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| THE POST BA6" According to a Trades Council an »!eet#ral meeting last night, criiof^. causod not so much by drink as by I andignoranca." I According to Dr. Morgan, Glamarg**9^^ is as rich as the whole of Switzerland .¡¡t yet tbere are some Swansea men who 1rDft81 they own the county I Mr. S. T. Evans is, in a w*y, exPcC^fjJ|J ihe big Radical masting at Neatli but bets are freely offered that ho won t up. The Mail says there are no takers. '0 I The fait that Councillor Morgan has been appointed presiding offieer at a pO ing booth was put forward last night reason why the iabour tribune could ø assist at Dr. Morgan's meeting. Principal Salmon indites in Pitman'* hand the notes which guide him in his p° speeches. And vary good shorthand, says a Post reporter who was favoured a view of the heiroglyphica. Time works woaders. Mr. T. J.P., who proposed a resolution at the L* marthen meeting last night, was one most sturdy opponents of Major Jones T?* the latter's conflict with Mr. Lewis was progressing. 'tWI Mr. David Harris seems to be f* Humby what Charles II.!s head was to Dick. At any rate, be has not been able if keep the Morriatoaian out of any of b speeches for the ttít few months, and he fIfI at hire again last night. The greatest tyrant aaiong the Norm*0 vaders of Wales was Harry Beaumont, built Swansea Castle in 1099, aB<^ Gower. The Is-at, relies of the castle t11a,ø seen clearly by the passers-by now that ,L1Ior. Ben Evans has widened Castle-street. The Rsv. Watkins Edwards seems mined to compete with another local man in the matter of coining words. « Vicar of St. Mark'n said last night that not matter to him whether they were conformists. Bible Christians, 0 nitari¡iol1S,.O Anythingarians." County Councillor Tom Hughcs trated a joke at$?eath last expense o the parsen and the squire. like not,' he said, the squire, and I bY „ means love the squire's son, but the whom I most dislike is the 1 squarson whe is a. bit of a squire and a bit of a And the Radicals laughed. Madame Patti-Nicolini is a woman emotional nature. Alter Mr. Ben sung one of the superb airs which fell to Ø1 lot in the production of the scene {to Faust" at the Cardiff grand concert, shook hiia cordially by the hand in recogP tion of the Swansea *»ov's magnificent o 0 pretation of the music. síItí!Jíi A pleasant little error almost sufficed prolong the proceedings at vesterday's meeting of the Swansea Town Coancil. ^ol^* cillor Yiner Leader, the municipal "'d referred to St. Thomas as a little Irelao -—in tho matter e? polling requirecn*n Councillor William Evans understood bitØ say "a little higher," and. lookim* upon theil' words as an unfounded charge, took up t. cudgels. How like Den Quixote At a School Board meeting last nigh» anecdote was told Concerning a ministef 0 religion who voted for the chaplaincy0 certain prison being givan to a cleric whom he was not on good terms. reason adduced by him was that his had preached his last church empty, 8 might do as much by the one he was into. Mr. W. E. Harris relaxed a little iastjnig^j He said there were three objections to hí81 a School iloard candidate. He was Y°n,øg, he was single; and he was, notwitbatano* a ladies'man. He will certainly get the first difficulty in the course of tuna, hopes to overcome the second shortly < a» he ou»ht then to lose the third. .rft A lady character vocalist at the EwP¡ bØ who appeared last night with a bu&tle at back end of her dress,evoked derisive even from her own sex. Yet not so 1,1 rears ago theso same ladies considered bustle the very essence of delicate & fashionable finish. We have T.C.'s" and C.C.'s," and 80f^ shall have D.C.'s1' and :i P.C.V At Neath meeting last evening it was said th* there toon would be more councillors tD* non-councillors and some superior perS° might find it necessary to utilise the leLte "N.C. to distinguish themselves from tb; common herd. N.C." ia, of course, short to Not a Councilor." Lovers of high-class music have a before them on Thursday evening, when t s-' Westminster Singers will make their fir appearance before a Swansea audience °; the boards of the Albert Hall. The presS unanimous in pronouncing the perfovni&u aøf;' of this talented troupe to he of the hIgh. order, and doubtless a fnil and euUausi&JtiO house will reward their eBorts. A good story was toid respecting the Lord-lieutenaut of Ireland by County Cøl1 cillo;' Tom Hughes at Nea £ h last eveni^S Two o" Erin's sons were walking out one when they discovered the Lt>rd-lieutenan 1 who was fond of hunting, lying on hi3 ^*CeL at^ek in the ffiinl. Said Pat No. 1 ph",at 1" that?' Pat No. 2: Shure its bis'Xcellet,cJ' Phwat's he doing there ?" Och, bed^1' he's a-studying the Land Question.' rJ' Mr. Com hugbes of Bridgend is a man. He-thinks that the adoption by Parish Councils of the Baths and Act, will, in colliery districts do towards the prevention and co:isoql,c lessening of immorality. Ho ackne^le^r however, that for obvious rease,us it wiIJ 00. bo to the advantage Oi tha law vers. 1 dot* are the obvious reasons, and whatever w Mr. Hushes mean? 1 lif* Probably the youngest, discharge pensioner in the country is.Mr. D. M. ^n0T°^ who has followed the cue of many Ola- pensionens and has become a la»dlpr lie of tho Red Cow Hotel iu Swansea. W: s" was onlv 21 years or age he was from the Coldslream Guards with for lil'e. Corporal Thomas, who served oX\^ for two years and nine mentl h. vvaS charged in eonse(|U«nca of his bsvir.il severely wounded ic the leg by a gv.h.0'' tha Soudan Campakjn iu 1835. Mr. 'I'io £ B ;8110 nalive of the lihondda Volley, A Swanseaito on a trip up tha ratiean had occasion to patt on 01; x ,u Loyd, who occupied a promicetti posit:^ Trieste, at the head of the A<l*isttie« and daughter of the Austrian to the Welshman as Arturier ar.d «' Why the Welsh names ? asked man in surprise. Beeansa I an*. said the Austrian, with an acc«nt wholly Welsh, and tt turned out that his was a maa-of-wai-enw,- from Nevm, itt_ » narvonshire, who had through sui Q" f "1,1 settled in Trieste. 1 letre Loyd w,¡o& A'J?' for Peter Lloyd,