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SWANSEA TOWN C'OGIL,. A monthly meeting of the Swsaa Town Council was held at G,¡¡.ibl611 on W'.taeaifay The Major (alcotG.au J*ufc"i«) ftud there wexe also present the«x I >g*.r<-), Aldermen Brown, F}:J. p:, eil, a » R-^ers ecd Connciilors Buriie, Tulicch, J Xewis, Bacid. Bn?e, £ e';S, W, Ici?" a,ca. W, F. Iliqjiarde, Thoniaa, Ihll;>. atd f codine, THI PROPOSED EE OPKNISO OF WIND 8TR3:ET STATI/N. Mr Lnee introduced a deputation from a m96t. ice held at the Castle Hut el «i„h reteronoa to the xe-openirsf of Wind street Station. Mr. Malii- phant, acting as spokesman, asked the council to aeaist them in endeavouring to induce the Great Wefltern E&ilway Company to reopen Wind street Station or a new one near it. The Mayor paid it would not be competent for the council to discuss the matter that chy, bat ha would tike care tbfafc it should be biought before the next meetinp, and receiv9 tbfl attention it deserved. Mr Malliphant thanked the JaaJor. and the deputation withdrew. THE PRESENT ATI ON OF A SILTBB. C DLE TO THE MAYORESS. The Mayor said that as 8aV&a member, o f the council desired to attend eotn^ of fia ms.'f-tin^a 5n connection with the Sunday 3ohool oentenafy, la would propose that only tha ordi.ary business ^■that arising out of the business — should be considered that day, and that innnediitely after luaboon the meeting should he adjourned until iTuesday week. The Couugh had been good snough to present the Mayoress with a silver joradle, and he would invite the members and the pcrters to meet at the Gail^hjil i bat day at 10 o'clook, and after transacting the bjaineaa to proceed to the Grange to lunoheon. THE TOWN hill AND burrows ESTATES. thi TREASURER'S office. The property and g^reral purposes committee recommended that JE8.000 should be ofTered to tho Duke of Beaufort for the minerals under the Town Hill and Burrows Estfitee; that the sum of JJ400 be expended in the alteration ind improve- ment of the office jof tie borough treasurer, and that a piece of land, situate at St. Helen's, 22ft. long and 7ft. wide, be sold to the London and North Western Bail way for the sum of .£5 to enable that company to oonstruct a footbridge ever their line of railway. The committse also recommended the adoption of petitions to Parliament in favour of amending the law relating to the election of aldermen, the regula- tion of tbe appointment of borough magistrates, and the extension of the power of the Bail way Commissioner.. The zx-MAYoa moved the adoption of the aninutee of the committee, which was seconded by Alderman Brown. Mr Burnie proposed as an ameudaient, That that portion of the minutes relatisg to the pnr- ichaee of the minerals from the Duke of Beaufort be not accepted." He hid beard no suffiaieni; reason for an immediate outlay of .£8000. Mr Jones said that unless Mr Burnie would Include that part of the minutes referring to tha improvement of the treasurer's office in hia amendment, he would move another amendment. It was very extravagant to for altering an ofBoe. Alderman Powell and Alderman FORD ex. pressed themselves in favour of the recommenda- tion of the committee. Mr THOMAS thought the duke was bleeding ihem dreadfully. Mr Burnie said that after these explanations lie did not care to move his amendment. He Wished, however, to know whether, if they paid the .£8,000. the property would become theirs Absolutely, and what quantity of the surface had een already destroyed. Alderman Ford Whatever the duke's rights are we buy them. Mr Jones moved that the recommendation re- ferring to the treasurer's office be not adopted. 3Mr FREEMAN eeconded, and the amendment was carried by 10 votes against eeven, and the minutes :were adopted with this exception. street WATERING. The strocts committee recommended that water for street purposes be procured from the Swansea Canal, and that in return water for drinking pur. poses be supplied by the board to the lookmen; and that a patent hydrostatio van for street watering be procured at a coat of £50. The report yraa adapted. tEHB DRAINAGE OF MORRISTON AND LANDORE.— ANOTHER DIFFICULTY. The water and sewers oommittee minutes con- tained, amongst other things, a recommendation that, in connection with the drainage of Morriston and Landore, the Looal Government Board be requested to hold a looal inquiry to determine Whether the river Tawe is a stream within the mean- 1118 of the Bivera' Pollution AotJálS76. and that the offer of Mr John Legge to oonnect the waterworks at Velindra with the Guildhall by means of a telo- phone for the turn ct JB107 be aooepted. Alderman Ford moved the adoption of the toinutes. He said another difficulty had arisen with reference to the drainage of Morriaton and Landore. The agent of the Duke of Beaufort had, just as they were prepared to finish the drainage, given them notice not to allow the sewage matter to enter the river. They were consequently at a standstill, and the only oourse to adopt was that xeoommended by the oommittee. t Mr Burnie seoonded the motion, and said he WM) very sorry that the Duke of Beaufort had objected to the drainage entering the river. *> The ex-Mayor opposed this application to the Local Government Board. The duke's objection was merely a sentimental one, and he would allow the drainage to pass into the river in apite of the duke and all his powers. After the sanitary authority had spent £50.000 on this drainage scheme it was a most ungracious aot for the duke to put the municipality to an enormous expense in carrying out experiments which would only result in failure. He moved an amendment to the effect hat the minutes be adopted with the exception of this portion. Mr Jones seoondea. Alderman Brown said if the couhoxI were com- pelled to go into any other system of drainage it would cost them £ 70,00t\ Alderman Ford said he had a perfect answer to what had been said by the ex.mayor and Alderman Brown, but he thought the matter shonld be disoussed in committee. and he, therefore, accepted the amendment. The other part of the report was then adopted. rates. The finance committee recommended the levying of a borough rate to raise the sum of £ 2,677 9a 2d for school board purposes, and that the rate of 2& in the previously agreed to for general purposes be now made. „ Alderman Brown proposed, and the ex-Mator seoonded, the adoption of this recommendation. Mr Glascodine wished it to be understood that this 28 rate was to meet the expenses up to the 31st of December. Uxe minutes of connnittco W6W ftuop«oa* THE ARTISANS' DWELLING SCHEME. IJThe ex-Mayor, in moving the adoption of the minutes of this committee, said he was very sorry ihe Coffee Public-house Company had withdrawn their application for a sit" between Llaugyfelich road and Carmarthen road, but he hoped .they 'Would yet become tenants of the Corporation. The committee had empowered the churchwardens of St. Mary's to build a boundary wall on some Cor- poration land round the church. It would not make the streets any narrower, but would simply be making u straight line instead of a crooked one. seconded the motion, whioh was ?aid there was a very important ?nwfohor,°iV^ in thia refusal of the Ccffae smnlied for ThSP^ny take tbe Unr] the7 nnflAr fht p°8lt ot rent» which waa itn- nrnmnt terms of letti^Pf, WOuld EO doubt prevent many peopIe from tak^g Und. This condition should be reconsidered. "(Hear, -R The ex-Mator: It will be eonBiderad at the next moating of the oommittee. at t e The report was adooted and the meetint? was ihen adjourned until the 27th inst.



[No title]

NiiWP^^T t F. GUARDUK8. 4



TliAJDE HEPUiiXS. --------------.I

