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THE SWANSEA SCANDAL. I'IFTH, DAY S PROCEEDINGS. SENsATIONAL KYO)ENCE. TlIE CASE FOil THE DK FENCE RESUMED. ^D. RICHAHDS i N TTIK BOX. •It6 C1*Q'V(^ which gathered in the precincts 1e ^wanee» (Jolioe-court this (.Monday) DlnS indicated the approach of som<- sen- Jar «f t?0*1 e&6n" As P" ms-tter olf racl«th* h*"ri"8 10 praeee<lin^s its affiliation brought by ry Ann Nicholls, the widow af a black 4,*n'^a>a'nsfc Mr. David Richards •;»/»<! off in Crown Courh Four days have x.I ready lbeen devoted to the triitJ. Tho fifth day proved ti-id taken plact-. in popular fil ^r°S^" At half-past too » lar^o crowd filed iQto the £ s.llery with fur less 110is, than thost, days when they had, as it went, to an ndlnllSlon. The same advocates fpetrcd, viz., lift". Leyson for the pkuntiif, Mr. C' U. Glascodine, instructed by Mr. • Glasbrooit Richards, lorolhnr of tlio de- e,>dant, for the. defence1. During the ab- .ence in the ordinary police-court of Mr. Jenkin Jono.s, the post of magistral?. clerk filled by Mr. W. J. Treharne. Mrs. David Richards, wife of the de- ° att, was present in the hall at an ftrly hour, although she did not come I Qto court. The plaintiff with her baby, and ^OoUipanied by hf'r sister, sistar-in law, and enaaJe friend, sat. behind Mr. Leyson. It f cu8tomary in e;i;;eg of this nature to order .wna.le!> out. of court. During the whole of the Present proceedings, however,there have been °st as many of the fair as of the stern sex amOng the audience, no attempt having been tkkde by the authorities to get rid of them. The Magistrates were somewhat late in er- "Vlng- This gave the gallery un opportunity ^8eut| the details of the unhappy affair in 1<?h they v.eve again to participate. During 18 ''rae» trio of young women made them- conspicuous by a sustained chatter, ^t»e of their remarks being greeted with a h I" from those sitting near. A CALCULATION. douching on tlio subject of the large Jeiice a calculation WRB made by Mr. ^scoiine to thi. affect. In the grillery are eight rows of 28 persons apiece. Giving each Perlon.. ùaily value of 5. the 224 would to- gether represent. 1,120 shillings. Thus £ 56 1 day would bawasLed in listening to th'.s c*se, g o:dock Mr. J. C. Fowler (the t ,?en^'kry) f*-arae into court He was Mr°Wt^ ^ni mediately ty Mr. John Lewis, rnj* J- C. Vye-Parminter, r.nd Dr. J&hez c^°*las—the same magistrates who heard the In the three former occasions. ° tiina was lost in proceeding with the 1 Mr. Glascodine first ordered all ,tn«sses out of court, and then put his wit- &arab Roberts, in the box. THE EVIDENCE. to d*1^ ^°kprts wss tbe ^rst witness Mr c\ *!c stated, in reply to 0ul'' "'ascorlme, that she never had a night thr f 1Rn r-nfl Mrs. Richards went to Bu m: «l' e went to 33 High-street, and on Co") 8^° wt"t home to Lk^yfelach. sl'e £ .vd it would be impossible jj a,;y°ne to enter the house without, her 4of W an s'le to detail the Vf defendant during May and June *Rk V ^'asco^'ne: You may possibly be Aether you remember any other Wfc* 1 ^e81^e:< May and June. Do you recol- any 0tj,or u,0ukh iu tl-.i- vear ?—Yes, 1 Wb ei'i,arca 23rd- ier • v°u ron!en;b«r ?—My matter was jje^ J|' '!1 bed. He went to Jersey in April, n, • "R Easter Monday, and and rs- ^/U;(' "bout a fortnight, Qlascodine: And you nre the first ft „ :'ecollecta anvthing !:e;ore may.— ^fcught,r.> ° J n^, '•xamined by Mr. Loyson During a ^nib°n ?^ -vear she was engaged in working in th« shop and in the fer'r %orl-*? e" SOD' -vou were engaged in shop r" 1° house work she said, t Be good euou. h to keep quiet, q w what she said. (Laughter.) QggT^-examination continued. The shop °Pen eight o clock in the morn- Ki and I used to be there at eiirhf. 1 used in 33, High-street. I never had an f0pn'n§ then. (Laughter.) I worUed b«r tb'1' a ^ear a,'° Union-street. 1 remem- j, a^* I was back again in Gore-torrace fore Chrisbnas Mary always liad her °11^ °n ^irsc'a'v8J an(I she used to Ro j°an^ me sometimes. I never used to |) ° ^ore-terrace on Thursday evenings 5U6e there would be nobody there, did are Co' a Re.'iei'al sei'van t ? You only A*JatMarytoid vou?-—She always told Oh to t]°" (Laughter.) Iqij ,Verymf;e! (Laughter.) Mary always 1 tlie proper thing! Did Mary ever c. y°n out on errands ?—Yes. but seldom, e was anxious about you ?—Yes. Havo you rever had evenings otit fT «er', ^or don't wish tor evenings out. rpUS"ter.) ^lust congratulate vouf r. Glr.sco'.line: Well done, Sar&h! •tat'd^r^r ^r" Ije)son- witness e • Nobody ever sent me on errand? v,ied to enter the house tlivo" G 'Or. Everybojy came in US' that. If [ was in :tnd somebody rung ■\j e lront door I wouid ai;s er it. ofVr* JOn '• your master in the habit Myselfin^ t^'e ^ron'' ^oor ?—I' I v&s in bv *na^T" c-'Son: My dear girl, give me an ei" to mv question! Mr. C Ia.JC'oÚil;e: May I ask that the wit- ilr be spoken to with decent respect. (To qu" -e.vsoi>): If you expert her to answer pe'ilej0"8 I>o!ite'y> you must put thorn f *fiLi!f Stipendiary (to Mr. Levson)- Just ly. r'l^r that and ask ber questions, inn ^h16"8 ^len the mode of enter- th« >° 'ii Gore-tei i-ace by means of c -ido doors. A MAGISTRATE'S QU ERY, the ° "^Pen^'Rr> Air. John Lewis (one of wil0n',?aSil>trat.es) wants to know whether, fcsked 'lj2e Wfts *°j 'inoc'; *t the door, you '• Wjj >V w'as 'here.—Yes. I used to say kno^i?8 there ?"■ -but 1 know my master's Mr rin- J ^sed^^Cyfson Supposing Mary went out, to kp/. l £ ^1? !,iVe vou the iatcii-key ?—She used ^eep it herself. bcini?'C t'leru any complaints about Mary the L°Ut Wh«" t':e wan to I to get to \V|, ,USI! —night last winter there was. Sr»t ^?.!ir K'st i' M.irv gave evidence at ^he o'inot 8f('- anything about yon ?— forim* !0 "ttve reiueinbcred. Perhapn she o'^iyou. n.ai,„, 'e>so«' Oh, yes, pjrhtps she did. U fc 'la,"0 Ityu rarjfmUr aiiy Thursday in hQ "o. of .I.0u r<*n'e"i»«r the 3id. 4lh, 5th. or 6th Do'Uary ? Cr-*ug)1L..r.)- > o nothing. i>r t,!e ^rsl —I re-j I ftl I'W'-fcuje 1 w^tii iiO»>e. ow'V* J°u hnnte because it was; s lvar L>o you r«u>otuoar Kov.n I#' u j trar icwitorhftd asked w* A {«*v3 yco omuiA *>o* ti.il vo\ » ooiUd, '"irx ^•uUr M 10 He went aw;ty on i rvtzxruad !n a fortnight, II« ottar as noon-day. -4 very proud of *»tcfn a«r:gr«.tulate hirn. chapter and anything which ilovsmber, December, w or Ms^-cii re- • «r»^ mm about that, and it's »»«•». f* [ do not X» Htrm fUrah—Oaughtor)— «*u»ioy »U Has he been away from home this year at aUP-Yes, he has been away to Liverpool. He was away two months the lirst time, and then be came back and went away again for a fortnight. All this was for the benefit of his health. Marv went with him. ALDERMAN, TnCHAHD8 GIVES EVn.CH. Alderman Richer.; t'c next witness ailed His app< a. [j ? witness-box seemed to excite mo. v- nary interest, and there was some • '-(ance at the bucket the. court, whi.-ii "is loused by a woman speaking out ratliei excitedly. Her words coi'.ld not be heard in the well of the eom t. Tho witness in reply to Mr. GlaKcodiiio said: I am an alderman of the borough. and a justice of the peace. The defendant is wj 10D. He Is assoc.vited with me in my business. During the voir l.o&3 he was not usually engaged in the business on Thursdays unless there was something extraordinary about business. When nt home he was usually en-I gayed in the business on Saturday evenings I It would not be pessible for him to leave the business on Saturday evenings for half-an- houror longer without notice. He would be engaged in the business in High-street during part. of the afternoon. Then he would go down to his own place at 33, High-street, at ahout five o'clock. He would not be away more than about half-an-hour. I am speaking of Saturday. Mrs. Richards would COTIC up to High-ptrw.t with him. His duty then would be to cheo the bread vans as they came in. My son would then be actively engaged for so;; ti time after that-up till about half-past uiiie or ten o'clock. Mrs. Richsrds would then bo at the desk. My son would pay the men, and if he were not there to pay them I would do so» AH tlie cash passes either his hands or mine. lie could not be away without some inquiry from me as to where he was. THE ALDERMAN QUESTIONED. Mr. Leyson: Your son goes away often, for some time ?—He has been away. for some time ?—He has been away. For some tirrte ?—Yes. Then you are able to get on without him ? Oh, of course we are! If a man dies we are obliged to do without him. Mr. Glascodine: We are not all of us indis- pensable. Mr. Leyson Mr- Glascodine has suggested as regards your son that we are uot aU of us indispensable in the world. Mr. Richards: Ob, a time comes ——— It is Mr. iGlascodine who suggests that. Then on many occasions on a Saturday you have done without him ?—Yes. Then you cannot pledge yourself that he did not go away* at seven o'clock on one particular day in June ?—1 should have Busaedhim. He says he went between seven and nine —probably nearer seven than nine !—I can't say about an isolated ease. I can t re- Member. I didn't think you could. I only suggest to you Mr. Richards (coldly): Thank you, thank you! Then I may take it you don't recollect every instance. But how do you explain that Jae remembers this special instance and you don t.?—My memory may not be so good as his. You say you cannot recollect at this dis- tance of time whether defendant left the place at seven for haif-an-hour or not?—I, don't think he would without my knowledge-- without telling me he was going. You don't believe he did, but you could not pledge } ourself to any particular time Quite so. You remember this girl being in your employ?- -Yes. When did she come into your employ ?-A little after Christmas. You have not referred to your books ?—No. You cannot pledge yourself to the day ?— No. Mr. Glattcodice: If your son would be going away to the farm, of course, you could knowjt (--Certainlv. THE POLICEMAN. P.C. Jones then slipped into the box,and gftid I knew the plaintiff. About the middle of August last year- Mr. Leyson: No, no. I object. I say about themtudte of last Augubt won't do. I submit that he must fix some dr-to. You how (to the Beoeb) wliut we are going to have i>» t. i; We are going to have a contradiction to the state- ment made about the girl herself as to whether impropriety tcok place in the park. If the statement docs not relate to such a time as would clearly fix the birth o the child to that time, her answer by all authority is conclusive, and liha cannot be contradicted. I submit that won't be evi- dence unless he fixes some time and says that the time he saw her was such as would beget thechtd. Witness: 1 mav tell you that it won't be—; Mr. Levson: Now, now, be quiet. I am addressing the court, not you. I Mr. Glascodine 1 don't want to ask the question about the beginning or the end of the year. Ti.e child was born on the 16th o' Alareh, and wouid be begotten after the middle of ouly. Mr. Giascodine went on to say that he wanted to show that at the time that the child was begotten, the plaintiff v,as earning h.r living as a prostitute. Mr. Leyson He does not pre-ieud to Jix any date, although this is the evidence of an officer who is tupposeJ to keep a report of these thing,<. iSow, my friend ;.[t.ys that the ollicer it, the box does not pretend to yive dates. Now, wuat sort of evidence is this ? (Laughter and applause in court, which was instantly quelled.) Air. Glascodine I don't know whether your Worships are going to say anything about this applause in court. The Stipendiary (to the court): Do not make any signs of approbation or dislike or i.nything. We cannot go on with a great crowd in the court. Mr. Glascodine (to witness): Abollt what time did you About August. Mr-Leyson: .Now, I nm entitled to (say a word This child having been be- gotten in August I submit that her evidene? having been given., and she having eiven a fiat contradiction as to what took place as aileged in August tlie cannot be, on- trad if. ed. A LEGAL ARGUMENT. here ensued between the Bench and Mr. Glascodine, and the Stipendiary finally ruled that the witness could iiit be hearo. The Stipendiary We will take a note of it if you wish to take it to a higher court. Mr Glascodine asked that this be done. SENSATIONAL EVIDENCE. Thoma-a Jones, grocer, living at Ebenezer- street. said 1 now the complainant. I have had a conversation with her as to the paternity of this child. It was one night in Castle-street at the end of January or beginning of February this year. She asketfme what I w* s going to do. I asked her what was the matter, and she told me she waS enceinte, and that 1 had put her in a fine state. I told her io %q. She came np the following morning to the shop at C-.vmbwrla and asked me if I could give her something to net her over her trouble. She had another voung woman with her. She said I was tbo ta Mil Glascodine When did she say that ?— The following morning at the shop. The Bench: The second tune—are you sure of that?—Yes. At Cwmbwria ?—Yes. Witness (> ontinuing): I turned the boih Witness (> ontinuing): I turned the boih of them out. She told me she would make me suffer for it, and that she would have me up in tho Town Hall Cross-examined by Mr. Levson: Whose show were you keeping then at Cwmbrwia ? —I\ly own, Was it your own ?—Yes. What made you leave it, then ?—Financial difficulties. (Laughter.) You were in the employ of the defendant, or his faihci- for a long time ?—"> e". And do YOlo owe biin p good deal now ?— I don t owe him an.thing a! all. Do jou m»eli s father ?--YlS. Well now, you knew the quost on I was (hill., to put to you?—Yes; I 0.8 him— bubinesff-like. You owe a good deal business-like ?-No, I don't. Cross-examined by Mr. Leyson: Whan were you spo en to lirst about this ?—When, sir ? 1 ask you a simple (itiesti-oii. Inswer it. When were you first spokei; :« t-- UÙ8.D do you Answer my question. The Stipendiary The gentlcraan wants to know how it came oub--bow you had this conversation. Mr. Levson tsarcastirally): Ob, ha knows! Dai endkut: 1 told wjoaebody or other about IÀ > Whom did vouftrst confide in about this ? — I don't remember. It was totally untrue that you had had something to do with plaintiff ?—1 have not had anything to do with her myself. Are you quite satisfied of that ?—Yes. As satisfied that you arc ia debt to the delendant's father ? Yes, of course I am doing business with Mr. Richards tiow. (Laughter.) Yes, I have no doubt! (More Laughter.) Are you doing much business now ?—No. Then it is utterly untrue yeu had anything to do with plaintiff ?—Witness nodded. Why can't you answer instead of nodding your head in such a way ?—Yes. When did you first speak about this ?— Let's see. I didn't speak at all about it. A party came up and asked me if I knew any- thing about the case. What person was it?—Mr. Thomas, the draper, of Temple-street. He cMoe up and talked about this first. When was that ?—I think it was about a month or six weeks ago. What didMr. Thomas, ihe draper, orTemple- street, ask you ?—He told me the ease was coming OD. Did he ten you a summons had been issued ? —1 think he did. And you knew nothing?—I had heard it. Had you spoken to anybody before this ? I dont remember exactly. Mr. Thomas asked me if I knew her. I said Yes," aud told him what she accused me of. Was there anvbody in the shop when she made this accusation ?—Yes, a girl. 1 believe it was that one (pointing to Margaret Rosser, plaintiff s witness). I am not sure, however. Did you take the trouble to inquire into I this accu a: iOIl ?—No, I didn't. How •! y times Jhavo you spoken to this girl in yo. ii i! v—Several times. She used to live in < ■ vrla. When you managed for Mr. Richards?— I never managed for Mr. Richards. Then vou deny having had anything to do with tfrif fcjjiintiff ?—Witness nodded. That means yes ?—Y os. It is absurd to say that yoa over had any- thing to do with the girl ?—It is. Were you one of those who was present at a supper party at Mr. Richards' bonose last Thursday? (Loud laughter,)—No, sir. (Laugh tor.j Re-examination continued! I was once in the employ of Mr. Richards. Some time ago I was in business at Cwmbrwia, and Ilwew the plaintiff then. I have no donbt-at all as to her identity. She came to me last Janu- ary or February. There was nobody else in the shop. Mr. Giascodine: Let me see, you spoke to me about the case the first day before the hearing of the summons ? Witness: Yea, I did. Mr. Leyson (to Mr. Glascodine): Well I don't know, I should like to hear what the conversation was. Are you going to give evidence ? (Laughter.) Mr. Glascodine: I think I explained to your Worships that there was another witness who was unable to be present. Tho Stipendiary: I think 1 remember, Mr. G/ascodiue; Why did you not come to the hearing of the cas8.vitnen.: 1 was away on business. What was the business?—-A. faneraL (Laughter.)


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