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POLLY'S PRAYER. She stood :ong on the "hurch step that esfau Saoba&ii eve, lur bright* vituie la-ce ail puckered and twisted askew. Uh, dear she groaned, a., she whirled her bonnet furi- ously in the iir by its orunipied string, It only I could tali m love with some l'e.ai. neh, a^-ivaake, handsome yoang ma.n he d pay the rises on our dear little borne, and we couid keèp it, moCf^sr and I. Thoen we three could live happily together for ever. Airitn. I don't know as I even care if he wasn't very •greeabJe if IK wore only ltmtv vicb. and i Can't feel i,ure I should have to wait till I truly love him. out he certainly fiLl be handsome, for I never eould dwell in p^aoe wrth a homely man--never! I wonder iiie would ever get used to painted floors and no carpets? And, oh, mercy aus ontons. liove them so. I could never exist without them. I perfectly know he would never endure them. Men have such proud stomachs." And the petite coquette .sighed weaniv as, half re- luetairUy, she stepped in at tiie open door of the queer old church and siowly—yaa. almost languidly—took her accustomed place in the village choir. There were tsars that night in her clear, sweet soprano, though her bright, brown eyes were uncommonly dry, as she sung with all the fulness of her Sotne time We'll Understand." As she sank back in her place a radiant smile re placed the worried look o-rl her flashed face, for she knew now that surae tune she "would understand why some fc'Ls always had to be miserably poor ami go without so. while others had enough and to space." Somehow she felt strangely sure that her fervent prayer, "l ather, spare us our home," was going to receive a speedy Was our alsrt bmnetfce half-eon* dous that a pair of very grave blue eye; gave her a trifle more ,than necepsarv attention Aiir-ng the sera.on that followed hü song, or was she oblivious to the fact that Mr. Earl Rcssiter, ■who had just returned from Italy after perfect- ing his education as a violinist, was not exactly giving the minister undivided ait-en- tion? At any rate. P.Hy Haves took it quite as a matter of course-—it must be confessed, a little to Earl's surprise—when after church he told her he had driven round to hex hometh? night before with his spin to take her for a drive, forgetting she would be at choir re- aearsal. "You might call again." she said, quietly, With half a simi-e, whireh revealed the most perfect- set of teeth Earl had ever seen. "But." she added, demurely, "now, I think yau bftd better take me home, if you please." She aimosi; caught her breach as it occurred to her answer. she might have gone a little too far for modesty. "But." she added mentaLy. "I ma-, t do a/111 can to ans .ver my own prayers." HAs. it is rather iate, perhaps you would prefer to wait till non time before you come til," suggested Polly, with raised eyebrows, I whefi. Earl was taking leave of her at the door. "Yes, I think I will wait," he assented, a bit dryly, bowing himself out. bit ctryiy, bowing himself out. Poor Polly! Ross-iter's tone cat deeper tiian he guessed, Rushing upstairs and lock- ing the door, the poor child, utterly dis- couraged, threw herself upon t.ue (fed and sobbed violently. "If I knew something about society manmrs But I don't! I only ten the truth, and say wn&t I believe. I felt sure to-night I in Church we were gomg to be nelped out°of our feiaiidai troubles by—well, !>v Provi- dence ? And now I've srpoiled it 1 It's always the way I was afraid he know tow well I liked hun. So now the iiouse will be ssold, and we will go to thA poor-house, I s;poae' I wonder poor folks can't die while they are babies ■ What < blessing it would be And the worn-out young girl fell asleep to dream of improbabilities. Earl Ro?site<r strode tferotiirh the woods in « decrdedly unenviable fn-ire of mind, i Gradually the stillness of the hour, the calm radiance of the moon and the scottiiug murmur Of the brook be.-a,n to subdue him. At length, flinging Irmself on a grassy knoll r.èa.r the brook, and burying his heated face among the cokl ferns, he thought over the evening's •events, doing foil justice to the innmes he had received. "And yet .she is pretty, and smgs like an angel be mused. "E>?ess it f I I wish I did Dot like her so uncommiorly weB. I don't I won't hereafter • I wonder why women were put to this world just to aggravate steady-going men lite me? Well, I hen"?forth renounce all womankrin .l!" he said, aloud, suddenly sitting up and d: has heeis vigorously into the ground. "If she cmi be so and tell me I can wait to come in. rn. show her I can wa-it. in I c--in wait, more fi07V3**s than one, too f So slaving, lie narked rapidly home, eon^ratnlating himself on the firmness he had just 'ftSplayed in for ever extinguishing from his heart ill tende, feelings towards womankind "Bother it., he ejs«ealsted. a» he came in sizoht of the dark, •>iieeriess house. "How pWraed Icnesc.me it is I wish the foiks were at home to wel- ooir, a fellow But they won't be here for a month to uome, so father wrote* in his ::Ost IftteT." "For the sake of cbarsty! Who in thattder has been tilling my bed with old shoe1;9" ex- c!a..mfed he, springiihg fe.stily out of bed. and stubbing his toe cruelly against the dresser. "Or?— -oh—ouch—what a nuisajioe furniture ar.i tfie inventions of mankind generallv are Men aren't much better than women, tltough tht"t are somewhat better," he added, deci- ck-diy. Whereupoti he got back into bed, only to twjgt and turn and get hopelessly tangled in the bedclothes tili morning. A blinding eick headache kept him in bed for a time, but. after i, little it wore off, and he btigan tt> be very hungry. "I wonder how you make coffee T be speuolated- "Polly makes deli- caous coi?se She makes s-ood t"ast, too. At Je-ast she used to when I was a boy, and had ;he malaria so long. I wish I had some toa<*t now. Bless irt I T wish the cook was earning; Unia.y instead of Saturday I'll ring for Thomas, and see if he can help me out. fekew^rs He muse have gerne oil The whoiis world is dead set against me I be- i'*eve ru happen round to Polly's near dinre' anti if she is flB good mood she umv 'ariTite kw to stay. But it's only nine now »n«i rm wiliiiig bo wager my best coat 111 re it. before one. for I rn as hollow a« an <ecpfey e^-shell now. and can hardly !«bamd vsi aiy W"s, they wobble »?. Well, I'll get SOTae kaKifetBg And start a Sire, and be, my ote'i. exiAiinr for onoe." So •• aying, he walked (IItlt at the back dcor. OestaiaJy Cometh sag did possess his legs 1 He Jianeiy Itad lost- oont-n>] of them, for, in- ,CttAe of jwA going to cue woodpile, on. on Xhry .-7»-iftt. through the woods, down past II ,>riw.k -#tiere he had lain last night, out iis fcjss* rrW. the sweet clover, right too itns. ct«yej s door. Not to Polly's doi^r <& '•«» Somehovr-—odd, wasn't it?-—he had e irreai^iabie .iesire to know how e. irreai^iabie -iesire to know how Ln, id.-#- .n»y«« wrt fueling that morning. "Great tf'yrii? snd htt«o pilrbers Are they both in WS yifc? rVotTven »re the ki^iest, How Ofimrifid Itte booss loot#! Can anything have I te Pofiy-4» Mrs. Hayes, I mi-aii" i Ko&^nv :»i!d gi"!«»ve rac more than to be- lor? had harmed the d«ir old r«-UL" TMrfcv. tl-ti* Q» garre th» bell n push W tew fapth its noisiest response. A»ovher nng. Still no answer, j the Joor. He was getting J U&ity- Bityv. j "Afe thoy out of town? Are they ill? Is I Polly ill ? I must know. I'll try the back j door." Walk ing rapidly around to the back j door, to his a^oaikhment he found it wide J op»n. As he stood in the doorway, sorne- what relieved, surveying the immaculate kit- ehen and rows of shining pans, yet wondering what eould have bewitohw.1 X'o'iy and her mother, the most savoury smell ever sinelied was bome to him. "Biest if I wouldn't like serw of that, whatever it is lie ejacui*te"d, looking round to discover whence it oa.me. "rm as hungry ad a starving dog •! Oh, there it is he cried, triumphantly, looking at a stew-pan set directly over the fire. "Gracious hasn't she any more sense than to leave it there .ft'1l certainly burn before sne can possirty get back. "I believe it is burned a-Ireztdy No, I don't know as 'tis, either." lowering his nose almost into the stew. "\VeJl, I'll make sure. So »ay:ng, he seized an immense iron spoon lying near, and took a sip. "X °, it isn't. At lesist. I thiak it isn't," tasting a little more, n-nd smacking his lips. "I'm glad I saved it. It is the beat stew I ever tasted, And, what beats all, there's onion in it!" licking the spoon again, and throwing his head oa-ck in glee. At that sesond I'olly. ) singing, or, ranner, Deuowmg, l want a man," entered the room. The song ended in a scream, and the tomatoes sae had been gat-bering went in every direction over the floor. Yes! there ¡ was Earl Pvossiter, the European traveller, I the accomplished violinist, the handsome young man w!?o had said only tne night be- j f'-Tc he would wait before he entered her J horns, in her kitchen eating her stew—onion j stew, at that, with an iron spoon—and there WAS she, with her hair done iro in cur!- papers, singing "I Want a Man f The thought 1\.(t3WJ, overpowering, and she s»ank in a heap, but Earl succeeded in putting bis arms around her, spoon arid all, before she fell. As he held her tight. wi+h his iron spoon I held triumphantly aloft. Mrs. Hayes entered, I "and, thinking she understood the situation, immediately gave them her blessing. Poor Earl The daughter had entered singing "I Want a Man," and here oame | toe mother with her blessing. Wh<i.t was there left him t,) do but to bug Polly tisrht j and ask her if she would not henceforth make ail her onion stews for him? And what was there left- for Polly to reply rrrt "Yes, if you Hke plenty of onions in them"?








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