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THE RECENT SWANSEA CONTEST. COL. WRIGHT'S SERVICES APPRECIATED. I PRESENTATION OF AN ILLU- MINATED ADDRESS. T'F SIR JOHN LLEWELYN ON TARIFF hEfOPM. in the hi& Saturday was a red-letter uaj A&^CLa- tory oi the Swansea Gonserva \vri^ut> non, when In too evening Col. J. ]j„Dt tigut V.D., J.P., who niaae such a tavvn at for the Unionist caiuse for present the recent general election, v^^ress, as a witn a hanckoiiie. iliuminat. ,eJ.ltiing the memento of tu<3 occasion. A SI1iokmg pleasing occasion was an exceii WaQ roade concert, at wlncu the Pr^eEWL^.TiDei*s, the and to which, beside the su „^lflxittee of members of the Executive the can- t-he Conservative Association in by the vassers, whose names were se fining hall ward officers, were invited, t prett^y attached to the Salisbury Clu _caslon, the and effectively set vut fo-r the room neatly rioor being carpeted and the o-n-oolo lIre d decorated with yellow and sa"vj11le a pia,t- testoons, with streamers acrOS^rte £ l and lent iorm at the end had been er ol pink -1 picturesque air with its S blue at the nd salmon, relieved with lig mfortably ar" sides. The hall was most <-<> >j garden ranged for concert purposed? tlirougf|-oUt''1 tables being set at tnterva. s chef The presentation, which w place duiing d'osuvre of the evening, ^ir-amine. •s an interval in the oonoert P c|s,jU1e Jlu- stated, it took the form of eQ eXecuted mmated address, which nad best 6tjie. by Mr. Morgan Thomas ui chosen, the The colours were artistica the highest borders and lettering 1 i^toP was the credit on the artist. On t one of the borough coat of :.rD1.5, \It hed w-ith views sides was charmingly embell Qce of Col. of Pantygwydr—the rf..s\,k Swansea, all Wright—and the North 1) » finely executed by hand. mqRABLE "PLEASANT A>Vnv 0CCA ;ery pleasant and "We have met °V 'J the opening memorable occasion, n who pre- remarks of Sir J. '• D- mt*ill/,ntici.l company, sided over a large and inn Those who completely (illed w the chair- present included, in <*ddi 1 evening, man and the genial guest It Leaver, J. Messrs. Roger Beck, J; Con R. Davies (chairman oi Fe vVaddington servative Association}. t F Brad- V ht ,p. (ageni). Major C » ntff. D ford, Messrs. Joeepn ti g x^_ Davies (editor "^hard (agent for Miss wards, H. Llew. rr c^dwajia(ir> A. P. Talbot), Ck>uncilk)r Brook, Capt. Dr. GN» £ ,4*^ j. c. D.vTm Morris, Dr. Mes'srs Baldwin'), Fred federal (colliery »*»'«<• A I Sen? & M Peel, W. l-loyd, J. n fi w LI Jenkins, G. Andrews, F° Gi-e, W. J. Treharne, F. i->!0vlev Mears, F. Heddoes Nash, J. E. Jen- kins (headmaster of the National Schoois). A. Abbott, A. J. Cbappell, C. Rewinds. J. P. Jones, W. Laughame Morgan. J. J. Lowick, J. H. Grant, J. Preece, W Walters (St Thomas), Weston G. Lewis, A. C. Wright, C. Maggs, W Bright, D. T. Mor- gan, B Thomas, G. C. Chalk, E. Poole, and many others. Numerous letters cf apology for non-at tendance were read, including the following —Duke of Beaufort., Lord Swansea. (who is now on the Continent), Lord Tredegar (who had another engage ment), Lord Dynevor (whose daughter, the Hon. Gladys Rice said her father was ..way in Japan), Mr. E. Helme (who had a Yeo- many engagement), Rev Fathers Fitzgerald and Gwydr. Messrs. Graham Vivian (who is absent from home), F. H. Glynn Price, Major Aiex. Sinclair, Robert S Lindley, J.P.. T. T. Corker (who had an important engagement at Cardiff), T. P Richards, F Pecrose Richards, F L. Richardson, G. Tr-- vor Gwgor, A. C. Had land, Sidney Greater, Gerald Eden. d. Thompson, W. Cox. Nearly tJi the letters referred to the splendid fight that Col. Wright had made, and how ex- ceedingly sorry they were at not being able to be present. THE ADDRESS: "YOUR GREAT SER- VICE TO THE PARTY." Sir J, T. D. Llewelyn, who was enthusi- astically i-eoeived, called upon the energetic secretary (Mr. F. W ado mgton) to read the illuminated addrese, which was as follows: "TO COL. JOHN ROPER WRIGHT, J.P. "We, the undersigned, on behalf of the Swansea Conservative Association desire to place on record our sense of the great ser- vice you have rendered to the f arty by championing its cause at the last General Election. "Although defeated, the proof of your ster- ling ability and character was shown by your receiving a larger number of votes ihan any previous Unionist candidate had ever polled for the Borough. I "We beg to thank you most heartily for I the courage, perfect temper, and wireless zeal which you exhibited in spite of pohticaJ misrepresentation, which time but further serves to demonstrate. I "We hope you may long be spared to up- hold the great principles of t.he Conservative Party. (Signed) "JOHN T. D. LLEWELYN, President. "JNO. R. DA VIES, Chairman. "J. R. LEAVER. Eon. Treasurer. "F. WADDINGTON, Secretary and Agent. "Swansea, 24th March, 1906." SPEECH BY SIR JOHN LLEWELYN. Then, on behalf of the company. Sir John made the presentation to "our excellent friend." as he termed him—Colonel Wright. (Applause.) He took that opportunity ol congratulating both the colonel and the Conservative workers upon the fact recorded I upon that handsome illuminated address. tied that was Colonel Wright bad polled the I largest numlx'i of votes ever given in that borough for any Unionist candidate. (Applause.) The last election, he thougnt, should be very encouraging to all of them; personally, it ;:iade him very anxious, in- deed, to do everything in his power—and he asked those present to do the same—to help forward the organisation of the Unionist Association in Swansea, both for the regis- tration and also for the organisation, so that they might be in a position to improve the last figures at the next General Election. (Arr. •<■.) There was no doubt, continued Sir Jour., we were passing through a very critical time, and the term Free Trade might well bo called, in the phrase which had been given to us since the election, a "termino logical inexactitude." (Laughter and ap- plause.) Free Trade was not fair trade, 1.11(1 he saw all around a constant cry for rEform-what reform was not exactly de- termined—but some reform in our rules which governed this country. (Hear, hear.) I He was told we were on the verge of trou- blous times in the great tinplate trade, largely upon which the prosperity of Swan- I sea. depended; but the new hostile tariffs being put upon us by foreign countries must affect the welfare of the trade—one of the staple trades of the neighbourhood—must affect :t, he repeated, to the detriment of Swansea. (Hear, hear ) It that be so, it only pointed to the facts Unionists had said before —facts maintained and upheld— that we ought to be in a position to nep-o tiate with other countries who propose" to put on those hoc-tile tariffs. (Applause If we were in a position to negotiate, Sir John relieved other countries would hoki their hands and would not proceed to the extremities some had gone to. (Hear hear.) We had seen troubles id the past, and he feared We were about to see those troubles again m the future. He saw ;u the large power of the Labour party a ten dency to enquire for themselves—to look deepiy into this 'ratter how trade might be I improved, and if it were to be improved tv better negotiations with our Colonies, to I adopt that attitude.. (Hear, hoar.) It w'as absolutely necessary ic cultivate our future trade. ëino upon that platform Colonel Wright worked io assiduously and well at the last election. whi.h was not the first time the colonel bad propounded his convic- tions; he was a Tariff Reformer long before the question came before the country. (Ap plause.) Sir John believed that in the near future we should hear a good deal more of Tariff Reform, because it was a constructive policy which the Unionist party had taken up and made its own for the benefit and wel- fare of our brethren—the large indu- -I masses in Swansea, upon wnom the pros, ity of the port depended. (Applause. h Sir John wished he was more able to come amongst them, as he used to in days gone by, but his age was increasing, and his health did not permit him to come before them as often as he w'shed and address them as eloquently as in the bygone days, But he could assure them that he felt as strongly as ever ?hat the Unionist party s cause was right, and its future bright, and one which they need not have any fear to advocate. (Applause.) The distinguished; chairman then presented the illuminated address, which was gilt-framed, on their behalf—an address which he was glad to think had been made and drawn up by a Swansea man, and to whom it reflected the greatest credit. (Applause.) He trusted the memento they were presenting would remain in Colonel Wright's lamily for many years as a memorial of the splendid and gal- lant fight he had made on behalf of Swansea. There were very few places in the United Kingdom where at the last election the fig- ures of the Un.onist party had shown so material an increase as in Swansea. Sir John, in conclusion, wished Colonel Wright many years of happiness and prosperity. (Loud applause.) COLONEL WRIGHT RECALLS THE WELL-FOUGHT FIGHT. Colore' Wright, who was cheered Ilong and loudly, said it was a very proud moment for him to be amongst so many friends, and to receive the donation they had given him. He oould hardly find word's to thank them sufficiently for the magnifi- cent testimonial of their esteem, except to say it would long be kept in his family—- (hear, hear)-and would be looked noon as a souvenir of what he called a welf fought fight. (Cheers.) Though they had been de- feated, there was no disgrace in it. They had come to the end of l." e campaign, and his duty now was to tell them to prepare lor the next. (Hear, hear.) Sir John had toid them they must organise; that went without saying, and he thought those ui the room might do an enormous service to the cause by using passing events for argu- ment In ^u^ure fig1- (Hear, hear.) They had before them at the present moment ¡5Iome remark instances of what the other party was. There was now this ques- tion of the Transvaal, and they had Mr. W mston Churchill fighting. For what' To him, it seemed the destruction of a colony that had cost them so many mil- lions to get. Years ago they had a Radical military Majuba, and the end of it was the country was plunged into costly bloodshed. Now they had had a political Majuba-- (1aughter)-and what might end would lie the colony leaving England, leaving the British Empire. If the policy that was at present proceeding was carried on he thought it would end in that, and it was for them to think what that meant—perhaps no. only the dismemberment of the empire, but the beginning of the end. (Applause ) Once started, it could not stop, it wotud go on from colony to colony, and this they must impress on their friends, who would then think about it if it was possible to get fViem to think. Statistics were not everything, and he asked them not to be guided by figures too much. They were useful 2S registers, in many cass they were arguments, but in other instances again they became fallacious. They must get their friends—workmen—to realise what masters were looking and aiming at, that was, -where to get work and how to get it. The mas- ters themselves in his district had been unanimous on the question of fair trade, be- cause they saw trade departing from them saw what was happening in other coun- tries, and what was hampering them. riney themselves had seen that notices had been put up in works. Masters were afraid they woiiJd not get orders because other coun- tries had been able to commence making sunnlies themselves. (Applause.) If these notices came to anything, if the works were stopped, they must press en people the harm they had done, the harm in the policy fought for successfully at the last so make the run- ning for the next contest. (Cheers.) The previous day he had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Lloyd-George at Cardiff, and heard him say that now he was in a position to be cri- ticised, he didn't like it. ("No," and laughter.) He begged that there should be less criticism. (Laughter.) He (the speaker) begged of them to give all the cri- ticism they possibly oould—(hear, hear, and cheers)—not to stand in the way of construc- tion, give all the possible help for that- but criticise to their hearts' content. (Laugh- ter.) The Liberals did the same to them. Another thing that was pressing close just now was set out in Lord Roberts' able ad- dress with regard to the Army. They had a Government pledged on giving Old Age Pensions, food to the children, which was very nice, right, and wo-thy of adoption, but it all took money. The Chancellor of tho Exchequer had been confronted with these demands, and what he said was that "I have no money." How did they propose to get it? Some, as far as he could see, they expected to get from land taxation; but, more than that, and far worse, they wanted 10 get it by cutting down the Army and Navy. ("Shame!") No more disas- trous taing could happen than that. If they attempted to cut down the Army or Navy—and though they had not done it now, still they were urged on to do so—he implored them to do all in their power to prevent it, and rather have the Army and Navy augmented. (Cheers.) That was what they were tinkering with now. What he wanted them to do was to criticise as much as possible, to make ready for the next election. (Hear, heaT.) They would get a candidate somewhere, though it was not likely to be him—(loud cries of "Yes, yes!)—they would possibly get some good Welshman, who would get votes better than he could—("We'll have yor., Colonel")—and if they kept their shoulders to the wheel dur- ing the whole of the vacation—it was a va- cation—(laughter)—then if they solidly vot- ed for him-at least, he meant for whoever came out—(laughter and "It'll be you")— there would be a possible, and a probable, win. (Cheers.) When the swing of the pendulum came, it would assuredly swing back towards them. For the present, he wanted to thank them for the handsome testimonial they had given him; to thank all those who had worked at the last elec- tion, the committee of the club, and those members who gave such good support, no less than to Mr. Waddington for his able RS6istance-(bear, bcar)-and to Sir John Llewelyn for working as he did. (AppLamse.) He would never forget the kindness they did him, and only one nasty word was thrown at him during the contest. That hurt him; "'=- -».8- :;¡¡:



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