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— "■■■ .11 £3 To £30D I Adduced Daily to all Claras. WM. USHER & Co., 14, riCTOX PLACE. SWANSEA branch: 16, STATION -BO AD, LLANELLY WHITSUNTIDE 1900. The effractions of thej 'Season are now at RRYSj jTKOMAS. Millinery to suit Lady, Children of ail ■ages. Largest Selection in ¡ iSoutii W ales. Superior. (Quality at email Cost — 81, OXFORD STREET. 21, FABIAN STREET. ST. THOMAS. -—-——-— —————————————————— gECHSTEIS pIANOS. gn:!N"v.vy piAJJOS KAfS piASoa NECMEYER piANOS J BACH piASOS. y —■ Thompson & Shackel!¡ LIMITED. 32, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. BOLE AGENTS FOR ALL TEE ABOVE MAGNIFICENT PIANOS. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. CATALOGUES FREE. Largest discount tor cash, or may be had on Bore Purchase B.,stem. I N.B. — PIANOS BY OTHER MAKERS TAKEN L EXCHANGE. "Q {)t.J'J i X.. | 03TROPFBROS. &Co.,j 13, CASTLE STREET, '.SLj.. Fhe Aaimiaa 12 and 14 Carat Roiled GoldI Wire Artists. j by Naaif made Lorn. IS. sent post tret on j receipt of 12 Sumps. 294c established I ¡ DTER I-'IFTi' YEARS Al, .1 _¡LA Hay convey to same the idea of old- I f*«x iketaotla and o: antiquated l'Yroed.i¡¡> r:mt;t ¡ë a fa,t that Ke'-jf; Vegetable PdlfJ ix&wi long the I ItiiiSv-e.r of Small Filia aud rin»»(l Doses, -bitst they surpass in medicinal many of the moat modern prescrii*. tiona. VEGETABLE PLiS I Are UlÜF; carefully prepared, 811. B,re reco::nr.ex: "d lor ail disorders of the I btoiaach and Liver, Headaches. Bilfous vGrcpiaiiita, Indigestion, Rheumatism, jnc, «tc Thousand? take no oth->v naedieiue. TV ;ti-j Kernick's Yagetab'e l\cf'.a for Ch.iaren. sac' K-r- Enuc >s .sot!.era' Favourite Teethittz < Pawners. they form a I COMPLETE j MEDICINE CHEST.! siicmld l;? in every Household. ,f v«ptabie Fills. 7id. la. l*t.. Vccetable Worm, £ M«eag*V 7 fnid 111. ijd. per $, Mothers Favourite Teething *"pw».erj: 'tree from opiftn*. t» and 2*. M- P«r box, oi -U Chemists and f-»re«. RESULT OF SPIGSG OLKANLVGi CO'vlPKTJTiON. Re have received *ach a cumber oi' really th?t veli?31,• verses that we »J)oald use very much to e ve tiie TS'pq.?KS Lthai m .lk:: c.!lr;lce !) nl tla.'1E! d-ecided V ^o ha« titcn l-ard^bis'ccmpe'uuoal1' t'oatributioas U" | Jpo WAS A >\ AP.r>7:Ti To EDWARD H HARSC-K for Xi "raes -BOOTS A'DVICE "w HOUSEWIVES pu £ lishod lu Moutiay's paper. t 4 If yoar slavey. s-oe-s and leav«g voc w._ i sarins: cleaning: com. np on, -"Jl 1 And tou cannot t another mkd that suits I win tell roa how to manage Kith extra toil. x:jL,~ Just waft off ihe nearest ahot> 0/' boat-j Ch,2<; aro civil a.sO ohl'ging, yon wiii veVy' < q-aifklj fi'id. Their "-ood." (:H!8,p. and tresh, up tocja:, }" bd bay for sav .sluUmg 1ih.at most firms would for three. As the*- trade for ea-sh., and do not kelbD a slate. ( Pura Dra^a. Gold F.iiiii. Furniture Cream i and P.iif. Staff lor saving n-'iow grease, powders, and various tw. and polish every >iina. thinga that wit! euro 1i. So to fret, ''•r^ PHI on your sliosa and just tr If yoa think voor cha.a acd tables fgot a. lijtie wors-j tor we-r. And' the sideboard is not what it used to fcecas. Don't break your cups aud saucers and say j you wLali "OU oojvj, ) For 4d. only teed bf on CreaiH With a apply it, g>nxlv. any child can J rmt on. It'a a3 easj- if yon want to stain lb? 3-or, spent another 4d. on a «ot o- Varnish rtfain. Thers our home iviii look just as it did of I rore. Soft Soap, Brunswick Bla'.k, Paste for a hundred tiiis. Dr" and Paints of every kind. Cloudy Ammonia, toy. Each yf them cert2.: to dry its work, just I as told vdil. I S1 ';orrt» for your (.rodit's lJah and not me. JThan you vc iir^aLiia >.i vae uciiroota. and the parlour and the hail. Although wil repaid think you re done. í Phere a 1"o1. and paua and kettles want a little cleaa'nsr out. So again across to BOOTS have to run; *l'! 9\ M^tal Polish, just on-e penny does ^tne trjek, ^o atains or scr^ *rou will 3iR? a0ollt -voaf ^ufteworkTad be ?laa yon are aii^e. An in everything yoa 11 see a Kniil^'n^' iaca ^^owcli'Va^ Ch-mi8ts- things at tn-e I01\"(;t -:oat<3. for a that a1w:1' 8 SO,000 housewives sing praises of one ac- cord, } And aa^lKSis.'M' finn. but BOOTS. BOOT. BOOTS. F, Johraon, 4. Victoria-road, Pcuketb, near Warring t>n. j BOOTS VARNISH STAINS; eive a brilliant -I)1ish in Oak. Walnut etc ¡ Staininsr and varnish Bg- «. oodwork a.t on operation. uxual 6d. Bi?.e for 4ia.r Is. site for 3d.. 2s. 6d size ior Is. 5d. per bottle. l.KAT! • KKS. Lae size and ood Quality. 6d. 7URNITURF. CREAM gives a brilliant J 311 kinds of Mo- and French-|;o'.i?hed Furniture with half the usual labaar. wuaranteed not to show flnarer marks. 6d. bottia for 4a. • la. bottle for 7d. JIORQAN'S GOLD PAINT I as used by Cabinet Makers. Gilders and j Decorators. the original brightness j of Gold, easy of application, and un- I rivalled in app?aran«e. Boots reduced ">rice—Is. bottle for nd. HOTIBijMA.ID'H GLOVED, Ö!lU. per nair SOFT SOAP. 6\. tiiiB.. la. HAT 1 AENISHES, 4i:-rl. per vottle (variotw colounu CARBOLIC SOAP, 2id. ner lb. BOOTS' C2TMS0X OZONE FLUID. Is far aid BKUNSW1CK BLACK. 6a. siz« for 4d. 4 per bottle. MtfTAL UOLfRH 1; ti-r for 411. WASHING POWDER. lid. lo. gOOTS, CASH CHEMISTS The Largest, Best, and cjeapeat æ. fligh-ftreet, and 1 and 2, Ozford-stMet, SWANSEA. CYCLES. 1 hao&5» 1 j RUDGE-WHITWORTBI ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VALUE IK ¡ THE WORLD. j I I ) I I J' t v I SOLE AGENTS FOR- The JAMES, TOWNEND, COVENTRY CROSS. I CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. ANDERSON, COX & Co. LIMITED. CASTLE ST., & COLLEGE ST., SWANSEA. j | ISA I&Rimik SrvBsxisH i PIANOFORTES. SUQHTIT USED, RETUBKED FBOM HIRE. j il'ker's Xow i Price Offrd 8n'». Gn s* j COLLAR r.» Undei'damper j -Action, Newest Model 45 3'21 BRINSMEAD Trichord and Check Action in good order 53 2S ¡ BOKD PIANETTE in Jar rah JLF Wood, Iron Vi-atue 30 19 HV M ARD Trichord aad Cheek Aoti^a 45 21,' UPRIGHT G R A. D Trichord Check Accion, German Make 60 25; RALPH Checi Action, Trichord, Mii&ilic Bar 45 31; ALL warranted delivered and kept in tone for one year free of charge. The above Pianos are well worth the atten- tion of intending purchasers, aa this is as opportunity seldom met with. PLEASE DON'T MISTAKE MY ONLY ADDRESS! L7, HEATHFiELD ST., SWANSEA.; GWYNNE'- H. BllADEE, | Sri Proprietor, WEDDING JUNGS f GO TO ( BROTJGHTON'S j IBS BOTED WEDDING lUNG L SHOP. J 1 filttp Hynod am fedrwj* J V Prioca*. BL, F*GH ci^vREET, S^ANSUk. OBodbt, Watches, and Stfwmlhrj B 'faaisrf. jt f'I1:"i;1 WELSHMEN Should Smoke Prince Llewelyn w Sfsagg. „ 0 A Fit EE HOUSE. THE KING'S HEAD HOTEL, NEATH, HAS BEEN TRHL" RENOVATED II EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION, INCLUDING BEDROOMS PROVIDED. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. THE BEST WINES AND SPIRITS KEPT. ONLY ALLSOFS xxx. ON DRAUGHT. BASS'S BOTTLED ALE AND GCJINNESS'S STOUT. Proprietor Mr. JOSH HOPKINS. 1068 1- ■, ■■■ ——- Ben Evans & Co. Ltd. Are now making a Magnificent Display of Every Requisite for Complete House Furnishing. t5rDVTrn?P Artistic Furniture for Hails, Libraries and Offices. F URN id UJaJifc Artistic Furniture ior DiDing Drawing Rooms. j Artastic Furniture for Bedrooms. A Grand Range, oxh;airing endless combinations of FLOOR Shadings in Brusstlls, Axiaiuster, Velvet Pile, Tuikcy COVERINGS. and Oriental Carpets, Printed Oilcloth and Linoleums. j Inlaid Linoleum and Cork Csi-pet in ail qualities. | A Well-Selected Stock of All Brass, Black and Bra«s, and BEDSTEADS I Iron Bedstead.. at old prices. Feather Beds, Bolsters and and Pihows. Mattresses, Palliasses, ate. All bedding BEDDING. guaranteed pure, and amde in B. E. & Co.'s own work- shops. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 11 Eveay ar-,L-le of Dmestikgeëyin Tinned Hollotvare, Brashes, Turnery, Fenders, Fire IronSj Baths, Lamps, IRONMONGERY i Balances, Cooking Stom:, Cutierr, <te. i A Bea^itift'l Selection oi' Silver' and Electro-Plated Goods | suitable for Wedding Presents. A Complete Range of New Shapes and Colorings in Table CHINA and GLASS I Glass, Breafcfasst, Dinner and Tea. Services, Toilet Sets, Trinket isets, Flower Pots and Pedestals, Stew Jars, &c. The Linen Rooms contain one of the Largest and Most Variod Stocks in the Kingdonj, a.nd include some beautiful HOUSEHOLD 1 examples of Real Irish table Linen, Hand Embroidered LINENS. } Sideboard and Tray Cloths, Bedspread^ D'Oyleys, &c. Full assortraent of Towels, Towellings, Quilts, Blankets, Lace Curtains, &c., Ac.. AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE (of 44 Pages) SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. f< Swansea. lOHN a BROWN h' iroil CUTLERY and ELECTRO-PLATE. gcwffli. /J SHvTElS&T, VAE09B lj?l i^TU i| WEimtsQ 11 j I }|i 90MPLI. VAaZSTK Ifefl lltijdi WENTABT gsiiajENars. JOHN S. BROWN, OXPOBD STW SWANSEA. E Y L E R S FOR DRESS MATERIALS; DRESSMAKING DONE ON THE PREMISES. FIT AND STYLE GCARAKTEED. 35, 36, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. zo,.n&IlR' I BEDSTEADS! OFFERED AT LESS THAN COST PRICE DOWN and SON Beg to call the Attention oi the Public to tbsir large and varied Stock 01 Brass and Erass-Mounted BEIiSTE&BS Havibg bought largely for eaab prior to tba recent haavy ndvaseMi is pnee, t5iey are *bW is a position to cner theM goods at figores which are BlLOW PiiESOiX 006T. The Public are invited to call a&d inpecs the goods and eooi|MB« the pace* with tboIa now asked by other flaw. 331, HIGH STREET j -a- 1- .41 The Ups | and TMN Downs IN THE BICYCLE TR ADE.—Up went otsr Sales lie a sky rocket immediately we reduced our gr ices to the present figures. The prices fell on Bicycle Buyers like a thunderbolt. Tney come—they see—they Wy! The public are not slow to -2e that we are selling HIGH GRAlJE MACHINES at Lower Prices than they are asked far "Second Grade Machines, elsewhere. It is a w ell-known fact that the TRIUMPH Machines stand at tha top of the tree. No Bicycle on the road to equal it. Hare axe the prices:— ROYAL TRIUMPH £ »iq io o ROYAL EAGLES £ 10 0 0 j SUNBEAMS as io o ALLDAYS Y,6 10 0 ROVERS 1*9 10 0 JENKINS AND CO., |j 89, OXFORD-STREET, IRONMONGERS, il 9, and 10, PARK-STREET, j SWANSEA. ;j TELEPHONE 199. i SALE OF CYCLES! HELD AT THE ALBERT HALL NEXT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. | J-OHN ILLIA) sg 71, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA OPPOSITE G.W.R. STATION (Managing Director ci the late D«6aace Cycle and Moior Co., Ltd,), begn to icfnctn the Public that he is prepared at the above address, to undertake any REPAIRS, RENEWALS, or ALIEjAaTIONS to any Machines purchased at the Sale, at lxtrkmely low charges. Personal Supurvial011 given to j>Work, and Fully Guaranteed, ESTXMATES AND QUOTATIONS FREE. NOTE THE ADDRESS:— JOHN WILII.AlVrS- CYCLE AND MOXQ^ OYCLE MANUFACTURER, 11, SiaS STREET, 'Afisifltajit—-J. DOUGLAS DAVIES. tOpparito G-W.R. Station). t ■ V ":&I;I' j TXDB.ABIiB FOR MAY. -.1 I Hiifh Water, Height on C1U«. "Wwk Day* G-r<senwiea P of W .th. S'uth Yean Tiaia Dock Dock Dock A-H- .7 Monday f< i:;$17 lij 8 'Tveni&Y 0-'A 1 T, 25 11 17 11 18 5 a Weduesday 1 '<3 2 u 2i 3 18 d 17 2 I > Thunjdny 5 a 0 :.e 0 20 0 ]8 11 II Friday o o-i i7 5 21 5 19 11 j Tae hesghi' of Tide «p t.ijo rivnr at th« X'o> tary inl Jiro i.4 1 feet and at Hafod Wrto Aad 10 le,,t f, iii<-her Je". oa j the Gill of North Dock fiatf-tida iim. f ■I -1, .11. ■■ ■■ I.T «.uimqw«g» j MASTEJiS & Co. j THE •i ..Ll .8 s EA| f" \1 ;¡ A¡ Ÿ LL ..1.1 .c.It. ¡ CI'l s Jt.i=t i- j » i • ) STONE'S I Perfect Whole Wheat! I j Meai. (Fine or Coarse.) I Ko- m-ing Bread, Puddings, Pastry, Por- tidge, C?.ke»» Bis-miU, etc., as daily used and rscomraended by the Medicai Authorities, Sold at Lowest Market Prices WITH A GUARANTEE OF ITS ABSOLUTE í PURITY. I Sold is Bag's containing 71b.; Casli Pricey 11-. I |TAYLOE&"co., Ltd., i I 6, CASTLE-SQUARE, t 99. OXFORD-STREET. f 55, WALTFR-EOAD, t 100, BK IN YMOR-ROAD, SWANSEA. ¡ Head Office. 211, Egh-etreet, Swansea. Loi'or A.i:ldrcs«, 144. Fleet-street, London, S.O. Teleeraz&iB Address, "Daily poit," -Sftansea. telephone? 9 .c.

j WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1900.

[No title]

- The Post Baø 1 I -----,'----4---I

1..A. THE WAR. | ! —— |




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