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#u&Itr £ lmu3ements F AILDIFFL, JuiEATKE J^OYAL, QAIUHFF. I.KSHICK I\D Mutageb MR. EDWARD FLKTCHE*. ic'LL.NG MAUXdiLR JiJ*. JOHN SHBRIiJASr. LAST TWO NIGHTS OF l'lIE JJ ARBOUR L IGHTS. MONDAY NEXT, PINK DOMINOES. Plan at Thompson and Shackell's (Limited). [62008 public pottos* FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST, 1^11 E BRITISH BANK OF AUSTRALIA (LIMITED). Head Office-MELBOURNE. Authorised Capital £ 1.000,000 Paid up £ 153.848 Bubscribrd 619,240 | Reserve Fund, ic. 72,371 London Omces-e4 and 86, KING WILLIAM-STREET, R.O. London BOARD < 8IR EDWIN H. GALSWORI HY. CHA8. MOLYNEUX GRENFELL, EõQ. SIR FREDERICK YOUNG, K.C.M.G. JAMES MARTIN, Esq. BAXXKR8; tmrnoN-Mems. GLYN. MILLS, CtTORIE, and CO. Full particulars on application to the Bankers or to I Lcfi93 WILLIAM MARTIN. Secretary. Unless fog guctfoit DUKE-STREET AUCTION-ROOMS, CARDIFF. DN SATURDAY, November 8, 1890, commencing at 2.30 p.m. precisely. ANNUAL BALE OF nOSE TREES, Ac., From Mr. Wm. Groves, St. Owen's Nurseries, Hereford. MESSRS. J. G. MADDOX and CO. have received instruction* to SELL by AUCTION 500 Lots of ROSES, FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, 60,000 QUICKS, &c., By sample, including the finest leading sorts of hybrid, perpetual, and tea roses in cultivation, true to name, l'lia fruit trees are of the best sort for dessert, Ac., good, healthy, and clean. Ornamental shrubs and conifers in variety; Also aucubae, laurel, privet, spruce firs, piues, box, Ac. On View Morning of Sale, There will be No Reserve. 97203 i. NEW FOREST, HANTS. v. øø. R. By 'Drder of the Commissioner in charge of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests, Ac. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT LYNDHURST, BY Messrs. f,. ellen and son, on TUESDAY, November 11, 1890, at Three o'clock Afternoon, about 61,600 SCOTCH FIR POLES, Suitable forptt-prope, railway sleepers, Ac., and 2,100 LARCH POLES, Buitable for fencing, Ac. Catalogues and Conditions of Bale, with further par Hculars, may be obtained on application to the Bon. G. tV. Lascelles, the Queen's House, Lyndhurst, Hants, or io the Auctioneers, Andover. 97199 v r- flu&iicanons* {" RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1891. WOW BEADY, Containing Hints to Farmers and Gardeners, in Bvery-day Guide for all the Affairs of this Life, when to Buy, Sell, Speculate, Travel, ke., Ac. Birthday information for every day, also Fate of any Child born taring the year. «*- f .Xhe Largest and Best Almanac published. Ho on« who has not seen it can form any opinion of He usefulness. High and low, rich and poor can profit by It. Get a Copy tliis year and judge for yourfelf, Priee 6d.: Post Free 7d. RAPHAEL'S BOOK OF DREAM8, Is. An Infallible interpreter. Insist on having RAPHAEL'S. JtAPHAiL'a BOOX OF FATE, It. A lure guide to )he future. FOUL8HAM and CO., 4, Pilgrim-street, Ludgate fill, B.O. WEBB, LEWIS, and SMITH, Cardiff, and all Stationers. 3583 Y IMPORTANT NOTICE I V Just Published, a Book for Young Men, Br VB. J, A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), Entitled, "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH." On the LAWS GOVERNING LIFE. and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, aDd TREATMENT of aU diseases depend- ing on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality. such as Nervous Stability. Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indeoisioa, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Lou of faergy and Appetite, Paioa in the Back, ao. Sent Pott Free for Two Stamps, or by Letter Post 4. Three Stomps. THE FEMALE'S FRIEND AND ADVISER Will be sent to any Address on receipt of Twe stamps. Addresa Dr. BARNES. 48, Lonsdale-egaara, < Bajnsbury, London, N. Lc757 INVENTION, a Weekly Journal for Manu- JL facturers, Engineers, Capitalists, and Scientists, wth Supplement. Published at 64, Iflew-ttreeti, Lon- don, E.O. ''j- V Jnventwru—Best Patent Afcinoy, cendnelefl by a Solicitor aud Government Bumintf. &eomy aod Despatch. i zxvmti&w-Best SoleoJIle, Professional, and Technical Advioe Gratia.. f Invention*—Beat Method wf FinaBclng and Selling Inventions and Patents. Large guaas to be Bealised. J invention*.—Descriptive Notices amd Illustrations. pe Current Number (Supplement; Invention, 64, Fleet-street, E.O. Lc409 '«* <$tttatfonal» s —. CLIFTON, BRISTOL.. CLARENDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL KJ FOB LADIES, WHITB LADIES'-ROAD, CLIFTON,' BRISTOL. — Principals i Mr*, and the Vines MAYNARD.—Special Preparation Classes are held for University and Music Examinations, in which candidates have been most successfuL Junior and backward pupils receive individual as well as class teaching. Lectures are given on Hygiene, Ambulance, and Cookery, and special lessons in Needlework. References kindly permitted to Yen. Archdeacon Blunt (Chaplain to the Queeo), Scarborough; He vs. R. Glover and U. B. Thomaa. 9832c ? ■ SWANSEA. High class school FOR THE JLJL DAUGHTERS OP GENTLEMEN.-Mrs. O. C. SOUTHEY and Miss VOILB are OPEN to Receive a Limited Number of DOABDER8 and DAY PUPILS. Instruction in alibranche* of English, ranguages, Mij sic, Singing, Drawing. Painting, lancing. Ac. Resident; French Governess (diploma and silver medallist). Home comforts and refinements; careful religious training- sea air and bathing; references from parents of pupils! The Autumn Term Commences on THURSDAY, Sep- tember 18th. 9822c fesurmue Company j} H <E NIA F IRE OfriUE, ip^wu^ri7wreeT and FU baring-cress, London.— 9Vrrent Rates. Liberal and HnlM A ee ?f al1 ^'ability.Electric Lighting Rules Supplied. Agents at Cardiff Mr D Shepherd, 1, Frederick-street; Mr. J. H Joiim' Solicitor, 3, High-street; Mr. O. B. Stallybrass' Mr D Williams, Consulate-chambers, Bute Docks; Mr. James Morgan, Charles-street-chambers. Lc4 Death and disablement by ACCIDENT.—The RAILWAY PA8BBNGERB' ASSURANCE COMPANY ASSURES £1,000 at DEATH and FULZr BENEFITS at R4 PER ANNUM. Hon. Evelyn Ashley, Chairman. Annual Income, £ 250,000. 80,000 Annual Policy-holders. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund, £ 286,000 Compensation Paid. j62,750 000. West -End Onioe t—a. Grand Hotel Buildings, W.O. Head Offieet—64, CornUlll, London, B.C.—W. D. Massy, A. Viaa, Secretaries. [L0664 Agents for Cardiff—Mr. W. B. Bradshaw, ft.W.R.; TregerthenDunnand Co., Merchants' Exchange: Mr. R. Richard, Station Master, G.W.R. Lc664 Dim'ng &t. BRISTOL. A NDEAN'S SWAN HOTEL, A 62, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL. I (^ CAn Old Welsh House.) This is situated in the very centre of the City. It nas »e«ri thsroughlv renovated, and is now unequalled for Comfort, combined with the utmost Moderation in Charges. 0. HOT AND COLD LUNCHEON'ff.- TBAS AND BUPPEES. GOOD BEDST B6980 HENRY BOULTON. PROPRISTOR. CARDITF ADVERTISING, BILL- CARDITF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTING AND CIBCULAR JH&TRlliUTlKG COMPANY (LIMITED). ,U"M Ustablished 1877. OitplcW: CASTLE-6TRBST CHAMBER SECRETAiiY 1 FRANK u, SIMFoOt. Beat PemaSeni posting g^ntions in Cardiff *nd K-iglibwarhood, Cjntraotor«''ioi' all descriptio n of Adv«rti^.ag, Chtjular Distributing, &c. All "fTom nr»n»"tlv 4/ t .1 htliS JdAlL,, l\ ATQBT lH3fU)XJir\.AT. fN WAT-Bjj

Family Notices
