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PIANOS AND ALL OTHER MUSiG^L ;riSTSU?SENTS. J. BRADEll & SONS. (-NLY ADDRESS— 8 & 9, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. [Established 18-10. Lisr Fiikk.j [3291 81, OXFORD-STREET. SWANSEA RHYS THOMAS Is this week CLEARING the SURPLUS STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS AT AN EXT it A REDUCTION, INSPECTION INVITED. UNLIMITED VARIETY, ALSO 51, OXFORD-STREET. 11639 SUTTON'S Marble, Stone, Granite, and Slate Works, ST. HELEN i ROAD, SWANSEA Manufacturers of MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES TOMBS, &c. Designs and Prices on Application. .I I CORKS, BOTTLES, DISKS, AND. WIRE (ALSO BOXES), tOX MINERAL WATER BOTTLERS. Everything in slo^k ready for immediate delivery. J. BAir EY. CORK & BOTTLE MERCHANT, t), ALEXANDRA-ROAD, 3417 SWANSEA. NEW SEASON ONIONS. STEAMER NORMAND Will Arrive Early THURSDAY MORNING NEXT, WITH PRIME CARGO OF I ST BRIEUC WHITE ONIONS, AND POT A JOES (ELEPHANTS). Quality and Sample Guaranteed, IN STOCK, PRIME FRENCH ENGLISH APPLES (Sours and Sweets). SILVER BURGANDY PEARS. NEW COD-FISH. Coker Nuts, Brazil and Barcelona Nuts. 281b. Boxes Mixtures, J uj ubea, & For Wholesale Prices apply to- r\ Ai^jaiNr & CO., PADLEY'S YARD, SWANSEA. August 19th, 1895. [3492 X UCP ONE MOMENT. X Oh itear., Doctor, what Trill ywe main fcjend for mj Children's Ceagha and CeId. 7* TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. iff he most marvelloas Care for all disllrd8Q of the Chest, Thros-t, and Lungs. It never fails to give instant relief, and dees not coo- tain Laudanum, Opium, or Morpkia, IEcohomi&s YeuB. HEALTH. Hbaltb IS TO FIBBT VYraltb, All who ars engaged in indoor and outdoor jecnpatiou, and are especially exposed to the Wrer-varying climate of Great Britain, BE [WISE IN TIME, Don't tamper with {Danger, but go straight away for rjiUDOR WlLLLUUl PATElG BAlSAM OF TTCNEt IT 18 I*vamtabl* for weak-chested tneta, delicate women and children, It cures when all other remedies fail. It cured Cougha, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest it cures thousands of Children ot Jlronchitis and Whooping Coughs. it. curea for One Shilling when pouuus have been spent in vain, DO TRY IT! it you have a Cough, try it; if you hare a Ceid, try it; if yon have Bronchitis, try it. It tocsens the phlegm and promotes expectora- tion, produces warmth and eomfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost uights of rest. READ ON. Now OOMIIUDJlD BY PKYMCIAir* AND •onGitowa. When you are distressed with a miserable mia, coie bunged up, throat sore, limbs aching with a general feeling of smothering, a tew doses of the Balsam of Honey will cicaf the-yi-ratfhcd ayii'. toniB away, almost before you know it. There is nothing like it on tho market; it is thoroughly up to date; it trickles into the whole system. A true friend prompt and reliable tn its action. JUST ANOTHER WOitD. No Mother 6hould neglect to keep this Jnfalliblo Remedy in the Louse ready for any emergency. Lcmember that it is wiser to check a slight Con!h at ti e commencement than to allow it to develop into a lingering complaint# DO NOT FORGET TO GIVE IT TO THE BABY. OVER 4,000 TESTIMONIALS TO HAND FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. A LAUGB EMPLOYHB OP LABOUli SPEAK HIGHLY OF IT. I And your Tudor William*" Balsam of Roney very useful for cold or and keep a V>ttle a ways by me, My children have also found uiucU benefit from It in e&38 of Bronchitis and Cough. Yours truly, BKNJ. PKTfl Of the Firm of Mew* Petty Sons, Ltd. WbttA flail Printers, Leeds, SSis' THINK IT A GOX/DI5N BBMBDT. pJR#_I consider it my dnty to send you this testi- monial of the great benefit my child h..s derived fixnn arapd Tudor WiUiams'sl>ntentBa.l*amof Honey. *3ho ha* take. it for three yearn. Sbo has boea tronhled with I'Toncbitis eiitoe 14 weeks old. Sfca is n.-> .v 6 yarn old and siuoe I discovered thl", prepara- tion I consider ray child out of dinger, and no need to call i« a medical man. ]fours faithfully. MÄJ. BOJID. t7 Are-vto-strect, Harwen, January 2) tit, IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO IIJI. My wife denhf s me to convey her best. wriahes for the sure-» of yn"r Bal«am of IIorp.v. It has b-ieri of benefit to our litr.V ones, who suffered from H'ronehitU and Co.-ghs during the last two m<*t inrt. moiit winters. It gives them infant relief. T?nrt>jt iinr nit-licil attendant, Dr. Jones, quita '"curj'in the frequent, use of th« Balsam wbsn £ ™,k/r.i require.-Yours faltMnllv. Jon* WarrM MOIWJAX. Kt>q.. firynheuljg House, Hirwatn. CO UNI V MAG I STRATUS COMMJJND IT. Artti'R JACO", i-W Pontithre, Three Coolut, Brec.nxhirtf.sUtes: -1 find your of Honey »n reinedy for Bronchitis and Coughs. Sold bv all Chemists and Stores ill over the World i-Is lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per bottle. Simple B<;tt!e Mint (postpaid) for in. 3d., 3s., an«f 611., frem the Inventor, T) TUDOR WILLIAMS \J}. MEDICAL HALL, ABE P. DA HE. ¡u¡Q FUEXISIIING IRONMONGERY. 23TH ANNUAL SALE Connnencing JULY 25th to AUGUbT 25th ÀT S. CRAPPERS, 16, HEATHFIELD STREET. SWANSEA. 1C PER CENT. will be allowed off all Purchases as on previous occasions, being a I more satisfactory system than remarking. terms CASH ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY X OTE.Onr usual plain marke(1 prices remain on all goods for patrons guidance. 3331 — BOOKS! BOOKS GO TO OOROS QREAT JjOOK UfART 11, ALEXANDRA ARCADE, FOR BOOK BARGAINS CHOLERA AND FEVERS PREVENTED. gANITAS DISINFECTANTS Kill all Disease Germs. Fragrant, Non-poisondus, and do not stain. Fluid, Oil, Emulsion, Powder and Soaps, and Appliances for all purposes. ESSD FOR PAMPHLET. The SANITAS Co., Ld., Bethnal Green. London, E. Ilow SHOOTING SEASON. 1895. BEN EVANS & CO.. LTD., INVITE A IS INSPECTION OF THEIR GRAND STOCIv OF EVERY I REQUISITE FOR SPORTING, THE PRICES THROUGHOUT BEING THE LOWEST, A SPLENDID COLLECTION of HAMMER and HAMMERLESS BREECn-LOADERS, REVOLVERS, AIR-GUNS, CARTRIDGES.—Special SMOKELESS CARTRIDGES, LOADED WITH SCHULTZE, E.C., or AM BE KITE POWDER, in ELEY'S IMPROVED GAS-TIGHT CASES, 10a. PER 100. RUGBY AND ASSOCIATION FOOTBALLS (BEST MAKES). CRICKET, TENNIS, AND GOLF REQUISITES. FISHING RODS and TACKLE of EVERT DESCRIPTION. BEN EVANS & CO., LTD., A SPORTING DEPOT, 46. CASTLE BAILEY STREET, I SWANSEA, V V ï.L'-i.. } BLANKETS, SHEETS, QCILTS, &a THE EEX DRAPERY CO. Are giving 0 SPECIAL LOW PRICES DURING AUGUST for the above Goods. SEVERAL THOUSAND PAIR TO SELECT FROM (ALL NEW GOODS.) OPENING OF NEW PREMISES, 23. WATERLOO STREET. SWANSEA. AUTISTIC FURNITURE. ¿J .4.- A Messrs. H. Fe dm a v Beg to inform the Public that they have completed their New Premises, which are now replete with a Stock of Thoroughly Artistic DRAWING-ROOM. DINING-ROOM, AND BEDROOM FURNITURE. in Designs embracing LOUIS XV., C'L SHERATON, and Modern Styles. An Inspection of our Showrooms will be esteemed a favour. We can confidently state that this class of Furniture I has never before been shown in Swansea to any extent. MODERN FURNITURE. We hold a Large Stock of Thoroughly Well-finished Z! 9 Dining-room and Bedroom Furniture, made of solid Mahogany, Oak and Walnut. Every article is guaranteed to last. We invite com- parison of prices. Our Prices are based on Casli Sales, as we do not do a lIirc Systenl trade. 'Q8 NOTE THE ADDRESS: IIYMAN FREEDMAN AND SON, 23, WATERLOO STREET, SWANSEA. ANTIQUE OAK AND MARQUET.ERY FURNIT U !R JE TEETH \TEETlf ym, c. A. hop3o»\ SURGEON DENTIST, X 2, Dl'NEVOR PLACE, SWANSEA. (CHOStJK IliCKEB GKAUr. SCHOOLS) 25 Years' ExDencnca—U as dentist wiU Ktali, B wan sea. PAINLESS EXTRACTION'S WITH GAS ticst Workaianship, Material, and Fit V gxiarariLcod. j Iligli-elaas M t>iS: fron oa, per Tooth At home doily 10 aatil/, Ail Cou*«itAtioi»3 y *EETH\ /TEETH F 1) 1. I BUNGS, SHiVES, AND SITS u-I CHEMICAL WORKS | AMI' OIL AND CREASE WORKS. j CORKS. SHI VPS, SPILLS, AND BUNGS FOR BEEWEEIE8. J. BAILEY. CORK AND BOTTLE MERCHANTS, 0. ALEXANDRA-ROAD, SWANSEA, 3417, j^JAYPOLE jQAIRv ^JOMPANY. MAYPOLE BUTTER Is. per Ib; MAYPOLE BUTTER JK. per Ih. UEUClOUiJ, KIIESU, AND PURE. CHOICEST 1JUTTER IN THE WORLD. MARGARINE 6d. per lb. MARGARINE 5ci. tor Jà. Superior to that sold citc where at 6J. andSd. par !b. MAYPOLE I)Ailt Y CO., I- 207A. HIGH-STREET. SWiMSEi WOOLS. WORSTEDS AND KNITTED HOSIERY, DIRECT FROM 0 U It OWN MILLS. FLEMING, RE ID and CO- SPINNERS and MANUFACTURERS, The WORSTED MILLS, GREENOCK, have Opened a Branch of the Scotch Wool & Hosiery STORES &.t 7, OXFORD-STREET. SWANSEA. For the sale of the Celebrated CREENOCK WOOLS & KNITTED HOSIERY AND shawswater dress fabrics. These Ooods are weU-kuown and largely used in every town iu Scotland and England. Patterns and Price List supplied free. Other 70 branches in the principal Scotch and English towns. 3401 j& BIDDING RINGS. Ik SB GO TO 1 BKOUGjlTON'S, TII.L XOTliD WEDDING liUa fHiOp M Y Hynod urn Fodrw-yau Pr.oAaaol, H 4,31, HIGH STREET, j ttWANS H&Jg '9}Jotdtl" J1(.i :.Jjù Hon.) /Jf The RIGHT-WBITEI-i" is the WILLIAMS TYPKWBITEE, a.1facltinc of the Highest Standard, ndiicli is now taliinq a leading position wherever it is known. H.M. (iovernment have adopted it, and are ordering duplicates, lor use in various Departments. Engineers raid educated experts use and recommend the Williams. It possesses the lead i ng features of other writing machines, will do all that any of them claim to do, and with less trouble and expense. The lines and words including the last letter always in sight. The Inking is direct from Pads without annoying and expensive ribbons. Write for Catalogue. WILLIAMS TYPEWRITER COiPY. FOR EUROPE, 21, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. G, C. WADE. SELLING VO T, 3,MOT7NT 1T.EKT, Swanska. 3154 ARTIFCIAL TEETH. Mr. CLAUDE BUNDY can be Con- sulted Daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and is prepared to Supply SINGLE TEETH, 2s.; UPPER or LOWER SETS, 203. BEST QUALITY. 4s. each UPPER or LOWER SETS, t2 5s. Od. Guaranteed for Five Years. American and Higher Class Work at Equally Proportionate Prices. EXTRACTIONS Is.; PAINLESS (by £ as)5s A Lady Al\v;iys in At.tcndance. GOLD AND ENAMEL STOPPINGS CAREFULLY INSERTED. Note change of address and be sure of the number 53, HIGH-STREET, SWANSE A. (Two doors from the Gioiid Hotel), w OR M T 0 Z E N G E 3 PaJkland-hiJJ. J or jug, Surrey, October 22nd, 1893. Dear Sil. M y daughter, aged 18 months hud been veryill and was daily wasting away. and she had Leen trented iu a Children's Hospital, but without deriving any benefit. Well, a lew days ago 1 was lookingthrough Old iooie's Almanack ior 18^4, wneu i yaw th« advertisement of your Worm Lozenges and alto seeing the symptoms described by you r»=embla uerj. 1 wont at once to Mr CiitJ, el emist, liigh-street, and bought a CiitJ, el emist, liigh-street, and bought a .1 boxot your Poiitardawe W orm Lozenges, and after taking one, in lessthan three -Hours she got rid o £ iiiiuurtds of thread worms, ana Ucfore silo liuU taken the contents oc a iiid box sno had paused thousands, and although it isouiy a month since sue iirst tried tnem it is' wonderful what a change it has made in it is' wonderful what a change it has made in her. She seenii LS won in every "ZIY as evershedxdiu iiorLicj, and t am ijuito sure ti.w.tyoul'LOzcngtH 11 \Vù (ur Iii) Lildjiin^ ot Uoll) bec-ntiie meausoifsaving lur Ùé), and lmustai/ thatio in a wonderful r.uuedy, and iL ouglit to be more widely known, for hau it not ooiii Lh" tila Almanack, i mi ht never liava Iviiow.i anything about this wonderful cure. You are at lloarty cj use this as you please, and jiu ijreiy trust.< will bo ablessing to many as it was to m.we.1 am, dear sir. yours truly, E. J. lv nig jit. S H An cav.y way or 1Ncrka«i\o I A ilali voi:n isf°MK by starting CJ Ba vj? SaS \VAl(. 11, &e., CLUliS for the supply uf!>EN"-ON'S Watches, Clocks, the supply uf!>EN"-ON'S Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, and other Good. Sound, urul Reliable Artiides ut Moderate t'riccs. Terms Liberal. Post J. W. BENSON, 6Z and 64, LUDGATE-MILJ,, LONDON. E.C. 133 A WIDOWS SACRIFICE. K I'M AKK A HLK tTOKY J KOil LLASKLLY. A iwtlifli:: story has gone r/ua rotiads of thU ditt IJÎd. writes a llnnclly leporlcr, In whicll a poor ,,¡dow.:]1. the P(ii,ance,t nge of 73, of the name of Ma.f;alt.t ]jl nfi; ..I. cottage ImoAUHj t, i-tni St. J.a\ idV Oidii- iy, 1.lHt!diy, !or2.) vcub 1 < t n :i n:ai tyr to (cvul w<uikiit:«e aud <tro(>»y Uri 1 iving iJ,,1' of the use «•(Iiit jjeiifial Sue vent "ally a pti iect cripple, and failed i ) civo l.fir 'J tc vri/rhlmurs »m:ateil tier in rvt-iy way iliey coiiM. lii liis state slit* df-lerrtiined 1». »11'lv for j .l itli u iii f, :uul 1b". gciierotis Guardiaiu IIlIu" uI lie: 'Sz. Gci. a v, rok, which imd to jmy rentund 10t"i ¡,.r >ten.n <1.0: lU'i-.li ctoi h-.ia utterly failed to give lier aiiy itlief in way of rn.idiirine. She had kpent ];oi:ndi on < n<- tiiiu- and aaotln'r, and at }ast ticke dOWll. };(,I 11:11", to d" hllr good this t.i.iH of tlv- pinvc. ( no I! ir.in^ » < itl\Í i'stcd i verviltlid em:t :ih tt liiiir. in a iii<ml Ifilliiiff hi r to tiy iid get ,i 2f. td. Lottie "I JCorel'a Kcviaii. How could .he 11' it tmliniy it. (d. n vcrk. At intt, ufter a great mriir.ee, the l'« i:^ht. cue, nu t then found u tri^j jiicnd—her iroutles le.;t her, her pniu« ^oue her CMitfli j.iit aw«y. khe can ui.w walk iiu.l hnr« a lojl: ioi.ikI, .-11< 1 jji» to Siur cbajiel, iiiih 11>• has a >t 'oe!*n ;,L,e to d", lor inauy yearj. Anyone wlij doubu till; sti.iy :0 vI" v.111e to I WIDOW THOMAS, JJrymimwr, Hear Uryn, Maiu-ll^. F'o'd ly alK hemibta, £ s. 9d. and 4s. 6d, pec bottle, cr from I MOREL'S DEPOT, LLANiiLLY GWANSEA SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. On SATURDAY NEXT, August 24th, 1895 an ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCURSION w;U be made to the Roman lioad and Ancient Lemons on KilTey Hill, under the guidance of Colonel M»kga>t, President, ° The party will leave the Royal Institution at 2.30 p.m. sharp. E. Le Cromer Lancaster, M.B. 1 Hon. 35C7]L. Collwyn Lewis j Sees. EXCELSIOR SCOTCH WHISKY. "Wo I are examined analytically the blend of Scotch V\ liisky, and find it to be unusually- pure, of excellent flavour, and weil matured. iiecommended with confidence as a safe and palatable stimulant for the sick and con- valescent." — i'vaetitioner, Edited bv T Lawuk Urunton-, M.D., LL.D., &0. SOLE PROPRIETORS— MARGRAYE BROS., LLANELLY. rt Perfection of BienJed Whisky." "Lancet" EXCELSIOR SCOTCH WHISKY. "Heccmmendetl with confidence as a StimuJant for Sick all! UOllyaiescent: -—" Pracritioner." GW'ILYM EVANS* QUININE BITTERS. GW'lLYM EVANS' QUININE BiTTERS. Tllis renowned preparationii nndoab'edly the best f?« ii -V! Unit can t)t.- taken «t this season of tbe year, On all bides oi us, in towlI, and in country, we hear mi.nerouseoiirilaiiits of a want of tone, a it-elinc of .anKuo.-and depression. All who suffer in this imuner cuty need a good Tenia preparation to inviirorate and „ive tune tjj the system, and new life to the blood, and oraee tue nervei to withstand the trials of the comui-r reason, th^ virtues and elticaey of Owilvin Evan? Wuinme Bitters are now s'j '.udversallv known that tutj have wor. lor this prepsiration tin apijellation of THE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE VEGETABLK TONIC. And as sucll it has for many .wars held its own as all meonu-aral, and unrivalleu Tonic Medici" e GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST iiE.MJJUY OF THE AGE FOR BS« isffisr depkiIs^on of LIVKli COMPLAINTS. MELANCHnrv "iES1' AFFECTIONS. mjiiLAACHOLI.. SLEEPLESS^ li.sa. GV, ILyM 1:VANS' QUININE BITTERS GV, ILyM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Sold in Bottles Is. lid., 2s. yd., and 4s. 51. Each. BE WAKE OF IMITATIONS. SEE THE NAME GWILYM EVANS ON LABEL STAMP, AND BOTTLES. PROPTUZTOKS QLININK ElTTEliS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD., LLANELLY, SoUlH WALES. SIFTINGS OF THE FINEST CEYLON TEA MAY BE BOUGHT OF TAYLOR & COMPANY (LIMITED), S WA NS EA. CASH PRICE PER Is. Id. LB. This Tea is unequalled for value. It is Pure, Fine, aftd Full Flavsurkd. —■ 26S3





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