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PUBLIC NOTICES. I mo THE ELECTGRS OF SWANSEA X TOWN AND FRANCHISE. ladies aiiti Gentlemen,— In compliance with a very widely ex- pressed desire that Women should be repre- sented on the Board of Guardians, we beg leave to offer ourselves as Candidates at the coming Election. We have had considerable Ii experience of work among the poor, both on the Committee of the Swansea Charity Organi- sation and on. the Ladies' Visiting Committee II of tha Workhouse and Cottage Homes. The fact that *<> many of those wiio need tha help of the Guardian* are -women and children shows the need of having women on the Board. We trust that we may receive a large measure of support, and that the grounds upon which our candidature ii based may induce ] every .Elector to record a vote in our favour. We are, vours faithfully, ADELAIDE PERKINS. ) MAR* SALMON. j 9403 EMILY WILLIAMS. ELECTION OF GUARDIANS, SWAN- JLJ SEA UNION, 1898. TO THE ELECTORS OF CLASE URBAN. Xiadi?s and Gentlemen. I At the request of many of my fellow workers at Morriston, Plasma: 1, and Landore, I again • offer myself for election. I had hoped that with tue depressed con- ditioc of trade, an expensive an l troublesome 'I Election would have been avoided. During my past tenure of office my attend- ance has been well above the average, as you I will see by too returns. I have paid strict attention to the wants of I oer poor, administering to the best of my ability a system of Poor Law which, is in my 1 opinion inadequate. I havk, alwys advocated the granting of Otrt-reiief in preference to the more costly one of In-door, prpvided the applicant is under the CHARGE of relatives or friends, and of moral haJbrtar I believe that aged members of Benefit Societies, in receipt of Parochial Relief.should have the use of the full benefits their So ev-s entitle them to, and I have always akl-ered to this principle at the Board. I I possess a thorough knowledge of the dis- trict and its inhabitants, which I find of con- siderable service wnen sitting in Relief Com- mittees. I have taken a prominent part in effecting a Having of £1,100 a year, which might have been paid in excessive salaries, and interest upon borrowed money. I belong exclusively to the working class md am irever anxious when the occasion arises TO assert myself as any other than a working man ratepayer, and as such I seek your sui- frages. I wish it to be known that I do so in- dependently and allied to no one. I invite on your part a retrospection of my out services, and Meetings will be held a.t I irhich I shall be pleased to further address you. I beg to say that if again elected I will tnihiuHy watch your interests. 1 l our Ubedient Servant, JOHN MEREDITH. Slate-street, Morriston, March 24th, 1898. gLECTION OF GUARDIAN S. SO THE BURGESSES OF THE PARISH OF SWANSEA TOWN AND FRANCHISE. Ladies and Centlpmep- I beg to offer myself as a candidate it tfee forthcoming Election of Guardians. Three year* constant visiting at the Work- house, whilst labouring in one of the poorest ftatzicts of the town. has given me an insight ioto the system of indoor and outdoor relief which I feel convinced I could employ to your advantage. 1. A further revision of the 1st- of those wkvlllg relief is needed. 2. The names of those trader;, and house- holders who are exempted irom the poor rate dbonld be accessible on the application of any ratepayer. í 3. It is degradIng to the honest poor. an i 8fair to the ratepayers that habitual criminals ibocdd be "remanded to the Work ho use." 4. The. duty of assisting the poor should b'e I tfiSUeti tairiy by U. and the outdoor relief istersd without favour. -v are the pyjnts I ?h;:ll always rave v £ Mr. if you do me the honour to elect me. Yours sincereiv. M. D. MCDONNELL. St. David's, Rutland-street, March 22nd. 1898. 9417 g LECTION OF GUAEDIANS. APRIL 4th. 1898. PUBLIC "MEETING In support of the candidature of t rie REV M. D. MCDONNELL Will be held. m the TEMPERANCE HALL. SWANSEA. Ou THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, March 51st. Chair to be taken at Eight o'clock. SSwbiT Ratepayer in Swansea i invited to attend. 9418 .OUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. 1533 U ——— ro THE ELECTORS OF RESOLVENT DIVISION. Ladses and Gentlemen,— At the repeated and urgent request ,f a large body of Electors, I have decided, iAer careful consideration, to place my services tt your disposal and to allow myself to be joamnated to fill the vacancy which has re- ontlv occurred owing to the elevation of your wpeefced member, Mr. Daniel Evans, to the Udenoan'ic. Bench, acd event upon which I !118ft to congratulate yon. It has been my pleasure to ha-ve resided all (ty lifetime in your Division, in which I am arrested as a large ratepayer. You will thus that your interests aJíd my own are ldenti- and as I have sufficient time at my dis- j Mai, it will be a source ryf. cat pleasure- aftd indeed my first duty, if elected, to advo- Ste and tfuinote anything that may be con- idered beneficial to the district. I consider that the Mining Population of the jtounty of Glamorgan has, in a very great MMre, been sadly neglected, and I promise b" if you do me the honour of resuming me 0 your Member, I will lose no opportunity in odeavotring to obtain increased grants for the mrpose of giving the Working Classes, not aly of this district, bat of the whole County. j he benefit of Technical Instruction in Mining ad Swomm-two very important interests in he County. Division being a large and important u, it may prevent my calling upon every Elector, but I propose holding a Meeting in Icl1 centre, when it will afford me an oppor- amtT of answering any questions upon which on may desire my views. I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yonr faithful servant, WALTER RICE EVANS. ■asrtescTwh House, Neath, March 2ord, 1898. 9414 3w ANSEA HARBOUR TRUST. Ladies and Gentlemen. At an influential meeting of the Traders r the Port, they were good enough to select ig as P. candidate for the the forthcoming iye-Election for the Harbour Trust, which ill take place on April 5th In soliciting your support, permit me to say ut; I have been closely identified with the Arade of the Port for very many years, and siag fully conversant with its special require- ments, I appeal with coniidence for your votes ad interest. I remain,-Youn faithfully, Swansea, GEO. E. COOK. March 16th, 1898. 9357 SWANSEA HARBOUR TRUST. 3 CONTRACT FOR CLOTHING. The TRUSTEES are prepared to receive I WNDEP-S up +,o the 16th April. for the CpPLY (¡f CLOTHING, for their Officials IF the current year. Forms of Tender, and full particulars may a had m, application to the undersigned. Jfee Trustees do not bind themselves to the iuwesfe or any Tender. —— WILLIAM LAW, General Superintendent. ,.ffices. Swansea, 21st March, 1898. 9395 ALBERT HALL, Swansea, Moaday Evening Next, 28th inst- ¡ GYMNASTIC DISPLAY BY MEMBERS OF THE Y.M.C.A. GYMNASIUM, Under direction of Mr. NEVILLE DAVIS, Instructor. Doors open at 7.30. Chair to bo taken at 8 p.m. t5y HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR (J. Aeron Thomas, Esq.). Admissioo Orchestra, 6d. i". a loony Area, Is. Reserved Seats, 2s. MANDOLINE AND GUITAR BAND in attendance. 9384 Positively the LAST FEW DAYS of MUSGliAVE & Co's GREAT SALE REDUCTIONS. Odd Lots 0: Soiled Goods almost given away MUSGEAYE & co., BOTTOM OF HIGH ST. » SWANSEA. I YOUNG AND CHARMING LADIES Are naturally very anxious to maintain their attractive appearance, and it is right that they should. If any man objects, we suggest that he take the next train to Klondike, without a return ticket. Now, it is generally acknowledged that "cycling' is an "ideal" way of taking exercise: spin in the pure, balmy air is full of health and beautv-giving qualities. But most charming ladies are also economical; they want the best Bicycles, and, like themselves, to "look well," and "wear well,' all at reasonable prices. So they coax their Pa (?), Husband (?), or somebody else to look at our exquisite stock c 1898 mounts. They please everybody. We are sole district agents for Triumphs, Rovers, Allday's, Sunbeams, Quorns, Lotus, I Royal Eagles Coventry Eagles, Adams. No charge for teaching purchasers to ride. Experienced cycle builders employed iT i.o.;P"J.i l' JENKINS & CO.. IKONHONGER8, SWANSEA. 1 89, OXFORD STREET, 9 and 10, PARK STREET, TELEPHONE 199. C Y C LISTS, LOOK OUT. THE NEW BUCKINGHAM and ADAMS CYCLE Co., Limited, SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM. South Wales Depot: 22, STATION ROAD, PORT TALBOT A Magnificent Selection to choose from, including Boys' and Girls' Safeties, Road Racers, etc., all 1898 patterns. Every machine Guaranteed. Deal with the Manufacturers and save intermediate profits. 9258 FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL!! FOOTBALL! The great c. KICK'' of the Season ST AND" unrivalled. FOOTBALL PHOTOS FOR THE MILLION. Pictures of the International and other prominent Welsh players GIVIN AWAY with each packet of the famous "FREE KICK" and" GRAND STAND" CIGARETTES, Manufactured by T. E. JONES & Co., at their Welsh j Tobacco Factory, AberavoD, Fort Talbot. u Place your orders early, or you may be penalised with disappointment. SOLD BY ALL TOBACCONISTS* lH. NEW LIQUEUR— "CHERRY WHISKY," FREMY PILS, GOLD MEDAL BRUSSELS, 1897. Has liqueur i« prepared with the finest Montmorency Cherries, is highly esteemed for ts excellent, flavour, appetising and invigorating properties. Pricei 5/- per litre bottle; 2/9 per 3-litre bottle. 2 Agent for Swansea: F. BRADFORD, 89, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. 96211 CHAS. JENKINS AND SON ABEBTHAW BLUE LIAS LIME WORKS B RID G END. AN ARTISTIC TASTE choice td furniture is vaJ«able poaar*- yoo will inspect our stock, you will find-tint we are m » position to gratify tha moøt patron. We charge no mot^fgi our goods than their ulud value justafioi No matter what kiad it ia the hot of its kind, and the make e# each article is scbydentiaL DOWN AND SON, COMPLETE BOUSE FURNISHERS, STEAM CABæET Wopag, HRF 111, HIGH SmuT, aal KOBBI8 LANJr. A Free .£2 Silver Watch for Everybody A 10s. GOLD RING EXTEA. FOR 1st ORDER OPENED. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY. SEND NO MONEY. The West of England Watch Company, in order to introduce their High-Ciaes WATCHES more widely, will present, ABSOLUTELY FREE, ONE of their HANDSOME SILVER WATCHES (List Price, £2), either Lady's or Otut's, tioevwyons supplying the missing word to the following:— SENT PER Do NOT part with any Money T~_ j VELVET REGISTEF.F.D pn«T | i" **»»« **<* j KE^OOlSJfm The only coiidition being that you send us a Stamped Directed Envelope to let you know if you are correct, and if so, that you Purchase one of our Real SILVER ALBERTS to wear with it. Send your answer at emoe to— THE WEST OF ENGLAND "ATCH COMPANY, 18, INNBBBBOOK ROAD, CHELSTON, TORQUAY. One of the many un solicited testimonials. Mr. B. BENNETT, 1, Montpeiier-terrace, Swansea, writes us:—8, March, 1898. Dear Sirs,—irfaster A. Bennett has made the Company Known to- me. He also told me he received the Watch, and is vojf satisfied with it. r CARPET8. BEN EVANS & COMPY., ARE NOW EXHIBITING An Immense Stock of the 1STEWEST PATTERNS for the Season in TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, WiLTON, AXM1NSTER AND OTHEll KNOLISU AND FOREIGN CARPETS, Many of them being of Exceptionally Handsome Designs. TAPESTRY, from 1/01 yard. BRUSSELS, from 2/31 yard. WILTON, from 3/9 yard. AXMINSTER, from 3/11 yard. OIL CLOTHS. Hundreds of Designs to Select from in OIL CLOTH, LINOLEUM (Plain and Inlaid), CORK CARPET, MATTING, &c. OIL CLOTH, 7Jd. to 1/11 square yard. LINOLEUM, 1/21 to 2/11 square yard. 2 2 STAIR OIL CLOTH, from 2. per yard. CORK CARPET, 3/3 square yard. "( All Carpets and Oil Cloths Made, Laid and Fitted Free of Charge by Competent Workmen. i INSPECnON OFTHE VALUE AND SELECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. BEN EVANS & COMPY., LTD., SWANSEA. :t :tf- .è.: c:i!"i: .<-?, .tfti ;> ;<{;'n; ,i:V; :>-k'V¿ j1:j,:Ë&$ FACTS! Owing to extraordinary large purchases of Cycles, I I CAMBRIA CYCLES, LTD., Are enabled to offer High Grade World-renowned CYCLES at LESS PRICE than you are asked elsewhere for iVi achines made by small unknown makers. The Largest Stock of Cycles in Wales. CAMBRIA CY^^S- The Largest Stock of Accessories in Waks. CAMBRIA CY Lu, The Cheapest House in Wales for Cycles. CAMBRIA CYCLES, LTD. The Cheapest House in Wales for Accessories. CAMBRIA CYCLES, LTD. The Cheapest House for Cycle repairing. CAMBRIA CYCLES, LTD. The Best Depot for Cycle Exchanges. CAMBRIA CYCLES. LTD. All the Leading Agencies held by CAMBRIA CYCLES, LTD. Cvcle Riding School on the Premises. CAMBRIA CYCLES, LTD. The largest and best-equipped Cycie depot in Wales. CAMBRLV CYCLES, LTD. -7 New LADIES' and GIRLS' CYCLES guaranteed for One year from £ 10 10S- INSPECTION OF STOCK AND WINDOWS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. CAMBRIA CYCLES, Limited, (Managing Director: JOHN S. BROWN) Secretary—D. G. MORGAN. SWANSEA AND LL A NELLY. GX(::?'¡J:'{¡{'(Ð"13";J''););L, 'i CONDENSED MILK IN TINS, OF EXTRAORDINARY HIGH MERIT. AT POPULAR PRICES. .X Tine C2"&3L]|» :aLJnld.. I). PER TIN. 3D. PER TIN. SOLD BY DAVIE S & Co., I THE CASH GROCERS, The BORO STORES, I In COLLEGE STREET, And at GORSE LANE, SWANSEA. i x P. MOLYNETJX, FISH MERCHANT & SALESMAN, 120, HIGH STREET. SWANSEA. Cheapest Best Shop in Town for Fish in all its Varieties, Wholesale and Retail. A TRIAL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 9363 HOPKINSON'S JAMS ARE THE BEST. HOPKINSON'S JAMS AND MARMALADE ARE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. NOTICE. DURING THE RE- BUILDING OF THE 'DAILY POST' OFFICES, 3 HE TEMPORARY OFFICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, I PRINTING ORDERS AND OTHER BUSINESS, WILL BE AT 208, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. GRAND THEATRE, SWANSEA. :{" Mr. H. H. Morell and Mr. Fredk. Mouillot, Proprietors. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1898, For six nights only, MISS AGNES HEWITT And her Specially Selected' London Company in the original Mystic Drama, entitled, THE DESTROYING ANGEL. Box Plan at Gwynne H. Brader's, 17, Heath.- field-street. To Commence at 7.30. 9416 L LANDOVERY COLLEGE. Next TERM will begin on TUESDAY, May 10th. Boarders return the previous day. The following Scholarships and Exhibitions have been gained since last October (1897) direct from School: I E100 a year, Mathematics, Trinity College. Cambridge. £ 80 a year, Mathematics, Bal- hol College, Oxford. £ 50 a year. Mo-thema- tics, ue&us College, Oxford. £ 80 a year, I Classics, Wadham College, Oxford. 250 a year, Science, St. John's College, Cambridge. P,,50 a year, History, Magdalen College, Ox- ford. P,100 a year, Classics, Brasenose Col- f lege, Oxford. JB80 a year, Histoiy,"Brasenose College, Oxford. £ 80 a year. Mathematics, Jesus College, Oxford. Boys are specialised for Scholarships in any one of the four sub- jects—Classic, Mathematics, Science, or His- tory—which may be best suited to the natural abilities of each. Apply to the Warden, College, Llandovery. 9080 9080 s HAFTESBLT-RY HALL, SWANSEA. MR. TOMLINSON'S ORCHESTRAL CONCERT ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th. ORCHESTRA OF 60 PERFORMERS. Doors open 7.30; commence at 8. Tickets, Is. and 2s. 9390 TO CAPITALISTS, INVESTORS, AND OTHERS. fMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. DAVID ROBERTS has received instruc- tions from the Executrix of the Will of the la.te Miss Ev, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Swansea, on MONDAY, April 4th, 1898, the whole of the valuable leasehold PROPERTY, Comprising—No. 1, ST. GEORGE-STREET, Swansea, having a aide entrance from Hum- phrey-street. and situate at the foot of Con- stitution Hill, and containing large cellar, front ajid back parlours, 2 kitchens, pantry, bathroom, w.c., and 4 bedrooms. Tfee premises are admiiubly situated for business purpoaes, and form a capital invest- ment. 'Iiiey are hetd 011 lease for three lives and 99 years, from 29th June, 1857, at a ground rent of £ 2 14s. per annum. Sale to eommeaioe «fc Three o'clock in the afternoon. Further particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneer, at his offioes. 19, Heathfield-street, Swansea, or of John R. Richards, Esq., sottcd- tor, Fiaher-sfareet, Swansea. 9413 MONfcV. CASH ADVANCED by L SEUNE, from £ 5 and upwards, on peresoal security, to all claaaes, repayable to rant the couvenience of borrowers. Distance no object. Apply personally or by letter. 9, Grove-Woo-, Swansea. 415 jp ~J A Wanted for 14 days upon good X1 J.U security, and £ 3 givtn for im- mediate advance; no loan societies or agents vieed answer.—Apply, "Security," "Daily Post," Swansea. 967a4-29 < his Season it has been difficult to obtain GOOD POTATOES. We have now obtained tke best lot of the season. JASH PRICE FOR 14 LB. 9D. »> 5} „ 1/5 J 56 tJ 2/9 n U „ 112 „ 5/3 TAYLOR & Co., LIMITED. 6, Castle-street, Swansea. 99, Oxford-street, Swansea, 58, Walter-road, Swansea, 100, Brynymor-road.



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:; THE POST BAG* -'¡---.-+-----.