard, dry covering o.er the burn, and blistering will occur. If a blister is fornie(i, it should be carefully water nnt and let the skin down upon tne raw surface. If a burn is caHy-and tMs^iianner 0Qf dressing need not be changed but more of the carbonate of soda may be added, if washed away by the application of wa ter. I he less tho dressing is moved the better. THE MRDICAL USE OF ROT WATER. There is no remrdy of .nch f cation, and none so easi y > water, and yet nine persons in ten will pass by in an emergency to seek for somethir)g of less efficacy. There are but few cases ot illness where water should not occupy tho highest place AS A remedial agent A strip of flannel or a napkin wrung out of hot water and apph-D ROUND the neck of a child that has croup will Usually bring relief IN ten m U • A towel folded • several times and Wrung out of hot water and app IE seat of the pain in toothaohe or neu g generally afford prompt relief..IHW TREAT ment in colic works like NIAGIO I H«E known cases that have RESISTED OTHEI treat- ment for hours yield to this in ten M notes. There is nothing that will so pi P Short congestion of the lunsa)3<?' V thenmatiL a. hot «ter »h«. appl.ed promptly and thoroughly. D TQ Uraute dipped in hot water an ^P PF sores and cuts, bruises an P A treatment adopted M many P • sprained ankle ha. '» *Xm .wring .t "» t ¥ePFd water soi. height of » FEW L D ^OT Vate, taken freely half an hour before bed time is the best nathartio in the oase of constipation, whi.e it BT F MOST soothing effect on the bowels. ?HI9 treatment continued for a few months, with proper attention to diet, will alleviate Clany MI""¡:: of dyspepsia. • WORK AND FOOD. distaste and dislike which is growing BP arouna us with regard to work is (says The jiospttai) a grievous and terrible mistake, for the highest life that any man or woman can reach in this world is associated with the fullest work. If thos,, who knew the value of life were to be asked which are the most worthy—those who work much too mucu or those who work mIlch too little-they would at once answer thac those who work much too much are worth twenty times those who work much too little Let mothers who have daughters whom they do not know what to do with, .ctwho are becoming plagues to themselves andtoyou, fill their lives with work, and they will then have no need to complain of them. There is growing up in the nursing worid a habit of having far too frequent meals in the day and far too mucu variety at them. Meals should not be multi- plied in the way they now are. The plan of having tea before breakfast, lunca at eleven o'clock, then dinner, tea again in the artei- noon, and supper at night, is about tho worst plan tbat can be adopted. N uriies should have four meals a day, four good sensible meals o fresh,simple, nourishing food. W omen have out one notion about food, and that ?9 e oftener thoy eat and the more varied „he ioou is the better the? will be. 'i his is a nns.aie. Four simple meals, meals of plain, nounsnuifj food, and nothing between them is the best way of sustaining the health and ot suppoi.- i-T the bodv. Above all tinned meat suoutd ti'e^avoided,"as they form a most dangerous kind of food. The diet of 25 years ago, when nurses had plain bread and butter for breakfast at half-past six, a dinner consisting of ioint atone, and a cold meat supper, was much more filing for tho maintenance of health and tho support of the wording powers than the diet of the present day.




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