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-VUf —— JHAT DISTRESS- I; FUL COUNTHRIE. FEW DAYS IN IRELAND. I wonder mare toumte m search oi the atw ana the restful do not avail themselves M tbe mmtv **7 and routes to Dul> fcn Mid spend their hafd-earned ^3U™ ?" $6>e ST«*» shores <A ouat Lnmaid isle, IS-"15. '«tt» laad ot poetry and *> £ Cloeeiy amaigainatt-i, *«i-> par* ;iri V ai Knirisnd m w* hvkl to, no one can even fend ior five miuuvws on the "»wt«r Is e Without reoogmsmg T-he) «"■'« lE feut>-reiJ; Marked uifteraiees meet you w^'slowly breaking as v»e ^c-anie-l U«. iWa B« «• ^T^.TTsS.:? •«ur, and rarely lit up a lovelier bit ot see«er>^ wd tvmM' to auctu^i at- t-iixi EL £ £ b £ e.' wh«. ail, *a* bustle and flood-natared cn-fusum. fc At £ SLsed the Great tram for the, fa. west aod had Sour or live hour* to wait, haaled M outside »3«ingB %yar," *» familiar in days gone t>y- ibt Jfc, 2L typical Irwh c«r-dnver, Wng -11 ,e im, ieer.-eved, unshaven, pictur a rich brogue -that you could cut with • knife," a» they say in 'What will you drive mn into tne cur 4f<r>Where would ves be wtotin? to go, thin?" "Oh, jost into the beet streets to .ok is it a stager ye are? say a he. "Well, it. is a. lu1g time since I was In Dublin," 1 ^oplied. ,n "Oh. begorra. God help ye lape up. he defied, and i taped and held on for dear life ISh both haiitL, while he twisted round mamffea and whirled down lanes. "'LVa.td a tine horse you have, I remarked. "Throe for vou, uia'am,' -ays M; but its ♦chew' wild and 'eliew' fiery, lie is, entoireJy, tot a kvar. It cuta the h«irt of hun to be a,,d behmd ML 4lts slioulu bp (n«iTiCu.0;. "\iy old Jehu began pointing out t.ie surhts Vof the «ty ,+-o, m^-lrimty Qm young ^inttemeii get learning- ftomcfcu the pcMt-otfiee. Ac. i "VTiiere will the Houses of Parliament- be wnen. yt.-u get Home K.leT" 1 asked, to draw him. He lashed the "ehew fiery beast with soob fury that I thought my iaet hour had ClOtHe. "Hottle Rule is ti? Oh, th' ma am, it 3 JraJaod that'll be desthroyed entoirely. FaLx, '1 'd just like to 3-are OWŸ Gbdftone on me krar and g-et the tosen to drive hun to king- <iotrv 'come afore hell be upsetting us wiu his Home Rule, 'l»d i Ha-rtemag to aasu;-» "m I was oi ms own wav of thinking, T p-efsuaded hiin to a oaamer paoe. On and on ut drove, in vain 1 a^ured £ I had had uiy ahiliinsr's worth, f "Shure, t avea'i shewn yo the half of tne boights." Ii t However, the pangs of hunger overoomu^ Xtibe dtsiire to run asuout the oty, I ih.s"ste<i ten hi"* dopossitinv 100 at the door of a restaurant in Saokvilie-strtk'i. av«d began h, ,'J¡mb (,11 I feously down froiv > v*-i<;v heiRHtt oi the nyar. rW-uile fra%iieally with im;»/ >oot «or fli« itep wfueb '1-' iar beneirfh the seat, teiy Jehu cried wst^ soo: ineffable. Arrah. ;t. s jwt thai utiif y« are. to be orav/iin down that S^av. a party, tnte ^vonidu }*" ;irP- Mown iiorv, lt6 rowfctx, iuid for very m thought fuliy expecting to break my Sege aal split my ^kuli, &u«l my -Jehu went ijaway quite delighted with 1, 2d. On returrmtg to the termirm? I modestly ieated myself in a. tifod class carriage— Vwohfcd p3aoe it was too! Bard wooden rsea.t.3. dirty wooden backs, w parcel racks, fso Nmek. The piosr>ect of uxir mortal hours .^hiring a run oi 91 miles made me :ich<- in mwry lifflb. A*;an; the innate chivalry of ^Pad-cJy csidc to the rescue. At the fir»t Saaj>ec*»0a of tickets the in«q*ctor said to me, fCome outeide now. ucane out?i«ir at waace, 'îf. tell ye." I treuiblmgiy seised my parcels ) and otSRe "'outside,' thinking .1 had hOt into Jfche wrong t!-a.ilL Tis not the likes oi your- (self woukS be thravellic^ third ctaBs." says ^>e. putting me in,to.a. rairty decent seoot>d "ok,&1, Pat has hi? own i' t of travelhrig, and 1<1 I law ur.to liim.-M.-ir. A ^ounir girl in my car- kaai out of the window st a email loftcWde station a»l culled Ux the gta,t»on- aan—>tT. a fiae. hau^iswite youwjr feliew, with fraúk, opefi face, fhey plunged into an I WiiUiat-d discu.ioi!. T#twcl*c evidently, b.l>1 ttM.! ta*a at worlc to .st¡;ver thfes#. J "l^hare, it's intffriprisiiited i a«a tSMteiwly/ "I dea't lwdave ir." say? Sl £ K~ — ''SlitiM, I wrote ?''Vi a »«t« of a Srttw. be. "I did not get it. cr betave yon wrote," say.-t •fra '] /"Ob, but upon Biy sow! I did,' says he. y Ocane dnw, do* xiii I teil ye all aboutg »a7!' i "I won't- Snre. I've (tone with the like*3 off1, say# .] t "Come outside an i wait wid me till thelf IHxt traia." says he; "its ureaktnff my hearty r aM." J f And ibsr 25 rainate# by my watch «did thisfl a^riSiug love tale unwind itself to our earsjj Sad^««, 'iVioe the puajd sauntered up. i< ye rf«dy?" .-a^-s «j S '"Arvah, lave me .'done till I inccnae thusp |frc.tRig Wmnan in the lights of it," payx he. Ij Æ "Au jffght." Aid the guard, and I rvmfesafe Mjatr sytcipothies were with th«* handsome andfj Sil-riprisrart&d y<mig official, who. however,|j Would not jpevwl upon his oharuier to "coic«i| ■TOte^e:0 WW to hear but sad>y seotj fcn 'fiw tcjda bearing his loet'iove further andS 3lurih«r away. d I On another oeeasion. wbeit 'travel] ing through^ «5ias couathrv. Ii thought 1 had tof! Aebarige at a little juiieiioii- ( |y| "Bo I change herf» for ingpe#?tor?" .j 5 *'Vaa 4o that emnuv- vou iaus»T eoror- out ain jnrest now. aad get n>to the iitt^p thTain over* fteyaot: cth&nvre here- entoireiy." And before^ « estild move h»* loc^wl me ir,. j <^p9»sa>. T to aharigts if you k>nfcjme in?" I'll be i<K>kin^ a-t your ^ticket in a | g*hi!p j I Ar.i>i]>e? time wh«n returning iolTDublin the i paraiti d»ew to a haJt -wddimly a cpavA ftotd a blank wall-omp» ob«h'ueta<i»#i>ri the la«s fitoll ^Rnais a^aic.t us. MinuteMjT>a88«d; 10. j IK. 30 sioek out f«m cveryftyindow like j w§cnits froci a One Bnglislmiau piyssnxsw&n? out "Guard, guard,.l^j|must gixou. > £ «peu 11 I shall lose TRvf boat to the jiale o' Man," a»i- swore aa ox>ly*aan4ETigluihman Ifefm. The gu&rd 'raimd himaeife" oa his elbow Xrcai the jcraesv l*a»k. where b«>an«itiie driver #R.y ^Uiokmg iiwr ptpen a«d :>adij qj a news-j 1pa|y?r "S&tire I can't, do a ^'portH. sorr. It's that has to wait wifl 'oufl honor. Ve ■Jffse?.'and, piaae G<xl^%e'lJ fx> off before! ia»«niwr." j t «o« tiw«a in ihi«i dappv i^'and. Look- j Jbftg from t&^ w <h t tarriaga I oaee saw «oiar -meo- iab^ircitt—at ten a.ia.j seated on a j 3testp erf dtgt ai.d m&a$/piayiiig ♦,?rda—w £ ii?t, Jpresixii ibiy. Jpresixii ibiy. f i wao greutly strtioi: Ay thexseni «Uiing on the wooden oaks of carria ^eo. on tfce ♦ whitewo*:Hed j p»a2Is c? stations wherever.) in fact, like pencil ouild k»-vits mark. The^e were! withejt MHV.st one .aid, j J*> ijy wrmse, neai'i; t all again.?t ;jH»>aie lvil». rantail ii? a bis? i: jaiid." I Vvha? is Paa-neil9 An over- r>a«2^pur&hc-ad. 6 "Gladstones-am' c&d Pars^ll Can lt*td <ln» way to h -II." *fiod *»** Ire'And, and tho- divilltalce the; | "Who the <32t: £ wants Hons«?r,R«l0? J are- onl f a tew of Ut'; ♦.icottoef'tl noted idowa. Aa I mixed with tin* people" C who riistfiiiiabed—in ,'thft wild wwt ».if Gaiv-'aV*. the S»»ry hoiU-<l of P/>mju> CjjthoHeiBiri. wbore. I rtfeatui&liy --XT (tx'ted ail ifteu to Rvuerii— mo frtid no < waaU ifc. The feaiuiords, of! JjWjBrse, d"* -1 want it. V Ike fare don' want ii. tonj^ta don't -waot it. #-n»« t*t' /tesmen tLon't want :v Se rtotjeotem. chiefly Baptists,# d^ead it." a* vmry i>unw«roT»: they arA'pjwf!M)natelv afc*v<2 toilii^ajati th»y regsr.l witli terror l*inv' gkn »po\»{T of the Catholw-tlerev. ft Will ■&&&& ^rioeirxtKi ta.\vj heavy. ti->will flood BRas £ &d wjitU cittiap l^hour—ii'.y i; tt« eiog fiom Ureiaud. g feti to w>r!" at «taraiiiOn p»'ice8 fci .Ivaffjaa^it wjlIll our town» with i&ite- |pato and vov f Pa- » iS Raak, hfjwest, whisky-unu- j ISokft-lovittg* feltow il it-i aioiic. and' not .stirred gB|> by "(foe evil rf^ions of polities :»#jitat<irs. B far less ra^?e.S than they "p»eQ t-4 be; H'y anou -tti ^eatltv fi;<-<i. aud the ionj;-tt^lbd m«x6*cut-9M*j coat, and ti:«»>«billa- W5«rh of {«ksso<i ii'-f.raory <.nit of t.-ist. Tiiej -kir"<9Mn ''who, by way, direotir they arc! Azavrr.ftd k-sa th*«r 'ooks and i;«t old, .■ -ptrd. -and '»wora, with ?. loot: tin- j hunger bovoiul cof.ceptk»if look H^to' (B^taKjjqne pettiuuate- -as« a rule. aiid ti-fv-oi most wqwrltew) tone I ?%o an «ve, "their bis?, fawn* 'heown a»4 i«rl iiead ahawfe h«Sd\ eiose pbet^ath tli ■. ot.tn. S T"he fhikdrem, V ii»?es hoW in th* h«lg« w;d klivbe*, Tjgft If you r.sm vatHb a opecim«ii you 5wxu »»• werru'st fact» and the ew-ae&i bla# er^f-»?oa*»»vpr s=;l w. bar# fort, bare ■tts 9fisr< :?B3i 'i»(Msrhi{r biaok. and red eheek j JfroeV* t;if t'»«y sre>«irht or runa yeart' old. and Ijunfc "it teste cP'jmci.ei and ». cap ta dfSK»t»> ffci-ir stJpe#)or vpr Th« pig, th-» goose, ihej Kuait L. f.*Ai-o^/Mnd rwi-oswd-foi- sm d:spMt«.| ftewtasroi:;) tiha ehik'e- and eat alike ISO* oi 0S% ("imiH %vi>, I L •QW'I'and of I»i«sd lwwyBo-g*pn«ag sSrtf oi ifc» tljere T J'jfissd K>i iranafor to cauwyj •He -iffecfa of a stlowitijf re< md t*4ij ^ttatn %kf a. lonø:, flat waste; Jj0t.bsto. UK^low^rt^lwaeath setfa'qg sun ia e*ety tint of porple, brown, an4, crimaoo. tbe poofe of i»ky black watet reflected the burning sky, the far away distance, wae a most in affable blue, and iu tilofcHregxound the glorious trees of some domain, ash, elm, lime, beech, and oak, sprung, full, perfect, magnificent, from grass that may well be eailed emerald. I waa pnrticalarly etroek with .the treef .tt Garhally —tiie home of the Claaoartya. I wish I ooWd re-oail all the grand brogue and queer saying I heard. My host was buying a horse from a countryman. "Did a vet see the ma.re Y" He did, sorr." "00 "Fa.ix, I dun no; I -disrimember his name, but he was a. little divil, wid foitr eyes, yer honor." (Ang'iiee. he wore glasses.) On board the steamer which wae bearing me regretfully from the shores of that moot "difi- tressful formthrie." I heard a. Paddy describing a storm: "Mu&ha, now I teil ye, it was a neat storm: the tops of the maste was alapjnn the wather on ache side of the boat!" In the dim moonlight we aaw a. heap at our feet on the dECk. "Is it animate, or inanimate 1" I queried. I poking it with a stick to a^ryrtain. ''It" was a. man, whose friend oame up to us. saying, "Lave him alone, your hcoor; it's not sake, he is but ahlapin'




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