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AAL Ah: .JACOB.4JENKINS MA,4 io ALEXANDRA'RM WM. HANCOCK AND CO.. LTD.. BREWERS, WINE AND SPIRIT IMPORTERS. CIGAR DEALERS, SWANSEA. OFFICES: NO. 4, CAMBRIAN-PLACE. T^LEPQOKS NO, 33. 1683 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ♦ WM. MORRIS BTONE, MARBLE, AND GRANITE MONUMENT A. L WORKS RSMOVED from WATERLOO-ST. to largev AND mere commodious PREMISES in RUTLAND-STREET, SWANSEA. [Opposite St. David's Catholie Chapei. HOW TO LIGHT A SHOP PROPERLY SEE LEGG'S NEW OUTSIDE LAMP. COSTS ABOUT ONE FARTHING PER HOUR FOR GAft 17 & 18. NELSON-STREET. ROYAL INSTITUTION OF SOUTH WALES, SWANSEA. TECHNICAL AND SCIENCE CLASSES, Under Government Regulation,will be held at the above Institution, commencing T TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1894. TKACHJUK. SCBJBCX. FSKS. TlMM. Inorganic Chemistry (Theoretical) 5s. I Metallurgy (Theoretical) 5s. (7.30 Ma W TW*T?IT R ) Elementary, 10s. 6d. P c a Inorganic Chemistry (Practical) /-Advanced £ !!». Tuesdays, 7.30 (with Laboratory Work) land Honours S I EWtricity 5s. Wsdays. 8 to 9 Mechanical Drawing (Elementary, J 1 uesc^r'ssnd Advanced, and Honours) 7s. 6d. 1 fhurseiy Practical Geometry 5», 1 ueECl;»y^ lir. COSMO JOHNS. Building Construction 7s. 6d. Thursday AppliedMechanics 7s. 6d. ?r^a>'s Steam and the Steam Engine 7s. 6kt. rrulays Do. Arlynnced and Honours 7s. 6d. Thuisdays A reduction in the fees will be rnade when more than one subject is taken. For farther rarticular appiy to the Curator, Royal Institution (Mr. Evan Lewis) or to the Teachers of the respective chuises. ALBERT HALL, SWANSEA. -:l" (Under Distingnitaed Patcontge.) GRAND BAZAAR AND FANCY FAIR" In connection with Walter-roai Congregational Church, WBDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th, lltb, and 12T^ 1884. I TO be opened Wednesday, at 2.30, by W. Williams, Esq. M.P, „ Thursday, „ by His Worship the Mayor of Swansea, W. Pik., Eaq. „ Friday, „ by Thomas Freeman, Esq., J.P, GRAND CONVERSAZIONE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, AT 7.30., P.M. e. 4D81I»S10N—WEDN^?-SI>AY, £ «L; after 6 p.m., h. THURSDAY, Is.; after 6 P A*, 44 FRIDAY. 6d. CBazaar dosing at 5.30 p.M ). TICKETS FOR CONVERSAZIONE, Is, R SEASON TICKETS NOT ADMITTING TO CONVERSAZIONE, 2s. 6d. i'- THE SOUTH WALES HOP BITTER ALE, hI A DO C STREET, SWANSEA. Non-Intoxicating Hop Bitters in,Casks of all sizes, and ia Bottles. TELEPHONE No. 12 ir. SWANSEA ÆRATED WATER COMPANY, ORANGE STREET, TELEPHONE NO. S3. S W A N S E A » SWANSEA UNITED BREWERIES i LIMITED BREWERS, WINE AND, SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 'c", ALti AND PORTER BOTTLERS SWANSEA Telephone No. 85. MORGAN BEVAN & SONS. t 24, CASTLE STREET, Held a Large Stock of GAS, WATER, AND STEAM TUBES AND FITTINGS, FROM tin. To 4IK. DIAMETER. GUN METAL BOILER MOUNTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. p STEAM GAUGES, SIGHT-FEED LUBRICATORS. [1938 ENGINEERS, SMITHS', AND CONTRACTORS* TOOLS. -> T. OWEN AND COMPANY f (EsaABUSHXC 2Z Yi!ABS), BESPOKE TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS, In consequonoe ot the Rapid INCREASE of tbeir Bnaincgg, have found it neoesaary to remove to Larger Premises at 72, OXFORD STREET (CORNER OF UNION STREET) All the NEWEST WINTER GOODS now in Stss* 1 GAZETTE NEWS. ^BANKRUPTCY ACTS. 1883 AND 1890.— RECEIVING ORDERS. Daniel Walters, Glanmynaclvstroat, Ynysy- Tywit underground hanlier. John Hig-gon Rees. Paiton-atreei; Swansea, iloekerateman. David Evans, Prince Llewellyn Inn, Dukes- ■towr., I'reconsbire, innkeeper and carpenter. John Marpole, Perrott-strect, Treharris. Glamorganshire, chemist. Christopher Clements, Alma-nlace, Aberavon, I Glamorganshire, wheelwright. FIRST MEETING AND DATE OF PUBLIC EXAMINATION. James C. Preedman, late of Williamstorvn, new Dunra-von-street, Tonypandy. Glamov^na- abire, travelling draper first meeting October 15, at threi p.m., at tho Official Receiver's, Merthyr public examination October 30, at two p.m., at the Court-hon.se, Pontypridd. Ii NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND AND LAST DAY FOR RECEIVING I PROOF. Hugh I»a vies, Tower Hill, Fish guard Pem- brokeshire, officer of Customs, October 2D. ADJUDICATIONS. < JohiL Marpole, Parrot-street, Treharri3 tchemist.. Daniel Walters, Glynmynack-street, Ynys- L ybwJ, Glamorganshire, uuderpround haulier. John H. Rees, Paxton-street., Swansea, lock- gateman. Darid Evans, Prince Llewellyn Inn, Dukes. town, Breconahirc, innkeeper aiid carpenter, i The Dnke of Oantbrid^e. accompanied by I'ius stafr. Laid a review of troops on Friday at Uevar- n^O ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. The Largest Slock of STEEL AND IRON JOISTS, PLATE GIRDERS Ts. Ls., CHAIN, &?., Out of London. DAW NAY'S SOLID FIREPROOF FLOORING, J n use 27 years, G.W.R SIDINGS, ItOATIi WORKS, ^RCHIBALD |j JJAWNAY 71, TUDOR-ROAD, CARDIFF WILLI (POflTAUDAWB) O R M J|^ O Z E N G E For over tliir1 y yenTS this highly Miloable remedy has met. with Uiejfrei .est success. The effect upon Weak Delicate-. Child in (often given up a. memubie, I is like magic. Getting rid o ibis tormenting pef tby taking these Lozensfers, the thin, pale-faced, inani- mate eh i lii becomes strong, heaithy and lively, the pride, insfeati of the auiisly 01 his guardians. <• ;sir,—I have for some time used your Anthelmintic or Worn Lozenjjers in my family, and linil them. Do very st>eedy :ind efficacious out-L- fo. axceandts, ;tud I tbeir agreeable and convenient foroi i- a great I reeommpadatiou for children.— IIcrcuissoN, Vicar of Howden." jp RESH piSH, t Supplies of Fresh Fish from all tbe prin cipa stations daily; whuoisale and retail. MOLTNEUX. 1 Corauiissiou Fish Salesmau. Hich-straet NO HOUSE EQUALS MWN & SO FOR RELIABLE FURNITURE, J WHY ? 4 Because they areihe LARGEST MAKERS BY MACHINE Y IN WALES, "i Have the MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK TO SELECT FK' 4, and give the BEST POSSIBLE V/ILUE. » I W* A VTSIT WILL AT ONCE CONVINCE ONE OF THE FACT., FURNITURE TO SUIT COTTAGE OR MANSION. CARPETS MADE AND LAID FREE. ■' f ESTABLISHED NEARLY HALF A CENTURY. J HIGH STREET AND MORRIS LANE, SWANSEA. J I. ill. MONEY. M.ÐBU LBNT OK J^OTE OF JJAWP XKB JSATIONAL MBKCANTILE BANK, BALDWLS-STHBBT, BRISTOL. IUS Dirwettrs of this oid-estabiislied, well-known aftce having large available funds, offer unusual tttCiuttMtpttit leepectable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent assis- tance. Cash inamsuuifrtm £ 2Gt« i3,0t0 is advanced fn allpM ts of theaingdeea, without sureties, delay, or VuWiuity, and on me security enly of the borrower's written premise to ie-pay. These advances May be re-jwid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instal- ments, tAt<n<)Bj)t over a peried ef timecenvenient to the Narrower; or the principal may remain se long as the interest is paid. KeBith of Sale taken, and the transactions are not pub I shed iuany aewspejMfr or gazette. • Apply, stating amount required, to y; MH. T, C MILBURN, GeueralManager. N"wTK.—:Specially ativanta|>eovis terms for Loan on I Lifo insurance Polieitu, Reversions, and Second Mortgage. 58 ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT, LINEN AND tfANCY WOOLS WAREHOUSE. All the latest Productions in Artistic Needlework constantly arriving, and taught on moderate terms. Every Requisite for the Fancy Werk Table always tn. atoctt. M. M. L OVELUCK, APSLEY HOUSE, WALTER'S ROAD anu I 1, PARADK BUILDINGS, MUMBLES. ESTABLISHED 1840. J. BRADER AND SONS. PIANOS^ ORGANS, & HARMONIUMS. I LISTS FREE. ONLY ADDRESS, 9; WISD STREET. SWANSEA. be jp*ACT3 ARB SIUBBOItN TILL.W& L!.tJj;WELY, N'S, RHEUMATIC AND I GOU'J MIXTURE, is recommended to the afflicted with confidence at tlu- most valuable Msdicina ever cwmpounded for the following comijlaints Omit, BheuinatieClent, RheumaUo Ueiuiacbe, JS'euraigia, ftc. j Read the following bona fide Testimonial -.—18, Vivian street, S^usea.—Dear Sir, I havo stSercd froiii tho p»lnt'ui malady, Uh^uinatism, for sevei: yetu^.andtried various remedies, but can confidently «Si'm thai, i liuve daiived more benent from one bottle of Hheumaiic and Grout Mixture tlian all ethurs put togathr. Make tnis widely known for thebeueiit of others who may be sufBoring fr >m the same complaint.—Yo:.ie trnly, Ja.s. iiONmf. To Mr. LI. Thomas, Bottles,atls, llAd.M., 4s.6.1. Prepared only by LL. THOMAS. A.F.S. Chemist, Slorriston Whele«aJeAgeut, Swansea.J Davies, Chemut. High-street. MXN^ITE"! rp H 0 M A S, H5NERAL WATER ANT) FRUIT 1 CORDIAL MANUFACTURER, I v- Werks, A Ie*aftdra-road. Best and Cheapest Mineral Water in Town SHIPPING SUPPLIED AT 28. PER DOZEN—Bottles Free. [1834 -i ———— _—— t, E. A. EVANS, l' UNT>fiRXAKKR, FUNMJBAL FUBNISHliB, &c., 22, ALFRED STREET, NEATH j, WEDDING AND PUKBItAL COACHES, BKAKKS, IIAKSOH CABS, DOG-CARTS, WAGGON EMBS, Ac. tr Ten-Stall Stable and Lock, up Yard. Footing in all its Branchea. Telegraphic Addreae: Ltvitus, Alfred-stseet. 27 [SftTAXLISilBD 1865.} WILLIAM COPUS, ¡ bæ. HELENS STEAM MARBLE I AND MONUMENTAL WORKS, I (Opposite Hospital), t ST RtJLEN'S ROA n, SWANSEA. Monumontsand Headstones, Inscriptions in Imperishable Letters; Enamelled, Slata d Marble Chimney I'icces^ 18^3 FANCY GOODS, TOYS, NEEDLEWORK &c. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE FOR It DAYS, ¡ In order to make r&tm for CHRISTMAS I NOVELTIES whicb will shortly arrive M, M. to ofte -ing ibe wbole of her Large Stock at I REDUCED PRICES. APSLEY BOUSE. WALTERS ROAD and I. 1 PARADE BUILDINGS, MUMBLES T. M. B B N B O-N, j ALEXANDRA ARC ADR BUILDINGS, SWANtiEA. GJQiSRAL COMMISSION AGENT. gent for the National Telephone Canary. A«ent for the London-made Lead Lights, tiba\n»d Glass for Cathiedral and Domestio Work. "gent for Enoaujrtio Tiles, Mosaie Werlr and Mnral Decoration, Brasses, fee, I, fe»fcimatesFree. Samples oa Vie*. UaMMd Victuallers' Valuer. Stocks Taken, I Books Balanced, £ cy I »• Perfection of Blended Whiskey. '—Lancet. EXCELSIOR SCOTCH WHISKY. "We have escmined analytically this blend o( Scotch Wl;i«Ky, anu (ind it to be unuvjaby pure,a »TfcelJent flavour, and well matured. Recommended iv 'rt h conifdence as a safe and palutabie stimiiUnt for the sick and convalescent."—Practitioner, hditedby f. LAIUJM BavnTon, M.D., LL.D., See. SOLB PROBUIBTOBS- MARGRAVE BROS., LLulNELLY. fcgents for CARDIFF and PENAHTH- MESSRS STRANAGHAN AND STEPHENS. I EXCELSIOR f SCOTCH WHISKY J HOUSE I li t I ah^Mhi ft i 1 I THE ^TLAMIC FUEL Co., J* NOW SUPPLY I For HOUSEHOLD PURPOSE-, tw| CELEBRATED FUEL, JN In Small Blocks, which can be read y ot^ making neither dust nor smell. Orders by post pronipUy attended Address, The Atia '(c Patent Fuel Co., North Dock. Swan '1. TERMS CAS ON DELIVER Agents Wanted 1 >r Swansea and DistrMH it GS3, CARMARTHEN-ROAD, TJI [ 258, CABM.ARTaBy.BOir>. Established, 183L WM, PHILLIPSt UNDERTAKER, AND COMPLKTE FCXEHAL yumnBHER. 33, Wellington-street, 34, Singleton-terrace, 258, Carmartnen-road. Telephone 173. Price List on 1605] Application-^ II 25S, CARMARTHEN-KOAD, I •; — pURJS TI7ELSB ——— øi: The Daily Post ~Herod a guinea fO teoipe of the best drink suitable for wyrtdn, or workers in intense heat. R to Tie a drink that quenched ib'rsfc, J agreeable to the taste, sustaining, and injurious. WELSH OATMEAL. THE FAVOURITE INGREDIENT, aJ Won the first prize, the drink being of one tablespoonful of oatmeal and the J* j. of one lemon to a pict of water. J'j Mr. W. Morgan, Ph.D., and F.C.S., J j public analyst for the County of and for the Borough of Swansea, who j Rented to act as judge, pronounced this a very simple, su*U.ini*ur, aif1 harmless No after-elfects mar its goodness. The as footballers know, is beautifully refresb'% frhe OATMEAX is FULL of StJ.STAIMNO P0^p Asked what was his opinion of the fcition the Adjudicator replied: "DecJV*\f jjood. Most of the competiters menti^ ^ood drinks, but there is KOTHHHi T*> PARE with the OATMEAT. inixtores. latter are old favourites with war os, copper and tin works, and have been in 1 for malny years. Amonj the competitors 1-5 a strong predilection for the Welxbt i (tgainst the Scotch, catmeal" < THIS ARTICLE TS SUPPLIED trd Guaranteed to be Pure and Uaadultet*^ by W. THOMAS nnd CO., Gloacester Buildings, Swansea, who ONLY PACKERS OF WELSH OATMEAL, J May be obtained in Pound and Half-PIO, Packets at 3d. per lb. Ask your Grocers for it, and Bee that £ the Original DLA WD CEiRCH CYAIREIG. V [ ——— By Royal Letters Patent i VENTANEASE VENTILA^ WATERPROOFS. I SPSOIAL AL-VAKTAQKS. ^$ A perfcel > entilation. Does not di/!lJf,J!, I appearance from an ordinary tail r-O garment. Is not injurious to heaitb. able for ali climates. Applicable to I of waterproof clothing. J vj C. A. PKAIISOS, ESQ., edita. OI ■« Pearson's Ac., writes: "Your • Vcotanese' patents I most excellent t-we. The macintosh I ha*y^ from you is by fa;- the most comfortable and p'ar to wear of any that 1 have ever worn." II Ladies' Waterproofs from IR Gents' „ „ 21r Patterns, designs, and price iistj09 I applioauon. '0 MANSCHSSTF' -i-A WJ WATERPROOF GARMENT I I FACTURER, 6, CASTLE STRfi^. I' [Opposite General Tost Office;, B""A i BOOKJSI BOOKS5 GO TO MOORE'S GREAT BOOK M A# • 11, ALEXANDRA ARCADE, FOR BOOK BARGAIN^ HAY !1 HAY 1^ WILLIAM DAVIES AND CO)frJ. Have just Discharged a CARGO OF VERY PRIME ()Y") IRISH MEADOW HAY- S'or Pries apply to— 5, GLOLCESTKFi-PJ 1861 DICYCLI:S r.lCYCLES i P. TROW, Gas, Steam, and Hot Water Ft.¡;IØ I Bicycle ?»Iaker, iv-i Repairer. Show Room? Wassail-sqi-i«re' Works Thomas-street, Swai'S^ Bicycles mad? to order, enBvn-<;Il«d. Pneuuiut-ic Tyres a Sp'-C" frtra I Good Bicvdes from Xt). j' Printed ind oabUabed for the Proorlftw DAVIES, at the Office «f the DAILY POST." 211. Uiffli Street, >; vi.

. --,1■1.. ■■■ ~+m4 BE SQUIRED…

----------.------THE BORTH…



i---------------A LLANELLY…



THE WAR IN COREA ------------


-----------.--.-A LADY'S CYCLE…


, '." -- . DB. J0SEPSF fry&RT…



[No title]