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A PROSPECTOR'S FATE. » TTemelita.! • TTemtelita The liquid j tflbl :is seemed fI,g from above. »:<d came i roiling musically down the rooky ravine aid, bounding baex from the oppos.te wail, mingied with the joyous brawl of the torrent sbar.ag ♦he riasa with the road-bed. Hermelira 1 Bo:h man and horse started at the sound of t woman's voice ir. th-«e bviren sol- ;ui«g. Siaoe morning C **ril Wairwrigh: had been poking hij way thro'gh oaaons and over ridges towards he br xher peaks. "San Bernardino and San Gorgonio, wLow hoary forms seemed from ♦he val'e; below .0 3S*nd shoulder to shoulder. Eo prened forward, expecting chat ano:her fiance would reveaJ th» habitation of some hili- ovir.g mortal who had takan his abode in these fastnesses; and shus he passed V'ed.esislv a trad to r-he left tittt <d sharply to ;.11,. creek, but came a moment later to a deep dv^vnt, hearing ♦ncs» of *¥*D2 a (Orh, albeit on« llO. to the fca-t« Of the ordinary traveler. Passing oi. "o l:(e :.r ^k to m cam re the in- line and iik out £ he ob-tructions to be •.voided in Ct. ng 'he turbulent, rock-ribbed girfeam, Wainwnght came upon a scene for a. printer. On ii»e tc#3 precipitous bunk oppt> #ite stood a veritable »i £ n ma d, "ny aud dark, triib lustr us eyes and midnight hair: in her iimder arms she hs<d a dripping olla that •ecmed to the youi. ? man far We) much for her C.'uldish strength and startled '7 his approach, »h«* @t..ood eyeing h:rotÙ.1ir:Ly and ye. with haif -parted Hr-" a* ir about to »peak. Tift giii looked m if fascinated, while his gure-footed nag1 stepped nrefully down the tteep aad into the swift, swirling wjtcr. The Ittrw moved ging-rly but ut.he»itaxingly for- ward. and the man looked back to Vee ho** the pti^k bun-o he was leaden? took the ;,0" rtnt. The little creature oiam^ered and slid to the w*ter's edgv, then backed suddenly, Kcsrly jerking tJ,8 p-ospecTcr =rom his caw lean Mai Just at 'vt momwi i-vilia n's foot nrnt t»vq stru ;k 81 rolling atone. for fh»j (rood fcitit stumbled, recovered and stumbled pitching his r-dcr, v^th yet £.r.: Paic, in his •addle, into the *ee~unf flood- Waiawr'g'u's last conscious mom.irt is he plnagvd down- ward WM lulled "itl.'—"M-v'.Te 1,):03, tho ttfTW will drown!" shrieked in the Spanish t' crt:e his fAr with a. 1..a.-nv vision of a. bey aid sr'ri ?taiunr4! over hhn^elf in soakirg gar- It 'ite; but a shurp oain darted aivross ius ty«8, .vi. with a he fain* ;d :t¡(.\í. WPt"1 h", d,d finally c(ce to himself he tvus lying in a bed near a tiny window, "thrrrurb wb:r. be .^aught a x-1imy""e of sno^-v ihe waiter* crow.njf over his bead w-Te bare but v.ioothlv finished, u^d ther^ wa? au air of simple, Ola-World refinement abov.t the nea+ room that purrded him ijrsatiy 3-- soon all his scattered witw cori.^ntra. »d «!ou?u for Jham. to remraibw where he must hp. A .rentle atxwajo of la1 x P.wsd from the adjoining eiiam- ber, an< rvfter i;fltening dreamily to the soft, j fbr««pi w<r.d? fm- inarv n.nutee, be wao¡ at- ■tacked by a suaden curiosity to know who were hi' leecaer?. The rrrrsT. he uttered was o*)1r Oftrtlr feigned M he tumecJ his face towards tie door, and for th** tirst time it strwk him tiiac he was ;evereiy linrt; but- the sKrind brought Pt.otu Ramoia ^as»*7»ra to his throshold or. the ^nstanrt. She gave & iitle cry of pleasure at th9 hrM of j coraKaou?ne«s in his eyes; and Cyril forgot I ?ile pain as he cal'e^, "^aarer'r: "Pardon JTHJ, ser.rra, 0>.1. will voi. be ?c kind a? to tell me Vborn t am iaaebted for hospitality atid lltw i |jo» here?" Tba matron ihook Iier head, answering h'tri io Spanish: "^Ve sp'ik not the tonjf ie of the Gnrgrws" and tie ycung man pu- his qjiastaon aflain in her awd. len^ua^-e, adding majvy prewions o. grar'v-ide to hia benefactors. The s/x>d won j,Q o feature. "bjeh ba<' t at <orTxi of the unknc^.i words, softened some- "The horse f in the zacja, the -«nor ^Wiamb rs. It was K- rmel.ta, \r,j daughter, a'-1 tviv son CarlD« r.-h" sared the w.ya- from the w?*er aad oariied 1 'n hither. T 1;» !>ny oaKiffi* also the ?enor's ount and tihe fooi.;b tr.rro: they are in the o*» • b;¡,rTI below." ''But you t.!tTf4 oot told ire vr.vr name that I may <har,k you!" he erdainKsd, impatiently, and his hoetew" with indvujent kindness, a«w»W0ring. "The penrr may call me Sec sra Bftmor.?.; hTt now he m-ast. n**4, acd ea1, ft will be many dara bofore he can go on up the mountains." The Senora Ttann.crta snokf oniv too irvV '1'r.e oken Isjr a.r d the severe hnibeti result- LcLff from Waiawr^ht's fail and his being hurled by the 8.Tl,¡rrV vrv^r a2a.imt, thy rooks i1 the ooursa t_>ok Ion? 4o htaJ. Tt was a. wound m the head t "u had car.v«d him to 1;e two da/9 in th9 oo'tix^e bedroom, unaware of fcis Kurroundings, and even after his limb Lc- ni £ 3 st'oni? enough *r» heå. 1, r*e;ifht. JIR taL1 suiF<-r«i fr-Ti sndcicn tbr^hhlngd and falntnew which were it.. after effect". The yotir>? man iJT>d^ rapid rr->flre*? in tihe frierd- ahip of ih- family; before be ^'dd iea?e his bed the group woidd gather 10 room in the evening and the !'pnoJ'3, C-f Cyril WOIl Id t«il ta.d(Sj!, or Carlos would play bi" guitar and Her- mr>ita would sin?—Hormeiit% whom Cyril had takea for a child, and whom he fennd to be a T0U:.Ig- woman, a Spaniard of the Spaniard?, and ?-o. indeed, was her mother. !L*ter 00, :T;"hen be could limp siowiy tQ the Goor with the aid (,& a ^oui stick, they mpae the reranda their ¡,itt>ntr-I"0cn. and the loiitf, IDOCTdit 5, °uin?-! slipped swiftly t-ud happily &> In an enchanted i*eaim. Cyril u«ed often to pondpr on the oddity of th'" isolation ir which those people lived. Se- ncra rlamojia wa.a a iidy. with the culture of the da ughters of old Spain: Hsr- IP-«lit<t pm a daughter worthr of such a mother. fyfcjr had tlie dend Spenia-d made a. home for iuch women amonsr the rocky fa-stnessas ? And Carlos im^xl'^d the younaf American with t.u wild mooci-i -'ncl loweri.r■ LMk3. At time- |»P wired willing', nay, a.J;:iou: to make frivnds with the stranger whom chanoe had qttart«r»d ir. his hr-u-;e: but. ajcain, his evening italic would warder into clash :i< chords, and the boy would da*h down his liiytrumen; and, flinging fierce glances, including Wainwrij'hft iu the h.ainirw^ck ard Fle^rr.eb+a en the *t-?p« below hhn, would rush away into tiie darkness bjid 1* =ctn no more rill the morrow. Tiie <-enora '5;\é'lTIed to f«*el that an eTpiana- tior. of Carlos'•» behaviour was due her jfUejt My boy i* the heir of mis- fortune, •er.cr," she «aid. yravely. "Perr- hjip4 my friend does not know, aUo. that the thild is or.iy nny fosier son. His fatiier ww the frond of my husband; but he carries in Lis veinii th? blood of an Ir-dian mother, a v;cro" 11 of feio raiflaione. '>vtien log Ameri- canos' first came to California, the Sonar Gonzalez o ffind^d his IKm :.0 my care and joined our danders. He rdl, and my hus- t>a< .< the f..e:,or Ramagua. rame horn? wounded, we thought to die Ay (If" mi! Sen or Wain- wright. that was a. better time- fl." had been happier had he as bis friend. Did not the Gringo* otmfi«<*te :>.1. our lards?—all the broad pactum, and the wheat laud, and ths grove of ol'v*;? by th> zanjt, trl>ere stood the house oi nv birth. Then cam ? wa th^w mctitancs j my hixsb»\nd could not. b^r '.o leave CaJifonna. hii« heme; he w:»* proud he woui go to hi" { relatives e.Tid mine, grandees of Mexico, with empty hands: so 11.. sold the rhck4 and the Jier'ds in Log Angeies, he brought men and built 'his hc\:se, he led hvtuer his wife, myseif, and the li-i *1" Car!j», atl'1 oiv tfermfeiita. then a baby. Pobiecita 1 it ba-s be°i' a etrange )jpira,Mi lor- tiH" tender tlow >t. and the Iftother's glunce strayed so the child-woman b^lde her. "Dear senora, why do vou stay here?" cvied hnt ut'er ii^tenej. ,.y 011 say truly it is a #fTi.r.ge place for gentle ladie". Your daughter is grow •. *ome day you wil; tvi?h ber to marry. Whom will .-he meet in t.hes« Pardon me if I di*tre« vo»; b*:t :u $t' rowng no lci,j^r. H, 3.i! vou ?av. Carlos is not 7i»-r b'other. in what a position you le:.• har should harm come to yourself The (firl's i -ii^ laches *wT>t suddenly over tba brichs e**e« turned upon ilUR and uer head Put the wh'-e-'ia're'.} senora, jflaScing though Ifully from her patient to her cldd., miumured slowly, "It is true; but this i< our horrt The Loe A ::jrs>es of *o-d»r | ■would not be the Loe Angeles of my girlhood. Tht-y are ^jne—mv friends of the old tune?— to Slexico. *o Scain, to the grava. And CtIo^—he i > ver couid t>¡: to uvu where are j Los Gringos." She stepped f.ni looked at^'i wf*tfully into ) the ■oung man's fsc* than T.-it.h a. surh went oo, ha S»ccrr l?junagiia« my hu3bs.di, hat?H ,.ord<f 101 Anipricanoe uni;l he died he taught Carlos to hate them. Therefore, fors- ve }1: r;. se-nor, tf lie eaiuiot sret u-^d to yctir presence." As> bis brcVea hcne.i Srmi firml* ?.nd the iroub'.e in h; head ^jinoyed him le<-3, the votma pro.-«T»t<ctor srew restlev, ta»d, lltt'e bf little, beaao to tak<? short etaur^nn? c-r. th? ilooee ?' d rfowri Mft Z'*uitk At Srst iie eetiora sera Ce.ios ■with him, buft ft." hie eteo became frraer, -n ▼ie\i* of th* vouth'a tSttagreaable man>n«-T, ,>be t;y ccn«etited to Hermeiita's tal;'f.g the C<?"» of guide >rd compstiion to ti- invalid. vr^Te half^ <tii days for the l.vle Spanish | HM. d. Was root the tall Amencsjto fire-look'?.« ftn ;n Ar'o!Jo? And he looked on her so softly, .11d fold her. in her own aw?et tonrrue, of the wonder?, and glories of h; far-olt ■ ty home! ) "Was it env wonder that ;1> tevfd him? But it 1\)1'1 a ltmtt time before tlis rhild realised made the sun Jime nr. bnehflv and her j h<"> rt -in? over her b&kinor t'ip toriill'VJ. Wainwtwrht and the girl were suiting sides \yt .ild-i one «no-ning on a Treat roek letciatr "\e =prav from the bubbling torrent fly over :thcl.). He had taken the siim childish finders jn'n his. anti she xot, with drooping head and 1:3:mrin\r:flZ form, while he tried to find •w.-r;rd« to tf'l1 her ->t length of his determination to vr > on to ]ii« work. Carlos, r.th hi; cna over h's shcultkr- came I grmr'w? up tiie cnloh, swinjri •? a r.»le alead bird# in hie hard. Re did n' t -see the ♦aVn r^ite until Ire ■•*o"d r--ad*- t- Ipio j Tn et< he stoppeii. far'v trembling With I v MUI flints a. aiiidv rrf "Caiamba! it is true, then, he ioTM heri" Cyril heard frcm betvreeu the ha if-breed's rlenohed teeth, and the lad turned iiid bounded back aanonpr the rooks lUe a mad man. And Hermeilta—she also heard Sratch'cg Her Iil nd from her or.mt)anion. she sprang to her frit.t, the hot Mood mantling hjsr face; her ayes met his a.nd fsli; the next moment she was fiyinar up tiie'steep path to take refuge from her own thoughts before the little shrine jil her bedroom. "Madonna mia., does he love me?" nip csied, ?tretohing oat her arms, "fo- I love him! Si, Madre I love him!" Wl.at of Wainwright? Bad-: and forth, back -ad forth, he liinped on th" narrow strip cf lev-1 by the stream-bed., curbing him?eif for a villair» and a fool. He had seer through it all in a fluA— Carlo's jealous?, th mother*- wi$t- fului-ss, tiry HerraeJita's uruconnclous happiness and the lisrht of awakening in her faoe w she fled from h'iiT!. And he bad b»cn »•• bl'ind. h.? had worked this mischief so imocer.tly. Ha pau»ed and piacrd siide by side before hia mind's ^ye a bia^k-fcaired, elfin figure and a blue-eyed golden head, shaking hia own head, and slowly he murmured, Xo, it 18 Marie I r i >» I :rre. Ten minute0, lat-sr he ^.>^1 in the piazza, wrii ging the i.aod of Senc-sa Ramagua. 'Uod b]t«3 yo« ifu'd forgive rn- he rsiid huskily. "He k. owd my last thought would have b en to wrong vcu or yours. Bid Hermelita aaios for me. She is a child she will forget." The mother hade God^pped. with tp?ra r'1.TI, jyrg down her furrowed cheek«. The p-o- u-peoto*- ;?.idl«<.l ius horat and, leading t.h? littli gray burro, pushed steaaily up the oar on. In the evening1 Hemnelitsk leaned against rhe great reek by the sanja, with bet head buried in her arnu. Carloa, her fo?tr r-hroir.Pr, came behind hw. laying a light hand or. her alioulder. j The girl shuddered and sbock him off. and t>be ha'f bread's look chaageil from glo tmy tenderness tc angry scorn. "Do you 'o^e j him7" he cried harshly. "You will see 'dim him7" he cried harshly. "You will see :1i:n no more: his love lies ov»r the mcuntsin* th?n more <?«fbiy: "Focge* him-I" I tiv iova, I Hsrmeiita mia>—I lore **oa i ¡ And you hate bim ?'* flashed back the mw'dea; I caa never ftve you, bro&er Car- He frowned at h«r, and tuT^u and w;dk?d away. away. ¡ I In the dim dawn Cyril Wawwrtj'bt re. frrcm bis caolp-bed aad stretched kis stiffened «imbs, bis caolp-bed aad stretched kis stiffened «imbs, iong used to mere luxurious quar;er*. Some- what relieved from ihe heavy thoughts of y*?- he wnisr'lpd K,W!V, errarifing bis chattels and oook.n? hi* '.amp breakfast. The la f.tie grcr burto r.vsed its h^ad from cropping the short gras*. i hray-d uneasily, and Saltan pricked up His ears, looking at kir ma?t?r. Cyri'l thought he pa* a ^ltuikirg Sgure in '.ha oltaparral. and .tood up for a b6'tt2:' eX.lHc.ioilÛ"D.. There wa3 a sharn click—a suddsn report. The pros- cectrjr tlung uo his iiikncLj and feii iorward. his face in tlie fi^e- his face iu the n,e. I+- was again evening when Carlos Cronsslsz walked heavily into the ki'cheii of h's home. "You are late, my son, and you have been long gone," said the white-haired Seohra R&- m<?na., her kind eyea eoaoning his ma^k-like feMurM "I have unted. Ion? and am weary —and I h:J1.? home no game. Kave you frijoies Ù1 pierrtv, n.oo.:e mia.?"










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ABERDARE RELIEVJI^G,., .;,}',:-Lj'LG...1i,-O^'FICF'-',




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