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THE "DAILY POST" DIRECTORY OF SWANSEA USEFUL INFORMATION TRADES, BUSINESSES, AND PROFESSIONS CLASSIFIED AND ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. A GUIDE TO THE PUBLIC order flmt the Daily Post T> irectory of :-Uv-insom 17 "»> »wi«.> I mtfj t.i« r.tH.<t oraofeim by resifientsarrl visitor. aire is uUcn So (n«! « »'j >«•» <w»«T 1 o! "WW which well-.Te soeoia! raasont,. bRii««var8 o? 011 &feAn'l trastworch/a itur* -aa-" -a;; .or- AUCTIONEERS. JAMES ANT> JAMES, Auctioneers, aluers; '|U;H; Estate, and Insurance Agents, Gower-streei. SWANSEA, and at 11. Bond-court, London. Ley eenai and prompt attention j\e!! t.o all MATT^I* entrusted to them. EL). KOBJTMA & Sox, F.A.I., Auctioneers, V atuers, Estate Aleuts, & -,urveyors.45, Oxto< <-SU E..T. -i Established 1366. Valuation for Probate a.iu Buecession. BAKERS. AJJPM^AKD, tte Argyle 8AIER)T, Pur# B'«AD. Cakes for Tea Parties and Outings, 3d., -td„, A. d 6d. per lb. Unequalled FATALITY. BASKET MANUFACTURERS. MTO»AVK & Co, ML. Hish-street for Bas C Cradles, Wicker Chairs, Flower STANDS direct from our own Factory. BILL POSTERS. SWAySKA AND DISTRICT ElLT.rOSTlXO AJDVCltTlsiNO COMPANY, Commercial Cbamb. 4, Goat-street. BOOT AND SHOE DEPOTS. j«o» davies, 181. Hish-f" ioo:,s,^ Shoes ftt Crcntly IWacecI li'ioMi du, ;J„ 1L1. month. „ BUILDERS. TBOSTAS, VVATKTN, A: CO.. Limited. Brunswic.v Timber Yard and Steam Sawmills, Builders Contractors, Timber and Slate Merchant*, DC-4 CABINET MAKERS. F. C. EDOKRSILAW, Manufacturing Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, and Complete House Furnisher, X9. Speciality :—Kitchen Dressers. CAB PROPRIETORS. LL. & T. BULLI-N, Heathfield Mews. 1' uneral Car- riages, Brales, &e. Cabs always ready. lelo- eraras Bullin." Telephone, oa d32 CAFE. VICTORIA CAKE. Gower-street. Dinners. Lun- cheons, and Temperance Refreshments. Best .1 articles at moderate charges. d7 CLOTHIERS. MASTERS & Co., the Swansea Ciotuiers, 13 and 19, Castle-street, Swansea. C168 COAL MERCHANTS. B.H.T. & Co.. 2. Mount-street, Best Largo Ffaldau, Oriental, Rhondda House Coal, Nut ana i e», Anthracite for Stoves AGD Greenhouses. <IBI D HINDS & Co., Coal and Brick Merchants, and Haulage Contractors. Cheapest depot in tow» for House Coals. Oystermoutb-road and 7, Dillwvn-street. d34 PASCO* AND Co., 211. -Kensington-terrace, *oi best Ffaldau and all other House Coal delivered at the lowest prices. Trial solicited. cl64 FFITRRS OUTERBKIDGE, AND CO., HOUSE Merchants. Depot: South DOCK' Residence: 13, Carlton-terrace. Coals of all descriptions. Telephone I*o. 154. CORK AND BOTTLE MERCHANTS. Corks Bungs, Shives, Bottles, Pipes, and Labels of all descriptions for Publicans, 1 ° E^' Chemists, &c. Best and Cheapest, BAILEY, Alexandra-road. DAIRYMEN. J). HINDS, Windsor Dairy, 7, Dillwvn-street, Pure Milk, Fresh Butter, Eg-S, and Lream, direct from my own farm at CockeU d35 YOU can always get good Fresh Butter, DEVON" shire Cream, double thick Raw Cream, and Fresh El-gs, at WOODLANDS DAIRY, 36, St. Helen'S-road. DRAPERS. J. RXEs EVANS. Special purchase of 1,000 pairs of White and Cream Lace Curtains. Prices from Is. to 30s. per pair. 218, High-street. DRESSMAKERS AND MILLINERS. CITY MILLINERY Co., are this week holding a very Special Sale for Whitsuntide in Millinery and Costumes, TT. J). ROBEBTS, 21, St Helen's-road. High-class Dressmaking and Millinery by Experienced hands, Latest novelties. Charges moderate. d49 EDUCATIONAL. JSHORTHAND. Arithmetic, Book-keeping, &c., taught at the Navigation School, 9, Mansel-street, by Mr. DAVID HARRIS. F.Sh.S. d92 FURNISHERS. D. BARNETT, Oxford-street, the cheapest place on earth if you bring the ready cash. Weekly pay- ments taken. dl0 Immense Stock of Household Furniture, Bel- steads, Beds, and Bedding, at GILES COOK AN D SONS, Waterloo Furnishing Stores, 22 & TId, Waterloo-street. d94 HARRY W. SPRING, Cabinet Maket, Upholsterer, and Furniture Broker, Plymouth-street. Second- hand Furniture bought, sold, and exchanged. dZ3 GROCERS. J3#TTTH WAXES PBOVISTON COMPANY, 8, High- street. Cheapest HO^E for all Provisions, and finest Flour and Teas. d40 JP. THOMAS, 85, High street and Swan street, Family Grocer and Provision Merchant. Sole isgent for the Sloper Tea. d7ô HAM AND BEEF STORES. THE LONDON STORES, 37, St. Helen's road, for Coeked Meats, Corned Beef, York Hams, Ox 1 Teagues, Pork Pies, &c., always ready. dl8 HAY AND CORN DEALERS. EVAN GRIFFITHS, Hay & Corn Merchant, High St. Best Irish and English Hay always in stock. Delivery free in town and neighbourhood. HAY AND CORN MERCHANT. W. LAUGIIARNE, New Orchard-street, Eiigiish and Welsh Hay. Prime quality. Lowest market prices. Prompt attention to orders. HOTELS. WnCOME," u OXFOItD," and "LIFEEOAT," supply feod of best quality at moderate charges. Pienic and schools catered for. Enquire of Managers. à34 INDIARUBBER MERCHANTS. J'rrr BROS. & DA VIES, 17, Wind-street. India- rubber, Leather, and Asbestos Goods fo.: all Mechanical purposes, Steam Pumps, Boiler Fittings. d67 IRONMONGERS. J. J. EVANS, 90, Hih-street, General and Furnish- ing Ironmonger, Trunks, Brass Stands, FRC. Wulfruna Bicycles—latest improvements. dSg MTT.D PAINTS, in tins, 3d. per lb. cash 34 colours te choose fro"-C. D. Richards, 40, St. Helen's Road. LIVERY STABLES. BTITLAND MEWS, W. PIKE, Proprietor. Poting in all its branches. Funeral Carriages complete. Telephone 158. 3.69 OUTFITTERS. T. PHILLIPS and Co., 33, High-street, for Reliable Cloth for Men and Boys, Most Wear for Least Money. t). JONES & Co., 26, College-street, Clothiers, Hatters, and Juvenile Outfitters. Immense variety at competitive prices. dl7 PAWNBROKERS. MONEY lent on Plate, Watches. Jewellery, &c., at the rate of 4d. in the 1:1 per month. No other charges.—H. BARNETT, 6, Heathtield-street. d36 PIANOFORTE DEALERS. THOMPSON & SHACEELL, Limited, 32, Castle- street. pianoforte Merchants and Organ Builders. Our easy payment system. d27 PICTURE FRAMERS. B. SHATZ, 51a, High-street, ior all kinds of Mould- ings, Pictures, Mounts. Come with your Christ- inas Pictures and get them neatly and beauti- fully framed. d33 QUININE BITTERS MAKERS. QUININE BITTERS, Second to None, of all Grocers 24 doses Is., or id. instead of 2d. Post tree, Is. Id.; Six, 5s. fcd.—GAMJEE, Swansea. d62 SADDLERS. J. BENJAMIN, Saddler, Portland-street.—The only shop in Swansea where you can get good Home-made Harness at Reasonable Prices. A trial solicited. SHOEMAKERS A* ABBOTT, 27, Oxford-street, Hand-sewn bespoke bootmaker, over 26 years' practical experience. Tender feet specially treated. dll CAMMOS'S Shops are the best in the town for all repairs. 2, Wassail-street; Victoria Buildings, St. Helen's Avenue, 90, Terrace-road, Mount Pleasant. d TAILORS. BREWJER, Dillwyn-st., Practical Tailor. All gar- ments cut and fitted underpersonal supervision. Trousers from 10s. 6d.; suits from 42s. d58 !R. G. DAVIES, 28, Oxford-street, Swansea, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Practical Tailor, Clerical, Military, and Livery Maker, Your patronase aohciUi. TliA Ad) COi'jL'EE MEttCilAM'S. tilc LIVEUPOOL CHINA AND INDIA TEA CO., LTD., Yv iuiesate and lletaii Tea and ( o:iee MerchatUs, io2. High-it. (opposite Uoval Hotei). 81 TEMPERANCE HOTELS. J L". l.oo;ci.tv, Albert TeiHperanc». iiotel. Cradoek- street (central), Commercial Rooms, Billiard Room. P.easuro P»I ties catered for on moderate terms. La.r,c 0 niag Room to seat 80 persons. TOBACCONIST: ALI-'RED DAVIES, Wholesale and retail Tobacco- nist and Cigar Merchant, 2, College-street, and 175, Uij.b-sti-0i?t. Noted fur 2d. and 3d. Cigars. UNDERTAKERS. A. AYIIE, Uaderlaker and Coir.plcte l;'uncral Furnisher, 26, St. Fabian's-street, t. Thoinns. Careful 101.11'1 pro'.i:ptaU<!»»!iou, njoylerate charges. d 57 Mr. J. FHANCIS DAVTKS, 10, Prince or Wales- road, late of (Jarmarthe:i-road, wishes *,o inform the public generally that he lias removed to t.he above a Idre.s.—l'fioe List, on d40 J.LI.OYD, 3, Neath-road, xlafcd, Undertaker and Complete Faucrai Furnisher. Careful and prompt at:cntiou to orders. Moderate charges. <150 FUNERALS. WM. PIIILLIPO, Uaderlakor and CompletJ Funeral Furnisher. 33, Wellington-street,34, Singleton- terrace, aad a11;" 'otL 258. Carmarthen-road. Telephone. 173. 80 WATERPROOFS. FIXT BROS. DAVIILB, 17, Wind-street. Water- proof Garments, latest pitterns, always in stock; Legtrinjjs, Driving llugs, OtlsUins, &c. d66 Euy cur WaterprooTs of the actual maker, C. MAN.HCUKSTKK, 6, Castle-street, and Temple- street ø value like it. SPIRITS. Try fr.Es, The Star Tea Mart, High-street, for Brandy, Is. lid.; Gin, Is. 6d.; Whisky, Is. 3d.; Rum, 1s. 8d.; Port, Is.; Sherry, Is,; Claret, 2s. WELSH FLANNEL DEPOT. JOIl JONES, Cardigan House, College street. The old-established Welsh Flannel Warehouse (Established 1835.) Noted for hand-knitted Stockings, Shirts, Singlets, and Drawers, mado on the premises from best Welsh Flannel. Cycling Hosiery in every quality a speciality, Yarns in great variety. WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS. BP.OUGHTONS noted Wedding Ring Shop, 31, High-street. A choice selection of Jewellery, Electro-platc, &c., at most reasonable prices. TO THE ELECTORS OF SWANSEA HAR- BOUR PROPRIETARY TRUSTEES. GENTLEMEN,—In consequence of the resigna- tion of Mr. Edward flenry Bath, I beg to oiler myself to fill the vacant seat as Proprietary Trustee. My connection with the Trade of the Port during the last 30 years will, I trust, satisfy you as to my practical knowledge of Harbour matters, and if favoured with your confidence it shall be my constant endeavour to further increase our trading facilities, and develop the natural advan- tages we already possess.—I am, gentlemen, your oboJient servant, M. TUTTON, Swansea, 17th May, 1894. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing batween us as Hauliers and Farmers at Llansamlet, in theCounty of Glamorgan,has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent, and all the debts due to and from the said partnership are to be paid to or by the undersigned Robert Thomls. Dated this Sixteenth dav of May, 1894. RICHARD THOMAS, ROBERT THOMAS, Talchopa Farm, Llansamlet. Witness: J. AERON THOMAS, Solicitor, Swansea. QYSTERMOUTH BURIAL BOARD. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. THE OYSTERMOUTH BURIAL BOARD invite TENDERS for executing the necessary repairs to their COTTAGE at Norton. Specification of ;the work to be done, and the materials tc be used can bs seen at my oftice. Tenders to be received not later than WEDNES- DAY the 30th day of May instant. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order, JOHN BEYNON, Clerk to the Board. Hazelwood, Mumbles, May 15th, 1834. SWANSEA TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. THE USUAL WEEKLY rpEMPERANCE JJEETING Will be held at the Ragged Schcol, TO-MORROW (Saturday) Evening. Chairman:— Mr. W. J. McAllister, Speaker :—Rev. D. WILLIAMS (Holy Trinity) Songs, recitations, &c., by Misses A. Morgan and Beynon; Messrs. W. Morgan, Howell, Hooper, and Davies. To Commence at 3 o'cock. Admission Free. QAPEL GOME R^ SWANSEA- A GRAND CONCERT will be held on THURSDAY, MAY 24TH, 1894, when Sir W, Sterndale Bennett's "MAY QUEEN" will be performed by the CHAPEL CHOIR, assisted by the following artistes :— Soprano. Miss MAGGIE DAVIES. Contraito. Miss MARY DAVIES. Tenor. Mr. MALDWYN HUMPHREYS. Bass. Mr. DAVID HUGHES. Accompanists :-?lii»s Wesilake, Medallist R.A.M. and Mr. T. D. Jones, Morriston. Conductor:—Mr. W. EVANS. Reserved area. 4s.; Baltonv reserved, 3". Side Area. unreserved. 2s.; Balcony unreserved ls. Doors open at 7.15, to commence at 8 p.m. THE WEST END FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, PHILLIPS'S PARADE (Opposite Hospital.) II. SPRING Invites attention to his facilities for carry- ing out of Funerals to All Parts, with all Modern Requirements, at J STRICTLY MODERATE PRICES, GOLCHI YN RHW YDD. WASHING MADE EASYY' EXTRACTS ALL DIRT /AV/ AND STAINS WITHOUT DOES PEMOVING COLOUR. NOT 3D. PER SHRINK EOT, /\>/ oit HURT Sold by all THE GARMENT Swansea —— 6rocer«. 0 BERTSON Ay & CONS 68 TO 60, O R NEW ST, SWANSEA. OXFORD ART G ALLERY. IIOARE BROS. PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHERS, GG. OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA, SPECIALITY. -0:1 I BROMIDEENLARGEMENTS FROM PHOTO- j GRAPHS OF DECEASED FRIENDS. OIL PAINTINGS, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTATION. PORTRAITS FOR ALBUMS. CARTES DE VISITES. I' CABINET PORTRAITS, PROMENADE PORTRAITS. PANEL PORTRAITS. FAMILY GROUPS (Taken at your own Residences). PHOTOGRAPHS OF FOOTBALL AND CRICKET TEAMS. PHOTOGRAPHS OF BUILDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ENGINES. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. GIRLS' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL BELLEVUE, SWANSEA. PRINCIPALS—THE MISSES PHILLIPS, Assisted by resident Certificated English and Foreign Governesses and Visiting Masters. Preparation for Local Examinations. The House is pleasantly situated in its own grounds on a hill, and oveflookin the sea. SECOND TERM common, ed TUESDAY, MAY 1ST. I B. EVANS & COMPANY ARE NOW SHOWING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT JL ivA. IvJL i_j i .a_j JL. i C? IMMENSE DELIVERIES OF THE NEWEST & BEST PRODUCTIONS FOR PRESENT W E A R, T L And they unhesitatingly state that the MAKE and STYLE of their MATERIALS and GARMENTS cannot be surpassed at any Estab- lishment in or out of London, whilst the Prices are the Lowest. HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. There is also an unusuallv LARGE DISPLAY of PLAIN and FANCY TABLE LINENS, SHEETINGS, SHEETS, QUILTS, CALICOES, BLANKETS, HUCKABACKS, TOWELS, TRAY and SIDEBOARD CLOTHS, PILLOW and BOLSTER CASES, GLASS and TEA CLOTHS, TOILET COVERS, LACE CURTAINS, CRETONNES, FANCY MUSLINS, &c., bought irom the BEST MANUFACTURERS ONLY, for PROMPT CASH, thus securing for tl eir CUSTOMERS RELIABLE GOODS at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED- TEMPLE STREET, SWANSEA. I Champion Firelighter of the Universe. discovered ^hat the Cork Cutters in Lyons burnt their Cuttings, and this had purified and disinfected the air and saved the town, thus discovered that the Cork Cutter* in ^°^bur^ UTMOST VALUE to the World. IT ANSWERS THREE MOST IMPORTANT PURPOSES. Lights the Fire quickly, Disinfects the room, fjves forth a most agreeable odour and does away with the DANGER and DAMAGISof FLYING SPARKS invariably present when wood is used. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. To be had of all Grocers in the town in 8d. Packets of 48 Blocks. OJ ONE BLOCK WILL LIGHT A FIRE IN FIVE MINUTES. Wholesale by j JENKINS. COAL MERCHANT. 10, ALEXANDRA ROAD, SWANSEA. Telephone 157, Telegrams" Cwmgloya." FOR FURNITURE On Easy Terms of Payment by Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly Instalments to suit purchasers' convenience, and for every advantage of PBICE, QUALITY, and TEBMS, Go to E D DEES II A w § Furniture Warehouse, 19, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. SPECIAL ATTRACTION FOR WHITSUNTIDE. P. JENKINS, n CASTLE SQUARE, is showing a new and bright Assortment of FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, LACES, BELTS. SHIRTS BLOUSES, SKIRTS, CORSETS, UMBRELLAS. Dresses, Prints, Zephyrs, and Delainettes. t A VISIT OF INSPECTION WILL BE ESTEEMED. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS* The Largest Stoak ot STEEL AND IRON JOISTS, PLATE GIRDERS Ts. L3.. CHAIN, &Q. Out of London. DAWNAY'S SOLID FIREPROOF FLOORING In use 27 years, G.W.R. SIDINGS, ROATH WORKS. ARCHIBALD D. D A W.LN A Y 71, TUDOR-ROAD, CARDIFF, CYCLISTS Looking out for BARGAINS will do C well to call in at our place and see the following First-Ciass Second-Hand MACHINES we have for sale: 1 Peregrine Light Roadster Pneumatic. 1 Allday's and Onions' Pneumatic. 1 Maivern Light Roadster Pneumatic. 1 Crypto Geared Ordinary Pneumatic. 1 Beeston Humber Cushion Tyre. (This machine is new. Not been ridden 40 miles.) 1 Ormona Cushion Tvre. 2 Cross Frame Cushion Tyres. 1 Ivel Semi-Racer, Solid Tyre. THESE MACHINES ARE PRACTICALLY AS GOOD AS NEW—MUST BE SOLD; ROOM WANTED FOR NEW MACHINES. CYCLE REPAIRS, PLATING, AND ENAMELLING AT REASONABLE PRICES THE MALVERN CYCLE COMPANY. 17, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. TEETH D ENTISTR Y! TEF,TH Prize Medal, London, 1862. Gold Medal, Paris, 1857. MR. KEALL, SURGEON DENTIST (38 Years' experience; 28 Years in Swansea) 199 HIGH-STREET SWANSEA, (Just below Great Western Railway Station) Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfect fitting Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workmanship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the anaesthetics Cocaine and. Ether Spray. Partial Sets from 5s. per Tooth, Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE. Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Dolo. reux, Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. j Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. per bottle. Through any Chemist. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT, LINEN AND FANCY WOOLS WAREHOUSE All the Latest Produwons in Artistic Needle- work constantly arriving, and taught on moderate terms. Every Requisite for the fancy work table always nstoek. M. M. OVELUCK APSLEY HOUSE, WALTERS ROAD. and 1, PARADE BUILDINGS, MUMBLES. BICYCLES! BICYCLES I! BICYCLES; P. TROW Gas, Steam, and Hot Water Engineer, JJICYCLE AKER AND JJEPAIRER SHOWROOMS: WASSAIL SQUARE 1 u WORKS: THOMAS STREET Swansea Bicycles made to order, repaired, and enamelled Pneumatic Tyres a speciality. Fittings and all accessories always in Stoak Agent for the COVENTRY CROSS, ALLARD CO., and all the leading makers. Coventry Cross Roadster, diamond frame, pneumatic tyreB, ball bearings, &e., £ 15 10s Al.^d do. do., all modern improvements £ 16. Good Serviceable Bicycles from £ 5. Second-hand Machines taken in exchange for New Ones. -yy- ORM J^OZENGES. c6, Falkland-hill, Dorking, Surrey, October 22nd, 1893. Dear Sir,—My daughter, aged 18 months, had been very ill and was daily wasting away, and she had been treated in a Children's Hospital, but without deriving any benefit. Well, a few days ago I was looking through Old Moore's Almanack for 1894, when I saw the advertisement of your Worm Lozenges, and also seeing the symptoms described by you resemble hers, I went at once to Mr. Cliff, chemist, High-street, and bought a box of your PontardaweWorm Lozenges, andafter taking one, in less than three hours she got rid of hundreds of thread worms, and before she had taken the contents of a 9id. box she had passed thousands, and although it is only a month since she first tried them, it is wonderful what a change it has made in her. She seems as well in every way as ever she did in her life, and I am quite sure that your Lozenges fcave (by the blessing of God) been tbe means of saving her life, and I must say that it is a wonderful remedy, and it ought to be more widely known, for had it not been for the Almanack, I might never have known anything about this wonderful care. You are at liberty to use this as you please, and sincerely trustit will be blessing to many as it was to mine.—I am, dear sir, yours truly, F. J. KNIGHT. Sold at 9id., 13 £ d., and 2s. 9d. per box, by most chemists, or for 12 or 34 stamps from J. DAVIES Chemist, 3D, ^igh-street, Swansea. A listof testi- monials una. Si a- on annlic^ticu.. W. RUN D L E. PRACTICAL TAILOR, Has Removed from 65 to 60, ST. HEL EN'S R 0 A D (Next to Brunswick Chapel). I All the new SPRING materials now in stock for Suitings, Trouserings, &c., at moderate prices. 8 E&" Style and Fit Guaranteed.

FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1334.

KAI-1 OTJL"s o