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LA VERTON & CO., ?! HABYLEPOKT-STBEET, AJIj BRIDGE STBEET, BRISTOL ARE TKS LARGEST HOUSE FURNHHERS ,UD CABllTET MANU- FACTUBERS »ad South Wales. Th.. Firm h'iI beeIl §LAVERTON & CO. -:tg.h,h.d ll¡;.lt a ;JeDtnry. and 18 H r? n "avour^bly known 1)8 sfUCH I0WE5 IN PRICES THAN LONDON HOUSES A large Illustrated Catalogue, contain in? neiriy 800 Bern- tiful Engravings of Far:JÍtnr9 withpnC6:f of same sput poet frell on application. EVESY ARTICLE WARRANTED, AND EX- CHANQED IF NOT APPROVED *LMm pipping llDtiul. LTNB shortest Ooean Passage to AMERICA. (Composed ot Twenty flrat-olaaa Boyal Mail steamers.) Balling Days—From LIYEBPOOL every THURS- DAY and every alternate TUESDAY. From LON- every FBIDAY, and from QUEENS. TOWN every alternate WEDNESDAY. TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. Through Tioketa to all points at Special Bates Pamphlets on Cuada. Manitoba, and the Westers States of America; also Special Pamphlet, embodying Reports of the Tenant Farmers' Delegates to Canada, tree on application. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Canada fox Farm labourers and female Domestic {Servant?. Full particularsjon application to ALLAH BROTHERS and James street. Liver- Mo 1; or to R. J. Simpson, it, Stuart street, The Docks, and G. Bird,346, Bute street, Cardiff: J. C. IIanniiIg, 9, Castle street, Swansea; O. Morgan, Biluria Villa. Llanwyno road, Pontypridd W, Foley, Foley's Hotel, Neath; David Williams. Bell Vaults, Bighatreet, Brecon: J. Price, Prinoe of Wales, Beau. tort; E. Evans, Stationer, *e„ Rhymney Coombs, New Market Inn, Abergavenny: John W. Francis, Cartlett. Haverfordwest W. Milton Locke, 10. Great Dock street, and J. Young, Bonw Packet Wharf, Newuort, Mon.; A. TSlney, Market street, Abertlllery; H. A. Lewis, Postmaster. Eltbw Vale. l^TATlONAL LINE TO J3I HEW YOB*. IB8BKBUV £ S, LARGEST PASSENGER iQIHw STEAMSHIPS. From LIVERPOOL to FEW YORK 1M QUEENS TOWN, overt WEDNESDAY EGYPT Wednesday, July 21st ENGLAND Wednesday, July 28th SPAIN .Wednesday, August From LONDON to NEW YOBI as foHowai— GREECE Saturday, July 24th CANADA —. Saturday, July 31st DENMARK (not carrying Pas- Ienlel"8). «. Saturday, August 7th Baloon Fares to New York 10,12, and 15 Guineas, according to position of berth, all having equal Saloon privileges, ttetura Tickets, MaadSGnineM, Steer u?e to New lork, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, £ 6. Superior accommodation ana abun- lance of cooked provisions. Cheap Through Bookings to all patte of the United States and Canada, Special Kates to Texas. „ Apply to the National Steamship Company Limited, 23, Water street, Iaverpofl | or 87, Leadenhall street London; Jgd £ Messrs. J. B. Niohoias and Co., „ Consulate Chambers. Bute Dock*, Cardifl: ^OManmn £ 9, Castle Bailey street, Swansea; oombe street, Aberd are; Jas. SSt SSSJS. Waters, 89. Queen street. Neath. fc TTTT Y» EDWARDS, ?T • CABDIFF and NEW TOSK STEAMSHIP LINE tB^wSohSmSsmmbi of this Line will sail M follows |— TO NEW YORK FEOM CABDIFF. BHTWINDDA, 8,000 tons m SATUBDAY, July 24 &HEOLA. S1800 tons „. SATUBDAY, Aug. 71 BHEUBINA, 2^00 tons M SATUBDAY, Aug. 14 FROM NEW YOBK: TO CARDIFF. BHXOIIA. L800 tons —. SATURDAY, July 17 ymmfflUi. 3jS00 tons SATUBDAY, July 34 BATUBDAY, Aq. U r- •rhimurh BUS ot Lading for an Massesi 01 GOODS ■id FAtlCELh to and from the Inland Towns ia at. Louis, Ifllwaukee, St. Paul's, troit, ToMnto, &0., in OOD- j&oe, and Michigan Southern Railway Companies. &on. &Dd JrIJobipA Southern BulwaJ 00mpI.DieI. Freight aad further particulars apply to W. Y. EDWARDS, Cardifl and Newport I TURNER, EDWABDS, and Co., Brlatol; at G. F. BULLEY, &1. South Street. New York. EMIGRATION. — To Parties going A broad desiring good information respecting au parts of the United States and Canada. GoodIAcoommo- dation in Liverpool, and Cheapest Fares to all parta of the World.-Apply to JOHN BTOCK, Liverpool Arms 81, Boberts street, Liverpool. MIGRATION EMIGRATION I EMIGBATION 111 All who Intend to Emigrate should write the unc1.. signed, and obtain the beet advioe Land information re.. The greatest inducements and advantages are Offered to Fanners»dCapitaJiste. JOHN W. DOWN, BATH BRIDGE, BBISTOZi. 4866o BDLTBI 8TBENGTH DDGT PEPPER'S QUININE A IRON TONI6 JL Cxrefullv Tested and Chemically Purs. I OEPPER'S QUININE A IRON TONIO JL Purifies and finriohes the Blood. EFPER'S QUININE A IRON TONIO Jt. Strengthens the lienee and Muscular System, T>EPPEB'8 QUININE A IRON TONIO J- Promotes A^etite and Improves Digestion, PEPPER'S QUININE A IRON TONIO Animates the Spirits and Mental Faoalties, 4 !RON TONIO In Sorofnte^W^g W«n*algia, Sciatic Indigestion* Flatulqice. Weakness o« the Owe*, and SeemrRtory Organs. Ague. Eppifl's ^ON TONIO Oufdifl. ■■■—- pJUOaOFWAMOJ^JJOCWH and polished like ivocy. U of tartar 01 SSSS £ "'1SSSf1SS53Sr ls.td.stob. (Gst Craorcct^su — TVEAFNESS, U fee.-DELLAB'S ESSENCE tor DEA^ re. bas proved an extraordinary remsuy» foy Ueves, generaUyomres, «»dta strong thousands who have derived benefit. *» "2 um harmless. BoU in bottles. Is. Ud, V* n sll Chemists, rflARAXAOUM ODd PODOPHTLLJg; I vA doss of this fluid is recommended for Uve* f^rBJigement, partiotdarly when arising from dv11* oonsestion. By gently stimulating ths Liver ami ■ikrhtlv moving tne Bowels, the heavy, drowsy Cselinf ?tf5 with generally, pains In ths ahest ano SnkT«rpe5a2y after eatint is dissipated. Taraxacum Zrui Podochyllin i* mooh safer in its action than oalomftl «S^'S2aLfisfflffcs?ss4^ sli ohcnitstst SULPHOIlLN^ »L0T10N^An externeJ means of oaiinf Skin DifWW- «*i«oaroely anv eruptionfcutwm yield to ^«ne^a tor dayj. and oommenoe to fade away^ even it it sewis^st OUM. Ordinary pimples, »dnesa, btotoh^ so«ntroB|gmeM, vanish as if by magic | whilst °}d. ^durii^skin dis- orders, that have plagued ths sver deeply rooted they may b^8ulph(^«^Ul sno- oessfnlly attack liem. It destroj* ths anjylfft* which cause these msightly, irritable. ttons, and always produces a dear, heal thy, natawj condition of the ■««. B"tehoUfff Lotion is sold aj »iost chemists. Bottles. frSd. XVELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION JU flastebs. Boxs^ls. ltd^an&2s. MLlHb> The Corn Plasters are a certain eure tor hard or soft corns j the BrnjionPlastew a proved remedy tor bunion* ind loin^ Sold by ill Ghexmstse 1 OOKTER^, SULPHUR WA ns BE> JU Hair, and in a fen Uayorestore<»mpletWtte naturaloolour. Theefleot Is superior to that produced ^by u instantaneous dye. and the Sulphur *<{*«* does not injure the skin.a> Bold in large bottles lfc M. eaoh, fcy (Aiemists. r OOE:TER'S SUI/pHmi HAIB ai Xj STOBBE, while k^tog the hair ita propu jolosrs ,is sseifm for raaao™* scurf, no other applk*. by obMsirt* Mdhai, mast CARDIFF AD VEBTlSING, liiZb. .J POSTING, AND CIBCULAB DISTBIBUTING COMPANY (HIOTED). OFFICDI t CHUBCH STBEET CHAMBEBS, SECBETABY: FRANK 11. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions of Advertising, Circular Distributing, to. All orders promptly attended rra* 1RINOIPALITT. ( X JIVlBY SATUBDAY .VII.,pn flales 1m fraction* SALE TO-MORROW. HORSE AND CAEKIAGE BEPOSITOBY, CROCK. HEBBTOWN, CARDIFF. MBSSBb. STEPdjaNSON, ALEXAN. DER and CO. will SELL by AUOTIOS, at their Bepository, on SATUBDAY, July 17, 1880, at 2.30 p.m.. the following HOBS* S, CABBIAGES, and HABNESS Light Bay Gelding, three years, 11.1, good in saddle antl harness; fast, with good action. Bay Pony, about 13 hands, quiet in saddle and harness; has been regularly used by children. Boan Cob Mare, seven years, 14 hands, quiet in saddle and harness; has been driven by a lady. Dark Brown Gelding, 15 hands.. Brcwn Cart Gelding, 17 hands, good worker in fore and shaft harness. „ „ Broc ghams, Phaetons. Dogcarts, Spring Carts, So. Silver-plated and Brass-Counted Harness, Harness. Ao. 85877 SALiS TO-MOBBOW. HOBSE AND CABBIAGE REPOSITORY. CBOCK. HERBTOWN. CARDIFF. UNRESERVED SALE. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, alexin- DEB and CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at the Repository (for the benefit of whom it may concern), on SAT OKU AT, July 17th, at Z.3ù1).m,. a DRAUGHT HORSE, BUlLOEIt'S CART, AND CABT HABNEsS, And a Morticing Machine in good condition. 35876 4" WINDSOR TERRACE, PENARTH. LEASEHOLD DWELLING iHJUS*i AND PREMISES. MESSRS. STEPHJSNSON, ALEXAN- DEB, and CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at the Penarth Hotel, Penartb, on THURSDAY, the 22nd of July next, 1880, at Half.past beven p.m., all that capital LWEILING HOUSE AND PREMISES. Situate and being No, 4, Windsor terrace, now in the occupation erf Captain Collins. The premises sre held upon lease from the 1st or May, 1868, foi a term of 99 years at a ground rent of £ 215e. per annum. Further particulars and conditions of sale may ba obtained of the Auctioneers and of Messrs. Moms and Bon, Solioitors, Cardiff. 35749 lMfoBTANT CONSIGNMENT OF SADDLERY GOODS. Embracing Suits of Horse Clothing. Upwards ef Thirty Sets of Harness, (Carriage, Gig, Pony. and Vanhin all sizes, and wit. brass and silver mountings; Knee Caps. Head Stalls, Hunting and Biding Saddles and Bridles, Newmarket Cut Sheets, Boilers, Horse and Knee Bags, Water- proof Aprons, excellent Carriage and Gig Lamps, Whips, Brushes, Driving Coats. 110. MESSRs. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- lti DER, and CO. have received instruction 1 to bELL by PUBI IC AUCTION the alwve valuable Stock, at their Bepository, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, July 24, 1880, HOBSE BEPOSITOBY, CARDIFF. SPECIAL bUMMER STUD SALE OF HOBSES A £ P £ CIaL STUD bALE by AUO- TION, restricted to 60 First-olass HOBsKS. COBS, and PONIES, Will be held at the Repository. Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the SPth cf July. at the close of the Glamorganshire Agricultural Society's Meeting.. Entrance Fee for this Sale, 10s 6d. Entries must be made early. Sale to commence at One p.m, precisely STEPHENSON, ALEXANDER, it CO. 3570 Auctioneers. HAT/E OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES. 84, HIGH STBEBT, CARDIFF. MESSRS. STEPRENSON, ALEXAN. JM- DER and CO. will SELL by AUCTION on THURSDAY, August 5th, 1880, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, at Three for Four o'clock p.m., all that SHOP AND PREMISE, being 84, High street, corner of Angel street, Cardiff, in the occupation of Mr. Solomon Andrews, at the rent of M] 60 per annum. TheBe premises are held under a very favourable lease for the unexpired term of 21 years from the 1st of March, 1876, at £110 per annum. 35748 PEMBROKESHIRE. Highly Attractive FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE OF 850 AORES, For Occupation or Investment, three miles from the Town of Pembroke, foar miles from tne Pembroke Dockyard and Naval Arsenal, seven miles from the favourite watering place of Tenby, and within about two miles of additional.railway stations. The Estate affords good woodcock, pheasant, partridge, and wild fowl shooting, well placed for yachting, and with good local society. ~ll/| 3S&8R8- QBOjftGE OOOTE and SON Jvl are instructed to BELL by AUCTION, at the Auction Mart. Tokenhouse Yard. London, on THURS. DAY, the 29th July, 1880, at Two o'clock precisely, in ore Lot (unless an acceptable offer be previously made by Private Contract), the above very valuable FREEHOLD BESIDENTIAL AND SfORTLNG ESTATE, Pleasantly and conveniently situate upon an estuary of Milford Haven, comprising a substantial mansion house (adapted for the requirements of a.moderate establishment), with gardens and pleasure grounds of a considerable beauty, charmingly placed on rising ground with a fine view of Carew Castle, surrounded by ornamental park like pastures, with a due proportion of very superior arable land, girt about and interspersed with thriving plantations and ornamental woodlands, txceedingly well adapted for the preserva- tion cf game, and through which rustic paths lead from the house alorg the shores of the Haven. The whole lies within a ring fence. Nearly all the la £ d is in hand and cultivated by the owner in the highest and most approved method of modern farming, and if not required for occupation would readily let to yield a fair return. Particulars and conditions of Sale may be obtained at the Golden Lion Hotel, Pembroke; at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard. E.G.; of Messrs. Grover and Humphreys, Solicitors, 4, King's Benoh Walk, Temple; or (with orders to view) of Messrs. George Coote and FUn. Land Agents and Surveyors, Sudbury, Suffolk. 85789 OUTH WALES, PEMBROKESHIRE. To be Is OLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Commercial Hotel, Fishguard, on the KHYI dsv of Ausuat next, the valuable 121 FBEEHOLD 8POBTING PROPERTY, Known as the KILKIFFIl'H ESTATE. Pitnate near the Town of Fishguerd, and within anv distance of the oounty town of Haverfordwest. "Vhe property inoludes a Dwelling House, with Farm Ji Mhl-r outDuildicgs. and 781 acres, or thereabouts, arable, meadow and pasture land, capable of £ improved. Water in every enclosure, being ? dantatiODS contain about 30 asrea, It? w0^181 o? thriving timber and underwood, afford- andwef,w for game. There are Borne 430 iag excellent 00 covered with heath, affording acreB of mounttin B and hares. The wosds in good ocver tor biac gtocked with pheasants and the low ttl winter with snipe, woodcocks, and rabbits, and the wint from its position, wild fowl. TheP'^J^'Xi.nmense acreage of of being w*^hptrC obt^ii5ed at almost nominal rents Common is A right of common common is enclosed sold with the es ate. ue miterially in- the acreage of the property wiu creased. ei,'<rifcle sites {command- Upon the Property are ▼wy erection of a ing most magnificent views; *iany beauties, Mansion, for which, <» osp^tiat,. this fine woodlands, and txceUent sp Estate is in every way -M-nined in the Gwaun, Good trout fishing may be ^tamea u. which on one side boun s the prop«^J- mKilkituth is distant 6boat four mdes w' Town cf Fishguard, and is aPP™f^^lrom the Bail- The House is distant about 4| Bailway, **7 Station of Boeebush, «n the Mae station of fS*.5*1 jeurney from the Qreat Western CljnderweD, on the mam line of! tn a Bail-way. it i8 also distant about two ~vrjT railway station on the Fishguard, pff* of construction from Rosebush tot Menrs M^J?artical«™ flb°^tors cSdS" M^™* and Richardson, Bedford W LoS? U P* Ky*« and Co., 1, John lSS A«^?nAa1^ of Mr J. W. Meyler, Auotioneer ana rarwv fabvl° oTer an investment for capitalists ttet with. The^xnendrture of a company is reqai^^Q to doable the Pgt CHRISTCHDBCHF 1 £ »wing GBASS. NEWPORT, MON" Ot ^cellent came to be fed to Chri»»J!g'the Aftergrass of the To view, apply to Mr Wm Sir for particulars, to Mr. H, Christcburoh, ana Yatton, near Bristol, Agent, Cleeve S217c f^OR SALE, by PRIVATE Arnvv! Jj WENT, ot to bo LET, with ^gsion b*th iJ00"- .i0,,<,u" gas tniou* fc a £ d rear the Jatte { «■, bay rentaL „ Downing, Esq., 24, Wordsworth street, Boatb," or Consulate Chambers, Bute Dog Cardiff. 85755s JAMBS 1\iUNN -1 (Late o! the Firm of Mann and Kennard), RECEIVER AND TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTWr. ESTATE AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. STAR LIFE OFFICE. 5, PIERCEFIELD PLACË, ROATH, CiEDIFF .N.B,-lDsbuctions by post invited. 5181 c MB. J. G. MADDOX, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT (Twenty Years' experience in oonne jtio'j wit 1:1 some of the principal Estates in South Wales). Agent to the "Queen" Fire and Life Assaranoe Comv any and other Offices. A large extent of BUtLDING LAND to LET on LEA Si ui on advantageous terms, in the Rhondda Vnll»v adiaoect to several of the principal Collieries. OFFICES: 76, ST. MARX-STREET, CAttDIFP. 5001c PRICE'S BLL. POSTING m. AND ADVERTISING AGENCY, (KS7ABLISHK) 1848). OmoM-38, WIWD-STBEET SWANSEA* MuiigiB—F. S. BROWN. TTtTESTERN MAIL. VV RECOGNISED MEDIUMS BETWEEN *M JLOYE AND EMfl-OYKD IN WALBJSH rflHE PRIKCIPALITYi X TBS lQVBN. ] public ftotices^ IJPIH E RES T,~PTTR T H O AWL This INSTITUTION is now OPEN for the reception of Male Patients. For information apply to the Looal Secretary at the abov* address. T. PICTON TURBERVILL, 521(ro Chairman. BE DIRECT IRISH SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, 1, QUEEN VICTORIA -STREET, MANSION HOUSE, LONDON. Intend OPENING a BRlNH in CARDIFF as soon as the necessary number of Shares have been taken. Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained from the Local Agent, C. R. POTTrN fJER. Bodney Lodge, Cheltenham. Shares Limited to e2 each. 95873 THE CARDIFF ANNUAL REGATTA (Under most Distinguished Patronage), Will be held, weather permitting. ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 1880. The Committee will be glad to receive Subscriptions on behalf of the Funds. 35751 R. F. BELLIS, Hont Sac. A H E W", GRAND FETE AND GALA, The 19th of JULY, 1880. BICYCLE RACES, ATHLETIC & OTHER SPORT3. Grand Procession of all the Friendly Societies in full regalia. accompanied by the celebrated Cinderford and Caerleon Brass Bands. Proprietors of circuses, shows, shooting galleries, and roundabouts may apply for space up to ths 17th of July, to the Hon. Sec., Mr. DAVID JOSTKf?, 35759 Crown street, Machen, Mon. L LANDitINDOb WELLS. GRAND EISTEDDFOD, TUESDAY, the 10th of AUGUST. 1880. In addition to the attractive Prize List for Choruses, Trios, So)os, &c., a SPECIAL PitIZE of elO 10,. is ofiered for the Best Rendering of a Tenor Solo by amateurs, native of, or resident io, Walas or M ju- monthshire (the gift of E. M. Evans and W. A. Leigh, Esqs.) Entries must be made, for this oompeution, not later than August 5. Programmes 2 stamps, and full particulars from tht Hon. Sec., REV. iu. OWE ti, Llaudrmdod Wells. 1 1 11 ft 12, W0EB3NG-STBIIET, CARDIFF. Q A. STONE, UNDERTAKER, Hearse and Mourning Coach Proprietor, Qitrioh plums and General Famishing Establishment, CAM BREAKS, 110.. ON BIB" The Trade supplied with Houvo. Cloaahok and net requisite for Funeral Furbishing. 011 I I MEF, OLD SEED WAREHOUSE, JL Mo. 6, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, i WILLI AM f B 0 M A S (Late J. S. Matthews). NURSERYMAN, FLORIST, AND SEEDSMAN. Fruit,and Forest Trees, Shrubs, &o. Pots and Ornamental Ware, and all requisites for Garden Purposes. Wedding, Table, and Other BOUQUETS CUT TO ORDER at the shortest notice, TEAM DYEING AND SCOURING > WORKS. NELSON-TERRACE, CARDIFF. J. S. HOBBS, PROPBIETOB. Damask, MoreeD, and Rep Window Curtains, Silks, Shawls, and Dresses of every description CLEANED, DYED, And finished in a superior STYLE. Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned and returned in 240 hours. 409180 WHO'S GRIFFITHS THE SUB W MANP Great Bargains. Second-hand Fire-proof Safes, C. H. GRIFFITHS & SONS Have the following SAFES to DISPOSE OF i-A Strong Room, cost M600. for M2OO; two Was by Chat- wood, cost M190, for 4100i two by Milner, oost MO, for M40; fifty 24-inch Safes with oaah drawers, patent look, four keys to each, AS So. fifty ditto, 26 inch. a 15s. I fifty 80-inch, for A4 4AL sixty 36-inoh ditto, from Ab 5s. The cheapest and best ever offered to the publio. Also an immense stock of Second-hand Iron Doors for strong rooms, party walls, or those to divide warehouses and for every purpose, at one-third the price ot new, For, feet in every respect. Price List Free. GRIFFITHS A SONS, 43, and 48, CANNON STREET, BoO. ESTABLISHED 1860. 4S84o E M PLOY MEN T. 1 want 1,000 Agents to Canvass for THE COMPLETE HERBALIST. I will give such terms and furnish suah advertising facilities that no man need make less than dE20 per month, no matter whether he ever oanvaased before or not.-Addreiiii PROF. O. PHELPS BttOWN, 2, King street, Covent Garden, London, and full par- ticulars will be sent by return post. 5215c THE FLY AND MAGGOT iIN SHEEP. CORNER'S PINE'S DEVONSHIRE OILS Possess the quickest healing properties for Sores caused by the FLY or MAGGOT (without the slightest it jury to the Wool), Cuts, Green Wounds, be. Strongly recommended by testimonials as a cure for the FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. Sold Betsil by all Chemists in every town and village, Prioe 2s. The Trade supplied by the Wholesale Houses in London, Bristol, Exeter, and Liverpool; or by the Proprietor, Richard Corner, Wellington, Somerset, whose signature is affixed to eaoh bottle, or it ia spurious. 5216o MmTi STARCH. STIJTft oTAROH. gTIFTS STARCH. SFU" STARCH; STU" OTAFOH. gTIFFS STARCH. gpTPS BTARCH STIFFS JgTARCJH Is ipmially suitable for COLLARS, WRIST. BANDS, SHIRT FBONT8, *o., taiparting ft BEAUTIFUL GLOSSY BUEi'ACE to those Articles. and making the Linf n look likenaw. The GENUINE ABTICI JS Ia Sold h Grocers, Druggists, axil '/ilmen, in lib, boxes and 61b. papers, ear h box or packet beaiinfjr the Trade Mark— Queen B.I STIFF ft JO. CLIFF STREET. ERISTOI,! BEENBOU8ES, VINERIES, OON- TT BERVATORIES, FORCING H0U8fet3, *o. Plans and Estimates given, i Portable Garden Frames, Plant Cases. and an octagonal Conserva- tory on Sale. HOT-WATEft APPARATUS Erected for Warming Buildings of every description. Upwards of 1,100 Ap* paratus are now at work, including 900 Horticultural Buildings, 90 Churehes and Chapels. 100 Schools, Mansions, Warehouses, Offices, Ac. tr T N C E N T SKINNER, V I gxOKtS CROFT. BRISTOL. 5005o •■"fciTT POSTING •" PHILLIP R. Of Mr. Alfred J. Valley Crier, trusts that bv POSTER and al,d fair prioes he wiU "tnct attention to bu^Eless ana al] the YaUejr-1 ESTATE AGBNOY Mr. FTNT V TITTM mndnsts the Bale, Purobas?, and Management of Land Property, carries out DTCAU- RoadT,w tl«fV,Mtrctono( Farm Pramisc j, Sd fc^S'lmproXent^aid make, ValiaUoos A witil Tenants. ,.f Estate oSi pfc of estates and farms to t-elland let. te OtBces: a. Pomand place, Lop-don, W. M L P A I K a TOWN CMfci't fto,, Begs to inform the that he RENTS some of'^i? Tradesiacc ia gano-r.U In Sonth W^M^dP2SrTI?^ STATIONS Posting, Ac., in Aberda.nl T v y Rec«;.?e N.fi^'Contraots made/ rnn3ftn« and distaioui -— application 131) J°?M-poaS?s ^AmPfjgj PRINCIPAL Great Western sn« Neath a».) a to tha JFj Pa's CHOCOLATE ESSENCE. ieSHu?Pro ssfss. ■s.-SSSft eonsistenoe of ooffee. it (. f tially an afternoon Cheoolate only M paeketn labelled JAVVQ EPPS and CO., Chemifite, London. WESTERN MAIL.—GUARANTEED MMS M MSM, I PREPAID BOALE OF SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ADVBRTI&t.M&fiTS.ONLY !—a SITSATJOKS WoTSD, SLTTTATIOKS' OFFFPRD. APARTJFVUTFI TO LJlCT. ArastKBsxa WAININD. PAHTNKESH WA»TBB,: BVSIKX3SKS FOR SALS, IMOKET AN I t 8T AND FODHD. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 'Rouars,Buors,OFFICV,'I,PUBLIO-HOrSKS To LIT ON SNLL, SPECIFIC ARTICLIS .08 SALS BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. If not paid fori.in .advance the ordinary credit rate wiH be obarged. Six Inser WESTERN MAIL. tions in Words.; One Three Six One i n^ Insertion, Insertions. Insertions.' Weekly. Insertion, Insertions. iBaertiOYM.: Weekly. _,8 s. d. s. d. s. d, B. d. 18 6 1 0 1 62 0 27 I 9 1 6 2 3 3. 36 10 2 0 3 04 0 45 13 2 6 3 95 0 54 16 30 46 6$ 63 19 36 53 70 72 20 40 60 80i 81 23 4 6 16 99 0 Each lin-i 9 words 3 6 f 9 10 extra. ,bøla!tí'. X^DUCATWNAir^OTP^ XND^iEA i'J BATHING —In a superior Finishing School, which can be highly recommended tor its educational efficiency and unrivalled healthy situation, a young lady can be received for two or three years as Governess btndent. As the domestic arrangements are unexoep. tional, and talented professors attend, the establish- ment would be found well suited for a daughter needing a mother's cere, where she could obtain a solid and accomijlished education at a moderate cost.— AdiJresa Sea Side, 17, Brooklands, Longbrook street, Ex»+er. 167 n 21 tiØ11UltU tttta¡'î41Anhtr. Lleo a Nurse •\X1 ANTED, a General Servant, and also a Nurse — W Apply 35, Windsor place, Cardiff. 219 a thorongk liouse d Parlourmaid. W Help is given in housework.-LA"pply M Box 18, Postcffioe, Llanelly. 237n2'4 "7ttANTED at once, a good General Servant; wash- W isg and plain cooking required, also good reference from last eituation.-Apply Monmouth Homse, Bridgend. 238ml9 WANTED,~& young Girl as General ^Servant.— W Apply Mfa. 1-horp, next door Dunedin House, Upyr Richmond road, wardilL 2i'9al9 WANl'EU immediately, aa active Girl as Njirsn.— Apply Airs M. o. Parsons, Salutation Inn, Ne<v- Art. 22tuall AÈ> T )J,,l). cooks, iess to zm Housemaids, £ 18 to W £O; Parlourmaids, about £20 and £ i5; Nurses, about £O and all found Governesses, £ 30 to £ i j in gertfemen's families. Comfortable home for servants until suited.-Apply or Bend stamped envelope to Mrs Morgan, 13, Redinghcuse street, Portland plao, London. W. 5176c .itødiØ11l WulDL WANTED, a good Wheelwright, age from 30 to 40. None need apply but a oompetent hand. Con- stant work. One of the old fashioned sort would be best.-W. T. Wright, Agricultural Implement Manu- facturer, Sfc. Nicholas, near Cardiff. 178n21 TT? ANTED, a steady married man as Gardener, mast ▼ V nndsrstand Tines, flowers, and kitchen garden. Address, stating wages, age, and length of time tn last situation, to C., Post-office, Neath. 187n21 WANTED, Young Man as Junior for the Drapery. Welsh necessary. Apply to David J. Jones, Jtfpunt Pleasant Garden, Aberdare, 61nl8 ManteB* DAIRYMAID or Plain Cook.«-Young Woman seeks Situation in gentleman's family. Good references. fid. P., Hughes. Stationer, Ponty- pridd. 59nl6i 349mctnl grotung, &JC. WANTED, Agents tor an Industrial Aseurancs Company lor South Wales. Salary and com- mission to tried men. Address, with stamped en. velope, ts Manager, 6. St. John's square, Cardifl. 80321 AGENT Wanted to push flrst-cl8B8 Lubricating Oife. Commission 10 to 16 per oent.—Box SOL frost Office, Liverpoel. 205n22 PURCHASING Sgent Wanted at Cardiff, by an old established Breweiy, producing the highest class ot Strong, Pale, and Family Ales ana Stout. Unrivalled for quality and price. Liberal terms.-Applv Box l, Bedclitie Post Office, Bristol. 5172c IRMINGHA N Goods for Auctioneers, Shop, keepers, Hawkers or Athletic aports. 11!113. ted Wholesale Catalogue post free.—Apply Henry May, 306, Birmingham. 5106e ■' |1EA AGEftCY.—A considerable inorease to income JL may be at cnce secured by selling our oelebrated Teas (in packets or loose). Liberal profits allowed. No risk. No licence requ red. ttrite for particulars to the Asam Tea Company, 132, Upper Thames street, London. Established 1814. 5117o Scontsisi &L. to Ia. TO Let, St. Katherine Villa, Castle road, containing 2 parlours, kitchen, 6 bedrooms, bath, fro.—Apply Thomas Webber, 32, Royal Arcade, Cardtif. 45750 TViOii. Sale or to Let. Large Yard, Workshops, and JJ Offices, late in the occupation ot Mr. Waterman, for ooachbuilding. Also Two Semi-detaohed Villas in Lucas-street, Cathays.—Apply to Mr. Thomas Webber, Auotioneer and Estate Agent, 82, Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 4156e _9on5fa»$ £ iot Hell BRECON SBIRE.-To be Sold. a pretty Freehold A-P Property, consisting of 55 acres of land, with a fcmall villa residence, stabling, Sc., within a mile of a market town, railway itation, and Bober Usk. —■10^ particulars apply to Mr James Hall, Cae Prior, Brecon. 51753 StastnesBeg fOt ilisviosal. fflO be Sold, cheap, Llanelay Foundry, together with JL the plant and machinery j 95 years ot the lease unexpired. No reasonable offer refused.—Apply to Messrs Epickettrnd Price, Solicitors, Pontypridd; keys with Williams Brothers, timber merchants, Llantrisaat Station. 118n20 RI8TOL.—Lewis Samuels, 4, Exohange, Bristol.— Commanding Home Brewing Inn. Sound trad a • 16 years' lease; incoming about £ 550. 199a22 Rllt-,TOL -L,,wis Samuels.-Ca.pital Free Spirit IB Vaults, Ciifton A:175 only; low rental; profitable proof irade. Suit active couple. 199n2 BBISTOL.—Lewis 8amuels.—Handsomely fitted Free Corner Beer and Wine Vaults j heart of city; held on lease. £12C. 199n22 BRISTOL.—Lewis Samuels.—Commanding Corner Beerhouse, near railway station; £ 45; nice dwelling; low rental rare chance to business people. 199n22 m .011 atto fffloffo LOST, on Saturday night, from Gower road, a Bay Cob Mare, 15 hands high, six years old, tail cut shoit, mace worn off. Whoever will give information which shall lead to her recovery sheJl be rewarded — Apply Cefn Golan Colliery, Gower road, near SWAn. eos. 230422 Ifarsfls, Carriages, lite Utork, &.c. 11/ ANTED, Dogs to Break. For particulars and TT testimonials apply to |W. BEainwaring, Gims* keeper, Woodland, Goytre, Abergavenny. 813nl7 IUA<1 W UiUibJU W JLLUti'kb Lancewood shafts, bent timber, axles, springs and ironwork, carriage trimmings, lamps, Ac. T. K. Stone, Coach Factor. BristoL lffida ;ØtisulllltUØ1tL ORGAN, 5 stop?, 2 octave pedals, £ 40. One 6 stops, bourdon, s w., Ac., warranted.—Aubrey, 18, Randolph street, Camden town, London. 77u90 PFDAL Harmonium, two manuals, only £ 25, about half cost. Chickering Grand Square Piano, of rich and powerful tone, offered for £ 12. Several Cottage Pianos returneti from hire offered for less than half price. A good Seven-guinea Alexandre Farmoniun, equal to new, £ 4. The cheapest House for New and Second-hard Piaxos, Organs, and Harmoniums. List fre?, with full particulars,—Thompson and Shaokell's )¡pj!1 TTwebouge, Cardiff, S505M COTTAGE Piano, £ 20; another £ 18. worth doable equal to new, full compass. A large stock of Second hRnd Pianos, American Organs and Harmoniums, also new Instruments by Broadwood, Collard. Brinzmead, and other leading makers .very cheap for cash, or on easy terms on two or three years' ■vstam, frcm 10s. monthly.—Thompson and Shacktyfs Warehouse, Tredegar House, Teuby. 35053d ffrTMAN Pisno, bte<A and gold case, on the overstrung principle, with best action, and all im nrovemerta, i;3l cash, or en the three years* system; «L^u>rfecj dxs.wing room Pia-ioforte. Walsnt Pianos, £ 14s jtsui £ 24 Harmoniums and American Organs from 10a. oVttiv' Harps, £ 10, £ 15, /i2L Agents for J. Brinsmea.l Gold Medal Piasoa. w^wnpscu and Shacks 1. lU aaA Xl 2. Coiomercifa street. Newport, Mon. 350531 A"" I VYANDBE Harm on MM in Oak Case, perfect order £ 4, osst seven guineas 1 also, a tnree stop six guineas, m imitation rosewood. Am^tn 'Organ, 24 guiness, with octave coupler and tTh JT Pianol feoia 10s. man,h, on easy term* Csrdiff. ——■ pMEAPPiwos.^0^™^ ^Walnut Cottage^ J Ij ccat 80 ease fine tons. Piarosre- tall £ 14, *16, *21, apwwrdsU, tamed from hire ^nfiition. Hamomume from best of Sheet Music, Violins, Acoor- £ 4. A splendid etocK oi_b BtcCk at ths dions, Ac. and PhP"^nllr street, sole agents, Thompson and »nacaeu, %053d IiwanseL garrifLg, or „—. OUR FUT y questions &US ered Free,, by piircii,.sing Photo SSS?. SfeS "SIS Ros&e street, Brownrojd,Bradford, Yorfo.mre._sow^ A BERDEEN Granite Monuments, A free inscriptions accurate ^db»utif ul^lMiS TMPORTANT TO T ABMHB8 THE OLDEST, t. AND ALL GLASSES.—Money Advanced from MS upwards, upon ESTABLISHED Stock, Crops, Furniture, 110..110.. witàGu1; remonl.-Äpp17 penon- LOAN OFFICE filly. or by lettsfc to the West of England Loan a^d Discount Oflloe, IN WALES. 2, Bute terraoe, Cardiff. Instal- ments arranged to suit bor- NO DELAY, rower. No teasnnlMS ths money ill sdvaaosd. ACAPl'X'it liis'X oners 1;0 D18 flonw* holders, in town or ootyitryj n a day's notice. Cash Aooommadation on their Fumicure, without removal, on easy terms of interest aad t8.- personpJly or by isttsr 110. D, Lswia. 4, CalverU street. Swansss. f MBBld ONTMOBLAIS LOAN OFFIC* MEBTHYR.— -s-. Money immediately Advanced, from £ 5 and up- wards, by Mr. W. B. COHEN, to Tradesmen, House- holders, Fanners, and others, on their Stodk-in-Trads, Furniture, Ä., without removal or inoonvenienoe in BBy ^ay> Repayable by easy instalments. Distance no object. AU applications; ponetnslly attended to; refused. Intending borrowers will find this Office greatly toO their advantage.—Apply per- sonally or by letter to 20 and 21, Pontmoriais, Merthyr Tydfil. 3710o THE West of Er.glan4 Loan and Discount Com JL ipany advance lioa&a, from SV) te MOO, with- c at delayr to hotuMholdwBi gt$ntl6ni6Bf (umoni bnildas andothers, upon notes of hand, leasee^haree^iousehold furniture, and other securities; strict oonfldence, Repay, rble by sasy instalments. Trads bills discounted.— Apply, by letter or personally, to S. Blaiberg, Manager, 8, Bute-terrace, Cardiff x or 44, OonuaetJal-street, Newport. Mon. fees law oosts" 8SII0 O—KM—* 'bu:bittn1l, «Iools, &t., for '-1Ib. STEREOTYPING APPARATUS. — Castinc box, dressmg table, with planea complete, ta cast news pagCj 26m, x zOin., with alteration for smaller size, by Hoe, London, as good as new four stereo beds to suit same size of yagss, have been used very little also metal pot, fur race, and drying PftIØ. by J. and R. Dellegans, London. The abeve will be sold cheap to an Immediate purchaBer.—For price, address Mr. H. M, Thomas. Manager. Western *F»ii Cardjg 3(a22d T^r^. TANK ENGINES, VULCAN FOUNDRY COMPANY (Idmitodl NEWTON. LE-WILLOWS, LANCASHIBEL have new Enpee, ready for deiivery in tea days, of the fol- lowing dimensions, viz.!—11 inoh. 12 mob. and 14 inch cylinders, four wheels oonpledTia inoh cylinders, six wheels ooupled.—Prioes and Kiotosraphs on ap^W 1110110 IZS8I _$nlili £ 8tl0tiXs GREAT BARGAINS IN WELm AfiD OTHEIt J_ „ BOOKS. OHN PRTSBI PRINTER AND PUBLISHES. LLANIDLOES M )NT n»TS?OK«ei^r,d toCLSAROFFhis'entire STOCK OF BOOKS, mostly in Welsh and English, has made a put up in Assorted Varr-el^ (lIbout 500 in number). m Each Parcel will be 0* FERED at a SMALL PABT OF 1T8 ORIGINAL VaLUeI and further particslars will be sent tree to any ftflrirflan for three naif pnoi stamps* aeiit as above. w* 13^ sftMsso. T»W* 37. Southampton street. Strand. London. BlOZc THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, AND JL JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. '9. ESSEX STREET. STaUD, LONDON. W.C. r oontinue to *4m** 5, Bouj;*w» strSfct, Fleet street. Ths Publisher begs respeotfnlly to call their attention to sew fKidrani as above, and to remind advertisers that orders ahpuld be received not later than Thursday morning. N.B.—No reduction from advertised scale. 5138o JjJ" E X T O F KIN, A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX (2u,000 names guarar:G41e4) to Advertisements for Next ot Kin, Chanoery Heirs, Legatees, Ac., from 1700. II. 8d. by Poet-office Adcheøø- W. CULLMEIi, 17, Southampton buildings, Chaaow* lane, Londan. W.O, MO\&o "I DZWYSOGAETH." gPBUBHBD BVMBY SATUBDAY.ttTrr. f £ Nl(T« "V" DTWTSOGABTH^if m vert JL extensive oiroulaUon, bsln^SttbsroostM to Subscribers or sold by Agents in almdBF EVERY TOWN AND HAAttET North and South Wales. It is not a Looal, feat s NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, With a widespread circulation amongst the Clergy; Nobility, Gentry, Farmers, Manufacturers, Tradesmen, and the working class. It DYWYSOGAETH," Advertisers may feel assured, is the best, 11 not the only medium whereby their anDounoementa oaa be simulto. neously perused in every oounty throughout the whols fWales. All orders, fee., to be forwarded to the Publisher*, Y Dywysogaeth Office. Rhyl Flintshire. iTi FRI NiO 1 P A L IT Y EVERY; SATUBDAY. PBIC.K ONE PENNY, Ths FB»o»ALm Is spedally adapted to Um »*- auirements of the people. The i—aW features ot the PBINCIPALITT are its TALES aad SKETCHES, contributed by some of the best known writers; and, in addition to which, it oontains a carefully prepared EPITOME of the GENERAL NEWS of the WEEK and the HOU mroBxairz items ot LOQAJi INTELLL GENCE. Ths PKIHCTPAIJTT oontains a far grsatet amount' of reading matter than any other Penny Paper in Wales. The FBINOIFAUTT may be had bID all News- K52l;TJSfonarhoa* Wales EVEBY SATURDAY MORNOfG, Pries ONE PENNY; or will be sent direct from the Chief Oflloe, post tree, for one quarter, upon reoetpt P.O.O. b Is. 9cL Post, office Orders shouid be made payable to the Publisher Mr H. Mackenzie Thomas, to-whemaN MIiMII mo a pouEicstions be should addressed. naot QBBA1 ADVEBTIBJNQ MEDIUM FOB BOllTB WALBB. TEE LARGEST CIBCULATIOB, THE BIIB FAMILY NEWSPAPER. -a THE W*BK1T HIL npilAdy oonsists ot 72 LONG OOLUMIH3, DtfJDI a Ear rreate2 &moIIDt or 0rIP UU1 ø. Beaa:iDr Matter aDd is 0110 01 ""jagag-SBBiiT "SSSAAAST^SNR GBEA.T MEDIUM FOB ADYEBTIflEBfl Through o*t ths OounUss JJSaTmt"i8 GLAMORGAN, CABMABTHn MONMOUTH. The CIBCULATION 01 the WEEKLY MATT, IS for in MOIII of that of any other Weekly Nswspapsa published in any of the Counties enumerated above s not wbioh Advsrtisen vrill do well to bear in mind. THB M WEEKLY MAIL* 18 PUBLISHED BVEBY FRIDAY And may lui lisfl nf all TTniiniala FRIGE TWOPJS&OB, or win fes sssii to asy Address in ths aftrt mcdatt. (or One Quarter, on reoeipt of P.O.O.te Ml id. and to the Colonies aad all parts of Europe tvT the United states for 8e. ad. per quarter prepaid. 'c All Orders must be msde payable to thtfPubllshsi Mr, H. MACKXKZIX THOXAS,, at the TBet Offioe to whom any oomplalnl MBMOttnc any assulsr dsilvery should bs ""dtb JMPOETANT NOTIOB Mr JAMES ANDBEWS. Photographic Artist, re- "S,4 h4> has ths^StoelBt^k.of Photographic Negative Plates taken by himsSlf. num. Portraite of Uie Liring^d Ze Departed; also the Negatives produoed by Messrs. p»^ Hop kins anf Kick*, 3.Chapman, SltS'.i ^5ot^r8' *ormerly of SwanseaTCopiea of the above, either the original size. Cabinet size, or Enlarged for Framing can be had on application to JAMES ANPBEW^ PHOTOGBAPHIC ARTIST, the :Royal åtitituiion. S), I ttartes, Cabinets, and other Portraits taken daily, as usual. 80 QTTO gILENT GAS ENGINE. OTTO SILENT GAB ENGINE OROSSLEY BROS., MAKERS, SPECIAL ft Certificate of Ment, at SYDNEY INTaRNATKHIAL EXaI. BITION (Highest Award). 3,000 ENGINES NOW IN USE. SIZES MADE FROM J-h P. TO 90-H.P. bPECIAL ENGINES, WITH PUMPS ATTACHED SPECIAL ENGINES, WITH AIR PUMPS, FOR OUGANS. B. PERRE AGENT. CHIEF 0FFr0BB -127. REDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL. PRIOES ON APPLICATION. 35503 ✓DILLIABD BALLS, Chalks, Cues, and Tips, at HENNIQ BROS*. Ivory Works 11, High street, London, W.C. Cheapest homse in the trade for Billiard Table Requisites and Ivory ^^Goods in general. Old balls ad- justed or exohanged, and tables re-ooverod. Prioe Lists on appliestion. Established 186a. UTmIKLY MAIL FT qJIJ OSfiBMZ»« W-WAtlS public :AmnlftMds. GASDOIP MXW THBATB I B O Y A L WOOD-STREET, 29SBIW QüDID. Lsssss—Mr.W.H. DAW I Sola Manner Mr, I, Briwn wnTTf'K I The TJtuuATRE will BE-OPEN on J MONDAY, Jaly 36. SWANSEA.! NEW THEATRE, WIND-STREET DIBOCTOB—A. MELVILLE. I TO-NIGHT (FBIDAY), GSSAT DXAXA THE FOUR KNAVES, POWERFUL CAST OF CHARACTERS. Mr J. X. Maxray, itr A. Laurence. Miss Lewis, and Betwe^°tbepieoes ths NEGRO COMEDIANS, BROTHERS WHITE, Cocclade with CHANGE OF AFTEaPIECE. Peers open at 71 ('O_JI1OA 7.30 JOHNSTON, MILES. AND CO., CABDIFF, IMPORTERS .1'. 4MEBICAN & CANADIAN PRODUCE WILL OFFER FOR SALE BY PUBLIO AUCTION, AT m ROATB BASIN CATTLE LAIRS, CAKDIFF, IMMEDIATELY AFTER ARRIVAL OF B.S. BHIWIMDA,) 110 HEAD PBIME AMERICAN CATXLE AND 200 PRIME AMERICAS SHEEP. AMERICAN MEAf MARKETS S6 & 36 COMMERCIAL mlEET, NEWPORT CUOUFP. 82. HIGH STBSXTISWAHSKA, I. STEPNEY STREET. LLAHELLT. BUTTER. BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER EEI BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER 3 BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTH BUTTER BUTTIR 0 BUTTER BUTTER E-f BUTTER BUTTER O> BUTTER BUTTER J-4 BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER >■ BUTTER BUTTER G BUTTER BUTTER 8 BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER -G BUTTER BUTTER § BUTrER BUTTER GG BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER. B: STEWART & CO., FBOPBIHTOBS,; < I I -———————————————— ] JJ^UXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, AND MOUSTACHIOS. i t ELLEN GRAHAM'S NIDUKBENB < Has been acknowledged for 50 yoara as the only real Prodncer of Hair it will not in j ire the skin. Price 2'. 6cJ.. of all chemists, wholesale agents, Barclay, ] Ntwbery, Sanger and Co.. London. Bent free by post i by Miss GRAHAM. It, Hand court, Holborn, London. j TssnifOviAii 1,178. P tMadame,—Please send stis soother pot of yon. 1 •Monkrene." My whiskers are growing \ery nicely.— I J. CCIXIHBOH, York street, Eo 6039c > ] E W P O R T (MON,), i Established 1870, J r D. B B B S BILL POSTER AND ADVERTISING AGEWr BENTS an the PBINCIPAL POSTING 8 UATTOWS in town and neighbourhood. Two good Bin Pni+Y*. and Horse and Trap kept. u rortars. Address—88. LLANARTH 8TREET. rtANlHi OWEN k OO.'S ABO JLTBAILWAY TIME TABUB. ^heonlV oas Kblishsd to Wales, prioe Id. StaTpw »—to! 1 port, Bt. Marr-vtrsst, Cardifi WESTERN MAIL. Jnsnrana Clømpanits, t. Midland COUNTIES JLU. INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE, LIFE, AND HAIL. Established 1851 WEST OF ENGLAND BRANCH-NICHOLAS STADT. BRISTOL PIRE.—Insurances accepted at Moderate Rates. LIFE.—Special Advantages in this Department. The Next Bsnns to be declared as at March, 1882. prospectuses and all information mav be obtained on apptteaAVon to the above Branch Offioe, or to the fol- lowing Agents of the Company :— CARDIfT J. M. Haiae, 4, Pearson plaoe, Bate Docu. W. F. Gillett, Chorch street Chambers. W. D. Jones, 38, Bt. Mary street. NEW PORT.E. J. Smith, Gt. Western Railway. Bridgend D. H. Phillips. Union street. Fontypool P. J. Wall, Auctioneer. Pontypridd. E. H. Davies, Pentre. Aaotaoaesr. B. VTCEEBS, Secretary. Head Oflloe—Lincoln, April, 1880. 6061c B OSSOFTIMBlSLOSSOFMONTni JU —ACCIDENTS OAUSiI LOSS OF TIME, ana may, be provided Mtimtt by a policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, the oldest and largest Accidental AaMUMMe Company. Bight Hon. Lord KINNAIRD, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 41,000,000. Moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to inssrers ot five standing. A fixed sum in case of death by aooident, and & weekly allow- anee in the-event of injury. ONE MILLION AND A HALF has been Paid as Compensation.—Apply to the Clerks at the Bailway Stations, the Looal Agents, or 64, Cornhill. London. WILLIAM J. YIAN, Beoretary. Agent lor Cardifl—Mr. W. Willans, n. JIeDrr atreet, Dcoks. „ Bridgend-Mr. W. JL Bradshaw, G. W. Bail way Station. 82970k pHfflNIX FIRE OFFIOE Lombard-street end Chaitng-orosB, Londoiv-Bstab" lished 1788. Prompt..4 liberal Loss Setttomsnts. I—nsess efiected fat all parts ot the wosM. JOHN J. BROOMFIELD, Secretary. Snilttna k. Glamorgan BENEFITBDILDING V3T SOCIETY. OFFICES 10, QUEEN STBEET CABDIFF. MONEY BEADY TO BE ADVANCED from OO to on MORTGAGE of HOUSES and LARD. reo payable by easy Fortnightly or ether subscriptions, which in elude interest sad principal sad may be piia 011 aA SO da78" notice at any time. Apply to Kr. L EJOBY. Secretary. giSOBd J. NEWTON & COMPANY, TAILORS AND BREECHES MAKERS, 13, CBOCKHEEBTOWN, I CABDIFF 85402 SBVIUf PBID MEDALS awarded to D eOODALL*B HOUSEHOLD BPBCLALTIB8 A single trial solicited tromtiiOMWlM tamaot ystMsdttiass preparations. GOOJW..LtB YORKSHIRE RELISH Yhsaaosk dsUeions Bsnss ta the WaY. -THMTTirriii'SSi TuT* atap* BMnmtabbmtStaiis^ Makes OoidMs^s Luxury, Jifab8 ;¡¡;¡j{. Ths dstsH^S dishes mow ifaiiotoas. A grest additton to Chess a, Mrmrr diSh is improved by its alfrtthoa. Mptonres vBonoaos It ths Best taoa: Beware of OohwanMe Imitafctons. GAUTlOH^—It having ooms to oar ,knowMgslthst imitation OIl oar oelebrated Saiun. the TWMHM Bellsh, is being palmed npon Pnrohasers, we beg thai they will insist upon having the only renuine Yorkshire Relish, bearing a I*belwith thsTrade "WDlow Pattscn Flats, sodoornama, "GOODAU BAOXHOUSS. and 00.. LuDI,1rith a protecting Labe ojer the Itopp8. W. an sonry fiiat respeotable Tradesmen dionldlend themselves to snob animsostors Cot the saks of a little extra profit. Sold by Grooers, Oibnso, Ghsmists, la botttes NLUh and 8S. ssdh. Prepared k) eOODALL, BACKBOUBE, and Oa Leeds. OODALL B BAKING POWDER, Awarded Borsa Frist Medals log Bopsctaa QasBty. De bestiTffis world. Dsfiss ooavufMH, Makss delidoas paddings without sggs, pssln without feattor, and bsautttnl light bread without yssst, Ons trial will 00JØfD08 UI8 mon MepMeai 01 Its snpsrioritv over ottisrs. by Qroeers, Oilmen, and Ohemiatt. ID 1d. Jkl.1I. 8114 II. iiDI.- ^Q^IXALI^kA^^ireik^l^ 00. G UODAL.IJS QOINiNN WINJL Is invaluable to* indigestion, nnrmnsnnss, gout, rbeumatios, Ac. A wia»«lsssfal twS or tim- a wm be bmd both grateful and efficacious in all oases in which a oonbal tonic is required, fsr snperior to sberri nd bitters or Utter beer. Bold by CbsoiistB. wkxdallI BAOKOO^T. and OO. Lssds. GOODAlil/S OUST ARD POWDER far making deUaions oastards without sggs. less tims and at halt the nrioe. >eliaioas to Plum Padding and Jam Tarts. Delicious to Stewed Rioe and all kinds 01 Deli6ioua to Everything, PtltfliffTis alons. Qivs it a trisli-goM tn benfcia.Ma is, each. bj Qroom. Ohemlefcis I^PMed by GOODALL, BACKHOUU and 00^ Whits Horse strest Lseds. GOODALLd GlNGEB BEEB POW. „ DEB makes three gallons of the best Ginget Bess fat ths world log threepence InvahiaUstoi FMdastogs dsUokms a^TrSwating beverage, valuable medtfltnal propertiss. ttasMb Bsndsrbit it ttis most whoksoms and pertert bererage. ever dtsooysred for bjth winter sad mmnsg^nse, to sssdy Bads, sad aeknow /2LOODALI/& MUSHBOOM KBZUH. PR jOnafldeptty renotn mended to aU tens loveci aruix us lios luvoonp Kaxomrr, nMiMiij|j| tor its euu sxanrexs, nsnor rtrarr*. sad mrscKTAssxr rutvoux. Sold In betMet as M- 18.&DCl" rMBCMa ttOBI IQM% mMI» /2J.OODAL1/8 EGG POWDER. aZ knowledged to be the only real sabstitatt for sggs yet discovered. Its aotion 011 f'i14d.tD18. rssembles that of the m in every particular, jb oolour and Havour, rendering &em mos« wholssoms and nutritions. One penny paoket will «0|" ^^towsggs,aado»sfawiaytinasfcr lW?kew» M rsAetaj M Hid la iw Sy Groows, Oilmen, Chemists. Ac. Shippen sod the Trade supplied by i £ s Soto Pre QOOD UP. &IllS 00.. 'WIdtIt Hone IttIeet.lMd8o ti OODALI/S BBUNSWiOK BLAOS I roc Painting Stoves, Ozataa, boa Tie, JM ahis is valuable oomposition is superior to anv yet oflSNd to the public, possssstog grest BACHH0UB«,an6 00k^^ tOOaALI, Q.OODALL BLANO MANGEiPOW- WDja isaoknowledged bvaU to'beltoeiinosi Lemon. Almond, sad V^Ll £ ^A mffloe tonroaonnoe tt mortrthnn —wU Bo>diiXTackets 6d. and is. saclL bwOKwSZ* ru, Bhemists, Italisn Warehouaem«m fi^??* to. Prepared byirtlOODALL. jD £ Kbit* Hons street, Leeds. Co,, A6EMT8 m WAT.S1 »TAH aadOQ^y. High street, OarSi Webb sad Oor, Bsits Mtka n.Mts trkell. HH Itl, Bute road^OudifiL joto^ErS. igstsar umriudfc.il E^UHps andtens, Oastto^q^ONussti raylor aad Oo^ Swansea. Arthsrs. S„ Walter's road. Swansea.. Fraser sad Oo^. Diisk sliesi Hi I ■ Mrrsi tomaa, n. Bbbw Va)<. — Batftttja). W.. NSL MMaat, riANIBL OWD OO.'S A B 0 i/ RAILWAY TOO TABLES, ths oaly sos MM.X S awdinb_ JE°TBJRN MAaL. WW StffcVJkHTCAL [ i I ^fttuettonaL MRS. s. J. DAvfis's SODOOL RE. 1\1 OPENS THURSDAY, July 22, 1880.-14, Dumfries place, Cardiff. 4805 WELLINGTON TERRACE.—Mrs^ a MORGAN'S SCHOOL will E3-0PEN on the lilW¡ uf Jul, 19iD119 ARNOLD COLLEGE WOODLANBS. Principal: Rev. E. WILLIAMS, M.A. (Glas.), BoD. (Ed in.) The Next Quarter begins on WEDNESDAY, July 28th. 34323d THE BRIDGE, OOWBRTDGE, BOAR- JL DING and DAY SCHOOL.-The Misses LLEW. ELLYB will Besome their School Duties AU<T>SC S. 4696eto r AD1ES' SCHOOL.—GREAT HOUSE, 1 1 OQWBRTDGE.Principals: Mrø and Misses CULTEBWELL (Associates in Arts). Duties will be RESUMED the 6th of August. References- Parents 8l PUpils. liete j^JEA-SIDE ED U OATION. Two Young Ladiee can be received in a good School at the Bedside. Number of Boarders Limited to Ten. Terms moderate. An Articled Pupil Enquired. SCHOOL BE-OPENS SEPTEMBER S. A Resident Foreign Governess. Address—Miss F. RITCHIE, LANGLAND VILIJ OYSTERMOUTH. 6218cB ST. MARY'S HALL, 12 and 14, PARE GROVE, CARDIFF. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Conducted by Mr. and Mrs. SIMPSON, Certificated Teachers, Terms on application. SCHOOL DUTIES will be RESUMED on MONDAY, Jn?y 86. 5187c PALMEBSTON HOUSE SCHOOL .M- BOas. CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Boys prepared for Oxford and Cambridge bamiDatieM PREPARATORY SCHOOL For little boys, conducted by LadMN. MR. EVANS, Principal. [Term oommenoed Jan. 12,1880. r 4806e SEMINARY, BOUGHROOD JU BOUSE, BRECON. Miss BUCK, in acknowledging tbe kind confidence for so many years placed in her by Friends who have entrusted their daughters to her care, begs to state that she cot<tillues to otler the advantages ofa h me and of carefully superintended instruction in Engi<sh and Foreign Languages, with the usual aeoom iMhmmtt. Resident English and Foreign Governesses. Miss Buck will be prepared to geoeive her pupils July 27,1880. There will be one or two Vacancies for Boarders. Boughrood House, Brecon. Jane, 1880L 5174c HlGR OLASfi EDUCATION. UDLAKD PARE, BRISTOL, TbePrtnnfpriiaaf. CHARLES BIGG, Assisted by a very eI10ient Staff of English sad Foreurn Rtiidnnt Masters, receives a limited namber of Pupils, who are thoroughly prepared for Professional QtJOBUlSflNill Terms Moderate and Inclusive. The ooarse of study oemprisss every branch of the moat liberal Education, successful preparation tor University, Army, Navy. Medical. Legal, Civil Service^ and other Kram fn atlons without extra charge. Additional Premises have been erected. New Gymnastic Apparatus, Boya* Library (1,000 volumes), Playroom, Cricket and Football CHabs, sad hmodem appliances. Ths premises sre large, well furnished, situated in one of the healthiest neighbourhoods, aad in every respect very suitable for a school. A great number of the Pupils have been suooessfol in Publio Examinations. There is a Preparatory Department tor Young Pupils. Great care is taken with backward and delicate boys. Prospectuses, References, Examination Lists, and Full Particulars ace forwarded on application to the Principal. 81819 TXTEbTFIELD HOUSE, GLOU. W GESTCK. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPAL KRS. G. M. LEO. ASSISTED BY AN EFFICIENT STAFF OPEE6IDENT GOVERNESSES AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED MASTERS. Exoepfaonally beautiful and healthy situation in the country, one mile from Gloucester. Grounds, two acres aad a half. The system of instruction is adapted to the curricu- lum prescribed for the VUiOU8 Local (Junior, Senior, sad Higher) Examinations, the University of London, the Trinity College (MusicJ^.snd the Souuu Kensington Examinations. The Study of Music (TheoretiMi and Practical) (asms a distinguishing feature of the Soliool, and in the last Music Examinations by Trinity College nine pupils took high honours, the first, sixth, and seventh prises having been gained by them.. Drawing also receives especial attention/ The modern languages are taught by Here G. M.Leo, Professor of Modem Languages, and every facility is afforded for the thorough study of French and German. For prospectus, with view of bouse, and terms, which are moderate, apply to the Principal. Half Term commences on MONDAY, June 14. 1390. Pupils can enter at any time. 4838s Ufaittfl Homos, &e. NEWPORT. THE" GOOI) CHEER" C 0 F FEE PALACE, LLANARTH. STREET, The only House in Newport where the principles of the Coffee Palace movement are carried out in their entirety RECBEATION AND READING ROOMS FOR MEN. SEPARATE RECREATION ROOM FOR BOYS. BEFBJCSjaCBKTB OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THJ: LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. TEA, OOFFEE, AND OOOOA, ONE PENNY PER CUP. THE "GOOD CHEER," LLANARTH-STREET. "ECONOMIC FOOD" SUPPLY. DINNERS Are Served Every Day from 12.80 to 2.39. Note the Prices! 41>, 6d, AND 8D. Temperance Drinks of every kind One Fenny per Glass, GOOD BEDS, from fid. per Night. BILLIARDS. 51180 T. HORNE, MAHASXK. LONDON. ASHLEY'S HOTEL, HENRIETTA. STREET, COVENT GARDEN/^ This weB-knowp Famlly Hotel, which to JthUe4 m the very ceitre of toodon and its attractions, hasbeea re-built and newly furnished throughontTaad ia now JMKki, BOtei MOOS. Til RIBS' COFFEE BOOM. BILLIARD8. 987 HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL, situate in the most open part of the WEST A ff cJTEAKD, close to the THKATEJSS. OFKHAS, 5nd ects of Interest. Apartments, Drawing-Room, with Bed- Boom en rnite, 10a. 6<1.. 12s. 6d., „ Service, Is. 6d. Ti] SPEC IA L NOTIC E.—" HAXELLS' HOTEL, now entirely surrounded by the wood pavement, presents all the quietude of a country residence, with the advantage of being on world's thoronghfare-the Strand. Great comfort, with moderate chsrgee."—Vide Glasgow JUeroantiU Advertiser. So I l" ESTABLTSBXD 11152. i pALMER AND CO.'S UNDFETAKING AND FUNERAL FUR- NISHING ESTABLISHMENT 10, FREDERICK STREET CARDIFF. 1 I P. and Co. beg to inform their P'r01lS I tbntoVutnT?br,ly that ,h* will in future be cameo on un^«r tb« tula oi Palmer and Co.. and trust ttw JSr fir remitting attention and ec^aow^Jent the same pairontge Wiuen was extendi tor *& years to'.te late Mr. John plmer- • j tn&rRea equally as low mm the advertised pricrs of other Fiime etf) J i "i r i Hall Ann O. j COAL AND OOKE MERCHANTS, I 4 MOUNT-STREET, SWANSEA, j A re now offering BEST HOUSE COAL At the follow. I Prioe8 pet ton deliver*. Two' Miiiis, od. eSoond Quality Large -lis. 6d. Delivery at Mount Pleasant aad Bksttv is la. ««. ton extrr, ■» J Orders received at the above address, at 2 n^u. > OrMitntion Hill, and at ESTERN MAIL. =— m J*«jSJAEAWTF1JD tABG3BST °I*cuLAnoN l tnCSIVALLED ARGr i LA.VEHTON & CO/S J U:teqtaliiED 10 GUINEA UNIVERSAL CHALLENGE SUITES FOR THE OINIivG-HCOM AND DBA WING. ROOM (fs<:z JU- O tr ri;I?l I" Sl| »^ r? Hf sL—- WVeiy I i:;i ViaiI, in Cretonne. T>air?n^k, or Leather i.'i >.a SJk uiiap auti Cord, cr Brass Nails; Spring stuffed, with beet Uoppercd Springs comprising Oi.6 COU-ii, and Two CHAIRS^ In solid Mahoeauy, solid Oak, or solid "VVa;nut Wood, ,4 Marvel of Cheapnsss, Warrastod Strong, Well Ma3* &111 Servicfiafcla. Drawings, with Patterns tor OveriBg, tree per post. ADDRESS. LAVERTON AND CO., STEAM CABINET WORKS, MARYLEPOET-STB E:T, k BEIDGE-PTZEET, BRISTOL. A-?r<>y for the rostrated PITH^TSIH.ING CATALOGUE, containing f,I:avíDgS and num""OU8 ElitimatM-tbe Largest and Best Guide in the King- dom—Tree by Post for 12 stamper Ssstatas J^tetssts. jg U R M A N 9, WINE-STREET, JgRlSTOL, Has the largest and most carehOly-seiected Stock ia the West of England of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CHAINS, ANT JEWELLERY, SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE, FRENCH AND ENGLISH QLOCI&v The Finest Selection out of Londm of WEDDING, KEEPER, FANCY, AND SIGNET RINGS, BUBMAWS Three Guinea Silver English Lever Watch, Capped, Jewelled, and Hall Marked, Large or Small Size, for Lady's or Gent's wear, is Warranted foe Five yeere, and is the only reliable watch ever offsred at the prioe. Orders by Post receive special attention, and any article purchased can be exchanged if not approved of. PRICES ON APPLICATION. 9, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL. 35M JUBT RETURNED FROM LONDON WITH AN EXTRA LARGE STOCK OF UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, AT IMMENSE REDUCTIONS OF FORMER PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK SCARFS AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES. AN EARLY CALL WILL BE WELL REPAID, W KÖRNBB AND CO THE CARDIFF HOSIERS, 27, 29, AND 31, ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FOR EXPORTATION. W. E. VAUGHAN AND 00., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WOBKS LANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFF, BBAitcx ntummmi GARDIFyf 77, Crockherbtown, V24&. Bute-street. NEWPORT U. Co MERTHTR 83, High-street. SWANSEA Lower trders recelv and Parcels forwarded to Works tos riage tree by ttw following AGENTS Aberdare Mr. Esohles, Commeroetl-plaoe, Blaemavoa aIr. J. Harris, London-house. Bridgend Mrs. Woodward, grooer, NoltoD-8thtel Breeon Mr. Bodaun.Wamntton House Bu wart. Brynmaw Mrs. Hioks, Besatort-stxeeW B'.aina Mrs. Collins, High-street. Briton Ferry Mr. D. L. Jones, Bookseller, S. VOlisct street. Cowbridgs Ifr. Rogers, Fancy Repository, Chepstow Mr. Davies, 26, Welsh-etrest Crickhowell Mr. Pugh, Righ-str&et, Ha-erlordwest Mr. Ellis Jones, Mariners-s^u Llauelly Mr. John, 6, Market-stxeou Llanailo Mr. Lookyer, County Press. Neath Mr. Matthews, si Queen's HoteL Pembroks Dock Air. Narberth. Stationec, DuMadt street. Rhondds Mr. Harris, TTnniniti-iituKiii Port.h. Tenbr Mr Brioe 4. JulsuMStMat, 4HS90 MONUMENTAL WORKS, COWSRIDGE ROAD, CANTON CARDIFF. Estimates given for every description of Stone. Marble, and Orijutp "V^rk. Designs of Monuments. Head Stores, &e AB«HC on application. Engraved, MonomiStSlff^paired. Marble Chimney Pimp, Pulpits Fonts, Screens, .ttereaosee, and^ail JCUMOTK Church aad Chapel Decor*- tions oo the jipjartnofTnotioo. N .B.—Th«Wubii5, cn apphcation, will flad that we can coppftftjtwth in Prioes uid ExeoutioD of Work with any wfrm in or oat ol Sooth Waiea. MSao O-BOIDB GOLD JEWELLERY V/ (REGISTERED). THE ONLY PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOB 18-CARAT GOLD. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS AND OPINIONS OF THE PRESS FREE PER POST, th. makers of Gold Watches ^nd in *Ln>oet^pproved choice finish, snd perfect .elegance of design, panson with'Z will bsiiToS p&n8On WIth the most e%PØn&ive. ooa. OPEN FACE, from sn. HUNTERS, CromT S £ Safely by P^t. in various sizes for Ladies and Gentlemen. A ^ERT CHMNS, pefrect in finiah embnutog all the best lS^arat golddkS? 10s. 6d. Smaller patterns, Ss. 7s. 6d assigns, SPECIALITIES.—T^EKNS^GTON, the SULTAN l2ø. 6cl. tBCb. XOCKETS, PLAIN?* to 10s. 6d. JLi engraved, 4s. 6<L to 10s. fid. • ?! mentations, 7s. 6d. to ZlsT vwrx,n* ora* I SPECIALITY—THE NEW BOLT FASTENING LOCKKT. BE20SHV4*V6d^to 7e- Cd, each; EARRINGS, C^.TNS If' 6dv; B R ACLATS. 12s- Bd.jLOsd CHAINS, lite. 64. LABIES' VICTORIA CHAINS If11 J* tWt?T5.„ Necklet*), 78. 6d.; STUDS, 2s. 6d.; bOLITAXR^S, Ss. fid.; £ £ AKF R1.NGS, 3s! M.V SUAEF PINb, 2s. 6d.S, 46. 6d. • PENefcL CASES, 2s. fid. All tne latest 18-curat gold patterscs and best wcrkma*- lhip. SAFE PER POST. P.O.O., E-tbibltion road, Sooth Kensmgtou. Cheque National Provincaai of Engiand. O. O. BOW E, 92, EROMPTON ROAD, LONDON, 8.W MOliiA Thorough eftdepcy and fcttoyt:n~ New Proprietoahi?, ucl sir™ boa.« Washing on the -says reyy £ £ <i,&a!'y la List of prices tor wivste Hotels sad bohoot at on application. Dsys for Colles»i £ .T-a „ Lays tor DelivT^vv l:.ayø fer • ri i OAY& kx<J »!A'i;rTEDArs. ITJS EOWi852^ rp°ASCr^2a^RA!^ makers lendon f«r ltoA^()fi'~OL"^lJf0V8 m aad Room aJ^d Fore^s Ttotzxe Fr»a» btcck in 1** the Mwest dengos j larg s* irsPfcr and ^eeyWood Mo^d- An 01 ev*y AeseiripttOB. 0»- grupns, Ac Twrtbsr reductkm in prioes. Wholwals Gilder. Xwmrj rniuisiLte for the Snd* «nd xpcfftetion. Special attemtiaa to oommtrr ordora. Jniu partisalass ia New ""YTTTWI Boet aad Cstalagae. three peanj stamp*.—H. MORV^I. IS, Gwiet St. Andrew-gtesatTBIoomsbnry, LoaAoa MM) WTTB8TERN MAIL BLAENAYOH T ¥ AGENCY.—IBHMABL MORGAN, BookssBsf 110.. has BBMOVED ts 84, Kiag etseet Blsenavco. "TITESTERN MAIL: BEST ADVERTISING MEDILJflfilN sum