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I i T SESSIONS AND s 11), I Manufacturers by Steam Power of Enamelled Slate and } Garble Chimney Pieeej, Baths, Lavatories, Butchers' Blahs, Wall Linings, &c. Ranges, Grates, Rainwater Goods, aud All Kinds of t Juilders' Ironmongery. Monumental Work Executed iu the Best Style. Roofing Slates of All Colours. Stoneware Pipe*, Blue Bricks, Forest Stone, and All linds of Building Material. Always in Stock. Catalogues and Prices on Application. QFFICBS AND SHOWROOMS CANAL WHARF EAST, CARDIFF. WORKS JOHN-STREET, CARDIFF. to- ITAM van* A 77 42C NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Ac. 17t GRAHAM ^fOCJNG (Successor to the late Mr. W, M. Parson, L.D.6.), DISTAL SCKSEOS (by Examination). 37, PARK-: ITREET, BRISTOL. Attendance -.—GABBLFF. 1st and Sral WEDNESDAY in every month. 22, CHABLSS- BTRBET (Next te Cathelic Church), from 4 te 7 p.m. But. Visits. YVEDNESBAT, September 3 and 17, and October 1 and 15; BBI.UGEKU—VVEi)^E8i>AT, September 3 and 17, and October 1 and 15, Care- Une-street. from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. CHEPSTOW — AVERT TUB8BAT, JTo.I, BBACFOHT-SQUABB, from ]ft.38 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Efficiency, with moderate charges. No Fee for Consultation. A Vacancy for a yupil. 16854c J)*. L A LO pHOSPHODYNJS For TWENTY-FIVE YKA.R3 has maintained its WORLD-WIDE reputation as the ONLY SAFE, HEJUABLK, PHOSPHORIC CURE FOR Brain Wreckage. Paralysis, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and. all Functional aid Conditions of the System, dependent upon the Deficiency of the Vital Forces. It Cures Dyspepsia, Nerve, and Heart Disuse. Cures Kidney and Liver Complaints. Cures Depression and I-oss of Appetite. Cures Consumption and General Debility. Checks all Wasting of the Vital Forces From whatever cause arising. 'the effect of this Standard Phosphoric Remedy in Rervous Debility and its Kindred Evils is immediate ftud permanent, all the Miserable Feelings and Distress- ly 5 ing Symptoms disappearing with a rapidity that is RE A LX,? iUR VBIXO US. Dli. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE ctnallyCreates New Nervous Fluid and Brain Matter by 5up(plying the Biood with its Electric Life Element Shospljuorus," the very Core and Centre of the Brain itself," arid kindles afresh tliu Fire of Life from the Sole of the Foot to the Crown of the Head, restoring the Inilest and most vigorous conditions of Robust Health of Body and Mind, so that all the Duties of Life may be pursued with Confidence and Pleasure. Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all Units of the world and from the Highest Medical Authorities. Bold iu Bottles at 4s _6d.. by all Chemists &t sent free in Great Britain, on receipt of P.O., from DR. LALOU'S PHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY. HAMP8TEAD, LONDON. N.W.ILC621 riXf TOBACCONISTS and PUBLICANS. ■'A —Common Clay Pipes, lOd gross best id Pipes in cue giws boxes, assorted, 12 patterns, z.; Cream- washed, Te French faney, 7s 6d boys' id, la 9d |d, 3s 6<1 a gross. Id woo«l pipe*, 4s 6d gross 3d, 2s id, Sa fid and 6d, 4s a. dozen. Long alld short ObnMh- wardens, 6d, 9d, Is, 11 3d, Is 6d, In one doten boxes. Icbacoo, Rag, 3&-4<1 Superfine. 4s best Irish Twist and :P4gLai 1. 3a 5d; Bird's Eye, 3J Sd BBturns, 3s 1Qd Cut ,*nd Cake Cavendish, 3s 6d. franklin's, Willi's, and *ptls?r makers' at their list prices. Id Cigars from 4s 6d per 100; 2d from 8s 3d from HI Sa; Fins, Courts, Wbiffs, Cigarettes, Ac., 6s per lb. r Bf-r.d for what you want; wilt be mrihj'Jy stifled |Bkil packed. Money Orders payable to L GIBBS, TOBACCONIBT8' 8UHDRYMA>, S3, CASTLB-8TRBBT, BRISTOL. r Kstabished 1843. 9658 SENSATION!^ THE CURE! THE CURE THE PERFECT CU»E!!i THOMASSO'S {PERFECT CURE fe IS NOW THRILLING THE WHOLE COUNTRY f BY ITS WONDERFUL OOKE8. OVTO 5.000,000, BOTTLES SOLD ANNUALLY ALL OVER THE WORLD. 6.1.1. LONDON IS LOUD IN ITS PRAISE. London and Liverpool ships and liners have a good <. a board every voyage. KINGS, BMPERORS. AND NOBLES Keep it in their Medicine Chests. j' THE ONLY PERFECT CURE ron KIDNEY AND LIVER, BRIGHT8 DISEASE, ( UK I NARY DISORDERS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, MALARIA, AND ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY DISORDERED f- KIDNEVB AND LIVER. Positively Cures INDIGESTION and all STOMACH DISORDERS. THE GREAT BLOOD PDRIFIER, RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS. /.THOMASSO'S PERFECTCURE is pleasant to take, uitl contains nothing-injurious to the most delicate con- (Ufcuiiou. The most delicate person will derive great wnefit from it, as it builds up and strengthens the kysteir., and restores the most delicate to sound and £ cbust health. •i Weak and Delicate Persona are made strong in a short Acne by the me oi this twrJerfui and world-renowned jMdiciue. THOMASSO'S PERFECT CüRE, VU 1m Burr RIMED Y :1;5 Loss or Nerve Power from o-t.a.atjd Brain, Grief, ficrrv, Eaceese*, Ac., or from le t Manhood, Exhaustel itaiiiy. Dcclias, and AUServcus Disorders. CAUTION.—Don't, we beg at you, reader, pcstporie treating your ease promptly. Ii you feei ont of sorts So not let disease get a grip on your constitution; Take ■ov.r ease in band sc oi.ee. The doctors CM not cure you, hie thev admit. Treat yourself with Thomaseo's •ei feet Cure." The only Perfect" Curtt. The perftot, temuuent, and Safe Cure. L- ADVICE GIVEN GRATIS. SEND STAMPSD p ENVELOPE. L SOLD BY ALL CMEMI8TS, 2s. » £ 4k 9d., and lis. a Mttlc. or post free from STIOMASSO'S PERFECT" CORE DEPOT. W11 STJIINSTEE BRIDGE-ROAD, 1.0ND0N. s Sold by HAGON, Cl^tnist, 3«, Bridge-st. CARDIFF, V S A MB ROOK, Chemist, MONMOUTH. JOHN YOUNG, Chemist, NEWPORT (MON.) and ail other Chemists. ;w READ. READ. ,8 THOUSANDS 01f TESTIMONIALS. Similar to following — 6, Bay-street. Lower Moss-lane, Hulme, Manchester, Feb 23rd, 1890. k.Pc«r Sir,—Having derive! a great benefit from the1 Wf-tla of your Perfect Cure vou sent me a fortnight TJfi, I write, asking yen to kindly send me another settle.—Toi-.rs laiihlully, FRANCIS CUN10. To the Editor of the" Midland Weekly Herald. ZfiAH BIB,—Doing a native of Bilston I feel bound to Write to you and tell you of my case, which I think is fry remarkable and should be published, so that other ll^le who aje tufferinl as I have suffered may know mv to get cured. About thaee years ago I began to Cfr>i> fr«m nervous debility, impaired kidney tatwn. sleepless nights, specs and webs before the eyes, r Cfr>i> fr«m nervous debility, impaired kidney tatwn. sleepless nights, specs and webs before the eyes, MWtt toss of nerve power, and other things too numerous Co merits*. I also suffered from retention of urine and ere pltlUS in the bladder and across the toias and £ >ouHers. I eould nt sleep and was constantly under e physicians, with whom I spent large sums of ow.y without obtaining My relief, in fact I seemed to ••tv orse. I trfe;i vaiious advertised cures, syrup, pills, Zc.. w'Ui<,iit any beneficial result. At last, after suffer- fcg about t ore* years, I was advised by a doctor who tad titrite-i me without being able to do any good to per Themasao's Perfect Cure," which he said ne had r^ceinwewled in many 08. when nothing else oould. |« due. 1 get a bottle, and before I had finished I Legsn to feel relief, and by the time I bad finished the lb!rd toUiC 1 felt free from pafti and almost well, I Ww feel quite a ntm man and quite young again. I gave only been tak>ng Thomasso's Perfect Curs four Kor. h«. 1 wr te you this letter as I am sure It will be tenef,cip) to miny of your ratters.—YouH truly, { 6, biawlcr-plare, Exmouth, S. JOHNSON. V He-pr ntfid from the Midltnd Weekly Heraii, January il, 1C90. KELIKF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. H LYMAN'S B\LSAM OF HORE- HOUND, the most certain and speedy reme^r Sor A-sUima, Consumption, Bronchitis Coughs,Influenza, t)ifljcn!t Bi-«atLinc, Spitting of Blood, Whooping ;0»ugb, Boaweuess, Loss of Voice, Ae, It gives instan. ytoeous relitf Mil: tapidly efteet* cure. STOPS COLD. CURES COUGH. L TestiniOBi'-is m': u.inece33»xv. aS '^evf> scarcely a JSmiily in Sooth W;.Ua whieh has not prove.l its efficacy. I Prep»rts«i only by A. H ATM AN AND H, 4LBBW ARLB-SV.,&T. JUUiV ^SQ. l.ON K nil f»l«l »M.Ai»m>sUk—IVice 1». i'1 u H, 4LBBW ARLB-SV.,&T. JUUiV ^SQ. l.ON K nil f»l«l oil i'1 al),1 u A FORTUNE GIVEN ^WAY } AN UNPARALLELED AND EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL READERS OF THE WEEKLY MAIL. A GRAND FREE PltIZE of SPECIAL VALUE and Utility. Amazing and GIGANTIC OFFER. The Watch-trade paralysed by H. SAAIUKJL'S MAR- VELLOUS and COLOSSAL PROJECT. WRITE to H. SAMUEL TO-DAY and enclose Post-office Order for æa 12s. 6d., and by return of Post you will receive H. BAXIUX'S World-famed ENGLISH LEVER WATCH, with Jewelled Movement, fitted with dust and damp-tight cap. and enclosed in Solid Silver English Hall-marked Cases. WORTH FIVE GUINEAS. H. SAMUEL'S Price, 92 12s. 6d. In return for P.O. Order for 25s. H. SAMUEL will despatch his celebrated ACME WATCH (Lady or Gentleman's Size), thi-ec-qtiartet- plate, extra Jewelled Movement, iitted in Solid Sterling Silver Cases, handsomely ornamented and WORTH THREE GUINEAS each. WITH SACH WATCH fl. SAMUBL WILL IXCLUDB DURING THIS MONTH ABSOLUTELY TaKA, AND WITH- OUT EXTRA COST, A SPLENDID AND APPROPRIATE fMK PRIZK, OF SPECIAL V ALUK AND ZLBa-ANCN, TO THOSE READERS WHO CUT OUT AND AJFCLOSE THE COUPON BELOW WITH THEIR ORDER. H. 8AMUM.8 WATCHliS are the cheapest, the best, and most reliable Timekeeper?. WAR- RANTED for FIVE YEARS, .SUPPLIED WITH a WEEK'S FREE TRLAT,. Write for H..8AMUEJ/» large Catalogue, containing over 1,000 beautiful IUnstraTions and hundreds of astounding testi- monials from the actual wearers, find full parti- culars of H. SAMUEL'S SPECIAL FREE PIUZH, Cent gratis and post free ou application. i Weekly Mail ReadersTl TZ SPECIAL FRSXPRIZE J* A,U COUPON BOND. | ^'on | Available 14 Days. | The holder is entitled to receive the Watches mentioned above at the reduced prices of 22 12s. 6d. and 25s., and to receive absolutely free with each Watch H. SAMUEL'S VALUABLE FREE PIBZE. Available for Fourteen Days. (Signed) H. SAMUEL, Manchester. All Y.O. Orders to be made payable to H. Samuel, at General Pojt-office, Manchester. Cut out this Coupon, and enclose it with your Order. ASSURED SUCCEBS.-Readers who art Clerks, Timekeepers, Railway Men, Fore- men, or who are in positions to form Watch Clnbs, should write to H. SAMUEL for parti- culars of his celebrated system. Liberal terms, pleasant occupation for spare time. Thousands of clubs in active operittion throughout the Kingdom. H. SAMUEL, LEVER WATCH MANUFACTURER, 97, 99, and 101, Market-street, MANCHESTER. 9764c ITS, EPILEPSEY "FALLING SICKNESS, GIDDINESS, SENSATIONS AND FAINTS. I will demonstrate to the wholtl world how that most dreadfulof aJl complaints, "Epilepsy," which has been hitherto considered incurable, can be per- manently enred (without the chance of failure). All afR'Cted may write i»itb full hope and confidence to the all;cted may write fitb full hope and confidence to the Secretary, Burwood House, Burwood-place, Hyde Park, London. He will send you. free of all charge, full in- structions for cure, and advice on diet. Lc633 HOTEL WINDSOR, VICTOR!A-STRBBT, WESTMINSTER, S.W. SPECIAL NOTICE. RiECaiUC LSiH'.T IN P.7/.RY 2;OO.M. MODERATE TARIFF, TABU) iraara at SEPARATE TAI'LBS, from 6.30 to 5.30 (Open to Non-residents). TUEKfSM AND SWIMMING DATHS. ITTOLUSirH XBRMS 12s. "ER DAY. J. n. CLEAVE & Co., Piopriefcort; L0619


ft hw Pail


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To Contributors.


! King Arthur's Well at Camelot.*

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