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I "T) LOW TO THE BI8 d. 1J J. L ¡ jjiiUvIT QlIEMIisTS. BOOTS, THE GASH CHEMISTS, I CF BRISTOL LIVERPOOL MANC H Kb TEE, B1 KM INGHAM. CHELTEN II AM. GLOUCESTER, ILUJBY, &c., THE LAltGhST It ft TAIL I CHEMISTS IN THK WOKLD. liave GPEaED a BRANCH at 2J OXFORD-ST., SWANSEA, For the Sale of PURE DRUGS. LHEMI- CALS, and PATENT MEDICINES, in many eases at LESS THAN HALF THE t;SG >\L TRADE PRICES. IMPORTANT NOTICE! JX)NT BLY .STALL: DKUGS. We seL too fast to kee^ any having such a numbet r.. iutleta la uiilers-ut low ax thai quantities UIC1t away tike snow ill the :1úond:t.v sun, aod we are always bavin* fresh supplies. We eau beal my other Chemist's pr ice# for the ■ following five re&80118;- a. We ha.ve an immense turnover in other towns, which lightens es- penses all round. I 2. We buy very large quantities oi goods at- one time, to supply all out shops. 3. We nivw-t get on selling, and there- fore taark prices down to the lowest poiiit. 4. We give the public the benefit of oui discounts. 5. We buy direct from the makers, and thus save intermediate profits. QUININE- WISE (FULL brarsaTH), 2/6 BOTTLE FOR 10a Bottls Ffi.SK. .r i3 JL t0<! BOOT'S. CASH CHEMISTS, CITRATE of IRON AND QUININE (Gvakajjt*kb PCRB), 0D. PES DiiAiX. | ;m PUR OC5CB rv A/ List ot Leadisg Proprietary ArticleL Ask for prices ol these net mentioned in list;— PorOLl5 P'.aaters, 1:5 l^d lor 7d A ;'Jin Hair Restorer, t):5 ror 3a 414 B<*ch«ai's Pills, Is Ijd for 3d Iknjter's Food, Is 6d for Is U Blair's Pills. Is l>.d ior lOú l)ood.'s.M&rkin¡¡; Init, 6d fur 24d Bovril. 2oz. at lid Brawls Essence of Beef, Is 6d for Is 24 cworortyne, Collis Browne's "is lid "Tor SAd, 2a 9# tor 1« lid Clarice's Blood Mixture, 2a Sd far Is Hid U 41 Pills. 4s bd lor 3s 1 £ d. Cockle'a Pills. Is l*d for 9:! Cod Liver ( ii fin; vision, 2s for 1., double the Is lid Coojjreva-s Elixir. la lad for Sjd 24 9d for 2a, 4* 64 ior 3s 3<i Eavis's v..i* Killer, Is Ijd for did, 2i2d fof23 Lutch Dro;.s, is for5d Lade's Gout .Pi 113, Is .1.d for 9.ld kngeibergs Cod Liver Oil, Ik 9d for 18 Kao s fruit Salt 2t 9d lor is lC £ d Jiitract oi Meat, Liebig s (o» ri impertiaO. loa Sid. ciii lor lljd. 4os tor Is Ski Jgau de Cologne; CifMiea Outaediii Bn.ad26iQ fer U 401 mz :01" i.r$a, *o= It/(" is »*. 2San de Coiague; Golden Cathedral Bmid Za& tor 1 44 Silver „ „ 2a6d. k; ,.24 JSjttr.uM. ui Ai'ult it for is „ wj¡l.l C,).( Liver Oú. 2a 6d fer h lJ. »l!ow'a Syruj', 4s Îor 2s 10..1 Cbi Lsiit'n Pondei>, ls lad for 9d fintton's iimbrocatiaa, the embrocation a.&e>t Is lid for iO^d Guild's Ajthma Cure, Is Ijd forSd Guy's Tonic, 2s9d for Zs 38 Harris's Hi«rn<;5s Coinposiuon, la aise for 6j^ Himred's Cure, 411 for 2s 8d itolloway's Ointment, Is 12d for 9d I'ills. is ljd for 9d JIoBMeopathic Meaiciaeo, later 5d Jiyjeia Salt all etLe-veacttm mink—reiievef Headache, In iigesoiou, ic. Is ljil siii- for Sjd )ew«bury aad Dr .wa s laW for 1» 1\1 K*y'* C«aj>alia«, 6d for 4d „ Btscnce Li&seed, Is ljd far 9jd „ Worsdell's Fill*, Js i*<i for 9^d Lockyer'n Hair lieatoror. Is lid for la lid Uackeazie's 6alts. is ior ixl Milling 2a 9d for is il<] with on. ok fer 2ø, Õ$6d ler 3a t!d Masoa's Herb Extract, 6d for 4jd, la for 8td Neave's Is lor Sa Needbam s Brass l'aJll. 6..1 for 4d Nclooo's G c La tine, 6.1 for 30jd Heettt < Vood, 2s (or is 4d NiohoU'a 8d for 6d Owbridge's L11Dg Tunic, ls l^d fer 9d Food is for 18 5c1 bd, Is, and Is 6d per bcIUI8 Pear's rollers barth, 6d for 32d Vioiet Powder. 6d for ijd U*aC«:i»ted Soap, 6d forijd jTei i y's i>arl Pills, for Cuniiipation, Biiiouanftta, &eo. is lid lor Sid JVt^er's Suipboliae Lotioa, lljd and 3d S'oious Strenf: henioK Plaaber, 3.i<1 teat tot 1.1 ifuct M.m., t'iiend, Is Ijd for 9^d JJaok'sam s. Livt-r P: !la, is ijd forSjd fcufie'« ft alar Klixir, 2s iki for 2* Zjd, 4* 6d iM it M 1 ,for866.t J a i.l) a Oil, Is ().Jd and If 1011 fcii. Is far 91'{ t-J-v. y and M' ore's Food, is forRd t>:<I..o ttraukion, Is 11d. tor lid. 2a 6dfor Is 8d. 48" ior 3o 2d pH'ti. a Pins, is l^d size ;or9 £ d, 2a ad for2a Id 6eii;ei's Pilla, Is 12,t tor9.2<1 Syru{>. Is lid fer i i. 2s 6d for It 114 g'«et!maa's fowderii, is Vit for Sd t ted man'a is Ij for Vd Stowie's Cbl»rod_vi,e, Is 17d l. r 9.zd m Pfc»nvroyi«i PiiU, is i^d for 3^d Valeat-tee's Meat Jui" 4s 6d tor 3.! "V»n Kouteu's Coc 5d, 9jd, la 6d aod 2a lOd V I 111"— Purr, Cd for 2d ^oa?f tor <J' m lib Tins, is 3d TT.irper's Safe Cure, 2s 9d for 2a 4d. 48 8d far 3. 6d "Waukeeiie (bills'). Is liEd for 10<1. A sore CornOora Wuinw Witch's Pills, 2s 3d for 2s Wheipton'5 pili-, 7jd for 6d, Is lid for 8td \V'illiams' Piak Pills, 2a 9<1 ior 2s 2d V/iasio'.v s Syi uf., is l^d ioi 9a Vood's Tooth Paste. 6ft for4d \Voo«l«ecl's Wind Pilla, 11 lid for9,;d Wo«dT\iid's Gufe Water, Is 1*4 for 9^4 PURE D It U G S Ä:\U CHEMICALS. BOOTS, THE CASH CHEMISTS, Have ih<s Largest Ifetail Chemiat'f Buainell >0 tlie world. Physicians Prescriptions a.n4 yawily Kecipss carefully prepared at about p» half usnal priees. Appended are pri«»i at a. few leading Pi ouwabold Drags: fW*. twnp or 1 owder, i-d ptr !b, 141be for la 4d. Items.besw i-Hi "Ad bd pet 11>. ltrvawirk Black, 9d per lb. t10 is Lx-ttie for 7d, 6d botde for 4d. C*eq:*»r*ten \b. 1.;d per oz; 4 oz fur 4jd. tliiorids of L.me, od per lb; 61bs for la. Cuur«rt ifsn c i b- una, 1 »d per ex; 4^4 for 4 cu. tison: ii*ltf, :11. jwr lb. GemSxui lL.ut., ijd j'Cr ^-Ib, 4d per !b. G I._rine. 4d, 7tiand 1" 2.1 1,er bottie. ijneed, crusiicri, it1 -;er!b. Qaiaine. 18. j.acket for 3d. l^uiaies Pi!b, Is tx x forM, 711 and 9d p?r box; uaual prioea 3d aud is 6d paMliU Compound, equal to the ordinary SeidliU jftj* ders, 4jd box JI8a¡¡ J.fives, 2d i;er t-tb |mi Bi«*.rU>Li*te, 2d per Ib; 7tb for Is best, 2d per lib 5d per lb twe«t Spirits of Nitre, 2id pec oz 4 oz ior 9d Bal Volatile, 3«i peroz; fduroz for iOd fniptw, Flowers, 2d per lb Milk of. 4jd yer lb w Koi; (Brim.,toM), 2d per lb „ Bl.ick, 2^d Der !b turfmiitit, 5d per p.at NOTE ADDRESS: BOOTS, cash chemists. S. OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA, Orc^Co., Ltd.. iTroprietora, 7 1> raltiw^luua. JEaaE BOOT, BEN EVANS & Co., Ltd. THE GREAT CLEARANCE SALE, UNMISTAKABLE BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. IMPORTANT. Since the commencement of the GREAT SALE, B. E. & Co. have made several most IMPORTANT PURCHASES OF MANUFACTL RERS CLEARING- LIXES at about Half their Value, but owing to the extraordinary run of business, it has been utterly impossible to get the Goods ready for Disposal. TO-DAY. WEDNESDAY, however, the utove Purchases, consisting of BLACK and MOURNING- DRESS GOODS, LINENS. CARPETS.. SHOW-ROOM and FAXCY GOODS,; <fcc., together with the Ordinary SURPLUS STOCK, will be offered at SUCH REDUCTIONS from REGULAR PRICES as must secure the appreciation of the Public. — -■j— BEY EYANS AND CO., LIMITED, SWANSEA. FACTS NOT FICTIONT. A WARNING TO THE PUBLIC. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY MISLEADING ADVERTISEMENTS BUT CALL AT DOWN AND SON STEAM CABINET WORKS, HIGH-ST. & MORRIS-LANE, SWANSEA, AND PERSONALLY ASCERTAIN THAT THEY ARE THE LARGEST CABINET MAKERS BY MACHINERY IN WALKS ALSO THAT THEY HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY TO SELECT FROM AT PRICES To SUIT ALL BUYERS. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. A Visit respectfully invited, which weald be pleasing te anyene 1 uteres ted in the Coiistruetien of Finn it are, 1817 I CARDIFF EXHIBITION, isae STAND 110. EXCELSIOR' I (OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY). Recommended by the Medical faculty for its absolute parity aud dietetic properties. i Perfaetien or Biended Whiskies,—"Lancet.' j Free from all irritating censlituents, aad is I I altogether a whisky of verv high qoality- British Medical Jouraal." A safe and paiatablo gtiauianf. for the sick I and cenralescent—,l Praetitioner," Sol* P*opbuto*s maegrave bbothebs, LLANELLY AND GLASGOW. I 4972 I I JOHN S. BROWN I I i FOR LADIES' & GENTS' CYCLES. LARGEST AND BKST SELECTBD STOCK IN WALKS. ) CYCLE RIDING SCHOOL: DRILL BALL, SINGLETUN-ST. CYCLES REPAIRED BY SKILLED WORKMEN. LARGE STOCK OF ACCESSORIES AND NOVELTIES. Particulars and Price Lists Free. JOHN S. BROWN, I OXFORD STBEEI, l SWA2i £ EA- 1 I 4 L II. I ——————.———————-———————————————— isCABCITY OF WATER. USE ABYSSINIAX TUBE WELLS. i i SOLE AGENT :— I JOHN LEGG. SWANSEA. ) PRINTED PRICE LllJTS FREE ON APPLICATION. 50 9 TELEPHONE 142. ¡ INCANDESCENT BURNERS I AT latest reduced PRICES. -T. I r ..V O T T. I fcT. HELEN S-ROAD AND QUAY PARADE, SWANSEA. f46 I j j ARCHIBALD GhOLDIE j la the ONLY PHOTOGRAPHER IN WALES whose PHOTOGRAPHS bave beeu ACCEPTED at the l-ARli INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPOSITION, Mav and June, 1896, and tba «b1V SWANSEA PHOTOGRAPHER ACCEPTED at CARDIFF KXHIBlflON. ) FtiM at International Competition (Londen), 1893. Medal and Diploma at Amsterdam j Exhibition, 1895. Biplona at Haarlen Exhibition, May, 1896. j [ Only Addresa-95, MANsEL-STREET. 492 j l 1 c -,I-VE R A" S I OrliE-A-T j SUMMER I SALE HAS COMAlEiSrCED 111, OAoTLE-ST. i I JULY 9TH, 1896. 5013 MAYPOLE DAIRY CO. L I STILL MOVE FIRST. MATPOLE BUTTER. ¡ REDUCED TO 1 ID, PER LB I 5 D. M A B G A BI N E REDUCE f) TO 4n. PER LB. MAYPOLE DAIKY CO., Largest Retailers in the World, 109. HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA -1 TEETHY TEETFI /MR-C. A.H01'S0N\ SURGEON DENTIST, X 2. UYNliVOK-PI^iCB. SWA*3EA > (OPPOSTTK KSW xMtmft aBAJ >E SCHO-lia). 25 I_n' Experif^oce—IS a« DcnUst with KeaD. 6 walue&. PAINLESS kx.tractions WITH gas Beet WorXinamh'P. Material, and Fit guaranlMd. Miijk-fku Wwt Crw..to. par Tooth. At Hmm B*tij ireui 10 until 7. AU l>*ii»»e» Tree. TKBXB\ Arwutp li E A T Xi E S T E li N Ii A 1 L W A Y. CHEAP EXCURSIONS will run as under:- To LONDON, tor 3, 5 or 6 days, leaving LLANELLI 1,¿.25 a,m. (Saturday Night), SWANSEA 12.45, Neath 1.15, Port Talbot 1.30 a.m.. &e. TUESDA y MORNING (MONDAY MID- NIGHT), JUL Y 21.—To LONDON for 1, 3, 4 or 5 days. and for tho CRYSTAL PAIjACK for Day i t ip. leaving SWANSEA at 12.5 а.m.. r-.taWi 12,25, Port Talbot 12.40 noon, &c. JULY 22 and 23,—I'o ABERDARE (AGliiCULTUllAL fellOW), for Day Trips, by certain trainsfronaSWANSEA, Laudore, Neath, Port Talbet, Aberdylais, Llaneaiacit, (Quaker s Yard, &c. For Dowiung-. from other stations, WEEK- END EXCURSIONS, &c., see billij and pamphlet. 5041 IIY. LAMBERT, Goneral Manager. CCHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE f OR LADIES AND GENT/S CLOTHES CURTAINS FEATHERS, &c., CLEANED AND DYED Is POOLES DYEING WORKS, 27, WATERLOO-STREBT. I^k-7-18 J.BRADER& SON'S NINTH ANNUAL SALE Of Finest and Best Selection of PIANOS, ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, AUTO HARPS, SHEET MUSIC, AND BOOKS Has Comraeaced. All Goods Greatly Reduced for Cash, and Special Advantages on Three YearV System. ONLY ADDRXSS J JgRADER AND SONS, 8 and 9, WIND-STREET. SWANSEA. 3129 PERFECTION SOAP AND LIFE ASSURANCE. All users of "PERFECTION' S.A.P are offered a POLICY 07 LIFE ASSURANCE, with immediate benefit, for ONE YEAK, in tbe British Workman's and General Assurance Company. Arrangements will be made to continue the Policy year by year. The Policies may be taken out for all ages to 65, and vary from E2 2s to -Sli ICs, according to age. Policies will be issued as soon as 112 (eutstdt) Wrappers are saved and sent ia. Last day. Jane 30th, next year. For full particulars see bills. PerCection" Soap is manufactured FULL POUND WEIGHT- SCHWEPPE'S SODA WATER. gCHWEPPE'S pOTASS WATER. 0 IgCHWEPPE'S T EMONADE. To be obtained of Messrs FULTON, DUNLOP, and CO., THOMAS FORD and CO., And of all leading Wina Merchants, Chemists, and Grocers in Swansea. 4948 FLO UK I M ARKETS CONTINUE TO DROOP. We are therefore enabled to quote :— Per Score. Per Sack. FINES Is, 6d 208. LEATHER TIE Is. 8d. 22s, 6d. EXTRAS la. lOd. 25s. TAYLOR & COMFY. (L.1M1TED), 6, CASTLE SQUARE, SWANSEA. 99, ttXFOltD STREET, SWANSEA, 33, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. 'II 100, BRYN Y MOR ROAD. ST HELENS, SWANSEA. 2683 I I

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