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FOOTBALL, I WELSH v, R2ST OF WALES, On Wednesday astemooo this important event, oeing 1 he trml watch for the International fixture ;;)n January 1, came off 1:1 the Cardlff Arms Park. Ci1rdiff, before 3.0CO spectators, resulting in 1\ wiD for the I\@st of Wales bv three goals ar,d en", try to one trv scored for the Londm1 Welsh. The weather was fine, bot. t:lt1 ground was not irnnroved bv the min which fsil in the morning and the previous day's showers, A splendidly- C< n'^sted !>auie was, however, witnessed, which showed what good material the Welsh Grown Com- mittee htd for selecting a team to Walps. There wsv" several important absentees from the London Welsh team, nlJtably A., .J. Gould, C. G. Taylor, and E. P. Alexander, in fact scarcely one-iialf of the t-j.ua published put in an ippearunce. Kernptaorne Mckod off for the "Lon" Welsh fram the T»wi» enù, and, Kedzlie fa¡ling:o ret.ur^, she visitors quickly i.ivaled their opponent's territory. On a scrimmage l*'mg tonned. O. J. Evans secured the ]e;\Iher, nml, shucking to Doujzlas, that piayer, sprinting fieativ '1" Lie he.d. he ,imt! > the visitors It if." Tho Rest had the better of it in the uccetxiing Sii inmau-'S, ami greatly improved their X>9 tiou. Evans agai" g'Jt the leather and passed to 1. Bowen. TV-in turn transferred to G. E Bowen. The Ast-uanied punting forward, the game was immediately Jrageu ou uie Loiidoner'3 lines, Loose play w*9 bere the urùer, some excfilentpassing being exhibited by the K«9t," 11\ Wiimh Hybart, Douglas. and Evans were prominent..So materi!i! gain occurred, uowevsr, and livjr. y r-rsTiMris tue visitors' forwards, headed by Tom WiIHaUlS. "'1'00 the :):d: tuck to the centre. H. Boweti ■dnrrabt v 3Tt>oed the rush, and 11 3"0:)<.1 invasion was .ft..rw"rd:o made by he Welshmen, bock wood, of XcW- port, hfiuij i-urricula.i y uoticcab: G. E. and U. Li. !w, jtfain ciaie io th" front, and the latter sending the leather to u. P. Lewis, thai piayer skietl rhe bail 111 rrspon.-e, d, 1>. H. Howeo .,c<:ept¡ug the eatcn. mane a move forward fr0!D the 25 mark. Being sur- rour.ded ne ui G-. E. Boweu. and that player, beiig uoiiaren, eautifuny chucked r,o D. Morgan, and toe, taking the pass. s<-cr-.i near t hf" po:,t,. Hughes had no uiSBcuitv in CO >11 vert.; Itg. Tile latter returned Lae kick Jtf inte touch In Lb .vn ,erri!;>¡." illai 011 the ball bemg sent inro olav Kempthorne secured and ran right up to hi, opponents' lines. Lh-re toe was successfully tackled by Hughes, Kvans, aud Morgan oyer "he lilies. A maul of II lev* minutes ensueu, 1.1>.11; t_he hall was agalll brought into play, !to11' "scrum" W«3 formed live yards out. l'ne '• Rest r-roice away again, but. w-re stopped 0;1 Bland ill 'neir i;6, and the Lo:idoi>_r3, making à combined rusu. forced Hurtles U) touch dowlI. tiugl:1", kiclsed ';1: "ud C. P. Lewis making au inade- quate response, e3?:}"ed a dribble. Jordan, however, kicked toe ball onr, Irom betw{;el1 his feet H1W his opponents' i'aif. O. J. iiva.'n again cook the leather, OEd >pive to Uoiiglas, and that, player put in a magniii- esnt run, Illld was only brought down WlIel1 1'1 th., Londoners' half..7. A. jenkins sl.1o;.tl v afterwards put m It fin", cor!iscrf"w" run. Ou Deing held, his p.t33, intended for Price Jeiihin?, waa tak -n tJy Doug as. Wila gave tu Evans. I' latter piayer, failing :0 hoid. ,1ribbled onwaris. Pi up tile leather soon after- wards, hechucifed to lJ. H. 3owen,who, being opposite >:he uprights, beautifully slid the requisite, the fear, being i judiy cheered. Play tralTl this was oil fairly even terms. i)i.-ug:a.s again eshibicea a li;;e turn of speed, shortly aster t-iie kick off, and D. Morgan was also prominent in a grand dribble. J. A. Jenkins, however, neutralised these gains by a neat run, and ,p",ra:j"J!s weie resumed in the centre. Out of a scrimmage Hyb^rt came "way witll a line dribbie. Price Jenkins saved, and slwrtlV afterwards Kedz le !I{;cured Ii. tree kick. Joiuaii returned, alld ill subseque t play Douglas am' Kedzlie succeeded ill pressing i heir opponents, be game being wageo in their hai: when bail-time was eai'ed. it. Guuld re:3umet1 and^Price Jenkins returning, a scrimmage was toraied in the centre. C. thomas obtained a iVte kick, and Bob Gould, following »ell up, s.-ci:r«ii the schart; and pilt iJ) a useful run. Llia -JS3S was ';<1:1 bv -J. 3.j,,¡¡kin. wà., cams away in tine jtyie. aad was only cuHared by D. Bow II whtm in the .^inri). J"r-.lau airectly aitorwards further improved 1I1att.rs rbr tbe visitors by a magnificent rUIi, and, transferring ro Kempt borne, the le.tter in hi" r.nrn ga»<» to a forward, and the ball, passing r.hrul1.;h sevi-ai hands, ultimately fc-li into triC3c of Tom Williams, wiio got in at ihe extreme enù uf t,h" line-a. magnificent, piece ot piay, whicil was loudly applau.cod. c. P Lewis tailed to convert the pOUlt. A:1 iut.6n::han¡;,e oÎ kicks ensued between Hughes, C. P. Lewis and C. Thuiuas. slightly ill favour of the Kest," The bttil ultimately goingiiiio toucii at 11a.If.way. Mor- gaD, from the throw ouo, showed aga ¡lito great advan- tage, and, being abl" seconded by O. J. Evans, dribbled the tail right, ui> to the Londoners' iines. C. P. Lewis tailed o save. tr. Bowen, and D. H. Bowen further im- proved, and the furaier, ciiuckiug to 0 J. Evans, that plcyer fored near tbe ughes' weii-directed shot R.t, goal tell short. P::J.Y became cowexceedin;ty fast. Morgan dribbled from tile kick out, ana, be.in;? wea supuoried t. Clapp and Lock- woou, the Londoners weie again compel ed to af, on ti;e detensivo. With a combined rush the visitor*, how vcr, nullified this gai;i, and operations Wfcre a<ai:i summed ill riie <»uire. Bland herealouts wa, !¡¡jurel1. and had U) retire. Hvoo.rL now improved mailers for the" Kest." H. Bowell put ill a lellgtily kick. I.wis teeblv responded. and 1)oaglas nished the ball near the visitors' tines. A" sorum was formed, and 31 organ "nd 5:edzlie, bursting through, dribbled Ol1'\V"r'.is over the line, and jlorgan gained his second try. Hughes t"n.h;da inagnilicent goal, Hybart and Clappa-aiu invaded the Londoners' lines, but com- bined play on the visitors' part quickly raised the *iege, and the game was being con- t»s ed in she centre when "no-side" was called, Ke-s; of VV ries thus winning by three i^oalsand one try t,() a try and a touch down. Team* :— London Weush O. P. Lewis, bacit; J. A. Jenkins, JonLn. and J. Price Jenkins, rhree-quarter backs: E. Keniptuoine "ad D. J. Rvans. naif-t>ack3 T. O. Row. Wn:kins. M siock, Biand, Rannen, T. Wil- liams. T. K. Jones, an H. T. 0. Budworth, forwards. Jtiest of Waltz: H. Hugh»s. back; VV. M Douglas, l> H. jBowen. and G. t. Buwen, iiree-quarter 'v.icks; O.J. £ vai;s and C. lhjmas, ii;i!f-bac'cs; ti. Gould, L. G. Jones," T. \V Lock wood, A.J. Hybnrt, Q, L>. Kedzlie, 1). Morjin, Q.. Howen, T. Jones, and E. Roberts, for- wards. After the match the Wt>!gh Rugby Committee met in the An^el HO'ei. aid ^elected the following team to represent Wales :-D. H. Bowen (Lianoliy), back; C. (j Taylor (Ruatofin and London Welsh), A. J. and London Welsli), and W. M. Douglas (Cardiffl, backs; C. H. Newman (Newport) and W. Sradden ^Dewsbury), faalf-barks; K. P. Alexander tLondon Welsh), W. 1\ 1. Thomas tLnndof1 Welsh), l), Morgan (Swansea), G. Bowen tSw,\nsea}. A. J. Hybart (Cardiff), A. F. Bland (, Cardiff), T. J. S. Clapp (Newport), K. Gould (Ne wport), and Lockwonrl (Newport), forwards. lleaerves.- R T, D, :)ud ".v0rtÖ London Walsh), G. Towars dwanswi), f.nd Q D Kedz'1e (Cardiff), forwards O. J Evan", (Cardiff;, 1Ia.lt-bl\ck; C. 6. Arthur (Cardiff and Carmarthen) and Pr:ceJenkins \LonaoD Welsh), three-quarter backs; D. Gwyan I' (Swansea), back. CARDIFF V. GLOUCESTER. 'Tb€S8 team* niet, fqr the fir3t time this !!e:\90n iOn Sat11rdóty I!.t Gloucester. Cardiff had a strong team, ![10Ugh C. H. Arthur was an absentee, his bsg being severely felt, while Gloucester put the stronge.t fifteen they could muster ir> the field. The ground was in capital condition, albeit a little greasy, while the afternoon was fine. An crowd of Spectators had gathered -ogetner in anticipation íf seeing some good r0otbaH, and in thi3 they "ere not disappointed, a thoroughly scientific ex- oosirion of riw game heing furnished. It was Clown Th»t *hf» local men had undergone a iborough preparation fot" the erent, but such is the reputation of Cardiff :.i1:\tl shade of odds was .Bid 0n ihem. That rhe expectation of a close struggle WHS well founded WHS borne out- by the result, the game, a fast and keenly-contested one. resulting in 11 draw, though it will he seen that, Cardiff were only robbed of a weii-earned victorT 0.. f1 mistake in the time. While 'his was regreHabie Irotu 1 heir point. of view, the deiiarht of the Gfou- cester partisans at the excellent show made by the teom was natural!? unbounded. áp- panded f1!> details of the piav;— T G. Smith, ;he QSo^"«st«r captain. fc:ek?d off from the railway end, the '11 being returned to halfway. From a scrimmage f)oll¡¡:lw, got the ball and passed to Adams, wbo :1) turn to Young. the latter punting 1n;() the 9-louceste- 25. bnt the ball was bro\1!!ht b8Jék Ot) a plea of off-sid*. Combined piay on the part of(;i\rdj1'f took the bail intoGloucester territory, Douglas Sairing a piiss well, momentarily dang-rous. He was, however, ami tll," ball coming from the crimmage, H igii"S w:ts for thl" first time eailed up0n to ifeud bis and ,>ut in a drop kick which was eplied o bv the Gloucester hil 'nek. Hughes was! charged down !1e:"re he could return, and the home forwards took the leather towards the Cilrdiff 25. !3tO<:dart aud Cge.tes continued the onward movement, but thi effort was neutralised by 001.la3, who kicked Õltck to the centre "f the n.j Brown stopped an ugly rush by the Cardiff forwards, who ShOitlV made another Incarsion Into the h<:me>i5. The ball was worked away again, and Adams passing to 7 .tUl1( enabled the lattert; gain considerable ground before beln.^ tacitled. Young obtained a f.1" kick, hut, nothing came of it. and more •crini inagi ngeniued.Os well putting iu a huge punt, which was replied to Hughes. The Cardiff full back was ealle-i upon to w;th II free kick, and his place eent th" boil into touch ut-ar the home 25 flag. From a line-out one uf tue Cardiff forwards was within an ace of scoring, hut, w«9 Niwled over by Coates right on tile 11ne. Gloucester relieved the pre sure, oat Young. Doutias, and Williams -eturned to he a.t1"ack. Bagwell dribbled nvray, but Young, getting tile ball "roin a line Jp, punted tiack to tlie Taylor picked the ball up, Out was forced over the line into touch-in-gnal Oswell J kicked out, and the ball rebounded from a Cardiff for- I Ward into his hands again, whereupon he (ticked again, this 1 IT; I" w1th better sue ess, he bail travelling to half woy, waere a li* t>-o.ir. was f irmed. From th" thr ^w out, 3agwel! tp'. the bail, but Young getting between tbe Ji-ss made off diwi; the line, coming into collision with Die 15 flag. After tiie linc- vut the bail was -fi.ifii wed into the home tpoam.3 quar-ers. and i: scri.antags was formed in front of the Gloucester go?. By genuine hard work the ball was taken aay again, hut 0:21. for" a tjme, some neat pas?- iDg between 1>>U\,2hS. Adams, and Young transferring it to:ts old posit ion. he Gloucester forwards worked like Trojans, and succseded i11 reaao-ing the scene of action w th" cectr e "f the tield, but l)ous»las, getting Che 0011. passed well, being i;n nedis.fely tackled, to Williams, who, however, wa, collared before he could make I'ucb headway Thence the bali was taken overthe line and mg_, touolred it down, but so c.le, to tonch-in- goal that ;.e referee lnd to 'r Called II to decide tbe point,, and he gave* decision ill favour of the Cardiffia.ns. Hughes took 1. placc, -.viiich was a most ddncult one, Srom the 2b Sag, but failed '0 score the major point, though be made a line atremot tod" sa. flail time was then called, and as the gams had been fast and furious, the bieathing t1::1" and ierr.oris were m >?t accep- taole. KJIUS )\iving been changed, Dou^iasre-started the ball, which, however, did not rise from the ground, and a scri.oni ige was formed at half-way. Whe"* the ball Jauie out i! was kicked into touch, and Gloucester gained »>!widevable ground from the line-cut that ensued. DougVaS put hi II fins run, and was nor. brought down ar.til he had invaded the Glouce,triM:" 25. I "ungo. re- Ceiving the ball, ùroop.-d over the line. comnelled Glou- cester to rvsor^ '} 1\ toucb,luwl1 as a meins of Self- ic-feuce. Oswell kicked out, Hughes punted back, and Bagwell returned t" half-way. A Cardiff man obtained a free kicx. and dropoed inta touch in neutral territory. iirown passed 10 Stxidart, WhOt'33a,7ed to pa" to CORtè" but tt1'" 1it,iempt was a Î1ad 01:13. and Toung punted into the heme 25. usweil rep! ing with a kick illto touch ia :10 man's laud." Bland came through the scrimmage ith t he bail õ. his fijet; b«',t Stoddart, pouncing ou it, .■MM to aylor, who dropped into touuh. The Glou- ceatoi- forwards, foi.owing up a kick, overwhelmed inches before bo cxmld return, and the nome xneU tonnd themselves i:1 the Welshmen's 25. A lenes "f and ól kick b, Adams reversed the order Q1 afI¡t.ir:5-t t:1(' stronghold bei,.g ^Uscketl in turn.ouglas, with a s rong rUD, -nearly ♦core-i, '-ut. ">S 1)l'ollhLt. to earth close tQ the liue by the »u;l b?.ck. from the scrisimage the ball came to who puse-I t(., .Ad:1IDS, who tried to pop it over •ho cress oar. ur.t the only result was that Gloucester ouehed down again. Osweli dr pped out., and Hughes returned into touch b l1eGtra! territory, where the war w", waged tcr some time. a. prolonged and tight gcrim- .au¡!:e gave t-JiouCester 1\ slight advantage, but Toung l11<LlI.. jp the ground with a punt. Douglas was next to 'he fore with a r ,1, O<lt}1e was safely tackled when he 11:\(1 raiched the ho;r:e Hure Taylor obtained a free ikic't, but prior to this tiAere had teen a forward pass tn Young, and ;l scrimmage took place. Stoddart, with a iun and a kick, gaiu jd g-roun<1. and an in'erch'1/1ge of I' Kicks between Hughes and Hiown resulted i.n favour of X-hc latter, who sent the ball into touch past haif way. <Sant got toe ba:l in the hr^e-out, and struggled a few yards, and when it became loose It. was kicked over the Gloucester line, the home ream again being com- ¡ piled to ouch down. Oswe'! once more re-started the tall, and. êh", kick being well followed lip. a scrimmage took place iu the middie of the fie id. Brown ran and passed t'J. Coaies, who was tackled when nearing the visit' >r*' £ ?• btoddart passed to layior, Wtio. kicked into couch close to toe visitors* line. arid they found" them- .rves panned in an awkward corner; but, with a super- Luman effort, they prevented thtt scoi e which Gloucester •tt jv« sv. c^a'.ui.j t.;¡ sCi.-c:, aud the ball WiU taken to_a safer spot..T:1I'man got It free kick, which, however, wa. charged, down, and Young. intercepting a pass, kicked up the fluId. He followed m) wel1. bat Osweii ¡;¡r,d the ball into tcur.-h in (he nick of time. C?-diff worked their way into dangerous proximity to their opponents' line, but their efforts to score were not to be rewarded with success. Brown CU":yi::1; the ball to half- wa," Young rbtained II. free kIck, and Hughes made a splendid attempt to kick a gnal, but the ball fail a yard 0r two -"hort of the cross-bar. It was now jr;tt.ing dusk and difficult to foiiow the bail. Thirty-firs minutes had e'.aosed, but three or four minutes were to be a;lowed for waste of :1 matter < t fact, tbe second half was prolonged eight minutes Devond it3 usual !imil. with tée result, a3 will be seen, thai Cardiff had Yictory snatched from their gragp. At this juncture, too, the wire on one side oi till" ground broke, and the spectators encroached :omewh.?.t on the i'.eld, but this did not interfere with the play. Taylor kicked into the Cardiff 257 but the visitors worked their w:>.v 'nek to then- opponents' quarters. The hail was a? h"i-ashed back again, and Hughes was charged du.vu i :'i! 1-.5 while trying to return. Brown, getting the ball, [,3:'d t,r¡ Stoddart, who in turn trans- ferred to Coates, who dashed over the line and scored 3- try. A scena of the wildest enth:ls¡a9m ensued. Hats were ftung Ul1 i;1 the 301: ami lungs exer- cisad to their tuiiest extent, while thB crowd swarmed over the gr >11l1'i and surrounded the playp1"s. Cndtr snc-h trying circumstances, it wa« not to be sur- pri3eù at that Sanders fniied to kick a goal, anù "No side being at once whistled, the game was left drawn ill farcur of Cardiff, who thus, as intimated before, were deprived of a win by very hard lines. The home tea 11 eame i!1 für an ovation, Coates being the hero oi t he hour. whilst the spectators were not- siow tJ) award a meed of praise to the Cardiff men, The following w-re the teams J, Oswell, tmok iI. E, Tavior, G. Coates, aud R. W. Stoddart. three-quarter hacks; T. 13agwpj), C. E. Brown, and S. A. Bail, lialf 'lacks T. Gr. Smith (cartain), ii. H. C. Banl>es, H. L. ih-oughton, VV. H Fream, W, G. Ttloore, H. A, Sanders, H, H, Sloman. and D. Tandy, forwards. Caraiff ■. H. Hughes, back: W. M. Douglas (captain), G. A. Y ung, H, F. S. Adams, and A, H. Williams, three-quarter bRCb: W. K. Jarman amI O. J. Evans, halt-backs A, J. Hybart, J. A. Sant, Q. D. Kedsdie, J, Mahonev, H. W. Jones. R. T. Duncar-. A. ijiand, and J. J. E. Biggs, forwards. Reieree Mr. ti. i. wrence í.Chdtenhaml. tVSVANSilA V. NKiTH. This match was played on the Xeath ground on Satur- day afternoon in tile presence of a large number of spectators. The ground was in excellent condition. From tiie achievements of the Swansea team during the present season it was generally thought they would have a walk over," It very soon, however, became evident that the game "Noula rwt be so one-sided as wag imagined. The Neath team played in excellent form throughout the game, and we are very plea3ed to be able once wore to congmtuIate them on their improved play. Until Saturday very little interest W:19 taken in the team, evell by their own townspeople, their almost unbroken series of deîeats during the reason having dis- couraged the most ardent of their supporters. Sow, however, that they have proved then/3dves capable of hoiding their own against what the ::5wansea people were beginning to imagine was tLe premier team of South Wales 10C31 interest has been revived, and the hearty applause which greeted their piay OIJ Saturday must have been very encouraging to the Neath t°am. It is tv be hoped that the internal dissensions which [or so long a time have existed in th", ranks of the Scath team wii1 now give way to a mere friendly feeling, and that one and aJl will strive to rc-gai n the good name they 50 wen earned during the cup matches two seasons ago. It was urged by tÍle Îriend3 oÎ tÍle SWan3C-1. team that the absence of Bishop and Tower lost them the game, tJut, on the other hand, it must. be taken into consideration that, the Y eath team played minus some of their best backs, so that tha teams were pretty eveniy balanced. Swansea Iticked off about three o'ciock. the leather being well returned, and for some time play was in neutral gr mud. Prom a scrimmage Thoro- good attempted to run in, but was prompth collared by one of the Neath backs. Shortly aiterwards a Swansea man got possession, and tile leather was dribbled int-o the Neath Z5 bv the forwards. Sara Clarke, however, was on the alert, and, by a good kick, sent toe ball into touch. After the usual" serum," J, Thomas picked up the leather and made a splendid ruu from half. way to th'" S'eatl1 2b, where he was well brought to ground by Broscombe. A scrimmage tJI13ueû. Anthony got possession of the )ea::her, and made a good dribble into neutral ¡¡round- A kick by J. Thomas, however, sent it back to the Neath 25. J. Jonel obtained possession, and made an excellent run into the Swansea 25, where Le W2s collared. The Neath men, however, cDntinned to work the ball into Swan- sea. ground, and got, dan¡(erou3!Y near their goal iine ôwa:L:ea. soon relieved the pressure, and rusiied the ball back into neutral t{)lritor", An exceileut kick by Chrke sent the ball back to its former position. It was well returned bv the Swansea full back—who did good service for hi, team throughout the game-a.n., the Swansea forwards managed to rush the leather into t!ieir opponents ground. Here Runkin got hold ot the ball. and by" grand sprint carried it í:1LO the Swansea 25. Being collared by a Swansea man, a scrimmage resulted, and the plav wflsc2nied into the mid,;ie of the ground. A kicii by a Swansea half-back sent the leather ilii 0 the "Neath 25. This was splendidly returned by .Bro.!Combe. The Swa.n3ea forwards then rushed the baa track into their opponents' quarters, where the play remained for a con- sidemble time. neither team gaining much ground. Bowen (Neatli) eveütually picked lip tile ball, and made a plucky, though unsuccessful attempt, to get awotV. D. Gwyu afterwards obtained possession, alld made away for the Neath goal line. II", Wa3, however, sue. cessfully coll2.1-e<l by Broscombe, and the forwards ddbbied back illto neutral ground. Some praiseworthy passing on the part of the SWamea men brought the leather within a tewvardsof the Neath goal Hlle, but the Neath forwards, h, aded by iha redoubtable Clarke, and ably assisted by T. Siva s. agxiu rushed the bail into half. way. Swansea then made a determined attempt to rush the ball over the line, but tlie Seath full back (Bros- combe) was on the 10 k out. anri once more sent it back into the middle of he field. Somegoodail round play foi- home team b.v. ome good passing aud dribbling carrying the pLay into their opponents quarters, where a scrimmage was formed. Hen- Ciark. made a kick into touch, wit bin a few yards of I he goal line, Oat of a scrimmage J Thomas received the bail, b t it slipped from his possession ere he had ga ned milch ground, and a good drbhie by Evaus sent it back into the Swansea 25. J. Williams and Ned Hughes at thi3 point did some ex- cellent work. ami the forwards rushed the leather dangerously nea" the line, where th pJ¡:y remained for a rime. S. Clarke attempted one oi his old kicks for goal, which at first. appeared to be successful, both teams remaining at a standstill. To the surprise of all, how- ever. it transpired that the ball fell a few inches under the bar, and Neath undoubtedly lost a touch down, or perhaps a try. by not following the hail up. The b .11 WâS then kicked b.tck inw touch. and Clarke, from 11 Ene out got possession, and once more made a splendid drop kick fl" goal, whieli, howcçoer fell a little wide After the kick out a scrimmage was formed ill the Swansea 5. Half-time was here called, neither side having scored. After the usual breathing time, Clarke kicked oft. A scrimmage followed in tae centre of the field, and the ball was rushed into tho Neath 25. This advantage was followed up bv the forwards, who carried tilt. pIa-v to within It few yard, of tiie goal linc, The pressure was relieved hy .Broscambe. From a kick bv Clarke one of the Swansea men got. possession, awi: WIS making a desperate run lor tiw Netth goal line wlj'ii he was admirably coilared bv J.Jones. J. Wi! iiams then got hold of th" leather, and, l1.iter:1 good run, passed to Broak" who carried it int" the Swansea 25. Some pretty passing follo wed, J. Williams transfer- ring to Clarke, who made a plucky attempt to get sway. He was, however, collared by one of the Rwall.C.!1 mell, and the latter's forwards then dribbled the ball over the line and scored a touch in goal, tbi3 bs-ing tile tirst point made. This was followed by some good kicking on b th side" and. after- a bit of clever pa53ing by the Swansea men, the leather was worked illto the Neath !(roll!ld, where Jones gnt possession, and by an excellent Idcl; sent it back to the Swansea 25. One of the 8w,uJsea men here got pos,-es,ion. and k;cked into touch, Arter:\ scrum, J.Wi!liaffii5 picked up the leatlmr.and kiekedit to within Ii i'ew y"rdsof the goal line, Anthony nhtailling po^se siun from a scrimmage att-em ted to run it>. but, being col- lared, passed to Broscombe, who missed the leather, which was then ru-hed into neutral ground bv the Swausea forwards. Clarke subsequently got hold of the ball, and by It. splendid kid;, sellt. it into the Swamea 25. The visitors got posse3sion, but, were unable to make any headway, the ball being worked still nearer the Swansea line by J, Williams. The Swausea fu1l hac. gallnntiy attempted to relieve the pressure, but the Neath mer. kept, well to¡¡:ether.and managed to retain their position. A determine rush by the forwards, however, eventually relieved their god. Bowen CS\\a11:rea) kictafd into nen- tra.1 ground. The ball was well returned by Broscombe, and Îrmn ascrimma¡.;e J. Wiliiams again got possession, and attempted to run through. He was prumptiy col- lared. and the ball WIU pat into scrimmage. From a kick by Brooks one of the Swansea men got hold of the leather, and was making away at great speed for the Ne3t,h goal-iine when Le was pluckily col- lared by H. A. Bowen. A scrimmage was then tormed. Evans gGt pç,se3sion. and bv a splendid run carried the ball into 1Jt"tral ground. Bowen .ollowed lip by a good dribbie, and after some good passing on the part ot the home team, who now played with great spirit and in good form, J. WiHiam3 dribbled If) the Swansea 25. T. E tans here passed to Clarke, who. in t-uru, passed to Jones, the latter, bv jj/ood kick, s<:t:d¡nf( the ball over tbe line, and compelling Swansea to touch down, amid much cheering from the spectators. By" w"lI-dirc>cted kick C arke afterwards sent tnc leather into Sw.msea ground. It .a3, however, well returned by the Swansea tull bsck, and plav ensued in the Neath ground, After a series of •' scrums," J. William3 go" hold OÎ the leather, and clcverly dribbled bta neutral ground, where the play remained until the call of time, the score being—Swansea, touch in goal; Ke¿1.th, touch down. The game I h1;3 rcsaitcd jn a dmw In favour of Seath, who uad deciddly the best of the gum", and compelled their oppon;¡,nt3 to act on the defensive throughout. The following are th? names of the respec- Fi ll back, W. Broscombe; three- quarter b3.cks, 8. Clarke (captain), J. E. Jones, g. Anthony, and A. Brook3; h>1.lf-b>ld: J. Williams and T, Evans; forwards, W. Brooks. E. Hughes, J. Hunkin, H. A. Bowen, R. Jones, H. Kvans, J Normui, aHd S. Sparkes. Sva?-.sea: Full back, E, Thoro^ood three- quarter backs, JJ. Gvryi (capiain?, J. Thomas. George Bowen, and J. Meredith half-backs, W. H. Gw vn and George Jimes forwards, W. Lewis, W, H. Howel1$, D. Morgan, W, Bowen, Ivan Howells, W. Cronin, W, iV il- liams, and Another. Umpires: Neath. E. Gwyu Jones; Swansea, S. Goidsworthy, Cmpire, Mr, E, Trubehaw, Lianeliv. NEWPOUT r. CARDIFF HATJLEQUIN3. A necessarily short match was played Oil Saturday I afternoon on thM ground of the Newport Club b-tweeu th". above team". [he kick-off was delayed until "fter half-past three by the late arrival of the visitors, who then came up a man or two short, and had to pnt up ¡ with substitutes. TLie day was dry but dull, and the gr,mnd was In capital condition fur play. The. e was not, however, a very iarge attendance of spectators. The I Newport captain having won the toss, the Harlequins kicked off at 3,40 from the nursery end. Bob Gould failed to rot rn beyond the Newport 25 flag, where it went in touch. The visitors, playing a smart, game, forced the play against the home line3. anù kept it there for a few minutes, butit was then worked off, and taken to .mid-field. A..Tames, one of the visitors' three- quarters, made a good cross-fteld run. passing four men I and landing the hall in touch slightly in the Newport half. Po ,11 however, after the Hue ont, returned it bv a run. awl the play ultimately was worked to thp. Harle- quins' 25. The visitors began to rash it back in some ¡ loose pJay, Hardhg and P0wdl failing to check the pro- gress of the ball, to tlae Newport line. The home piayers ssjmed for the first ten minutes to be all abroad, though by good luck they held their otrn. Nothing notably was accomplished on either side until lie Newport for- wards, by a kick along the ground, sent the leather over the visitors' line, and the latter'i back had to touch down. After the drop-out from the 25, Webb returned in touch at the same point, and the Harlequins were forthwith penned in their own quarters. From a line up the home forwards, ;t the head of whom Hannen and Lockwood were conspicuous, started a good dribble, and, sending th., oval across the line, the former fell ou it ann got a try, from which Bob Gould took an unsuccessful place. The visitors dropped out from the 25, and the home capt <iu punted back, after. wbicl1 the Harlequins' full back replied in touch at the centre. After the throw out I toe Newport 25 was invadsu. The home forwards gradu- ally worked bacK, and eventually made their way to the ether end, A. James, however, saved, and the ball was brought to the middle. From out of a loose scrum j Dowue kicked forward, and stopping Â. James from sending back. brought the ball up within half a dozen yards uf the Hal'!equ;nJ hne, The position was in thE" enù defended by tac visitors toucuing down. Half-time was called without anything else being put on to pitner I side, After the kick-oft t he Harlequins were still peuned near theIr own line, ana had. after much pressure, to touch down when the ball was sent over by Powell The Harlequins afterwards rushed to the centre. Back t he pby soon reverted, auù altera short but sharp struggle in the Harlequins' 25, Powell took So nice pass from Webb aud brougl..1t off tbe second try. Fothergil! took the place, but mwe a miserable failure. The game was for the next kw minutes all over the ground, till..t length Newport took a rushing visit away to the Harlequins' end, where a, bit of loose scrimmaging occurred outside the goal. When the leather was worked free Webb got possession, and dropped a neat goal. Everything was now going against! 11" visitors' chances of success. After the kick.-off from the centre Newport worked it in touch, and Bob Gould. securing it when it was thrown out. again took it: to the visitors' 25. From out of a bit of loose business in this quarter Webb again got posses- dvn, and,with a clinking little sprint, got. in not far from the posts. the captain from the place kick sending up a grand goal, Â toucl.1 in goal and u. touch down by the Harlequins followed, and candles were then nearlv in request. Nothing further was scored, and" Ko side" was called with Newport the winners by two goals, two tries. and several touches down to nil. Piavers:- Cardiff Harlequins G. AI. Ma y, back; A. James, W. H. Keepiugs, and G. Attey, three-quarter backs: A. L. !Javies and £ J- Kelly, halt-backs N. G. Fergusson (captain), R. J, Erskine, II. D, Griffiths, S. H. Nichoils, T. Morgan, T. J, Mor¡¡;a.n. E. Williams, H. D. Dunlop, and A, N. Other. forwards umpiri, Mr. A. J, Davie" iVreport W. PotheTf(m, back; R. W. Powell, T. Harding, and J E, Webb, three-quarter backs C. Th0mu mid 1'. Downe, ii»if-backs R. Gould (captain), T. G, Jones." T. W. Lockwood, T. Edwards, H. Pep- perall. J. Hannen, F. Stone, 11; Briggs, and H. M"Daniel forwards umpire, Mr. oJ- H. Youag referee, Mr. A.. J. Evans, 8VYàN3B.\ "A" TEAM r. SEniWEN. The first match in the second round for the Swansea District Junior Challenge Cup t00k place on :3aturd:\y at the Swansea Cricket, Ground between Swansea A Team and skevren. There war a large number of spec- tators present. The match ended in an easy victory lor the A T"«m by two goals, five tries, anú four touches down to nil. After the usual long kicks play settled down Iii the '¡isit0rs' quarters, where a riumt er nf scrim- mages tcok place. Tue passing of the home team was very effective, and Coiquhouu obtained the fir.it try. The angle, being rafher difficult, it wa" not converted, Attsr a few minutes' play a second try was scored, and the kbk for goal was again U;¡5UCCe;5ful. Resuming play the visitors carried the ba!! iato the 1;w:¡,nSea. terri- tnry, r. herea aeries of scrimmages took place. Alter tlie ball T.-H5 loose tiie home team mad", a capital dribbi» into Skewua 25, v/hero D. Morgan dropped a splendid gor.i. Tnree touches down were obtained t. Swauiaa when haif time was called. Ends having been changed, the visitors had again lO act strictly on the defensive, and for some time their goal wa3 iu danger. 8EI)!equenriy a goal. three tries, and one touch down were scored by Swansea. After ti1i9 the Vi5i\,ors made" much better stand. Till. playen were ;—Sxaatea Buck, \Y. Doggsfit; three- quarter backs, W. Challenger, £ P.sid (captain), P. W. Phillips, an D. Morgan; haif-brtCKS, J. Howells and O. Letcher; forwards, tL Bevan, T. Orrin, J. Austin, C. j Williams, W. Lewis, D. JJavies, E. Burcheil, and J. Par:iil!. Hfcwen Back, D. Jones three-quarterbacks, S. W. Phillips (captain), i'. Hansford, W. Davies, and T. Harris h,d f-taciis, J. Evans and J. Ciarke forwards, T. Lioyd, J. Phil ins, ,T, Roberts, J. Francis, D. irancis, J. Harris, D. Owen, and D. Lloyd. CARDIFF 2ND r. GLOI-CESTKR 2ND.—This match wu played at the Cardiff Arms Park on Saturday, before a lair number of spectators. Cardiff, winning the toss, played from the Hl\.cqllet Court end. Glnuccswr starting the" bail, l'Jo3e play ensued, the visitors having decidediy the better. They immediately invaded tho home team's territory, where several scrimmages of a ,i;ht nature occurred, but Andrew relieved the pressure by a sn1.trt dribbie. transferi iug tho game into the centre. Loose play continuing, no material advan- tage occurred to either side. uutil Gloucester, by a com- bined ru hf t00k the ball right up to the iine, and the b:lill)eing kicked over, Coe rouched down in defence. From the kick ont the home team played up with greater spirit, am1 quickly commenccd operations in their opponents' half. Tile game was exceptionally loose, anJ the ball travelled from one end of the ground to the other very quickly. Gloucester, however, failed to relicv6, and tiie ball approached dangerously near their citadel. One of their number, however, secured the leather from a neat pass, and, sprinting up the field, considerably improved matters for the visitors. Coe tackled wcîl. and again neutral ground heid the contes- tants. Half-time was then CaUed. 011 resumption, after a slight, interval, the Card t1' men followed up tha kick off wdl. r.nd once commenced hostilities ill the visi- tors' balf. Coe secured a free kick, which, however, was of no service io the home tram. and the visitors, bv a combined driobic, sent it into Cardiff's half. Bates here e33ay"d a run, but. was smartly upset, and the game was i r a time continued 011 even ttrms. The visitors shortly afterwards nlshed the ball Heat the home te3. II'a goal, and agudn the leather went across tile linc, Cardiff for Lac second time having to save. After tU0 kick out., tlie V;¡,nlit5.ans .ure again forced to act on the <efcn,ive. Dan Jones, however, who through- out played a rattling game, ultimately secured the sphere, and, sprinting in excellent style, aU but scored, being pulled in;o tou -li when within a few yards of the lines. From the throw out Gloucester quickly relieved. A scrim" being formed near the centre, Bates," from a pass by Andrew Price, again returl10d tlw leather to Gloucester's lines by :1 grand ruu. and geveral loose scrimmages occurring, the home team looked as if they would score. The ball emerging on tbe Cardiff side, the visitors' forwards sent tile bÜl into Coe's hands. who nunted over the line and the Gloucester back touched down. Some neat passing was exhibited by the Cardiff three-quarters arterl.ho kick out, but despite this the visi- tors qukkly invaded their territory Cardiff, however, retaliated, and were rushing the leather forward, when a huge kick seut the ball into Coe's hands. 'I hat player muffed the ball, and Gloucester, charging dowll, gained a try, whicil was not converted. Thus the game ended in !1. will for Gloucester by a trv. The following were the teams;—Gloucester: H. Hugl.es, back; K. Grist, 0. H. Jones, G. F, Derc. and F. Jackson, three-quarter backs VV. Roberts (captain), and A. Matthews, half-backs Ellis, A. Cornwell, A. H. Gorin, T. Taylor, H. Trimmer, K. George, A. H. Brown, and VV. C". Bailey, forwards. Cardiff-. J. B. Coe, back: 0, ¡, JOW:3 (captain). G. Wensley, Fred Jones, ruid J," Bates," three-quarter backs; Andrew Price and Jack Price, half-ba ks Emerv, W. Evans, A. Thoma!, Po. lwmas, S. D, Evans, S Cravos, W. Ropner, and A. N. Other, forwards. LLA.NDAVF r. ELECTRICS.—1This fixture was played on aturuay 011 the Electrics' ground 'n the Sophia Gardens, and resulted in a surprisingly easy win for Llanduff by four converted goals and three tries, obtained by E. Davies (two), L. Howe (twO), D. Hadley (one), E, Hybart (one). and F. Buse (one), to ¡:¡ó Both teams played soort Tile LlandatT mell were :-Back. J. Kees three-quarter b-.cks, E. Davies (captain), L. li .we, arid D, ltadley; Dai John anii llltyd Jnues; forwards, E. Hvba t, G. iiobins. C, Emery, E. Buss, R. Lougher, a F!, and Gt odfell-iw. < ARDLFF CriUSADKRS v. GP.ANGETOWX.—This match was iayed on S.tturdav, the Crusaders winning by one goal a d three minors to mi. Gorman made the try. C-ATHAVS p. WHITCHURCH. — These teams met at Whitchurch on Saturday, The game throughout was a warmly contested oue. The play was prillcipally for- ward, and. although tue visitors were tile heavier team. the hume forwards rushed tIlt-m almost as they cbose. Both in tile first ud second half the scene of hos- was tho visitors' <25, and. although th y mado stre:.ur¡U3 efforts to relieve their goal, the liome for- 1,1; ,rtl, would not be denied, "Ihi [lie game ended in a will for I he VVnitehurch team hy aile goal, aile try, and "touch-doWIl, 10 nil. '11., tries wer" obtained by T. Davies arId W. H. Colley the players W'el"e Whit- church Back, J. Red; tJ,røeqllarter backs, C. W. Evaus. D. Stone, W. H. Lewis. and G. Bennett; half- backs, T. B ícks and H Hicks forwards, W. H. Colley, Wiiliam Jones, Wiliiam Norton, Tom Davies. Torn Evans, H. Ernns, George White. alld W. Lloyd. Cataaijs: Back. A. Etaclimore three-quarter backs, E. Evaus. E. Emery. J. ;'iIii3, ,,¡¡J R W¡1.tkillg; half-backs, B. Owen and W. Steeds; t0rwoIl'lls, W. Jenkins, T. \ViiCiJx, A. Marsh, J. Davies, J. Wilts. J. Macaboy, H. Williams and T Jenkins. ELY fiovitits t- ialj's Wkdi^—Tho aliore teams met. olllhe ground oi the latter \lll.turllay, whon tÍle game resulted In (1,11 easy vietory for Íle Rovers by two goals, two tries, and nine minors to nil. Tile vhitors' forwards nlayed with great dMh. Tuff's Wcil played sixteen men" Tiie trips weie obtained by A, Boone (2), W. Morgan (1). alld Grant (1). The tries were converted by W. T. Morgan. The Rovers'team was &3 foiiows —Back, E. M. Brace; three-quarter backs, S. Grant, H. B. Price, S. M. Price, and J. n; illman half-backs, W. Morgan and t1'. Morgan forwards, J. Lang, J. Cook, W. T. Morgan, J. Gardiner, J. Miiler, W. Morris, A. Boone, and Eddie Lewis umpire, J. P. Lean CHARLES STKEET KANQKF.s t. TAFF'S Well SECOND.— This match was played iu the Soph in Gardens tield, and resulted in a win for Charles-str»et by oae goal, one try, and two minors to 71il. Morgan and W; Davies secllreù the tries, nml Ke izlie kicked the goal. CIla7'le3- sti-fet 1 cam Back. D. Kedziio (eapt:4in); three-quarter bacits, D. Morgan, W. Davits, T. Macben, and Stadden ha!f-hacks. D. Kaul'ts and W, Hill; forward, R. Davies, E. Jones, W. John, H. Hill, ii, Money, E. Lewu. J, Baker, and another. i'ATHAYS >SCONT> r. St. AsDtuw's FTCST.—This match was played at ths Barracks Field, and, after a fast game, ended ii: a victorv for Cathay? by one goal and one try to one minor. For Cati ays Eliss,Crane, and Heathfield did good service. Catkaya IF-a.m ,-Back, 0. Woods; t.hr"qt¡Flrtcr bucks. Elias, Crane, und Heathfield half- backs, S. Kinuersley and Westiake forwards, A.. Tucker, Sampson, Woods, Merritt, Widianis, Ferryman, Cosalot, Pegler, and Bright. S'r. SECOND v. CARDIFF COLLEGE FrnsT,- This match wa3 played in the Barracks Field, and resulted ill an *asy victory for the St. Andrew's team. by one goal, five tri>s, "ud six minors to nil. 0AP.ru: f HIGKEK GRADE JUNIORS t1. EXCELSIOR9.- This tl! .ii was pmved at the Recreation Grounds on 8al. urtl r afternoon, and after 11 very rough game ended jn It vict'-ry for the Kxceisiors by one poillt nil- MAINPEK r. NEWPORT JCIVIOP. CONSERVATIVE GYM- NASIUM.—This match came off on the Maillùee ground on Saturday, before It br\(" number of spectators, who took Fl keen interest in ths game from 8tart to finish, fhe ,.IGnmoutl:slure Cup.iwlden turniug out their strongest team. When W) sice was caned Maindee were the willners by cue tr7 to ni. The same, which was most interesting, was keenly contested. Maindee being very heavy III thescrums, whilst hehind the "Gyms" were superior. The following rept.s..nter1 the teams ;— ,},Ía¿IIÓ:: H. Dix, buck; G. Firbaiik, E. Evans, H. Willhtm3, and A. Jenkins (captain), three-quarter backs; A. Br.lrtmb7 and Vi, Haker, halï-bac1:s; Jenkins, W. Jones, S. Kettle, W. Osmond, B. V{,1l511, A Thomas, T. Jones, R IIU E. vv Other, forw>lrds. Junior QoHseroctfive Gymnasium :-T, Tiiomas (captain), back; W. Keyue, H. 6, H. Jones, and W. Dowle, three-quarter backs VV. Hull and R. Parsons, half backs R. W. Gill, G. Lenile, F. P. Williams, F. A. Huxtable. jZ. D. Lawis. W. J.B-iinsbury. N. J. Price, F.. H. Vv'illey, and E. Marsh, forwards. "Cmoires: Maindee, Mr. L. W iliiams; Gymnasium, 3fr. A. Brigno.lJ. Referee, Mr. I Hughe?. MonriouTH V. LYDEKOOK.—This mslch was played OIl the Monmouth Ground last Saturday, whell "the weather was fine awl the attendance of soectator3 good. The teams were ccmposed a.i follows :-J-J071- ;0/(1' Back, VV. Ward three-qu3"ter backs, George Morgan, W. Morgan, and II. Monr.iugton half-backs, E- Dotlds and W. Meredith forwards, F. H. Williams, U.Crondaee, C. Gladder, T. A. Junes, C. i\{organ, T. Lan", \capt.ain). S. F. Jones, F. James. and Thus. Fuller. Umpire: Mr. A. C. Morgan. lAidb.oak: Back, A. Car- penter; th ee-quurter backs, A- E. Watkins, C. Crump, nnd (7, Hussey half-ba ks, 8. Priest, G. Davis, and E. Ward; forwards, F. \Yat!;ins, H. Enxter, J. Madley, J. Morgan, W. Erain, G. Crump, and W. Taylor. The home t. am were altogether too good for the visitors, who, although they played pluckily, could not keep the ba:1 out d their ground. The result was n wiu for Monmouth 1> three goals, lour tries. and four minor pdnt3 to lilt. After the match the two teams spent a JlIúst enjoyable eveuing at Mr. Alfred Humphries, Queen's Head I'ctei. MOCNT PLF.:¡UHNT Jr;HOE FIRST FIFTEEN t. 8xcoYD FIFTSSN.—Played at Swansea ('>1 Saturday, and after a well-contested game ended in a draw ilt favour of the First by three, goals, four tries, and eight, minors to three goals, four tries, and une minor. Names as fol- low :-fU'3t: T. Davies, hack; J. Morgan (captain), J. H, Davies, aud H. German, three-quarter hacks; 3. Williams and M. Devcraux, half-backs T. Peve.aux, D. Daniels, T. Williams, G. Thomas, G. German, K. Williams, W. Bennett, J. Williams, and E. Williams, forwards. Secc/id W. Saunders, back D. Powell (cap- tain), ¡t. Morgan, and T, Hux.able, three-quarter backs T: Morgan alld 1'. Beynon, half-backs J. Waters, C. ¡¡¡¡am3, R. WiHiarn3, G- William5. A. Williams, F. .Tosslyn, T. Yates. W. Hoskins, and G. Hoskins, for- wards. LLA.VSLLT SECOND Fifteen r. LAMPETER SECOND FIFTEI:Y.-OII Saturday afternoon a match between these teams was played" at Stradey Park, Lbllel!y, The home team won by a goal anri nine tries to 3 try. F, S, Powell, VV. Webb, and 8. H. Williams rendered excel- lent service 1,0 Llanelly, jSarticularly the first-mentioned, who secured mlJst. of the tries. Mr. Thomas Coilins umpircd fo. Lampeter, and Mr. William Wilkins for Llanelly; referee, Mr. <> T, Lewis. MESTHVB v. CYFAF-THFA.—Played at Penydarren Park on Saturday, awl rlooSulted in a win for the home team by hree goals, three tries, and three minorg to two goals (one kicked from the ndd) and onc minor. The tries fur Meriliyr were got by Evans (3), Daniel (1), Sharp (1). and Elliott (1.). The try for Cyfarthfa was got by Sampson, aud converted by Dawes. ABKRDARE CRltSAl ERS V. CARDIFF "A" TEAM.- This 1118cch Wa1 played at the Cardiff Arms Park on Saturday, aori, after an exciting game, resulted in favour of tile rdare Crusaders by three minors to m, In the, second half or the game J. R0berts gQt over for Aberdare, but the try was disallowed. The game was played in the Cardiff qt1:trters throughout. For the Crusader.* J. James. Evans, Griffiths, and Sichols played weil. and Mumford aud Webber were most noticeable for Cardiff. The following were the teams ,-Aberda.re Crusaders: Eack, D. Jenkins; three-quarter backs, F. W. Nichols (oantain), J. Evans, R. JOBes, and Jm James; haif-backs, H, Morgan and D. Howells; for- wards, J. p, Griffiths, T. Howells. F. Meara. J. Roberts, W. Smith. Brough, D. Jenkins, and W. Thomas. Cardiff A Team,: Back, A. Jones; three-quarter backs, Webber, T. Evans, and P. Jones; half-backs, W, M. Price and J. Rvans forwards, I. W. Mumford, Common, Sheen. Bigtp, J. Thomas, Brown, C. Wait, ,JohilsOJl, ami À. N, OLher. NEATH HARLKQt:1:,S r. Cw.MFELIN ItoVER3 (LLANEXLT). —This match wa, played at Neath on Saturday. The game wag a forward one throughout, and the visitors, being much heavier than the home team, eventually won by two tries and three minors to one minor. The game was a very pleasant one, The following comprised th" home team —Back, S. B. Harries three-quarter backs, T. Fred. Williams, H. D. Llldford, and Stanlev F. Elt; half-backs, VV. G. Davies and C. H. Elt; forwards, O. J. Thomas, Ted Davies, W. G. Jones, T. H.Evans, T, K. Johns, G. Whittington, R. Gregory, T. Morgan, and J. Morgan. 6T. DAVID'S COLLEGE, Lj.MPETER, v. LU:!ULLy.-Thls match was played on Saturday at Lampeter, and resulted 111 favour of Uandly by oue touch-down. Tne anticipa- tions of a weli-contested game were not belied, alt hough three of the home barks were hors dt combat. Llanelly, also, were uot tully represented, F. N. Powell doing ser- vice for the 8ecolld Filteen at home, The Collegians kicked off, and the ball was well returned by D. H. Bowen, Hard play enaued, and the vlsllors CQmpelled their opponeuts to act on the defensive. Shortly after- wards tile home. team were compelled to touch down twice in succession. On the ball beiDa; kicked oat, it wu again well returned, and a series of scrimmages followed ill the hnmø 25. A splendid rush on the part of the I Llanelly forwards worked the l..1I down dangeronsly near the nome goal. A Collegian having failed to hold it. a well-earned try was the result. This was eonverted by D, H, Bowen. The Collegians now warmed to their work and forced the ball up to the Llanelly 25, where. Of) the ball being passed to Arthur Wolfe, he. amidst great cheers, dropped a magnificent goal. Again, before the call of half-time, the home team were com- pelled to touch dowlJ. Ou resuming play, the home forwards 3eemed to play with greater dash, and com- pelled their opponents to touch down twice. On thecall of No side3," the result wa9 :-Llanelly, one goal and three tonches down I 0 one drop goal and two touches down. Sides:—St. David's College, LampetC1': Full back, Wynne Davies; three-quarter backs, Arthur Wolfe, T. R. nees, R. L. Jones, and D, Harris, half-backs. å. A. Matthews and D. T. Daviss forwards, W. Griffiths (captain), J. F. Rees, Stephen Evans, T. S, Wheater, D. H. Jones, D. E. Jones, Reynolds, and D. T. Williams. Llanelly: Fu! I-back. Ed. Rolerts; three-quarter tacks, R, Bowen, J. Howells. D. Jones, and D. Richards half- backs, Lleweilvu Williams and J. G. Lewis; forwards, E. Roberts, I'. Jones, VV. Mitchell, Daniel GrilfitW, C. S. Anthony. W.Thomas. Jacob 1J;.tViC5. and J, Rees. CHRIST COLLEGE, BIIKCON, v. C¡UC1GiOWELL.-PI3.yed on the ground of the former on Saturday, anù resulteù in a victory for tho home team by two goab, four tries, and hroe minors to one disputed goal. The tries obtained f ir Christ College by Cockburn, were Evans (two) Cox (two), Longdon "(one), and Rowlands (one). Tlie following composed the teat.1S: Christ College: Full back, L. L. Williams three-quarter backs, Cockburn, Evans, Longdon (tiaptain), and Cox; half- backs, D. R. Evans and S. T. Rowland; forwards, BottsUeld, Allen, Richards, Grundy, W. J, Williams, J. H. Pugh, Stuckey, Kelly, and D. E. Rees. Crickkowell Full buck, Blennarhassett; three. quarter backs, B. Watkins (captain), A. Dades, E, Owen, and 1'. Harring- ton: half-backs,Noel Price aud W. Rumsey; forwards, D. Saunders, J. Jeffreys, W. Jotie», W. Davies, G. Wat- kiur, J, Evans, H. Price, and W. Compton.










Family Notices
