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1 THE BRADFORD WAREHOUSE COMTY. 22. WATEKLOO-STKKET. SWANSEA. A FEW SPECIAL LINES IN DEESS MATERIALS ]F TO BE CLEARED to make room for more Goods. A SPECIAL LINE OF ALL-WOOL DOUBLE WIDTH FRENCH FOULE CjuOTH. in 80 different Shades. These will be sold at 8id per yard until cleared out, the usual price being 18 3id per vard. Also a splendid line in French Merinos, 44in. wide, Is 2$d per yard, usual price Is gi-d per yard. ————— [3035 A.LL OTHEH GOODS' SOLD AT WHOLESALE PRICE AND CUT TO ANY LENGTH. JOHN S. BROWN HAS ENGAGED A THOROUGHLY EFFICIENT W o K K I N G C U T L E And har, at great e-pense put down an ENTIRELY S NTL:W plant. CONSISTING Of 4 h.P. GAS ENGINE, PEN and JUGH-CLASS HUINDiN'f, and FINISHING MACHINES, GROUND, Suitable for turning out everv desn-ip y' z' RE PAIRED, and FT XTED ti«.or CUTLERY REJ-AJRS VVlTH NEW BLADES In the best possible manner a yS ^r'lQQQP's LOWEST CHARGES. GROUND AND SET. V RAZORS FLAT OR HOLLOW GROUND, SL TABLE CUTLERY p&ft fryS GROLNAJ,POLISHED, and REPAIRED. &^<<\ SAWS of Every Description yr SHARPENED AND RE-SET. JOINERS TOOLS GROUND. BUTCHERS TOOLS GROUND. [2799 JOHN S. BROWN, SWANSEA, fe J. H. I* AN Iv f BATTER. HOSIER. AND GENTS' OUTFITTER, h now showing a choice selection of S WHITE and FANCY j s. MMMMaHHMMHHMni y In all the Newest CUths, CRICKETING SHIRTS -j i»"2e»°r- J CO LLARS New abapes up to 18 laches. bTRAW HATS All the newest designs for the Seasoa. 5 J.H. P.'s Special Value. O Q ) i AIT FUR HAT I In all the Newest Shapes and Colours. L" ONLY ADDRESS, IT HIGH-STREET. NEAR ROYAL HOTEL t 'c95 6 TENNIS AND CRICKET SEASON. 1895. i; | THE LABGEST STOCK CF TENNIS AND CRICKET GOODS I IN TO WN i 8EE WINDOWS. SEE WINDOWS. SPECIAL TERMS FOR eLVBS AT C. M A N S C II E S T E R. WATERPROOF GARMENT MANUFACTURER. 6 & (A. CASTLE-STREET k TEMPLE-STREET SWANSEA. 1766 "■ 1 FARMERS BACON. I MILD AND LEAN, PER 7d. LB. PICNIC HAMS, PER 6d. LB. DAVID JONES & Co.. 100 & 101. OXFORD-STREET, I SWANSEA. 3011 GO TO 97, OXFORD-STm ME CHIU vifKV?,/ JZL Sl>V-' K*"W PATIBBirS JJD. PK* P "c* &k;oa Jargeqaantftyel Odd L<:>u I wxy eh** I DELICIOUS. FRESH prRE. NEW GRASS. NEW GRASS. MAYPOLE BUTTER REDUCED TO 110D. ioD PER LB. IOD. iod I OUR CELEBRATED DAN DAK MARGARINE 51). oD PEB LB* 5°. 5D [1551 MAYPOLE DAIRY CO., 1 207A. HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. '# TO-DAYS PARIS & LONDON FASHIONS, MAY, 1895. Ben 6vans d (90., LIMITED. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE NOW MAKING AN I UNPRECEDENTED SHOW OF I FASHIONS, NOVELTIES, AND NEW GOODS, ) BEING the OUTCOME of a SPECIAL VISIT to the PARISIAN and LONDON MARKETS. E-very care and attention have been bestowed upon the purchase of the very best goods, which, in every instance are the most recent productions in Costumes, Millinery, Mantles, Laces, Dress Fabrics, Silks, Washing Dress Materials, (fec- It is certain that such a selection as will be exhibited will meet with universal approbation, and that the means adopted to so promptly introduce into South Wales the latest Novelties of the Season, will be general y appreciated A VISIT IS THEREFORE RESPECTFULLY AND CORDIALLY INVltfiD. I SWANSEA, MAY, 1895. I THE "REX" DRAPERY CO. For the NEWEST FASHIONS. The LOWEST PRICES, IMMENSE VARIETY in DRESSES, including CREPONS, TWEEDS, and all SHADES in PLAIN FABRICS. MILLINERY, Flowers, Feathers, Straws, &c. I GRAND COLLECTION. T Some STARTLING LINES in VELVET & CLOTH CAPES, 5s. lid. to 45s. J Washing D esses, Sateens, Cr.epo.ns, Piques, So. I LOVELY DESIGNS. I Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Corsets, Sunshades. Astonishing Value. CARPETS. FLOORCLOTHS. CURTAINS. 1895 PATTERNS. THE KEW strop COLLEGE-STREET, SWANSEA. sols S ■" 11 ■ ■ A GREAT PUBLIC BOON! fjjj ILIPTON IN THE COCOA & "CHOCOLATE TRADE 1 P: LIPTON, being Sole Proprietor of some of the FINEST COCOA ESTATES in CEYLON, has .commenced the jp^l Manufacture of Cocoa and Chocolate. r+<j! || DELICIOUS HIGH-CLASS COCOA, CHOCOLATE, AND FANCY CONFECTIONERY lip1 CAN NOW BE OBTAINED AT ALL HIS BRAN CHE i THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. If BUY DIRECT FROM THE GRO AVER. # M TREMENDOUS SAVING TO CONSUMERS. |i| r$' No need now to pay the most exorbitant prices hitherto charged. ^0 |i LIPTON'S P COCOA AND CHOCOLATE FACTORY 'UKl Has been specially built for his trade, and fitted up with all the ilKf;! iUjU latest, wo..t modern, and Improved Machinery, whereby the 'rT;! {WiSi fragrance and aroma of the Cocoa Beans are fully retained. Cus" !fy S tomers can always rely upon obtaining the |^| CHOICEST COCOAS FRESHLY GROUND. jL|Jj 4^er'y ensuring a cup of absolutely pui-e Cocoa unequalled for !Di\i its richness and delicious flavor I ———— HIGH CLASS CHOCOLATE AND CONFECTIONERY Vt n a nit HALF THE PRICES charged by the Trade. i '=' <L'T(. What the Ceylon Press says about LIPTON'S COCOA ESTATES. The CEYLON INDEPENDENT says, "LIPTON,tha owner of the magnificent Dambatenne and Pooprassie grjupa of Estates, has just concluded the purchase of KarandnsaDa, which id noted for its Cocoa in a:t, no better Cocoa is to be found m Ceylon." The CEYLON TIMES says. It is a matter of note that LiPTON, the latest (,f our Cocoa planters, has gone r.ght into the very heart of the beat cocoa district in Ceylon, and has secured one of the piums of that district. Karandagalla is reported by experts to be without exception one of tlio very choicest Cocoa estates in Ceylon." The CEYLON OBSERVER says, LIPTON having decided to 'go in for Cocoa grow- ing, proceeds str.light to the very centra of the cocoa districts, and, before you know where you are, picks up the choicest property in the island. We are to d by those who have seen it that Karandagalla is the very best cocoa est ite in the very best cocoa district in the vtry best cocoa growing country in the world. He has without question obtained some of the best cocoa land in Ceylon. There c.tn be no doubt that the quality of his productions will be of the highest." VI Ts? NOTE THE PRICES. M [Vf| COCOA ESSENUE. THE FINEST MADE. GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PURE. K^<; In £ Tb. Tins at @d. each, and in and lib. Tins. Also in Packets at 4id each. .J This is the Finest and Most Delicious Cocoa ever offered t* the Publio. r r -— ORIENTAL CHOCOLATE POWDER !^| In | and i lb. Packets; 3i<-t "J 7^ each. T^.is Preparation makes a most Delicious Beverage for all meals, and has great ) .1l sustaining properties. PREPARED HOMEO COCOA |w|J In J and | lb. Packets, + d. and 5^- each. py/l! A SPECIAL COCOA. THE PERFECTION OF QUALITY. TRY IT. — PEARL CHOCOLATE POWDER Kg In | and lb. Packets, l |d. and each. jUj- NOURISHING AND INVIGORATING. The Cheapest and most Economical Beverage ever offered to the Public. I LIPTON, Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Planter, Ceylon. | | Tea Merchant by Special Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen. J W COCOA AND CHOCOLATE MANUFACTORY. CAYTON-STRE ET. CITY-ROAD. LONDON. E.C. isfel I Ml jkM]| CHIEF OFFICES: BATH-STREET, C1TY ROAD, LONDON. E.C. pv|; ^,1 LOCAL 8RANCHE8 Swansea: ARCADE BUILDINGS, High-street. CardiflE, ST, MARY ST*B*T (next door to the Theatre Reyal), and 7, HIGH STREET, Llanelly 8, STBPK«Y STBKIT. Bristol R 22, Wnot STRUT. J Y r*l i i&yt BRANCHES EVERYWHERE. AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 298L^: GREAT SHOW OF SEASONABLE GOODS. INCLUDING EVERY NOVELTY IN DRAPERY & MILLINERY £t' RHYS THOMAS' DRAPERY WAREHOUSES. OXFORD STREET. SWANSEA. I I D A V I E S, UNDERTAKER, I AND COMti-KXii FUNKRAL FURNISHER. I ADULTS' FUN ERALS. 1st Clssg, with Best Gl:iss-side Hearse, Two Best Coaches and Pairs to Match, SUut Film Shell, fnll- liued, a&d S<itin tjinmied Kobe, reac'ii Polished outside Oak Co^liM, with He&t Brass Pumiture, Elaborate Breast Plate fengraved), Beareiu, and Self- attendance £ n 11 o Ditto, as above., without Shell aed Bearers 8 H 0 Ditto French Polished Elm Coffin and Brass Furniture. Full-lined and Kobe, Glass-side Shellibier, and Fly. 6 0 0 Ditto Elm Polished Coffin, with Klecu'u- brass Furniture, Shellibier, and Flv 4 t) 0 2nd Class „ Du. Do. 350 No Extra Charge for Use of Palls, &c. Only Practical Workmen Employed. 8, PRINCE OF WALES-ROAD, (OPPOSITE EMPIRE), SWANSEA. f2894 A WIDOW'S SACRIFICE. BSMARKABLZ bTORV FROM LLUiBLLY. A pathetic .tory has Roue the rounds of this dis I trict, writes a Llanelly reporter, in which a ppor widow, at the advanced age of 78, of the name of Margaret Thomas, living ata cottage known as Bryn- mawr, near St. David'a Colliery, Lla*el)y, who for 20 years has been a martyr to great weakness and dropsy depriving her of the use of her general strength. She eventually became a perfect cripple, and failed to eavc her rooms. 'Jhe neighbours assisted her in every way they could. In this state she determined to apply for parish relief, and the generous Guardians allowed her 2s. ro. a week, which ¡'ad to pay rent and food for seven days. Her doctor had utterly railed to give her any relief in way of medicine. She had spent pounds on one thing and another, and at last broke down. Nothing to do her good this side of the grave. One morning a cloui passed over with a sma silver lining in a friend telling her to try aad get a 2e. 9d. bottle of Morel's Sovran. How could she get it, and only 2e E1. a week. At last, after a great sacrifice, bbe bought one, and then found a true iiiend-her troubles left her, her-paini gone, her crutch put away. She can now walk and have a look round, and go to her chape!, which she has not been able to do for many years. Anyone wh > doubts this story, go or write to WIDOW THOMAS, Brynmawr, near llryn, Llanelly. Sold by all Chemists, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. per bottle, or from MOREL'S DEPOT, LLANELLY AFTER THE INFLUENZA. All patients who have suffered from the Influenza agree in stating that the after effects are more disagreeable than the malady itself. The feelings of depression, low spirits, help- lessness, and want of "gO" are almost un- bearable. The best treatment for this is generous diet atjdpteMttnt tonics. The best tonic yet prepared, and. one peculiarly suit- able for this malady 1.1- GW1LYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC. SPECIMEN OF TESTIMONIA L INFLUENZA. Eetkeiey-road, Bristol, June lath. Gentlemen, — I have been very ill with Influenza followed by Conges- tion of the Lungs. Three weekl ago my condition was critical, and when INFLUENZA, the danger passed I was very low and weak. About a loixnight, ago the INFLUENZA, doctor said that t Should take a good tonic. Isuggesu:d"GwiJyr<iEv&tM' INFLUKNZA. Quinine Bitters." "The very thing, he said, take it three times a da* llfFLUENZA. Sinep then 1 have taken t regulaxly tnd feel wonderfully benefited. I has restored r-trength to my limbs and given tone to my whole system -Yours sincerely, B. P. CRICK. GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Sold in 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. bottles. Samples 18. lid. size MVSee the name "Gwilyin Evans" on stamp, label, and bottle. This is important as there are numerous imitations. I Proprietors: QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING CO., LTD., LLAHHLLY, SOUTH WALES. I [2527 I H O I THE 10-MINUTE Breakfast Food Is not partlv cooked ROLLED OATS or OAT- MEAL. It is twice cooked, once by steam, then drying for three hours with super- heated air. This process neutralizes the starchy elements, and removes those parts which, in ordinary oat- meal and rolled oats, are so irritating and indigestible. AGENTS FOR SWANSEA k M U M BLES, TAYLOR & CO. (LIMITED). 2683



South Wales Daily fost -.I