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THE VEILED GHOST III the fail of last ye:.r I received & tele- grmfi ivuiii the wife of lay friend., Henry 'iutid. requesting my immediate presence at hi* hov-it which \va.- in the country. 1 lixmw b.y fr tii • to ue somewhat whimsical, first imagined i-uat some fiesh freak I; fcMnint tit. arrival at the l»eautiful lir.tJe village C v.us greeted by Henry and his •» ti>« mosi. cheerful cordiality. "< Mr. Todd had gone, Henry said in u *"u-«urt. whisper, 'a llldl tilled tn-e. with con- jecture t 'tMve something to say to you when I 1" !*n opportunity: and as it concerns Mary, "iiist not speak of it before anybody. Here "-he is: Tom, this is ii;y sister! Alary, this if my dearest- a,r.d oldest it lend, Thomas \Tnhsk/v>v Esquire!" I could see that Henry waft very fond of his beautiful sister; bur, tnis would have in- terested me less perhaps throughout the even- ing had I not detected in ids manner a soli- citude respecting her fur which it was un- possible to p. r. Hive a cause. Airs. Todc made, no attempt to help me out of my bewlderment, but with infinite tact supported a conversation on fifty topics, with- out once touching upon the tei gram. At last the irtdk'j retired. Hanry seated himsel; oppcs.te me, a ad leading forward, juxt as far as the feat was safe, 8al.1 very eotecnnly; "Tom, I've bad a ecummnication from my XDOtner I have seen her too." His mother bad been dead for twenty jears. ''Well, Henry. said I in a careless fashion, VifW sort of communication have yon got?" "I'll show y-ou," and he aro~e and hande<l me a document., saying, "I received tha.t from •jber own hand." I A wikl wind shall blew, And the beautiful snow Siudl cover my Mary and me— I And happy we ..J.etp Far down m -the deep, My s.nle9s sw»*et Mary and me Tt; was with a Kino of ;>we that I read these tilks. As he took the paper f"f.m lile I merely Tell me th% whole affair. I suppose you take that oomimmicatiou, as you call it., to J«fer toO your "I io," be .jd emphatically, "but rn tell you what happened. "It nas been my aist.na to sit late in tins room A* the nights w-f-i- i:nf. Ti»e moon qhone rigOt in On me one night lately—the third, I think, after Mary's a^; ival--and T could see my-elf ref;acted 'm the glass of that chalk drawing hung above von there, That draw- ing is a portrait of my rnotlwt. 1 "It was after midnight. Suddenly I found myself regarding my own reflection, when be^ijid my chair—in the glass— T saw some- thing s}.«y* itself. I did nol stir, but looked anrl distinctly "1 W a figure draped in white fc*A«ug over me. and the face was the face of my^ mother. I »w 'the figure pass by t.hat door troni tiii* room. "Ou the tbirrf mg?p »fj*I wards I had to bed, bet could not sleep. I dres?^ xr,u c^ne down nere to select a book. ,J carried a taper. "Whan 1 entered, *r*nding within H.ose curtains, close to th. i; ;n<W and fronting Bi€, w.w the form I had steer before, d> iped horn head t<> loot in v, hite. ti. fact visible- i»jy mctbei s fare—and extending toward me sbeet of p.pw which was unfolded.* I took it Toiu her hand 3- 5r},e approach A nnd ps»sved me. leaving the T-n..m. I Bat down and rwd tiMI verses whir-h seem to have impressed <s»as yo^r>elf. Aow viiat » you think of it •gr' |.our "'ater' ^fornwd?" I naked, evad- ;i cirecl. reply. "By no 'b&t's right.' .T,ite was on, hst it was beau 171 ui wrtltf ot. -iji<t i pr*>fK>»ed a stroll. The ladies Ind r-tired, so thr.t we were free Not ladies Ind r-tired, so thr.t we were free. Not soal in the hoMws w^ i-to. and out w.- 1; Sndfksr.ty tinging toward w y moody -.sfrve-fd. I again rtwhsd into the subject, leek- ^JBSS of any ieeliag of his OVTI. **Sbow me that pafxrr igain, I demanded "1 k-ve left it, nil and "'¡j!! aboot to j I ialeerupted "N>.re? mhvJ. I rmember the lines, and em eetermined to ..ft till" r-Utw on the spot. II -te^rtis to me thut if tlwre is an-vthim; snper- tk -al abcjjt it, it A -npeinatural blunder '"1 oeny Jltai the apint of you, mother has '1\(1 & re at rate rfateaWe from t, .*> oran.anioationsL 5 \vh$HOC aitelligently or it was malignar.t.ly devised *JJ!7 l"E*U up about" *» of mv ■: hng aaTlop over mv frtend just to have a t 'ftk nt hirn and > adinst m^]f sn/ktenlv lining tes in wine. Perhaps you «e right ut.-you art'. dnw%' me to suppose tbftt there w ^metb.afir wrong with mv^eif.-i Our cxuiversatton iia4 drifted from tlw sub- l^sed °g r WiH>n 'i o^ched the "There is some one. on the look-oat for us I o.- VKJcd, as I looked toward th? window- *K tn« library. ,GV r" h VK"ard,Heil'y almost in ^Ir*pt,w»| I saw that his {H!# wm a,h^n llg^C{? ■}-yi ,ie,ld' be stood gazing 3*nr»r i tue wibdow. «»ffir'r"y revealed in the raining i-teo-mhght, *as the hv-m-e of a woman, J- ra>ed as tor a britiai: b>n it lingered only frnc^a nsoment, and then deliberately moved It par-alysed me. in instant I felt Lncluied .o reo-d m it an easy mockery of my own egotism. 3 *S"'t fur bug, however; a feeling akin to aTlgh SOOD steadied me. and I ,.a»i to Henry. i!S '9 a,UT,nffcn\a] pie.-e of humbug* Mtf boy, aed I inuwt and will be at the bot- tom of it,' 'nfc! t £ r'nk!f0d the hoU9e anJ mto it, and p,$rz- •811—«hat«» I lit tbe gas. HemVs first act was to sur- JZ-h'L'T portra;t wr the mvst-:fious pap^r "it u gone," s,id he. in a-wed tones. -/u°U,d ad;|oUrn til] movn' • >CJ. '^ld have flight upon the titer rirenkfas-t Henry made :i0r,^ I followed him. 7 t'A th. mom. and a j ]lv{ fievt'lT Ml of an air which before. I felt that I eon Id 52 11 aB sta,Ki- so strangely did and flu?J Sd ^*nti„ Henry wa8 wandering aboot- the V.nd^' orM' that I & 5, tL* oa"fer' *"• •»*«' f-SSd'JSTJk"0' m'1 «* •» M» « |L £ 'iK r00<Ma aD<! ioinwI «»e It w. hili sister, of cùune. and I joined ^It w&h feifc sister, of course, and I ■km' ?i»t as she (.-onohided the infernal or and k^wing n-t w betlS =- «?'•« rn t r ,4^ ? £ ra like it 'r' she quickly asked ^ZVVrT*rial t}Ún.g." I r<*«rn«i. #Uv J ,-K>k who** the verses and whr ll^the eojsposer?*' 11 £ The Terms are my mofher's and the music BP ioy own. I was atapetied. j^ £ rJOU y°*mm copy of Cfluid not forset '"them. I feel f(* 30tTV S0D3?tiin°S! for T I*a-r- I «A L _1+ •* tZT • i0 1 have lost the mano- fjft' OWQ Ji^odwriting." iowe 1*1for* TrcW: b»t p^frhiangf^7 Ver^ bi your own hi t^o,-TV' Mr' Wktehw- 1 -smS theui extraordinary. I certainly "Most likely yoo at nie "Most likely yoo 3t nie ^i?ve you g^sae idea. I played and sxmg them W ^■LI^ ♦L^'V^TKn^ whetJ 1 mv n'hi wag to dnnk a glass of rH\^atxt t" unti* a p.ieket of fine vhich I bad armed roy. some oou", befwe. Sb" the^hou^6 not a sound wa* heard m rajT slip^^°%!ke Sh'P ^zL, ■' Jt ■» powder. libraiT I shirt oot the wftich wks il.rhi the mwhief with. my fatcy, and lib the gas. I thea seated myself in the chair which faced the hanging portrait jf Heiary's mother, «nd I could see my own reflection plainly in its glass front. Presently I detected a oenes of slight soi nds in the distance, as of some one Mrtir. While my heated imagination was busily forg- ing fetters for my judgment the library door opened slowly and the moving image of the } orcrait, draped in white veil, made straight for the curtained window, leaving in its na^ at tverv step the white impress of an un- mistakable reality. I saw a.t once, of course, that it was Mi<s Todd who stood before nie, but had a planet, been at stake I could not have moved itr spoken. Siie opened the window shutter very de- liberately and the moonlight streamed into the room, transforming everything and im- parting to he" features and her figure an m- distinct a.nd shadowy beauty, which was alto- gether spiritual a.nd iinvestared of decay. I saw her take from a fold of her thick veil a paper, which she read over in the f ill light, I could see her yes—that they wore a look as if they saw nothing: nearer than the land of darkness. Her face was like the fa.ce of or who had !>een dead. I wos trembling like a leaf when the figure ?«.oved <<traight toward me, and holding forth the paper said, in a strange, fa., off pleasant- ness of voice "Is it not very beautiful? You may take la copy from it if you like, but do not lose it again." I started to my feet, and to '->v astonish- it again." I started to my feet, and to T'iv astonish- ment I did not startle the beautiful si-eper, who had strode away a.1;{ jftatelv a« she had come, leaving in my. ha.nd the simple manu- script. which I heid fast-, as if it might iake wing. When I went down staii-s before break- fast I found Henry making a puzzlt.d scru- tiny of mysterious footprints, the unaccount- I able tll,ng beiner that upon the ?tepa- there I were shown the footprints of a man and a woman, and within the library the evidence o? feminine invasion only. The light I was enabled to throw upon the matter brought- a smile to the countenance of my friend that broadened presently Into a laugh.

--------------------THE UNEMPLOYED,

--------S WALLO WExTXI^OKK.…



----------.-HEALTH OF THE…






----,..-..-------'--'f DEATH…



-------| LOCAL LAW CASE.



!1'---''/' | ILLNESS OF LOltD…









-—-f - PORT -.--:.....-..-

-• - " -f* | SHIPPING^. 1

-.--_.--.----.--SERIOUS RIOTING…