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JEALOUSY CURED. I ft^i# —— ÄtJA, A"t^w Frosty chanced to resicte in 0ft of a Mpg- straight row of booses. DO be of w|(§K. bum any special mark ou its Mtffk by yhirih it could bp distinguished jpoan aiujber. Eacb had aewem r«tep* and « njxftico. I Tack ad another item—Mr. Frosty rue j&rribly jealous of his wife. Now, it is J eua aw^ul thru# for man. to he jealous of |da wile at .dl. with or without rtaiMm. JFhen a n: -ii 2 ad wife fails into such a laftet ftutt tfhev may as wil draw their IDttoo caps over their eyes ajxi say goutS- Ifebt to the world Living is no sort of ga okjucl to then). I Bat whether Mr. Frosty had any reason I be be jaaiuae of hiss wife is not what ve ttte going t, seitK And yet we never I •ottgb* he cocM have, for (i, more amiable ltife than she made hun it would be hard tt find. Ma v.. Frosty was young ami Beautiful. and her mMHMf wwe very taking. M m&y be that these were very Taking. Masons for his jealousy, but. if go, wuy BdnH ht nmrry a. pfeiat-j woniani? Kb;- many door* yfr, aod w. tie p.uuf ro-< fl! dweCan^e, lived Colonel Sawyer, wto E*thar psjfJer) nunoelf un Immg ^sfcsera* a jputftcftian. WitJitOttt ■«Pnni"t,; i u l" 1 what is pop-olarh- know., *s ci ladW marl, W OMvertibeteKS was extremely particular p hie carriA-efe i.oward-s them, aiming always ID imprean the-no with a staise of his perfect purity, chivH-hjy, «,nd trutth. Ro one tn the neighbourhood ever ,< ins- pected bun of beiej capable oi iinsuJtusg .'5«yme-leaR of ail a ady Mothers held him up !c:4) their spo-rting JO as is an OEaaapte of tin? lofty and true, and fathers tpoke of lam to their daugiiUrs, and hQped pMt if fcberv ever tlvmght of uiatriagt they iteoid be ssitkdSed with autiuog lews than a l^ractfiv ULe liis. Coming hotne iowingly 8ö:l with his hæd ev«Tcli>g, the ooluoel t^K>ugh.t no pitch tecHteitfc wm po^iblo as that he should ■awtsfcke his own house, «ptxzLaily ds "ad Jbeen '• and out way so m&ny tirnfts. f .Perhaps ilit very fact that feit such )• oocSdMMX; wa^ the greater nt:tfcn whv he gfewJd make 1 nmta.b? after all But fa was very aiuou ooapded wi-tli his refl«c- *tokxoc tie <vbwndoiMd hfmseif entirely to vriiat knew «f thfc w»y harue. aad tiiou-ht jw a^ouid r«iu.-h tW« ail iit grnwi ti;ot. ooiw.-qotjucf was that he quiet'v sLipptd %Lnse'f in thtroagh Mr. Frorty's front d<>r, nop his ouatand hst in. tL.- haii, and JrtBried tor th< dfilNi^^ooe). Ae d the houses '111 the row wc-re so jtooeh aJiise op. lit* outsade ttwir intwn? 1 .A^ag^aate were pretty awash on t'(».- &s.me ifr. Ffoatjre ka.U seemed like im own, «Ed the duMag-tootn door opened sipfagre his did. & The iaacaa £ ae <^mied tii* door he began po *vnkm to hie em>r. life fcO>i« was tarud 1a the n KJde of the room, and Mrs. ,*ro«w «al near the grate nemiiQg. Ah, he exek;iir«ai. b^HViax and <!ICmp- ^co«fa8«ily, "1 kg pardon liodiiy, Mrs. W^tntby, t Leg pardon fa 4 ociKait the -uitrmj&tMxi fc-ity was on per ieet, her faoe fins bed » ith the itatui al yxiutefBBCt of -«o Jiniooked-#r»r a Vt.^t. Shd jBttw attt wbat. to say. "Tius is -x bxbcroii* inietak". I ,h-to.l"e. WtM. F•<> «id tin- oo«<mel. "Here I WJ •ivajfiisg jfonr house, wbeo I tin.ught I wds "ale and srwg m my "wn, This oomes of g»«K hoara \eeaoog sncfe amUr fac«s. liut P *»7 miatikkfc, aad I hope you vrili wiw use. Mm Pm^y wmgxehesuleii uw^aotlv aau moffa&d ijeartiiy. | get oan^ht so Hsywif, you know." « a»d we ase atrntey* xrLu>lh:\ for .1 irom vow, (ioifiruJ Sa-wyer. Now you (1ft œre. ¥d dinnrt- ri1 soou be on the .laide, whj" aon't von sit down with 0I."? 1. ^xpaesing nt) bMsbajjd ara-y acute." The celastal beijnji to thack her aixi ex- j<«Me hitBaeiF ott aroount of Wgeht engage- 'sJUerrta £ cb* -the ev^inirsg, bet ssdiile lie \t is i40.a.¡ so tlie froiEt door was heard to open. "Taere." aui'i Mrs. Proety, "IUY nusbsuid tl 'Josnaag sow. You will not 1» detaiitai riy kinder than yoa would bot b- me. Come, I toh,lrili; ywu'tt l-etter stay." A^o^g pme Froaty thrash the hail, Mm jtttt Jotir t*1ie tMOHid have turned sweet t&ilk Al a r Th? he <swig!fttitht srurid vf m*ie A9aa»e Is the <ftastg-rooin his old -niKjjiCiorw5 ibegfui to fla*ue up again. As soon af he !lmtk1 osreep a'om^ far æ the door m his jtoaltiby way, &ad Ioük.iaa,t.lgough the<:rev;o. ted whit wa« tfiei-2. his ra^ burst ui JbuZHkis and made him a temporary i. JDokwstil Sawyer ?oid his w:fe were in Ch*- ^wenn ) That w;j«*qpuaie ejuoogh. ■ Now, wtw £ does th'*i .XDea.;>- "k?* shonte-l Ibe eatwiged husbia* dsoabtog up t^t'ore t't-j VKsoderstrock <3o-k>uei. "This is just wimt P*# btrs ■«peotii^ f-ir » long utiu; I there was sodm*-tn&dhief like this afoot. »re yoc ciouag m xny house'/ Teii rite, air:, or awa-ch youreeif out soon<a- than you JA" ? The ^jtkxadi had goti<w«r his datomshmen: )moogh to oocimvenoe oaiai explana-»auii. ,<vhon 3fae. Frosty bazstiitg iQto tears, fchrtw |bmtaif before her angry h^abaw:! ajvd Lin- flpkwed hBB. to be ^3erC-, few it was; tri&jng Smiafcaifw :00 (Jolo*»el Sawy^i would !IJØnt7- idfeteiy eoq>k<dii it aiL !<Le»we the room f he excAanu&i to his Srifie. TH bear nothnzt^ from yor, rvs ^acl (Ssi^race eii*>ugb t*aao^it ou me -iir«*e«iy. f<ea.ve room Mortuied and m tears, 4i?h £ passed out n t.JIOd Dver hreI misery aad mtjiti& ^rtaoin ■Jka». Colonel S&wyar ««iyed?to begia, U^ugti 'A wa<i ex *x^5n4fJy hanl wo<rk, and he <iouM £ coem|Jash no^riag but^witi "I masook the houses, <?tr that rs all. jt-fJ he. 'My uortesifikiBs w*jre perfefrt-Jy jboiwitiirfttie, ana oat o? this hrrise, «r, yo-u &»il not. call tlwm in qoiMhioc. vvithi.t betnp; |PkHu persw.aaWy r6sp*>asihfe. i oil; -|Uite Tpautiy to kwre tie place, I A«ere you. He begsui <]*> so. j "That !» vo:*y VMII to say, rephwl the sleMjm husband I adrT^e you for |tti>c l'otvre, ho%«w«-, K. I* & little c»rehi! l £ before you go lnt?o other perswo's houses, and Saae :f your o*»n member exteudf the ^hc-i*; jkneth of the street| Colonel ijawvei- witudrev, resolved to have .)10 further words with su«.'b a. creatn? ?, Hr-. j»w that- he was beside Itignsif with y^iov.sy. i«nd he kiiew that speech would be warftai on hini. I Perb»ip« it was a v>«pfc- of nv^aths aftt-r --4hiM that a party of geothsoea iui^red tether ittte at hxopheon at 0 tuvbm. attd forj?ot that tit was fairly four o'clock in tho 4f(.Jrnoon -antiI they fouod it had low ag-» struck i-'ix. Thry wet*? ail jolly ?a^r>w. Their eyes! 'wero Sashing. r-rKl th^ir (d>eek3 were xetitiatg posy, T^e limcheon mast h»v p'it rhern in itht best of t^uritM—or, rufeher. t}» hem «d j spianfcs m "heanri. Among then;, was Mr. Audrf Frosty If these WtM aeLwme of 'tltera partionlarl? "faeUêw," it war hut fair ;o aay it w Frost*. :i.' had evitiently unproved h^' Opportcsiit ;es thtnng tiw Innrlieon. noiag out into ¡¡1; hraciiig arr after SUCt: ft ba/tqu^it, Mr. Frost*- hecrai. to feel tt<v rl.>t,ooW very se>!5ibiy. By .h1.>ok awt itv crook he foal'r Miled round to the street to whici. I Ms domicile <t<.>od, doug «.i?l '•■ 'oiuoogiit he htd \),bo!jt where he ought feo live arnl v^^r.r up the f-i «*.ps. 1 After hanging up It:. greatooat aiKt isat in the h1\H he stepfxyl aiooi; to t.he dnor of tlw db>i ri^-roorri 1t.f>t! r>j»eiifr! ;t.. Who sitouhl I jRtdiienly appear to hiar as he looked around ifre room hut Toiifto.€fi Sawyer> wife. Pr^-t.y rcbbed hlS ey«&. s1»nrt»K>rs*d, made half a. how. I felt whuHv lost, and finally j:ave it up. "1 dedlare!" l»e exclaim* looking blanker I; ihan tht wall, "'I've mistaken the l. >Hse"' ':011. nQ. my dear air." >*]<!■ Of»lon«l Rawyi-v. imjo 'iately rising and /•.<>on up to hifi, ''you ha.b doAe no siswi thin you know voti T.ynfi not' -Ton h;:ve <^nly stxjlen in here to tTiaj? disgrace upon my ^an.iiy. I've ttMi Utej^fecting this. sir. for «, ionp time. ) *nd oow. gir, 1 11 j»i.-«t walk oat tny«seif with s yoa, and b" at the trouble of finding your I own hoase for you." Upon this the \k»!onel ]>u ><>n his eoat and hat and uns'wtwi xip<«n a--ywcpiinying Mr. Frosty hçrr: Not u. 5>y]iabie«<»f explanation wrycJr! he Listen t; i j "Oh, r-o, 00 I"' he ^oukl Gay, aiionever •Frootv began to apologise. "I underhand it I all wtfl enough. I f"ee liow ;t is. It's ail j T&ry .en to mir yowVe lOSt. the way ¡lit. I the house, but I should for the totuie advise I you before ^oing iafco other j^ersoii^' houses to jij-rt look :nd if yoir own number runs fLtj 5eri!?!;h of tihe street Jnft the hwen^re Frosty had betore use<3 to him, sad itisl whit sealed hin Ftps. Frosty | "wan Homed orjnnleu-lv. But *.h*t WI\.¡¡ roi I i-Iû"t oi .1 The Oi>Vwfll iu«. t^rJE on goiiig jjHM with.^JOi *na. 1 h» serrkes in awch pleasant, ?et uwnSNCUt, j way that Frwty could not have shaken higui off, €sven if he was not iuuiself rendered aub- j miisaivt by reason of his own mortifioatutn The Colonel, therefore, went in and told Mrs. Frwty about it, which 00 thoroiiglity pk ased that amiable lady that, in view of the previous ciroainstaioces. shf set up a resiftlew laugh ion tbo face of her hombte lord, in the miffet &f winch has very polite escort took, oocasi00 to quietly withdi-aw. But ftoetjr ir» thoroughly cored of hi>s j«vkli>usy, for iie adiiiritted that it wu quite {xi^ible for a respectable roon to nusttaie evea the numbur of hie *«wa door.—"Boston Globe." _——.————.




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