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ti A VERTON & CO., MAKTLEPORT-STREET, in BRIDGE STREET, BRISTOL V !§ LAVERTON & CO. ARE THB LARGEST HOUSES FURNI3HES3 AND CABINET MANU- FACTURERS Bv St^ni Power h tne W.«tof Mvglaad and South Wales, £ In*1! %x £ t £ m £ n PRICES THAW LONDON Ears as '■S? utf riy SOU ?>i/ •«• •'if l\ Bn.TINVin^a of beulg 'tTJ8R IN PRICES THAN LONDON Ears as ¿\ tr: tid '■S? utf riy SOU ?>i/ •«• of Finviiuro withprkea úi s i!t;> ,;t, [J 6\t üu a^Jcaiion. ftVSBY iSlCLB ^-aRC4:IY:50, AND1 fX: C^AMQVD IF NOT \PPTt VR ) Moping JSatos. I ••} *i ftTA.TIOBiA.lf lilKB TO FX NEW YOR*. labgsst PASSENGER ^STEAMSHIPS. Jy,™ r.TVEBPOOIi to NEW TOSS «M QUM2K3 TOWN, rverv WEDNESDAY t England .«.Wednesday, July 28bh i SPAIN. Wednesday, Angus-4th l. HELVETIA Wednosfiay, August Uih Frozk LONDON to K2V YOKE M ioUowsf* r GREECE Saturday, July 24th F CANADA Saturday, Ju y 3L»FC t>ENMARK (not carrying Pas- sengers). Saturday, August 7tb HOLLAND (not carrying Pas- eenuers).Saturday, Aagust Hth Saloon Fares to New York 10,12, and 15 Qtiirms, to position of berth, all having equal Saloon Heturn Tickets, 24 Mad 22 Guineas. DSteer .see to New Tork, Boston, Philadelphia, and Jfcltimore, £ 6. Superior aooommodation and abun- ~Wioa of cooked provisions. Cheap Through Bookings all pa :ts of the United States and Canada. Special ^tes to Texas. „ T Apply to the National Steamship Company Suited, 23, Water street, Liverpool: or at SJ. LeadenhaU street, London I and to J. R. Nicholas and Co., Consulate SJaoiberB, Bnte Docks, Cardiff; ^C.Manning, 9, C^etle Bailey street, Swansea; P. W. Caunt WAe- street, Abeidare Jas. B. Morgan. Postmaster, f out j pool; John Thomas, 1, Prospect place, George- g*n, Tredegar; Benry Lewis^Newtown, EbbwVale j gerbert Y. Rees. Grocer, Ystrad, Rhondda Valley; Sottas Davtes, 64, Pontmorlais, Merthyr: Moses Stomas, Newhouses, Blaina Gwent, Abertillery j M, ^at«rs. 39, Quean street, Neath. £ a. ALLAN LINE J\ Shortest Ooean Passage to AMERICA. (Composed of Twenty flrat-olasa Royal Mail Steamers.) n?tfIIng Dajra-From LIVERPOOL every THUBS. tJ £ I and every altercate TUESDAY. Prom LOH- iJO»DEEBY every FRIDAY, and from QUEENS *«WN every altercate WEDNESDAY,, '1'0 CANADA AND THE UNITED STM'ES. j,Throa?h Ticke'.s to all points at Special Bates let a on Csaada, Manitoba, and the Western > S^tes of America; also Special Pamphlet, embodying f*Ports of the Tmant Farmers' Delegates to Canada, on a implication. INSISTED PASSAGES to Canada tot Farm tourers and Female Domestio :Servant9. Full partiou}ars!on application to BBOIHEEB and Co., James street, LivM" K*\Ji or to B. J. Simpson, 21, Stuart strewt, The ffoks, and G- Bird, 246, Bute street, Csrdiff; J. C. 9, Castle street, Swansea* O. Morgan, villa, Llauwyno road, Pontypridd s W. Foley, Sty's Hotel, Neath David Williams. Bell Vaults, street, Brecon; J. Priee, Prince of Wales, Beau- jS**1! E. Evans, Stationer, See., Bhymney sF. Coombs, Market Inn, Abergavoeny; John W. Franois, O^Uett, Haverfordwest W. Milton Looke. 10, S?at Dock street, and J. Young, Scraw Packet PM-ft, Newport. Won. s A. Tilney, Market Btroflfc. ^ttiUtry; H. A. Lewis, Postmaster, Newtown, Ebbw ..«fk XTVT Y. EDWARDS, ff • CAEDIFi and NEW YOBK STEAMSHIP LINE ^flrBfrclajgg bt«mers of thl« Line will safl a j" wea^er» other circum^tancaa per- Ulr TOBK FEOM CABDinr. IgTWlNDDA, S,°0° tons SATUBDAY. July !4 ggEOLA. 2.300 tons ». SATUBDAY, Aug. 7i "'fiEUBINA, 5W00 tons SATUBDAY. Aug. 14 w FEOM NEW YOBK TO CARDIFF. S^EUBIN A, WOO tons SATUBDAY, July 21 SSlWINDDA, 3,M O tons. SA.TUBDAY, Aug 1* ^BEOt a, s,gC0 tons SATUBDAY, August 28 !*hiough Bills of Lading for all classes of GOODS Cn pASCELh to and from the Inland Towns ia Inland and places in the Western States and Canada, •heading Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, St. Paul's, Buffalo, Detroit, Toronto, *c., fco., in oon- potion with the Erie,Great Western of Canada, Lak« "te! and Michigan Southern E&lway Companies bkiMA knight and fnrthdr paftiouliLrs fippiy i>0 w. Y. EDWABD8, Cardiil and Newport i TURNER. EDWABDS, and Co., Bristol; Ot t s^Q, F. BULLEY, 61, South Street, New York. ) IMMIGRATION. — To Parties going JS? A brond desiring good information respecting all (l&f) °f the United States and Canada. GoodjAccommo- thA S? in Liverpool, and Cheapest Fares to all parts of 8l -b\orld-—Apply to JOBN STOCK, Liverpool v street, Liverpool. 46ooo 1 Immigration EMIGRATION i "• BMIGBATION1 It sjfj1 Who Intend to Emigrate should write, the under- and obtain the best advice ,and information greatest inducements and advantages an "wed to Formerp and Capitalists. JOHN W. DOWN, BATH BRIDGE, BBISTOSi. 486&0 rv&XALTHt IfTBBNGTH! BNEKGY PiPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONI0 Carefully Tested and Ohamloallj Purs, DiLPPER'S QUININE A IRON TONIO ymrlfle^ ma Snriohes the Blood. QUININE a IRON TONIO Q Stfa^thens the Karves andMMwalar8yt<m. t>E?P^5.^SHiNlN]B 4ISON TONIO 0 Promotes ^pgetite and Improves Digestion. Y>EPPBR'S QU1NIKE A IRON TONIO Animates the Spirits and Mental PEPPER'S IRON TONIO in Scrofula, Wasting ^Bewia^Nenralgia^ Soiatioa T^BPPER'S QUININE 4 IRON TONIO C rioruita the General Bodily Health. condition ol the ^oni I hysioal Foroes. in aaaeuledtiofctUe s 1 JteJ%Leaoh- TheMJre, ^lo^London, li ^^eaoh. (Get Cracroft's.) T^EAFNESS, NOISES IN THB BAg* fco.—DKIiIiAB'S BS8ENCE for DBAFNE3& gM pcoved an •nraotlinaxy remedy. It always re- S*ves, generally cures, and is strongly reoommended by J^oueands who have derived benefit. It is quit* ^*tles.la.ltd.and8a.M. each, r|\ARAXA0lJM and PODOPHTLL1N, ~A dose of this fluid is teonin mended for Lives i*5«a»einent, PSTtierfariy when arising from slight uTfeetion. By gently stimulating the Liver and uTfeetion. By gently stimulating the Liver and A ^/S!^lSS^SSSSa& £ SSSi ^^alioheniisU. S^LPHOLI^jS jLOTiON.—An 01 earing Skin Diseases. There isiwarceij •ttd ^Uption but wm yield to So>pholine in a few dnya, ^S^wnen°e to fade away even it it seems past oiire. redness/ blotches, sctrrt, roaghness, J* magic; whilst old, enduring okta dis- PjH»»d the suflerersfor yesw. how- S&taS'lKSnJS! ■ffAuSfSfSsSUS; aSntaSSH SS" toiow* p*01"1 Edition of the skuS^R°?Bv olefl^» JJ^ellar's wgN and wmifM 1 H, Bom» 1^«| thi AJI lltl tew joints. /Ij^KYllR'S ^UUPH5b~HAdTrf will darken Grey HairTTtT"^ jaajrass^'g'a-g *■ £ boW. 1a. ic1. u.oh. lJ,0C[KTaBB 3DLPHDB HAia m P^nJ**0BEE, while keeping the hair it* p—Jr, fipn v-j" nseful tor removing scurf, no other appifaa. pai,. °«oessary to encourage the growth of ne- pttin^yy^'s Bejtorer has powerful cleansing pro p^JJJw^nni it a desirable H«r l M. &dd by ohamists and hair dceesers, Wise Apa?^F AD VERTISING, BILL- ros^INGt AND CIBCUI AB DISTRIBUTING i COMPANY (LIMITED). STBEET OHAMBEB8, i "■B'^ElABY: FBANKH. SIMPSON. Stations in Cardiff and l^TfvtTia -° er8 Promptly attended 14. a ^noipalitt £ *V**Y SATUBDAY OKI PBNNT "r' "° ^sks bu J.ndiøn. S VLE TO-MOBBOW. IMPOKTANT CONSIGNMENT OF SADDLERY GOODS. Embracing Suits of Horse Clothing. Upwards of Thirty Sets of Harness, (Carriage, Gig, Pony, and Van), in all sizes, and with brass and bilvar mountings; Knee Caps. Head Stalls, Bunting and Biding Saddled and Bridles, Newmarket Cut Sheets, Boilers, Horse and Knee Bags, Water. proof Aprons, excellent Carriage and Gig Lamps, Whips, Brushes, Dtiving Coats, fto. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- .1.:Y.-L DER. and CO. have received instruction. to BELL by PUBLIC AUCTION the above valuable Stock, at tbeir Repository, Cardiff, on SATUBDAY, Juiy 24, IæO. it 230 p m 35750 HOT SE REPOSITOBY, CABDTFF. 8PFCIAL SUMMER STUD SALE OF HOBSES. A SPECIAL STUD SALE by AUJ- TION, restricted to 00 Firsbolasi HORSES, COBS, and PONIES. the property of Cel. the Hon. F, C. Morgan and Tudor Cra-wshay and F. B. Crawshaft Esqrs, and others, will be held at the Bepository, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the 30th of July, at the close of the Glamorganshire Agricultural Society's Meeting. Entrance Fee for this Sale, lOa 6d. Entries e1.>:e 23rri ilJRt. Sale to commence at One p.1XI, precisely STEPHENSON, ALEXANDER, t CO. 3570 Auctioneers. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES 34, HIGH STBEKT, CARDIFF. 1%/FESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALWXAN- A. DTiR and CO. will BELL by AUCTION on THUSSDAY, August 5th, 1880, at the Royal Hotel, CaiciiS. at Three for Four o'clock p m., ail that hHoJP AND PREMISES, being 34, High street, corner of Ansel streef, Cardiff, in the occupation of Mr. Solomon Andrews, at the rent of £J 60 per annum. 'Ihe^e premises are held under a very favourable lease for the uncxpired term of 21 years from tue 1st of March, 187a, at £110 per annum. 35748 TO SHIPWRIGHTS, BOAT BUILDERS, MARINE- S-TOfE DEALERS, AMD UlHB^S. SALE OF SKJPWBIGHi'S AND SaiPSMITH'S PRE MIS Re1, YARD, &c„ Situate in Ccllirgdon road (adjoinicg the West Bute Dock), Cardiff. MB. J. G-. MADDUX has received in- strnotiovs from the Mortgagee to SELL by PUBLIC AUO'lION (under the powers of Sale cou- tfcict d is a m rtgage (ioad). on FRIDAY, the 30th day of July, 18^0, at the Bute Bridge Hotel (Mr W. W. Bejnolds's), Bute street, Cardiff, at Seven o clock m the EvenirgJ (subjeot to such conditions of Sale as shaU then ard there be produced), all those newly-a..ected WORKSHOPS, PLUMBER'S SHOP AND OFFICES, 4c, PniTtuprn a piece of ground hivinga frontage t° Collitjgdon road of *0ft. 9m.. and a de^th of 115ft 9in the land on either side being let to Messrs Bow and Downs respectively, together with a spacious Yard now in the occupation of Mr John Bouoh, the Mortgagor. 1 he Pioperty is held unuer lease from the Trustees of t'he Marquees of Hilt. for a term of 21 years from I he 25th of Deoemter, 1S78, subject to a ground rent of 1:.7 16s wer annum. The West Bute Deck is in close proximity to the premises, and a line of rails Rros.direotly in front, thus rendering the Property very valuable and complete ia every way for carryirg on a large and increasing busi. ness in either of the above trsdss, A large portion o( the Purchase Money may remain on Mortgage. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at his offices, 76, 8t. Mary street, Cardiff, or to Mr H. Cousins, Solicitor, 76, St. Miry street. Cardiff. 35979 |OR SALE, by PRIVATBI AGREE- JC MENT, or to be LET, with immediate posses. sion, KINGSION HOUSE, RICHMOND TERRtCE. PABB PLa.CS, CARDIFF. J This very desirable residence, just newly painted and decorated, has lOrooms, and every modern oonveoieAce, gas throughout, bath room, Venetian bdnda. bay window, garden front and rear, the latter of consider- able lize, with back entrance. Would be let aUl ow rental. Apply to E. C. Downing, Esq., 24, Wordsworth street, Roath. or Consulate Chambers, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 35755t 1Suílbíng %ocutmf &t. V^LAMORGANBENEFIT BUILDING VJT SOCIETY,, OFFICES 20, QUEEN STRUCT CARDIFF. MONEY BEADY TO BE ADVANCED from <100 to £3.000 on MOBTGAGE of HOUSES and LAND, re- payable by easy Fortnightly or ether subscriptions, which include interest and principal and may be paid oft at 30 days' notioe at any time. Apply to Mr. B. EMERY. Secretary. 85933 £ JI VIL SEBVIOE1 PBICES AND ► VOB C^O-OPERATIYE. I 1 JCASHONLl CASH YEBBUB OREDIT In Order to meet the requirements of a large au. Connection, and to oCer the utmost value tor their Outlay, substantial Reductions, as below are now made whilst every care will be taken to maintain the ful value and style of Goods, and thus preserve the reputation which this Establishment aas enjoyed during the last 50 years. HAT DEPARTMENT., Csanra, au. PARIS NAPPED HATS ,M.M IDa. 6d. „ II. IScI I H § I* Mtllt 12s. Ø4. Mm lis. 8d. M pf H NIIH 14s. Od. ,w„ 118. N. „ M.A 16s. Od. IHHI 14s. Gel. it 11 ■ EXTRA. EXTRA QUALITY. IJa. Od. n<M, 18s. CId. FELT HATS fls. Ø4. iii. 9d. II It HltMHIHIHIHIHIHI 8s. 6d. IMHI 7s. 9d. H M IHIttHIHHItlW'tHI 10s. 6d. MM 8s, 84 „ „ EXTRA QUALITY 12s. 6d. lis. ScI, Clerical Hats, College Caps, Livery Hats, Gold and Silver Laoes, Cockades, Straws. avelling Gaps, Leather Hat Cues, &0. Other or intermediate Prioeeare subject to Bedootion of 10 per Cent, for prompt Cash only. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY of all descriptions by the Best Makers OVEBCOATS from 21B. to 45s. DRESSING GOWNS of the Latest Style, SUMMEB WAISTCOATS, WATEBPBOOF (JOA28 and LEGGINGS. fiUGS, MAUDS, SHAWLS, &0.. k SHIRTS AND COLLARS. LONG CLOTH SHIRTS, 8a. fld.. 7s. 6d* 8s, M, upwards. ALL LDElI SBmTB. NIGHT SHIRTS, 6a. 7- «d„ fld. MANCHESTER SHIBTaV.S FRENCH CAMBRIC bHlETS. j„ oi OXFORD or INDIA GAUZE SfflRTO ft,. «d. FLANNEL SHIRTS, including cScSTma 10s. USB. 6d* lto. 6d., 15s. 6dT^ GKE £ ING,10s. COLLARS, CUFFS, FBONTa, io„ fce^ GLOVES AND FANQY, 2" ta ™> 0AF* a»» "IfSt.™>°10™S' »««. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S SILK UMBBELT. 10a 6d. to 268. SILK and CAMBRIC POCKET HANDKKBCHUR WOOL AND BILK MUFFLERS. LADIES' and GENTLEMMfS CABFS, Ia reat BRACES, GARTERS, TOWELS, JEWELLERY, and FANCY GOODS. As the Prices of the above ^J^ing style and quality, a uniform DISCOUHTc* uiPE. CENT, will be allowed off ALL ARTICLES, for promp Cash only. inclusive of GHoves, on which it iø wen lmoWD that little profit is levied, so that these Artdejes may now be ooasidered as being offered at Cost xrtos, JGDWARD THOBNLJlT 17 AND 18, OLABE STBEET. BRISTOL. JAMES U N N (Late ot the Firm of Munn and Kennard), RECEIVER AND TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, ESTATE AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. STAR LIFE OFFICE. 5, PIERCEFIELD PLACE, BOATEr, CARDIFF N.B.—Instiactions by post nvited. 51810 MR. J. G. MADDOX. AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT (Twenty Years' experience in oopneotion witi some 0? the prinoipal Estates in Souuh Wile}). Agent to the "Queen'' Fire aid Life Assurance Company and other Offices. A large extent of BUrLDING LAND to LET on LEASE. upon advan.1.geons terms. in the Rhondda Valley, adjacect to several of the principal Collieries* OFFICES: 76, ST. MARY-STREET, CABDIFF. 60010 THE PRINCIPALITY, JL THE RSOPXJTS JOURNAL FOR WALES fpttbiir Buli¡;2S. T H E""R E S T, P o BTHOA W L. This INSTITUTION is now OPEN for the reception of Male Patients. For information apply to the Lojal Secretary at the above address. T. PICTON TURBERVILL, 5219o Chairman. NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVENLHATA LIST of UNCLAIMED ARTICLES, now ia my possession, MAY BE SEEN at the CalEF fOLICE STATION, Westgate street. In the event ot the Owners >4ot Claiming their Pro- perty with:n 30 days from,the date hereof, the sama will be sold. By Order. W. HF MING WAY, Head Constable. Town.hall, Cardiff, 22 July, lEBO. 35 J77 THE CARDIFF ANNUAIf REGATTA (Under most Distinguished Patronage), Will be held, weather permitting, CN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 1880. The Committee will be glad to receive Subscriptions on behalf of the Funds. 35751 R F. BELLI8, Hon. Sec. rpAFF VALE- RAILWAY. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that the EIGHTY- NINTH HALF-YEAbLY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of thi8 Company will be hilld at the Kojai Hotel, UolSege Green, in tue City of Bristol, on TU 8D aY, the 24th dt y of August Next. 4.t Oae o'clock in the Afternoon. HENRY BRITTAN. Chairman AND NOTICE IS FURTHfcB GIVGtf, that the EE<iibTERof lRANSFEiiS wiil be CLOSED from MuNDa Y, the 9th day of August Next, uutil after the hcldirg of the taid Half-Yearly M8etiug. G'OBGi. ROBERTJON, Saoretary. Card:4J.15Ih July, 1880. N 0 T I C E bCHOOL BOADD FOR TFTE PARISH OF LLABtYCRWYS. CARMABTH oJNSHIU.E. NOTICE IS HEREBY G.VEN In reference to the above dlEtrlCt tbüt J, The above School Board have, subject to the approval of the Ei ucation Department, wide certain bF-iatVR in puts"ti3Ce of the powers giveIl to the School Board by Section 74 of the EementaryEdnoa. tion Act, 1870, as amended by the Elementary Educa. tion Act, 1876. 2. A printed copy of the proposed Bye-laws wIll con. tinue deposit ed for inspection by any ratepayer at the l latjciwya British School or at my Office for one montn from the date of the publication of this notice 3. At the (xp'tatioa of the said month the said pro- posed Bye-lawa will be submitted to the Education Department for arproval. 4 The Sefcoal Board will supply a printed copy of the said proposed Bje-liws gratis t:> any ratepn.yor. 623oc D. LLEWELYN DAVIES. Clerk. FTTE N B Y AND 0 0 UHTI BOfeTlCU LTUR AL g-)CIETf. THE FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION Of the above Society will be held at the SKATING RINK, TENBY, ON WEDNESDAY, 4TH OF AUGUST, 1880 Upwards of £100. In 400 Piizes, will be offered for FLOWERS, FEUiT, AND VEGErABLES, and NEARLY 50 PRIZES FOB CAGE IBDS. Bj kind permission of Major Sparks and the Offioers ot the Regiment, the splendid BAND OF THE 7TH ROYAL FUSILIBBS Will play during the afternoon. All Entries must be made on or before July 31st, and all articles to be exh.bited must be In the Skating Riuk by ten o'clock on the Morning of the ahow, after which time no article will be admitted. Schedulea and Rul- may be obtained gratis on application to Douglas A. Reid, M D., 9, Horton. Hono- rary Secretary j or John Leach, Soush Parade, Seote- tary. Also at Mason's jMbnu-y, Mr TaylorV, SGatloner; the Tudor Coflee Tavern, the Royal Gate Hjuse, Royal Lion, and Cobourg Hotels. 5i340 "1" Gwir j n erbyn y Byd." Goreu art, art dJsg: 11\ Gwell dysg na golud." "Calon wrth galon." "Daw a phob doioni." THE SGUTH WALES CHAIR JL EITEDDFOD, CHAIR OF THE SOUTH, AND GORSEDD of BARDS of the ISLE ot BRITAIN, Will be held in a oommodious PAVILION in BURROWS SQUARE, CAMBRIAN PLACE, SWANSKA.J3J WEDN BSDAY, THUB S PAY, ac d FRIDAY. AUG UST* 4, 6, and 6, 1880. PBESIDEBTS AND PATmCWS: JOHN JONES JEWKINS, J £ sq., Mayor of SwanseaJ The Right Reverend LORD BISHOP of bT.JDaVID'S. Lady Mary Windsor Clive j J. S. H. Horman-Fisher. The Right Hon. Lord Esq., J.P. Aberdare J. C. Rumardson. Esq.^J.P, The Earl ef Jersey F. A. Yeo, IJaq J.P. The Lord Kensington Thos. Cory, Eaq, J P. The Lord H. C. R. Somer. Col G. G. Francis, F.S.A. set J.P. C. R. M. Talbot, Esq., M.P. Professor John Rhys, M. A. H. Bussey Vivian, £ isq Le *is Morris, &sq, M.A., M.P. T.P.C., 8 G. M.P. T.P.C., 8 G. Hy. Richard, Esq., M.P, J. W. 8tradling Cirne, li. James Reed, iusq MP, I Esq, D.O. L. W. Dovies, Esq, M.P. A'derman Ford, J.P., C. H. James,Esq., M.P. I Swansea The Ven. Arohdeaoon /Idermtn Phillips, J.P., Griffiths. Llandaff I Swansea GwilymWill.ams.Egq.jJ.P. Major T. fiotdnTarberviIl J. T. D. Lleweljn. Esq, I W. Thompson Crawshay, J.P. Esq. BicheL Hughes. Esq., J.P. Francis R. Crawshay, Esq. Hy. N. Miers. Esq, J 1", Wm. Thomas LewM, tSaq. J. Jeniyn Jones, a eq., J.P, Thomas E. Wales, Esq. lapt. W. Thomas, J.P. Brinley Bichards, Esq. H. d<yla*B. Dillwyn, Esq., The Mayor of Aberavon J.P. I The Mayor of Brecon The Mayor of Newport COKDUCTOES: Rev. J. OSSIANDAVlJbS, Swansea; LLEWLLWYVO, Carnarvon; J»ev. E^SDMUNDS, Swansea. rmZEB OFFERED OVER £ 415: COMPETITORS ENTERED OVER 2,000. ASJDSICATOSS Rfv. E. Stephens, Taaymarian Rev. fc. Gurnos Jones, Bhondda Rev. D. Howell, Llsnwnen, Wrexham Rev. W. G Thomas, 1St. Ataph Professor John Rhys, Esq., M.A., Oxford Titus Lewis, Esq.. F.S.A., Cowbridge Charles Wilkins, Etq. (Catwg), Merthyr George Thomss Esq., Ely, Cardiff Thomss E. Wales, EfSq. (H.M. Inspector of Mines), Bwanse* „ John O. Gnftithl1, Esq (loan Arf on), Carnarvon Dafydd Morganwg, Huwain D. Emlyn Evans, Esq. Shrewsbury John Thomas, Esq Llanwrtyd :1:. G. Woodward, Esq., Gloucester Taliesin T. James, Etq, Mountain Ash EACH EVENING A GRAND CONCERT Of Vocal and Instrumental Music will be given, wh?n the following eminent Aurtisles will take patt VOCALISTS SOPBANOB-Mias MARY DiVIBS, London; Miss LIZZIE WILLIAMS (Llinos»vDe), Swausea; Mils TILLJE ROBINSON (Gold Med*llwtj,R. A M., London. CONI EALIOS—Madame PATEY, London Miss LIZZIE EVA N8, London. TENOM.S—Ei B MORLAIS, Swansea; Mr BEN DAVlEd, R. A.M., L >ndon. BABSOS-Signor FOLI; Mr LUCAS WILLIAMS, Londcn Mr J. C. HUGHE&, R.A.M.. Londoa. A CO KPABI8TS Heesrs D. BOWEN (Dowlais) and W. SAIlU (Landore). HAKPIST S Mr TALIESIN T. JAMES, Mountain Ash. GHOEOS• THK SWANSEA CHORAL SOCIETY. TU FULL ORCHEbTRAL BARJJ. — LSADER; C°NDTJCTOB. ^o„» Mr E. G. WOODWAED, Mr SILAS EVAAS (LJ | Gloucester. BE õõR SED D irmTFDDFOD MEETINGS TO N?E EACH DAY at 11 a.m. The PlEaT DAl^i^ETU^wiU be OPENED with a BAND of GRAND CONCERTSHEACH EVENING, "on { ^0Bt at 6d eaoh .a;; rogranunea 1D&J' be llaá 0 .e Seor AND S FECIAL TEAXNS will run over the Taff Western. Lonoon and North Western, and For^w f1^8 during the days of the Eisteddfod. Fo?f^hlara ««• Ba.lway Bills and advertisements, xoriurvhtr particulars, apply to thi S^oritmes, t. WILLIAMS. Gen. Sec. AiiUddfoi offiae, 9, Somerset plaoo, Swansea, 35931 SILAS it,VANS, Cor. Sec, 21, Mansel street, Swansea. ~~j "— —U. l lUAu, WORKING. STREET CA.1IDIFF.J G. A 8TONII, JNDEBTAKBB, aearM and Mourning Coaon pmprJwtori j Ostrich Plume and tienen) rwrai«hin« Establishment, QABS, BREAKS. *0^ OR HUifc, The Trade supplied with Hearses. Qoaahea, and Met requisite for Funeral Far liahing. om. I I WESTERN MAlLt. TV BEST ADVERTISING ItEDI\JIII1,m WALBS PREPAID SCALE OF 8MALL ADVERTISEMENTS :FOR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ADVEBTISEMENTS ONLY SitnATrows WANTSD, I MONEY WASTPO BITTTATIONS OFFERED, I PABTNEASBIRS */A»TBD, ARIETMENTE TO L*T, I BU8IK«SSZS FOA SALB, AFAKTIIKNTS WASTK», I LOST ASD FODJTD. ML9CSIXANBO¥S WANTS. HOD8ES,SHOPS,OFFTCKS, FTTBLIO-HOUSUA TO LIlT OK SULI, SPECIFIC ARTICLES FOE SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. It not paid fort.in advance the ordinary oredit rats will be oharged WESTERN MAIL. ta* Words.1} « 1 13 Daily and R Thr?q L One in Insertion." Insertions. Insertions.1, Weekly. a. d. a. d. r. d, a. D. 18 6 10 16 20 27 9162330 36 10 20 30 40 45 13 26 39 60 54 16 30 46 60 Q3 19 36 53 70 72 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 81 2 3 4 6. 6 9 9 0 (fiaoh line e words 3 6 9 10 ixtra. jHUMfoi. TO CHEMISTS, &c.—Wanted immediately, Juaior JL Improver or an Apprentice with knowledge of telegraphy.—Apply T. V. Yorath and Co., Druegists, Canton. 308O24 jjcmtgttc WLmtt% WANTED. Plain Cook or General Servant, over 20. TV wages M12; Housemaid, about 18, wages £8; and Nurse, over 20; wages MtO. Housemaid required to assist; nurse, and cook to assist housemaid. Fami y of three adults and three children. Family S washing put cut. OnlyearIyrisera and thorough workers need apply.— £ ei.d reference to 2, Clifton place, Newport, Mon. 427q27 COOK.—Wanted, a good Phin Cook.—Apply to Mra Wills, 20, Wordsworth street, Cardiff. 526n23 WANTED, an experienced Nurse, to take sole Tr charge of a young baby. Good reference re- quired.—Apply at 24, Bridge street, Newport, WANTED, a good General Servant, middle age, TV at once. Glamorgan Hotel, North C tluroll street. SOlnM WANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply 9, v T Lla&daff road, Cirditf. 003n39 WAITED. Cooks, £30 to £35; Houaemaida, £18 to t V £ I0; Parlourmaids, about £20 and jeM; Nurses, about £20 and all found Governesses, £30 to £.j,:). in gentlemen S fam lies. Comfortable home for tcrv.ints ur.til suited —Apply or tend stamped envolooe toMrj Morgan, 13, Becinghouse street, Portland placj. London, W. 61760 jiilttdiøttl manf,rs. CABDIFF S SO W.—Experienced Waiter is Op ON for Engagement at H >tel or 8how during Show Week or longer,—Address J. M., 18, South street, Bridget d. 432n24 BABM AID.—Wanted, a Re enpigement, (oufyewa JL) first class reference.-Addicse A. M., 73, Alvin street, Gloucester. 510r23 WANTED, by Man and Wife, Management of Wine W and Spirit Vaults, good security and refersnoe. —Bob, Western Mail, Cardiff. 4&3A28 WANTED, by an experienced Engineer, an engage- TT ment in charge of Colliery or contract work, or any position of trust. Bas held important appoint- ments both at home and abroad. Highest testimonials. Address Engineer, 19, Park street, Cardiff. 472n24 WANTED, by Y ourg Matt, age 23, situation as Groom V and Coachman, or where boy is kept; excellent references. Address Harry, Western Mail, Cardiff. AN experienced Ship Broker, well up in French, with good connection in South Wales, desires Situation at home or abroad, for a period if required.— B. W., Western Vail, Cardiff. 4T4N27 tomtits, ftrobeUcts, tk. WANTED, good Men as District Agents for TV Swansea, Neath, and Hanelly, for an Industrial Life Assurance Company. Address, with full parti- culars and stamp, to Manager, 6, St. John's square, Cardiff. SU321 fttmizta, to u. LLANWRTYD WELLS.—TO Let immediately, that convenient established Lodging Houee, known AS 2. Irvon Villa, comprising two parlours, six oedrooms, kitchen, &C. Rene moderate.—Apply T, Prioe, Builder. 298D24 TO Let, St. Katherine Villa, Castle road, containing 2 parlours, kitchen, 6 bedrooms, bath, DRA.— Apply Thomas Webber, 32, Royal Arcade. Cardiff. 4575o YJ^OR Sale or to Let, Large Yard. Workshops, and JC Offioes, late in the occupation of Mr. Waterman, for ooachbnilding. Also Two Semi-detached Villas in Lucas-street, Cathays.—Apply to Mr. Thomas Webber, Auctioneer and Eatate Agent, 82, Royal Arcade, Cardiff- 4156A SottgeB* IxnUs at.. toe Sail BRECONSHIBE.-To be Sold, a pretty Freehold Prcj erty, consisting of 55 acres of land, with a small vil!a residenoe, stabling, &0.. within a mile of a market town, railway 'tation, and River Usk. —For particulars apply to Mr James Hall, Cae Prior, Brecon. 51760 Snaiiusaes tot Btspossl. TO GBOCER3 AND PROVISION DEALERS.—To -α- be Disposed of, a good General Grocery Business, situated in one rf the best towns in Wiltshire, capital premises, and first class position. Stock, goodwill, fixture?, *c about £ 300.—Full particulars from Johu T. lies, Wholesale Grocer, 8, Clarenoe road, Bristol. n24 DRAPERY and Fancy Stock to be Sold by Tender, about £400.-For particulars apply to C L. Gca, Neath, Abstract on application on the 29thiast. n27 Horses, Carirages, Hite ^ixrrk, & COACHBUTLDERS and WHEELWRIGHTS— Lanoewood shafts, bent timber, axles, springs and ironwork, carriage trimmings, lamps, aJo. T. B. Stone, Coach Factor. Bristol. 188d. .iJø1I8tUØØI. HARVEST BEER.—Best value In the market.— JJL Sixty gallons sound; Beer, including good crsk carriage paid to any statioi in Glamorganshue, Monmcuthahiret Breoonshire, R .dnor^hira, Bristol, for 4e., oath prepaid. Bayera* oaaki filled at ido per gallon in Hereford.—Wat kins, Hereford Brewary. (Estab- lished under present proprietorship 1850). 4581 TO be Sold by Private Contrast a quantity ot «xo^U«nt Alder Timber, suitable fox Cloggsrs. M y be aeon by applying to Manager, Coytrahane Saw Mills, near Bridgend. 415A J7 PEDAL Harmonium, two manuals, only M25. about JL half cost. Chickering Grand Square Piano, of rioh and powerful tone, oflered for £ 12. Several Cottage Pianos returned from hire offered for less than h&lf price. A good I;even-guinea Alexandre Harmoninn, equal to new, £ 4. The cheapest House for New and fceocnd'hasd Piaros, Organs, and Harmoniums. List fre.«, with full particultrn.—Thompson and Shaokell'S Music Warehouse, Cardiff. 85063d UVITAGJi: l'1ano. aI; another .18. worth doable I equal to new, run oompass. A large stock of Second hand fiamoe, AmericMt Organs and Uarinoniumii, also new Instruments by Broadwood. Collard, Brirumead, and other leading makers .very ebeap for cash, or on easy terms OIl two or three yarn' system, from lOe. monthly.—Thompson and Shaokoifs Musio Warehouse, Tredegar House, Tenby. 86063d IUKMaN Piano, in black and gold ease, on the overstrung principle, with best aotion. and all ÍDlI covements, MS4 cash, or on the three years' system, a rerfect drawing-room Pianoforte. Walnut Pianos, £14. £ 39, £ 24. Harmoniums and American Organs from 10S troithly. Harpe, £ 10, £ 15, £ 2L Agents for J. Brinsmead and Sons' Gold Medal Pianos." Thompson and Shackell. 111 and 112, Commercial street, Newport, Mon. 35053d ALEXANDRE Harmonium in Oak Case, perfect order, M4, oost seven guineas; also, a. three stop Alexandre, six guineas, in imitation rosewood. American Organ, 24 guineas, with octave coupler and sub bass. Pianos from 10s. per month, on eisy terms of hire and purchase. Pianos tuned, repaired, and exchanged. 5,000 Pieces of Musio at Sd. eaoh. List free. Thompson and Shaokell, 64, Bt. Mary street. Cardiff. 35053d WTTAP Pianos, short Grand, best German make £ 75, oost 90 guineas reoently. Walnut Cottage, ;«19, full compass, handsome case, fine tone. Piaros re- aSSSSSftttM' SiEAZ best makers. in exoeIlent OODditlODo £ A A splendid stook ot Sheet Mosio, Violins, Aooor- Brinsznead'fl Pianos always in stock at the Swansea. 860534 TLTJKDLES,Feuting, Cisterns, Sheep Troughs. Oatt'e Cribs, *0. Send for Alvin Iron Works, GlO'HeAter. 8lOn24 7 OUR FUTURE.-CoART8HIP» Marriage,or Business questions SnBwewd Free; by purchasing photo- rortotl^ ,5 G.o nl'S1iI8 8treet, BroWDl'OJ EN Qra.n1t8 MonumentB, !rom MS, oarruge A tiollS accurate and beautiful:-PhI'1 4555555*3? aDd Pri: trom Sou1!,tor, 2686h3 jltrubinttU, fiooIs, ^K^NT^PTNLTXP^EATUS. — OMting box, metal pot, fuzrace, and drymg press, Y DELLEG^SG London. The above will be soW olwap to m immediate purchaser.—I'or PNOE, address M^JU, Thom»W. Manager. Westoro Mr.il Cardiff TANK ENGINES. „. THE VULCAN FOUNDRY COMPANY (LtoitedJ NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS, LAN CASH! BE, have New Engines, ready for delivery in ten days, of thefot- lowirg dimensions, viz. :-11 inoh, 12 inob. and 141 inch cviirders, four wheels coupled; 12 inch cylinders, six «beels ooupled^—Prioss and Photographs on APPU^V tton. 88FFL IIiJ¡ ^atietaro, „ T MPORTANT^TO FaSB B3 THE OLDEST JL AND ALL OLASSES.JlConey LOiM CFFICH and DiscountOffioe, IN WALES. 2, Bute terraoe, Instal- w n .-o- ment" wrangod to sn# bor- N O DEL AY. rower. No (m unless ths money Is advaaoed. i A CAPITALIST offers to Bespe" table )House- holdnrs. In town or country, at a day's notioe, Cash AooommodstioB on their Furniture, ffthoit removal, on easy terms ot interest and repaywimts.— Apply personally or by lettsr to,L. D. Lewis 4,0alvert. street. Swansea. 9P8«ld T>ONTMORLAIS LOAN OFFICE, MEBTAYii.— hnmediately Advanoed, from £ 5 and up- Lrds. by Xr. W. B. COHER. to Tradesmen, House- holders, Farmers, and others, on their Stock-in-Trade, irurnitiire, fco*, without removal or inoonvenienoe in by easy instalments. Distance • applicataons punctually attended to rwused. Intending borrowers will find tkifl Office greatly to their advantage.—Apply per- or by letter to 20 and 21. Pontmorlais, Merthyr TydflL S710o IT1HE West of Kr.gi>p<i r«n and Discount Com .1. advaneeLoons, from *10 to *500, with- cat delay.to hoaseholders, gentlemen, farmers, builders nndothesrs, upon notes of ieases,sharee^u>iisehold fMnitwe, and other seouritins; strict oonfldeooe. Repay hy °«y fcwkdments. Trade bills disoonnted.— sb? Blaiberg,Mamager, & or **• OommebjiahtoJet, Wgwpart. Mon. No feag Uw oosts" *Bllo ^isblicatiotts. G»EATBlBSABni?^EL5H^ „ BOOKS. OHN PRYSB, tf PRINTER AND PUBLIRHEB, i tt • LLANIDLOES, MOST,, nvVRnnKt?rmiEf1d CLEAB OFF his entire STOCK ri.t irTA' f w«Jsh and English, has made a pL^10r ?1v a^*1'' («bout 500 in number). nFTT^nTtPi^O^CKRSD at a SMALL PART f f VALUS; and further particalars ZiJLZZ f? V *° any address for three half penny stamps, sent as above. 1371 Pwt 5d; by post 7d. (Tr^.P^tING ILLUSTRATED. — iitaSsr?.vop'bi ioM-ii3- 700 37, fcouthamptpnstreet,Strand.London. 11620 OOLOERT'GUittm^^ JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND iBON TRADES 19, ESSEX STREET, STitAND, LONDON. W.C 5 lionverin c0"fspon<? ents continue to address Ln JfnlV rni! £ ot street- The Publisher begs i 1 ^beir attention to new adlrets as above, and to remind advertisers that orders should be ^el;.e.d E.ot later than Thursday mor^ng, N.B.-N0 reduction from advertised scale. fil28o Jlj" B X T O F KIN"- f^?1S25IlIPTIV^INI>EX (2t,J00 names guaranteed) to Advertisementa Son Ne*t q( £ i9 chanoery Hsirs, Legatees, fto„ from 1700. f t iI, ad. by Post-office Order.' 17, Southampton buildi^s?Cbsm^Jane, LonAw^ OTT.TT "J D YWTSOGAETH." PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY PRICE OKI PENNY. << DYWYSOGAETH" has ft v«T o„v-!L, e^enslvs circulation, being eitherpOsUR1 to SabEcri^rsorsoldbyAgentsh! S „ town AND HAMLET 4 North and South Wales, It is not a Loo4 *»t I NATIONAL NEWSPAPER^ s widespread circulation amongst the Clergy. Nobility, Gentry, Farmen, Manufacturers. Tradssmen, and the working olass. Y DX WYSOG AETH," Advertisers may feel assured, is the best, If DOtItblab medium whereby their announcements /*nn be simulta- neoudypenuwa in every oounty throughout ths whal* 'WaJeø.. All orders, 110., to be forwarded to the Publishers, T Dywvsogaeth Offloe. Rhyl Flintshire. 01 jgTBAM DYEING AND SCOUJlNG NELSON-TERRACE, CARDIFJSW- J. S. HO BBS, PBOPBZETOW Damask, Moreen, and Rep Window a iiu, Dhawis, and Dresses of every description CLEANED, DYED, And finished in a superior STYLE. Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned and returned in 2i hours. 4983c WHO'S GRIFFITHS THB SAFJ* MAN P Great Bargains. Seoond-hand Fire-proof Safes, O. H. GRIFFITHS & SONS Have the following SAFES to DISPOSE OP i—4 Strong Room, cost £ 600, for £ 200; two Safes by Chat by MilnerToost £ 80, for £ 40; fifty 24-inch Safes with cash drawers, patent look, fl« £ aa*8 £ 1 fifty ditto. 26 inoh, £ 3 15s. j fifty 80-mch, for £ 4 4s.; sixty 36-inch ditto, from £ 5 5s. Tt .> cheapest and best ever offered to the public, Alse wi immense stock of Second-hand Iron Doors far strong rooms, party walls, or those to divide warehouses and ,°^te.very pwpose, at one-third the prioe ot Bin, P., feot in every respeot. Prioe List Free. GRIFFITHS A SONS. &8, and 48, CANNON STREET, &0. ESTABLISHED i860. tS840 I I ESTABLISHED 1E52 pALMER AND CO/S UNDERTAKING AND FUNERAL rUB- NISHING ESTABLISHMENT. 10, FREDERICK STREET, CARDIFF. P. and Co. beg to inform their patrons and 'bove business will in future be carried on under the title of Palmer and Co., and trast they may by un- remitting attention and economy merit toe same patronage wAich was extended for » years to the late Mr. John Palmer Charges equally as low as the advertised pnoes of other Firms I I J. NEWTON & COMPANY, TAILORS AND BREECHES MAKERS, 13, CROCKHEBBTOWN CARDIFF J f yTwrs STARCH. gTIFFTB 8TAROET. srurs STARCH. igTIFFV STARCH, igTIFTS STARCH. jgTXrT8 6TAROH. STure BTAROH. JgTIFFS gTABOH Is Bpeoially suitable tot COLLARS. WBIBT. BAWDS, BHjBT FE0NT8, hnputinc i BEATmrULGLOSSY BUBi'ACXto^M Articles, and mating the Lint look like new. The QSNUINS ABTICJlE « Bold ta tftoMM. JDrantota u] STIFF k JO. JU.TREDCLJFF STBBBT. B&IBTOLU rilO PlOTURiS FRAME uyiBRS DECOEATOES,-CheipMt Stfuoe in London for English and Foreign PictJb Frame Stoekto^new6«tde^Sfi largest and Fancy Wood Mould- v^vFramr 01 dimtotfon. Oleo- Jwi reduction in prices. Wholesale Gilder. Every reqaisite for th« %»de and JMPOET ANT N otTO~B ANDREWS, Photographic Artist, re ^PI ?e has^Se entire Stock of Photographic Negative Plates taken by himself, num- bering Thousands cf Portraits of th« 1 i^T»nd the Departed; also the Negatives Goldman, Reynolds, Hopkins and mrfcTa^toKiaiC ^taMa*-iSs{sw&a» P ?)OTOTite Ui^Boyal bistitutionA ^Je^) T Cartes. Cabinets, and other Po2fi& SkSfSoiy. « usual. 4.y6o H^NTO Caes' Ti £ 8- w6 BaOS'. Ivory Works. r»hKStpeet, London, W.C. Cheapest house in the for fli ;Tatle Requiait«Xand Ivory ^Goodi in general. OtiEb*^8 ad- lusted or exchanged, and table, re-oov«%. Prioe Lists on application. Eatablisha^ 1862- "GIFT WORTH HaYINGTHAND- SOMELY ILLUSTRATED T&EATISE on foreign and Native Herbal Remedies, oontateinr a fall description of many Herbal Preparations _how to 5fe. *PPly them. Being desirous of efleca wide Qistnbution of this valuable work, I will Mpd Ten Coptes Free, prepaid to any one who will Junaiously distribute them in their leoality. Address «• <, Prof. O. P. BROWN, 5166c 2, Kieg street, Coven^g^r<ten. !J[TTaCTP.RW M A IT.—A17 A R A V V LARGESr OU ULAXW1< Ihtblû iiw CH1ATR1 BOYAL WOOD-STBEET, OAKDETF, IiMNe,uMr. W.H. DAW I Sole Manager Mr. ib. DRLWBD WILL RE-OPE M MONDAY. JULY 26. 1880, Speoial Engagement of the talented Actsr, Mr F. M. PAGAT, And his specially organised Company. Production of the successful Society Play. DUTY, Adapted by Mr James Albery, from Victorien Sardou's "Lee Bourgeois de Pont Arcy," AnclllllByed at the Pnnoe of Wales's Theatre, London. MAGNIFICENT NEW SJENERY, By A. WHYATT. BUPERB FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES. | Oflenbsoh's famous Opera Boaffe. AUG, 1'liD, ( The SIX NIGtii S. I GRAND DUCHESS, 1 Specially selected Artistes. Doorø open 7.00. Commenoe 8. Carriages 10.20. Prices 1 JDrees Circle, Ss. 1 Pit Stalls, a. r Pits, 18. I Gallerr, 6cL Second Prioe, 9.15, Cirole and Stalls only. Box Plans and Tickets at Mr. Wm. i+wu»*«, Data street SWANSEA. NEW THEATRE, WIND-STREET J3I DIRECTOR-A. MELVILLE. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY). ALd Every Kvening/ ImpoTta.ac Dramatic Comb: nation—Mr. EDWARD MAJOR, l eading Actor, from Piinoipal Theatres, Mr. J. K. MtIBRAY. Mr A. LA-VRENCE, Miss LEWIS, and Miss ROSS, WITH POWERFUL COMPANY, NIGHTLY. Doors opes at Seven. Commence at Hilf-p ist. A. EMM will RE-APPEAR TO-MORBOW (Saturday) JOHNSTON. MILES. AND CO., CARDIFF, IMPORTERS OF t MmiCAS & CA HADIAS" PRODUCE ARE OFFERING ,FOB 8ALE EX WAREHOUSE, ONE HUNDRED TUBS FINEST CREAMERY J AND FIFTY TUBS WESTERN STATES BUTTER. ft ■ AMERICAN ME MARKETS St a » OdJOMJgBClAh 8TSEET,' NFWPORT) 9. BRIÐGE STREET CARDIFF. 32, HIGH STlittTl SWANSBA, 5. STEPS EV STREET. LLANELLI FRESH BEEF. FRESH MUTTON I AMERICAN AMERICAN FRESH FRESH BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MurTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEIF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON BEEF MUTTON B: STEWART & CO., FBOPBIETOBS, yg STATE AQBNCY Mr. F INLAY DUN oondusts the Bala, Purchasa. and Management of Land Property, carries out Drain! ing, Boadmaking, the Construction of Farm PremiseR. and other Estate Improvements, and makes VainTi^T! and Arrangements with Tenants. vaiuatioaa A register kept of estates and farms to sell and let. Estate Offices t 2. Portland place, LondonTw? ONES BROTHERS, PRINOIPAT BILL-POSTERS AND DSLIVMLEtih^ HIGH-STBEET, NEATH, ANDBMTONMW^ areolars Addressed and ^^d. „ Great Western and Neath and Breonn Of ths Pti5eipal I WESTERN MAIL. J TV TKS LEADIXQ DAILT PAPAB i WAL ] dxnnrsirms* T A F F YALE RAILWAY, GLAMORGAN AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT CARDIFF, July 27. 28, and 29, 1880. TICKETS at FARE AND A QUARTER FABE for the To pad Pro Journey will be ISSUED at all Stations, except Llandaff. for Cardiff, to passengers j reducing or purchasing tickets of admission to the Agricultural Show on above dates; sueh reduced fare tiefrpts will be available to return on day of issue only. 85972 G. FISHER, General Manager, J LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. ON FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1880, CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS Will be iwned to LONDON From the Stations m-wed below, at the Times and Fares stated. Fares for the Double Journey a.m. 3rd JijfCardiff depart 6 )0^ 0 m Caerphilly 6 22/ EJf ^Hengoed Junction „ 6 8t> 16s. £ >* £ J fargoed 6 4flv prft ^Bhjmaey „ 6 5r J f POLtypridd Junction,, „ 8 41S NFemda'e 7 40 p o ■{ Aberdare 7 50 > 16b. t g j Mcuntain Ash „ 8 2V {.Quaker's Yard 8 57 J Merthyr (High Street) „ 6 30~) >> Cefn „ 6 40 p I Dowiais „ 6 40 I S I Tredegar „ 6 5T >- 16s. pq iKbbw Vale 9 55 I j Abtreychan and Talyw&in 9 40 | Blaenavon 9 55 J Brynmawr „ 7 26 16s. Gilwern 7 45"\ "g Govilon „ 7 51( it. •; Abergaverny(Brecon'3oad) „ 8 21 i4 Abergavenny Junction „ 8 15 J Passer pfrs will be allowed to return any week day between Wednesday, August 4th, ard Friday, August 6th; and by oil her ot the ordinary trains from London (Eu*ron Station) except the "Limited" and Irish ••Mails." A1 information regard'ng Excursions on the London and > crth Western Railway can be obtained at the office cf Mr J. BiFbop, the District Superintendent, London and North Western Railway, Abergavenny. G. FINDLAY. General Manager. Euston Station, July, 1830. 359i59 LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN J J RAILWAY. ON FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1880, CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS Will be issued to LONDON, From the Stations named below, at the Times and Fares stated :— „ Fares for the Hoar of Doable Departure. Journey, a.m. Third Cl. Swansea (Victoria Station) -Tm. 6 15") Pontardnlais 6 44/ Llanelly 8 40 > 16 6 Carmarthen Town 10 22 i Llandilo 7 13J Llandovery 7 38S Llantwrtyd 8 8f ,p a Garth 8 22 f la B PuiithEoad 8 43J Brecon 7 1$.»». 18 0 Llandrindod 8 58") n Penyb^nt 9 7$" U Kiighton 9 49 .M. IS 6 Passengers will be sllswad to return any week day August 4, and Friday, August 6, Suk of the ordinary trains (km& London (Euston Station), except the Limitea" and Irish "MaDa." All information regarding Excursions on the London and North-Weetern Ra'lway oan be obtained from Mr. J. Lewis, Superintendent, at Swansea; or Mr. J. Bishop, District Trrfflc Superintendent, Abergavenny. G. FINDLAY. General Manager. Euston Station, Jrly, ISW. 86970 LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN -J-J RAILWAY. On FRIDAY, July 80. A CHEAP EXCURSION Will be run from the undermentioned Stations to DUBLIN, Via CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD. Fares for the Double raoB 3d Cl. and 1st CI. and Deck, Saloon. IIOOD. Ewanrea (Victoria Station)12 30) Cllrmartben 12 40 1 Pontardulais — 1 5 1 1fi_ „~ Llai dUo 1 38 f 168 32a Llatdovery, 2 6. Brecon 1 10 J Builth Road 3 0\ Knighton 4 7] 14e 281 Merthyr (High street) .H 1 B~) l 101 16s Cardiff (Crockherbtown) 12 2*>) Bhymney I 27S Tredegar 186/ Ebbw Vale 180 V 15s 30b Blaenavon 1 27 V Brynmawr —MM 2 0 ) Newport (High street) 1 35\ 1fia „ Pcntypool Bead L~. 2 18 j 16a 32s Abergavenny (Brecon rd) 2 90 158 30s Arriving in Dublin (North Wall) on Saturday morning. Passengers on return oen leave Dublin by the Com- pany's Steamers from the North Wall at 12.30 noon and 8 p. In. any week-day up to Friday, August 18. proceed- iDg from Holyhead to their destination byfintOrdiDary Train; and in cases where the trains do not enable passengers to reach their destination the same day, they will be allowed to break their journey tor one night in Chester, resuming it by the 8.10 a.m. or an noon Train cn the following day. The Steamer leaving North Wall at 12.30 noon will convey 3rd Class Passengers only. P. Passengers holding 1st class tickets may return by the Express Steamers leaving the North Wall at 9.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. without extra eharge but Passengers hold* ing 3rd class tickets will not be allowed to travel by these steamers except on payment of Be extra. G. FINDLAY. General Manager. Fuston Station, July, 1880. 35971 Insurance CømplttÚl, to* MIDLAND COUNTIES JLjKJL INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE, LIFE, AND HAIL. Established 1851 WEST OF ENGLAND BRANCH—NICHOLAS STREET, BRISTOL laimraume accepted at Moderate Bates. LIFE.—Special Advantages in this Department, The Next Bonus to be declared as at W'nh, 1882. Prospectuses and al linfonnation may be obtained on application to the above Branch Offioe, or to the fol. lowing Agents of the Company :— CARDIFF ><■ J. M. Hairoe, 4, Pearson plaoe. Bute Docks. W. F. Gillett, Church street Chambers, W, D. Jones, 88, St. Mary street. NEWPOBT E. J. Smith, Gt. Western Railway, Bridgend D. B. Phillips. Union etreet. Pontypool F. J. Wall, Auctioneer. Pontypridd E. H. Dav es, Pentre, Auctioneer. „ B. VICKERS, Head Office—Lincoln, April, 1880. 5061o I OSS OF TIME IS LOW OF HONBYI JLJ —ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF TIME, turf MRJ. bOJPrDvided against by a policy of the ILWAY PABSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, the oldest ud lugest Accidental Assurance Company. KLrht Hon. Lord KINNAIRD. Chairman. bU^SCBIBkD CAPITAL, £ 1,OOO.OOCL McSwSfeePremiMifc ItanS allowed to insurers of five years' standing. A sum in oase of death by accident, and a weekly allow- snoe m the event of injury. ONE MILLION AND A ^aid M Compensation.—Apply to the Clerka at the Railway Stations, the Looal Agents, ot $4, CornhilL w WILLIAM J. VLAN, Secretary. Agent for Cardiff—Mr. W. Willans, IT, sSot- Dooks. It r ridgend—Mr. W. E. Bradahaw, G. BaD way Station. 8297Gk PH(EN1X FIRE OFFICE Ci*™- I-mdoo.-Brtab. Prompt and liberal Loss Settlements, Iii*&ranosa LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, AND MOUSTACHIOS. ELLEN GRAHAM'S NIOUKRENE Has been acknowledged for 50 «»,, Producer of Ha'r it will not w,; ?* M the only real 2s. 8d.. of all ch*mists WhSl1"? ^rio° Newberv, Sarger and Co irili agents, Barclay, by Miss GRAHAM 14 Sent fre^ by post ««.AiiAia, 14, Hand court, Holborn, London. TESTIMONIAL JC<e. 2,17S, • K^anvme*~?^i!r8e me anothw^pc^of you. Monkrene. My whiskers are growing very aicily.— J. COLUKSOK, York street, E. 5080c MICHAEL PAIRB BILL POSTER. TOWN CBIER, ta 17, DEAN STREET, ABEBDARB, Begs to inform the Public and Tradesmen in MD—-1 that be RENTS some of the LARGEST POSTING 8TATION8 In South Wales, and is ready to Receive Orden for Posting, Ac., in Aberdare, Aberaman. and NA—Contracts made. '—sow. rice list cn application 1841 TO7EEKLY MAIL ¥ UUK QUOOUim ViViUa j Genders gad Bmdtutiu T 0 B U I L D E R S. The Justices of the Peaoe for the Comity of Gla- ,morgan are desirous of CONTRACTING for the ERECTION of a BRIDGE at Pontymisvbont m County. Flans end SpftoMcatioll8 may be seen at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Bridgend, to whom Tenders must be delivered by Foar o'olock cn SATURDAY, ♦he 31st day of July instant, and mast be aecomjMniea by the names of two responsible persons as suretiea. The Justioee will not be bound to aooept the lowest or any Tender. T. MANSLL FRANKLIN. Clerk of the Peaoe. Bridgend. July 19 1880. 4235c > T^adies^^H^OIT^g^EAFHOI^, JL< COWBEIDGE.—Prinaipals Kn and Miaaee in Arts). Duties will be RESUMED jD.T.) the 6th of August. References— 1 Parents of Pupila. 4915ete HI BS- 8. J. DAVIES'S SCHOOL, ■ 14, DUMFRIES PLACE, LATE 47, CHARLES STRKUT 52780s L LATE 47, CHARLES STRKUT 52780s "JVf R8, S. J. DAVIES'S SOHOOL RE. A-™ OPENED THURSDAY, July 22. 1880 —14. Dumfries place, Cardiff. 4805 3 WELLINGTON TERRACE.—Mrs. 9 MORGAH'S SCHOOL will RE-OPEN on the 19th of July. 191d Afi N OLD COLLE G~E~ WOODLANDS, Prinoipal t Rev. E. WILLIAMS, M.A. (Glas.), BJ). (Edin.) The Next Quarter begins on WEDNESDAY, July 28th. 84S8d PRELIMINARY NOTICE. THE COURT, MERTHYR. Miss EDWARDS, who will shortly eome to reside with her brother. Mr. W. iDWARDS. H M. InstKCbor of Schools, will be prepa-red to receive a few Youug Ladies as BOARDERS and DAY PUPILS. The first term will commence on TUESDAY, September 14. For prospectus, containing terms and other informa- tion, please apily to Mr. W. Edwards, H.M. Inspector of Schools, Merthyr. 35965 ^EA-SIDE EDUCATION. L Two Young Ladies can be received in a good School at the Sea-side Number of Boarders Limited to Ten. Terms moderate. An Articled Pupil Required. SCHOOL *E-OPENS 8EPI £ M BER 3. A Resident t oreign Governess. Addren-Hisø F. BITCHIE. LANGLAND VILL&.S, OYSTERMOUTH. 5218C ST. M A R Y S HALL, 12 and 14, PARK GROVE, CARDIFF. BOARDING AND ];,&Y e-,HOC)L FOB YOUNG LADIES. Conducted by Mr. and Mrs. SIMPSON, Certificated Teachers, Terms on application. SCHOOL DUTIES will be RESUMED om MONO AY, July 26. 5187c ADIES' SEMINARY, BOUGHROOD .tJ HuUSE, BRECON. Miss BUCK, in acknowledging the kind confidence for BO many years placed in her by Frirads who have entrusted their daughters to her care, begs to state that ahe continues to offer the advantages of a hnme and of carefully superintended instruction in English an Foreign languages, with the usual acoom llshments. Resident Erglfch and Foreign Governesses. Miss Buck will be prepared to receive her pupils July 27,1880. There will be ore or two Vacancies for Boarders. Bonghrood House, Brecon, Jane, 1880. 51740 H 1GB CLASS BDDOATION. 1EDLABD PARK, BUBTOL. The Principal—Mz. CHARLES BIGG, Assisted by a very efficient Staff of English and Foreign Resident Masters, reoeives a limited number of Pupils, who are thoroughly prepared foe Professional OLOommercial Life. Terms Moderate and Inclusive. The ooune of stuoy comprises every branoh of the most liberal Education, encoessfal preparation for University. Army, Navy, Medical, Legal, Civil Service, and other Examinations without extra eharge. Additional Premises have been erected. New Gymnastic Ampratns, Boys* Library (1,000 votamM). Playroom, CRoket and Football Clnba, tad J modem tpplifesoos. ThoP*«misesare large, well furnished, situated in OBe of tae noftjihitst bonrbwdn. snd in OTATT respect very suitable for a school. A *"at nnmbwr of the Pupila have been suooessfal a Preparatory Prospectuses, Referenoes, Examimtfawi Lists, and Full Particulars are forwarded on application to the Principal. sign WEbTFIELD HOUSE, GLOU- CESTER, SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPAL MRS. G. M. LEO. ASSISTED BY All EFFICIENT STAFF OF RESIDENT GOVERNESSES AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED MASTERS. Exceptionally beautiful and healthy situation in the oountry, one mile from ttloooestec. Grounds, two MIn8 8D4 a half. The systen of instruction is adapted to the curricu- lum preecribed for the various Local (Junior, Senior, and Higher) Examinations, the University of T^r^»n the Trinity College (Mosio), and the Soatn The Study of Musio (Theoretical and Practical) forms a distinguishing feature of the School, and in the last Mosio Examinations by Trinity College nine pupils took hononrB, the &Mt. øixtà. and eeventh pnaet htvint been plnea by tham.. Drawing also reoeives eepecja1 attention.' The modern luruaps are taught by Herr Q, BL Leo, Irofessor of Modern Languages, and every facility is afforded for the thorough study of French Germans For prospectus, with view of house, and which are moderate, apply to the Prinoipal. Half Term oommeaoea on MONDAY, JaM 14,1890. Pupila OM eater at any time. 68380 Blning SmnnB* to. NEWPORT. THB "GOOD CHEER" C 0 F F E B PALACE, LLANARTH-STREET. The only House in Newport where the principles of the Coffee Palace movement are carried out in their entirety RECREATION AND READING ROOIfB FOB JOUr. SEPARATE RECREATION BOOM FOR BOYS. KXFBXSHMJCWTS OF TH1 BBBT QDALTTT AT THB LOWEST POSSIBIIX FBICE8. TEA, COFFIN, AND OOOOA, ONE PENNY PER CUP. THE "GOOD CHEER," JLLAN ART H-STREET. ECONOMIC FOOD" SUPPLY. DIN NER S Are Served Every Day from 12.80 to 2.30. Note the Price8 «>, 6D, AND 8D, Temperance Dri^s of every kind One Penny per Glass, GOOD BEDS. from 6d. per Night. BILLIARDS. 5188c T. HORNE, MASAGBR. LONDON. ASHLEY^ HOTEL, HENRIETTA. 4;]L STREET, CO VENT HoW* "blob «■ ansmted in of I*>naon and its attractions, has bean *& tarnished throughout, and is now oneofthemorthomelyandooanfortahleHote)sin the Metropolis. Notwithstanding the increased comforts ud aooommodation. the same low rate of charges for whtahtheHoMl has so long been noted will be00a. LADIES' COFFEE ROOM. wrr.T.raana, nj HAXELLS ROYAL EXETER HOTET is sita te in the most open part of th« wl STKAITD, close to the TbAtkLW.S8J most Objects of Interest, with MKm advantage of being entirely snTwT with the wood pavement. Ai^- 1 2s «d.; Dra»ing-Rom„B Booms wi tuitt. 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d.: Servio^' iWl^ tnr* is never varied. ^rrioe, 1b. bd. The 'iovaisT SFASOS.—"Wewilladti +V „ admirably Pj»oed for pleasure partii u^is th^ a more oom'orfable or ineiMnBiM v Nor u tners a -Tide Cambridge & b°Bte^in Ij0ud°^ -7!= ^jPPS'S CHOCOLATE ESSENCE. I *PJOdnot oflasyeeOJ rsflnmg pro *»s, it is Cheootate dev^^ofjto over riohnsss and substantiality. *ugtries d when made ot the oonsistenee ef ooflee. It is easen- ti.0, M afternoonX&owfeto Sold only in packets labelled JAMES EPFS *u* tU, Hemcsopathic Chemists. London. M«86d pBIO.-S BJtLL POSTING ADVERTTBING AGENCY, (XSTABUBHAP 1848). Ornoas—SS. WIWU-STESKT SWANSEA. MANAGNS-F. a. BROWN. |17ESTERN MA1K I WALEi<ABANTl! 80 1-4381:87 CIRCULATION I < UKRlV ALLED BARGAINS. LAVERTON* & CO.'S triTBQTJALLID 10 GUINEA UNIVERSAL CHALLENGE SUITES FOB TIll: DINING-ROOM AND DRAWING. ROOX. Verv Nicely finished, in Cretonne, Damtisk. or Loathes Cloth; Trimu_ed Silk Gimp and Cord, cr Brass Nails; Spring stuffed, best ■ o; per~d Springs comprising One COUùB. Six CHAIRS, and Two El SV CHAIRS, In solid Mahojrtiiy, tr lid Oak, or nhci Wauiut W-jod, A Marvel of Cheapness, Warranted Strong, wen Made and Semoeeble. Drawings, with Patterns for Covering, free per post, ADDRESS, LAYERTON AND CO., BTEAK CABINET WOKKB. MABYLEPORT-STREET, 15 BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL. Atmly tor the New FVastrated FURNISHING CATAlvOGUE, oontainin? T'ngravings and numerous Estimates—the Largest aDd Best Guide m the King. dom-Free by Poet tor 12 stamps. gnstass JAtomm. A. JUST RETURNED FROM LOgQOH WITH AN EXTRA LARGE STOCK OF UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, AND UNDEECLOTHINe, AT IMMENSE REDUCTIONS OF FORMER PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK 0) SCARFS AND TIES IN SQUnl WALES. AN EARLY CALL WILL BE WELL REPAID. W. JJORNER AND CO, THE CAEDIFF HOSIERS, 27, 29, AND 31, ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FOR EXPORTATION, LAMOR GAN^IRE^ AGRICULTU- CABDIFF IS. and 29. 1880. Jf OAH EES, HAT AND CORN MERCHANT, IS and 14, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF, B««8 to inform v^ton.to tWs Show and the pubU« generally that he has been APPOINTED BY THE COMMITTEE To ■apply all Feddet for CditIe daring the Show, STAND FOB COMf No. 3S8Ø1 W. E. YAUGHAN AND OO, STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WOBXe LANDAFF-BOAD, CARDIFF, 8I'&8I.I8mI88'1'8 nuai Muunnmi BJwrOBI HL OnuDMiaMnsk 0 m I I Ewdo and P-oob forwaded 60 Woon im isssr4 {fcBSss^•Jsgs.es-K• — walk. Brynmaw Mrs. Hicka, Beaafort-eUeeL Blaina Mrs. Collins, High^treet. Briton Ferzy Mr. D. L. Jones, Boekseller. S, vmtacs street. CowbtMge Mr. Refers, Fancy Revoeitory, sass^, Haverfordwert Mr. HfisJon! Markers*.i. Pembroke Dook Mr. Narberth. Brntriontg. DtmsB^ street, Rhondda Mr. Harria. <iihl iw> Tenby Mr £ £ £ jStaMSST 4S88» i^WROIDE GOLD JBWBLLBBY \7 (REGISTERED). THE ONLY PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR UHJtABATGOLD. ILLUSt BATED PRICE LISTS UD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS PiLaR p= po= makers of Gold Watches, and in eleglaWcrfdSI!? choioe flDiah. aDd perfect mAOn.illnY1 1ri11 iIea.r HU^ERsfl^m Z sS Safely by Post. In various sizes for Ladies and Gentlemen. ALBERTCHAINS, perfect in MM embradng all the best l&oaxat goWdssfaSt ixm. 6d. Smaller patteraa. 5a. 7s. 6d ff arBCiIALITIBS.-TTM XtNStNGTON. the SULTAN, XjOCKETS. PLAD^* 3s?11*Sd. to 10s. 6d. JU jmgraved, 4a.6d.to 10s.«d.; withva^ras « mwntatvwia. 7s. 6d. to SlsT atmm ISPECI A TJTY-THR NEW BOLT FASTENING IIOCKJBT *DROOCH,4a. 6d. to 7s. 6d.anoh: EARRINGS. ipis ^be^latest lS^arat gold patterns and best work* SAFE FEB POST. F.O.O^ EAlbitfam road, South Kenaiii»t<wi m. National Provincial Bank^fSgSU^*1"* O. 0. ÏiõWB, 92, BBOMPTON ROAD, LONDON, 8.W Q ARD IFF gTEAM XAUNDRY KOlU. terrac^ ^ThOTon^ efficiency and attention rsnBtwdhnJi. last of pxio- Im pnvat List of pdoeø for pnft8ie f&mi1ieø on apPli8Ml88i Bow. SobocNe at aed11eed Days for CollectionsMONDAYR -rmmnivn DW for Delivery *15 Proprietor EUGENIUS EDWAB3S. 85299 J^ALNES AND Jf OLE, MONUMENTAL WORKS. COWBRIDGE BOAD, CANTOH CARDIFF. Estimates given tor every description if v^j,. Marble.and G»mte Work. Designs of Monument! tipp. on the shortest Lotioe hI>- Deoor*- N.B.—The PUBLIC, cn TPPL:CT,TIOUI will omcompeUi both in Pri *6 and hxt cau.^n T with any Firm in or out of Sou.t> W^ul Work 6132c RRIJTL.1FU THOMAS NU S" Matthews), Potfl and Ornamental wS!l?^?,6, BOUQUETS CUT^ Other JU ORDeb at the shigtMt nafcioa.' TT A L AND p oj COAL AND COKE MEBCHANTO. 4, MOUNT-STREET, BW ANSU., Are now oftwbmg BROT HOUBX Qg" MI &o &on. Bg BWUOed Pnoeø best 1^rge *« *» Second Quality Luge im'. td. i>eliv ry at Mount Pleasant and Bk*t*w b u ton extra. ™ EW Orders reoeived at the above addrasSL itl. SmiMma Villas, Constitution Hi Li. and at iS, wi»n.^|jj|w mm/iC°TBRN BJLAI. f™ MOmr TKMIum rayf J