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|3ro(j»rin for Salt or !to Sti 1 ^WMBWRLA.—For Sale, good. five^i-corned House, with Land fur another House; \frass 1,0u0 years; gnround rent £2 2s.; price £ -40.—Astley taznuei, Auctioneer, Swar.aea. 7253nll-19 F, ,Og SALE. two good, nine-roomed House?, with ail conveniences; Stable. Coach- house, and Loft; lease 80 years; ground rent £ J 9s. PL1C>3 £80G.-Asr.ley Samuel, Auction- aer, .Swansea. 72S3nll-19 j,1 it EE HOLD Premises for Sale, in Wind- street, frontage about 53ft., depth about kfCf Astiey Saraual, Auctioneer, Swansea. ) 7253nll-19 N QT. HELEN'S-ROAD-—Dwelling House to Let, liine rooms, bath (not and oold); pos- session Christmas.— Astley Samuel, Auction- eer. Swansea. 7253M1-19 "VT AL v ESN-TERRACE.—For Sale, eight- roomed House; long lease; low ground rent.-Astley Samuel, Auctioneer, Swansea. 7253;ili-19 QADLER-STREEt! BRYKHYPRTD.—Tliiree five-rcomei Ronsea for Sale; leaae 31 year.; ground rent 2s. Id. eacwi; let at 5s. each. Offer wcnied. -Ast-ley Samuel, Auc- tioneer, Swansea. 725.J,nll-19 'GELS AESON-CSESCENT, SKETTY. — For Sale, two Leasehold Dwelling-houses; \00 years; ground rent £5 16a. 8d. Six rooms, fcnd bathroom —Astiey Samuel, Auctioneer, Swansea. 72531:11-19 P D VVArtL) STREET, Ma NSfH.TON. —7>weh iing-bouae for Sale; lease about 75 years; grcund rent £1 128.; five rooms; good tarden.—Adtley Samuel, Auctioneer, Swansea. 7253nil.19 TO be Sold, excellent Bakery, Refreshment, sad Confectionery Business, in main thoroughfare; moderate ingoing.—Apply W. 8. Goff, Valuer, General Buildings, Swansea. Cel. Sbo Central- 7259nll-lS TO he Sold, convenient sized House, in Alarlborough-road. Swansea, let at 12s. per week. Open U> offer.—Apply W. S. Goff, General Buildings, Swansea. 7259nll-18 rj~X) be Let. situated close to Walter-road, a. Modern Residence, containing 5 Bed- rooms, bath, 3 reception rooms. Rent £5. iApply W. S. Goff, Auctioneer, General Build. ings, 234, Hjgh-dsraot, Swansea. Tel 553, C-Bn- I tral. 7259H11-1S TO be Let, conveniently situated Residence, close to centre of town, containing 6 Bedrooms, Bath, 2 Reception Rooms. Rent &40, exclusive. No sub-letiing.—Apply W. S- Goff, Estate Agent. General Buildings, 234, High-street Swansea. 7259nll-lg TO bo So; j, Freehold Residence, close to j Walu:r-eo&d. containing 5 Bedrooms, Bath, It option Rooms; let at 240 per an- num; price £ 800.-Apply W. S. Goff. Lstato Agent, General Buildings, Swansea. Tel. 553, Central. 7259nll-18 TO be Sold, splendid Bakery and. Confer- « tiouery Business, doing six sacks weekly; net profit of £250. Goodwill. Trade Utensils, etc., at a low Sgura Ill-heath ca.use of relinquishing business—Apply W. S. Goff, Auctioneer. General Buildings, Swan- sea. Tel. 553 Gentry. 7259nll-lS W ANTED to Purcha^ Free, Fully Licensed Public House, 'm Sandfieiua Bisirict, Swansea.— Replies to Spirit, "Daily Post." Swansea. 7259.nl 1- To be Sold, the Lease of a Free, Fully Licengsd Hotel, doing good class trade, situated close to the centre of Swansea..— Apply Ingoing, "Daily Post. Swansea. 7259nll-18 CWM Brewery Co PorthcaWL—F^^Saler Lease of the Queen's Hotel (six years), Fully Licensed Hou?e; immediate possession. ^-Apply Johns, Pen la.a, Porthcawl. 72t2nil-8 A~EATET.—To Let or for Sale, a substantia.! House, Harley-?t,reet; bath 'hot and cold)—William Thoaia*. 29 Harley-3'-eet, Swa-use, 354pll-19 E- IOH-CLASS Lock-up Shop, Goat-street: also OfBce3 0.1.1 second floor at Central Chambers, and Bakehouse at 23, Fleet street. —Apply Charles V. Crahh, Central Chambers, Swansea. 592pll-24 4- businesses for 5$ak. J FISH and Chip Bar for Sale, very cheap.— Write Matrix, "Daily Post," Swansea, 150nll-3f) MUMBLES.—For Sale, as a going concern, through the death of the late J. A. Tay- lor, 2.. Newton road, Mumbles, a. good high- claas Tailoring Business, estabLiaheu 1269; splendid opening for Ladies' Tailoring. — Apply +0 Miss Taylor. 280pll-19 TJ EFRESHMENT, Confectionery, Tobaccon- ist. and General Grocery Business for Sale, in growing Swansea district. — Write Veto, "Daily Post," Swansea. 100nli-22 fav Sak-^cus £ s- "C^OR SALE, desirable Villa, Weetbonrne **■ Grovu, • !"°>ity, sil modern conveni- ences, with hot rl,licl oold water throughout; 999 years' lease; low ground rent.-Apply M-s. Lloyd, :4, W-'i^onrne Grove, Sketty. 54.3pl1-22 (in :!tí-!iD1tSlS. '•pO^LOT.'witu pc^r»ion7~23i St. AlbanV load. Apt/l.v 11/ Ivin^ Edward a-road, Swansea. rro ET. Nu>3. 27, J., aai 29, Queeri-strect, ,J- iiorijs^ori.—- i^ply Smi-Sh, 193, Xensing- ton-crescent, 8wa>sea. 521pll-22 LET, Oartrof, an .^ght-roomed House, .& Ciidorton-juxti, Neath; als<-> tv.o Houses at Sneweu, vi Stanley-road and New- road.—Apply Charles Sower, Skewen. —414pll-21 TO LET, 7. Walter's-cr^oenti C^tletonT Mumblea, 6 rooms, gas and water laid OB. acuiiery detached; 6s. 9d. pe- W^ek. 469pl1-21 HOUvE :o Let. immediate possession, No. 22, Pinsbary-t^rrace.—Apply 48, Walter- road, Swansea. 392plJ-18 HOUSE to lyet. Upper ChapoUfjtreet, Mum- bles, nine rooms, bath (hot and cold) immediate >jsse6sioD.—Apply Box 84. "Daily Post," Swansea. 526pll-21 HOUSE to Let, 19, Coedsaeaon-crescen t, Sketty. six rooms, scullery, bath (hot and cold); 10a. rent-Apply igt Kensington- j crescent, Swansea 574p?1.24 "ni fUMBLES.-To "Let, ^lu^~D^elling- ^L house, with lar™?e garden, near Oyster- mouth Station.—Apply N. Nevison Grieve, Auctioneer, 284, Oxford-street Swansea. 7261nll -24 -== aI:o 3Cet-tBu5ttttss ^rmtsjes TO LET, the Old Three Crowns, Haverford- west.—Apply S. Allsopp and 80M', Ltd., Burton Chambers, 63. Wind-street Swansea. 376pil_-18 ^FO LET, Stable or Workshop, v.ith Lt oae •f L'ox, space for Carts, with Loft, off Xrsryle-street.—Apply C. Lock, 52, },j;ig E-d- ward's-road. Swansea. 528pH 23 C. ^ERPHILLY.—Good Space to Let for Ad- vertiscmeuss, facing station.—Apply 21, Windsor-street, Caephilly. 340pll-18 OUBLE Fro-nted Shop to Let. iji King Ed- ward's-road- Apply J. Beynon, 175, High-street, Swansea- 533pll-22 {STUMBLES.—Semi-detached House a.nd Shop to LeL; every convenience; Side and ( back enfcraJico; near main road.—Apply F. E. Beer, Butcher, Mumble. £ 3opll-21 — itz Xet. TO LET, one Boom, suitable as Office; een- tral situation .-terms »u first inafeajace. Box 28, "Daily Post," Swan- :675d.b.l2T-30 in Fisher-street; also Small Store and Yard.—Apply to J. a.t«i D. JOnf:3, Builders, St. Helen's Yard, or em 'he premises. 542pll-22 «0 Iri-^tabks, Œtr. ^TABLE and Yard to Let, 198. Kensington- Swansea. 563pll-24 ^lABLE lo /back of Rodjiey-street. — Apply E. g_ Leaker, St. Heieu's-road. Swansiia. 360pU-18 XO LET, a two-stall Stable, Coach-house, an Harness Room; suit Motor Garage. "—Apply 22, Traiaigar-terrace, Swansea. 5C5pll-22 T*1-1 LET, a good Stable, with roomy Hay- lot W at the back of 27, Page-=rtreet; suit- ••• lot Uteres or Motor Garage.—Apply 81. Swansea, 41SpH-21 Jiferdlfrttmts Seles. FOR SALE, quantify of African Curios, for Cash.—J^nes, Costle Ian, Morriston. 446pll-21 L"*0 £ l SALE, 20 Young Fowls, fit for killing. ..1.' -Apply Haoford, Wer nPit-rxxJd, Len- doro, near Swansea. 478pll-Zl X^OB SALE. a Large Conch, almost new; -*■ al.o White il<u"salla Quilt.—Apply Mij« Roes, 46 Bond-street, Swansea. 502p 11.23 VOR 3 ALE. three Cows and Calves, 1 Bull, and Cows near Calving.—Apply F. Tyley. Penllerbrain Farm, Ffoi-estfach. 7254nll-2i "L"OR SALE. an 8-horso power Gad Engine by Andrews, of Stockport. No. 5,387. in good working condition.—Apply Orsrseor, "Laily Post," Swansea. 151n-t.o. X^OR SAli, I)ouble Pan Pish Range, Chip- A per. Counter, six Tablee, two dozen ii'w Bent Back Chairs. Seen any time after 8 p.m. at 59a, King Edward's-road., Swa-ugea. 533pll-2.5 "L^OR SALE, one Lady's Breae, with two Bodices. Coat, Seal Coat (Russian shape.), I rot Worse than new.—Apply first to Wil- liams, Newsagent, King Edward's.road, S ip. sea: n- n- 599pll-24 A few nice Oilpairtings, Chromos, ana Bed/ room Pictures for Sale, very cheap. — 158, Kensington-orescent, Swansea. WpH 24 BATTER y for Sale, chea.p; cost ,63 10B. 7 Vols, of "Strand Magazin-s," the first editions, from 1901 to 1904.-15. Rodlley-s.reet, Swansea. 438pll-21 ANA HIES! CANAR] ES! .'—Lovely "r.'ehTsl- low ana variegated Cock Biixla, g<H;d songs crs; 2s. 6d. each; Hens, Is. 6d.; care- luiiy packed.—Clarke, Tiawaiey, Miudjesev. 4;2pll-21 Q T; ANTITY of Household Furniture to be Sold; no reasonable offer refused. — Apply 21. Ma.iv era 'ervaoo, BryumiJl, Swan- sea. 527pll-22 V\rELL-BP.EP Fox Terrier Puppies for Sale, j » —Apply 39, Cromwell-street, Mount I'laasant, Swansea. 563pl1..2.5 "XA7 ALIN UT Booltoase for Sale; good as new; f f length 4ft. height 7ft., with gla.s13 doers, cupboards, and drawers; 558.. bargain. —W. Davies, 22, Brunswick-atreSt, Swans-eu. 351P11-18 2Airediie Bitches for Sale, one rough, one si • > left distemper; 63. each. — Applv L J. ITiomae, 679, Neath-road, Idan- samlet. 4iCpIl-21 t%, Carriages, tic. IP OR SALE, Po.ny, 13.3; good worker; also Billiard Table.—Apply G. Church-squaj-e, Morrij'-on. 50f)pll-22 i/OR SATjE, Trap and 1 tarn ess. ,¡.5j(ls.; or Exchange for Tip Cart KJIJ Iw-vncss; ^snit Pony 14 hands.—Bryii-Glas, Gla-is. l'Tpll-21 l^OR SALE, good Turnout for Fish Mer- cha.ut; Pony, Harness, and Cart; the 1,t..E8.- 40, Vemon-street, Hafod, Swansea. 49Epll-22 "i^OR SALS, a good looking Bay Mar*?, 15.2 h.h sound and good in all harness.— Apply T. Pugsioy, 9, Duke-street, Swansea, 436p11-21 "L^OR SALE, one ilirt Horse, 16 hahda. aged, good worker; one Bay Cob Maj"r\ 15' ha»Tu2s, good worker.—Wrice Horse, "Lrily P03 Swansea. 43"; t.ll 1.i ljl-Oii- SALE, a useful Grey I/Iare, 16 bar.da, to suit farmer or light haulage; sell cheap- No dealera na&d apply-—48, R..d!1EJY- streat, Swansea. 352pl1-18 TJ'OR SALE, choice of thrM Cart Horses, from 15.2 o 16 hands; price ,U2 to £1é!, straight from hard work.—A poly 17. Eaton- road, Eryr.hyfryd, Swansea. 502pll-21 FOR SALE, Bay Horse, about 16 h.h. nina years old, good in all har-i-^sa; also 10 Tons of Firewood,—Apply O. D..Jeakina, pf.vityblawu, Llanssuialet. 5i4plj-22 In OR S ALE, Turnout, Light Va n. good con- L dition, suit acy business, almost new Se; of Harney, .tn-i useful Horse, 14 hands; lot £10; worth double.—A. W. Jajucs. 7, Rich- aixi-street, Aberavon. 537pll-22 BUILDERS' Turnouts, HDræ, 16^ hands, G years, new Cart and Harness. Imruedi- a'e sale-—Longman's Repository. Cross-street, Swansea. 493pll-22 MARE, 154 hands, 8 years, with New Har- 1".1 noss and Caxt; both horses about 14cwt.-I..ong?aa.n's Repository, SwaJisea. 493p11-22 1'0 Bakers and Grocers.—For Sale, Chest- ■* Ilut Horse, 16 hands, sound, and good worker; price £15. Also the choice of two thick-set Ponios, price £6 to .ES.-Apply 22, New-street., Swansea. 530pll-22 TJSEFUL Pony for Sale; no further use for 1-> same-—Appiy 129, St. Heien's-avenue. Swansea. 370pll-13 i New Grocer's Cai't, 1 Fla.t Cart, New 3.n \1 Second-hand Crank Axle Carts. — H. Page, Electric Wheel Works, Oxford-street. Swansea. 531p 1.1-22 2gcvv.1 Hunters for Sale, 6 and 7 years. good —' T- Mgle and double harness; 15 a,nd 20 j guineas.- Jroom, 21, Giouoestar-street, Liver- side, C; 1, 302pll-24 ^CitstcaL TR- DYFED LEWIS, Medalist Royal Acad- lU amy of Music, Voice Speciali-rt, Singing -e; Adjudicator .accepts Engagements for Concerts and EistÐdoèfoda.n. aTid receives Pupils at his rfiside.t\ 45, Hawthorn-avenue, Swansea. Terms moderate. 580pll^^ LnOR SALE. Piano; no further use to -*• owner; bargain, £ 12. Can be 9(xjn at 15, Union-street, Swansea. 5o5pll-22 FIANOEORTB TUNING, 5a! 5(L Recom- mendations from Dr. Turpin, Gladstone, and Broad wood and Sons. Pianos from Hop Íl¡ a-3on. Coliard, Brinsmead, etc. Saie or Hire.—Cbarlea Eden. 53, Brunswick-street, Swansea. t.o FlANOf ORTES Tuned, 3s. 6d.-Pta.nöfortei! and Orsajts. Coliard, Brinsmead, Blath- ner. Steiriway. etc.. froui 103. 6d. Monthly.— J. F. Collett. Nichoii street. Swansea. 65wl2-7 PIANO. solid WalnuU real gem; owner leaving Town Saturday; must sell; £12 ur best offer.—Andreas Music, "Da.ily Post. Swansea. 584r16-1 1 FAMOUS John Bull Records, all tho Star Artistes. Latest Songs, Marches, and Selections. Purchase our Resords, .-md we giv-3 you free a JM 3s. Gramophone —Write or caP. Lnglish Record Co., Ltd., Alexandra- road. Swansea. f65pll-24 TJIANO, Upright Iron Grand, Handsome ■* Walnut Case, with Inlaid Marqueteiie Panel, Full Iron Frame, Full Trichord, Check Action, all latest improvements; 13 guineas — Gwynne H. Brader, 17, Heathliod- ttreet, Swansea. 365.011-13 £16" l&s-L"pribbt' Ir011 Concert Grand. Rosewood Case, 3 Bevelled Panels, Full Trichord. Overdamper Act-ion; all im- provenients; quite new; bargain.—Gwynne H. Bradar, 17, Heathfield-street, Swansea. 365pll-18 ] COLLARD and Coliard Overstrung, latest I Model Piano, 50 guineas; 218 per < month.—J. Brader a.nd Sons, Wind-street.. Swansea. 5.. pi 1-22 i">IANO Bargains.-yiioTnpson and Shackeil. -t Ltd.. have at present for Disposal, oov- et-al really High-class Pianos, only slightly used, and ectuaJ to new in every inspect. A grand ppffrtunity of obtaining a good in- strumpTtt at the price of a cheap new one. Offered at bargain prices for cash, or easy terms arrapged. Descriptive list sent on application.—Note new address; 232. High- street, Swansea. 595pll-24 4110 iSfutistrrr 'PEM PI. Ail MALINS' Dental Rooms, Cardiff, Swajifea and Aberavon. See addresses below. !526 NEW TEETH.—Single Tooth from tr. 6d.: ,1 seta from one guinea. '3'HE Renowned Five Guinea .u!l Bete Un. surpaaewd for elegant appearance and ■ durability. • I^XTRACTION.—("jrdinary Is., with Smedol p .pajnless process), 2s. each tooth. 1526 V. £ F Extractions with Sinedol when new j 1: teeth are ordered. !525 REPAIRS to Artificial Teeth of any make dono promptly, cheaply, and well. 2526 •A open d1Ùly- r0"'EMPLAR MALINS' Dental Rooms.—All •A open daily— Cardiff—51, Queen-street, 'near Empire), Swansea—240, Oxford-street, (opposite Empire). Aberavon—26, Water-street, (near Mar* fca*)« Empire). Aberavon—26, Water-street, (near Mar* bU. ).parltttttd5 ta Hit A Front Bedroom and Sitiing.rcom to Let. Furnished.—Api-iy 79, Argyls.sir* tt, Swajisea. 126.31:11.24 A PARTMENTS to Txjfc, well-furnished Sit> ting-room, with one <»r two Bedrooms; bath; good cooking and att«Midance; tnoder- ate terms.-Apply 47, Waicer-roacl, Swa.as^-a. f2i-[. /"COMFORTABLE Lodgings, in good kjtal- ity; ccntral; sait Young Man; with or without boara •. terms moderate.—Write GL., "Daily Post," Swansea. 384pll-18 /OMFORTABLE Apartments, or Board- Residence to Let. for one or two gentle- men. in Walter-road; terms mod orate. — Ad- dress Box 10. "Daily Post," Stv-ztnsea. 493pll-22 COMFORTABLE Lodgings; suit one or two respectable Young Men; pVea/sar.t part of Brynndi].—Apply Morgan, Hairdrier and N cv.-sag'ut, Bryumill-avenue, Swansea. 602pll-24 COMFORTABLE Home offered to one or tWO Young Men. willing to share Bed- l-uom ;on the Hill; bath (hot and cold); board and lodgings 15s.-Address Hope. "Daily Post," Swansea. 425p!1-21 FRONT Sitting-room and Bedroom to Let; suit a gentleman; bath (hot and ceLl). -.Apply 5, Carlton-terraca, Swansea. 4C8p 11-21 LODGTNGS for Gentleman; hot and oold bath; near G.W.Ii-; part board if necas- sary.— Write Central, "Daily Post," Swansea. 414pll-21 I ANGLANi'. 'uperior Apartmortg, suitable -Li one or ■-■j Gentlemen; good eookiug and atteiidaace.—"Lyndhuret," Overland- road. Mumbles. 244plZ-1 M!JM rild'.S. —Comfortable Apajtment-s fac- ing sea, two minutes waik from Oys- termouth Stadon; good cooking; terms mod- era e.—Wriie Mumbles, "Daily Post," Swaji- sea. 427vll.¿1 VTIJELY Furnished Front Sitting-room and Bedroom to Let, Bryn-y-Mor-rcad; terms moderate; board if preferred. Ad- dress Bryn-y-Mor, "Daily Post," Swansea. 424pll-21 QLAINIjY fu-j ;<■! Rooms in return for services, or ati-eul an invalid.—Write Serj-ice.Daily p,x-.t. Swansea. 396pll-19 ROOMS Unfr.rni-K-d; vacant; suit Young Coopie.—-Appty 17, HaJiover-stroet, Swansea. <v"¡pl1-21 T> ESP EOT ABLE Young Man Wanted, to sharp Front lio-ms with another; every convenience; good locality; terms moderate. -Wri e Locality, "Daily Post," Swansea. 409pll-21 QELFOT Fnrr.isl:«i Apartmente, or Fur- K-' nishftd Eeii-i'd'.oin^roori to Let, in good locality; terms G. L., "Da.ily Pose," Swansea. SO;;pH-23 TO LET, tvo Unfuriiished. Rooms.—Apply 12, Alice-street, Cwxouu, Cwmbwrla. • 466pll-21 fTO LET. Furaished. Bedroom; terms mod- era^e. -Apply 107, Tturace-road, Swan- sea. 451pll-21 Ljl-T. two Uafubed Booms; every ■* convenience.— Aj. piy 35, KbydÖDgs Park-road, Swa^se;i. 521pll-22 rro LET, Unfurnished Rooms, hct ana cold -»• bath, near G.v;' .3.; rent moderate.— Write Rex. "Daily post," Swansea- 414pl1-21 TWO comfor .ij }Il:,nished Room" to Let; suit Mar. io i Couple; terms very uoder- ate.— Apply M. =")¡;,>J.1'3treet, Swansea. 3C3pJ1.!8 TO LET. thr^e TTnfarnished Rooms, Front Parlour Kite den, oven gra,te, one Bed- room.-132 Port Tennant-road, Swansea. 433pll-21 T^O LET, two Unfurnished Itooms, r.ear Mi<l- -*• land Station; u;;e of bath and scul- lery—Write Midland, "Daily Post," Swan- se-a. 517pll~22 TWO Superior Front Rooms tcTLet, i'ur" tushad; to suit gentlema.i1; bath (hot and cold); good cooking.—7, Finsbury-terrace, Swansea. 455>11-21 TO LET, two or thi-ee Unfurnished Booms; use of gas stove and scullery.—-Apply in first, instance, to Harper, Humphrey-etrtet. Swansea. 7558nll-18 TO LET, two comfortable Furnished Rooms, every convenience.-Apply, first in. stance. C. Evans, Newsagent, Brjn-y-tlor- roaa Swansea. 502pl1-2.3 T'O LET, two Unfurnished Rooms, with use of scullery and gas stove; Couple with- out children.-Apply 12, Alexandra-terrace, Brynmill, Swansea. 5151311-22 TO LET, Sittirg-reoui and B^droc-m; also Epdbitt-ing-room. in Goorge.strt,et; terjas moderate — Ap;>iy Ford, Newsagent, St. Helen.'s-roaa, Swa3^-a. « £ 64pU.23 To LET, Unfurnished Front Sitting and Bedroom, with use of bathroom and gas stove.—9, Buckingham-terrace, King Ed- ward's-road, Swansea. 52fipll-23 TWO" Unfurnished Rooms to Let, in King -4 Edward s-road; use of scullery ajid ba"h; gas.—Apply, first, Magga, "Spot," King- Ed ward'a-road, Swansea. 450p 11-21 fpo LET. Furnished Apartments, hot and -»• cold bath, a-nd every convenience; grx?d cooking and attendance trams pass the door." -88. St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 484pl1-22 TO LET at St. Thomas, two Unfurnished Rooms, oven grate, separata entrance; terms mo-derate; suit young married couple. —Addreeri Box 335, "Daily Post," Swansea. 481ptl-21 TO liET. in King L'dward's-road, tvro or j, three Unfurnished Rooms; every con. vatijence: tb3 front part of house.—AppJv Williams. Newsitgent, King Edward's-road, Swansea. 539pU 24 TO IJET, comfortably Furniphed SittJng- -t room ,rJ1rl Bedroom, double-bedded, {or two Young Men. with board, 15s. each; bath. —Apply Williams. Newsagent, King Bdward's- road, Swansea. 345pil-18 T3 LET, Front Sitting-room and Bedroom; .X every convenience; hot and cold bath; gw.1 cooking and attendance; terms very mjfsraie; two minutes from Albert Hall.— -'i^ply 6, Carlton-terrace, Swansea. 423pll-21 1'0" LET, two Unfurnished Rooms, with •* newly married couple; use of bath- room aud scullery; every convenience; also comfortable Lodgings for one respectable Young Mao.—22, Beach-street, Swansea. 521pll-22 TO LET. in best part of Masi^l-terrace, -t comfortable Furnished Apartments, Front or Baok; Sitting, one or two Bed- ;-ooms; every convenience; good cooking; with or without Comfortable, 'Daily Post," SwaaisQa. 473pll-21 WANTED, two respectabla You- g Men Lodgers, near Station, in Skewen; terms moderate.—Write A. E., "Daily Post," Swan- sea- •Wpll-IB WETJL-FU RNISHTTD Bedroom, FroJJ.t Sit- » » ting-room, outside Swan ea. tram route. bath (hot and cold), good cooking and attend- ance—Write Moderate, "Daily Post," Swan- sea- 491pll-18 O Unfurnished Rooms to Let; one very a lai^e.—Apply 4Q, St. Helen's-road. Swansea. • 3618pll-13 ^vpsrtiiTents L^URNISffED Si; ting-room and Bedroom re- qiuKl, by Ladj and Gentleman; high p»si.ion preferable, 20 niinuteg" walk from Albert ila'l.—State lowest terms to Albert, ''Daily Pose," Swan;< 384pll-19 "\TEATH.—Superior Eurniahed Apartmon^ required, by Gentleman; permanency; Front Sitting Room, Bedroom, and Bath," State terms.—Address A. G-, "Daily Post," Swansea. 346pll-18 fp.WO Unfurnished Rooms Wa.nted, respect- —- able Married Couple: no encumbrance; must be modarate.—Write D. T., "Daily Post," Swansea,. 504pll-13 WANTED, by two Ladies, three Unfur- nished Rooms, in good locality, with at! endance.—State terms, to Moderate, "Dajly Poet, Swansea. 349pU-i8 \jU~ANTED, immediately. Furnished, two j » Rooms, Bedroom and Sitting-room, for Married Couple and two children; part attendance; no:, far from High-street Station. — Jones, 115, High-street, Swansea. 386pl1-19 "tXT ANTED, by two Ladiee, Front Sitting- » » room and two Bsdrooms, Furnished: I neighbourhood of Constitution Hill or Mount Pleasant.—Apply, staling terms, with board, to L. n., 1, Constitution Hill. Swansea. 5C3ptl-22 YOUNG Lady requires Furnishol Sitting- room ai:d Bedroom. wiihin e^ght minutes' walk of Eiiat, Dock Station; terms I modera.t.e.-Writ;3 Z.Y.X., "Bally Post," Swan, sea. 397pll-19 ij-nHhffU ILFRACOMBS. Furnished Apartments; -L healthy position: terms moderate. — iltea, Elackmcre, Sl^tkin-road, JEMrttoomba. T -Stotcr-rara Crrrhs, fie. | THE Best Cycle. "Gent's B S.ModeF do -«• Luve, new la^t Jal.v; cot't £ 16, will sc- ccpt £9 103., all accessories' ;reason for ss'i- j i.c. doctor's orders. -22, The Grove. Swan, j eea. ft59pll-2o' I I (Sfturstton. I p"1 DUCATIONAI..—Private Tuition for 0> lege of Preceptors. Junior Class. Stafe terms.—Addz-e&s Student,, "Daily Post." Swansea. Z37pll-19 /"M* II- Service Candidates successfully pre- V pared for their examinations Numerous recent successes. Telegraph Lea-m«r9, Lead Poit Office. Swansea. Male Sorvers, London and Swansea C. PO Pitman's Shorthand rapidly taught. Arithmetic. Book-keeping, etc. Success guaranteed. Ladies or Gentle- men.-Mr. Harris, Shorthand School. 56. Oxford-street. Swansea. THOROUGH Preparation for Examinations and Business in French, German, Span- ish Italian ^Conversational method), also ia Latin. Esperanto, Book-keeping (Double en- tryV Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic, i etc. Tra-nelationa and Foreign Correspond- once. Prospectus on application.—Oswald Korth Public Translator, I. Kensington-ter- rSwansea. Tel. 6J5 Central. PITMAN'S Shorthand.—The "Success" Pos- A tal lessons, 12 for 12s. bd.; canuot be j beaten. Failure impossible.—Daniel Jones, F.LP.8. EVI.no-, &.T.. Th' Well-known Coach, Neath. 7239n-tx, MINES MANAGERS.—Mines Inspectorate Exams., Postal Instruction. 72 cut of 88 Students successful )M-t Cardiff ilana-gera' E^a.m 10 out of 14 Students parsed New- port Mining Exam. Postal Lessons on Geo- Mining. Surveying. Electricitj, and Mathematics. Write for Syllabus "Calli- brian Micing School." Perth. Glara. sB4u?!-U ywyy. —miiawwt—tw—1mbinI IM m r Jlta:trimn1t1l. I M ATRIMONY.- Highly respectable Yoang ".1, person, reflnsd, domesticated #aved a little money, would like to meet with thor- ough respectable man.-Address Truthful. "Daily Post,' Swansea. 463pll-21 JITRNTLNR?. I CUSTOM 3KS frjii Neath. Port Talbot. Cly- dach, u'lriib, Muinties. a,nd Gowerton. ten; Town and District, all testify to the Great Bargains they are getting at. my sale. Giies Cook, Vfaterioo-stre-et, Swansea. (- 55opll-23 las. 6d. vrill Pnreha3c Substantial 3ft 6iu. Oak Bedroom Suite, consisting of Large Wardrobe, Dressing Chest with Mir- ror, Marb e WashatgJid with Tile Back, 3 Pretty Ccttage Jie iroom Suites from ,£,2 18?. bd.-úiJe.; C'Dok. as abov-e-. 555pl1.23 8 Chests of five Drawers 2ft. £ in., in various colours; usual price 32s. 6d.; to clrir at 24s 6d W'ashstands and Dredsuig Tables, the pair 12s. 6d.; Kitchen Table- 93.; Kitchen Chairs, 2s. 6d-Giles Cook, Waw.X)- strset. 555pll-23 X*1 A will Purchase a Substantial and WeiT- JwAU made bit. Oal; Sideboard, with High Bevelled Back, Drawers, and Collarette. Cheap Sideboards from £3 7s. 6d.—Giles Cook. 23, Watcrlco-streer., Swansea. 555pll-23 _P 1 O ISs. 6i, will Purchaso Large 4ft. 6in. Satir' Walnut Bedroom Saito, with Lo.:g Side Eeflettors, Cheval Centre Gi&ss, an 1 Largo High Back Marble Wa.distand, with two Revolving Mirrors, etc. A reaJ bargain. £ t-5XJ 1123 .P"; i'>, 10s. for a splendid Satin Walnut < -•-V ijhevai Suite, a real bargain, worth see'U-r. üJap P.t£drOO!ll Suites at £ 3 l<?b. 6d.— Giles Cook, Furnisher, Waterloo-street. 555pll-20 j PP 15- Cash for a Splendid ^ivaa Suite; g guineas for ISew Des-ga arlour Suite j: M-oque te Velvet; Leather Suites from £ 3 7a. 6d.—Giles Cook. Watcrloo-street, Swan- sea. £ S5pll-23 jl' 5s. for Handsome 4ft. Secretaire Fook ww ca^e in Walnut; Do. 4ft Pedestal Writing Desk, SCs.: good strong Office or Smoking Chair, to be cleared at 8s. 6d.; In- laid Office Table, 22a. 6d.—Giles Ccok. as above. {55^'j-23 FOUR Capital Bedsteads, usual price four guineas. We are clearing at ,¿3 7" Cd., Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows from 32a.' 6d.—Giles Cook, 23, Waterloo-street and Park- street, Swansea. 555pll-23 i,U:l0'TTijRL! FURNITUKETi FU&'NT- I J- TUBE!—Hill's Notice to their crowds of Cuatomers. We have a good Stock of good reliable Furniture, must be cleared this week, to make room for our licw Christmas Stock. Several good Second-hand 1 Massive Wa-fnu* Sideboards, bargains. Sov- eral odd Wardrobes for Sale. Complete Bedroom Suite for 3j guineas; Overmantel aL 9s. l1ei.; F'ulL,m:e D'its;Mount(;ù Beù- steads at 12s, lid Large Stock of Handsome Dining -i,nd Drawing-roonf Suite? to clear. No reasonable offer refused. Larg-e Stock of Full-3529 Wire Mattresses at 103 9d. See our noted 4ft. Scotch Bedroom Suites at J guineas. Large Stock of Carpets, Rugs, and Oilcloths to clear. Good Solid Oak Roll-top Desk. Please Note: We a<re prepared 10' make terms to suit customers' convenience. All Goods Stored until required. Our ad-: vice to Couples intending to gat married at Christmas is to purchase ia time at Hill's. I Only address in Swansea.: Central Btiildlaga, Gower-st-reet, Swansea. 509pll-21 I ARC EST Stock of Toys in Wales. — The Swan Depot, Imx>orters of Toy3 ajid Fancy Goods, 51 and 52, Waterloo-street, Swansea. 534pl2A8 WEDDING CAltBS. Cake Boxes, etc.—New- est designs, many patterns to select from.—"Daily Post," 211. High-street, Swan. [ sea. n I^O BUILDERS -Billheads, Mf^iorandums, Basiriev- Circular*, and cards. Tinio Sheets, Estimate Books, and every kind of Commercial Printing at the "Cambrian" Office, 211. High-street SW3,nsea.. a UP-TO-DATE PKINTIXG for rete« Gaiaa Eorsa, Agticnitarii!, and Pic wer Shows, Regattas, etc. New ;ietif,ii8 submitted on application.—"Daily Post." 2J1. Hcgh-street. \^ISIT1NG CARDS, plain, round cornered, or gilt edged, for Ladies or Gentlemen, at short notice.—"Dsily Post," 231. High- etrect. "wansea. n LADIEb.—Safe and Speedy Romt-y with- L out Medicine or Pills, guaranteed never to fail; stamp for particulars.—Mra. D. Stafford Brookes iDept. 71), 220, Ardgowan- road. Hither Green. London, 8,E. BILL HEADINGS. Memorandum, Order and Delivar; nooks, for all trades. Travellers will arihmit- samples cat applica- tion.Daily Post," 211 ll iuii-st. ep.t, Swa.n- V\7'EDDING CARDS, latest designs and mod- erate prices.—See sample Booka at Rhys Rcherta. Stationer. Morriston. d.b.t.c FIREWOOD.—100 Bnndies. 2a.. 3l\ soft | Wood Blocks. 1a. owL; Cart l oad. 10s.: Pitch P;rt<> Blocks, Scantling, Cog Wood. etc —J. E. Johne, ["irewocfl Depot. Prince of Wales Dock. Tel 96. Central. 1 AD! ES.-Sf r.n ror Fret? Samples Eliis'a Pills. Certain, sa?€>, ind effectual rem- edy Booh W pages; sent free. Large Boxea i*. Id and (special: 4s. 6d. box. Free advice. —Mrs. Ellia. 27. Surrey-lane. Batt^aea, Lon- don UOdLb y A DIES. "My Improved Remedies act In a few hours when all fsise fails. Surpris- ing!? effective Snccoss guaranteed. Send eta-mped envelope for free sample.—JJ urge Hammond. 13. Ingledene. Roscom bo-road. Southend Essex. 9}3re>4E0 CHINA and Earthenware. — Cheap, weft. assorted Crates of everyday Selling Lines, for Shops, Markets, and Hawking — Write for free lists —Sheaf Pottery Hanu- facturers. longton. Staffs, S19h.t.o. Y/jfOOItNlNG CARDS.—A good variety of *-• new patterns Orders executed quickly. —"Daily Po*'t." Ml. High-str«»et, Swansea, n THATCH STOPPEDP Why have your Wotch tinkered by incompetent re- pairers, when by going to Jack Campbell pairers, when by going to Jack Campbell ihite Miers Bros., Watchmakers a.nd Jewel- lers to his Majesty King Edward*, sou can get it gkilfully repaired at a low trice. Old Gold and Silver Bought Spectacles to suit at! sights.—Address 20. Arcade, High-street, Swansea. CEND stamped envelope for advice to Mrs. Stewart, Herbalist and Lady Specialist, -Addreaa. 9, Guinea-street. Bristol. 101811-7 Brown Papers, Printed or Plain. Close GREASEPROOF PAPER, Wrapping Papers, prices.—"Daily Posts," ill. High-street, Swan- [ma, a I drafts! ^pectaUlieB. JELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!!—Now is ELLT.Nù Ot<'F! SEL'ING OWH-Now is y>ur chance to get the pick of rry Large an Varied Stock of Fjrniture. Par) kir and Bedroom Suites, which must bo lleared. Tbf.o oxtensivo prennsea to Let fron Christ- mas next.—Giles Cool- House FumiJhe", 2-3, Waterloo-street, etc. Established nearly 30 jtsirs. ?5?-pll-23 TRY W A Y"S. opposite Hospital, for Print Dresses, Muslin and Hoiland Aprons, Vests. Hosiery, Gombi-oaticna, Corsets, Bod- ices, Wools, Black Blouses. Dress Skirls, etc. £ 24pll-22 BULBS' BULBS!!—320 Flowering Bulbil J (Hyacinths, Tulips. etc. 2s. 3d. 160, 1 Is. 4d.; 320 (specially selected), 3s.; 160, Is. 9d. Sample 70 post free is.—Garden Supply Co.. 31a. Plo gh-road. Bother hi the, London. I 287pll-23 PRIVATE Christmas Cards.—If you want a, choice selection, ajid moderate prices, call at Rhys Roberts, Stationer, 92, Wo<v*- field-street, Morriston. 100n.t.c. -D-OiLS!- Dolls'! Do 1 Ief!—Teddy Bea.rs and Wool Toys only. Largest Stock of ILgh-clasa Dolls in Wales. Wholesale.— Rus- cell Davies and Sons, Waterloo-street. Swan- sea. 368pll-13 BE Your Own Master!—Let me start you in ttie Ticket Writing Trade. I ear»~vj JM weekly for 2C years.—Write for histructfcS bc>ok Is. Id — Art-rite Stadios, Bedemoor- road. Southampton. 754rl2-31 }>UB3,IC Opinion Pronounced Musgravo's Show of Baskete and Wickerwork the greatest vet seen. Special prices etill pre- vaiiing Open dai'y.—Central Avenu- Mar- ket, Swansea. 147p-111S "L^UBNITURE.—Aty quantity of Household Furniture Bought. Immediata cash paid Call personally, or write.—A. Parsons, 1, Calvert-street, Swansea. 460pll-21 "f^HF Pay more for your Watoh, Clock. and Jewellery Repairs, when YOtl can get them done at halt tho usual cost at W. Aldridge (many years foreman at J. Daviea. Wind-street, and D. Thoaiae, Castle-street), 22a, Richardson-street, Swansea next door to Pantvgwyd" Hotel;. Watehea Cleaned 1s 6d.; New Mainspring la. I ,tlt"'vr:ng and Cleaned 2s. 6d.; Clocks CTeaned from ls. Watch Glasses Sttef ;d.. Ping to Brooches 2d. An repairs guaranteed 12 tnontbs. 559S "VrINE Becipea of a Physician, including A Deafneeo, Rheumatism, Diarrhce:i, Heart- burn. Droncb rtis and Asthma, indigestion, Fiatuixnce and Wind, Blood Mixture, Weak- Iless and Nervousness; also Recipes for Tooth. ache and Neuralgia. Either two oi these I Recipes sent for Is. P.O.—Potter, Santiago. Manselton-road, Swansea. 260pll-23 I' MME. JUNNE- LECT.AIRE, Parisian Palm- :.J. is:, Phrenologist, Ladies' Specialist. I Advico daily, 10 a.m. till 9 p.m.—Alexandra Arcade. Swansea^ Engagements arranged ijr Bazaars, Garden l-'elea, etc., at a spee?ai charge. 589sll-29 charge. 589sll-29 OLD Artificial Teeth.—We Purchase aH kinds, in a.ny condition, for breaking up, aad not for re-manufacturicg, as most bey- era do.—Honeybourno and Son, Merchants I a.nd Manufacturers, Nelson-place, Swansea, and 5. Wellfield-terrace, New-road, DJandiIo. every Saturday. Established 1881. 507pll-22 i'OK quality and value go to Sidney Pal- mer. Good selection of Wedding Cakes always kept 1I1 stock. Parties catered for at the shortest notice. Estimates free. Cor. Tel. 140, Oxford-street, and Branches. 501pll-21 CLOGS for all classes, Plain aad Fancy; Clogs for the Works in Now and Old Leather Stocked, and all General Repairs Done.—Lancashire Plain acu Fancy Clog Stores, 15. Uuion-street, Swansea. 4B6pll-27 JpLESH Reducing tablets, for reducing Superfluous fat, in bottles of 50, price '1s. 6d. pgr Í)0ttle. post free.-Mooes Jones. Chemist, 12. High-street, Swansea. 454pll-23 IT LASTIC Stockings.-2s-6d.: Silk, 5s.T A,Tik~ lets, Knee Caps and Thigh Pieces. 2-3.; Silk, 3s 6d.; in all SJZ-S.— Moses Jones, Chem- ist, 12, It!gh-street, Swansea. 454pll-22 T EFT OFF CLOTHINGr—MiX~Ruck/" Ward- j robo Dealer, gives best prices for iiidioj'. Gents', and Children's Clothing, Boots; also any amount of Furniture Bought for Cash. Postcards receive prompt atten- tion.—Address 15 and 16, Princct of Wales-1 ••oad, Swansea. 784rl2-8 MAGNIFICENT 6ft Solid Mahogany SLera- ton Bedroom Suits. Richly Carved Cahmets and Overmanteis, Massive 6ft. Solid Walnut Sideboard, Superior Walnut Full Pinnofort.e. and other Effects wil! be sold by Mr. A. S. T. Luoaa at +.hø Shaftes- bury Hall on Wednesday next. October 5th, 1910. 6459 HOTELS- THB ONLY BACHELORS* HOTEL IN IONOON. mrnm tavistook HOTEL Centrally Situated. 200 Boodrooms. Electric .jght and Telephone in every Room EBLROOM. BREAKFAST AND ATTENDANCE FBOM 5a. T 0 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ASCHIBALD D. BAWNAY & SON LIMITED. WALES AND WES T1 OF ENCLAIS I ENGINEhRINGWOHKS, EAST MOOR^ CARDIFF. Steel Joists, .Flitch Plates, Anglea, Tees, Channels. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. Bridges, Roofs, Piers, Pithead • Stages, Fireproof Floors. TEMPLAR MALINS' NEW TEETH. NersF CHANGE colour." NctycT wear OAT. Bee PARTICULAR under Dentietry on PAG* 1- IF STOP ONE MOMENT. W M OH, DEAS DOCTOR W Si MUST MY DARLING DM ? 1% THERE IS VERY LtITIÆ HOPE. BUT TRy TUDÛB; ^yiLLIAMS' t^TENT TOALSA OP HOReî. Which containa pure Welsh Honey and an Esssnce of the Purest and Most Efficacious Herbs gathared on the Hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when their v utues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. TNERE are THOUSANDS ci children who die i.r.rruaiiy from Bronchitis, Whooping Coagii and Ctoup. This ia a grand discovery for the Curts of such compi-;iiLi. It is in vaIn- ai>TO for Weak-ChasSed-Men, i^/jicate Women, and Children. it cures when all! other remedies faiL It cures Coughs, Cold, iironchitis, Astlana, Tightness of the Chest, It Cures Thousands ot Children of DrOll- chitis, W Looping Con«h. CURES FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS AFTER MEASLES. It Cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT. If you have a. Cough, Try it. If yon have a coJd, Try it. IF you have Bronchitis, Try it. H i loosens the phlegm and promotes eipectora- tion, produces warmth and comfort TO t Chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. For Vocalists and Public Speakers it haa no equal. It makes the voice- as clear as a bell. 1 See you get the genuine a.rttcle, Tudor Williams' PA^NT Balsam of Honey. So many imitations and FRAUDS. Sold by all chemists and stores in }.g. M., 2s. 6d., and 4". 6d. bottles. Sample bottle; sent (post free) for Ls. 3d., 2s. 9d., and 5a., j from the inventor. Saving in purchasing the large-size botttle. I Manufacturer— j TUDOR WILLIAMS. M.R.P.S., F.S.C.I., j Analytical and Consulting Chemist and J Druggist by Examination, < MEDICAL BALL. ABERD4&1L 1 im return. I By Order of the Receiver tor the Debenture iloWera. SWANSEA VALLEY. MR. F. E. TUNBKIDGE Will offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the Hotel Metropoie, Swansea, Oil TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd. 191;). at 3.30 o'clock pre- I cisely, the following Properties.— Lot 1-—The Valuable and Extensive Quarry known as CWMDL/ QUARRY, situate at Yniameuiwy, about 1J miles from Pontardawe Static, on the Midland Railway, as new being worked by the Vendor. Together with the Buildings, Tenant's Fixtures, Fixed and Loose Machinery, Plant, Implements, Stock and Stores, belonging to the Vendor, and upon the taking, including:—Four-Ton Magazine, 15ft. by lift., built of stone and slate, with Detonator Shed. 36 b.h.p. Suc- tion Gaa Lug in e and Phwit, by Richard Hornsby and Sons, Limited, Barter's Patent Crusher 16m. by 9in. Jaws, with Screens and elevator; Aeriai Conveyor operated by Steam Which; Sidings, Tramways, Trams; etc., etc. Lot 2.—All tivat valuable Quarry known as CWMGLAS QUARRY, situate near Ynisgctoon Junction on the Noalli and Brecon Kailwav, together with Quarryw'ig Rights over the area known as the "Darren Fach," on the Ynisgeinon Estate, Also the Buildings. Tenant's Fixtures, Fixed and Loose Machinery, P'int, Implements, Stocks and Stores belonging to the V&ndora and now upon the premises, including;—A 35 b.h.p. Suction Gas Engine and Plant, by Richard Hornsby staid Sons. Ltd., Hadfield's Patent Crusher 20in. by Ma. Jaws. with Screens, Sidings, Tram roads. Trains, etc., etc- The Property may be viewed by Orders, obtainable from the Auctioneer, a,nd Par- ticulars and Conditions of Sale (when ready) may be obtained fromWilliam Jones, Esq., Solicitor, 32. 'Fisher-street, Swansea; Sydney G. úwcn. Esq., Chartered Accountant, Wwia- sireet, Swansea, the Receiver; or from the Auctioneer, 19, Gower-street, Swansea. 6309 ALBERT HALL, SWANSEA. Sale of Valuable Chippendale, Sheraton, Oak, Mahogac> and Old Spanish Mahogany Fur- niture, Pianoforte, Engravings, Prints, Car- pet,e;. and other Eft-acts. Removed from Residences for oonveni«nce of Sale. MR. F. E. TUNBRIDGE Will SELL by AUCTION, at the Albert Hall, Cradock-3treet, Swar.sea, on THURSDAY, 24th NOVEMBER, 1910 at 11 o'clock precisely. Valuable FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Mciudifls:—Chippendale China Cabinet, Sheraton Cheet of Drawers, Sheraton Bureau, Card Table and Overmantel, Walnut Drawing Room Suite, Rosewood and Spanish Maho- gany r*Hieboar,3, Piano by C. Gadby, London, in Rosewood Case, Oak and Walnut Dining Tables. Oak Wardrobe, Rosewood Sideboard with Plate-glass Mirror, Mahogany China Cabinet, Mahogany Chests of Drawers and Washstands, Sheraton a.nd Mahogany Din- iug Ream Chairs. Mahogany and other Occa: sional Tables, Iron Deod- Chest, BraDS and Iron Fenders and Fire Irons, Mahogany Marble-top Wa^hsta-nds, Walnut Inlaid Table, Oak and other Tables, Occasional Chairs, Mar hogany 3-tier Dinner Wagon. Carved Walnut Pier Glass, Walnut Work Table, Antique Oak Settle, Satin.Walnut Bedroom Suites, 4ft. 6in. Brass Bedsteads ar,cl Mairessoa, Blanketa, 8" day and other Clocks, Electro-plate Tea Ser- vic\ Rocking Chair, Antique Snuff Box, Coro- bined Clock and Barometer, Ebony Writing Dealt, Mahogany Book-case. Knife Machine, Housemaid's Steps. Perambulators, Mail Cart Mangle, Curtain Poles, Invalid Chair, CnrtaiILS, Deal Table, Zinc Bath, Saucei>ans. etc., etc- May be viewed on Homing of 8.aJe. Auctioneer's Offices: 19. Gower-street, Swan- 82>a.. Tol. No. 245 Central. 6941 A-R A LOW RESERVE SALE OF A VALUABLE ANTHRACITE PRO- PERTY. KESSRS. J. J. DAVID AND CO., F.A.I., Have received instxnietions from the Liquid- ator, to Offer for SALE by AUCTION, at. the Hotel Metropcie, Swansea., ort TUESDAY, the 22nd NOVEMBER, 1910. at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon, as a going concern, all that Valuable and Compact ANTHRACITE PROPERTY, known as the GLAN-GARNANT and NOYADD COLLIERIES situate at Garuant in the County of Glamor- gan, and about 22 miles from the important Shipping Port of Swansea, with Minerals now unworked estimated at 3,800,000 TONS under lying the takings, which comprise an area of 24J ACRES or thereabouts, together wif-h the Substantial and Well-arranged BUILDINGS, ERECTIONS, FIXED and LOOSE PLANT and MACHIN- ERY. RAILWAY SIDINGS, STOCKS, STORES and EFFECTS. The Ooa] comprised in the takings includes the BIG VEIN. THE PEACOCK VEIN, THE TRIGLOIN VEIN, THE BRYNLLOI VEIN. & other well-known veins, especially suitable for breaking and grading into various sizes for the Continental and other Markets. The MANAGER'S HOUSE at GARNANT will be at the option of the Pim-ho-aer a.t a figure to be named on the day of Sale. Full Particulars and Conditions of Sale ma.y be obtained of Messrs. Cousina and Bots, fori, Sdioitors, 20 and 22, Queen-street, Car- diff, where Plans of the Properties may also be seen, or of the Auctioneers, 56, Windsor- r 1 J»<s-e Cardie, fron whom Orders U, View may be obtained. 6861 WIMMERFIELD FARM. SKETTY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER Zlet, 1910. MESSRS. BEYNQN, HOLLAND & 2ASCOE Have received instructions from the executors of the late Mrs. Mary Taylor, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at, the above Farm, the following Valuable STOCK, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, &e"1 viz— HORSES.-Black Mare "Diamond," 15.2 h-h., in foal by "Emlyn Lila«," Black Mare "Dar- ling," aged, 15.2 h.h., quiet and reliable in all harness; Bay Cart Mara, 5 years old, 153 jhh. good in all harness; Dark Horse "Prince." 16 h.h., 8 years old, good roadster; Hackney Chesnut Horae, 14.3 h.h., 5 years old, grand mover and quiet. 01.T'l'Ll'J.-4 Dairy Cows in full profit, 00- lieved to be in cr.lf, particulars given at time of sale. Grey Cow with oalf at foot, deeo milker; Hereford Yearling Bull. PIGS, POULTRY, etc.—Sow in Farrow. due to Farrow end of December; one Sow about 18 score, 6 strong Slips about- 4 score e>xcli, 10 Ducks, 60 Crossbred Fowls, Collie Sheep Dog. CROPS—About 20 tons of Clover ant Mea- dow Ha.y in Hay Barn, weU harvested, about 6 tona of Barley and Oat Straw, 60 Bushels of Barley in sacks, 60 Bushels of Oats in sacks, 11 tons of Mangolds in heap, about 1J acres of Swedes and Turnips in lore to suit puv- chasers, 50 rows of Savoys, 200 yards long in lots, also about i ati aero of Savoys partly cut; about 5 ton of Potatoes in bags, 300 Plants of Celery in rows, ready for market; aJ o Cauliflower and Carrots in Rows. I IMPLEMENTS—Pair Watronette with moveable bug top, to seat 16 persons, lamps and cushions complete. Large Brake to peat 20 persons, 2 Milk Traps, Lamps, etc., Tip Cart, Gambo, Treble, Mowing Machine by Bam- forcl, with reaping attachment. Bamford Sickle Grinder, Horse Bake, Hay Tender. Chaffcutter by BenthalL PulpQr, Turnip Slice-, Horse Gear, Threshing Machine, 2 L.B. Ploughs. Ridging Plough, 2 Harrows, Culti. vator, Horse Roo Iron Roller, Turnip Drill. j Com Bins, Water Cask on wheels, Corru- gated Iron Sheets, Stone Pickling Trough, Pig Troughs, Wire Netting, Hick Cover, 10 yards by 8 yards, Rick Pole 29ft. long, Pikea, J Bakes Shovels, Cattle Ties, 2 Cucumber Frames Greenhouse 10ft. by 7ft.. Wbeelbar- row. Weighing Ma-chine by Bartlett, Scales, Weights, etc., Singlo Barrel Breach-loading Gun. Saws, etc., Barrel Churn, Dairy Uten- sils. B. b Grindstone in iron, frame, Water- ing Cans and Garden Tools. HARNESS.—2 Sets of Cart Harness, Lead- ing Harness, Ploughing Harness, 2 Sets of Trap Harness, Riding Saddle and Bridle, Sundry Harness, New Pair of Cart Lamps. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Feather Beds, B'.vJ.steads, etc., etc- B'.vJ.steads, etc., etc. Six Months' Credit on approved Bills of jES raid upwards. II Discount for Cash at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. Luncheon (by ticket), at 10.30 o'clock. Sale to commence at 11.30 o'clock prompt. I The Auctioneers can with confidence re- commend 3,11 they have to dispose of at this Sale. Horses good and active, Cattle good milkers and in fine condition Crops in prime con dtion, a: d Implements modern. Auctioneers' Offices, Burraven Farm, Rey- noklston, and Cardigan Chambcj-s, 6, Col- 2eft Jpsti:eqt* Swansea* 6885 j '>"r" 1 Hdtes frjj ^viirtixra. SWANSEA AUCTION ROOMS, I' 46, WATERLOO -STPjEET. MESSRS- JOHN M. LEEDER AND SON Wtll SELF; fcy AT7CTTON a.t the SWANSEA AUCTION "ROOMS, 46, WATERLOO- STREET, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1310, at 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon, a quantity of useful and well-preserved I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, removed frocn residences at the Mumbles, St. Tlionsais, and other districts for better COll- vetuenoa of Sale. The loUs include — Brass Bedstead, Brass raii and Iron Bed- stieads, WTool Bolsters and Pii- lows, Wire sprrag and Box spring Mat- tiresses. SATIN WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, comprising Wardrobe with bevelled plate glass door, Dressing- Chart with swing glass, Withstand with marble slab a.nd tiled back and fitted with pedestal under, Towed Rail and 3 cane seat Chairs;Chests of Drawers, >ii.g'bit Commodes, Dressing Glasses, cano seat Chairs, Slip Mats, Bedroom Fenders, j Toilet Ware, Dressing Tables and Wash stands, OLD OAK COFFER, Carved Oa.k Kail Stand, Stained Walnut Ejall Siajid, PLANOFORfTES IN ROSEWOOD AND EBONISED CASES by Giw«r and Grover and Woddingtoc., Aonerican Organ, Inlaid Comer China Cab- inet, Fumigated ^Mahogany China Cabinet, Brč1$3 Curbs and Sets of Fire Brasses, Occa- sional Chairs and Tables, Drawing-room Suite, Carved Ouk Corner Cupboai-d, Wali Mirror, CARVED OAK SIDEBOARD, Walnut Sideboard, Pembroke Table, Walunt Overmantel,, Bookcase, 1 SPANISH MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM sim, comprising Couch, 2 Easies and 8 Table Chairs. Walnut Framed Dining-room Suite upholstered ia leather, Walnut Framed Din- ing-room Suite upholstered in saddlebags, 3 Mahogany Framed Easy Chairs, Brussels,, A:.miirster and Tapest-ry Carpets, Oil Paint- ings, Prints, together with the contents of the Kitohens, irwJuding Mangle, Deal Tables, ¡ Dimber Ware, etc., etc. I On Viev/- Morning of Sale. Note.—The Auctioneers are unabie to ac- cept further lots for inclusion in this sale. Aii-etaoncers' Officer, 46, AVaterloo-stneet, Sv. anwia. 6346 3. 4. AND 5, GOAT STREET, SWANSEA. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER ~N'l) AND 23ED.. 1910. SAIÆS TO COMMENCE EACH DAY AT j I 11 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.. MESSRS. j JOHN F. HARVEY AND SONS have received instructions to SELL BY AUCTION, as above, 1,190 PAIRS OF SUPERIOR, BOOTS AND SHOES in every variety, comprising:—The Highest Degree of Ladies' and Gent's Glace K;d, Box Calf, Tan, Willow, Calf aJid Brown Giaco Kid Boots and Shoes, Gent's l^in and B!a.ck Waterproof Fashing-. Shooting, Motor and Golfing Boots, Men's Working Boots, a large selection of Ladies' Gibson Shoes, .La.c.3, Button, and Bars. round and square toes, black and t:ll1; Boys' and Youths'* Boots in Box Calf and other materials. Gills' Eigh Ix>g Boota. Ladies' Scotch Fitting aaid Square Toed Boots in lace and button. A special consignment of Ladies' Blaisk and Tan Glace Kid. in the latest American styles. Ucmrp&ssed!! Goods oai View Mom ins- of each day's sale. Private salee eStected during the day. TRAFALGAR HOUSE. 9, ROCK TERRACE. mT11BLEB. UNRE-SERYED SAU: OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANO, MANGLE AND OTHER EFFECTS. MR. ARTHUR S. T. LUCAS has been instructed by Mrs. R. D. Buxton, who is leaving the Mumbles, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above address on THURSDAY, the 24th day of NOVEM- BER, 1310, the whole of the FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE AND EFFECTS AS FOLLOWS: — Handsome Rc«ewood Case, Pianoforte, Metal Frame Trichord {by the Brooklyn Piano Co., Ijcndon), Masrave 7ft. Pollard Oa.k Sideboard, Plate Glaas Back, with Cup- botirtis and Celiarcttcs; lelescope Dming Taoleg, Wainut Suite in Saddlebags, Ma-) hogany a.nd other Easy and Small Chairs, I MRKKi and V/altint, Uvermantob, Beautiful Bra;sR Ciock Set Fumed and other Occa- sional Chairs and Tables, Walnut Couch in Ta.pe6try, Oak Music Seat, Inland Music C abinet, Fumed and Brass Window Stand, Brass and Bronze Fenders and sets, Paint- ings, Engravings, Ornaments, Poles and! Rings, Cue tains. Blinds and Rollers, Brass) Chandeliers, Gas Pendants, eto., Meat Safe, i Kitchen TaWas, Chairs, Ware, Cliina (Ex- hibition Teapot), Glass. Mangle and Culin-! ary UbenElh Garden Seat, Hen Coop, and 14' Head of Poultry, Stair Carpet, other Car- pets, Oilcloth, cLe. The contents of five Bed- rooms, comprising Satin Walnut Chest upon i. Chest. Pollard Oak and Walnut Washstanda | and Dressing Stands, Mahogany and other; Cheats of Drawers, Brass and Iron Single and Double Bedsteads, Oak tnd Iron Cote, Wire Overlays, Wool and other Mattresses and Beds. Bolsters and Pillows, Set.s of Ware, j 4-Fold Screen, Handsomely Carved Bog Oak. Cut Mirror. Chairs, Carppts, Rugs, Pictures, 1 etc., etc. The Goods will he on View on the day prior to Salo from 2 to 5 p.m. The Sale t.o Commence at 11 o'clock 'ri ¡ the Forenoon precisely. Terms, Cash. No Reserva. For particulars apply to Mr. Arthur S. T. Eneas, Auctioneer and Valuer, 6, Rutland- street, Swansea, and at Newton, Mumbles. 'I'V-lenhnne. ?o0 Central. (Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Registered.) [6951 53, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. HIGHLY IMPORTANT HORTICUL- TURAL SALE. MESSRS. T. H. ENGLISH AND CO., P.R.H.S., will SELL by AUCTION (with- out reserve), until SATURDAY, NOV. 19th, a La.rg>e Coaisigiiment of PALMS, FERNS, ARAUCARIAS, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, and Other DECORATIVE PLANTS. 50,000 DUTCH BULBS of the finest pos- sible quality; also Several Thousand En- glish-grown ROSES, SHftUBS, etc. Catalogues may be obtained at above address. MR. HENRY F. HOOD, F C I S AUCTIONEER AND HOUSE AGENT, IMPERLAL CHAMBERS, CAER-STREET, SWANSEA Has the fallowing among otfher r PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO LET. ,I For Sate:—Dwelling Houses VI Bryn- road, Coedsaeeon, Brynmill, St. Thomae, Sketty, etc. Fi-oehold Business Premises top of High-street, Fruiterer's BusLaeew in Centre of Town, Small Biiaincss in Haiod. To Let -.—Dwelling House and Shop, car-I marthen-road. Particulars on application. Telephone—513 Central. 6940 PRELIMINARY. MR. W. S. GOfF, P.A.S 1., Has received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION all that LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, Known as ROSSLYN HOUSE, CRAD- DOCK STREET, SWANSEA. Furtheor particulars in future announo&- ments. Auctioneers' Offices, General Buildings, 234, High Street, Swansea. TeL 553 Cen- ,toi. it" MONEY.— £ 50 Wanted on the Secnritjr cf a x Reversion of £ 300 held in trust Wi'd .¡ pay 6!. per cent. Professional leaders not entartained.—Finance, "Daily Post," Swan- sea. 243pil-l« MONEY, £ S to £ '200 Advanced upon weekly repayments of Sevenpence to Twenty Shining's and Fourpence. Call or write for particulars. Pay meotinga, every Tuesaay and Saturday evening 7 to 8 30.—Western. Mutual Money Society, 44, Castle Chambers, Castle-sa'iare., Swansea. 183pli-l» I rV" WILLlAMS and Co~ T1 St.' Mary'a I I. street, Swansea, make priyte loans to respectable borrowers. Mortgage Brokers. Bills Discounted. No fees. Strictly confi- dential. Terme moderate, ilaay repayments arranged to suit rrowera. T-revor Williams, Manager. Cor. Tei. 124 (P-j fT A A—The Swansea Rock Permanent Building occiety, established 33 years, has ready to Advance, on Property. in one or more sums, easy terms.—Apply H. C. Higman, Secretary, 1, Northampton-pla«j Swansea. 783rll-H i?1 CAA—The Swansea Rock Permanent oMA)t}\J\J Building Society, established 33 years, has ready to Advance, on Property, in one or more snm^, easy terms.—Apply H. C. Higman. Secretary, 1, Northampton-placev. Swansea. 50?,pll-?i D JONES, Financier, makes caoh ^iTSLn-.e# • from £ 3 to £ -300 to all respectable house- holders at reasonable rate of Interest with- out delay.—Apply personally or t'y letter. Distance no object. No fe^s. Easy repayments arranged to suit convenience of borrowers. Private and confidential. Guaranteed.-Apply 3. Grove-pSaoa. Alexandra-road. Swansea. MONEY Lent Privately, £10 to .£1,000:- lU £10, repay jBll 5s. .£20, repay £22 10s. £30, repay £33 ifis. £50, re- pay j356 53. These terms are for ehort periods. Loane for 3, 6. 9, and 12 months can be arranged, and interest charged pro- portionately. Call, cr write, to the well- known Financier, WOOLFE JACKSON, 70, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. £ on to £ 5,cn0 Advanced by Lender on simple Promissory Note. No Bills of 8a!e taken, and privacy guaranteed. First letter of application re- ceives prompt attention, and intending borrowers are waited npon by a representa- tive, who is empowered to complete tra.n.80 action on terms mutually arranged, no charge being mads unless business rctnally completed. Special Quotations far short loans.—Write, in confidence to C. Wells, 16. Clare-street, Bristol. TtfE OLD E37'ABIJSHFnj PROVINCIAL UNION BANS continues 10 Lend Im- mense sums da.iiy from JE10 to £5 000 on Note of Hand alone or other security, at a few ho its' notice, to all classes in p_n: part ot Enp'and and Wales, repayable by easy in- stalments. No good application is ever r&. fused. All communications strictly private. Moderate interest. Special rate for short periods. The largest, best known, and most honourably condacted business in the king- dom. Thousands of regular customers haea expressed tbeir entire satisfaction in reo pea-tod transactions with us If desir&d, JDIIJ 01 our officials will attend at your residetiew at once with carti, and carry out tfco ad- vance there and then. Call cr write (in confidence) to the Manager, Mr. Stanley, Dowding 1. Queen Square, Bristol, or to jI" El will. n. Goat-atreet. Swansea. THE SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK, LTD., OF 18. PARK STREET, SWANSEA. MAKE CASH ADVANCES L'OK £10 to £500. To Commercial Gentlemen, Tradesmen, Farmers, and Respectable HousehaWers, on their own Note of Band, at a low rate of interest. Strictly Private and confidential. For further particulars, rpply H. B. JONES, Manager, 18 PARK STREET. SWANSEA. FOR PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES APPLr TO ALBERT E. GASH AT HIS PRIVATE HOUSE, 6. UPLANDS CRESCENT, WALTER ROA.), SWANSEA. Mr. Gaeh is prepared to ADVANCE to respectable persons LOANS from £10 to any amount, apon their own Note of Hand. WITHOUT SURETIES OR BILL OF SALE. INTENDING BORROWERS in applying ho Mr. Gash have the satisfaction of knowing with whom they are dealing, for Mr. Gash trades under his own name, and not under an assumed name, neither does he trade as A "OoTspany" or no-called "Bank." Please Note Addresa— 6. UPLANDS CRESCENT, W ALTBB-ROAD. SWANSEA. £10 to £1,000& DO YGTT I W LEND mONSET oh ^yr REASONABLE AND FAIR WAi*T TERMS ON NOTE OF HAND v-nvsv s l«Jcns to *l! rsspoesib « persons art ULUiM A X t wsst rates of interwt Payments ma<ie to sait borrowers* WE HAVE convenlsnee. Call or write C5S04 MONEY !F. LA WHENCE, Ltd. T Fvn THE OCN CHAUBEKS, CHBSSB 1U Lr.JMl/.1 Mark-'t (oft Vv'ir.c-tt.), BRISTOL. THE SOUTH WALES LOAN AND FINANCE CG., FINANCIERS, 8. WATERLOO STREET, SWANSEA Make Cash Advances Daily frcm £.5 and upwards. Terms Moderate, to suit Bor- rowers convenience. Apply personally, or by letter. Distance no object. Private and Confidential as heretofore. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Attendance Everjj Thursday from H a..JJl, to 4 p.m., at 4, 'Castle Street, Lraesteg. 1. SELINE, Manager. P.S.—Advances made on Plate, Jewel* lery. Pianos, etc., at Moderate Tenna. V* \A0VANC £ D/ ff; l: For Benefits Recalled from the use of the World's most renowned Remedy thousands of people are daily 'ex- pressing their appreciation. Their sense ol indebtedness is great. They realise thai the amount of good to be got out of a bo* of Beecliam's Pills is beyond all proportion to the money charged for it. "Beecham'S Pills are Worth a Guiuoa a Box" said a grateful user of the medicine years ago, and the world refused to let that phrase die* If you lire not helping to swell the chorva of praise it is because you have never given them a real trial. Trv them to-day if von* health is not all it .should b6. They wiiJ benetrt you enormously. Indigc ition, live: disorders, and constipation can easily be oored Thanks To BEECBAM'S PILLS. Sold everywhere in boxes, gric» & 2/9 (16o