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g'" PUBLIC COMPANIES. j °, ties List will be OPENED on MONDAY, the: f 21at February. 1898. and win be CLOSED on or before SATURDAY, the 26th Feb- r: ruary, 1898. No part of the capital is or will be under- i. written. f FT! HE SOUTH WALKS COLD STORAGE A AND ICE COMPANY, LIMITED. Scores and Registered Om es. S wansea. a Incorporated nader the Companies Act?. 1362 to 1895. CAPITAL .£25.000. I Divided into 10,000 6 per Cellt, Cumulative iPref?*ence Mares oi £1 each, and • 15,000 j Ordinary Shares of £ 1 each. Beta classes of aharea are payable as fol- [ ;Iowa; -21. 6d. per shars on application; 2a. 6d. per share on allotment, and the balance as required In calls r.ot exceeding 5s. per share, oi which not less ..ila.u two months notice will be given. Tha Preference Shares will entitla the holder | to a cumulative preferential Dividend of £6 per eent. per annum, and also to priority of pay- ment of capital oV"r the Oiuinary Share's. DIRECTORS ROBERT DICKSON BURNIE, Esq., J.P., Bryn Coed Director, Taylor and Co., Ltd., Swansea. *A. MASON, Eaq., J.P., Contractor and Ship- ping Agent; Chairman United Breweries. Swansea. T. B. BROW N, Ilsq., Cattle Dealer and Meat Salesman, President of the Swansea But- chers' Assn., High-street, and Quay-parade, {Swansea. *11. E. W. STEPHENSON, Esq.. C.C., Ste- phenson and Co.. Ltd.) Meat Importer. and Wholesale But-crnr. Ex-President of the Liverpool aad District Butchery Associa- tion, Liverpool. "SIMON .-LDE, Esq., C.C., Chartered Accountant, 14, North John-str?et, Liver- pool. •W. H. ROBINSON, Esq., M.I.M.E., Electric Light Engiiii^ar; Managing Director, Cold Storage Company. Boot! near Liverpool. •ALEX. C. R* THERFORD, Esq., F.S.I.A., Accountant, 145, Queen-suaet, Glasgow. BANKERS. GLAMORGANSHIRE BANKING COM- 1 PANY, Ltd., Swansea, and Branches. BE OSIER 8. P. WILLS, Esq., Wind-street. Swansea. I ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT M. C. BANNISTER, Esq.. Assoc. M. Inst.. C.E.. Consulting Refrigerating Engineer and Architect, London. Liverpool, and Man- cheater. SOLICITOR JOHN R. RICHARDS. Esq. Fisher-street, Swansea. AUDITORS TRIBE, CLARKE, CAWKER and Co., Char- J tered Accountants, Swansea, Bristol and London. SECRETARY: (pro tem.) HENRY F. HOOD. St. Jani&s'-crescent, Swansea. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. nThis Company ha* been formed for th- pur- pose of providing Cold Storage Accommoda- tion; also .or the Manufacture of Pure Ice fcr t etunmercial j trpo&es at Swansea, for which the directors bejieve there is an exceptionally good opening. Cold storage is yearly becoming a matter of *jtMssitv. and the importation of chiiled and frozen meat, bacon, ham., butter, lard, fruit, etc., into í his Country is increasing steadilv. It is well Lr.own that wherever proper eo'd storage has been provided, the increase ia the importation of all kinds of provisions has been •JlOl'TUCUS. As an fxampln of this, in 1387, wharc rat jijanical refrigeration was first successfully introduced, hariiy 50,000 tons were imported. but in 1893. 505,000 tons were recreived, and j 1835, 412.000 tens. Nearly the whole of this enormous <>iisiness goes to London and Li voi- jpooi, on account of proper accommodation fer its reception and treatment not 'oeiu^ provided at other ports, and is from there distributed/ throughout the Country. j Tb-s Directors have had representations made ) to them by influential dealers in perishable foods as toO the great disadvantages under which they labour in Swansea, as compared with those n similar trades in the English dis- tributing eurues where such stores exist, and tfNfy would call ettenT-ion to the grefat success 2*iy;h Ips attended the erection of cold stores tfNfy would call ettenT-ion to the grefat success 2*iy;h Ips attended the erection of cold stores m Loadon, Liverpool, Manchester, BinruL^- nani. Hull, Caxditf. and elsewhere, and they I believe tliftb will NOT pruve aa eleep- tion. ] In 1897 .be Imports of Foreign Meat were beyond the storage capacity available in the Co an cry. See "W oddcl.3 Meat Trade Review, 1897." < The Company have purchased the connection I of the present Swansea lea Company, Limited Established in 1869. and which has been carried on uninterruptedly, supplying Norwegian Lake j Ice to the principal Hotels, Restaurants, Fish mongers, etc., in Swansea and in the Counties of Glamorgan, Carmarthen, Pembroke, Car- digan and jbracon. aad also to Ilfracombe and digan and jbracon. aad also to Ilfracombe and other places, so that an immediate business ■will result from the time the Company com- ic nces operations. Swansea is exceptionally situated a dis- triiwiimg centre. It is within a few miles of, and has direct Railway communication with, the populous Mining and Manufacturing Dis- iricts of Glamorganshire and South Wales generally. It is anticipated that the -establishment of a CWd Store and Ice Manufactory will attract the large ashing fleets from the Channel; Swansea being. M much nearer the centra of consumption than the present receiving ports, they will be able to mere speadiiy reach the Midland and London Markets, and also to get their supplies of Ice, Coal, and provisions^ I better terms. The Coxnpary nava taken powers to ciake I tM-TMieea upon goods storai with them, at zw^onabb rates of interest, and it is believed fbat this will very materially benefit the Company, aDd also assist a larga number of traders who will thus be enabled to take fuli aovantage of low priccs to buy in tne best ffia^jipts, and in quantities suoh as to com- mand the keenest terms. The Company have secured the optiofl of an eminently suitable site (on Lease for 99 years), from th; Corporation of Swansea, *itrusted on the Strand and fronting the vjnay and Railway Siding, covering an area of about 1,450 square yar(ls. on most advantage- ous terms, and in^nd in the first place to erect a building, fitted with modern appli- ances for making and Refrigerating witu machinery on the IDOt;t improved and modern principles, with Ice storage accommodation; also to provide general Cold Stores, capable of being increased as the trade developes. The plant will be .so provided that sucti re- frigerating powers is may not be required fo.r the chilling of goods in store, may be devc ted to Ice Making, sptcial precautions being "token to turn out Pure and Transparent Ice f -om water free from impurity. The Direcwors appreciate tht isipor'ance of providing facilities for quickly recriv ng and t!ei:veru;g goods with a minimum amount of lenaiing, and of citaiiung -jonvcr.ient wauf- «go and railway acconunodaiion, Thfl 3: ti*sy have obtained meets t.b>'sc tt runs alongside a wharf wtwe irvpe trading fesseb can discharge and receive '.a.rgo. Ice w chips' Stores. is has a line of railway im- aieciatc ly fronting She building, which is v. aommtinication with all the principal Rail- way Companies depots, it has also, the yes.t advantage of being in closa proximity to ,.tie new Markets and principal business places m Swans a; in fact the directors do not know i of any CoM Stores In the United Kingdom •po seasin^ such remarkable natural advan- frggs for dsveiopirg this 'mportant growing (ttdMtry. m the pressed Swansea Coid Stores. Th8 sources from which the Company will •(WV9 rev cm are: — ( 1st—The manufacture of Ice for cemmeraial purposes. ne manufacture of ground Ice for j fiøhing trawlers. 3fd—Cold storaga for foreign aDd home pro- duce. 4th-Commission on advances to customers storing Goods. The Directors are in possession of informa- tion which shows tha; Ice making and Ccld ftf-crage Companies in large cities, not having k><?a! advantages which Swansea possesses, Wva proved exeetdingly profitable. Among Hch Companiae mav be mentioned: — The Maaci .aster Patent Ice Company. J Tie Mjuachister Fish and Meat Salesman Ice I' Company, Limited. Th. Birmingham lee Cold Storage ONajoaty. t; PUBLIC COMPANIES. llie North Eastern Ice Company. Aberdeen, The Hull Ice Company. The Liverpool Cold Storage and Ice Com- pany. Limited. The Directors have secured the services of liiaunsel C. Bannister, Esq., Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., who has had long experience in the erection and equipment of refrigerating machinery and coid storage factories at Liver- pool. Manchester, and elsewhere, and he i-aa piepared a full statement showing the e«a- ir-ated capital expenditure, whnh, together with the purchase money and necessaiy pro- vsioa for all prelimin&rjT expenses, ch«a-ges. cfutiagenciea, and working capital, Is covered bj the £25,OOJ capital of the Company. The said statement can be inspected at the cffic.s ci the Company's toohcitor, at 51, FisLer- Mreet, Swansea. Tne directors whose names are marked wit a an asterisk (*) are mambers of ths Yen.dQf. ^vTidicate. For Contracts see full prospcctus. The allotment will be made as early as pos- sible after the subscription list is closed. In lase no allotment is made the amount "aid on sppiicati'jn wiii be returned. It. is the Directors' intention to giveprefar-I ence on the allotment of Shares to consumers bdl probable customers. Swansea. February, 1898. TO THE DIRECTORS OF THE SOCrH WALES COLD STORAGE AND ICE COMPANY', (LIMITED). I Gentlemen,— In accordance with instructions I have carefully surveyed the selected site situated on the Strand, Swansea, a.nd I am of opinion that it is axceptionallv suitable for the pur- pose intended, and affords the greatest facility fnr expeditious handling of the various goods, having adjacent Railway and Dock accommo- dation. It is intended that the Building shall contain Machinery, Boilers* Ice Tanks, Roadway. Loading and Receiving Stages, Lifts, and all otmr necessary appurtenances for a structure intended to be used for the purpose indicated. The ground floor will be used for accommo- dating Machinery, Chimney Shaft, Boilers, Cartways through premises, and Platforms for discharging materials to the upper floors, where cold storage and ice tanks will be pro- vided tor. The area now provided for eold storage pur- poses is a.bout 100.000 cubic feet. The following is a.n estimate of the Revenue and working expenses from actual results of existing Companies, from which it will be seen that if the stores are oniy a little over half full a large profit may be expected. ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE. 100.000 cubic ie<rt of ^storage space if kept filled during 12 months would realise at low rates €12600 Say 12 tons ui ice sold far 200 days out of 365 at only 20s. per tvn.2.4JO _I £14.900 Say 7 months only equal to £ 3; G91 ESTIMATED ANNUAL WORKING EXPENSES FOR 366 DAYS STORES DEPARTMENT: Engineer, Manager, Firemen, Labourers. Fuel, Repairs.. Depreciation on Plant and Building, Chemicals, and Sundries £2.800 lCT DEPARTMENT AND OFFICES Storage, Manager, Labour and Cartage, Directors fees. Sec- retary and Clerks, Adver- tising and Printing, Rent, Rates and Taxes, Auditor, Engiaeer, Law Charges, to £1.500 ——— £4,300 Balance available for Interest and Dividend £4.391, Assuming that the Stores are only kept full for seven mouths in the year, and after deduct- ing the estimate expenses for 365 days. the amount available for interest and dividend would be £4,.391. It will be observed that upon a low estimate the net Revenue will, after providing for in- terest un preference shares, which win absorb £600, be sufficient to pay upwards of 20 per cent, dividend on the ordinary shares, leaving 1 good balance to carry forward. ° M. C. BANNISTER, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Consulting Engineer. Liverpool, February, 1398. Prospectuses and fomis of application and nfonnation can be had of the Broker. Direc- tors;, or of the Secretary. I TELEPHONE 17. GALE'S RECOGNISED COFFEES. Boasted by Experts, and quite hot when received. Fresh from the Mill. The highest perfection of Coffee in Wales. PRICE 2/" PER LB. ISAAC GALE, 18, HIGH STREET, I SWANSEA I 5Qii I WEHDD1G RDJQB GOTO .1 BROUGHTON'S I THE NOTED WEDllIN d iSISQ 8SoP I I 1 j a HIGH-STREJET, awAllBEA. now. MD Sob#. BASS&Co., LIMITED! BKEWEKS, BURTON -ON XRENt Supplies of these Celebrated ALES m kept ia splendid condition, both in Cask and Bottle, and all orders will be promptly and carefully attended to by BE STONE. WINE MERCHANT, WHOLESALE AGENT FOR NEATH AND DISTRICT. telegraphic Address STONE," NEATH. Telephone No. 414, NEATH. NEATH.—Readers of the "Daily Port" can have the pciper delivered at their homes regularly every e vening during the win- ter season by giving their names to L- Wii- )iM3j<, "Daily Post" agectt, Neadi. a 1898, 1898. # Defiance \y,' stui lead with 10 distinct Models to select from. The most genuine and up-t»-.iate Machine made. Modtrate prices and excelhnt iro. quality. Ail our Machines are made in Swansea, and.ar« guapant^ed for 12 months. Plating and Enamelling any make of Oyclcs, aiso r;|>alrs nave our special attention. Our plant and machinery, with such an efficient staff ot cychi mechanics, enables us to turn out work far more economical than others. Competition defied. We confine outadves entirely to the cycle trade, therefore our best attention is guaranteed. Cycles supplied on th: gradual payment system. No marks on machine to snow how it is purchased. No unnecessary delay in dealing. Order forms and price lista free by post. The Defiance Cycle & Motor Car Co., Ltd. TEMPLE STEEKT, SWANSEA, STATION ROAD, LLA^ELLY, D. P. DAVIES, LLANDILO. Factory: UPPER STEAM). IMPORTANT NOTICE. I. BENJAMIN & CO., o, COLLLGE BL'iLDIN«.«S <au-rioo-street), SWA.nnEA. hAV L ON ViEvv a.S I MMENSE STOCK OP WALL PAPTilKS SUITABLE FOR MAA^iON,. v iLiA, OR COTi'AGE, JN lM vih,>SE VARfFTY • ^T a^IppS^tn\^{S?-Vi!i>THK-V1 TC BE THE CHEAPEST IN SWANSEA." A LARGE si OCR. Oi PAIMb, V At.NICHES, BRCKHES & PAINTERS' REQUISITES BOVJEGrA: BOYEGA!! • 9, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. LUXCHEONSI LUNCIIEONS II COLD HAM on LEiSF «»«• "D 6"- OX TAIL sour DAILY FEOM 10 A.M. 3D. DINNERS, &c., DAILY FROM Xs- WINES, SrifilTS, ALES, STOUT £ CIGAPlS 9lîO OF THE VERY BEST AND GUARANTEED QUALITY. AN ARTISTIC TASTE ;a choice of furaittffe is a ralTufcie pnw Kioa' 7°C Triil inspect our aoock, yon will fk IS!find that we are in a position to gratify th« fi'J most exacting patron. We charge no more for our goods Vbm theb aotnud valu^ jtistifica. No matter what fcim? fSFti oi material, it is the best of its kind, and make of ewh article in substantiaL i|j|@|^S|!|i|E DOWN AND SOX, CoMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, STEAM CABINST WORKS, 221, HIGH STREET, and MORRIS UNB, S S SWANSEA. FOR THR OFFER 1 I"°SPE CIA I. OFKER I FOR THE MONTH OF rEBRUART, I SIX Kc -PHOTO- I CABINET <•-> OKAPHS. I HOAEE BROS., I 66, OSrUKU STREET, SWANSEA. | 9149 Ann-, 1, 1 WIN, a?.. ALE" AfjENiCIES IN i Uii'iCJ S t, ST(,R, 8; 10, hiLSOX br^ SWANSEA < MAKAGEE-GEO. BELL. A COMPULSORY SALE. Empty Shelves, Empty Glass Cases, Empty Show Rooms, Empty Windows, ia fact an Empty SHOP, must be ready very scon for the Builders to complett their Contract 1 -The Re-Boildiug of our Orford-stroe aDd Park-street preautea. We have marked the goods a WAY DOWN far below cny SALE prices ever before heard of. This we do in order to effect a speedy and absolute clearanm 1 It is a business ntcessity—the !o?a is ours, and those that buy will hsrs some- j thing to remind them that the gain is theirs. FORTUNE SMILES cn yon here to-day with tmusual radiance—through these thnely offerings of tem pting values as such very special price* JENKINS & CO.. j IRONMONGERS, I SWANSEA. 89, OXFORD STREET, 1 9 and 10, PARK STREET TELEPHONE 199. C L EVUM EVU CATE LATF- M Registered Trade MarL "ALBERT" WHEAT MEAL AND FINE FLOUR. ] J. REYNOLDS & Co., GLOUCESTER. HOPKINSON S JAMS ARE THE BEST. HOPKINSONS JAMS AND MARMALADE j ARE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. I i i ■ WANSF-A. I' WSu WWuOU/tMAAA^. etCGCLtt&S \A\/ S I Cb f(2A\r 'ty&iASOb. | .{ [TELECRAMS £ VANS SWAM SEA Jelephon'S- N°28.| l > i A FREE SILVER WATCH FOR EVERYBODY: SEND NO MOIsEY. i THE West d England Watch Company in order to introduce their High Class WATCHES more widely will present, ABSOLUTELY FREE, ONE of their hand- tcrne SILVER WATCHES (List Price £ 2), either lady's or gent's, to everyone supplying the missing word to the following: — SENT iittEE B¥ ^The West of England Wiit^~Compwy;s REGISTERED POST Watches are simply KEY COMPLETE. 1 Tho only condition being that you send, qs a stamped directed envelops to let you know if 5 yon are correct, a v- il so. that you purchase ona of our feal Silvec Alberts to wear with iiw j 6end your answer at once to— TM "FST OF ENGLAND WATCH COMPANY, 18, ClNNEIiBKOOK ROAD HELSTOK.TOftQUAY. NEW TESTLMONIAL. H-axwotihy, near Prineetowm, Feb. 14, 1893. Dear sir,Yanv tbanks to you for thewateii and chain you sent me kst wsek. I am well pleased with theia' both. Th'i watch is kasj-ing good time. Wishing you every success in. business,-—Yours truly, (SigDed) S. OOLW1LL- 2407 I NOTICE. DURING THE Dtp 'pmrr RE-BUILDING OF THE DAILY POSr OFFICES, THE TEMPORARY OFFICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PRINTING ORDERS AND 1 OTHER BUSINESS, WILL Bli AT 208, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. (Opposite the High-st. Arcade). FINE CEYLON TEA Can you tell why the Siftings of Fine CEYLON TEA can be bought at so reasonable a price is Is. ID. per pound ? IT IS THIS! The Ceylon Merchants like to improve the appearance of their Tea—they pride themselves on their Tea GaFdens -To do so they take away the very small leaf and spoil the strength of their Tea. The Public are now beginning to appreciate the fine quality and I the econorny of this Tea. Cash Price-Is. liD. per lb. TAYLOR & Co., LIMITED. 6, Castle-street, Swansea. 99, Oxford-street, Swansea. S3, Walter-road, Swansea, 100, Brynymor-road. Tke Dunns, The Mumbles. CAPTAIN WEBB'S ENGLISH MADE MATCHES, ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST EVER OFFERED TO THE BRITISH PUBLIC- I PLEASE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THEM CHILDREN'S HAIR. I HAGOVB CLKANSBK, rvMtrev* Kit*. Ac.. Chfl- M». drra't H**r grow B»*utllul. Curly SoXt, £ ^na SIr'Uf- A Wy writes, 'I b«v» Jpfc MAQoK'S ClfMMr for theUw 10 for tor ,M<t tLey !,uw mBUBl CutifuJ GCX^S* Hai* In great •*«»- DTIE* SQTDTY.'MT CSCMUHF. OADQTTY £ %ul wulobUin il if cuted,but insist ^Uxgo^; notMw tUe »il do u* fr«e 2 for It. 4d, ¥Mil: »¿uJea. pot, free ei., 2 for It. 4d, Dow xall- IAION. dhnmls^


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