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----------VUR AND FEATHER…

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

VUR AND FEATHER SIIOW AT SWANSEA. SWANSEA AND DISTRICT FANCIERS' ASSOCIATION. ANNU AL EXHIBITION AT THE DRILL HALL. The fourth annual open show of the Swan- we and District Fanciers' Associ ;iion wa." ep-ened on Wednesday, aî. the Dr 11; Bali, Swansea, and III be continued to- sorrow. The exhibit?. wh b ars confined j to poultry, pigeons. eage-;>:r<Js, and rabbits, numb-er nearly a boa iand, and eon pare j SMflO^r&bi" in pol a of numbers to the cxfcibits la vfir's "hjw The • £ §eia)s and oonijaui.i.ee Of ü¡ ?ocie ■ ire tube %tea upon the tnai.ige- saent zl ihe :-r">5l«ts a dozen rows af oages beia? ur&oged lengthways down the large hail, with unple room tor inspection between. The jndges, whose award* appear to frw general satisfaction, ara a3 follows ;— onlay and tipplers, Mr. J. W. Ludlow; pigeons, except nana, Jacobi-is, and selling j elaaft, Mr. C. Burton Barnes; nuas jacobins, and. setting Mr. J. Yiner Leeder; e-go-bir& and rabbits, Mr. C. A. House. The cr- iuiais of the society, who are rendering every possible aasistanee to ensure the of the tlww incluae Mr. Charles Maggs, vice- j Mr. John Poater, tr^-snrer Mr. Start Slater, seerstary; Mr. Charles Ford, pooHrv steward; Mr. D. Williams, pigeon j Me Mr, W. B. Phillips, rabbis steward I ard "the:-$- I la the classes for pigeoas, with the excep- toon of the soctien* relating to nuns, jacobins, j ouad selling inrdg, Mr. C. Burton Barres of Gloucester, who judged last year and w b-G is aiso the judge of the Cardiff ard Newport; aiiows, syndicated, and it may be stated that Shis ^enthsfs^s, who is the winner o? several valuable prized and oh&Uenge caps, is coa- i sidered :a be the ,i-eatest judge of .j.agpie The quality of t-h* exhibits in the classes he had to slsai with, was quite up to the average of last year, if anything, being a j ,L4C,-o. better wiih regard to bia?k fiiagpies and tippler- Considerable that the magpie show of the United Kingdom takes place oo Friday the quality of the exhibits in those elasa^s at the present show jaalrs for Swansea tasc.ers. Tumblers (warkjRg and show), magpies. and tipplers j wears exceedingly strong classes The tambiers' c!a&< was conspicuous for short, BjediUTYi and long faced birds putting *n an | apfjearacce, In the "an? other claso varisty barbs. pouters, and carriers were -r.Uo, as wsro. isi -act, a pair white African ov !s. Ti.* spceia't prize for the beat aiagoit. ia the was neoned by a vain- black, I by an aihibiter m the ÍJa coek eltxs. Turbite were aot nac trauis bui the qualify w;ta qu".e jp L. tib- a good stout- bird 1mlnma. 4.' Mr. Vicar Leeder, who adjadie-ated in the ptgeon eia».ses for nuns, jacobins, aud selisng, had a difiiouit task to perform. Raving j • tt. same classes last year be is elaabled to state with weight that the" conipeti- 1 tk>n tkii year is considerably keener. Among the exhibits are mare good ones, and there u» a general imsrovenaect in the varieties. But ihere it an exception to -very rule, and the exception in this ease is with regard to the jaaobins, among, which there is onty a" realiy good bird. the red jacobin, which %"LRvrs mht take np with advantage. The bird in j riaestion, to which the judge had no huita- tipn in awarding the prize, is No. 534, n. to A. E. Goold, and is a regular tttapty. It would csrtainSy pay aciateat s to ..o.itivatethi* variety. Class for was especially strong, and the jsdga, -ç-h.. vm first tap.-oduea a really good bird of the variety, ..U( therefore may be regarded as the very best of authorities, adjueated upon it with interest. It is a variety very difficult to j ye ioue. but there were ÐO leas than fourteen »D*eHaens, and the exhibits include-? gome j ?e:»ar';ab!y good ones. In the ciass for b4aok nana. — o. 57 there was i^ain 'teea competition. 8wan«ea fanciers j hare always bee a soted for thtir i prodimheB in this tiawi, Mkmsr-i. Pike- J. F. j fiarvey and J. V Leedar, having predueed íiore ^>od ones than any \)tàer fanciers. And bens it may be Maeatioasd thai any bird ia the j 4hs" caut tM. pura" at the price UiWrted j ilt utalliatenr f snciej-s wanting good birds "n a reasonable Sgure are reeom- needed to go to the selling classes where the J committee tirait tbe prices. In the seliicg class for pigeons, the winning birds ajrs ia ey cse cheap at the figure in the catalogue, ar.-A the judge was smaiv caretu; in dia- j carding rubbish from big p-ize winners THE AWARDS. j The follewing are the awaras POULTRY. Dorkiag, cock.—1, 2, and 3, Messrs Ford I and b!ater: 4. Mr Thomas M. Evars White, iirahnia.—ls Mr John Com ley-, 2, Mrs A. Campbell; 3, Mr S. VV, Thomas. I CechrB.—1, Mr Bees Clatworthy; 2, llr Ihniel Ileberts: 3, Mr Rees Clatworthy; 4, Mr John b. Turner. t socs.—"i. Messrs Nichols and Roeke j It) Mr 0. vViliiaMs, 3. Mr T. H. Eiwards; 4, 1 Mr J. James. Givaje, hen.—I, Messrs Bird and Moon 2. Messrs Nrcholh and Rooke; 3, Mr ihn W. Morton; 4, rs Morgan, Brothers. j Gac, cock.-I, Mr J. J ames 2, Mr C. B. iiiU: 3 and 4, Mr Ü. Merger. j Chbat, h-B.-L Ilessn Bird and Moon 2. Mr T. H.Edwards, 3, Mr J-,hn VV. iiorton 4, Messrs Harrison and Biggs. Minorca, cock.— 1» Mr K. eo: 2, Messrs j Fordand Stater; 3, Mr A. wis; 4. Mr i G. Pitt#. G, Pitts; 2, Mr | J A, Lewis; 3, iir H. J. Soialleo.be 4, Mr 1. ? Yeo. iM Mr G. A. Pitts; 2 i, Messrs Ford and si«:er; 3, Mr P. C. ljay,-es, c 4. Mr W. Rieiisou Minorca, prUet. 1, Messrs Ford and Slater; 2. Mr A. Lewia 3. Messrs Hustabie j and Jouea; 4, Mi* Emanuel ilalay, cock.—i, Mr Tcomas Rapsey; 2, Mr T, (hmlLge; 3, Ceor-ige Hoskios 4, Mr D. G. Warren t-ews. Malay Hen.—1 2 aad 4, Mr T. Gauiage 3, Mr Thomas liapsey. Indian Cock.—i, Mr R Pantet.; 2, Mesm James Maan and Son 3, Mr L.eorge Adams; i 4, Mes;.rs xarner a»d i>ieks. Indian Gano Hen,—1, Mr C. E. Hill; 2. j Mr H. Piv^tcr; 3, 2Jr G, Stone; 4, Mt. iiopkin Tb.oErtas. Pifasoath Mr Ja.mes Muaro j- 2 ssd 3. Mr Arthur ihonms; 4, Mr S. W. usiuas. j Ocpiogtons or Laugshans —3, air R. de C. J Peeie; 2, Mr Pi March; 3, >»•«. Ret- | 4, Mr J. Bowep. french. 2. and 3. Mr S. W. Thoroas; 4, Mr J Rtobarda j-i nburgh C>ek.—1, Mr Hugh Hopkins; H. Witkinson; 3, Mr David Morgans: 4, twi- John Williams. Hamburgh "-4tn.-I, Mr Hugh Hopkin 2, j ,N,fr -Do-vidi Morgans; 3, Mr W. GIossop; 4, air Waiter Chamber?. Any other variety, -1, Mr T "i: Hake; 2, Mr I). deCPeele; 3. Mr D. W wjb Le-.v-» • 4. Vv V''alter Caambers. CONS. | '4'* Dragon or A:>tw <. ^—1 and 3, Mes^g | The taas Patterson aud Son 2, Mr Rudson "• Mr John Sarau^i. Sv.ov, Boaier.—1, Messrs Baker and Young: 2, 44r J u hb 3, Massra Morgan audi Turiia- 4, Mr "VVm, Hwxtafci*. Howar, COCK, i, Mrs Richard- ioc; 2, Mr Richard K dies 3, Mr John j :0:- Masr ael 4, Mr F. It Ccktreil. Working bo«er heu.-I, Mr Ja,-nes vïeve; 2. Mr John Samuel; 3, Mr WilUatn r Jeftkinrs 4. Mr. R.ai.p.rdsen. | Tocbits. —t, Mr G. 1). Meadows; 2, Mr 'Ihomas W.cks 3, Mr G. I; Mea.t->v,s 4| -*h'. H. Ma«i;Sy. j iiagpi8, bises eook.-I, j, F. Har.ey i 2. Sir T. H. Ba't; 3, Mr Pt. Evis 4. Messrs. Wea.on aud Brcwnscv>nibe. Magj=;e,. blac bet!.—1, Mr A. Winter; 2 > Mr T. H. Satt; 3, Mr F. 1,1. M.agp.e» red.—L Niz- A Winter- 2, Mr W j G. Reycoiis; 4, Mr F. H. Glyuu Price. f Magpie, yellow I and 2, Mr H. F. S, GWon i^rice J, Mr C. Rose. kagpie, yei^ow h:a.— I, Wr T. H, Satf: ? Mr F. H. GJ:, UD Price; 3, Mr J. F. iisrvey: c 4, Messrs M )1agpi;:ay: da. L->ioar.—1, Mr John F. i Ba>*vey; 2, Mr .-v..Vinte, 3: Mr John 1". Harvey; 4, Mr r nar'es Magpie, selling t. ss,—1, Messrs Mages i Brother*; G, Mr Arthur Harrison; 3, Mr F. H. j Ulyna Pries; 4, Messrs Weston and Browns- i oombe. j lins.—lrMrJ Weeks; 2, Mr T E Dosser; 3, Mr Harry Parsonage 4, Mr T E Dosser. I Jfcjn, any coicar.—1. Mr W G Reynours, 2, i Jf1".8:r1.íi.c); 3, Mr J Weeks; 4, fri. T'ike. j Jacobia.—3, Mr Ai; E Goold: 2, Dr §^rrr-e: 3. Mr X F N! Mr A E :7ói.t mm. Tambi; r, short faced. — 1, Mr rhomas I Wicks; 2. Mr Htaaley B Davies 3 and 4. Mr S B Davie*. Tuns biers, long faced.—1, Mr James j'in. B.VNTAMS. Game, eook—I, Mr R Winsune; 2, M;* TTHopkias; 3, >lr John Tho»%aa; 4. Mr John Evans. Game, h^n,- 1, Ladv Ahugton 2, MrH. 7. Dare, Messrs Bird and Moon; 4, Mr R. W inatone. Game, any other variety hen.—1, Mr F. Roach, Duckwmg; 2, Mr, W. T. Nicholls; 3. Mrs C. H. Williams, 4, Lady Aiinaton. Bantam, any variety.— L Mr Harry D. Pitts; 2, Hopkins; 3, Mrs Ricketts • 4, Mr Jarr.es \!enre. Eanuam, any variety.—-1, Mr -7. Hennery Lewis; 2, Mr Hugn Hopkins; 3, Mrs Rickeit; A. Mr Geo Podger, white roseeomb. SJetiiing Classes.—1, Mr Jam.s Anckland. Mr T. GamAgp 3, Mr E. Harding; 4. Mr Jos. Kitchen, rndiari ga.me. — L Mr C. H. Haliam • 2. Mr John B. Turner; 3, Mr John Williams 4, Mi* William Isaac.— 1 Messr3 Thomas and Evans 2, Mr J. B. Taraer 3, Mr D. K. Jones 4. Mr Thomas Evans.- Pairs: I, ^:r DicBias lL 1:vana: Z, Mr D. Lewis 3, Mr J. M. Hockin; 4. Messrs Ford and Sister. MEMBERS' CLASSES. Ducks, Mr S. Brown 2 and 3. Mr S, Franks. Any other variety.—1 an d 2. Mr S. B •: w:> 3, Mr. D. JOLea ( Mr D. nit. RABBITS. Lore; f23 inches)—1, H. Price 2, W. R. Picton 3 W. H. Philips 4, W. R Picton. Lops.—I and 2, Mr W. R..Picton; 3, Mr! W. B. Phillips 4. Mr W. Binder, Lops, 22in.—1 and Z, Mr W. R. Picton; 2, Mr A. Monson 4. Mr H. Price. Dutch.—1 acd 3, Mr Joho Hanson; 2. Mr Winn Thomas 4. Mr II. Price. Any ether T;vristv.— i and special, Messrs L. and li, J, Arthur; 2 and 3, Ms ssrs ThoaiaB aod Wiiiiams, 4, Mr EDg. 2, MrT T Stone; 3, Mr George (larlnnd; j 4, Mr Alfred E Xaish and Mr C \V Watts, lippier, Mr T J M. Long; 2, Mr R J SaUscn; 3. Mr Dan Williams; 4, Mr Montague Wotton. Hen.—1, Mr Dan Williams; 2, Mr T J H Long; 3, Mr H Chadwick 4. Mr T J H Long. Tippler, !>ny variety.—1 Mr X J H Long; 2. Mr John Richards 3, Mr Dan Williams, Tippler, tight.—1, Mr W Kiiey; 2, Mr Dan Williams; 3, Mr H Messrs j Vvoo!a<iott aud Pa.rry. Tippler, iJark.—1, Mr W Kilcv: 2. Messrs Woolacett and Parry; p. Air Frank C Min<?«rin; 4 Mr Monfeag-: otten. 1- Thomas Wicks; 2. mv R Pike 3, Mr W V M Thomas 4; Mr John F Harvey. Se!ng ^saes.- Mr S B lJuies; 2, Messrs Maggs Brothers, 3, Messrs j Morg?n and Turner; 4, Mr W R Picton.— j 1, Mr J Weesss, short-faced Tambiers; 2 Mr S D Davies 4, tlfL" T Wilkin?.—-1, Mr Janes Fawdsy, junr., 2, Messrs T Patterson &,)(1 bond 3, Mr M A iSeadeil, Tnrbits 4, Messrs C Brothers.—1. Mr James F&wd.iy. jun.; 2. Mr S B Daviss; 3, Mr W Siiev, light tippler. 4, Mr J Efa;is. tippler. Pen of Four Working Tumblers.—1, Mr James Fawdry, jun.; 2, Mr C E Collier; 3, Mr.i1 J S Berry; 4. Mr G Boieh. Cage 1 rRl; Norwioh.— 2. Mr T J Nelson; 3. Mr H1 Ramshaw, Plaaahead.—1, Mr F Maislle'.d: 2, Mr Janes O'Neil; 3 and 4,Mr Freieriek Piunkett. Yorkshire.— i and 3, Mr R Gw\ ther 2, Mr D Davidson. J Buff.—.1, Hyde's speci;11-1>1r F H Parish 2, Mr ft Gwyther • 3, D Davidson; 4, Hyde's Speeia; — 5;r James l/Neil. Yelhwr Davidson 2 ana 4, lIrF li Parish; 3, Messrs Wharton Uros. Belgian Aith- hek 2, Mr D..McLellan 3 and 4, Mr D Davidson. Belgian or Scotch Fancy Buff,—i. 2, 3, and 4, Mr D. Davtsoii Mr S. Bother way • M Harry Coppiestone 3 and 4, Mr Richard Haglses. Mules, dark. -1, Mr Lewis Folland 2. Mr Robert Fraecis; 3, Mr K. G. l'eo: 4. Mr T. C. Davies. Se!ling cfas*.— 2, Mr H. Barnard; 4, Messrs" Wharton Bros. Mr F. Pln»nknett: 2, Mr T. C. Davies 3, Mr Hiehard Hughes. SPECIAL PRIZES. The folio-ving exhibitors rere awardod srecia! prices;—Messrs R. Winston, Sam cranks. Ford and Slater, Tom Gara- tosge. Luther Arthur (Lianeljy), T. George, J. F. Karvev, i", H. Glynn Price, Mrs, Richardson, WiiU»in ienkms, T. J. K. Long. D. Hopkins, B. It Jones. Daniel Roberts, W. F. Haveraon, R. T. Normau, John Lcuey. Peter Pariitt, and Mr. M aggs. j Any other voriety, Mr Msrris; 2, Mrs Young; 3, i Messrs Maggs Bros; 4, Mr J awes Morris. Soft-biiie J. -1. Mr James Hitchings; 2, j Henry Morris 3. Mr G Harper; 4, Mr John j Pouter. Best collection c i bir 1?.— 1, Mr Isiav Young• 2, Mr D Davids, D; 3 Mr U Walter 4, Mr Morris. Hyde's Mr F fi Parish,







----,-----I A MAN WITH A WATCH.I…

