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Public Notices. 1 GLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL BYE-ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PARISH CF L LAN SAMLET Ladies and Gentlemen, For many years there has been a steadily growing desire in the Parish to give a decidedly more Progressive character to oar representation upon the Glamorgan County Council. After giving thel matter the most serious consideration, and in the absence cf any other acceptable candidate. 1 do not feel justified in refusing my consent to the warm and 4carrest request of so many lite-long friends, who have been during many years the leaders of Progressive thought and feel- ing in the district. I need scarcely say that had any other Progressive been in the field I should not have allowed my name to have been brought forward. Now that the political parties are so evenly balanced in the House of Common?. I hold the view that the Conservative spirit of so many of our County Councils is be- coming, mere than ever, not merely a. men- ace to the full development of the demo- cratic spirit, but at the s&ms time a sfrions obstacle to the etficieni and sympathetic ad- ministration of various democratic scheoses for the betterment of the people, which have unfortunately to be entrusted to the tender mercies of men who ate notoriously out of sympathy with the principles upon which these schemes are based. The policy of "masterly inactivity" pur- sued by our County Councils in regard to Small Holdings may be instanced in this connection. With regard to my fitnees to take part in dealing with these muttsrs, I may be allowed to remind you that I have served a long ap- prenticeship of 16 years on the District Council and Board of Guardians, during which time I have been successively Chair- map of both bodies. All the experience I have gained would be placed at your dis- posal in order to further the interests of the Pariah of Llansamlet in particular, and of the County generally. Our Parliamentary constituency has re- cently. at a great sacrifice of labour and ex- pense, sent a representative to the House of Commons to attack the power of the House of Lords. It is not reasonable, there- tors, to expect that the same electorate, ■who have done nobly towards fighting the Lords in London, should stultify themselves by bolstering irp the iafiufnet: of this selfish and narrow-minded class in their own dis- trict. Remember Iha-t the capacity of the Lords for resisting attack in London during all these years is based upon and rooted in the influence and prestige you allow them to command in the country. I ani confident that the C Electors of Llan- samlet will in this, as on other occasions, re- fuse to be either cajoled or coerced into vot- ing for any other than a man who openly And on all occasions boidly proclaimed his attachment to Progressive and Democratic principles, as their representative on a body of such widely-extended powers, direct and indirect, as the Glamorgan Ccunty Council. I am, vmirs faithfully. J. W. JOHNSTON. Bll-yncoed, Llanr.amk t. G LAMOEGAN COUNTY COUNCIL, 1910. TO THE LLANSAMLET ELECTORS. Ladies and Gentlemen, 3 The term for which you did me the honour upon the lat3t occasion of re-elect- ing me as your representative on the County Council of Glamorgan having expired, and your Alderman naving been re-elected for the third time in thai capacity by the Council, I again offer my Services as your representative. During the period of nearly nine years gircae my first election, I have given to the affairs of the County a very large amount oi time, and have bestowed upon the work 8,y beet energies and capacity. Extensive impro ieinent-s have been accomplish'id in the County, and I have ftak-n an active part m this work. The Western side of the County has had its full share of the money which has been expended in these inaprovenieiits. Tne business of the Council is done by Committees and Sub-Committees. The latter have received my constant attention. The Council is a business authority, and I have always endeavoured to do my duty to the whole of my constituents, and to the County, and to transact the wcrK, re- gardless of all questions, which do' not affect the proper and real functions of the Council. If you again do me the honour of re- turning me, I shall continue to adopt the same course. I beg to remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, A. T. WILLIAMS. Baglan House, Briton Ferry, 21st March, 1910. 4893 NEATH RURAL DISTRICT COUN- CIL. PRIVATE STREETS WORKS ACT, 1392. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rural District Council of Neath, being the Sanitary Authority for the above-named District, did, on the 9th day of March, 1910, in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, pass the follow- icg Resolution, viz. :— That the specification of the Works proposed to be done in sewering, levelling, paving, metalling, channelling, and mak- ing good the street called Evans Road, Melincrvthan, withiii the contributory place of Llantwit Lower, within the Sanitary District of the Council, and. the Plans, Sections, Estimate and Provisional Apportionment relating to sneh Work,?, row submitted by the Surveyor, be and the same are hereby approved." AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, for a period of one month from the j 21st* day of March, 1910, the Specification. j Plans, Sections, Estimate and Provisional Apportionment referred to in the above re- solution will be kept deposited at ihe Offices of the Council, Orchard Street. Neath, and ■will be open to inspection at all reasonable times. Dat-ed this 19th day of March, 1910. By Order of the Council, CUTHBERTSON AND POWELL, Neath. Clerks to the Council. 4836 S WANE EA AND DISTRICT LICENSED tJ VICTUALLERS' AND BEER CULLERS' ASSOCIATION. A GENERAL MEETING of Members of the above Association will be held aA the ADELPHI HOTEL, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 at 3.30 p.m. Business: To elect a Secretary. OWEN HARRIS, President. inlis C) Walp i p.io- W.7-9 f BROUGHTON'S ft Ji wim fj iWSacme JtDFG SHOP if 1\ Y atwo Syaod Ji Priodaee* If Vv «. KZGBMO. BKOUGHTONJ i I 0"5 J vlf4.A1'5 J ? vy "»' 1F. JAY & QQ- Easy Payment FURNISHERS AT CASH PRICES. In many cases it is not always convenient to pay away a lot of cash in eae amount; in such cases we shall be pleased to extend our Hasy Payment System at Gash Prices. QiiS (w,!lGmSs 1/6 £ 3001 6' tt.7«C' £ 1° » 2/6 » ^50 » 8/-» £ ( £ 20 4/- >, j Can be paid Monthly. All intending- Purchasers of Furniture, who require realiy (load, Souai and Reitoblo F urBiture, should not fail to see oar imweBfJle Stoefc. All Goods DELIVERED FREE In Private Vans, If desired. 3ar WE EiLFLOY NO COLLECTORS. -lag 34, HIGH ST. SWANSEA -Telephone Central M3y. 73 & 76, High St, Newport; 8, Cemmuctil St., Aberta; and 47, St. Mary St., Cardiff. .J,c.MI I There is one Bicycle 1 better than all others J v IT IS THE BASIAA iTTW— I —MB——<K—Wi!TaB I cijnr:o<i mr| by Gent s RoB^tstcr, £ 3 13 0 S j JACK W'LLSAWIS the Local Agj 1- 37 Waterlco Street, Sncntec. | Coot of B&A. Bicycle Catalogue free on request. ? r/kOLSJiHaJLiVJ inmc ~jaa!i;x3 £ j&rrin "8 JIt!I1W n | CHAI{LES JEI\¡KIl\JS&SO ABERTHAW BLUE LIAS LIMB WORKS, |, BRIDGEND _H- ._u_- J -w, REFORM your DIET and live on Simple. but Pure and Nutritious Fare. REYNOLDS' WHEATS¥!EAL BREAD is not an experiment. Twenty years of proved | success. Ws claim a trial and hope for your j support. Made from the cream of the World's j Best Wheats. Awarded 65 Gold Medals for excellence of quality Order from Swansea and Local Bakers every day' J. REYNOLDS St Co., Ltd., I *\lberi Flemr Mills, Gloucester i BREAD is not an experiment. Twenty years of proved | success. Ws claim a trial and hope for your j support. Made from the cream of the World's j Best Wheats. Awarded 65 Gold Medals for excellence of quality Order from Swansea and Local Bakers every day' J. REYNOLDS St Co., Ltd., I *\lberi Flemr Mills, Gloucester i -w -f,1iIIP- /w p( £ 5@0t| v ^ADVANCED/ J OASLY FMMA8K YOUR GROCER FOR THEW»« | QUEEN'S GRAVY SALT. H fl *:™Jr d««!iou» *nd has No Equal for colouring ind 8 fl^ounor UBwiej. Soup*. etc.. It plawlft™ I 8AVKS TIMS. & Warranted made from Pnrr^r, I hoeir jn-l sai.^Tiy it: y.,„ will be 'i-licht, Sr.U 3 e»"r>»h're m ,u Id., and :m. Blocks. M:uinia<-ti;r»rs 1 THE 312 MIRTJAM FOCt) SUPPLY CO LfflTOlL ff Victoria Woris. Bir^iag;haa. .I.?1,™! 1" ASK YOUR GHOCEH I FOR A SAMPLE PA.CK.ET OF I OOAOTMy tJNMtt GLAZ& 1 f« «tl) be jaU« hsed, I« poilsbas C««s C«0«T»Uke I wary taiuuitrjr, Mii prasarrw ih^ UBsa. Dt«*r» Sjsbi «U atbon. ft taa« eci »•« oat is tke sttroti.. u SOLO SVEKYWHBlUt te id. pa«k««. Scn<i for Mmpte nest £ rt8. Hum, BiaMINGHAM E*KJOSU-*FL*Co, U^VlCtOBM WOEXS BULMlNCti*. *j cawa like lwnry taiuuitrjr, Mii prasarrw ih^ linew Ditters Sjsbi aU atbon. h Catt get s oat is tke sttroti.. u SOLO SVEKYWHBlUt te id. pa«k««. Scn<i for Mmpte nest £ rt8. Hum, BiaMINGHAM E*KJOSU-*FL*Co, U^VlCtOBM WOEXS BULMlNCti*. *j —— .„ ■■■ ■ ■■■■■Ji WHITS STAR LINS BOY AL MAIL STEAMERS. Largest Steamers in the World Bnildins;. Koweat, Largjeet. aaft Fastest Steamer to Boston. SOUTHAMPTON—CHERBOURG— QUEENST9WN—NETV YORK. Royal & United States Mail Service Oaiilug t Qiie^nstown V.;dstbc.:md and Ply- cuaatb £ £ tboa>KL *St Louja, Vi-eft .Via r 30 OceaDic, Wed. April 6 And reffa. arly thereafter. "Amerioau Line Sleaiaar. Hverpoot—Qoeeastown Liverpool—QceetUl New Yoi,k. town-Bouton Btic. Sat. April 2 Cymric, Toes., Aprtl 5 Oedric, Sat., April 16 Meganti Tties, April 12 and lazl1 tboreatter. CANADA. WHITE STAB-DOMINION SERVICE LIYKRPQGL—QUEBEC—MONTREAL Dominion, Tim rs day. April 21 Laurantic, Saturday, April SO. DOMINION LINE. Canada,, Thursday, April 7. Southwa-rk, Thnreday, April 14- LIVKBPOOL-HALIPAJL-POJaTLAWD. For further particulars app.y to Loonl Agents; or to ISM A Y IMRIE and Co., 3Q Jamea-ftreet-, Liverpool; Southampton: 1, Cockspur-street, S.W., aad 38, Leadenhail' etreet, Louden, E.C. BE CAREFUL WHEN The large Business of this well-known old-establishe enables them to defy ail competitioii, and to Save YOU TWENTY PER CENT. At least on your FURNISHING ORDERS i 1 8ts& 8s. 9d., A vast am of Drawing, and Bedroom All dtltfu. 6Mfls equally Cheap 0e fiver j j BBVAR & com j Swansea, Llaoelly, Cardiff, Newpoct. Pont) — -7<ifIIi("Ð"; |j| ||| m ||||| i TIV F. LEYTSODS, IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH & FOREIGN FRUITS and Commission Agents, HIGH STRIET, SW ANSIA. The s.s. WALNUT" DUE TO DISCHARGE ON TUESDAY HE-XT, Mareii 29th WITH A SPLENDID CARGO OF COLERAINS POTATOES FOR SEED PURPOSES. ALSO THE SCHOONER "HESPERUS" Due with a fine Cargo of Snowflakes." For Particulars apply as above. 4898 Millinery. MADAME EMILIE EVANS. SHOWROOMS 29, Oxford Street. MILLINERY MODELS: Blouses and I Underskirts I In LATEST I EBI-S3 & MATERIALS at exc<'pfcit-.i,i.iiy moderate Prices. Telephone—189 Docks. 4843 TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC, LONDON (lust. 1872;. Chairman of Boari-Sir Frederick Bridge, M.V.O. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. The last days of entry for forthcoming Examinations at the Swansea Centre are as tinder, viz. April 9th for Practical." May, 1910. May 25th for M.K. (Theory), June, 1910. Fifty Local Exhibitions in Practical Music, and Twelve in Theory of Music (ten- aile at LocaJ Centres in the United King- dom, India, and the Colonies), and a num- ber of National Prizes are aniiuazy awarded. Local Secretary, Mr. Arthur Hey, Mus. Bac., 17, Walter Road, from whom the cur- rent Syllabus may be obtained. 4860. SPENDING! k! Firm 1 Handsome Cabinets from £2 19& llcL, WaJnut boards from PS 17s. 6d., Z wire-woven Mattresses, i Massive Iron Bedsteads Ly-tbe Largest in Wales Suites from £4 12s. 6d. y free up te 280 Miles. PANf, 'paadd, and PootypooL, 0 I NEW l tx 'N"aX 0 poor-coverings. CARPETS, RUGS, MATS, LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, TO Our stocks contain specimens of the Newest Designs by the Leading Makers, and we give the Best Possible Value in Thoroughly Reliable Qualities. CARPETS MADE AND LAID AND LINOLEUMS FITTED FREE OF CHARGE. Except for Rail Fares where these are iticumd. 7t I Ben. Evans tv livii LTD., The House for Quality, SWANSEA. J


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