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j* 1" ———— ij -gE'3SI0NS AND gONS» t CANAL WIIARF EAST, CARDIFF. WORKS: JOHN-STREET, CARDIFF, FOR BNAMELIEI) RLATR AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES. COUNTKK TOPS, BUTCHERS' SLABS, PATHS A>'D LAVATOMF.S. CAST IRON ENAMELLED EATH*, JIANG E«, GRATES. RAIN WATER f.OODS, AXD GENERAL BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY. FOREST AND BATH STONE. AND MARRLE SLABS AND 8CANTLIN(t, Quarry Dressed, from the Saw, or Worked tu Order. MONUMENTAL CARVING, &c. 8LUE, RED. AND GHEEN ROOTING SLATES. JJJtOSKLEY AND OTHER ROOK NG TILER. JOINERY AND MOULDINGS. Timl-er and Deals. Loudon, Portland, and Cements. jJTAFFOKDSHIUE BLUE TRICKS, CREST*, &c. AND ALL lJEfCJiIPTJO};!3 OF RUILDtSG MATERIALS. large Stacks always on Hand at iheir Cardiff I>ep«".t», for Delivery I,y Wafer. R'td, or Rail. 7e NuTJtE OF REMOVAL, ic. T71 CUAHAM \OUi\G (Successor to J? !lie .Mr. W, M. Parson, L.D.8.), CENTAL 8liJ<GJU; jl>v Examination). 37, 1JAT5K- BTKKK'i, B1H8TOI.. Attendance:—CAHOIKK. 1st and BTKKKT. IiHJHTÜí. Al lenck,tice:-CA ii DI Fl,, ist,id ♦rd V\' 15! 'NEBI?A V in every month, 22. OlIAKLKS- IBTKKVT R«-*t tv CH« tiolii: Church), fr»m 4 !«> 7 p.m. Xext Vi-.its, W KL*N EBJBAY. Jaou.irv 1 and 15, a*id Febi U.M £ «.!D K-; £ ]i:;»GKNl> — WEDNESDAY, January i KiKi 1 £ *n<! February 5 and j9, Va.ro- jinc-sl iV*t. from *i a.m. 1« 2.30 p.m. CHEPSTOW— hyfil' V TUESDAY, Xo.l% *KAl"FORT-Hy 1) AltR. fr<»m JC.3G a id to t.30 ). m. Efficium'y, with moderate charge*. Ko Fee Jvr Co>.su:titt:<.»). A Vacancy for a F..pt. fr854c A STARTLING FACT- #H1d ENDORSED EINIIIIALIOIILLV BY Tm.'USANOK UPON THOUSANDS in all part? of the world -i« tint no better WATCHES cai, be puieuied than MitinifiiGi'ot.l and Supplied by H. EAAIUEI. JiEWAHE tf the hosts of WDI.'JOUfi lMJTAT'ONS, prepared for Htir only, which aie iettr at, any price. M»Y DIKIiCT from H. SAMUEL, and yon mill neeive a 8npnh Watch, widell will LA HI" A JIVE-TIME, Get a Posf on. Croei TO-DAY tor £¿ ¡2' hI., and send it lo H, 8AMUBL, and > tut will receive an liLKGA NT ENGLISH LEVER WA'ICii, in Hull-marked fioiid fc'ilvei- Cise. Ouped ami Jewelled Movement, and w-ii'tli FIVE Guinea'. OR. iit V.KTUJIN Dttr l'.t..O. f r t>s.. H. KAMUfcL will send 10 ,,¡.v aoilres a. HPLENDU) "ACME" WATCH, in Soiid Sterling Silver Cnse. tlHee-<1õU er extra jewelled movement Ladv's o; size, find won!, 'l'hrf.4¡ Giiitieas. Will; e ich Watch. H. SAMUEL will enrl-w a VALOABLR AND UbEKCL GI FT. KNTTHfcLV FREE AND W1TIIGUI' ANY CHARGE in Readnsol tbe iVct/Ji/ Mail, «Ik» Ci'T OUT THE COUPt) l*low and eiielog* it with their order. PKUFK* T .'SATISFACTION ensured ly H. SA Al UF!S HMpwalWpsl eonditiois" or Kile. EVEHY WATCH WARRANTED ron FIVE YMAMS. and SI'PFLiJSO WiTH A V/KRK'K nmF. Till AT.. Readers arr re- quested to write for large descriptive CATA- LOG UK. containing over 7C0 illustration*, and full f H. SAXJUBL'S Worid-FaiiKu' Manufactures, as well as hundred? 01 a«t-o!iiid<i>K testimonials from all parts, bent toanj" address GRATIS and POST FIlEE on sit/plication. SrECJil, ]]' \f..} bPF.CJAL PRIZB. ice, PR1ZB. SPECIAL FREE PRIZE COUPON. The holder if entitled to receive the Watcb..s menti'mc/1 ahovl' at Ole Watches mentioned above at t lie prices cf 12K. 6d. and.£1 &3.. and also to ftcrh"{: free, and v.-ithout cost H. SAMUFL'S VALFAPLE FitEE I'RiZE. I (Signed) H. SAMUEL, Manchester. Availaldi- Jo; Fourteen Days. All P.O. Orders to be made payable to H. Samuel. G.F.O.. Manchester. ENORMOUS fiUCCE»>S.—H. Kanmel has vaeandcr for' the appointment of Agents in various district. Hisnitrn who :.re in a position to form Watéb. Jewedery, Ac., Clubs will receive full rs oil appli- cation to H. S. M UKI» Literal remuneration. PI"a"¡, .:mp:"J1YH11!t for Spine time. jLJ6-< II. SAMWBF- LEV KR. "ATCH MANUFACTURER, 97. 9°, and 101, Market-street, Manchester. S3Q3e HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY. DIL J^AL0RS For TW!'NTT-FIVE Y P: :¡S has maintained its WORLD-WIDE reputation as the ONLY SAFE, KSUAKLH, PHOSPHORIC KFMEDY ever discovered for the Permanent Cme of Brain Wreckage, Paralysis, BkMsplessnn^s, Harassitig Drpanos, Pt-ematurf Decay of Vital Power, and all Functional and Diseased Conditions of the SyEtfm, dependent ipon :be- Detieiency of the VitAl f-V'l'W. it Cnres Dyspeps' Nerve, and Heart Disease. Cuius BLidney and Liver Ccmpla¡nU¡, Cme-? Depression and Loss of Appetite. Cuies tV>nsHwption and Genera! Debility. Cheeks all Wasting of he Vita! Forces Ftum whatever cause arising. f The effect of this Standard Phosphoric Remedy in JJeryous Debility and its Kindred Evils is immediate and permanent, aU the Miserable Feelings and Distress- log Symptoms disappearing with a rapidity that jr. PE<* i l V M A liV E LLO U 8. Uli. 1, A LOB'S PHOSPHODYNH Uli. Lo\LOR'S PHOSPHODYNH cluaiU Cieatee New Nervous Fluid and llrRin Mattel by siipi'dyinp the Blood with its Electric Life Element Phosphoric t he very Core and Centre of the Brain Itself," and Uindlee afresh the Fire of Life from the Sole if the Font, to the Crown of the Head, restoring the fullest ami most, vigorous conditions of Robust Health of Sedyat^ Mind, so that all the Duties of Life maybe pursued wiOi Confidence and Pleasure. 'JPhwfauds of unimpeachable Testimonials from ali parte of the world and from the Highest Medical Autbc,i Sold in Bottles at. 4s. by all Chemists IhTOnKhonl the world or sent free ).(1 Great Britain, 0:1 receipt of P.O., from DK. lALOK'S PnOSPHODYNE LABORATOHY, IlAMPSTEAD, LONDON. N.W.JLC47 TZMANN AND CO. FURNITURE tI7. 69, 71. 73, 75, 77, axd 79, BAWI STEAD-ROAD, LONDON. (NEAR WOTfiPH/JS COUBT-ROAD AND GOWER- HTREET STATION). ZMANN and CO. 5 GUINEAS. BEDROOM FURNISH* D COMPLEfE for £ 5 5s. Illustration and Full Partic liars Post Free. ^^KTZMANN arid CO. GUINKAS. THE • YNTOtf DRAWING liOOM SUITE, SiiTTKIS and TWO EASY CH I P. lor jEo 15s. 6d. lilns'ration and Fall PiirtX-itars Post Free. |ETZMANN and CO. 27 GUINEAS .I ¡)G.RÜOM FURNISHED COMPLETE For 27 Guineas. 1 i io .t,ion and Full P"rticlWv S Post Free. OivTZl1 ANN'S JLLUSTKATED CATA- LOGU.B, the best Purnishing Guide extent, containing coloured and ntber Illustrations, with full Tpirtieulms and prices of every article required in com- plete House Furnishing. Post free on application, 0 !•: Z M ANN A 1"1 D CO., HAMPSTEAD-ROAD, LONDON. Lc2 JataMifhed nearly BaitE C» utury. p JpRlCEDMAN AND CO., J, 2, 3. 1\114 4, MARKET BUlIiDlNCB, POCH-STBBBT. NEWPORT, JFON. Only address as above. tM no cenneetion with any Mber establishment. PICTURE FRAME JL MAKERS, CABINBT MAKERS, GLASS DEA- LERS, BUILDERS, and' others are invited to send for Samples and Price List of our large variety of Eng- lish and German MOULD- INGS, OLEOGRAPHS. CHROMOS, and LOOKING 'GLASSES. The Largest Block in tbe (West of England of Foreign |0lSas at exceptionally low lpriou. j Samples of Mouldings, and any specimen Shew {Card framed and returned 'free of coat 6066c KFRNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES. — Sure Cure for Worms in ysiKtren. Full directions with eaeh Box. .(Beld in 7Jd.and 13J4. Packets. KKKN ICR'S MOTHEli'S FAVORITE" XBETHING POWDERS XBETHING POWDERS 4Joi\taiB no Opium —Bold in 's. and 2s. 6d. Paekets. S639e ONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL §X P98TBRS AND DBLlVB&Stig f HI^H 8TRSET, NEATH, AND PR ITON PERRY. i Pun' Addreeeed snd delivered. Biil-{H»ters to the ] Spat WeHora and Neath and Beeeon Railways, and U<e Mjtcipal Aoeitoneers. l.esseesol the Piine»pai POHn<i; t Eticr.* intheTcrwn. | dare Addreeeed snd delivered. Biil-{H»ters to the ] Spat WeHora and Neath and Beeeon Railways, and U<e Mjtcipal Aoeitoneers. l.esseesol the Piine»pai POHn<i; t Eticr.* intheTcrwn. | MUSIC IN THE HOUSE MAKES CHEERFUL, HAPPY HOMES The most Popular Musical Instrument of the Day is A M E JJ O D E O N The long evenings will pass much more p'easantly with a mixture of lniciu and foufj. Our wm.i,t-L.me,¡ MHtODKONS, having Organ and Celestial Tones. Patent. Visible Doubly Valves, and the Charming Bell Áccomp,u1Ïments, are specially adapted for home m iste Sacred Songs, Secular Songs, and Dance MnMu beino rendered wilh eqll,,1 effect. Anyone can play upon them. Urit/sh Patent, No. 4,492. German Patent, No. 24,110. EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. NO ONE DISSATISFIED. rr*IJE EM :M E l.OI) E O N JL ~K Is Selling in Thousands. RNJIE VTINIATURE" ML'LLODEON JL i » Charms Dull Care Away. RILILE ""OAVOURITER' MIOLODEON JL No Home should be Wit hont Olle. Do von wish t,) Enjoy your Long Evenings at Hume c Then procure a MliLODEOiN. Do you wish to mike your Family Circle Happy ? Then procure a MELOUEON. Do you wish to form a Concert or Dancing Parly ? Then procure one of C A.1 I B I I rAlii.M llitOAD RKED -1 New Mudrls for Season 1889 9?. THE C A RDI I' F II"EJ.¡,I-r JJAIL. I PUEKKXTATiON MELODEON COC POX. AN UNPARALLi-XKD Ot fliit. 5"X■■ IIAOL'S DK.MANP. SKJ.HXO IN TIIOI'SANDS. Enti! tine the iioidcr tlJ l r.i-, p Our oj (ienl" M' lodeon, fc's. cd.; our "Miniature" Melodean, 10s our Paragon" Melodeon 14s., and our Grand "Favourite" Melodeon 16s. Pd. Any of the above fnstrumcnts sent carriage paid to any address in Great Britain alld helanll on receipt of P.O.O. for the amount; worth double.. Selld aI, once. 100,000 TEST IMON1A r.S. The liditor of the London Wttkly rHx MKLODKOX.— NO instrument invented of lat" call equal in power the sweetness of the Melodeon. In external appearance it is a work art. No lover of real music could lind fault, with the Melodeon," The Editor of the Christian A, c says Having seen a Melodeon, we can fully confirm the worth of it and its perfectly genuine ch;¡r.<cter for flue tOile, elegance, and portability." The Champion Melodeon Player of Great Britain and Ireland rays it is nn" of the finest instruments that ever c'une under hi-* 10wh, and that they only required a trial to advert ire es. N.P.—All lovers of music should at once send for our New illustrated Piivilege Price List for Season 1890, now ready. One hundred thousand of these valuable lists sent out yearly. Send One Penny Stamp to CAMPBELL AND CO., MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER?, IlG, TRONGATE, GLASGOW. ESTABLISHED Fu ry YEARS. Also the Large.-t Assortment in ihe Kingdom of VIOLINS, GUITARS, AND BANJOES. FLUTES, CLARIONETS, AND FLAGEOLETS. CONCERTINAS, ACCORDIONS, AND FLUTINA^. COIiNt-.TS AND BRASS nAND INSTRUMENTS. DRUMS, ORGAN ACCORDIONS, MUSICAL BOXES, and all kinds of MI'S! CA r. IN S TUUMICNTS. Lc523 HO T K L WL N D S O H VlC'rORIA-STKEBT, WESTMINSTER, S.VV. SPECIAL NOTICE. ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. THE ELECTRIC IlGiIT BEING SUPPLIED FROM AN OUTSIDE STATION', ABSOLUTE QUIETNESS IS ENSUED. MODERATE TARIFF, TABLE D'HOTE at SEPARATE TABLES, from 6.30 to 8.30 (Open to Non-residents). TURKISH AND SWIMMING BATRS. INCLUSIVE TEliMS 128. PER DAY. J. R CLE A VJ5, Manager. LC507




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