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F It1 PUBLIC CQMPA^IZS. e SUBCIUPTION LIST will be OI'ENEO a WEDNESDA f. the 19th October. 1838. uad CLOSED at or before 4 p.m. on the .ame d.w. .AM C EÍ.. ALLSOPP and SONS (Limited). (Registered ur-der the Companies Act. 1862 to 1885). 88UE of 88.000 DEFERRED ORDIN- i-i-ES of £10 each, being the balance a. total amount of 110,000 Shares, aatho- >d by Special Resolutions of the 2-3(11 rch, and the 14th April, 1898, on which the lclend is livnire 1 to 7 per cent. until Ó" <ervo amounts to £ 1,100,003. n consequence of the growth of 'he ineps, power was taken in the eerly part of > yar to increase the Share Capital of 'he apany by the c:nation of Deferred Ordin- Sharcs to the extent of £1.100,OCJ. vi new (-AT,. 000 was isar.sd last April he holders cf the Preferred Ordinary Stock jar, and was xmly subscribed. he Directors have decided to OFFER the LANCE of these SHARES at PAJt, pay- as £1 per Share on Application. R3 per Share on Allotment. R-3 per Share on December 31st, 1833. £3 per Share on March Slat, 1839. he prnceds of this issue wili be used for further development of the business, and the continuance of the policy which has ved so advantageous of securing trade by purchase vi, Mia investments in. licensed perties. ''he progress of the business is known by following statement of net profits, taken D. the Company's audited accounts for the 5 five vears:- 1893-4 JB180465 3 1 1894-5 .-6139,838 6 8 1895-6 £ 266.297 3 1 1886-7 £260,255 14 7 1897-8 £ 288,903 lo 3 'èt the year ended the 50tn tie, ltiHö. 11 I ition to th3 dividend of 7 per cent, on I Preferred Ordinary Stock, and the divi- d of 7 per cent, fcaJcnLited from the dates payment of the instalments on the Deferred linar, Shares already issued, ajid to the ire;+' naid upon increased prior charges, a t of £ 80,000 was placed to the Reserve, ch now stands at £ 25"J.000. 'he present Capital of the Corapanj is a- 3W3 100.000 4-4 per cent. Debenture Stock, SOO.OCC 3i per cent. Debenture <Stock, 100,000 6 per cent. Preference Stock. 100,000 7 per cent. Preferrsd Or(iha>y Stock, and -220,000 in 22,000 Deferred Ordinary I Shares of Lio each. Tiers are numerous trade contracts in ex, nce. and subscribers will be deemed to s bad notice of them, ard to have agree.1 l the Company, as Trustee for the Diree- and Officers," to waive any claim winch ina.v have against. them for not more f con-plying with the requirements of the iparties Act, 1367. he Memorandum and Articles of Assccia- of the Company can be seeu at the Ofiiee he Company, anti of the Solicitors, Messrs. vers Smith, Brsithwaitc, and Robinson. :7hro?-morton-avenue, London, E C. ppii cations sooull be made on the accom- x ying form, and forwarded to the Office of Company at Burcon-oa-Trent, on or be- the 18th October, 18S3. is intended 10 apply for a Stock Exchange temeiit and quotation in due course, rospertuses with Forms of Application be obtained from the Company's Bankws A. Robart?, Lubbock and Co.. 15, Lom- 1-street, E.C. Lloyds Bank Limited, 72, ifcard-sfereet, E.G.. and at tlheir various acsh^s; Th- Barren Union Bank (Ltd.), Um-on-Trent; also ac the Office 01 the tpany at Bm+on-on-Trent, and at amy of r Branch Establishments, as shown in' the acoo:rrpii:yr,v' prospectus. be following ure the Directors of Use Com on. A. PERCY ALLSOPP, Chairman, í)n. GEORGE H. ALLSOPP, M.P. IGHARD IIAIT A ITY. ■IMES BRADFORD. MAXWELL TOD. RAN CIS ROBERT PRYOR. IMF'- STIRTON. iiecretarj-—J. KAIiTSHORN. stared Offico—Tne Brewery, Burton-on- ■*n". >be- 1-nh, 1S9P. S APPLICATION VORM MA Y BT USED. TO THE DIRECTORS OF 4MU EL ALLSOPP and SONS (Ltd.). Gentiemen,—Fiwiug paid to YOU the. of £ being a deposit m per Share Defer ltd Ordinary Shares of JEH I hereby iv-quest that vou will allot me same, and I here-ov agree to accept l-he ? or any siiudler allotment that mav l.-e e to me, and to pay the further sums" due espec; theieof according to the *-erms of Pros.pec4tt3 issued by you and dated the day of Oeiober, 1698. and to become a rt>er of iie Company, and I iierebr author- ;rou to place my nncjjo on the Ret-ister I)! \bers in rerptct thereof. sa ia fall ress in full essicii or Description U Signature ru+„ 10X6 TOBACCO TRADE. otice to Wholesale Buyers. NQUIRE "ABOUT OUR REDUCED PRICES. I IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO. T 40, CASTLE ST, SWANSEA, -A. SANDER, Proprietor. imbria Cycles, Ltd. inaging Director, Mi. JOHN S. BROWN.} Are now oflering some EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN D 1 F, S' & GENT.S' CYCLES ep1J. EXCHANGES. nntixa BEPAIRS EA PEST HOUSE IN V'ALES j ^.nibrls Cycles, Ltd-? | -VANSEA & LLANELLY. —v /-« 1 "V" tsecTiirJJ: D. < jr- |E. WILLIAMS & Co. (Late S. CKAPPF.E), j 1RONMON GEES. Retail Deroi-16, IIEATHFIELD STIiEET. Wholesale & Ehcwrooms 1 la, IIORTON STREET- Cteapeat and Best I .ouse in Town for Household. Ironmongery, Brushes, Cutlery, Grates, Ranges, Chimney Pieces, Baths, &c, A Test Order Respectfully Solicited. Try our CHEMICAL CHIMNEY and FLUE CLEANER, Price 6d. L And do away with the worry of having Chimney Sweeps ÎR. "i his is a really gcod thing, and well recommended. I 6'a" r I BICYCLES AT CLEAEASCE PEICES ROVERS AT £ 12 128. Oi Such a thing never heard of before in Bicycle history. When^_ a man sas a :hing -we are tola i>, is right fcr him to cry it troru the house top. \ve have a goc^ :or you in Bicycles. The word "ROTTER." oa a macuine means tie Bi&S'T fciat money caa suy. The Rover ves first in tne f^ "Tt« first £ >afecy Bicycia' load8. Other i £ Aunia<> turers fclloTveii, and are jtiii ioliowjag, bat- cannot overlaid We have a few second-hand machines at tempting prices JENKINS & CO., IRONMONGERS, SWANSEA. EP, OXFORD STREET j 9 aDd 10, PARK STREET, TEIIPHONE 199 I «3S3M«iAiMOji»u.u^u, uniirri nmfj ONE DOZ. MIDGET PHOTOGRAPHS ON XMAS CARDS—Q/0. HOAIIE BROS.. ") T"I T-' i St>. OXFORD STREF/f. SWANSEA- 8 81, OXFORD STREET, & 21, FABIAN STREET (ST. THOMS, SWANSEA). RUTS THOMAS The Original Producer of Styles and Correct Fashions in all classes of the DRAPERY & MILLINERY TRADE, Begs to invite the Patrons and the Public generally to inspect his display of Novelties & New Goods FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER WEAR. ve- New Ideas, the New Colours, Everything Correct, and at Prices that will command an Immediate Sale. ONLY ADDRESSES: 81, OXFORD STREET, & 21, FABIAN STREET lif29S) (ST. THOMAS, SWANSEA). GREAT SALS OF "WALLPAPERS AT I. BENJAMIN and CO.s 3, COLLEGE BUILDINGS, Waterloo Street, Swansea. SALE ON FOR TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS. GREAT REDUCTIONS, GENUINE BARGAINS. CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. —— Although SWANSEA wins in Football ABEEAVON leads in TOBACCO. TRY THE NOTED FREE KICK," GRAND STAND," FOUR THREE-QUARTER BACK," and "PURE VIRGINIA" CIGARETTES. I EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. T. ID. %J0lMI3S Jh Co., TOBACCO FACTORY, ABERAVON. BRANDS OP UlVJ FLOUR. GATS fan" WHITES. •i.t, •- WJULVi SEW PTtOCTSJ, r&jTfS&'V "u< XZAL EXTRAS. • ■' w REDTIE V^ :v-. • LLATRKR ,L": • DIGKSTT7S I'iNES, • ■ •- .'V • *KEAD. PLArN TIE, I BLUE XIK, » i. '7 (EsTisiared Trad« Murii. ) OR FULL PABTICULAiiS ADDRESS— J. REYNOLDS & Co., GLOUCESTER5 CHAS. JENKINS AND SON, ABEIITHAW BLUE LIAS LIME WORKS. | B It i I) (.t END. -=s'A" HOPKINSONS JAMS ARK THE 13EST |IIOPKINSON'S JAMS AND A. L :ABE AEiOLUTELY THE BEST I SPECIAL. FOR TWELVE DAYS ONLY- ImForlant Concessions in Prices. BEN EVANS & Co. Invite pj».rticxilaT atianticn to the \uiderraoiiticJied SPECIAL LIMES, "Wldch, with KKir.y others, were recently acquired at very Close Prices for Cash, and will be found from 2/- to 4- in the Pound Below Present Value. THESE WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO-DAY. MONDAY. OCT. 17TH., AND FOLLOWING DAYS. 1AI> A T>T7 T> Y L 3,000 pairs of BLANKETS, from 2/11 to 3 guineas per pair. guineas per pair. W:) pairs IvERiSEY BLANKETS, 2j yards I long, Tibs, in weight. 10/11 per pair. 550 Fringed ALHAMBRA QUILTS, 3 yards long, 2';11A each 600 pairs Heavy TWILLED SHEETS, 2% yards long. 3/11 per pair. Real Welsh Hand-made SHIRTING FLAN- NEL, 1/- per yard. Feather-proof TICK, Cream and Brown I yarct. Stripe, 1/11 p.3r yard. FLANNEL KTTAS. Plain and laiicy, lid., 2id., 3{|d. and4?d. £ 5 pieces Homesp-un St'RGE and CHECK IWl^EDS, double width, 4i*d., 6^. per vard. 48 pieces MELTON and HABIT CLOTHS, in all Colors, 5^d 7^cL, per yara. 75 pieccs Venetian CYCLE CLOTHS, Grand Vraiue, 8$d., 1/3,1, per yard. KOOlvlS. 250 qjoth JACKETS (New Shapes) in Black, Myrtle, Navy and Fawn 6/11, 8/11, 10/11, 1.2/11, 14/11, 16/11. COATS and SKIRTS 'Ncwast Styles and Colorings), 8/11, 10/11, 12ill, 15/9, 21/9, to 65/- Splendid Assortment of OHLLDuEN S REEFERS, COATS and SKIRTS, CLOAKS, etc. Ladies' Black and Colored FELT BOATERS, 1/cvi, 1/11, 2/6i, 2/11 and 3/11 *ch. 125, Ladies' Black RUSTIC STRAW SAILORS, 1/04 each. GIRLS' SAILOR HATS (New Shades), 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 each. 130 ooz. Children's large Brimnied FELT HATS (Triramsd Ccrd and Pom-Poms), 1/6,1/11,2/6,2/11. LADIES & 15Q D()7 STOCKINETTE vSKIRTS, !i PUT r HPFV'Q 1/11A each. 11 Q 270 Dos. Colored Ribbed BODICES, 3|d. each />rTT PTTT rv^ 130 Doz. Ladies' Cloth and Knitted DIVIDED 1 1 1 -NVT- KNICKERS. 2/11^ per j>air. 1 Ladies' FLANNELETTE NIGHTDRESSES (trimmed silk .broidery, turn down Collars), 1/lli each. 140 doz Ivies' FLANN-ELE-TTE CHEMISES and KNICKERS, 1/0?, 1/6J. Children's Cream and Colored CAPE^ and COATS, 1/UA, 2/11, 3/11. 12 doz Beaver TAM O'SHANTERS, 5/11 each rrno ——— — 2: 230 doz NECKLETS and COLLARETTES, VOi, 1/64, 1/11, 2/6^, 2/11, 3/11. EitraordiiKLrv Value in ELECliRlC SEAL CAPES "from 10/11. BOTS- & YOUTHS' NAp R £ OUTFITTING 180,^1>OZ.^ Boys' Navy SERGE SAILOR 145 Boy¡¡' Navy ViX WOOL SERGE MAX 0 WAR SUITS. 4/9 each. 180 Boys' Fancy TWEED NORFOLK SUITS all sizes, 4/6 each. 160 Untearabla TWEED NORFOLK SLITS (for boys from 8 to 14 years of age), 12/6 | Boys' and Youths' CAPES and DOUBLE- BREASTED OVERCOATS, o/ll, 7/11, to 25/. BOOTS & SHOES. 35? B00TS Sizes 7, 8, 9, 10. 11.12, 13, 1. 2.3.4,5. Prices, 3/111 pair. 4/64 Pah' 4/11^ rtair. 237 Pairs Girls' Laced BOOTS, Blacking Calf Fronts. Sizes, 7, 3. 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 1. Prices, 2/lli pair. 3/11A pair. FURNISHING I ——-——————————— 500 pairs White and Ecru LACE CURTAINS C-TH yards long), 3A14 per pair. 300 Strang BEDSTEADS, full size, 11/6 each BORDEIiED OILCLOTHS, Canvas Back, 21d., 41d., 6^d. per yard. BODY OILCLOTH (2 yards wide), /24, l/4i TAPESTRY CAPPERS (27 inches wzde)' 114d., I/24, I/64, 1/94, 1/11 per yard. 1/9, 1/11 per yard. BEN EVANS & CO.. LTD., SWANSEA. a JOHN Si BROWN HAS ALWAYS IN STOCTv AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF thi;nics_& bags HIGHEST QUALITT. w V—[ [ BEST VALUB. »" '| I 'iJ .J LASGEST VARIETY £ "J LATEST NOVELTIES ■ .-y.v. ■ • • ;• .•••• ') T er Prices see Windows I JOHN S7~BROWN. FXJ TJK"! S I-1.I1S" C3 IRO^MO^iTG-ER OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. i J..L ..1"1 10 _4- \,J! i 11:\ 1. j £ ^Z}r\ @ \J^ Jjl A COOD BUSINESS MAN is always fuliy awr.re of how much importance attaches to having his ofiice properly fitted up. lu oirice, as we'd as in household rr;anagemi-.it. th^ iu.e ccxtairdy applies about thil necessity oi thf-re being "a piaca fnv everything, ar.ci everything in its pla-~e Motho;l=; ;n:ik.- rnor.ey, by a cf saving time ar.d patience. WLat can h0 mere annoying to the bnsinss* man than to have to search, maybe for hours, tdl ever his prenrises. for some ciocurnent ,uaj i M'ishcs to tiad jr. a hv.ny'/ Is it any wonder that in such circumstances h:-3 temper 1% i-^fdcd, and the eqvanimitv wjniste for tl>« 'r' pr;i (:arry:n6 on of afiairs softly r.pswt? Get your Furniture at DOWN and bON'3. Thu< you trill be spared such annoyaaeea. 330'WX A.lSri'3 SONT. Consplets iious? Farnisbers, team Cal'ir.ct Vv'orks, | HIGH STIiEET, SWANSSA. TO ADVERTISE L\S.—THE CIRCUI^VTION OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY POST" IX SWANSEA AND WEST WALES CONSIDERABLY EXCEEDS THAT OF ALL OTHER EVENING PAPERS COMBINED, AND IS, AT LEAST, DOLBLE THE CIRCULA- TION OF ANY OTHER PAPER. THIS STATEMENT COVERS, NUlj IvIERELY A PA [ITICULAll WEEK OR MONTH, BUT THE WHOLE OF THE CURRENT YEAR, AND CAN BE PUT TO THE TEST, IF NECESSARY, P OSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. TRAVELLERS MET ON RECEIPT OF POST-CARD. OLD SWAN lIOTEL, YSTALYFERA. ProprietorH. J. HUTCHINSON. SPIRITS, WINES, ALES, AND STOUT. WELL AIL'D BEDS. 10515. RHYDI)IN(jlS HALL. SWANSEA. TEA & CONCERT. THUHSDA Y, OCT. 27. 18G8. Miss H.\RR,HETT EVANS, Miss CLARA XOVELLO EVANS, Miss ALICE WILLIAMS, R.C.M., Mr. HARRY SIMONS, and Mr. ARTHUR JAMES will assist. Tea on the tables at 4 p.m. Concert at 7.30. 10310 — —————————————————— GRAKD THEATRE,, SWANSEA. Mr. H. H. Moreil and Mr. Fredk. Mouillot, 'j Proprietors. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON MONDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1898, For Six Nights on:)", return visit of Mr. H It. Morell's and Mr. F. Monillot's No 1 Coraoarsv, in t h-e NeT Japanese Opera, THE GEISHA, Phenomenal Sutirom Daly's Theatre. Loudon. Full Chorus and Orch;stia. I D 'ors open at 7. Commenc? at 7.30. Private Boxes, £1 Is. Dress Circle, 3s. (last thre3 rows &.); Pit Stalls, 2s. Pit, Is. Gallery, 6d. Half-price to all parts of the house at the conclusion of the act nearest to 1 nine o'clock. Admission by early door at 6.45 on payment of Sixpence ex.tra. Galleiy, 3d. extra. MONDAY, OCTOBER 24th, Mr. George Alexander's Ccmpany in THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE From the St. James's Theatre, London. Plan at Gwynne H. Bnader's, 17, Heath- field-street. Telephone 291. 10302 :R iv'GST NUTRITIOUS & r r GR-AT E FU PIS. 4^# i4 £ REAKFAST.. NO SUf^Sa. CHEDDAR CHEESE isaac" g-ale; HAS SOME EXCEEDLNGLY FINE OLD CHEDDARS IN PERFECT CONDITION, THOROUGHLY RIPE. Those who are fond of CHEDDAR will find the opportunity ta obtain EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY, 18, HIGH-ST., SWANSEA v FIRE WOOD. Having a Larsre Accumulation of Boxes we have made them into 5 6 LB, BUNDLES I OF F I R E W O O 13 which we arc clearing out at 9D- PER BUNDLE, These are very Economical for Household Purposes. TAYLOR & Co., Ltd., S9, OXFORD STREET, 6, CASTLE SQUARE. 53, WALTER EGAn. 100, BRYNYMOE ROAD, SWANSEA. THE DUNNS, MUMBLES.


MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1898.…

[No title]