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tAVERTON & CO., MARYLEPORT-STREET, ura BRIDGE. STREET, BRISTOL r, 3s CO. LARGEST HOUSE! §ruaNiiH £ ia AJD CABINET MANU- FACTURERS Bv Sl,.am Power ir t;Jo West of sni South "V^ alja. The baa beer, ^n..h:d Hjif a Oa^tnry, and is 'vourably kaowu as being 5JT7CTT LCWSE IK PRICFS THAN I LONDON HOUSES A large Iliu-tratc"! Catalogue, ensur- ing ner-.riy 30:/ Ba'.u- tifr.l Eti/r.iv:^) 0 £ F iirpitar# wl'. Hf,rices of SK.me « ■ pp. itfrea on appiigF.don. EVERT ARTICLE WASEANTEO, AND EX. CHANGED IT NOT APPROVE t. —w—n—— £ &ijrpftta HtfLitta* aupg-aSaiRgk I.AWUBHT PASSKSGBE ^btEAMSHIFS. *«»» XJVBSPOOII to iimnroM w queens TOWS. srort WEDNESDAY KSIH ™Wednesday, July lift July 2lst» ENGL&'ND -«Wedneadar. July 2Stk From LONDON to NEW TOU as follows t— rrADY Saturday, July tOtb GREECE Saturday, July 24ti CAN t DA We anesfiiy, August 4tb ITALY M<M««9HH.H..M.Satard&y, August 21st Balocn Fares to New York 10,12, and 15 Gnu-eaf, ti position ot berth, all having equal Saloon Jrivibges. tietum Tickets, 24 and 22 Guineas, Steex isje to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, ano Baltimore, .6. Srperior aooommodation aid abun- dance ot cooked previsions. Cheap Through Bookings to aU pa its of the United States and Canada. Spsonu •S-^es to Texas. „ Apply to ths National Bt-iamshlp Company Ihnited, 23, Water street, Liverpool s or at .87. LeadenhaH street, London and to Messrs. J. R. Nicholas and Co., Consulate Chambers, Bats Docks, Cardiff; J. C. Manning, II. Castle Bailey street, Swansea; F. W. Oaont, Withe- Combe street, Aberdare; Jas. R. Morgan, Postmaster, Pontypool: John Thomas, 1. Prospect place. George- town, Tr ..«v'«j; Henry Lewis, Newtown, Ebbw Vale Berbert Y Eeea, Grocer, Ystrad, Rhondda Valley j Jhomas Dimes, 84, Pontmorlais. Mertbyr: Moses ^Thosnas, New houses, Blaina Gwent,- Abertillery j AX, Waters, 39" Queen street. Heath. n ALLAN LINE XJLShortest Ocean Passage tc AMERICA. (Composed of Twenty flrLt-clasa Royal Mail Steamers.) Sailing Days—Prom LIVERPOOL every THUR8- OAY and every alternate TUESDAY. From LOW- *>ONDEREr every FRIDAY, and from QUEENS' XOWN every alternate WEDNESDAY. TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. Through Tickets to all points at Special Rates- Pamphlets on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western Bbites of America; also Special Pamphlet, embodying I Reports of the Tenant Fanners' Delegates to Canada, wee on application. „ »ASSISTED PASSAGES to finada Cot Fata Labourers and Venule Domestic jServants. Full p&rticul&rston application to IIUX BBOTHBBS and Co., James street, Liver- CpoJj or to B. J. Simpson, 2\, Stuart steeet. The Pocks,and G. Bird,246, But? street, Cardiff: J. C. Vanning, 9, Castle street, Swansea* O.lttorgan, Villa, Llanwyno road, Pontypridd jW. Foley, Joley'B Hotel. Neath j David Wilfiama. Bell Vaults, Sighsta*et^Brroon; j!Priee, Prinoe of Wale^Beau. krtj E. Evans. Stationer, to, Rhym^ey Coombs, JJew Market Inn, Abergavenny J J°Jm W. Francis, Oajrtlett, Haverfordwest W. MiltonLock^^ 10. Dock Btreet, and J. Young, SOTew nc«et Wharf, Newport, Mon. j Tilney, Market street, Abortillery; H. A. Lewis, Postmaster, Ebbw Vale. r rn—Tk W T. EDWARDS, M • CARDIFF and NEW YORK STEAMSHIP LINE r^^Sn^slsw bteamers of this Line will nO as rz_ TO NEW YORK FROM CARDIFF. fmwiNDDA, 8,000 tons SATURDAY. Jnly 24 gHEOLA, 2.800 tons SATURDAY, July 31 RHEUB1NA, 2,600 tons SATURDAY, Aug. 14 FROM NEW YORK TO CARDIFF. f HEOLA. M00 tons SATURDAY, July 10 t: (EUB1NA, U00 tons M. SATURDAY, July 24 JL aWlNDDA, 8,000 tons .nM. SATURDAY, Aug. 140 Through Bills or Lading for all dosses ot CJQODB and PARCELS to and from the Inland Towns m England and places in the Western States and Canada, ►atinding Chicago, St. Louia, Milwaukee, St. Paul's, Toledo. Buffalo, Detroit, Toronto, R., k. in oon. Innction with the Erie, Great Western of Canada, Lake Shore, and Miohigan Southern Railway Companies. Freight and further partioolars apply to W. Y. EDWARDS, Cardiff and Nowport i TURNER, EDWARDS, and Co., Bristol; or G. F. BULLEY, 51, South Street, New York. EMIGRATION* — To Parties going A broad desiring good information respecting all Jartsof the United States and Canada. Good| Accommo- dation in Liverpool, and Cheapest Fares to all frarts of World.-Apply to JOHN STOCK, Liverpool Arms ¿OberlS street, Liverpool. 4Sooc EMIGRATION EMIGRATION 1 EMIGRATION lit All who Intend to Emigrate should write the under- *%sed, and obtain the beet advioe .and information ree. .^the greatest inducements and advantages are °°«ted to Firmers and Capitalists. JOHN W. DOWN, BATH BRIDGE, BRISTOu. 48660 HUHTHI STRENGTH I WTBEQT PSI'PER'S QUININE 4 IRON TONI0 Cwcrfullv Tested and Chemloally Purs. PAPER'S QUININE A IRON TONIO rnrldee and Enriches the Blood. ~$>EPPHR'S QUININE & IRON TONIO Sfcrengtliens the Nerves and MnecnJMayttem. "PUFFER'S QUININE & IRON TONIO Promotes Apatite and Improves Digestion, PEf QmNiNB A IRON TONIO Axumatee the Spirits md Mental Faoulties. TiEPPER'S QUININE" IRON TONIO thoroughly r^cruits_ tie GenwJ Bodily Health. *nd i duces a Healthy ooodition of the Nervous Is JB? Chemists evMywhere, in Mpsnled botUea, Jontaiaiag 82 doses, 4* aize Us, aad u stout The najne» a<\dre^wdteMie mark ol ^oa* PXFFXS. 887, fott;fi^TrT T l' Bold by WILLIAMS. U, feuU Ia. ad. ea.oh. (Got Qraoroft'a.) JpsggtSp^sMgk ii^8 proved an extraordinary retaady. it generally cnree, and is strongly reoomiwm y^otiaands who have derivod benefit. It ? > "arnalese. Bold is t»otUes, i«. i*i, *»<t 3s. Ed. wtoit, t Ul Chemlftf. fT"tA.RAXAOOM. sod PODOFHYLLIW. JL —A dose of this fluid it, ttcommesded tox Li^'« *>«i'«jigenient, jxutiocdariy when arising from By gently etamulating the Liver and •iigbU;y moving tne Bowels, the heavy, drowsy foelin* "ad head,8.(j.e. with, generally, pains to the cheat me •^k, esptoially after eating, is dissipated. Tar&i&euu. Podophyllin is much safer in its action tlmn calosi'ie< $r bine mil in removing dy»pftp»a.?*epsrwj v» J f«Rper, LoenoUj ws<l «ol« borAi*^ 'm, W m>,J £ c\, by »l] chemists. feULFBOiii^ii fliGTiiJM.—Ati exwa&aJ ttieans of cu/feng ÖJtln DiaMJiM. There ia soaifoeij »il? eruption but will yield to 3u'i>holine in a fen days, J?1*! commence bo tads away evoa it u seems past ours, idiaapy pimples, rednessi blotches, roughness, U ty mc*io,- old, enduxing skin A\«- ^ers, that have rlagced the sufierers tor years, how- deeply rooted thly may be, SuiphoU^ sue- ocssfaUy attack them. It th« *hich cause tiicse onsighfciy, irrtsble, P^11^ «o^fntad always product" a oiesr, te^ltlc,ri 01 ^e ^m: gnh.holic* I*t\on is to g^tehegliEta Bottler, iaM^ T^'fTj;JA-R'S COH-N AMD BU&JOft PI'/shTEKH. lid., aao. 2e. WLwadii. Ouinf t-cm pawwrs are a certain oure for iifijfd or. *orn tjj-j i 3.-tu«on PLuteis a proved rriaedy foit bumiwii* j^nWgea U* joint*. 8oid by all Obemist*. 1 OOKYKR'B oULPHUR ilA.IE aE. Grey JEIrdr, and in a £ en *» ta* aatotal wlcur. Tneettect feSl<i tl?i to f't^t ptouticodbv s,b insfcsjitiJieoui i 't- iTft,Snip^uL,Ee4fc?Mr-i°^ tto,: tof. — J*' l». 8d. eaoh, bjr oheminrtw, fpiJKYmV SULPHUR HAiR RH ^n^ri'0SS3S» whils >-«5:jLq« tea hair its prop«u ».(or i.-m w*efal for removing sorui, no other aWu», w €2< .outage the growth o# sew Wr.' ,J(wkycr,is Brjtorer has powerful oieanainir ore fendegiag it a d«iw-abie Heir Fluid.—f^SL, '*» W. Si\1<5 by and ba':g (Ironion^ 1718s BILL. POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DI8TBIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED), • CH"BOH"sTKETirr CHAtroOBS.. P..ETARY; FR!.NK H. SIMPSJN. Pent — «eighbonrfr'«ei!t Posting BlatiOTiS in Cardifl and Aov«tUinK rf* Contractors for all descriptions of Ail Cietribatiug, &c. ——i' Ordcju promptly att-ended VV ^TERN SfAIL.GUARANTEED MAR0B8T CIRCULATJO* salts feu ^Itscltan. ALTERATION OF PLACE AND TIME OF SALE. PiiNARTH, NEAR CARDIFF. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. JJISSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEX A.N. JLSuL DER, and CO. have been favoured with instrucJWons from the Mortgagees to offer for BALE by AUCTION, at the Penarth Hotel, Penarth, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of July. 1880, at Six o'clock in the Evening (and not cjb the Carditf Arms Hotel, Cardifl, as previously advertised), subject to the con- ditions of sale to be then productd, all that LFASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSJII AND PREMISES, Being No. 7, James street, Penarth, in the occupation o€ a respectable tenant, at the weekly rent of 7s. The property is heid under lease from the Honour- able Charles Herbert and the Eeri of Bradford from the 1st day of May, 1876, for the term of 99 yerrs, attheapportioiMd yearly rent of tllOa. 9d, For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, Queen's Chambers, or to Mr. G. C. Downing, Sobcitos, Vienna Chambers, Cardiff, Dated June 30,1830. 35678 NEW CTMMER COLL ERY AND COKE OVENS, POETH, NEA& PONTYPRIDD, GLAMORGAN- SHIRE. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXIN- DER, and CO. will SELL by AUC TION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on THUBSDAY, the 15th day of July, 18S0 (and not on the 8th as previously ad- vertised), at Three o'clock in the ACternoon, subject to conditions which will be then read and produced (unless previously disposed of by private contract), the Esteto tncl interest of the present vendor of and in THE NEW OIMMER COLLIERS AND COKE OVENS, CompriF'ng—■ All that partly worked Vein or Seam of Coal called the No. 2 Vein, beneath the farm and lands calltd Cymmer, containing by admeasurement 216 acres cr thereabout, with the fits and Levels thereon, now < red in working the same. a premises are held by the vendor under an agree- ment for an under lease for the residue of a term of 21 years from the 31st day of March, 1871, at a dead rent of 475 per ouarter, a royaltv of Is. per ton of 2.529 lbs. of large coal, and 6d. par ton of same quantity of small ooal, also of and in All those 51 Coke Ovens now in full work and turning out 350 tons coke weekly, situate at the said colliery. Thirly-six of thesd, together with the yard, roads, bridge, building materials, ways, and appurtenances thereto belonging are held by the vendor under an agreement for an under lease for the residue of a term of 21 yeare from the Slst of March, 1871. at a yearly rent of £145. The remaining 18 are new coke ovens, erected by the vendor on the premises included in the abjve agree- ment, with additional roads, railways, now waybndge and new stables for ten horses most complete. These are the property of the vendor, and are at his disposal at the end of the lease, subjeot, as Jo the coke, ovens, to the lessor's right of pre-emption at half ol their original cost. „ OTr The Engine Pit is sunk to the No. 3! Vera. The Colliery Plant, Machinery and Materials com- prise one 17i inch high pressure beam engine. 6 foet stroke, with 91 inch pump, and gear complete down to the No. 2 Vein; one egg-end boiler 47t feet by wa foot diameter one new nit framing with sheaves, Ac, one capstan and rope complete, one Pooley a weighing; machine, one water cistern, tips and screens complete smiths' and carpenters' shops, one cottage, old a tables new ventilating furnace, 80 coal trams, colliers' tools, 8S0 yards of surface tram roads, 4,000 yards of under- ground roads, new syphon 440 yards long, one 4 moh fly pump two carts, four excellent draught horses and several sets of harness; and at the Now Level, ojg wooden smiths' shop and railway points put in for At the Coke Ovens, yards of railway, four crib winches and chains complete, and all tools and drags for working coke ovens. Particulars and conditions of sals, and a sohedule of the machinery, plant, &c, may be obtained on and after the 21st day of June, 1880, of Messrs. B. Matthews and Son, Solicitors, Cardifl; of Messrs. Fussell, Prichard, Swann and Henderson, 8olioitent Bristol; of Messts. Johnson, Upton, Budd and Atkey, 20, Austin i'riare, London, E.C., and of the Auctioneers, Queen's Cham- beia, Cardiff. HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. CROCK. HERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Tt/fBSSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEX AN- 17 p. DER and CO.'s next Fortnightly Sala of COLLIERY, CART, and other HORSKS, CARRIAGES, and HARNESS, Will be held at their Repository, on SATURDAY, July 17, 1680, at 2.30 p.m. preoieely. Total expense on each horse oSered and not sold, 58. 35730 IMPORTANT CONSIGNMENT OF SADDLERY GOODS. Embracing Suits of Horse Clothing. Upwards of Ihirty Sets of Harness, (Carriage, Gig, Pony, and Van), in aU sizes, and with brasa and silver mountings; JEnee Caps, ilead Stalls, Hunting and Bitting Saddles and Bridles, Newmarket Cut Sheets, Boilers, Horse and Knee Bags, Water. proof Aprons, excellent Carriage and Gig Lamps, Whips, Brushes, Driving Coats, Ac. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN. DB B, and CO. have received instruction* to bELL by PUB T IC AUCTION the above valuable Stock, at their Repository, Cardiff. on SATURDAY, July 24,1880, at 2.80 p.m. 35750 4, WINDSOR TERRACE, PENARTH. LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE AND PREMISES. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXA.N. o DER, acd CO. will SELL by AUCTION. at the Penarth Hotel, Penarth, on THURSDAY, the 22nd of July next, 1880, at Hilt-past boven p m., all that capital DWELLING HOUSE AND PREMISES. Situate and being No, 4, Windaor terraos, now in the occupation of Captain Collins, The premises are held upon lease from the 1st of May, 1868, toi a term of 99 years at a ground rent of £ 2 15s. per annum. Further particulars and conditions of sale may b4 obtained of the Auctioneers and of Messrs. Morris and Son, isolicitcrs, Cardiff. 35749 — — HORSE REPOSITORY, CARDIFF. SPECIAL SUMMER STUD SALE OF HORSES. AfcPEOlaL STUD BALE by AUC- TION, 60 First cHss HORSES, COBS, and PONIES, Will be held at the Repository, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the 29th of July. at the close ot the Glamorganshire Agricultural Socitfy's Meeting. Entrance Fee for this Sale, 10s 6d. Entries must be made e8rl £ ;rEpEENg0N, ALEXANDER, ft CO. 8570 Auctioneers. jstv OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES. OAli*. HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. MESSRS. STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER and CO. will SELL by AUCTION ou THUBSDAY, August 5'h, 1SS0, at the Royal Hotel, Pardifl at Thre» for Four o'clook p m., all that Carditf, at JREMISJSS, being 34, High street, corner ot Aagel street, CardiS, i £ tbe occupation rf Mr. Solomon Andrews, at tne "ahefe'JremKe1held under a very favourable lease for the unexpired term of 21 years from the 1st o( Mareb, 1876. at £ 110 per annum, 357*8. IMPOETANT SA.LE OF FREEHOLD AND LONG W/f ESSES. NiAUJN a AUCTION, at ixl are instructed to SiEL1W WEDNEg. the Cardifl Arms Sotel, Twop.m.fBab. DAY, the 14th day °f J y» then produced, all j«ct to the conditions of tale those Five Newly Known as Ski s l^t at £ 10 per annum. TH*; WILLOWS ) •JBE CEDARS i Let at JE3J per annum. THii S^CAMOEESJ Pantoo „ Situate in the King's road, Canton. To view and for further particulars PP y Auctioneerp, 20, Church street, 5 st. Stuart Equate, or to Mr R. RhiS Jones, Soh°itor, &. t. JoWajquare^Carditt. ——- SALE OF UNCUT MEADOW HAY AND ^AY. OLD COURT FaRM. CAUOXTuN, NEAR 1VTR: MADDOXb^reeoived infractions MOOT*AY AUCTION, at the RbJVe KoWHh/v12,h iu8t- three ot excellent 12 ao™8 aL4Y' low At to be cut, oon^sH.ng of abiut LtVningtte^ ^sted m vot OLD HAY, flr.le at 'fwEÍlve O'c?DBk °fflceS' 76, Sb- Mary street, C^ff» Hi ^smprssaBB: J-» with immediate posses- K:NGSION ROUSi!' RICH iiKGSIO?HO?v.„ca TEBRiCE, iSTuuouWo' I" T~». >j2"o -SiE&ajsnaa 85755t JA M >s S M U N N (Late o' the Firm of Muun and Kennard), RECilVPR AND TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, ESTATE AGENT AND AUCTIONEER. STAR LIPE OFFICE. 5, PIERCEFIELD PLACE, BOAT 3, C1BDIFF N.B.— Ins tructions^bypost inv ltied. 518U> MR. J. G. MADDOX. AUCTIONEER AND VALUES, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT (Twenty Years' experience in connection with some o the principal Estates in South Wales). Agent to the "Queen" Fire and LifeAssurmoe Company and other Urneo". A targe extent of BUILDING LAND to LET on LVASE upon advantageous terms, in the Rhondua Vf.'Uv aoiicsrt to several of the principal Collieries. OFFICES: 76, ST. MARi'-STREET, CAiiDlFF. THOMAS J. M0RGiNl HOUSE. ESTATE, AND COMMISSION AGENT. AUCHIRECT AND SURVEYOR, OFFICIAL LIQUIDATOR AND TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY. No. 6, J) U K E STREET, CARDIFF. 51900 WEBTBRN MAIL BLAENAYON T 7 AGENCY,—ISHMAEL MORGAN, Bookseller 110.. has REMOVED to 54, King atreet Blsenavcn. WESTERN MAIL. V ? RECOGNISED MEDIUM* BETWEEN tKM 'LOYS AND EMPLOYED IN WALESJ public Retires. THE CARDIFF ANNUAL REGATTA (Urder most Distinguished Patronage), Will be held, weather permitting, ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18IH, 1880. The Committee will be glad to receive Subscriptions on behalf of the Funds. 35751 R. F. BSLLIS, Ham Seo. A O H E if* GRA3SD FETE AND GALA, The 19th of JULY. 1680 BICYCLE RAVES, ATHLETIC OTHER SPORTS. I Grand Procession of all the Friendly Societies in full regalia, accompanied bv the celebrated Cinderford aud Caerleoa Brass Batids.. I Propiietors of circuses. Shows, shooting galleries and roundabouts may apply for space up to the 17th of July, to the Hon. Sec., Mr. DAVID JONBS, 85769 Crown street, Macheo, Min. I;eul)etl ani) œoutuutJo I GLAMORGANSHIRE TURNPJKS ROADS. NOETHEIjN DISTRICT. Persons desirous to CONTRACT for the SUPPLY of LIMESTONE for One Year, from the 30th of Novem- ber next, for either one or more of the undermentioned parts of Turnpike Roade, are requested to send Sealed Tenders (postpaid) on or before MONDVY, the 2ud day of August next, to Mr DAVID W.(JONES, Aberdare. Clerk to the Northern District Roads Board, stating ttto number of the portion for whioh they wish to Tender, and the price per cubio yard at which they are willing to supply tie same; and any pewon offering for more than one division n.u»t send for each a separate Tender, # Each Contractor will be required to take away, with- out charge, any Road Dirt that may have accumulated from scraping, cleaning ditches or drains, be., imme- diately the same is scrnped. or within 12 hours atwr notice to that eilect from the Surveyor or any of nis constant labourers, exoepting on tho road between Aberdare and th, entrance to the New Gasworks, hr which a separate Tender is required, together with tho portions of Road between the Horae and Groom, Dowlais, and DowJais Top, and between Plymou h Toll Gate, Mertbyr, and the Mardy Bridge, for which A separate Tender is also required. Nature of i Probable Qnar. 1 No. Portions Of Road. Material I tity required for Required, | 1881. 1 From Bhydyblew Gate to the Horse P,l Groom, Powlai 8 Lime store fSO cube yds. 2 „ Nantvsrwenith Gate to th» 20th Mile Mark from Neath. K0L „ 3 „ 20th Mile Mark from Neath to Rendiebaley Bridge 50 4r „ Hendretailey Bridge to Bigoa Toll-gate „ 2'0 |i „ 5 „ BigosToll-gate to Pontwalby » J50.. 6 „ Tocgwynlaes to Blackbrook Gate 9co 7 „ Plymouth Gate to Blaokbrook Gate I -I 't 6?0 „ 8 „ Trebaonog Gate to Aberdare Upper Gate 250 9 „ Aberdare to Abemman Bridwe I. II 4501 ,'i 10 „ Aberaman Bridge to Traveller's Best, excepting the Town >, of Mountain Ash 450 „ 11 „ Quaker's Yard to Ystrad Railway Bridge to 200 „ 12 „ Yøtrad Railway Bridge to Caerphilly II IliO 13 „ Bedwas Bridge to Thornhill 250 „ 14 „ Caerphilly to Nantgarw .«» It HO „ 15 „ Newbridge to Llantrtesant. „ II 250 16 „ Llantriesant to Llaxharran. on the Cowbridge Bead to Bhydalog, and to Tynant on the Cardiff Boad. „ 17 Removing all Road Dirt which may accumulate between Aberdare and the entrance of the New One Works near Aberaman, within 24 hoars of receipt of notice from Constant Lai our er. ———— 52'. 0 Material is to be broken sufficiently erniul to paid by its largest dimensions through a two and a quvter inch guage. and tole perfectly free from dirt; it is to be delivered in such quantities as may be direoted by the Surveyor of the Northern District of Itoa'Js, and piled in the depots on the road side (one yard in height, and either one or two yatda wide), in such plaaes as may be pointed out by the constant labourer on the spot, in readiness for measurement by the time named for its delivery on such surveyor's ord-r. which order ahull always be sent to the contractor at leist a fortnight before the day named for delivetiug bush material. Tin contractor must, at his own expense, remove all m&terials to the road after it ii measured, in all cases wheie the portion of the road to be metalled shall ex- ceed 50 jarus from the depot. Observe.—All persons desirous to Tender must do so upon a Printed Form of Tender, which will be supplied (post freej on application to the Surveyor. The name of a person prepared to become a security for the due performance of the contraot to aooompany each Tender. „ For further particulars apply to Mr FREDERICK HAMILTON PHILLIPS, Head Surveyor to the Coutty Roads Board, Neath. June, 1880. 51890 ) ) ~i,. i 11412, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. Q A. STONB, UNDERTAKER, Hearae and Mourning Coeoh Proprietor Qatrioh Plume and General FuraLshinj fcuitablisliment, OABS. BREAKS, fto* ON BIB" iCbe Trade supplied with Hearses. Ooaohes, and tTet requisite tor Funeral Punishing. On j I mHE OLD SEED WAREHOUSE, JL No. 6, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. WILLIAM THOMAS (Late J. S. Matthews), NURSERYMAN, FLORIST, AND SEEDSMAN. Fruit and Forest Trees, Shrubs, fcc. Pots and Ornamental Ware, and all requisites for Garden Purposes. Wedding, Table. and Other BOUQUETS CUT TO ORDER at the shortest notio UTEAM DYEING AND SCOURING to.:) WORKS. NELSON-TERRACE, CARDIFF. J. s. HOBBS, PROPBIETOB. Damask, Moreen, and Rep Window Curtains, Silks, Shawls, and Draseea of every desoriptiou CLEANED, DYED, Acd finished in a superior STYLE. Gentlemen's ClotheB cleaned and returned in 24 hoarf. 49890 0ARD1FF gTEAM J^AUNDtiY MOIBA TERRACE. Thorough effioievoy and attention guaranteed])under New Proprit tors hip. and str:ot punctuality in sending home Washing on the dayerequireti. List of prices for private families on application. Hotels ana Schools at reduced charges. ■n f„r Collections MONDAYS and TUESDAYS, iSlol S^ :-FRWAYa ^d fATlTROAVS. proprietor EUGENmS EDWARDS. 35299 w Ho,s GRtFFITHS THE SAF5S „ a.nnTiri.hind Fire-proof Safes. Gr^^GRIFFITHS Efeve the 'oUowijJgSAFES by chlt. Strong Room, cost ^,tor«»wJ Milner 008t ig80> (or -VQOf^^wifch drawers, patent look, fW J fifty 24-inch Wlta «usii "» „„ „ four keys to each, £ 3 W.; fifty fltty 80-irch, for £ 4 4s. j 8ixty3o-moh(htto, horn £ 5 5,. Tbe cheapest and best ever oflered vO the p^cne, ais^ stock ot Seoond-handIron f?om«, party vraUs. or tliosa to ^vide w^.hoa^s 3 ior,e.very purpose, at one-third tho pnoe Ot n >-■ c^ot In evory re^ncot. Price List GRIFFITHS & SON3> and 48, CANNON STREET, E.,0. JEBTABLISHBD 1850. i>)c CrBJ^BOU8ES. VINERIES, OU^N- BERVATORIES, FORCING HOUR'S Pities and Estimatorf 91 Portable Garden Fic P f.1.ut Caees, and an oatagonai Conaecvs.- \TT A Silo. OT-WATEH APPARATUS Brectfld for Warming Baildmg-g of every description. Upwards of 1,100 ap Son r? aIe now afc work. includi:> r Horticulturol Builfiin^ W ch»pela. 100 Scb -Is. Mansions, Warehouses. Offloea. 4c. V I N O E N T I N N V T? STOKcS CROFT. BRlSPOL B 'sccSa rnpfS'S Sugaring i ,and when mads ot 'ho consistence of coffee, it is eve cm CHOCOLATE tiaDy an afternoon ChooolaU fcoid only in packets labelled JiKES EPPS and CO., HomrconitMc ESSENCE. Chemists, London, s+'iKfd WESTERN MAIL-^GCTARANTSED LARGESf OMCCLATIO* PREPAID SOALE OF SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS :roR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ADVERTISEMENTS,ONLYJ 8ITITATIOKS WJlHTID. I MOKET AH SITUATIONS^ OFTXSXS^ I PABTZTSBSH WASTED, APABTMEKT8 TO L*T, I BUSINESSES FOB SAU. AFAKTUXHTS WASTXD, | LOST AITS FOUHD. AFAKTUXHTS WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. MISCBLLANEOUS WANTS. SOTSES.SHOPS.OFFICES.PTBUO-HOUSES TO LET OR BEIX. SPECIFIC ARTICLES FOB BAtJC BY PBIVATE COKTBACT. It not paid fort.m ladvanoe the ordinary credit rate will be charged Six Inaer WESTERN MAIL tions in Woraa' One Three I Six ^lieuf Insertion, Insertions. I-neartioms, Weekly. s. d. o. d. e. d. b. 18 6 10 16 20 27 a 1 6 2 3 3 0 36 1020 30 40 45 13 2 6 39 50 54 16 30 46 60 63 19 36 53 70 72 20 40 60 80 81 23 46 69 90 Eaoh lino < 9 words 3 6 I 9 1 0 extra. ^chol £ SJfo. I ^P^ENMAlHsHiP^^ Wellington P terrace. Teaches Ladie., and Gentlemen's Writing in Seven lessons. No new ] upils after 20th inst. nlO T~0 HEADMASTERS"AND PRINCIPALS OF T ECHoOIS.—The irrenck and German Master of the Abergavenny Grammar School is desirous of meeu- ing with an additional Engagement. Highest testi- monials and references.—Address Monsieur Ruinart, Cantrefl House, Abergavenny. 4881nl5 DUCATION.—Eight Guineas per term, inclusive. Vacancies for Boarders in superior school, resident foreign governesses, visiting professors. Preparation for examinations. Large residence in extensive grounds, and e»ery advantage of a country home. Motherly care. Reference to clergy, parents ot pupils, and others.—Address Beta, S. Gray, Esq., Mansfiild Hoase, Leamington. 50750 IKasical. MUSIC.—Lessons in Pianoforte, by an experienced M Teacher, to children or adults. Term", One Guinea per quprter for two half hour lessons a week.- S, S.. 3. Feter etreat. Raa.th. 4608n9 SUNDAY or Temporari Duty desired on and after 4th inst; plain service; strong voice; between Cardifl and Chepstow preferred; good references — LL. B.. Chilloott.'g Library. Brigtol, 4610 >9 eømatt¡: :»"blnl. -nuo. ANTED. Cooks, £ 30 to £ 35 t Housemaids, £ 18 to £ 20; Parlourmaids, about £ 20 and £ 25; Nurses, about *20 and all found; Governesses, £ 30 to £ 40; ia gentlemen's families. Comfortable home for tervants until BPited.—Apply or send stamped envelope to Mrs Morgan, 13, Reclinghouse street, Portland placs, London, W. 6176o jUtailtotn lituiml (TTANTED, immediately, a Forewoman for tbe fj Dress and Mantle Making Business. None but an experienced person need apply.—Address MM W. E. Dodd, George street, PontypooL 4617nl0 t WANTED, on a Gentleman's off Farm, a good Farm Labourer, must be a good cattle nun, &rd understand all kinds of farm work. Wife a good poultry woman.-Apply to the Farm BailiB, Ynyalas, Glyn Neath. 4346pp ^fitpgttgna TOatifalie A WELL EDl/CATED, respectably connected Young Lady requires a Situation in some Light Business, baa had experience in Grocery and Coofee- tienery; has thorough business habits, and sure to give satisfaction; highest references.—Miss Diviea, Pout office, Llandrindod, Radnorshire. 4595a9 ANTED, Be-engagement as Farm UaUitt. W Thoroughly understands his daMes.—AddreM W., Halfway Honae, XJantillto Croeaeny, Al, n 4826&16 10 BUTLDERS, COKTBACTOR8, *c.—A practical Joiner seeks a Be-engagement as General Fore- man;held similar situation over four years; several years' experience in all branoheB connected with tho building trade.—Address L, Post effioe, Portb, olamcrgaushire. Ammein, .rabd1erl. WANTED, Agents for an Industrial Assurance VV Company for South Wales. Salary and com. mission to tried men. Address, with stamped en velope, to Manager. 6. St. John's square, Cardiff. 8032 PURCHASING Agent Wanted at Cardiff, by an old established Brewtiy, produoing tbe highest class of Stroi: g, Palo, and Family Ales and Stout. Unrivalle 1 for quality and price. Liberal terms.-Appl,y Brx 1, Redolitfe Post Office, Bristol. 517^c BIRMINGHAM Goods for Auctioneers, Shop, B keepers, Hawkers or Athletic Sports. Ilius- ted Wholesale Catalogue post free.-Apply Henry May. 806. Birmingham. 5106c Mi A AGEftCY.—A considerable increase to income may be at once secured by selling our celebrated Teas (in packets or loose). Liberal profits allowed. No risk. No licence required. Write for particulars to the Asam Tea Company, 132, Upper Thames Btreet, London. Established 1834. 6U7o tPmntgea. &c«. to let> TO Let, St. Katherine Villa, Castle road, containing 2 parlours, kitchen, 6 bedrooms, bath, dto.—Apply Thomas Webber, 32, Royal Arcade, Cardifl. 4575o ITtOtt Sale or to Let, Large Yard, Workshops, and -lJ Offioes, late in the occupation ot Mr. Waterman, for coach building. Also Two Semi-detached Villa3 in Lucas-street, Cathaya.-Apply to Mr. Thomas Webber, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 32, Royal Arcade, Cardifl. 4156c Sonus, lind, kt to Sfsit BRECONSHIRE.—To be Sold, a pretty Freehold Pre j erty, consisting of 56 awes of land, with a email villa residence, stabling, &o., within a mile of a market town, railway itation, and River Uak. —l or particulars apply to Mr James Hall, Cae Prior, Brecon. 517 5o .41.- tas, TWO Farms, Herefordshire and Pembrokeshire, f ir Sale at low prices, or Letting. Z. Saadwith, 67, High street, Wandsworth. 4755nis SttstnSzea for StaptoasU SECONDHAND Furniture Bu^inesiTToT^Dispoaal. S Stock optional. Incoming atio. Including gas fittings. outside blind, large signs, &o. Double front. E ent £27. Established trade.—Stephens, Upholsterer, 2, Deanery road. Etristol, 4660nio Son»s><lcrn £ ges»lit!s "wk.a E. SEVERAL L'ght, strong, useful Business Carts suitable for butchers or groosrs for Sale.—F S' mes, Talbot Yard, St. Mary street. Cardifl. 4S76nl0 ^ibROPSHIRn, DOWN LAMBS.—ior atle, II.bJI1G o SO firat olus Wethtr Lambi. Bred by and the property of Robert Waters, Esq., Sarnau, St. lear's. 462909 >OACHBUILDEBS and WHEELWKlumS t Lance wood shafts, bent timber, axlee, springs and ironwork, carriage trimmings, lamps, Jto. T. E. Stone, Coach Factor. Bristol, 188dtv, JR tarpl InnpTOSt ti^OR bale, the Brig "Warkworth Cistle," ot Nortl Jj Hhields, now in the West Bute Dook, CirdJf, dii-charginit oargo of grain from Anstrsiha She is AI, 269 tons register, carries a large cargo on light drangh* of wstt-r,- F. r price and further particulars apply to Cal), ain Tuck on b atd, ar to Harrison Bros, and Moor., Do-. k Chambers, t.arditt. 48S3al5 < 117a !J Harmonium, two manu tip, only ?25, aboat; JL hnif io*r. th'tkenugUrind Square Fiauo, of ricii urd powtiful tone, oflered far jei2. Several Cottar) Piai ioa returned from hira ottered for less than ha.if price. A goid tevpn guicei Alexandre Haruioniun equut to rei-, C4 1 he cheapest House for New and free* nd-bnid Piat os. Organs, and Harmoniums. LI»r. free, with full pfcrncuK-r^.—Thompson and Shanke<l'« Mn^-i*' Wuretouee, Carditl. 35055d g <OTTAGE Piano, £ 20; another £ 18. worth double equal to new, <ull eonipasa. A large stock of Second h-nnd Fianoa, Atriori«nn Ot'gana aad Harmoniums, also now rustrumf<nba by Beaadwocd. Collara, Brim.imwd, anci other leaning uiokers _ver." cheap for cash, pr on eaav term') on two or fchfoei years' MSteoi, frooi 10s. montlily.—Thomiwoa and fctadokou's Musio Warehouse, Tredegar g ju«e, Tecby. 350.:>J:j T r UtKMAN Piano, in blscS. and gold Ocine, ou th'. |\ overstrung prinoiplo, with b.) >t actioiu and ol! iimirovenieuta, £34 cash. or on thu throe years' system, a perfect drawing-room"Pianotorte. WolaucPianoa, iii. nig fa a, Haimoniunis and American Orsrr ub tram '.0a rru.rt'ljlv" Harps, £ 10, £ 15, £ 2t. Ageuta fo;J. Brimsm. i „ L,„.a «oid Modal Pianos.-»Thompaon and Snack^-l, tilVail 112. Commercial street, Newport, AIoix. 3S053d A I EXANDRB Harmonium in Oak Case, perfect ,ifir SA cost seven guineas; also, a throe stop Bix guineas, in imitation rosewood tSStoai, 'Organ, f* snb-bBss. 1C^ taSed! wptir^aud of hire asd 0? Muew it 2d. «ob. l.jsJ ^^P^S ^okeli. 6i, St. Mary^ec,- Cardifl. — —o- ahnrtGrind, beetOertnvn make £ 75, Hfct^ Se^ rLouSy; Walnut Cottog,. ccat tnj guiuwo i;i.a tone. Piaroa re- full ocmpafcs.ljaii £ 21, and upwards, by turned f|-om tiro Harmoniums from best^kers inexofcllent Violins, Aooor- £ 4. A fcplend<d b Ook a^noe. iu gbook at the SSSSt bwansea. Y OVB pS M3d lifetime free «k o C street, Biowi.rojd, »rAdford, Yorkshire, so ABKHDEFN Granite Monuments, from £ 5, oam«ge tree insoriptions accurate and beautiful^-lans .mi prices Le.^ge, Sou f^tor, Aberdeen. Jiooohll ^otegtarpe IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND ALL CLASSES.—Money Advanced from &5 upwards, upon ESTABLISHED Stoo4. Crops. Furniture, ft. so., withctit removal.—Apply pereoa- LOAN CFFICB ally, dr by tetter, to the Wert of Es«lsld Lou ana Disooant Office, IN WALES, 2, Bale tgrraoe. Qardf< Instal- ment^ amnged to suit bor- N0 DELAY. rowa^^Nofees iinlnsi the money 1.8 -M- ONEY I MONEY I f.-a to Lent to Clergymen, FaiflMts, Innkeepers, and other responsible persons tor sJSprt or ltng periods at a few hours' notice. Repayable byfeasy instalmonta to suit bor- rower's convenience. Distance no object.—Apply per- sonally, or by letter, to X. flair™*1. Manager, 280, Bute street, CardiS. 32952eto A CAPITALIST oButt* to Seopectabl* Honst* holders, in town Or jxmnfcry, at s day's notion. Cash Aooommodation on ibeft Furniture, without removal, on easy terms ot Wseert and repaymente,— Apply personally or W3 lettiFtoJ* D. Lswia, 4, Calvert. street. Swansea. 3Q381d "PONTMORLAIS LOAN^FFICE, MERTHYR,— J- Money immediately AdHasMad. from £ 5 andanp* 1 waj^8.by Mr. W. R. COHEN, to Tradesmen, House- holders, Farmers, and otheci^rlbSir Stodk-in-Trado, Furniture, &o4 without dBpval (ft tnoonvenlence in any way. Repayable by edHlnstalments. Distanoe no object. All applicatio^fSxinctually attended to; none genuine ruused. lliptiding borrowers will find thsa Office greatly to tlSfcik advantage.—Apply per- sonally or by letter to 20 aivSl. Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil. rf 3710c THE W—t nf EWI.t.* flffan TMsoopjit Com Ipany advanoe Loans, from £ 10 te £ 503, with* c ut delay,to householders, ggntiemen, farmers, builders andothecs. upon notes of h*FIVIeanmi.nh*it'IMhAM Eornitore,, and other snrmritisantrlntnonflilniriTf, Repay. able by easy instalments. JBfcde ^'ii« disooua^ed.— SApply, by letter orpersonalflftoS. Blaiberg, Manager, Bute-terraoe, C&rdjg i m, 44, Oommet«iial-stre6t, ewport, Mon..No feea Koosts* 26Uo QEVERAL Portable^ad^i^d^E^ne^Vwithor kJ without winding gear). Mortar Mills, Saw Beiohes, Centrifugal Pumps. 4a, for Sale, Hire, or Deferred Payment. — Fielding and Piatt. a+.1«i Ironworks, Gloucester. 4,526n15 „„ TANK ENGINES. 11 VULCAN FOUNDRY COMPANY (Limited) NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS. LANCASHIRE, have Hew Eiwines, ready for delivery in ten days, of the fcl- lowing dimensions, viz. r—11 iqab. 12 !»•»>», and 14 inch cylinders, four wheels ooupled j 12 inch cylinders, six Won.6 ooupled ^-Prioee and Photographs on apraka* 'nhlitIdt01tl. lW.U3TS.TfiD, niStaSSTSM^ •" t«- >-700 37, Southampton atreet. Strand. London. -5163c GUARDIAN, AND ■A. JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. 49, ESSEX STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Some of our correspondents continue to address 5, Bouverie street, Fleet street. The> Publisher begs aspeotfuUy to call their attention to new address as aoove, and to remind advertisers that orders should be received not later than Thursday morning, N.B.-No reduction from advertised scale. 5128o N E X.T O y k I N A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX (au.000 names guaranteed) to Advertisements for Next ot Kio. Ghanoery Heirs, Legatees, Ac., from 1700. 2s. 84. by Post-offioe Orter. Address -W. CULLMER, 17, Southampton buildings. Chancery lane, London. W.C. 44020 "Y DjrWTSOGAETR." PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. puT on PENNY, « XT DTWrSOQAETH" has a verv JL extensive circulation, being either pouted to Subscribers or sold by Agents in almost EVERY TOWN AND HAMLET North and South Wales. It is not a Local, but a „v NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, gidegpread cinmlatean mosgat the Clergy! MannHwiiiumfc Tgadeamen. Advertla^rs nwy ft-Trtttn iinin medium whereby their anW^^aST^ Q^^lyperu*ed in every oonnty thtomghout All orders, 110., to be forwarded to the PublWierv. T Dywvsogaeth Office, Rhyl Flintshire. AS JJ ALL AND Q O COAL AND COKE MERCHANTS, 4, MO k r-STREET, SWANSEA, Are now offers, :^ST HOUSB OOAL at the follow ng Reduced Pricee Beat Large Red Ash Ooal „ 13s. 8d. per toa delivered. Thro* „,12e. 6d. M Second Quality Large lis. 6d. „ Delivery at Mount Pleasant and Sketty if la. pea ton extra. Orders received at the above address, at 2, Brooklant Villas, Constitution Hill, and at 43, Wilham street. ggElWW'te ft'XARQE. gW &TASOd: T i Y-e STARCH! 0-1 grnra H-taeoh; o 41 ^TliTFS BTAaCHJ I (gTIFFS STARCH Is specially anitable for COLLABS, WBI8T. BANDS. SHIBT FBOMT8, Am., imparting a JSKAITtlFUL GLOSSY BUBFACBto thoM Article*, and making the Lint n look like new. The GENUINE ABTICJE is Sold by Grocers, Druggists, tmi 'oilmen, in lib. boxes and 61b. papers, ear b box or packet healing the Trade Mark*- Queen Bess." STIFF JO. W, BF,nCI.lFJi' STREET. BUISTOI1 JMPORTANT NOTION Mr. JAMES ANDREWS, Photographic Artist, re speetfully almotuices that he has the entire Stock <( Photogiaphie Negative Plates taken by himself. nuns- beriDg IhotttandB cf Portraits of tho Living and the Departed; at so the Negatives produoed by Messrs. Goldican. Reynolds, Hoptics and Hicic, 3. Chapman, Caney. and Lee Brothers, formerly of i-w.-osea. Copies of the above, either the original size, Cabinet size, or Enlarged for Framing, oan be had on ap >l;oation to PHOT n „ ANDREWS. P ?->°Z-P ?u KA P H 1 c ARTIST, n^ (Opposite th.j Royal Institution, Swansea). Cartes, Cabinets, and other Portraits taken dsily, a& usual. 457Ko 'R^JvF-Ffv! PB WE PERISH. tnhB m a Invalid wiio continues A School of Calomel, Arsenic, and mineral drug*, but relief ia at hand in the Herbal World, Send for an ILLUSTRATED Forei*" a*d Native HeLroJ pr™ tions, contaiang a full deacription of many Herbal IRKF"28 POST PiTn s.nt POol PAID, with ILLUSTRATE > SHAKESPEARIAN ALMANAC. These Herbil liemeiiies cure Consumption, Bronchial AiTestions, Gem ral aud J.03&.1 Debility, Epilepsy. Scrofula, Lirer Complaints, ko., without ths possibility of a fiilure. Applicants in iy give short description of their case. Address, PROF O. PHELPd EROWlf. a, King street, Civent (Jnden. Londcn. LUXURÎANT HAIR, WHISKERS, AND, MOUSTACHIOS. ELLEN GRAHAM'S KIOUKRENE Has been acknowledged for 50 years as the only real Producer of Hair; it will not injare the skin. Prioe 2s. 6d., of all chemists i Wholesale agent", Barclay, Newbery, Sarger and Co., london. Bent free by peat by Mies GRAHAM, 14. Hand court, Holborn, London, TESTIMONIAL NO. 2.178- l!Ma^amel-P]eaEe serd me at.othe^^ofTou, ° ene" My whiskers are growing very nicely.— J. t. OLLIKSON, lor* street, E. 6088c y/DILLiAEl) BALLS, JT~ Chalks, Cues, and Tips, at ISrSarrfa 'KENNIQ BEOS'. Ivory Works, 1'• High street, London, W.C. Cheapest house iu the trade for dr A faffiB Billiard Table Requisites ana Ivory Goods in general. Oid balls ad- just-ed or exohanged, and tables recovered. Prioe iilsts qn application. Established 1862. PBIOB'S BILL-POSTING AND ADVERTISING AGENCY. (ESTABLI SHKD 1848). OWIOM-38, WIHDv8TBBET SWANSEA. _MANAam-F. S. BROWN* MICHAEL PA 1 N 15 BILL POSTER, TOWN CRIER. Ao„ 17. DEAN STREET. ABHtDAfeHT Regs to inform the Publio and Trad ah men in general that he BENTS some of the ,a LARGEST POSTING STATIONS In South Wales, and is ready to Reoeive Orders for £ 08t|icg,&c., iu Aberdare, Aberaman. and district. li.&-C,ontrset,s made. rioe list on application JONES BROTHERS, PRINCIPAL BILL-POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH-STREET, NEATH, AND ERITONFERRY, Circulars Addressed and Delivered. BiU-poeters to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways, and toe Principal Auctioneers. LMeeat of tbe Principal f|y~S~T ATE AQBNOy" Mr. FINLAY DUN cor dusts the Bale. Purchase, and Management of Land Property, carries out Drain- ing, Roadmaking, the Construction of Farm Premises, and other Estate Improvements, and Valuations and Arrangements with Tenants. A register kept of estates and farms to sell and let. Estate Offices: 8, Portland place, London, W. WEEKLY MAIL ,„a IjAMQXn aSGUfcAIHMr IKWAHB pitMIc ^ttmsmmlse CARDIFF THBATBB tLBA, B 0 T A L WOOD-STREET, OAKDOT, Leasee„rMr. WA DAW I Sole Manager Mz.&BDLWM LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF PRESENT SEASON. UNPRECEDENTED bUCCESS Of the celebrated American Artistes, MR AND MRS GEORGE S. KNIGHT, Supported by their ta'ented Company of DRAMATIC ARTISTE ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE, ROARS OF LAUGHTER And unmistakable marks of approve! greet these talented Comedians each Eveniag. MOST DLCIDED TRIUMPH EVER ACHIEVED AT THIS THEATRE. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, JULY 9, AT THIS THEATRE. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, JULY 9, Mr and Mrs Knight w;U appear in a Comedy Drama, specially written tor them, and performed upwards of 1.000 times in America and over 300 times in the United t. Kingdom, entitled pPnoTT TO, A GERMAN. Tr> | Mr E. BU1. WEit will address a few remarks NIGHT J eonootning past and future engage- Krvrrrv I The THEATRE w5l RE-OPEN on JNUIlCt. | MONDAY, July 26. Doors open 7.SO. Commence 8. Carriages 10.20. Prioes: Drees Cirole. SL I Pit Btutla, JM. i Pit. IS.. Gallery, 6d.. Second Prioe, 9.15, Circle and Stalls only. Bex Plans and Tickets at Hr. Win. Lewis's, DIU" street. SW ANSEA, I "VTEW ~THEATRE,-W1ND~STREET. j3| DIBECTOE—A. MELVILLE. To-Night (FRIDAY), La6t Representation of the Sensational Drama. LIFE IN THE MIGHTY CITY. Meesrs EMM, MURRAY, and FULL COMPANY. After which THE THREE SISTtRS BLANCHE Will appear for the Last Time but One. Conclud'rjg with Wilks's Comedietta, SUDDEN THOUGHTS. EMM and Company. JOHNSTON, MILES, AND CO., CABDIPP, IMPORTERS OF 4MERICAK & CANADIAN PRODUCE ABE OFFERING FIVE HUNDRED TUBS FINEST CREAMERY, AND FIVE HUNDRED TUBS STATE DAIRY B U TT IS R. 141 HEAD PRIME AMERICAN CATTLE, ON ARRIVAL OF S.B. "DOURO" AT AVONMOUTH DOCK, BRISTOL. I AMERICAN MEAT MARKETS 35 & 36 COMMERCIAL STREET, I NEWPORT 9. BRIDGE STREET CARDIFF. I 32, HIGH STREET' SWANSEA, 5, STEPNEY STREET. LLAHKLLY. 4If.1!IIMIIIf BUTTER. BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER f BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER SPECIALLY GOOD VALUE, 10D TO 14D PER. LB. 1 BUTTER I BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER BUTrER BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER. R: STEWART & CCX5 proprietors, ILL POSTING — PHILLIP R JAMES. TBEOR&Y, having taken to the buainJ^ of Mr. Alfred J. Jones (late of Treorky). as Brr? POSTER and Rhondda Valley Crier, trusts t-h.iv strict attention to business aid fair SX S v$ merit the support and patronage of all Rents aiiTL principal Postm* Stations in the K.hond4a Vall«.~| 9" ESTERN MAIL, W V THE IEADIXQ PALLY rATNB 1 WAIIJI 31itsurna Clampanitl, &t. MIDLAND COUNTIES vil INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE, LIFE, AXD HAIL. Established 1851 WEST CF EyGLAND BRANCH-NICHOLAS STREET, BRISTOL FIRE,—Insurances accepted at Moderate Rates. LIFE.-Special Advantages in this Department.; The Next Bonus to be declared as at March, 1882. Prospectuses-end al linformation may be obtained on application to the above Branch Office, or to the fol- lowing Agents of the Company:- CARDIFF J. M. Haime, 4, FeMaot Phoe. Bute Docks. W. F. Gillett, Church street Chambers. W. D. Jones, 38, St. Mary street. NEWPORT. E. J. Smith, Gt. Western Railway, Bridgend D. R. Phillips. Union street. Pontypool .M. F. J. Wall, Auctioneer. Pontypridd. E. H. Davies, Pentre, Auctioneer. B. VICKERS, Secrotary. Head Office—Lincoln, April, 1880. 5061c 1 OSS OF TIME IS LOSS OF. MONEYtf ■ —ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF TIME, and may.be provided against by a policy of the RAILWAY PABSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, the oldest and largest Aocidental Assuranoe Company. Right Hon. Lord EINNAIRD, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £ 1,000,000. Moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to insurers of five years' standing, A fixed sum in case of death by aocident, and a weekly allow. ance in the event of injury. ONE MILLION AND A HALF has been Paid as Compensation.—Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or M, Cora hill, London. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent for CardiJI-Mr. W. Willans, n. Henry street, Decks. n Bridged-Mr. W. E. Bradshaw, G. W. Rail way Station. 82970k pHCENIX FIRE OFFICE Lombard-street and CUar'_ .croea, London.—Estat- lished 1782, Prompt and liberal Loss Settlements. lasuruoes effected in all parts of the wotld. JOHN J. BROOMFIELD, Secretary. GLAMORGAN BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY.) OIFICES 20, QUEEN STREET CARDIFF. MONET READY TO BE ADVANCED from £ 100 to £ 3,000 on MORTGAGE of HOUSES and LAND, re- payable by easy Fortnightly or other subscriptions, which include interest and principal and may be paid oØ at 80 days' notice at any time. Apply to Mr. Be EMERY. Secretary. 84508d J. JJEWTON & COMPANY, TAILORS AND BREECHES MAKERS, 13, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF 85462 SEVe PRIZE MEDALS Awarded to 0 GOODALLTi HOUSEHOLD SPBCIALTIEB A single trial soliaifced from theu who have loa yet tried these preparations. Q.OODALL'S YORKSHIRE RELISH The most delicious Bauoe in tbe World. Dutches Hot Joints, Stewa, Chops. Fiahi he With Soup it is charming. Blends admirably with aH Gravies. Makes Cold Meat a Luxury. Makes the plainest viands palatably Tha Wirt— if.ll.im. A great addition to QhsSsa, JlTeq diah 18 improved by its additioi^ Epicures ptonontfee it the Best Bauoc, Beware ot OotoaraMe TmltaWons. CACJTlOK.—It navin* oom« to our .knowledge that an imitation of our celebrated Sauoe, the Torkshirs Relish, is being palmed upon Purchasers, we beg that they will insist upon having the only genuine Yorkshire Relish, bearing a Label with the Trade Mark, s "W m Pattern Plate," and our name, "GOODAU. BACZHOVBB. and Co., LXXDS," with a protecting Label over the stopper. We are sorry that respectable Tradesmen should lend themselves to sub as imposture for the sake of a little extra profit. Sold by Grooera, Oilmen, Chemists, lie.. in bottles, teL. Is., and 2a. each. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, and OO, Leeds, OODALL S BAKING POWDER, Awarded Seven Prix* Medals (01 Buperici Quality. Tbe best in the world. Defiea oosparlsoa. Makes delicious puddings without SMS, pUln without butter, and beautiful light bread without yeast. One trial will oonvfnoe the most sceptical of its superiority over others. £ okl by Grooera, Oilmen, and Chemists, fte,, GOODALL'S QOIN1N9 WINS, Is invaluable fo» mdigestion, nervousnees. gout, rheumatice, *0. A wine glseaful twice or three times a day will be found both grateful and efioacteus In all eases in which a oordisl tonic is required, tar superior to ahem and bitters or bitter beer. Scud by Grooers. te. at la. Is. 1W. Is, ud 2e.8a.pn bottle.—Prepared by GOODALL. NAOKHOmS. and 00. Leeds. g lOODALL'S CUSTARD POWDER \J| for making delicious oostarda without eggs. less time and at half the price. Jelicious to Plum Pudding and Jam Tarts. Delicious to Stewed Rioe and all kinds of Fruit, Delicious to Everything, Delicious alone. Give it a triaL—Sold in boxes. Id. and Is, each. by Grooers, Chemisu, fco. Plsoarea by GOODALL. BACKHOUSE ■ad QO^ White Horse street Leeds, (O OODALL 3 GINGER BEER POW. vff DER makes 'three gallons of the beet Gingu Beer in the world for threepence Invaluable to* prodacbiga delicious and invigorating bsvemgei possessing valuable medioinal properties, therebj rendering it tbe most wholeeome and- perfect •everage. ever discovered tor bjth wintu and sonuner' use, ia eeaily made, and aoknow> ledged the* best and aheapest Bold in Packets 8d. and 6d. each, by all Grooeau Che. mirts. Ac. PrcpKefcors, GOODALL. BACR. HOnSK. and CO., white Horse street, I OODALLB MUSHROOM KETCH. '-Ji- UF. i Confidently reootnmended to all true lovers at. the Fore Mushroom. Prepared' by a special Steam Prooees from the PUSlf JUICJCprodueing aFtnx awd BioH txAvooxxo KjrroHep, noriralleti for its OKEAX BXMssTs, rmtioi PDKITT, IIDd pasuBFAssxp FLAVotra. Bold in bottles at H. Is., and 2s. eaohby Grooers, Oilmen, *0. PrepMed Oo, Whtie Oo, Whtie ^lOODALL'S EGG POWDER, aZ V-* knowledged to be the only real sabstitute .cretRfS yet disooverad. Its action on Oakes* Paddings, fca., resembles that of ths tlfJ UI. every particular, enriching them m OOJOtU and iiarour, rendering them moot wholesome and nutritioas. One penny packet will go as tar as toaz eggs, and oaa ■jxp«nnT tin aa ap twenty-eight. Mold everywhere, in Id Packets; 14 and 18 TiDI. By Grooets, Oil-on. Cheodsts. to. Shippers and the Trade supplied by the Bole Pro 2ACKH0UBB, and OO, Whiti Horee .tteet" Leeda. <400DAU/8 BRUNSWICK BLAOH jf for Pahiticg Stoves, Grates, Iron Tia, *0 xhia invaluable composition is superior to any yet odered to the publio, posaeeaing great Srllliancy. and thoroughly protecting the articles it is applied tvHBold^ in EokUatTat «d sad la. eaoh. Proprietors. GOODALL. BAdCBOPBK. and CO. 10ODAIiL BLANO MANGEiPOW. I DER is acknowledged bv 'all to be the moet convenient and eoonomioal preparation ever iattoduced. U, by its, qme. a most rich *and delictou* Blano ManM y, produced inia tew,minatws,,at a trifiin* ooat It is rapidly coming into general oae* entirely the old method of'preparing them, <3 had of various flavours. s.«.. Raspberry, Strawberry Lemon, Almond, and Vanilla. A single trials^ sufioe to.jpronoujuoe it more than satisfactory Sold inxPaoketa ed. and Is. eaoh. by. Grooera" otiTn^. Chemists, Italian Warehousemen. Ship Store rffii to. Prepared by GOODALL. BAOEBaM»^fc^??, White Horse street, Lacdsi Go,, AGENTS IN WALEK; Arkell, H„ 1C1, Bute roadTbaxdifL LeonartandCo^a^S^rt^J*. BristoJ Mcrtham. J. oTand C^ ESh^fBU^ AAKman, Redolifla WiW( Phillips and Sons, Taytoiand CoJ Arthurs. B^, Walter's road, Swansea. Hwris. E. US, Hi*h street, MssMMii sgj^aga'sB^ 00-'B A P|AN1EL OWSN *OOM A B Q JL/ RAILWAY TIM* *ABUB, the onlj fablished in Wales, price ld. Ss, feg kM bypoe*. 8t.aawSfrest OardiW w Vl/WERN MAjL. V W MOST INFLUKNTIAL PiPMrawiT.^i THE BRIDGE, OOWBRTDGE, BOAR- I'lNG and DAY SCHOOL.-The Miaaes LLEW- ELLYN will Resume their School Duties Anjust 2. 46c6eto "]% RS. S. J. DAYIES'S SCHOOL RE- -ATX OPENS THURSDAY, July 2a, 1880.-14, Dumfries place, Cardiff. 4805 RKOLD COLLEGE, WOOD- LANDS, Principal: Rev. B. WILLIAMS, M.A., B.D. The Quarter oommenoed on WEDNESDAY. April 7. 34823d ST. MAKY'S HALL, 12 and 14, PARE GROVE. CARDIFF. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR T0U2TG LADIES. Conducted by Mr. and Mrs, BIMP30S, Certi&sxtad Teachers, Terms on application. SCHOOL DUTIES will be RESUMED on MON DAT, July 26. 5187a pJIGH CLASS EDUOATION. SEDLAND PARE, BRISTOL. Ile frinofpal-Mr. CITA RT, BIGG, Apgisted by a very efficient Staff of English and Foieign Rteiaent Masters, receives a limited number of Pupils, who are thoroughly prepared for Professional or Commercial Lite. Terms Moderate and Inclusive. The course of stucy comprises every branch of the most liberal Education, successful preparation for University, Army, Navy, Medical, Legal, Civil Ssrvioe, and other Examinations without extra charge. Additional Premises have been erected. New Gjmnastic Apparatus, Boys' Library (1,000 voiames), Playroom, Cricket and Football Clubs, and Xxnocein appliances. The premises aie large, well furnished, situated in one of the healthiest neighbourhoods, and in every refpeot very suitable for a school. A great number of the Pupils have been suooesstol in Public Examinations. There is a Preparatory Department for Young Pupils. Great caM is taken with backward and delicate boys. Prospectuses, References, Examination Lists, and Fall Particulars are forwarded on application to the Principal. 31818 IJALMEJtikTON HOUSE SCHOOL JL ROBS. CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Beys prepared for Oxford and Cambridge Examinationa PREPARATORY SCHOOL For little boys, conducted by Ladies. MR. EVANS, PrincipaL iterm oommenoed Jan. 12,18SO. fmto r A DIES' SEMINARY, BOUGHROOD IL HOUSE, BRECON. Miss BUCK, in acknowledging the kind confidence for so mazy je^rs placed in her by Friends who have entrusted their daughters to her care, begs to state that she continues to oter the advantages of a h "me and cf carefully superintended instruction in English and Foreign Languages, with the usual acoom liahmenta. Resident Engliihand Foreign Governesses. Miss Buck will be prepared to raoeive her pupils July 27,1880. There will be one or two Vacancies for Boarders. Boughrood House, Brecon, June, 1880. 5174o TTTEisTFIELD HOUSE, GLOU- Y T CESTER. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPAL MRS. G. M. LEO. AS511 TED BY AN EFFICIENT STAFF OF RESIDENT GOVERNESSES AND HIGHLY QUALIFIED MASTERS. Exceptionally beautiful and healthy situation in the oountry, one mile from Gloucester. Grounds, tw? acres and a half. The system of instruction is adapted to the ourricu. lum prescribed for the various Local (Junior, Senior, and Higher) Examinations, the University of London, the Trinity College (Mumc), and the Souin Kenaingtoa Examinations. The Study of Musio (Theoretical and Practical) forms a cistnguisbing feature of the School, and in the last Musio Examinations by Trinity College nine pupils took high honours, the Agar- sixth, and seventh prizes having been gained by tham.. Drawing also receives especial attention.' The modern larguages are taught by Herr G. JIlL Leo, Professor of Modern Languages, and every facility is afforded for the thorough study of French and German. For prospectus, with view of house, and terms, which are moderate, apply to the Principal. Half Term commences on MONDAY, June 14,1830. Pupils can enter at any time. ASSSo IScUia, jiittfafl Room. &t. NEWPORT. THE "GOOB CHEER" C 0 F FEE PALACE, LLANARTH-STREET, The only House in Newport where the principles of the Ccfiee Palace movement are carried out in their entirety RECREATION AND READING ROOMS FOR MEN. SEPARATE RECREATION ROOM FOR BOYS. REFRESHMENTS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THI LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. TEA, OCfrFEE, AND OOOOA, ONE PENNY PER COP. THE "GOOD CHEE R," LLANARTH-STREET. "ECONOMIC FOOD" SUPPLY. DINNERS Are Served Every Day from 12.80 to 2.30. Note the Prices r 4D, 6D, AND 8D. Tcrcperanre Drinks of every kind One Penny per Glass, GOOD BEDS, from 6d. per Night. BILLIARDS. 5188c T. HORNE, MASASEB. LONDON. ASHLEY'S HOTEL, HENRIETTA- J:3L STREET, CO VENT «ATmip^ This well-known Family Hotel, which is situated In the very eentre of London and its attractions, has bees re-built and newly tarnished throughout, and is now one of the most homely and oomfortable Hotels in the Metropolis. Notwithstanding the increaasd eomtarts and aooonunodaHoo. the same low rate at for which the Hotel has so long been noted will ie GOD- tinued. LADIES' COFFEE ROOK. BILLIARDS. rill AXT,LL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL, situate in the most open put of the WasT Stbavd, close to the THXATBES* OraaAS, BSL|jl and Objects of Interest. Apartments, ^■^■RSKz 2s. 6d.; Drawing-Room, with Bed- Room en suite, 10B. 6d., Us. 6d» Service, Is. 6d. The Private Apartments are an atttts, the double Coffee-Booms for families and gentlemen well arranged, with entranoes to Billiard and Smoke-Rooms. Cuiitinl excellent."—Vide Aberdeen Journal. j BUBMAN, 9, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, Has the largest and most carefully-selected Stock in the West of England ot GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CHAINS, AND JEWELLER Y.i, SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE, FRENCH AND ENGLISH OLOCKS The Finest Selection out of Londra of WEDDING, KEEPER, FANCY. AND SIGNET RINGS. BURMAN*S Three Guinea Silver English Lever Wat<m, Capped, Jewelled, and Hall Marked, large or email Size, tcr Lady's or Gent's wear, is Warranted for Five yee«, aLd in the only reliable watch ever olle-ed at the price. Crders by Post receive special attention, on3 any Mbde j uictiated oan be exchanged if not approved of. PRICES ON APPLICATION. 9, WINE-STREET I BRISTOL. 35310 1 r ESTABLISHED 1F52 PALMLit AND CO.'a raDEETAiaNG AND puinsEAL FUR- DISHING £ Sl A RTTfiff^ENT. 10, FREDERICK srBEET, P. and Co. beg to i^orof their patrons and the publi generally that the above business will in future be carried on under the title of Palme- ard Co.. «nd trast they may fey un- remitting attention and economy merit the same patronage whioh was extended for *8 years to the late Mr. John Palmer. Charres equallv as low as the advertised prioes of other Firms, e20 nr r WESTERN MAIL, t GUARANTEED LAEGEST CIRCULATION UNRIVALLED LAVERTONT & CO.'S t CmQUALLBD 10 GUINEA ij'i.ITEKSAL CHALLENGE SUITES FOB THE DINING-ROOM. AND DRAWING. ROOM. c -1: f T 7?ry Kioelv Jiniwhed, inCrstonne, uanmsk. or Leather Chill; S"lb: Giap and Coror Brass Nails; Spring rtaScd, wltt. best1 "oyperrd Srsrings comprising UiiC COU ~ii, Eix XiiS, ana Two jti.oY CHAIRS. In solid Malioeiajy, 3olid Oat, or solid Wsinut WacmJ, A Marvel of Cheapness, Warrant^? strong. Well Mads and Serviceable. Drawings, with Patterns for Covering, free per post. ADDRESS, LAYERTON AND CO., STEAM CABINET WORKS, MAaYLEPORT-STREET, I; BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL. Arraiy for the Ne" Illustrated CATALOGUE, containing Engravings and Tiniaeroiit Estimates—tne Lwest and n—Mwiiln in tMmjagt dom—Free by Post for 12 stamper Xnshtcsi 3U)tosBM £ r^ IIII!iId ..J- JUST EETORNED fEOM LOlWOH WITH AN EXTRA LARGE STOCK OF, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, AT IMMENSE REDUCTIONS OF FORMER PRICES. TBE LARGEST STOCK OF & SCARFS AND TIES IN SOUTH WALES. AN EARLY CALL WILL BE WELL REPAID, W. JJORNER AND CO., THE CARDIFF HOSIERS, 27, 29, AKD 31, ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FOR EXPORTATION, QIYIL gEBYIOffj AND I 108 |^«O.OPERATIYE. j co- j CASH .em CASH YMBBUB CREDIT* la Order to meet the requirements of a large OMfe Connection, and to ofier the utmost value for Oatlay, substantial Reductions, as below are now maoe whilst every oare will be taken to maintain the tul value and style of Goods, and thus preserve the reputation which this ifiat-.fc.hTmh UI ndonA during the 1ut 50 years, BAT DEPARTMENT.; CMNT. 0118, rABIB RAPPED HATS 15S. N. II. lei M m III. 84. u. ii h h 14s. 0c1. mi,, lis, II. H M m Us. Od. MM Ul. M. EXTBA. EXTRA QUALITY. 81a. M. mm 18b. lei. FELT HATS 0s. 8cL mm bh M. n n 8s. 8d. 7s. N. M II "H' 10B. 64. 0B. td, n EXTRA QUALITY 12s. Sd. mm lis. 3d. Clerical Hats, College Caps, Livery Hats, aut Silver Laces, Cookades, Straws, Travelling 0118, Leather Hat Cases, feo. Other or intermediate Prioesare subject to ot 10 per Cent. for prompt Cash only. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. HOSIERx of all descriptions by the Beat JIak88, OVERCOATS from 21s. to 46a. DRESSING GOWNS of the Latest Style, SUMMER WAISTCOATS, WATERPROOF OOA28 sad LEGGINGS. BUeH. MAUDS. 81U.WLB.1Io. lID. SHIRTS AND COLLARS. LONG CLOTH SHIRTS, II. &L, 7s. 6d, te. M. ard upwards. ALL LINEN SHIRTS, lOø. 8d. to 16s. 84. NIGHT SHIRTS. 6s. 6cl.. 7s. 6d.. 8a. Ocl. MANCHESTER SHIRTS, fia. 6d. FRENCn CAMBRIC MHIBTS. 7S. ea. OXFORD or INDIA GAUZE SHIRTCa. II. M. FLUi NEL SHIRTS, iDoludiDc CRICXKONG. 10t.<t Us. M., Us. 6cl.. 1!e. 6d. COLLARS, CUFFS, FRONTS, fto, 110.. GLOVES AND FANCY, DENT'S Best Makes in KID and CAPE GLOV 2B. 6d. to 4e. 6d. LADIES Best PARIS KID GLOVES, Xwo Buttons 8s. 6d. to 4a. 6d. LADIES' and GENTLEMErS SILK UMBRELLAS 10s. 6d. to 25s. SILK and CAMBRIC POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS* WOOL AND SILK MUFFLERS. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S CüPS. in reat variety. BRACES, GARTERS, TOWELS, JEWELLERY, and FANCY GOODS. As the Pnoes of the above Goods vary MtOtCint tO style and quality, a unilorit DISCOUNT ot M PE* CENT, will be allowed oil ALL ARTICLES, for prompt Caeh only, inolmive of Gloves, on which it ia wall known that littie profit ia levied, so that these Srrinlos may BOW be considered as being ofiered at Cast Priest jgDWARD rjlHORNLBY 17 AND 18, CLARE BTREEr. BRISTOL. JgAlNES AND jyOLEj MONUMENTAL WORKS, COWBRIDGE ROAD, CANTON CARDIFF. Head S^iies, Ac sent on applanation. Insuriptions Ergravod, Monuments Repaired. Marble Chimney Pieces, Pulpits, Fonts, Sareens. Reredosep, and all kinds ot Church and Cnapel Deoora- bene OD the shortest Lotioo ihe pubiir-, CD applicatios, will find that we can compete both ill Prioes and Execution of Work with any Firm in or out of South Wales. 5132c W. R VAUGHAN AND 00.. 81EAM DyEING AND 800URINQ WORKS j. fi NX>AFF-ROAD. CARDIFF, KTAjtLisxicnrsD CAai>xP?{^;g^^wn. KEWPOKI 58, CommwI^B, MERTHYR 83, High-^twlif* fWANgEA Low^GtoaStewt, fcnr"d te Works ;ea AGENTs Aberdare Mx. Raoaloe. Camm-M., B*SU1,T ^"i Beautorb^trestb Briton Ferrj Mz^b l^8' BookaeUer, VUlisai £ 1"^ 5te:s&rss&3sas5w' Pembrokf Dock Mr. Narberth. 8treet, Rhondda Mr. Harria, Hnnntih stanet Porth. le^bv Mr Brice 4, JmliMwttMet. 40600 WESTERN MAUro ▼ ? BEST ADVERTISING JCKDTUtf IN W4*tiw