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THE POLICE INQU, IRY y • AT CARDIFF. THE CASE AGAINST THE POLICE. The inquiry ordered by the Home Secretary into the conduct of the borough and county police during the election disturbances which arose at Cardin after the declaration of the poll on the night of the 8th of June was opened on Tuesday mor ning loner attheCrownCcurt,Cardiff, before Mr. Commissioner Bridge. At ten o'clock, the time appointed for the opening of the inquiry, the Commissioner took his seat, and there were then also present in court Mr. David, of Newport, who appeared to conduct the case against the Dolice; Mr. Clifton, of Bristol, who appeared for the borough potice Mr. Louis Reece, of Cardiff, who represented the county police; Alderman Duncan, Councillors Carey, Beavan. Fulton, and Vaughan, Dr. Edwards. and others. Mr. Bridge, before the cise for the inhabitants was opened by Mr. David, said he had to ask that everyone in Cardiff would give him the utmost assistance, so that the inquiry might be as free and full as possible. He was glad to see that there were some professional gentlemen engaged on one side and the other. But, at the same time, he should not object or prevent any person coming forward and saying anything which was material, and to make any statement which he or she might think fit. He hoped when persons went into the witness box to give evidence they would imme- diately cease to be partisans, and only state what was the truth. Mr. A. J. David then rose, and said he appeared, instructed by Mr. James Morgan, of that town, on behalf of several persons who sustained injury in what was alleged to have been the police out- rages at Cardiff. His friend Mr. Clifton, of Bristol, appeared for the borough police, and his friend Mr. Reece, of Cardiff, appeared for the county con- stabulary. He wished the Commissioner to int imate at what hours he proposed to sit on the days of the inquiry. rhe Commissioner said he proposed to sit every morning at ten o'clock, and he should go on 4.30 p.m. or five p.m. But if any oth^ time seemed convenient to gentlemen engaged he would alter his proposals. Mr. David said he agreed with the hours named by the Commissioner, but he had a case before the 3orough magistrates -.vhich was closely connected with this caee, and he astced the Commissioner to .djourri for a little wbile in order that lie might ippear in that court. The Commissioner said he thought it would pro- oably be better, under the circumstances, to sit a little later in the evening of that day. Mr. Clifton then said before the learned counsel opened his case he asked permission to make an application, and he would make it without any disrespect to the gentlemen who were engaged. The first step to be taken in a case of this sort was to get a thorough transcript of the shorthand notes ^aken in the case. An application was made to -he Home Office to get shorthand writers appointed, ind the Home Secretary replied that the appoint- ment did not rest with him. Another letter was sent, and the same reply was received. The Commissioner said the Home Office had inti- mated that he was to maka any arrangement he thought fit; but, as he did not know the qualifications of the shorthand writers of Car- diff, be thought the better plan would be to ask the town-clerk to assist him. Two gentlemen wrote to him in London saying that they were shorthand writers carrying on their profession at Cardiff, and they asked for the appointment. But it was put before him that it would be necessary to have two shorthand writers, and as these were the only ones he knew at Cardiff he appointed those two. The appointment was his own entirely. Mr. Clifton said there was no question as to the appointment. The only question was whether the appointment was to be sustained. The police, who had instructed him, had an objection, and it appeared to he a well-founded one. He did not wish to say anything about the gentlemen who had been appointed, except- The Commissioner stopped Mr. Clifton, and remarked that the duties of a shorthand writer were simply mechanical. He had a very good memory, and if he saw that anything was not correct he would correct it. Mr. Clifton said he would not, under the circum- stances, press his application further. Mr. David said ha was advised to make -in appli- cation that copies of the regulations which were given to the police should be supplied to him. He was told on the previous day that copies would be oroduced in court. Mr. Clifton said he believed that Mr. David had had a copy of the regulations. The Commissioner said any orders under which the police had acted ought to be given. Mr. Reece said so far as the county police were concerned they w-re only acting under the autho- rity of the borough police, and, therefore, any regulations as *o their duty outside the borough I would not affect their case at all. The county police were only there acting as assistants to the borough police. THE CAS2 AGAINST THE POLICE. Mr. David then proceeded to open the case against the police. He narrated the events which followed the declaration of the poll on the evening of the 7th of June, and which led up to the con- gregation of the crowd outside the Western Mail office. The Western Mail had, he said, been in the habit of displaying the results of elections as soon as they we:'e known, a custom which prevailed among a good many newspapers. In addition to the resu *s shown in the office windows, there was some sort of a screen in front of one of the in- dows, on which was cast. by "he aid of a magic lantern, those numbers and certain other pictures. At the time that a por.ion of the crowd went down the street to the Western Mail office ..t. L- _J- 1_ some of these returns were being made known, and a request was made that the result of the Cardiff election should be displayed. Instead, hnw- ever, of giving the figures asked for, the editor of that paper seemp, have had the bad taste to exhibit caricatures of Mr Gladstone and other prominent members of the Liberal party, and. in response to the request, they also exhibited a like- ness of the defeated candidate. This seemed to have caused some little annoyance to the bystanders, and some stones appeared to have been oicked up and thrown. He went on to describe .he attack which had then been made by the police ipon the people, and, after dilating upon the gross :ruelty which had been said to have been com- nitted, he explained that there were two distinct rowds assembled at the time, on, in front of the Western Mail and another in front of the Liberal Club. Whatever provocation might have been given by the crowd outside the Western Mail, that outside the Liberal Club was perfectly innocent. After the first charge had been made by the police, Mr. John Duncan, who was on his way from the Royal Hotel to the Liberal Club with Sir Edward Reed, went to the monument and addressed the crowd upon the excesses of the police, telling them that the police had done that which was greatly in excoss of their duty, and urging every- one to go home at oncj. A number of the people, acting upon this advice, did go home, but Mr. Duncan had bare'y finished his exhortation before the police made another charge upon the crowd standing in front of the Liberal Club. The Commissioner Do I gather from your I statement that Mr. Duncan not only asked the crowd to go home, but also pointed out how ill the police bad behaved ? Mr. David: Yes. The Commissioner Well, that would incite. Mr. David, resuming, said he wished to conceal nothing. Whether or not Mr. Duncan was right in regard to that was, of course, a matter of specula- tion. Having at some length alluded to the attacks said to have been made by the police in Custom House-street and New-street, he proceeded to call his witnesses. As the Clerk was about to administer the oath to the first witnesses, The Commissioner said there was no necessity to administer the oath, as gentlemen of proper feeling would speak the truth whether they were sworn Jr not. biB. VAUGHAJI'S EVIDENCE. William E. Vaughan, who was then called, and xamlDeù by Mr. David, said I am a dyer. and am i member of the Town Council. I remember Wednesday evening, the 7th of July. On that evening I went to the Liberal Club in this town about a iuarter-past ten o'clock. I received in- formation of the result of the poll a little before twelve o'clock. After the poll was declared' congratulated one another in the club on the success of Sir Edward Reed. I then went out on the balcony with tifteen or twenty gentlemen, several of whom spoke to the crowd which had gathered there. There is a large open space in front of the club, and there would not oe much traffic there at that hour of the light. At half-past twelve I started to ?o home, and came nearly to the corner of Mill- ane. I did not come through the crowd, but went oy the canal wall so as to escape the people. I saw there a body of police in line, which appeared to me to be stretching across the street from the Great Western Hotel to the Custom House Bridge. They were pushing the people about, and they pushed me back. I said, Why do you interfere with me ? I am going home, and that is my wav," and I was then allowed to Pitse through. Inspector Tamblyn was behind the line of police. Where Inspector Tamblyn was standing there was a clear, open ipace, The men were looking towards the Liberal Club, with their backs towards St.Mary-street. I said to ram blyn, "Whatever are you doing ? It is an orderly crowd. I have seen no disorder in it." Inspector Tamblyn replied 1, I cannot help it, Mr. Vaughan. I am under instructions. You had better see Mr. Hemingway, the head-constable, who is at the Western Mail office." I just walked pass Mill-lane, and someone said to me, Mr. Vaughan, they have been knocking the people about shamefully," and some of them bad their heads bleeding. Just at that time I was making my way across to the Western Maii to see Mr. Hemingway, when I saw a body of police rushing from the direction of the wester4 Moil office towards the crowd. Mr. Hemingway -was attired in a light dress. He was following them and crying, Clear the streets," or Rush on them." The Commissioner: Those are very different terms. Mr. Vaughan: I heard both terms used, but it may not have been at that particuiar moment. I heard both expressions from time to time. I called after him and said, Mr. Hemingway, whatever is the matter ? There is no need of this. If you wish to stop the disturbance withdraw your men." He stopped and said, I won't be interfered with by you." f said, I do not wish to interfere with you; I am only giving you advice." He had his stick up, and he said, If you speak another word to me I will knock you down." I said, "Thank you, Mr. H mingway, strike me down," and with that he rushed off after the police again, using the same words as I have described, and sfter th"* 1 cam, on UD St. Mary-street. While I was speaking to the head-constable Inspector Tamblyn came up and said, You know, Mr. Vaughan, they have been throwing stones at the Western Itail." I said, "I know nothing at all about it." The injury I saw to the Western Mail was to a window under the canvas; that was broken, and a fanlight. A man was convicted for that. There was a little hole like a pistol shot, but that was not observable from outside. I examined it the next day with a view to seeing tue damage. GoiDg back to when I went up St. Mary-street, I never saw any rioting or resistance to the police whatever in any place. I live at Liandaff- road, and have a mile anfi a quarter to walk. Ongoing along the Cowbrid^e-road I over- took a man injured. He said he was looking after Colonel Lindsav's horse. He was suffering from a cut on the head. Cross-examined by Mr.Clift.on: He wasagroomor policeman, but he was in plain clothes. That would be about one o'clock. He had been chairman of a meeting Lt Llandaff. His enthusiasm had not evaporated. They were all very pleased and comfortable—enthusiastic—at the Liberal Club. They were politically happy. Had gone to the Liberal Club about a quarter past ten left about a quarter past twelve. Knew nothing of what had occurred in the interval. Should think there were 2,000 persons not 8,000. Could not describe the stick. It was not a bludgeon; a walking caae. When he made an affidavit he did not know he was breaking an Act of Parliament, nor Mr. Jones in taking it. Witness, continuing, said I did not know I used the words "ill-treating" to Tamblyn. He referred me to Mr. Hemingway. Mr. Hemingway, in reply to my observations, said, "lam responsible." Will swear I did not see any police-constables injured. My attention was not, drawn to the fact that certain policemen had been injured. I did not place myself in a fighting atti- tude towards Mr. Hemingway, nor did he say that would not do. 1 have not had much experience of very excitable people. We discuss matters warmly sometimes in the Town Council. In 1830 there was some talk at the Town Council about turbulent people at the election in that year, and a report was presented to the Town Council, which unani- mously approved of the mode in which Mr. Hemingway had dealt with that mob. I did not tell the crowd that the police had no legal right to clear the streets, and that I would see what could be done. I deny that I gave the crowd any encouragement to defy the police. When I told a county policeman that I wanted to get through. because that was my way home, he at once allowed me to go through. Mr. Clifton: Perhaps he was aware of your dignity?—No; I don't think he knew me. I am sure Mr. Hemingway said he would strike me down. He did not merely say, Move on, Mr. Vaughan I won't be interfered with by you." Re-examined by Mr. David: Mr. Hemingway seemed to be like a man out of his mind, and was very excited. MR. DAVID JONES IN THE BOX. Mr. David Jones was next called, and said: I am a builder, of this to -vn, and I am a member of the Town Council. I have been in the council ten years next November. I remember the evening of the election. I was at the Liberal Club when the result was made known. I was asked to go to the hotel for Sir E. J. Reed. I went to the Royal, and saw a large crowd opposite the Western Mail Building, but had no difficulty in passing. Some- times the crowd were shouting and sometimes cheering, as the different portraits were shown. The Western Mail is. as far as I know, a Conserva- tive paper. I saw portraits of Mr. Gladstone, Lord Randolph Churchill, Mr. Brand, and Sir Edward Reed exhibited at the window of the Western Mail, but I cannot say whether they were faithful likenesses or mere caricatures. I had a conversation with Sir Edward Reed at the Royal Hotel; I stayed there a short time and went down after with him. On our way back we had got nearly as far as the Royal Oak, when some of our company in advance came back and said there had been a disturbance. It was suggested to Sir Edward Reed that we should not go on further. We still went on, and near the corner of Mill-lane there was a rush of six < or seven policemen after as many people. We shouted Don't come here; this is Sir Edward Reed." They turned slightly, and I saw a police- man strike a man to the ground with his truncheon. I distinctly heard the bliwa going rap, rap, rap," on the people's heads. The people were not disorderly. We passed on without obstruction either from the police or the people. When in the club reading-room I heard cries of Shame" repeatedly. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: I concur with Mr. Vaughan as to what occurred in 1380 at the council. There is no doubt, according to the minutes, that the police were commended. I can- not say that the police were in line in front of the Mail. When we pas id into the club without difficultv the road was perfectly clear, but did not see the constables. Did not know what the man had done who was knocked down. The police had the discrimination not to molest our party. Mr. Clifton: Sir Edward's speech was rather incendiary, was it not? Certainly not.- But was it not rather warlike ? I don't know that it was. Had you not a a little nocturral pastime at the club? Were any bottles thrown?—I only heard of it the next morning. I have nt asked anyone whether it was true or not. I have not been to the club many times since. I am not asnamed to go. (Laughter.) The Commissioner: Did you not go to the man who was knocked down?—No, we passed on; we could not get near. Mr. Clifton But you said the streets were per- fectly clear-- The Commissioner: Do you mean to say that you saw a man knocked down and did not go to him ?—No we could not get to him. EVIDENCE OF MR. T. M- COTTLE. Mr. Thomas Mark Cottle was next called, and said I am an assistant superintendent of the Prudential Assurance Company. I was present at the declaration of tre poll on the 7th of July, and went with the crowd to the Royal Hotel, and after hearing Sir E. Reed went with the others to the monument. Opposite the Western Mail Buiiding9 there was a crowd, and the street was blocked. I had not been there more than five minutes before I heard the crash of glass. I did not notice any police there. I heard three crashes of glass, and then there came up a body of policemen from Wood-street. I saw them form in line near the monument, and the greater portion of the crowd fell away to Mill-lane and St. Mary-street. I heard some cry about the use of stones. At the time I saw the police come from Wood-street they had not their staves drawn. I heard a cry that the police were using their staves, and after that I turned to see what was going on. I saw one man down near me, and a gentleman said, This poor fellow is dying." One policeman knocked three men down. I said to my son we would go home. I saw the whole company ot police knocking people down in the crowd with their staves right and left. They were knocking their heads principally. I went to the balcony of the Liberal Club, and when I bad heard only four sentences from the speaker I heard a great rush, and I saw some 30 or 40 policemen rush across the canal bridge and attack the rear of the crowd, which was then orderly, and v, as about 500 or 600 in number. Tne people were facing the club, and, therefore, had their backs to the police. I had not stood at Mie monu- ment for any length of time. I did not see any bottles thrown one of the" windows of the Liberal Club. Some gentlemen from the club were advising the people to go I home in an orderly way, and to behave courteously to the defeated. When the crowd was being charged I was forced-actually carried- half-way dcwn New-street. When I got on my feet and looked down, two policemen ran up. One of them aimed a blow at my head, but I dodged it. and the other knocked my son, sixteen years of age, on the bead, sending him reel- ing. The policemen ran away, but five others came up. They did not, however, strike me. I went back afterwards for my boy, and found him with five or six others on the ground. His hat was broken and his head was very much swollen. The others there were two females and three males, but I did not stop to see how they were injured. I also saw two policemen chasing some screaming women. There was no request made to the crowd, so far as I heard, to move away from the Liberal Club. I did not hear any- thing at the club which would be calculated to excite the people. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: The time was about twenty minutes to twelve. Went to the declaration of the poll direct from home. The retreating crowd fell away, the greater por- tion into Mill-lane. Some portion of the crowd came to where we were. Policemen were after them. There was no necessity for the gentlemen at the club to tell us to go home quietly, I was forced into New-street-by the crowd and the police. I was about 50 yards from where the police made the first charge, and could not hear anything that was said. I heard glass broken a quarter of an hour before. My boy was hurt. I did not go home until I was bound. I was turned back two or three times. I was driven up St. Mary-street, and then to the monument. It would have been better had I gone home at first. Cross-examined by Mr. Reece: When my boy was struck it was just twenty minutes after twelve. Could tell the county police from the borough force. Knew them by their helmets. I am certain of the time, for I looked at my watch. EVIDENCE OF MR. REES LODWICK PRICE. Mr. Rees Lodwick Price was next called, and said I am an auctioneer and am hon. sec. to the Liberal Club. I was one of the counting clerks at the election. After the count I went from the Town-hall to the Liberal Club. It was about 11.30 or 11.35. There was a crowd all the way down the street. The crowd was orderly enough. There was a lot of cheering but nothing more. When I got to the club I was pushed on the balcony by someone about twelve o'clock or 12.10. and said a few words to the crowd for about five or ten minutes. During the time I was in the dining-room and on the balcony I did not. see any bottle thrown out from the club to the crowd. On the next day 11 saw in the Western Mail a statement that bottles had been thrown from the club, and I asked every gentleman whom I knew to have been at the club whether they saw or heard anything of the sort, and no one knew anything about it. Whilst I was on the balcony I saw two bodies of police come from the direction of the monument, and they began to level the people down, right and left, with their staves. There certainly was no provocation given to the police by the people at the Liberal Club. The Commissioner: The police might have re- quested the crowd to move, and you not hear it ? —Yes, I was some distance away. The people were half-way on the arch of the bridge. Orders or requests may have been made to the crowd, and I not hear them. By Mr. Clifton On coming from the Town-hall I saw Mr. Hemingway, and he was perfectly collected. Cannot say what occurred while in the club. Did not see the windows of the Western Mail broken. Did not see any of the crowd in St. Mary-street join the crowd at the club. After the police had charged those in front of the club, there was a stampede of people on both sides of the Qlub. Mr. Clifton: Were you in the Town Council in 1880 ? Mr. Price (smiling): No. sir. Mr. Clifton Are you in the Town Council ?-No, sir. Mr. Clifton (turning to his clerk): Why did you deceive me ? (Loud laughter.) EVIDENCE OF MR. JOHN DUNN. Mr. John Dunn, a wheelwright, living in Con- stellation-street, was next called, and said I was in the s'reetat about a quarter-past eleven on the evening of the election. Saw a crowd of police I there. They made a rush at the people with their staves and knocked them down as fast as they could, no matter who it was-men, women, or children. They came from St. Mary-street. I saw ever so many people knocked down. I dare- say there were eighteen or twenty at. the first ntqh. They knocked one woman down in parti- cular near the public-house at the corner. There were two policemen beating her with their staves whilst she was on the ground. He recognised the number of one of the policemen as 34, a borough constable. I saw Mr. Hemingway at the head of the police. Mr. Vaughan went up to him and said, For God's sake, the people have done nothing to cause this. Why don't you draw your men off? Mr. Hemingway held his stick over Mr. Vaughan's head, and said if be did not go away he would be served the same. Mr. Hemingway told the police to charge and clear the streets. The order was then given by Inspector Tamblyn, and the people ran away in all directions. Some of them were knocked about and others were kicked. lsaw Mr. John Duncan standing on the steps of the monu- ment, and he said to the people, as they had not kicked up any disturbance, he hoped they would go home quietly, as they had done before. I saw a gentleman standing on the Custom House Hridge lighting a. cigar. He was alone. I saw three or tour policemen go up to him, knock him down, and kick him. He bad been doing nothing before that. The Commissioner: Do you know who that gentleman was? Witness: No; he was a perfect stranger to me. I went down New-street and saw the policemen striking everyone they came to. I saw one man picking up another, and two policaman knocked him about. Tile Commissioner: Do you know who ho was? Witness: No, sir. The Commissioner: He was a stranger, too ? Witness: Yes, sir. I did not stop to see who it was. I was looking after my own head. The Commissioner: Have you ever seen any of these people that you describe since ? Have you seen the woman or the men ? Witness: Not to the best of my knowledge. The Commissioner: Have you taken any means to identify them ? Witness: No, sir. I saw some policeman in New-street knock a woman down and then they beat her with their staves whilst she was on the ground. Another woman was afterwards knocked down by three other constables, who beat her. Mr. Clifton Do you know that only two women have complained of being injured on that night ? Witness: I don't know how many have been injured. Mr. Clifton Do you know that Mr. Hemingway attended upon a woman, and took her in a carriage ? Witness: I don't know. On being pressed again by Mr. Clifton to say whether he could identify any of the females, witness said he did not think he could identify them. One woman was called forward for witness to see, but he said he could not recognise her. In further cross-examination, he said be heard Mr. John Duncan tell the people not to throw stones. Re-examined by Mr. David: The police were drawn up from Mill-lane across St. Mary-street when Mr. Vaughan was speaking to Mr, Heming- way. They were facing the monument, and Mr. Hemingway was in front of them. The Commissioner: You were about St. Mary- street the whole evening ?—Yes. St. Mary-street was pretty full, was it not?- Yes. I suppose during the whole evening the police were about?- Yes. And things went on orderly and quietly ?—Yes. Afterwards you say you saw the police knock people down ?—Yes. Can you say what it was, in your opinion, that caused them to do that?—I saw nothing. You saw no reason, and you cannot tell me what was the reason, for the police behaving differently thtn to what they had all the evening ?—No. EVIDENCE OF HENRY NICHOLLS. Henry Nicholls said: I am a carpenter, living in Wyndham-street, Canton. I was near Mill- lane about ten minutes to twelve on the evening of the 7th of June. The poll had been declared previously to that. The crowd there was an orderly one. There was some shouting and cheering, but it was good-humoured in every respect. The first. I saw of the police was they were drawn up in the road marching to and fro. I then turned round the corner of Mill-lane, and a few minutes afterwards six or seven police- men came running round the corner striking every- one th-% i came across with their staves. I ran away, and one of them followed me and knocked me on the head with his staff. I fell down, and while on the ground I was struck several times by a truncheon. I had done nothing to aggravate the police. As soon as I recovered a little I went round the corner. I was then bleeding severely, and went up to some of the potice who were standing on the pavement, and asked them to get me a doctor. They told me to move on, and then two young men took me to the police-station, where I reported the n.atter. 'I boss in charge there asked me who my doctor was, an 1 told me to go and see him. Since that time I have suffered con- siderably from my wounds. The Commissioner here reminded Mr. David that he had culy to decide upon the general conduct of the police. Resuming, witness-aid Ilmd been standing at the corner of Mill-lane eight or ten minutes. During the time I was standing there I did not observe what was going on at the Liberal Club. When I got up and came to myself I found there were several other peop1,! injured 'ike myself. There might have been lialf-a-aozen. There was not the slightest sign of disorder in any of the crowds I saw that night. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: It was an orderly crowd for an election time. Ha had had many opportunities of judging of the temper cf a Cardiff crowd. He saw the crowd which congregated when Lord Hartington and Mr. Chamberlain were there. He did not see the crowd attempt to upset Mr. Chambeiliiin's carriage. He had gone home before then. tIe did not know anything about the nature of the crowd which recently operated uprn a toll-gate in Cardiff. When he went to the police-station to make a complaint he did not remember whether it was explained to him that the police surgeon was out of town. He did not hear Mr. Hemingway ask the crowd to go home. He could give no idea whether the officer who had struck him belonged to Cardiff or not. He was running with the crowd when he was sfcru k. He r;. n with the crowd because he thought he would be struck if he stood. By the Commissioner: When he was standing on the corner of Mill-lane he saw the police drawn up in line, but their staves were not drawn then. de knew of no reason why they rushed round the corner and attacked the: people. He heard no word of command given. He could not give the slightest reason why they changed from an orderly police to a disorderly police. MR. DUNN PE-CALLED. Mr. Dunn, re-called, said that the police began near the canal wall tc knock people down. By the Commissioner: They were not running after people down Mill-lane, but they were clearing the main street, and went across Mill-lane. EVIDENCE OF WILLIAM DAVIES. William Davies I am a shipwright, and on the evenii g in question I was passing down St. Marv- street, and stopped opposite the Royal Hotel to listen to Sir Edward Reed. It was an orderly crowd. I afterwards passed down towards the Western Mail Office on my way home. There was a crowd there, but the left hand side going down wrs clear enough for people to pass. I saw a likeness of Brand on a canvas that was suspeaded outside the Western Mail Office. The crowd was quite orderly, some cheering and some hissing at the likeness, but nothinl, more. passed on towards Custom House-street and stopped in front of the Liberal Club. I stood there about a quarter of an hour. I was just under the bal- cony. Before anything was done by the police the crowd there was largely augmented. After I had been there a quarter of an hour there was a rush behind, and it was said that the police were cow i*i g. During the time I was standing there there "was no sign of disorder, and I saw no bottles or missiles thrown from the club. The Commissioner suggested that the question of throwing bottles from the club might be dropped altogether, as it had nothing to do with the charge against the police. Mr. Chfton said he was quite satisfied to drop it, notwithstanding the undoubted fact that bottles were dropped from the windows of the club. Witness, resuming, said: I heard nothing about the police before the rushing of the club. When the crush came, a lady standing in front of me fell down, and, as I could not get clear, I fell also After that some people fell on the top of me. As I was getting up I got a blow on the head from the police. The Commissioner You say you fell forward ?— Yes. What makes you say then that it was the police that gave you the blow ii-I take it for granted. How long was it before you got a second blow ? —A couple of seconds. Were the police near you then ?—Yes. What makes you say the second blow was given by the police except that a policeman was close to vou ?—There was nothing besides that. Were there any other people close to you ?-I had no time to look. I want to get it clearly whether you have any other reason for supposing that the second blow was from a policeman except the fact that you saw a policeman standing near you ?-No. Witness, continuing, said I was next struck in the eye, and have lost my eyesight as a conse- quence. I said, For God's sake, don't take my life." I afterwards went to some policemen in Custom House-street to ask them where I could get a cab to take me home. I then went to Bute- street, and ultimately got a hansom, which con- veyed me to the Infirmary, EXAMINATION OF JOHN COBNER. John Cobner said: I am a smith, residing at I Plantagenet-street. After the declaration of the poll I was in St. Mary-street listening to Sir E. J. Reed. I afterwards walked down as far as the Western Mail and stood looking at the magic lantern there. Mr. Brand's likeness was being I exhibited. I remained there about two minutes. When the likeness was exhibited the crowd hooted. A few stones were also thrown. I am of opinio* that they were aimed at the magic lantern. By the Commissioner I mean by a few that about a dozen stones were thrown. I Witness, continuing, said: After the stones were thrown the light was put out in the magic lantern directly. A police- man demanded my stick. I refused to to give up my stick. I had not been doing anything during the evening with the stick. The stick was taken from me, and he broke it. When I refused the second time he took hold of me, therw me against the lamp, and my hat was knocked off. When I was stooping down to pick up the hat he struck me four times with the stick. The same constable followed me and knocked me on the head senseless. I could not say what he knocked me with I was alone all the time. After I was knocked down some friends took me to the Clarence Hotel, where the blood was washed off, and some sticking piaster put on. Except the stones which were thrown at the magic lantern I did not see any insult offered to the police. I did not hear any request from the police for the crowd to disperse. Cross-examined: The stick which I had was one belonging to another man. I was at Mr. Chamberlain's meeting; but I did not see any violence directed towards him. I think the officer who struck me was No. 51 of the borough force. Mr. Clifton; No. 51 was not on duty at all at that place. Witness: I am not positive about the number. By the Commissioner: I was knocked down, but I do not know who knocked me down. I only know it was a policeman from what another man told me. EVIDENCE OF MR. HEALD. Mr. Joseph Heald, wagon builder, residing at Penarth, was next called, and said I was driving in a trap on the evening of the election. After Sir E. Reed's address I passed on to the Western Mail office, but I had no difficulty in getting along. I stopped when the crowd stopped. The picture of Mr. Brand was exhibited at the Western Mail, and there was some hooting at it. I said to my friend that I thought it would cause some irritation. The crowd was, under the circumstances, an orderly one. As soon as I saw there was some break amongst the people I thought it was best to be off. I did not see what the cause of the division was. I went along to the Penarth-road. I did not see anything at all to lead to a breach of the peace. I was not requested to move on. EXAMINATION OF WILLIAM THOMAS. William Thomas said: I am a tailor, living in Havelock-street. On the evening in question I was in front of the Liberal C'ub listening to the speeches that were being delivered. I saw a woman standing alongside of me. After standing there a short time I felt a pushing from behind. We were pushed up against the shop windows, and I turned my head round and saw the woman struck down by one of tha police. Si:e was beaten with the policemen's staves when she was on the ground. I was pushed to the ground by the crowd. I got up and made my way down to Bute-street. While passing down New-street I saw two women standing together. I saw some policemen rush at the two women and beat them about the heads and knock them down. I saw a man standing in the middle of the road. The police, when they left the women, went to him and served him the same Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: I heard some of the speakers ask the people to go home orderly. I don't know what cause thqre was for saying that. I had been told that the other side were trying to cause a disturbance, and that might have been the reason that the advice was given. I mean by the other side the Tories. As far as I could see, that was the only woman in the crowd. When I saw the other women knocked down I did not go to them. I thought it would be rather dangerous. I did not speak to the man I saw knocked down. I have not dreamed all this, but saw it. I made no complaint about what I saw the next day. Mr, Clifton: We have it in evidence that there were 800 or 1,000 people there, and if that were so. how could the police get through the crowd and strike down this poor woman the moment the rush was felt ?-I don't know. Cross-examined by Mr. Reece: There might have been half-a-dozen policemen there. They were all county policemen. EVIDENCE OF MARY. KENNEDY. Mary Kennedy, who, on account of lameness, was accommodated with a chair, said I am the wife of Edward Kennedy, of Sandon-place. On the evening of the election I went out to look for my husband. I was in Mill-lane, and at the corner, by the Terminus Hotel, I was knocked down by a policeman with a staff which he had in his hand. I fell the first blow he struck me. I tried to get up, but he knocked me again, and the second blow knocked me senseless. I don't know what occurred after. After some time I recovered, and I then saw one of the inspectors of the county police, whom I recognise as Inspector Thomas. He rose his staff, and a young man cried Shame!" He struck the young man with the btaff, knocking him to the ground. The inspector then told me to go home. Someone then came to my assistance-i young man c"nd a young woman—and I was taken to the Infir- mary. I have been under the doctor's care ever since Cross-axamined by Mr. Clifton: I was knocked down by a policeman running after tile crowd. There were a good many people running beside myself, and the police were running after them. I am sure the inspector had a staff on that occasion. Mr. Clifton Would it surprise you to know that the inspectors do not carry staves ? Witness: Well, he rose something which he had in his hand. The Commissioner remarked that no doubt this woman was very much injured; and it would he an illegal thing for the police to inflict such injury unless there were some grave public cause. STATEMENT OF W. R. MORGAN. William Roger Morgan, an ironmonger's assis- tant, said I was on the balcony of the Liberal Club on the night in question. For half an hour I was in a position to observe the natu/e of the crowd in front. They were orderly. They had been gathering there for three-quartors of an hour before the attack by the police. When I was on the balcony I saw the police charge the mob without the least provocation or warning. The disturbance occurred in St. Mary-street, and worked on towards the club, and my opinion is that the police must have chased some of the people from St. Mary-street in that direction, I saw the police strike down the people in front of the club. I could not tell how many people weie knocked down. I saw a woman knocked down by a policeman. After the woman was struck down a policeman gave her a blow as she tried to get up. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton There was only one Liberal speaking at once. He was not pushed or carried bodily on to the balcony. He did not see any pushing done. He was not the sententious young man who spoke only four sentences. He was not a member of the club. There were about 300 or 400 women in the crowd. The woman knocked down was under the balcony. He saw no crowd cea. to the woman at the time. The woman was not jammed by the crowd against the last wit- ness, who put his hands against the window to save the woman from the crush. The balcony of the club was about 2ft. 6in. wide. ALDERMAN DANIEL JONES IN THE WITNESS- BOX. Alderman Daniel Jones, J.P., deposed: I passed by the Western Mail office at eleven p.m. on the evening in question. There was a crowd there, and figures were being thrown on a sheet there in the caricature style. The crowd was very orderly there then. I went down to the Liberal Club, but found no difficulty in getting there. At the time the poll was declared there was a crowd of about 500 poople in front of the club. I addressed the crowd, which was as orderly as the gathering in this room. I heard a rush of people outside, and those who were looking out of the club windows were crying "Shame, shame, see how the police are knocking the people about." Cross-examined The blinds of the club were pulled down to keep the place as private as pos- sible. I sent up to get Sir Edward to address the people down at the club. Mr. Clifton: Then, Mr. Jones, you were the cause of all the row? Witness :—I am surprised tc hear that the police were stoned, and that the superintendent was hit and wounded. I do not know where they could have got the stones from. EXAMINATION OF ELI LEWIS. Eli Lewis said: I am a joiner, living at Glou- cester-street. I was in front of the Liberal Club 3. little after midnight on the night in question. I was standing about seven feet from the kerb. The police rushed upon us without giving us any notice to clear away. I was struck on the head by a staff, but I don't know who the policeman was who struck me. I fell to the ground, and, while there, someone kicked me. There was nobody behind me but the police. I was on the outside of the crowd. There were 500 or 600 people there. I got up and went down Custom House-street, where the police were attacking and knocking down everyone they came across. They not only struck the people to the ground, but also struck them when they were there. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: I did not see three or four hundred women in the crowd. I did not look out for them. I did not observe any women. There were no people five feet behind me. There were people to the right and left of us, but none behind. I saw the transparencies outside the Western Mail, but I heard no hooting or groaning. There was no one there to groan. I was rushing to get away, when I fell. I do not know the policeman who molested me. I did not see him. Cross-examined by Mr. Reece: I don't know whether the crowd in front of the Liberal Club extended to the Custom-house Bridge and canal wall. TESTIMONY OF MR. TREASURE. Mr. Treasure was next examined and said: I am a surgoon, practising at the Docks. On the evening in question, between 11.30 and 12 o'clock, I was at the Liberal Club, and went downstairs to the lobby, where 1 found a man with a scalp wound, named James Dixon. I examined him, and found that he was suf- fering from concussion, and I, in company with another gentleman, went out for a cab. When I got outside I saw a lot of people running, appa- rently for their lives, and I began to run as well, though I did not know why. I went down Custom House-street to the Conservative Club, and turned into Hope-street. Whilst standing there I saw the rush of police pursuing a few people. I saw one man knocked down imme- diately opposite the corner of the street. The man tried to get up, but before he could do so the same police-constable knocked him again with his truncheon. I saw several more later on. The man whom I saw knocked down at length scrambled up and limped away. I followed the policeman. I at length saw one officer, and, going up to him, I saw his number, which was" 225 G." I saw a group of policeman, and I asked them to assist me to get a cab to get the man away. One of them said, You had better look out or you cracked." I m door of the club and rang the bell. but whilst I stood there ten or a dozen policemen chased about half-a-dozen men, who were running away. One man who was close to me was struck down by a policeman, and was not able to rise again. The next policeman who passed him gave him a blow with his truncheon as he passed by. Cross-examined: I don't think I spoke to the officer No. 225 G. Mr. Reece Have you made a statement about this affair before to-day ?-Witness: Yes. Mr. Reece Have you written a narrative on the 9th July in the South Wales Daily News ? Witness: Yes, but there are some slight inaccuracies in the reporting. Mr. Reece Did you say M I followed one police- man who seemed to be particularly prominent, and. at considerable risk, I succeeded in taking his number" ? Witness: Yes, it was at considerable risk. Mr. Reece: Then you were dodging about with four or five constables aiming blows at you whilst you were attempting to take one officer's number ? Witness persisted in saying that he took the man's number under considerable risk, although he acknowledged that he waited for the last police- man to return along the street, and then took his number, though he could not identify him as being the officer who struck the man down. Mr. Reece: You are not quite so courageous as you wish to make out. The Commissioner: Did you see the police attempt to take any of the people into custody. Witness: No, sir. The inquiry was then adjourned. WEDNESDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Bridge, the Commissioner appointed to inquire into the conduct lof the police on the occasion of the recent election disturbances at Cardiff resumed his investigation in the Crown Court at the Town-hall on Wednesday morning, the Commissioner taking his seat at 10.10 a.m. The same legal gentlemen who appeared at the opening of the case were present. EXAMINATION OF MR. WILLIAM JONES. The first witness called was Mr. William Jones, who said: I am manager for a colliery company at Cardiff. On the night in question I was in the room, behind Sir Edward Reed. at the Royal, when he was addressing the crowd after the de- claration of the poll. The crowd was an orderly one. Shortly after I left the Royal for the Liberal Club, walking with Sir Edward. Saw a crowd all the way down, which was also orderly. I walked down behind Sir Edward Reed, and as we went down there was some undue crushing and cheering, and I then went about eight or ten yards in front. Just when we got near the Blue Anchor the crowd was cheering, and someone came to us and asked us to stop, as there was a disturbance in front. I was about eight or ten yards in front, and when I got up to the place I saw a crowd of about 40 or 50 people facing the Western Mail office. And just as we got up there I saw about fifteen or twenty policemen come around the corner from Mill-lane with a rush. The people around were groaning at Sir Edward ol Reed, and the policemen went amongst them and struck them down right and left at once. The people were dispersed, and I saw six or seven policemen follow some people on the pavement and attack the people there. Sir Edward Reed, I believe, made the remark Whatever are those men doing ?" There was certainly no provocation, so far as I could see. The Commissioner: But you could not see what disturbance had taken place on ahead before you went down. Witness: No, sir. By Mr. David: I saw one man distinctly struck by the police whilst I was standing there about a minute or two, and I saw four or five others fall, evidently knocked down by the pelice. I heard the blows on the people's heads. The crowd outside the Liberal Club was a very orderly one, and I walked round the club under the balcony. I got into the Conservative Club when the crowd was dispersed, and whilat in there I saw a piece of stick in a person's hand which was said to be half of a policeman's baton. Several wounded women were taken into the Conservative Club. I went to the Western Mail Buildings to see what wrecking there had been. The fanlight under the transparency was broken and a window over the doorway was broken by several stones. There was also a small hole in a window of the editor's room, said to have been caused by a pistol bullet. I saw no lamps broken in the im- mediate vicinity, nor any other glass. Had counted the windows in the vicinity of the area of the dis- turbance and tound ttiem to number 106 and the lamps 25. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: If my uncle, Mr. Councillor Jones, said people marched in front of Sir E. J. Reed I think he must have made a mistake. I did not see any people in front of him. I should say there were about 50 or 60 people standing at the corner of Mill-lane, but there were thoasands outside the Western Mail office. I walked round under the balcony of the Liberal Club, and I should say the crowd there only numbered about 500. By thu Commissioner: I did not see any of my party go to the assistance of any of the people who had been struck. MR. CLOTHIER'S EVIDENCE. Mr. E. B. Clothier, a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Spiller, said he was with the crowd outside the Royal, and went down outside the Western Mail office. The portrait of Mr. Brand was being exhibited, and the crowd demanded that it should be withdrawn. It was not taken away for some time, and witness heard the crash of glass. The police then forced the crowd back to the Royal Hotel. Afterwards he made his way back towards the Western Mail Buildings, and saw ,» line of police drawn pretty much across the road. He saw four people seriously injured there. He also saw the police march against the crowd with drawn staves. He also saw a policeman kick a man who was on the ground. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton I did not report what I had seen to any of the authorities. MR. JOHN DUNCAN IN THE BOX. The next witness called was Mr. John Duncan, who, in answer to Mr. David deposed: I am part proprietor of the South Wales Daily News in this town. I was one of the counters at the last election, and after the declaration of the poll I went down the street in the direction of the Western Mail office. I was one of those who accompanied Sir Edward Reed from the Royal Hotel. Principal Jones had Sir Edward's right arm, and I was next him When I got to the Western Mail office there was no indication of anger or disorder on the part of the crowd. But someone came along and made the observation, Don't go down, Sir Edward, the police are attacking the people." I saw no disorder going on there, and I think I told the procession to go on, as I saw no disorder of any kind. I proceeded through the crowd and got to near the Western Mail office, where several people got hold of me, and said, "Look here, Mr. Duncan, there has been a, terrible affair with the police. Come and see what they have done." One or two caught hold of me by the arm towards the corner of Mill-lane, and when I got there I found a woman lying against the Terminus Hotel, and another woman was lying on the ground, and three men were also on the ground. They were all bleeding freely from wounds. The woman near the Ter- minus Hotel was sitting on the ground, lying against the wall. There was a cut across her eye, and the blood was coming down over her face. The other persons were bleeding from the head. One man was lying at full length on his face, and he was in a fainting condition. But in a minute or two afterwards he turned over on his back and was assisted away. After that I went over to a body of police that I saw standing near. The police were standing somewhere about the middle of the road between the Terminus Hotel and the Western Mail office. This was before the police were drawn into line from the approach to the Great Western Railway. They were standing in the middle of the road when I went to speak to them. I do not know whether their staves were drawn at that time. I cannot speak positively, but I know they were drawn when they were formed in line, and it was only two or three minutes between the time I went to speak to them and the time they were formed in line. The police were under the command of a county officer, and his impression was that the men were county constables. It was dark and the light was only partial. I went up to the officer, and I told him that I thought he was acting very severely, and from what I had heard I thought he had allowed his men to make a totally un- provoked attack upon the people. I told him who I was, and I said he had better act with care. I got no reply from him, but he hurried away to the other end of his force, and I then caught sight of Mr. Tamblyn. Knowing him, I made the same remark to him. He replied to me twice, Go and see the head-constable." The police at that time were standing there. I saw them turn into line, stretching from Mill-lane corner to the Great Western Hotel. When I saw this I saw that they evidently intended some further action. I saw, also, that a crowd was listening to some speeches at the Liberal Club, and a portion of it turned round to witness the formation of the line of police. I was then, perhaps, six yards from the Terminus Hotel. I saw that the police were forming into line, and I thought I might do a little good by preventing any demonstration on the part of the crowd. which would be likely to excite the police. I got in between two constables, and a couple of hundred people who were facing the Liberal Club then faced round towards the monument. I went on the steps of the monument and said, We have had a glorious victory, and I hope that everything will pass off in good order. I have received a number of statements while on the corner of Mill- lane, and it is evident to my mind that the police have exceeded their duty." I urged the people not to do anything which would give the police an excuse for their action, as any single act would be taken in justification of their conduct. One or two people said "That's right," and some said Hear, hear." I was going on to make some further observations when the crowd turned round and fled away. I then saw that the police line had made an advance. There was a Mr. Hopkins, of Roath, and myself left on the monument steps. The Commissioner: The police advanced in line.? Witness: Yes, sir. The Commissioner: Did they break their line? Witness No, sir. Continuing, in answer to Mr. David, witness said: Inspector Tamblyn came up to me and said, We can't stand this, Mr. Duncan," showing me a stone in bis hand. I was going to ask him where he got it from whon he went away. Mr. David: Did you say anything to the people about their going home ? Witness: I don't think I did. The Commissioner: You said the police had greatly exceeded their duty, and yet you had not seen that duty. Witness: Personally I did not. The Commissioner: What was the size of the stone shown you ? Witness: It was a large stone. Mr. Clifton: I have the stone here. witnpjs (continuing): The police made no request to me or anyone near me to move off before they went in line. I was not in an excited condition, but I was naturally indignant at the conduct of the police so far as I had heard what that conduct was. Mr. David took up a copy of the Western Mail containing an account of the proceedings, and was about to ask whether the statement as to Mr. Duncan's condition as stated in the report was correct, when The Commissioner stopped him and said he did not. think Mr. David could ask that question of his own witness. He would thereby be endeavouring to pick his own man up before he was knocked down. Mr. Duncan (continuing) said he had only had tea and two glasses of water that evening. In fact he was on bis way to the Liberal Club to get some refresljnent when the interruption took place. He difi not, however, reach the club at all that evening. By Mr. Clifton: I think it was Superintendent Wake who was in charge of the body of police I went up to. I do seriously say that I was not ex- cited when I went up to Inspector Tamblyn. Mr. Clifton: Did you address the crowd about the delinquencies of the police before you got on the monument I-Witness said a number of in- dividuals came to him and stated what the police had done, and he spoke to them. Mr. Clifton I suppose all the rough element were at home that evening ? There was no doubt whatever that the rough element was completely overwhelmed by the general body of the townspeople. Mr. Clifton You told his worship that Inspector Tamblyn showed you that stone and said, -1 We can't stand this, Mr. Duncan "?—Yes. Did you address the crowd and ask them to desist from throwing stones?—No. And if a witness said that yesterday he made a mistake ?—Yes. Mr. Clifton: I know the ubiquitous Witness Dunn said in his evidence yesterday, I heard Mr. Duncan beg the crowd not to throw stones." Mr. David denied that any such statement had been made by the witness named. The Commissioner thereupon turned to the transcript of the evidence taken the previous day, and while searching for the evidence of Dunn, Mr David again interposed, and said that on looking over his notes he found that Mr. Clifton was right. Mr. Clifton (to witness): That was, inaccurate then ?—Yes, and in proof of that I may say it was not until an hour or two after this that I was aware a stone was thrown. The Commissioner: What did you understand when Inspector Tamblyn showed you the stone ? It must have been that you knew stones were thrown ?—I was about to ask Tamblyn where the stone came from. The Commissioner: Did you not understand Tamblyn to mean that a stone of the sort had been thrown at the police ?-Undoubtedly. Mr. Clifton: Did you happen to go to the Liberal Club after you had been on the monument steps ?-After I left the monument steps I went to the Royal Hotel to look for Mr. Hemingway, and then went on to our office. Half an hour after- wards I returned from the office for the purpose of going to the club. Did you go to the club ?-No, when I got to the monument again I met Sir Edward Reed and several of his friends. Did you go out of the Royal Hotel with Sir E. Reed ?-Yes. Did you form part of the body of gentlemen with him?—Yes. How long after he had addressed the crowd in front of the hotel did you leave the hotel ?—Half an hour. Mr. Jones told us five minutes?—Five minutes he was speaking to the people in the hotel, and five minutes getting into the street. Mr. Jones may not have recollected that inside the apart- ments we had a number of addresses. He must have been mistaken, Mr. Clifton: He would not admit that. He has a note book, you know, and has made a note of all the windows in Cardiff. (Laughter.) Were there a number of persons in advance of Sir Edward Reed ?—No. Do you remember Mr. Ramsdale coming back and saying that a disturbance had been going on between the public and the police ?-No. I did not hear Mr. Ramsdale, but someone else made the same remark. You saw nothing of that ?-No. But you wrote a graphic account of it the next day ?—Yes. Of a thing vou had not seen. (Laughter.)—I narrated what i have said here to-day. Cross-examined by Mr. Rees: Do you generally find these stones in St. Mary-street (showing a large piece of slag) ?-I should say that is an ex- ceptional stone. Mr. Clifton: One of his monumental stones, per- haps? Mr. Reece (to witness): Did you tell the inspector he had exceeded his duty and ask him his name ?-I think I did. What I said was that he had evidently done wrong in allowing his men to attack inoffen- sive people. Mr. Reece: Just the same as you told Mr. Tamblyn ?—Yes. Mr. Reece: How can you say they were county police ?-I cannot speak as to that. It was a general impression I had. This was more from the fact that the faces were unfamiliar to me. I know most of the Cardiff police by sight. Mr. Reece: Then you merely thought they were county police because you did not recognise their faces ?-That was the general impression. Mr. Reece Had the constables with Superinten- dent Wake their staves drawn when they were in line ?—Yes. Mr. Reece: And when you spoke to Mr. Wake and afterwards to Tamblyn, had tho men who were then standing across the street their staves drawn ? -—I cannot speak positively as to that. J. HOPKINS' EVIDENCE. J. Hopkins, of 4, Jamas-street, Roath, said: On the night in question I went down St. Mary-street, towards the Liberal Club. at ten minutes past twelve. Stopped outside the Western Mail Buildings. They were showing a screen with liknesses. When the picture of Mr. Gladstone was exhibited the crowd shouted to put it out. Saw nothing more. Remained about three minutes. During that time saw the police come one section of the police drove the people up St. Mary-street, and another to the monument. No request was made to me or any- one else to move on. When the police turned the crowd they had not their staves drawn. I got in the middle space between the crowds. The crowds were orderly. Saw Mr. Hemingway there. (The further cross-examination of this witness was deferred until Mr. Hemingway could he in court, so that he might hear all that had reference to himself.) TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM ELY. William Ely, caretaker in the employ of Messrs. Spiller and Co., said: I remember on the evening before the election being in the Cardiff Arms Park. On the night of the poll I stopped in front of the Western Mail. Stones were aimed at the canvas. Saw some strike it. Should think there were half-a-dozen thrown. Heard one crash of glass. Soon afterwards I saw a body of police near the monument. I was then standing near Mill-lane, and was able to sea what was going on where the police were standing. I did not see the police change their position. T saw the men rush towards St. Mary-streut. Before that rush wns made I did not hear any warning given by the police. On seeing the rush stood still until the police came too near, and then made for Mill-lane. Was struck down by the police. They had their staves drawn. The people were all runnmg, Was struck and kicked by policemen. It was not a borough man who struck him. Was sure no borough man would have done it. JOHN HOPKINS RE-CALLED. By Mr. David: I saw Mr. Hemingway strike a man across the face with his stick and across the chest. He then came to me and my butties, and said he would serve us the same if we did not go home. This young man was doing nothing at all at the time. I had observed him for a minute before that. After that Mr. Hemingway went away towards the section of thfl police in St. Mary-street. As soon as I had time to go on to the pavement a section of the police came down St. Mary-street and charged down Mill-lane. They knocked two women and three men down on the corner of the Terminus. When I saw the police coming they had their staves drawn. They were the county police. I saw the police strike one of the women twice on the temple while she was on the ground. I observed two county policemen, when they retreated from Mill- lane, knock a man down by Elliot's eating-house. One of them struck this here man down." The man was standing with his back to the wall. The policeman struck him down with his truncheon, and while he was on the ground took hold of him by the chest, and beat his head against the ground. The other policeman also struck him with his staff. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton: You were the gentleman who took hold of Mr. Duncan's arm ?— Yes. You were the only one ?-Yes. Well, he says there were several.—There were several around. But you were the only one who took that liberty ? —Yes. You were all jolly fellows together, I suppose? (Laughter.)—Yes; we always are. (Renewed laughter.) What did you do when you went to the monu- ment ?-I told Mr. Duncan to address the crowd from the monument. (Laughter.) Did you tell him what to say ? (Laughter.)—No it i3 not likely. It is likely considering that be had seen nothing of it.—He said he had seen it. He told the Commissioner he had not. Did you see any stones thrown ?—I did. How many stones did you see thrown ?-I could not say. I heard two. You heard two crashes of glass ?-I heard two crashes. Some were thrown at the transparency ?—Yes. How many were thrown while you were pre- sent?—I heard two cracks. Was it dark just then ?-It was not very dark. You say the police divided into two sections ?— Yes. Then, they had not got their staves drawn ?— No. They were persuading the crowds to go away ?— They were pushing them about. You can imagine how they acted. No, I can't. Your descriptions are so vivid they leave nothing to the imagination. (Laughter.) TESTIMONY OF EVAN MILLWARD. Evan Millvraid, a ship-chandler's assistant, de- posed; On the night in question I was opposite the Western Mail Buildings, but don't recollect the time. It was after the result of the erection was made known. I was there a quarter of an hour, and saw Mr. Hemingway. I saw him strike a young fellow. I believe he boxed his ears with his hand. The young man was doing nothing at the time, so far as I saw. I went away because I thought I might get the same. I did not see the police charge. The Commissioner (to Mr. Clifton): I don't think you need cross-examine him. EDWIN STILL'S EVIDENCE. Edwin Still was next called, and said I live at the Hayes. and am a haulier. I was outside the Mail office when Mr. Brand's likeness was shown. Some of the crowd shouted and some hooted, and asked for the numbers to be shown. It was not taken away for a time, and I saw a dent in the canvas as though a stone had been thrown at it. I saw a policeman-I think his number is 44-going about looking to see who was throwing stones. I turned round to get away, and when I was by the Terminus wall one policeman came up and said, Out of this, you b- I turned round to get away, and as I was going a policeman struck me; and, as I tried to get round the corner, another policeman struck me. A great many people fell down of their own accord on the corner of Mill-lane; but I saw three policemen beat the people on the ground. Cross-examined: The officers I saw strike people were Diamond (No. 23), Oxley (44), and No. 51. I am quite sure that 51 was there. Mr. Clifton: Would you be surprised to hear that No. 51 was not at that place ? Witness: I am sure he was there and threatened to take me into custody. Police-Constable No. 51 was produced in court, and the witness identified him as the man he had seen there. Mr. Clifton: You brought a charge against a policeman before this ? Witness: Yes, and the Superintendent said he believed the officer did strike me. Mr. Clifton: But you did not prove your case ? Witness: No. JAMES DIXON'S TESTIMONY. James Dixon, living in Carlisle-street, said: I was standing outside the Western Mail office whilst Mr. Brand's likeness was being shown. Whilst there I heard a crash, and saw a woman and child fall near the corner of the Terminus Hotel. I tried to keep the crowd off her, and I was pushed on the ground. Two borough officers and three county officers came up and beat and kicked me. I saw No. 34 use his truncheon. My head was cut in two places, and 1 had to be assisted to the Liberal Club, where I was attended by Dr. Treasure. After that the doctor took me to his surgery in a hansom. The crowd was quiet and orderly, so far as I saw. 1 heard no request from the police for the crowd to go away. The Court then adjourned for luncheon. When the Commissioner took his seat after luncheon the court was kept waiting for some little time owing to the absence of Mr. David, who was engaged in defending the Messrs. Batchelor for the assault on Mr. Lascelles Carr, the editor of the Western Mail. EDWARD TAPP IN THE WITNESS-BOX. Edward Francis Tapp, an employ6 at the Tyne- side Engineering Works, was the first witness called after the adjournment. He said: I went from my home in Adamsdown, Roath, on the evening in question. I came along Custom House-street, and arrived at the moment that Mr. Duncan was on the monument. There was a large crowd in front of the Liberal Club. It was orderly, and would not excite anyone's feelings. I stayed there about five or ten minutes. I retired then to the lower part of Custom House Bridge, and I saw a number of policemen extend- ing from Mill-lane to the Western Mail office, facing towards the monument; They bad their staves drawn. Inspector Tamblyn spoke to Mr. Duncan and he afterwards said, "Strikeout, lads. Give it to them. Clear the streets." They at once advanced, striking at anyone they came to, and went on towards the canal. I was standing, one of five, near the Custom House Bridge. A policeman struck a woman on the ear near me. and down she went. I don't know who the woman was, but she said her husband was in the Liberal Club, and she wished him to come out and go home. A man was also struck just under the neck. I capsized one policeman, and the officers remarked, Here's one b- let's give it to him." Seven policeman chased me, but I doubled down North Church- street and jumped over the wall at the West Bute Dock. I then came into Herbert-street, a little way down Bute-road, where I saw two men laying on the ground bleeding. Their faces were covered with blood. Cross-examined: Then, you onlysucceeded in cap- sizing one policeman ?—Witness: I did not capsize one. He fell over me. I did not capsize him by force. He fell over me in aiming his blow. It was about 12.40 when I got to the monument. Mr. Duncan was deprecating the action of the police in attacking the crowd, and he hoped they would not throw any stones. He hoped they would not do anything, and the matter would be settled here- after. I should say there were about 1,500 people around the Liberal Club when I was at the monu- ment. I went under the Great Western Railway Bridge, and the police came after me there. I should think the police ran after me for about a quarter of a mile. I reached home about 2.15 or 2.20 p.m. The police who came to us were county police officers. By Mr. Reece ? I do not know them. EVIDENCE OF RICHARD MORGAN. Richard Morgan said: I am a slate merchant, living at Penarth. I came with some friends a few minutes after twelve, and alighted opposite the Great Western Hotel. I walked over towards the Liberal Club, where Mr. Williams (Pencoed) was then speaking. Some women said: Oh, my God, here they come." I saw the police close on us, and I had a blow on my head, then on my shoulder, and afterwards I received a third blow. Did not actually see the police before I received the second blow; saw them before receiving the third. Saw them using their batons right and left. Saw them knock a woman down quite flat as she rushed by. My arm was disabled for a week. Recognised a police-constable named Brinson,from Penarth. He said, "Now, Morgan, off with you home," and with that be struck me with his bâton. The blow was on the right arm. Had been standing about five minutes before the woman rushed hy. It was on orderly crowd. Heard no request from the police to move. Was on the outskirts ot the crowd. Cross-examined by Mr. Clifton t The crowd would be about ten or twelve deep between myself and the balcony. Would daresay there were 1,500 to 2,000. Did not ascertain who the woman was. Had enough to do to look after my- self. Passed the monument when I returned, and the police were drawn up. Was not then in- terfered with by the borough police. Had to look where I was going or I should have had it. Cross-examined by Mr. Reece: Had been good friends up to that time with Brinson. THE TESTIMONY OF JOSHUA PRICE. Joshua Price deposed; I live at Kilcatten-street. On the evening when the poll was declared I went down to the Liberal Club and found a crowd opposite the Western Mail office, where there were likenesses shown. The police made a rush on the crowd from the monument towards the Western Mail on the Western Mail side of the street. That was about 11.30 to 11.45, so far as I could judge. I don't know whether they were county or borough police, and I don't know whether they had their truncheons drawn or not. Some of the crowd went down St. Mary-street and some down Mill-lane. I did not get there until the crowd came down from the Royal Hotel, where Sir Edward had addressed them. The police did nothing at first when they chased the crowd, but about a quarter of an hour afterwards I saw the police drawn up in line. I saw Inspector Tamblyn show the stone to Mr. Duncan. There was a crowd standing outside the Liberal Club at the time, and an order was given for them to charge the people there. I did not hear who gave the order. The county and borough police were mixed. They went over and attacked the people with their staves. I was struck in the eye, from which I have a mark now. I was struck by a county policeman. Did not hear anyone ask the people to clear away, and did not see anyone do anything to irritate the police. lAt this stage Sir Edward Reed took his seat near the mayor, on the bench alongside the Com- missioner.] Mr. Clifton (to witness): You heard the speech of Sir Edward Reed at the Royal Hotel. Did you hear Sir Edward Reed call Mr. Chamberlain a liar ? The Commissioner intervened, and said he did not think that was a proper question. Mr. Clifton said he was seeking to show that this crowd, instead of being quiet and orderly, was composed of the most heterogeneous elements. The Commissioner: I think that had better come from your own witnesses. I do not think it would be well to go into the topics of a speech. I do not want this inquiry to lead to any irritation of any sort, and the introduction of a discussion on politics might lead to irritation. Mr. Clifton said his case for the police was that they were bound to interfere because the forces were so divergent. By Mr. Reece: I was in the centre of the road on the far side of the bridge. Could not see a soul near the Liberal Club. There was no crowd there. That was after the charge. Was standing on the pavement near the monument when the charge was made. One body of men had gone after the crowd from the club and another line was on the bridge. SIR EDWARD REED IN THE BOX. As Sir Edward Reed stepped into the witness- box a murmur went round amongst the occupants of the gallery. The Commissioner said if he heard anything like that again he should order the court to be cleared. Sir Edward, examined by Mr. David, said: I have represented the Borough of Cardiff.—Four times, is it not?—Yes. I believe four times. (Laughter.) I was present in Cardiff on the night of the 7th of July last. After the declaration of the poll I proceeded to the Royal Hotel. When at the Royal I made a short speech to the crowd outside. It was a perfectly orderly crowd. Soon after that I went to the Liberal Club. There was a considerable number of people in the streets, but we did not go through any great crowd. By the Mail Offices we suddenly came upon the police with their truncheons drawn. I saw no signs of a disturbance before that. I had been told a moment before that there was a disturbance, but saw nothing of it till I came upon the police. The Commissioner: Which side were you?—We came upon the left side. A man on the left side of the police seemed about to strike me. Someone told him who I was, and he drew his truncheon back and let me pass. On my lett the policeman immediately next me was striking down a poor, weak-looking man, and he struck him twice after he was on the ground. By the Commissioner This was on the road opposite the Western Mail. The other men in the same line were striking in front of them. I did not see any actual blows. Do not remember making any observation with regard to the con- duct of the police on the spot. I do not remember doing so. We passed on with but a brief interrup- tion-only about a minute. I had some friende with me, and I thought any action would be miscon- strued into resistance. While in the club I heard screams outside, and was very much deceived if I did not bear blows. The people in the room tushed to the windows to see what was going on, and called out Shameful and Horrible," or words of that kind. We in the club did all we could to avoid giving any indication that might tend to increase the excitement. Mr. David: Did you go to the window ?-I did not. I thought it undesirable. The crowd in front of the club was an orderly one. CROSS-EXAMINATION OF SIR EDWARD. Mr. Clifton: I presume, Sir Edward, you make allowances for the election—orderly, having regard to election time ?—I mean exactly orderly. There was no sign of disturbance. But you say you had notice of a disturbance long before ?—Yes, I have explained. I believe when you left the hotel to go down to the club a body of gentlemen preceded you ?— No. Not Mr. Ramsdale and some other gentlemen ? —There were a few gentlemen, some half a dozen, who went with me to the club in consequence of my going there. Did you recognise the gentleman who returned and said there was a disturbance ?—It was Mr. Ramsdale. Mr. Clifton: Well, he must have been a little ahead of you to have done that. Con- tinuing: Now, with regard to the conduct of the police. You have known the police here intimately, through having attended a large number of meetings, and having them in attendance on you. I take it you have always found their conduct of the best ?—I have no com- plaint to make at all, except on this occasion. I mean from personal observation. Did you see Mr. Hemingway on your return that night from the Liberal Club -I do not re- member seeing him. Do you remember shaking hands with him ? -No, I do not. But would you say that in saying so Mr. Hemingway states what is not true''—I do not know. I saw nothing of Mr. Hemingway. Pardon me, 1 suppose no end of people would be shaking hands with you on that night. The Commissioner: What I understand Sir Edward to mean is that he had nothing in his mind with reference to his having had anything to do with improper conduct. Mr. Clifton to Sir Edward: I believe at the hotel you said, We have had the police to protect us let us give three cheers for the chief constable (Mr. Hemingway) and the South Wales Daily News ?-I cannot say. Mr. Clifton here handed a copy of the South Wales Daily Netas to witness with the remark: It is a favourite paper. Tbe paragraph is just On the top. Is that accurately reported ?'' Sir Edward Reed: This is what I am represented to say. I am reported to have said Let us give three cheers for the mayor, the South Wales Daily News, and the police. We have given the latter little to do, but our opponents have bad to protect Mr. Chamberlain." Mr. Clifton I did not read the last part myself. Is that accurately reported ?-I think it very likely. At all events up to that time the police were, in your judgment, entitled to your approval ?—Quite so. In reference to protecting Mr. Chamberlain, I may say it had reference to the fact that his carriage was densely surrounded by police. I did not know it was necessary in the least. You saw the procession. Did It not occur to you why the protection was given ?—Not from any local cause. I thought there had been instructions from London. I could not say how many persons were outside the Liberal Club. The blinds of the club were drawn down, and I believe the doors were shut. My impression only was that the police I saw were county police. By Mr. Reece: I refer to the line of police I met on my way down. It was my opinion they were county police. Mr.'Clffton: Did you see the caricatures outside the Western Mail ?-I saw them; very transiently I may say. Did they annoy the crowd ?-I thought it very discreditable and foolish. Did they excite the people much ?—Sir Edward (with warmth): I was astonished every evening that any crowd allowed such insults to be thrown at It as were thrown from that office. Mr. David: It was likely to excite the crowd. Mr. Clifton: He is exciting them now. The Commissioner: Did Mr. Duncan go with you ?—I am not sure; I think he did. Mr. Clifton: Mr. Duncan says he saw no violence whatever and that no stones were thrown. Sir E. Reed: I should not be mistaken, because I was so shocked and astonished. In reply to Mr. David: I could not say how many of my friends came with me from the Royal. TESTIMONY OF GEORGE PILE. George Pile, shipwright, of Penarth, and member of the Penarth Local Board, said: On the night in question I was outside the Western Mail. Remained there till I saw a charge made by the police. Was standing abreast of the canvas. When I saw the police charging the crowd I cleared out. The police were in amongst the people. I stood in the crowd at the Western Mail Office about five minutes, and the crowd was very orderly at that time. Cross-examined: When the crowd asked for the likeness to be withdrawn from the transparency a stone was thrown, and a gentleman inside with- drew the picture. RICHARD ALLEN'S EVIDENCE. Richard Allen, a coal haulier, living in Planet- street, deposed; I was standing by the Blue Anchor on the night in question, and heard two crashes of glass at the Western Mail Office. The first of the police I saw was their turning us off the pave- ment on to the road. I received three blows on the back before I reached Mill-lane. I did not observe who struck me, but the police were next to me. I did not see whether the police bad their staves drawn; but the blows I received were given with a heavy instrument. I was pushing my way through the crowd when I had the blows. When I got to the corner of Mill-lane 1 was struck two blows by Police-Constable Warren, who used his staff. He struck at my head, but I warded off the blows with my hands. Another tall policeman came up and tried to strike a man who was lying between my legs, but the blows struck my legs. I went to assist a woman who was lying on the ground, but whilst I was helping her I was struck two blows and I had to let her drop. I saw the police charge the people twice after that, and beat them with their truncheons. The police were mixed-county and borough. I did not see any- thing done to irritate the police. Mr. Clifton: Do you know Police-Constable Warren ?-YeR. sir. Mr. Clifton: Do you know that be was struck on the eye and on the left leg with stones ? Witness He told me about it the next day. The Commissioner: Did he show you the marks ?-Yes, on his face. Mr. Clifton: Warren and you were good friends next day ?—Yes, sir. Mr. Clifton He said he was sorry if he had struck you, but he was struck with stones him- self ?-Yes, sir. Mr. Clifton: Did you go home with the witness Dunn that evening ?-No, sir. Mr. Clifton: Did you see him that evening ?— No, sir. ANDREW POOLE'S EVIDENCE. Andrew Poole was afterwards called, and deposed: I am a labourer living in Helen-street. I stood by the Western Mail office on the evening in question for a few minutes about twelve o'clock. I went over to the Liberal Club. I saw a rush of people, and then I was struck down insensible. 1 saw it was a policeman by the hat and coat. When I sot up I went down Custom House-street, and when there, opposite Dr. Mullin's surgery, three or four policemen attacked me again. Police-Constable Walters, No. 32, struck me. I recognise him now in the court. One of the men hit me with his fist in the eye, and another struck me with his staff. The Commissioner: What did Walters do ?— He interfered on my behalf, and said 1 bad bad enough. Mr. Clifton: I think you went to thank Walters next day?—Yes, sir. Mr. Clifton: What did he say?—Witness: He said he did not remember anything about it. In further cross-examination, witness said he thought the crowd was an orderly one. Heard no policeman ask the crowd to disperse. I Mr. David did not then call any further wit- nesses. THE LENGTH OF THE INQUIRY. Before the Commissioner rose Mr. Clifton said he was afraid in the course of his case he should have to call all the policemen who were injured. The Commissioner said he supposed all those who were injured were seen by the police surgeon. Mr. Clifton By his locum tenens. The Commissioner: And the books would show who were injured. Mr. Clifton said that was so. The Commissioner said he thought if a few of those who were most injured and the officers who were in command of the police were called it might be sufficient. Mr. Reece said the superintendents of the county constabulary came from different parts of the county, and were in charge of their own sets of men. The Commissioner observed that there were several well-defined cases of violence already established, beside the cases of those who were knocked down in the rush. There were some cases in which the persons had their backs to the police, but in other cases the persons did not have their backs turned towards them. In those cases there would be a good deal of rebutting evidence required. He hoped that by lunch time on Thurs- day Mr. David would have concluded his case. Mr. David said he hoped to despatch the seventy witnesses who remained, in some shape or other. The Commissioner said he hoped they would be able to finish the whole by Saturday night, and he hoped the police would be able to have as much time devoted to their case as that which would have been allowed on the other side, viz., two days and a half. He (the learned Commissioner) said he should like to be furnished with the information in the case for the police as to what time and under what circumstances the men were ordered to draw their truncheons. Those were some of the things which he should want. Addressing Mr. David, the Commissioner went on to remark that as far as his case was concerned he had established considerable violence on the part of the police, and the ques- tion was whether there was justification for their conduct. It was not necessary, he thought, to go on calling witnesses to establish further violence of the same sort. Tne court then rose.
